's Missions and

COPUOS 2013 February 15, 2013, Vienna, Makoto Hayabusa & Hayabusa2 Project Team, JAXA Lunar and Planetary Missions of Japan ×LUNAR- A

×Nozom IKAROS 1985 i Moon Kaguya 1990 1998 Moon 2003 Hayabusa 2007 BepiColombo 2010 2014

Comet Halley Asteroid Itokawa Hayabusa2 Asteroid 1999 JU3

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 2 Challenges of Hayabusa and Hayabusa2

Development of the technology for asteroid sample return

engine •Autonomous navigation •Sample collection system •

Impactor system * Study of the origin and evolution of the system

Molecular cloud Proto disk Solar system

Evolution of planets Minerals, H 2O *, Organic matters * (*Hayabusa2)

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 3 History of Hayabusa and Hayabusa2

Idea for sample Serious troubles return began in1985 in Hayabusa Now Year 200 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 Sample MUSES-C Hayabusa Analysis ▲ ▲ launch return project Started Hayabusa Mk2 in 1996 Post MUSES-C Post Hayabusa Post Haybusa2

Launch Hyabusa2 Phase-B ▲

Initial proposal in 2006 New proposal in 2009 Copy of Hayabusa but modified Modified Hayabusa adding new challenges Target : C-type asteroid 1999 JU3 Target : C-type asteroid 1999 JU3 Launch: 2010 Launch: 2014

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 4 Starting point of Hayabusa

Small Meeting for Asteroid Sample Return Mission

ISAS June 29, 1985

Cover of meeting

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 5 Mission Scenario of Hayabusa

Observations, sampling

Earth Swingby Launch 19 May 2004 9 May 2003 Asteroid Arrival 12 Sept. 2005

Earth Return Serious 13 June 2010 troubles

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 6 Photo / Koji Ohnishi June 13, 2010 7 Engineering of Hayabusa 2003.05.09 2004.05.19 2005.09.12


February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 8 Images of Itokawa

Eastern Side Head

Bottom Western Side

9 9 Scientific Results from

Before After

•Mass •Shape => volume •Density


Pyroxene and Olivine

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 10 Scientific Results from Sample Initial Analysis o LL chondrite LL4 (~600 oC) LL5/6 (~800 oC) Catastrophic planetesimal impact

Formation of Thermal Itokawa parental metamorphism body (>20 km) (((<4.562 Ba )))

Escape rate Solar Re- (~10 cm/My) Micro- Galactic Re- cosmic ray accumulation

Itokawa formation Rubble pile asteroid

Grain motion Space 100 m (150y~3My ))) weathering February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 11 Science Publications

2 June 2006 26 August 2011

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 12 Hayabusa2 Mission Outline

June 2018 : Arrival at 1999 JU3 Launch The spacecraft observes the asteroid, 2014 releases the small rovers and the , and executes multiple samplings.

The spacecraft carries Sample analysis an impactor. New Experiment

Earth Return Dec. 2020

Dec. 2019 : Departure

The impactor collides with 2019 the surface of the asteroid.

Samples will be obtained from the newly created crater.

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 13 Hayabusa vs. Hayabusa2 Hayabusa Hayabusa2 Size ::: 1m ×××1.6m ×××1.1 mmm Size ::: 1m ×××1.6m ×××1.25 m(m(m( body ))) (((body ))) Mass ::: 600kg (((Wet ))) Mass ::: 510kg (((Wet ))) (1)

(5) (3) (4) (2) (1) Communication : X-band + Ka-band (2) Ion engine : modified (3) Small lander : MASCOT(Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout ) from DLR (4) AOCS : 4 reaction wheels (5) Impactor February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 14 Target Asteroid : 1999 JU3

Current estimate: Orbit Itokawa

Rotation period: 7.625 ± 0.003 h * 1

Shape : almost spherical * 1 Mars Size : 0.87 ± 0.03 km * 2 Earth Albedo : 0.070 ± 0.006 * 2 H=18.69 ± 0.07, G=-0.09 ± 0.03 * 1

1.4 IRTF Type : Cg MMT 1 2 * :Kim et al. * :Mueller et al 1.2

1.0 Normalized Reflectance Reflectance Normalized Normalized Normalized Reflectance Reflectance Normalized Normalized

0.8 (by Mueller et al.) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Wavelength(Wavelength(μμμμm)m)m)m) February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 15 International Cooperation on Hayabusa2




February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 16 Importance of Small Solar System Bodies

Science Spaceguared To study the origin and To protect the earth from evolution of the solar collisions of the small solar system and life system bodies

Resource Manned mission To utilize the mineral, To be the target of manned metal and water, etc. mission before manned mission to Mars Engineering To move in the interplanetary space Culture freely To create new culture and educate new generation

February 15, 2013 COPUOS 2013 17