DOCUMENT RESUME SO 000 040 Bibliography on Planned Social

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DOCUMENT RESUME SO 000 040 Bibliography on Planned Social DOCUMENT RESUME ED 040 109 SO 000 040 TITLE Bibliography on Planned Social Change (with Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational Development). Volume II, Books and Book Length Monographs. INSTITUTION Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Dept. of Political Science. SPONS AGENCY Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 1 Jan 67 NOTE 215p. EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$1.00 HC-$10.85 DESCRIPTORS Abstracts, Annotated Bibliographies, Area Studies, *Bibliographies, Books, Developing Nations, Economic Change, *Economic Development, *Educational Development, Essays, Foreign Countries, Research Reviews (Publications), *Rural Areas, Rural Development, Rural Economics, Social Change, *Social Development, Socioeconomic Influences, Technical Assistance IDENTIFIERS *Rural Development Research Project ABSTRACT This selected bibliography has included works that are both familiar and unfamiliar to researchers in the field. Doctoral theses have been excluded to control the size of this document. Many entries are annotated. The table of contents is organized both topically (political development, education, agriculture, social development, economic development, technical assistance) and geographically (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, New Guinea, New Zealand, U.S.S.R.). Materials can be most easily located by using this table, since a detailed index and search system has not been provided for this volume.(See SO 000 039 and SO 000 041 for Volumes I and III.) (SBE) Cr CENTERforCOMPARATIVE POLITICAL. ANALYSIS BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE (With Special Referenceto Rural Development and Educational Development) /,1 VOLUMEII Books and Book Length Monographs Department of Political Science University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FRO M THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFiCE OP EDU- CD CATION POSITION OR POLICY. r.4 C I C A. I D CD RURAL DEVELOPMENTRESEARCH PROJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PLANNED SOCIAL CHANGE (With Special Reference to Rural Development and Educational Development) VOLUME II Books and Book Length Monographs Prepared By Center for Comparative Political Analysis Department of Political. Science University of Minnesota Preliminary Report for Project Use Limited Distribution r = . PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This bibliography htie been preparedprimarily to /rapport themajor resesitInnlideavcirs of the'CIC-AID RuralTevelopmentResearch,Project. It is pres6ned in this preliminary formprimarily for project use. Iri4rder to' understand the decisions'me have maderegarding Such ;iniportant matters as the.selection of titlesfor inclusionand.tho organization' of the material, it .is necessary toprovide somebaCkground information about thedevaopment,bf'thid part of the project. of Our sub - contract specities. thecompilation offla bibliography 'project reference materials derived fromliterate`. e on previousand on-going research in related fields. Both' 'research' and /related' fields/ are intended to be broadlyintetpreted...."' In a working' paper.prepared for the elucidation of thecontract proVisionsworks like W. W. Rostow,mtjatamaugsmonliciarowth_____ and Jan Lewis, ...2tTi ie'alution were given, along withothers as examples ofrelevant materials. If a theoretical treatment,Of.economicdevelopment' in historical context' and a specific 'analysisof a contemporarydeveloping country ii.e'both relevant, thisbibliography obviouslymust cover a wide 'range of materials. After the first meetings with thedirectors, 'the researchteimS two and the advisory group ofthe entire Rural DevelopmentoProject, iv points became evident. A bibliography as wide-ranging asthat called for by the contract would be of little useto other researchteams unless (1) it was annotated in considerabledetail, and (2) it was indexed in such a way as to facilitate a rapidand precise searchfor mmwoialft relevant to the various and separateresearch endeavors. While originally we had not planned to providesuch complete annota- tions or so detailed an indexing and searchsystem, we wereconvinaed that unless some effort was made in thesedirections ourproduct:would not be worthwhile. To the degree that ourbudget allowed, we have built these two features into the bibliography. all The bibliography appears in threes volumes. ,Volume I includes of the periodical materials covered; Volume II is devotedto books and book-length monographs; Volume III covers governmentand United Nations publications, in addition to proceedingsof specializedconferences. the For detailed matters concerning eachof the three volumes, see specific introductm that follows thispreface. Preparation of the bibliography wasunder the directionof Professors Richard Blue, Robert T. :dolt,and John E. Turner,all of whom were involved at one stage oranother in preparingand processing abstracting, the materials. In the research, and inthe collecting:, and propositionalizing of materialsthey were assistedby Richard Erikson, and David Garnham, Diane Johnson, SusanLampland, Lawrence Rose, Pioske John Sohwestka. Misses Diane Johnson,Beverly Nelson, and Diane did yeoman service in the mammoth task of typing. Although many of the abstracts and all of the propositions were prepared by our research team, a majority of the abstracts were adapted from several published abstracts. We would like to thank the publishers of Economic Abstracts and the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux that is responsible for publishing W.p._.t'oxSd.AicultmslleonomicsanR,....A.E41 Sociology Abstracts for permission to reproduce these adapted abstracts in this form. Thanks are also due to the .directors of the CIC-AID Rural Develop- ment Project, Dr. Ira Baldwin and Mr. Ronald W. Jones, for their support of our undertaking. The user of this bibliography might well wonder why in this age. of advanced computor technology such a long bibliography was not pre- pared in a machine-readable and therefore machine-searchable form. Our initial predisposition was to move in this direction, but thefUnds necessary to put the bibliography in this form were notavailable. We have; however, kept our working materials in such a form that we tan. eventually put the entire bibliography on computor tape. Robert T. Holt Associate Director Center for Comparative Political Analysis January 1, 1967 vi Introductionto Volume II Books and Book Length Monographs The selection of books to be included in Volume II of this bibliography involved some difficult decisions for our research team. The limits on our financial resources made it implssible to include everything of relevance. The major categorical decision that was made to limit the size was to exclude Ph.D. theses. Other works were ex- cluded on the basis of ad hoc decisions made in the process of examining individual titles. Some works were so familiar to researchers in the field that it seemed to be of little 'service to the Rural Development Research Project to include them. This bibliography therefore must be looked upon as a select bibliography designed specifically for the use of the Rural Development Research Project. Our sresearch group did not have the resources necessary to provide complete annotation of the materials included in Volume II. It was also impossible to provide as detailed an index and search system as was prepared for Volume I. Materials included in Volume II can be most easily located by using the Table of Contents on the following pages. This Table of Contents is organized both topically and geographically. On materials relating to a specific country it enables one to locate quickly the relevant works. If the materials on a given country are vii contained in a work that deals witha geographic region, it would be included in topical sub-categories undera continental heading. The most general works have been listed at the beginning of the Table of Contents under topical sub-headings. viii Table of Contents I. Political Development 1 II. Education 10 III. Agriculture 25 IV. Social Development 34 V. Economic Development 55 VI. Technical Assistance 70 VII. Africa 74 - 100 A. Economic, Political and Social 74 B. Agriculture 77 C. Education 80 D. Algeria 82 E. Cameroons 82 F. Congo 83 G. Egypt 83 H. Ethiopia 85 I. Ghana 86 J. Ivory Coast 87 K. Kenya 87 L. Liberia 89 M. Libya 89 N. Morocco ix 0. Nigeria 91 P. Rhodesia 93 Q. Somalia 95 R. South Africa 95 S. Sudan 95 T. Tanzania 97 U. Tunisia 99 V. Uganda 99 - W. Upper Volta 100 X. Zambia 100 VIII. Asia 101 - /76 A. Economic and Social Development 101 B. Agriculture 102 C. Education 105 D. Burma 106 E. Ceylon 107 F. China 109 G. India - Economic and Social Development General Development 109 H. India w Foreign Aid and Technical Assistance 136 I. India - Agriculture and Development 136 J. India - Education and Development 151 K. Indonesia 156 x L. Japan 158 M. Malaya 159 N. Nepal 160 0. Pakistan. 161 P. Philippines 166 Q, Taiwan 169 R. Thailand 171 S. Viet Nam 174 IX. Europe 176-180 A. Italy 178 B. Yugoslavia 180 X. Latin America 180-195 A. Economic and Social Development - General 181 B. Argentina 185 C. Bolivia 186 D. Brazil 186 E. British Guiana 188 F. Chile 188 G. Colombia 188 H. Costa Rica 188 I. Haiti 189 J. Mexico 189 K. Peru 193 xi L. Trinidad 194 M. Venezuela 195 XI. Middle East 195 - 202 A. Social, Political, and Economic Change 195 B. Agriculture 195 C. Education 195 Iran 196 IL Iraq 196 F. Israel
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