Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes

Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems

Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes

Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems

Edited by

Francis Q. Brearley

Manchester Metropolitan University


Andrew D. Thomas

Aberystwyth University CABI is a trading name of CAB International

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Commissioning editors: Vicki Bonham and Nicki Dennis Editorial assistant: Emma McCann Production editors: Tracy Head and Emma Ross

Typeset by SPi, Pondicherry, India. Printed and bound in the UK by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY. Contents

Contributors vii Acknowledgements x

1 Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes in Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems: An Introduction 1 Francis Q. Brearley and Andrew D. Thomas 2 Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters in Soils of the Andaman Islands, India 8 Raghavan Dinesh, Arkalgud Ganeshamurthy and Subrata Ghoshal Chaudhuri 3 Evaluating the Impact of Oil Palm Agriculture and Logging on Soil Microbial Communities in South-east Asia 21 Heather D’Angelo, Krista L. McGuire, Caitlyn Gillikin, Francis Q. Brearley and Dina C. Merrer 4 Microbial Functioning in Response to a Simulated Drought in Malaysian Rain Forest and Oil Palm Soils 31 Francis Q. Brearley 5 Impact of Land-use Changes in the Amazon on Bacterial Diversity, Composition and Distribution 41 Lucas W. Mendes, Acácio A. Navarrete, Clóvis D. Borges, Eiko E. Kuramae and Siu Mui Tsai 6 Acidification of Tropical Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping in Thailand and Indonesia 55 Kazumichi Fujii, Chie Hayakawa, Shinya Funakawa and Takashi Kosaki 7 The Importance of Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture in Zimbabwe, Kenya and South Africa 72 Lovemore Chipungu, Hangwelani H. Magidimisha, Michael Hardman and Luke Beesley 8 Urbanization and Soil Nutrient Challenges and Opportunities: Lessons from Malawian Cities 85 David D. Mkwambisi, Andrew J. Dougill, Philip Antwi-Agyei and Chikondi P. Chabvuta v vi Contents

9 Impact of Gold Mining on Mercury Contamination and Soil Degradation in Amazonian Ecosystems of French Guiana 95 Michel Grimaldi, Stéphane Guédron and Catherine Grimaldi 10 Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Redistribution in a Complex Landscape in Western Ecuador 108 Marife D. Corre, Jeroen M. Schoorl, Free de Koning, Magdalena López-Ulloa and Edzo Veldkamp 11 Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 122 Andrew D. Thomas, David R. Elliott, Tasmin N.L. Griffith and Helen Mairs 12 Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping in Mauritius 133 L. Ronald Ng Cheong and Gunshiam Umrit 13 Patterns and Drivers of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition in Secondary Tropical Dry Forests of Costa Rica 149 Jennifer S. Powers, David W.P. Manning and Justin M. Becknell 14 Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations in Western Panamá: Effects on Soil Properties and the Mechanisms Underlying these Changes 162 Luitgard Schwendenmann and Simon Kaiser 15 Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes in Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems: Emerging Themes and Future Research Directions 176 Andrew D. Thomas, Marife D. Corre, Luitgard Schwendenmann, Edzo Veldkamp, Kazumichi Fujii, Krista L. McGuire, David D. Mkwambisi, L. Ronald Ng Cheong, Jennifer S. Powers and Francis Q. Brearley

Index 183 Contributors

Philip Antwi-Agyei, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; and Department of Environmental Science, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana ([email protected]) Justin M. Becknell, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 55108, USA ([email protected]) Luke Beesley, Environmental and Biochemical Sciences, The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH, UK ([email protected]) Clóvis D. Borges, Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture CENA, University of São Paulo USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, CEP 13.416-000, Brazil (clovisdb@ Francis Q. Brearley, School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD, UK ([email protected]) Chikondi P. Chabvuta, Centre for Community Organization and Development, PO Box 2109, ­Lilongwe, Malawi ([email protected]) Lovemore Chipungu, School of the Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Level 8 Shepstone Building, Howard College, Durban 4001, South Africa (­[email protected]) Marife D. Corre, Büsgen Institute – Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems, Georg-­ August University Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany ([email protected]) Heather D’Angelo, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia Uni- versity, 116th Street and Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA ([email protected]) Free de Koning, Conservation International Ecuador, Catalina Aldáz N34-181 y Portugal, Quito, Ecuador ([email protected]) Raghavan Dinesh,Indian Institute of Spices Research, Marikunnu PO, Calicut – 673012, Kerala, India ([email protected], [email protected]) Andrew J. Dougill, Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK ([email protected]) David R. Elliott, School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD, UK ([email protected]) Kazumichi Fujii, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba 305-8687, Japan ­([email protected]) Shinya Funakawa, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan ­([email protected])

vii viii Contributors

Arkalgud Ganeshamurthy, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessargahatta Lake PO, Bengaluru – 560089, Karnataka, India ([email protected]) Subrata Ghoshal Chaudhuri, National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (Regional­ Centre), Salt Lake City, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700091, West Bengal, India (sgc2004@gmail. com) Caitlyn Gillikin, Department of Biology, Barnard College, Columbia University, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA ([email protected]) Tasmin N.L. Griffith, School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan ­University, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD, UK ([email protected]) Catherine Grimaldi, INRA, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, UMR 1069, Soil Agro and hydroSystem, F-35000 Rennes, France ([email protected]) Michel Grimaldi, IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, iEES-Paris, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris, UMR 242, F-93143 Bondy, France ([email protected]) Stéphane Guédron, ISTerre, Institute of Earth Science, Université Grenoble 1, IRD – UMR 5559 (IRD/UJF/CNRS) – BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble, France ([email protected]) Michael Hardman, School of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, Salford Cres- cent, Salford, M5 4WT, UK ([email protected]) Chie Hayakawa, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan ([email protected]) Simon Kaiser, Tropical Silviculture and Forest Ecology, Georg-August University Göttingen, ­Büsgenweg 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany ([email protected]) Takashi Kosaki, Department of Tourism Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo 192-0364, Japan ([email protected]) Eiko E. Kuramae, Microbial Ecology Department, Netherlands Institute of Ecology NIOO-KNAW, Wageningen, the Netherlands ([email protected]) Magdalena López-Ulloa, Environmental Engineering, Universidad de las Americas, Avenida de los Granados E 12-41 y Colimes Esq., Quito, Ecuador ([email protected]) Hangwelani H. Magidimisha, Human Science Research Council, Demography Governance and Ser- vice Delivery, Private Bag X07, Dalbridge, Durban, 4014, South Africa ([email protected]) Helen Mairs, School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD, UK ([email protected]) David W.P. Manning, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA ([email protected]) Krista L. McGuire, Department of Biology, Barnard College, Columbia University, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA; and Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, 1200 ­Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027, USA ([email protected]) Lucas W. Mendes, Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture CENA, University of São Paulo USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, CEP 13.416-000, Brazil (lwmendes@ Dina C. Merrer, Department of Chemistry, Barnard College, Columbia University, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, USA ([email protected]) David D. Mkwambisi, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda College Campus, PO Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi ([email protected]) Acácio A. Navarrete, Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agricul- ture CENA, University of São Paulo USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, CEP 13.416-000, Brazil (navar- [email protected]) L. Ronald Ng Cheong, Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Moka Road, Réduit, Mauritius ([email protected]) Jennifer S. Powers, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University­ of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 55108, USA; and Department of plant biology, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 551008, USA ([email protected]) Contributors ix

Jeroen M. Schoorl, Soil Geography and Landscape, Wageningen University, PO Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands ([email protected]) Luitgard Schwendenmann, School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand ([email protected]) Andrew D. Thomas, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, ­Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DB, UK ([email protected]) Siu Mui Tsai, Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture CENA, University of São Paulo USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo, CEP 13.416-000, Brazil ([email protected]) Gunshiam Umrit, Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Moka Road, Réduit, Mauritius ([email protected]) Edzo Veldkamp, Büsgen Institute – Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems, Georg-­ August University Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany ([email protected]) Acknowledgements

We thank the authors for their contributions and the reviewers who helped improve them. We are also grateful to the publishers and our families for their support and patience while we completed this book.

x 1 Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes in Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems: An Introduction

Francis Q. Brearley1* and Andrew D. Thomas2 1School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK; 2Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, ­Aberystwyth, UK

1.1 Introduction chemical and biological characteristics of soils and provide a snapshot of the challenges we face For most of history, few things have mattered more to in ensuring sustainable soil management in human communities than their relations with soil. tropical and savannah environments. (McNeill and Winiwarter, 2004, p. 1627) Soils are the thinnest, outermost layer of the Earth’s land surface: a complex, heterogeneous combin- 1.2 The Importance of Soil to ation of weathered parent material, living and Human Well-being dead organic matter, water and gases upon which humans are wholly dependent. Soils take thou- There are numerous ways in which soils support sands of years to fully develop; yet poor manage- human well-being. ment can lead to rapid and ultimately detrimental First, the sustained fertility of soil is essential changes in their physical, chemical and biological for food, fibre, animal feed, timber and, increas- characteristics. The disparity between the time ingly, biofuel production. With the world’s popula- taken to form and the speed with which soils tion projected to increase to 9 billion people by can degrade means they are inherently fragile 2050, the sustainable and efficient use of soils will and thus require prudent management. There is, be central to global food security (Stocking, 2003; however, widespread evidence to suggest that Godfray et al., 2010) and the diversification careful and sustainable soil management is not of energy sources through biomass production the norm, and that the global soil resource is (Tilman et al., 2009). The demands we place on being depleted, threatening the numerous eco- soils are likely to increase in the future, thus ensur- system services they provide (Banwart, 2011; ing soils are managed sustainably and are not de- Richter et al., 2011; UNCCD, 2012; Koch et al., graded further will become ever more important.­ 2013). In compiling and editing this book we have Second, soils are integral to the water cycle brought together a collection of case studies (Falkenmark and Rockström, 1996), making from around the globe that illustrate the impact clean water available to humans and helping to of a range of land-use changes on the physical, regulate stream and river flows. Degraded and

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 1 2 F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas

polluted soils within a catchment will typically pharmaceuticals is only just being realized as result in degraded and polluted stream water. limitations associated with the inability to cul- Eroded and compacted soils are more likely to lead ture most microbes are being overcome through to overland flow generation, leading to in situ rapid advances in molecular techniques (Daniel, ­reductions in soil moisture and greater instances 2004; Singh and Macdonald, 2010; Lewis, 2012). of crop drought as well as increased problems In order to manage soils sustainably and to linked to flooding and sediment deposition. Effect- ensure we continue to benefit from the essential ive management of soils therefore underlies ef- range of ecosystem services they provide, we need fective catchment management. a much better understanding and awareness Third, the organic carbon (C) stored in soils of when and how changes in soil characteristics is estimated to be around 1500 Pg to a depth of become long-term degradation. A particular chal- 1 m globally (Post et al., 1982; Eswaran et al., lenge is to predict the soil response to land-use 1993; Batjes, 1996) (a Petagram is equivalent changes that may be non-linear or characterized to 1015 g or 1 billion tonnes). This is twice the mass by thresholds (Nikolaidis, 2011). This is a prior- of C in the atmosphere as CO2 and three times the ity in tropical and savannah environments with C in aboveground vegetation. Soil respiration high population densities because: (i) soils typic- (the flux of plant- and microbially generated ally contain highly weathered clay minerals with

CO2 from soils to the atmosphere) is the second limited capacity to form complexes with organic ­largest terrestrial C flux (Bond-Lamberty and matter (Feller and Beare, 1997; Zech et al., 1997; Thomson, 2010). Land-use changes, particu- Rasche and Cadisch, 2013); (ii) persistently high larly forest clearance and grazing intensifica- soil temperatures and moisture facilitate rapid tion can significantly increase soil respiration oxidation of SOM (Joergensen, 2010; Hayakawa C fluxes markedly with likely positive feedback et al., 2014); and (iii) high rainfall intensities to future ­climate warming (Grace et al., 2006; equate to high potential energy and erosion po- Thomas, 2012). There is, however, great poten- tential as loss of vegetation cover and aggregate tial for increasing­ the soil C stock through adop- stability can result in very large increases in soil tion of land management practices that increase erosion through overland flow and landslides soil organic matter (SOM) content, the win–win (Lal, 1990; Sidle et al., 2006). scenario of increased C storage and soil fertility A loss of soil ‘quality’ often leads to reduced advocated by Lal (2004) and others. Careful con- yields and accelerated erosion. In some cases, sideration is, however, needed to account for the particularly in drier areas affected by dust storms, complete C balance to ensure that well-meaning this can have immediate and adverse impacts on land management interventions do not lead to human health (Griffinet al., 2001). For example, unintentional consequences for the fluxes of cases of valley fever, or Coccidioidomycosis, in the other greenhouse gases (Powlson et al., 2011). human population are prevalent in agricultural A clearer understanding, and quantification, of areas experiencing wind erosion. Cases of valley the amount of C stored in soils under different land fever have increased in the south-west USA over uses is therefore essential for an improved under- the last decade (Centers for Disease Control and standing of the global C cycle and how this will Prevention, 2013) and may be associated with a be altered in the near future by human activities. deterioration of soils and an increase in dust Finally, soils are host to an enormous reser- storm events. voir of microbial biodiversity; thousands of spe- It is encouraging to see that there is an in- cies can be found in just a gram of soil, most of creasing number of international and national which we know very little about and which are organizations, policies, agreements and initiatives overlooked by many scientists. However, under- to protect and raise awareness of our soil resource. standing the diversity and functioning of soil Examples include the International Soil Refer- ­microbial communities (archaea, bacteria and ence and Information Centre (ISRIC), the United fungi in particular) is of major importance due Nations Convention to Combat Desertification to their key roles in regulating the biogeochemical (UNCCD), the Food and Agriculture ­Organization cycles of C, nitrogen and other elements (Falkowski of the United Nations (UN-FAO) Global Soil Part- et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2010). In addition, the nership and World Soils Week among others. potential for utilizing microorganisms in the search ­Although 2015 is the International Year of Soils, for the next generation of antibiotics and other it is dispiriting to report that the European Union Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: An Introduction 3

(EU) Soil Framework Directive has recently been between trees, shrubs and grasses that, in turn, withdrawn, despite the ­estimated annual cost of affects the fire return period (Grace et al., 2006; soil degradation across the EU of €38 billion per ­Eldridge et al., 2011). Soils are affected indirectly year (European Commission, 2006, in Harte­ by all these changes, but they are also affected mink and McBratney, 2008). There are clearly directly by the trampling action of livestock still many challenges ahead. (Thomas, 2012). The number of people living in urban areas is now more than that in rural areas, 1.3 Land-use Change and with the rate of increase being most rapid in Soil Properties tropical countries (Seto et al., 2011). This is im- portant as urbanization has an obvious and Changing land use, particularly the removal of dramatic effect on soils (Marcotullio et al., forest cover for agriculture and the intensifica- 2008), although it has received far less attention tion of grazing, has a major and widespread im- when compared to the role that agriculture and pact on soils (Ellis and Ramankutty, 2008; Don forestry can have on soils and soil productivity. et al., 2011). Over half of the world’s soils are now Renewed interest in urban agriculture in trop- cultivated, grazed, subject to logging disturbance ical countries (Hamilton­ et al., 2013; Orsini or have been built upon (Richter, 2007; Ellis, et al., 2013) has increased the importance of 2011). This has resulted in major changes to soil improving our understanding of soils in urban properties as well as the soil-related resources environments and the ­potential for urban-­ available to us (Yaalon, 2007). The major land- based agriculture to address food needs. With use changes affecting soils in the tropics are this, however, comes a new set of sustainability complex and numerous and it is misleading to related challenges such as urban planning pol- generalize too much; however, the following are icy, the utilization of waste products for fertil- all notable drivers of change in various parts of izers and the potential for soil contamination. the tropics. This is a particularly important research area The expansion of agriculture into areas of for contemporary soil science. native vegetation across tropical regions is wide- Soils are also commonly affected by chem- spread (Gibbs et al., 2010). Agricultural expan- ical and biological contaminants from a variety sion may be small scale (agroforestry or swidden of sources, including organic manures (van der agriculture) but large-scale expansion of mono- Perk, 2013). These are a threat to soil product- culture crops is likely to have a more pervasive ivity and health, particularly as pollutants may effect on soil processes and functions due to be subsequently ingested if food grown on con- the much larger disturbance to the soil through taminated land is consumed. Deep weathering ploughing and addition of nutrients and other of soils, typical of much of the tropics, can often chemicals. Conversion to agriculture is arguably exacerbate heavy metal additions through the most prevalent land-use transition in trop- mining and cause widespread pollution. For ex- ical regions leading to a number of alterations to ample, mercury is used in gold mining to form a soil including: (i) loss of SOM and C; (ii) periodic ­mercury–gold amalgam and help in the recov- but rapid additions of fertilizers and pesticides; ery of gold. Many areas of the tropics have land (iii) changes to soil hydrology, both directly through used for artisanal small-scale gold mining that irrigation and indirectly through changes to releases around 1000 t of mercury a year to the evapotranspiration rates; and (iv) impacts upon environment (Telmer and Veiga, 2009) where it soil organisms that will feed back to influence soil leads to pollution of watercourses, soils, sedi- properties and functioning. ments and higher trophic levels. In sub-tropical and dry sub-humid savan- Changes to soil properties and processes are nahs, pastoralism is the dominant agricultural not necessarily wholly undesirable, and a certain land use. In many areas, a reduction in the area amount of change should be viewed as an un- of communal grazing land available to those with- avoidable consequence of utilizing soils for the out land tenure due to privatization is leading wider human good. Indeed, there are examples to increased animal stocking densities (Thomas, of soil properties improving as a consequence 2012). This leads to changes in the natural of land-use changes, such as the terra preta do vegetation cover, particularly in the balance índio (or Amazonian dark earths) created by 4 F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas

pre-­Colombian inhabitants of South America microbial biomass, diversity and functionality is prior to the arrival of Europeans (Glaser et al., much more straightforward than it was even a 2001; Marris, 2006). These are some of the most few years ago. This has allowed the extent to fertile tropical soils and the conditions that led to which clearing natural vegetation for crops al- their creation are still being elucidated; indeed, ters the soil microbial populations and the func- much of the focus on biochar (e.g. Sohi et al., tions they perform to be elucidated from many 2010) in current research stems from the discov- sites. Studies from the Andaman Islands of India ery of the inclusion of charred remains in terra (Dinesh et al., Chapter 2), Malaysia (D’Angelo et al., preta soil. On the Indonesian island of Java, there Chapter 3; Brearley, Chapter 4) and the Amazon has been an island-wide increase in soil C since (Mendes et al., Chapter 5) all report consistent the 1970s following a prior decline from the findings on the impact of the clearance of nat- 1930s onwards (Minasny et al., 2011). This has ural vegetation cover for agriculture. Between been attributed to increased application of crop them, the studies show a reduction in SOM, mi- residues and animal manure to improve soil fer- crobial biomass or activity and changes to mi- tility ­following government intervention. Other crobial community composition. These changes examples of restoration of soil processes follow- then have clear knock-on effects on other key ing disturbance include the re-growth of plant- soil processes and functions such as nitrogen ations on old pastures or recovery of secondary cycling, moisture retention, erodibility and acid- forests on old shifting cultivation sites that can ification (Fujii et al., Chapter 6). The message is both lead to recovery of SOM and a subsequent clear that in nearly all circumstances, clearance increase in soil fertility (e.g. Don et al., 2011). In of natural vegetation for agriculture will lead to addition, a number of agricultural management detrimental changes to soil properties. practices such as reduction of tillage, the use of cover crops and the use of organic amendments can all induce C storage in soils (Lal, 2004). 1.4.2 Urban soils, agriculture and soil contamination

1.4 Themes and Scope of this Book Two chapters report on the neglected topic of urban soils and agriculture in Kenya, South Africa,­ Zimbabwe (Chipungu et al., Chapter 7) and This book is not a comprehensive account of all Malawi­ (Mkwambisi et al., Chapter 8). Together, the drivers of soil change in the tropics, nor does it both studies show that, irrespective of the coun- cover all areas of the tropics. It does, however, take try or city, there are similar challenges and a broad view of the tropics, with the inclusion of opportunities to improving access to land for studies from South Africa and the dry sub-humid crops in urban areas. In nearly all cases, soils are tropics of the Kalahari as well as the humid tropics. on marginal land and farming is undertaken on Tropics are drawn from a wide geographical area an informal basis without the permission of including South and Central America, South-east local authorities. Although the utilization of Asia, India and Africa, and the chapters have been waste from a variety of sources can help improve contributed by authors from all of these areas as soil fertility, urban farmers regularly run the risk well as Europe, North America, Australasia and of soil contamination. The theme of contamination Japan. It thus provides a snapshot of a range of is also explored by Grimaldi et al. (Chapter 9), factors affecting soils across the globe. From this, who demonstrate the clear impact gold mining we shed light on emerging topics that can be can in French Guiana can have on mercury stocks be grouped into the following themes. and fluxes in soils.

1.4.1 The effects of land-use 1.4.3 Land-use effects on soil carbon and change on soil microbial populations soil organic matter

Advances in molecular and biochemical tech- The preservation of SOM is integral to many niques now mean that the enumeration of soil soil conservation strategies as well as to global Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: An Introduction 5

­efforts to increase terrestrial C sequestration. but Schwendenman and Kaiser (Chapter 14) Studies from a broad range of environments demonstrate that afforestation with teak may demonstrate how land-use change affects soil C not lead to an increase in soil C stocks in Pan- stocks and the rate at which organic C is re- ama, at least over the timeframe of their study. spired. Corre et al. (Chapter 10) show how soil C is unevenly distributed around catchments in In the concluding chapter, we briefly summarize Ecuador and how land-use changes can lead to key points from the book, bring together a num- large losses of C through erosional processes. ber of the chapter authors to consider areas that Following on, Thomas et al. (Chapter 11) reveal are in need of further research and then con- how sensitive the C stock in the Kalahari is to clude with suggestions for a sustainable way for- grazing intensity, while Ng Cheong and Umrit ward. This is clearly important given the essential (Chapter 12) show how clearance of natural role played by soils in maintaining human civil- vegetation in Mauritius leads to a loss of the ori- izations (Hillel, 1992; McNeill and Winiwarter, ginal soil organic C and replacement with that 2004; Montgomery, 2007) and understanding, derived from sugar cane cropping. In contrast, balancing and mitigating potential conflicts be- Powers et al. (Chapter 13) show how soil C stocks tween the multiple demands placed on soils by can be restored during the process of secondary humans is paramount to the sustainable utiliza- succession in dry tropical forests of Costa Rica, tion of this key resource now and into the future.


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Raghavan Dinesh,1* Arkalgud Ganeshamurthy2 and Subrata Ghoshal Chaudhuri3 1ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut, Kerala, India; 2ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India; 3ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (Regional Centre), Salt Lake City, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

2.1 Introduction this volume; Ng Cheong and Umrit, Chapter 12, this volume). However, assessing the long-term Large areas of forest in the tropics are presently impact of deforestation on soil environments is undergoing deforestation due to anthropogenic difficult because parameters such as tree growth influences such as forest clearance, human or soil organic matter (SOM) are slow in reveal- settlement and conversion for agriculture (Gibbs ing changes (Dick, 1994). In the short term, de- et al., 2010; Villoria et al., 2014). It is well known forestation may have detrimental effects on soil that forest clearance for agriculture, an increas- biological and biochemical properties, since for- ingly prevalent situation in the tropics, removes est clearance modifies the microclimatic condi- natural vegetation, reduces biodiversity, and tions at the soil surface and the rates and quality simplifies the landscape and ecosystem structure of SOM input to the soil (Lemenih et al., 2005). (Li et al., 2005; Rosa et al., 2014). The effects of There are many studies that focus on soil these changes include reductions in productivity microbial and biochemical properties as these because of increasing losses of nutrients and reflect the size and activity of microbial processes soil; downstream impacts, such as reductions in (Cheng et al., 2013; Dinesh and Chaudhuri, water quality through increased sedimentation 2013). This is because biologically mediated and changes in water yield; and widespread processes in soils play a key role in the mineral- ­reductions in biodiversity and the supply of vari- ization of organic C and in nutrient cycling, and ous ecological services (Lamb and Gilmour, tend to react most rapidly to changes in the ex- 2003; Ahrends et al., 2010; Kessler et al., 2012; ternal environment, such as land use and man- Rosa et al., 2014). agement, than do most physical and chemical In the case of soils, the long-term negative parameters (Sparling, 1992; Trasar-Cepeda et al., impacts of forest clearance and cultivation often 2008). In addition, these properties are more sensi­ include the degradation and subsequent loss of tive to environmental stress, play a major role in organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) (An et al., SOM decomposition and provide rapid information 2008; Kessler et al., 2012; Brearley, Chapter 4, on soil quality (García et al., 2000). The biochemical

* Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 8 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters 9

parameters include variables directly related to 2.2 Materials and Methods microbial activity and the activities of extra-­ cellular hydrolytic enzymes involved in the C, N, 2.2.1 Study site phosphorus and cycles in soil. These soil biochemical and microbiological parameters are The study sites were located in South Andaman, considered potential indicators of management India (10° 30¢–13° 42¢ N and 92° 14¢–94° 16¢ E). impacts on soil quality (Gil-Sotres et al., 2005) The climate is wet tropical with an annual rainfall and could illustrate the effects of anthropogenic of 3100 mm mainly spread over 7 months from activities and disturbance on the soil (Kennedy May to November. The temperature ranges from and Papendick, 1995). a minimum of 18.6°C to a maximum of 33.0°C. Microbial indices, and their relationships, The wet tropical forests of South Andaman are have been extensively studied in various forest classified into evergreen (EG), semi-evergreen (SE) systems of the temperate (Leirós et al., 2000; and moist-deciduous (MD). The characteristics of Díaz-Raviña et al., 2005; Gamboa and Galicia, the study sites are given in Table 2.1. Portions of 2011) and tropical (Salamanca et al., 2002; these forests were cleared manually to establish Dinesh et al., 2003, 2004; Tripathi and Singh, commercial plantations of coconut (Cocos nucifera; 2013, Mendes et al., Chapter 5, this volume) re- Arecaceae), arecanut (Areca catechu; Arecaceae), gions. Soil characteristics often differ between rubber (Hevea brasiliensis; Euphorbiaceae), padauk temperate and tropical soils: higher tempera­ (Pterocarpus dalbergioides; Leguminosae) and teak tures in tropical regions lead to faster turnover (Tectona grandis; Lamiaceae). rates of microbial biomass and SOM in comparison to temperate climatic conditions (Joergensen, 2010). Consequently, there will be large differ- 2.2.2 Soil sampling ences in soil biological properties between trop- ical and temperate soil types. Information on microbial indices of forest soils subjected to long- Three undisturbed forest types (EG, SE, MD) and term disturbance, especially those in the tropics, adjacent plantations of coconut, arecanut, rub- will provide valuable insights into the extent of ber, padauk and teak were selected and soil cores soil deterioration and help design management (0–30 cm) taken from 20 randomly selected strategies that may contribute to the recovery of points distributed uniformly over an area of 10 ha soil quality. In this chapter, we highlight the from each, using an Edelmann corer (7 cm diam- findings of our investigations on microbial and eter, 30 cm length) immediately after the end of biochemical parameters in soils under undis- the monsoon (in December 2000–January 2001). turbed humid tropical forests in the Andaman The soil samples were cleared of leaf ­litter and Islands of India and adjacent plantations of organic material and transferred for storage in coconut, arecanut, rubber, padauk and teak sealed plastic bags. The soil samples were then ­established by clear-felling portions of these sieved (<2 mm), analysed for their moisture ­forests. The major objective was to study the content on the day of collection and stored at long-term changes in biochemical/microbial 4°C. Subsamples for the determination of or- ­indicators of soil quality due to clear-felling of ganic C and total N were sieved to pass through a tropical forests for establishment of plantations. 0.5-mm mesh. The soils, classified as Fluventic Besides soil microbial biomass (SMB)-C, and -N Sulfaquents (Entisols), were derived from allu- and soil respiration, we also determined ergosterol vial and marine deposits. At 0–30 cm the soil is a (a fungal biomarker), adenylates (adenosine tri- light brown (7.5YR 5/6), sandy clay loam with (ATP), mono- (AMP), di- (ADP) phosphate) and medium permeability, firm and sticky. the ratios of these parameters in these soils. We hypothesized that such land-use change in the tropical forests would markedly influence soil or- 2.2.3 Soil biochemical/microbial ganic substrate and nutrient levels, which would parameters subsequently alter the soil microbial biomass, respiration rates and microbial community over The soil biochemical parameters measured were the long term. soil microbial biomass (SMB), soil microbial 10 R. Dinesh et al. a a a a a Euphorbiaceae) Arecaceae) Lamiaceae) Leguminosae) Rubber brasiliensis ; ( Hevea (20–27) Arecanut ( Areca catechu ; Arecaceae) (24–25) Coconut nucifera ; ( Cocos (31–33) Adjacent plantation Teak grandis ; ( Tectona (45–53) Padauk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides ; (35–41) (Euphorbiaceae) (Euphorbiaceae) (Podocarpaceae) (Moraceae). (Rhamnaceae) (Sterculiaceae) Sterculia villosa (Sterculiaceae) (Moraceae). Artocarpus lakoocha Baccaurea sapida Aglaia andamanica (Meliaceae) Baccaurea sapida Myristica sp . (Myristicaceae) Saprosma ternata (Rubinaceae) neriifolius Podocarpus Artocarpus gomeziana madraspatana Ventilago Byttneria andamanensis Ground storey (Meliaceae) (Moraceae) (Euphorbiaceae) (Sterculiaceae) (Lythraceae) (Dilleniaceae) (Anacardiaceae) (Leguminosae) (Rubiaceae) (Leguminosae) (Sterculiaceae) (Rubiaceae) Aglaia andamanica Artocarpus lakoocha Baccaurea sapida Sterculia villosa hypoleuca Lagerstroemia Dillenia pentagyna coromandelica Lannea Albizia lebbeck Nauclea gageana pavonina Adenanthera Pterocymbium tinctorium Anthocephalus cadamba III Storey Major tree species (Meliaceae) (Moraceae) dalbergioides (Leguminosae) (Sterculiaceae) (Meliceae) (Anacardiaceae) (Podocarpaceae) oides (Leguminosae) (Ebenaceae) (Annonaceae) (Meliaceae) (Combretaceae) Amoora wallichii Artocarpus gomezianus Pterocarpus Pterocymbium tinctorium Amoora wallichii coromandelica Lannea neriifolius Podocarpus Pterocarpus dalbergi - marmorata Diospyros Sageraea elliptica Amoora wallichii bialata Terminalia II Storey (Moraceae) (Clusiaceae) (Dipterocarpaceae) (Dipterocarpaceae) (Moraceae) (Dipterocarpaceae). (Lecythidaceae) (Sterculiaceae). (Burseraceae) (Sapindaceae) (Bombacaceae) (Datiscaceae ) Artocarpus chaplasha soulattari Calophyllum Dipterocarpus alatus Dipterocarpus gracilis Artocarpus chaplasha Dipterocarpus pilosus Planchonia andamanica Pterygota alata Canarium euphyllum falcatum Ganophyllum Salmalia insignis nudiflora Tetrameles I Storey Site characteristics of the study areas to examine soil properties in undisturbed forests and plantations in the Andaman Islands (India). areas to examine soil properties in undisturbed forests and plantations the of the study Site characteristics Stand age. a Evergreen Table 2.1. Table Semi-evergreen Moist deciduous Note: Forest type Forest Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters 11

biomass-C (SMB-C) and -N (SMB-N). Soil microbial The metabolic quotient (qCO2) was calcu- biomass is considered one of the most promis- lated as follows: ing indicators of soil quality because it responds [(mg CO –C evolved in 3 days g−1 soil)/(mg promptly to environmental changes, often much 2 biomass C g−1 soil)/3 days × 1000] = [mg more rapidly than physical and chemical param- CO –C mg−1 biomass C per day] (2.1) eters and even crop productivity (Dinesh et al., 2 −1 2010, 2012; Kaschuk et al., 2010). Soil micro- The results are expressed in mg CO2–C g bial biomass can act as a major source or sink ­biomass C per day (Salamanca et al., 2002). for soil C and nutrients and potentially influence Adenylates were determined using the pro- the amounts of organic C and N retained within cedure of Bai et al. (1989) as described by SOM. Dyckmans and Raubuch (1997). We used the

The other important parameter measured Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), Na3PO4 (10 mM) was soil respiration, which is one of the most fre- buffer + EDTA (20 mM) at pH12 and Celsis quently used indicators for measuring soil or- nucleotide-­releasing buffer for microbial ATP ganism activity. When soil is disturbed, a change as extractants. After derivatization with chlo- in soil respiration can be observed due to more racetaldehyde, the adenine nucleotides were rapid growth and greater mineralization rates determined by high performance liquid chroma- of the microorganisms (Joergensen, 2010). The tography (HPLC) as described by Joergensen changes in levels of adenylates (ATP, ADP, AMP) and Castillo (2001). Ergosterol was measured due to deforestation and cultivation were also in moist samples of soil extracted with ethanol studied. The ATP content is considered a useful by oscillating shaking (Djajakirana et al., 1996), indicator of microbial biomass in soil (Contin followed by reversed-­phase HPLC with 100% et al., 2001) as ATP and the sum of adenylates methanol as the mobile phase and detection at are closely related to SMB-C in a wide range of 282 nm. sites (Dyckmans et al., 2003). In numerous stud- ies, the sum of adenylates has been found to give good estimates of the SMB (Schinner et al., 1995; Dyckmans and Raubuch, 1997), and the ad- 2.2.4 Statistical analyses enylate energy charge (AEC) is an important index for the energetic state of the soil microbial com- Analyses for various soil properties were per- munity. Ergosterol, a reliable and relatively inex- formed on all samples and mean values deter- pensive biochemical indicator of fungal biomass mined; the values are expressed on an oven dry in soil ecosystems (Engelking et al., 2008; Joer- soil basis (24 h at 105°C). The significance of gensen and Wichern, 2008), was also determined. treatment effects was determined by one-way SMB-C and SMB-N were measured on fresh analysis of variance (ANOVA). Where the F-values soil samples using the fumigation-extraction were significant, post hoc comparisons were made method (Vance et al., 1987). The C and N in the using the Tukey–Kramer honestly significant dif­ extracts were determined by the Walkley–Black ference (HSD) test. wet combustion method (Nelson and Sommers, 1982) and micro-Kjeldahl digestion procedure (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982), respectively, 2.3 Results and we subsequently employed kEC of 0.45 (Joer- gensen, 1996) and kEN of 0.54 (Joergensen and Mueller, 1996). For measuring basal soil respir- 2.3.1 Soil microbial biomass ation, 100 g (oven-dry basis) of moist sample was adjusted to 55% of its water-holding cap- There was a 55% difference in soil organic carbon acity, placed in a 1-l stoppered glass jar and pre- (SOC) between forests (mean 17.7 ± 3.4 mg g−1) −1 incubated for 3 days at 20°C in the dark. The CO2 and plantations (mean 8.0 ± 1.3 mg g ). production was then measured for another 3 days. Similarly, mean soil total N was 1.69 ± –1 The CO2 produced was trapped in 20 ml 0.05 M 0.28 mg g in the forests, while it was 0.89 ± NaOH, which was then measured by titration 0.14 mg g–1 in the plantations, a difference of of the excess NaOH with 0.05 M HCl. 47%. The mean SMB-C in the forest sites was 12 R. Dinesh et al.

−1 2 511 ± 22 μg g (Table 2.2), which was lower (r = –0.64; P < 0.0001) existed between qCO2 by 71% in the plantation sites (174 ± 9 μg g−1). and the SMB-C/SOC ratio (Fig. 2.1b). SMB-N also showed a similar pattern; the mean SMB-N in the forest sites was 43.4 ± 4.5 μg g–1, while under the plantations it was 14.9 ± 3.4 μg g–1, 2.3.3 Adenylates and adenylate a difference of 66%. The mean SMB-C/SOC ratio energy charge (qMIC) was 2.9 ± 0.7% in the forested sites and 2.1 ± 0.6% in the plantations (Table 2.3). In The data on adenylates (Table 2.4) indicated contrast to qMIC, the mean SMB-C/SMB-N ratio greater concentrations of ATP (mean 2.79 ± was 11.6 ± 1.4 in the forest soils – almost iden- 0.51 nmol g–1), AMP (mean 0.28 ± 0.05 nmol g–1) tical to the ratio (11.7 ± 1.6) observed under and ADP (mean 0.50 ± 0.11 nmol g–1) under the the plantations (Table 2.3). SMB-C was posi- forest sites compared to the plantations (mean tively correlated with SOC (r2 = 0.64; P < 0.0001; 0.75 ± 0.16, 0.15 ± 0.04, 0.24 ± 0.06 nmol g–1, Fig. 2.1a). respectively), leading to the sum of the adenyl- ates under the forests (3.57 ± 0.57 nmol g–1) being greater than under the plantations (1.15 ± 0.36 nmol g–1; Table 2.4). Greater concentrations of 2.3.2 Soil respiration adenylates resulted in a greater AEC in the forest soils (mean 0.85 ± 0.13) relative to plantation Mean soil respiration under the forests was soils (mean 0.76 ± 0.13). Greater ATP concen- −1 17.6 ± 2.0 μg CO2 g per day, which declined trations also led to higher ATP/SMB-C ratios −1 about six-fold to 2.9 ± 0.5 μg CO2 g per day in in the forest soils (Table 2.3), on average, the the plantations, the lower values correspond- ATP/SMB-C ratio in the forest sites was 5.6 ± ing to sites with lower SMB-C (Fig. 2.1a; r2 = 1.3 μmol g–1; significantly greater than that ob- 0.61; P < 0.0001). In contrast, the metabolic served under the plantations (4.3 ± 1.3 μmol g–1). quotient (qCO2; i.e. soil respiration per unit of We observed a negative, but non-­significant, microbial biomass) under the plantations relationship between the ATP/SMB-C ratio and –1 2 showed an increase (mean 77.1 ± 4.7 mg CO2 g SMB-C/SMB-N ratio in the forest soils (r = –0.12; SMB-C per day) compared to the forest soils n.s.) but a significant negative relationship –1 2 (mean 41.5 ± 4.7 mg CO2 g SMB-C per day; (r = –0.54; P < 0.0001) was observed in the Table 2.3). A significant negative relationship plantation sites.

Table 2.2 Soil organic carbon, total N, soil microbial biomass-C, soil microbial biomass-N and soil respiration rates (mean ± SE) in soils under forests and adjacent plantations in the Andaman Islands (India).

Soil microbial biomass (μg g–1) Soil respiration −1 Soil organic (μg CO2–C g C (mg g–1) Total N (mg g–1) SOC/total N CN per day)

Forest sites Evergreen 14.4 ± 2.3bc 1.41 ± 0.30bc 10.2 ± 1.7a 422 ± 26bc 34.8 ± 4.2b 11.9 ± 2.1c Semi-evergreen 16.4 ± 1.9b 1.54 ± 0.29b 10.6 ± 2.2a 494 ± 18b 45.9 ± 4.3a 14.4 ± 1.8b Moist deciduous 22.4 ± 2.6a 2.13 ± 0.26a 10.5 ± 2.12a 617 ± 23a 49.4 ± 5.1a 26.6 ± 2.2a Mean 17.7 ± 3.4 1.69 ± 0.28 10.5 ± 1.9 511 ± 22 43.4 ± 4.5 17.6 ± 2.0 Plantation sites Arecanut 7.6 ± 1.3de 0.86 ± 0.14de 8.8 ± 1.2b 148 ± 11e 16.3 ± 3.6cd 2.3 ± 0.4e Coconut 6.9 ± 1.2de 0.83 ± 0.16de 8.3 ± 1.4b 145 ± 8e 15.2 ± 3.3cd 2.2 ± 0.6e Rubber 10.8 ± 1.3cd 1.05 ± 0.12cd 10.3 ± 1.6a 270 ± 14d 21.2 ± 3.1c 5.2 ± 0.7d Teak 7.6 ± 1.4de 0.86 ± 0.15de 8.8 ± 1.7b 154 ± 8e 11.0 ± 3.0de 2.3 ± 0.4e Padauk 6.9 ± 1.5de 0.83 ± 0.14de 8.3 ± 1.4b 151 ± 6e 11.0 ± 4.0de 2.4 ± 0.3e Mean 8.0 ± 1.3 0.89 ± 0.14 8.9 ± 1.5 174 ± 9 14.9 ± 3.4 2.9 ± 0.5

Note: Values in a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different atP < 0.05. Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters 13

700a. 30 SMBC

600 SR ) –1

) 25 –1 day g

500 –1 μ 20 –C g 400 2

15 g CO μ 300

10 200

Soil microbial biomass C ( Soil microbial 5 100 ( Soil respiration

0 0 57911 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Soil organic C (mg g–1)

b. ) –1



70 microbial biomass C day microbial

–1 60 –C g 2 50



20 1. 822.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3

Metabolic quotient (mg CO Soil microbial biomass C: Soil organic C (%)

Fig. 2.1. (a) Relationship between soil organic C and soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) and soil respiration (SR); and (b) relationship between soil microbial biomass C/soil organic C ratio and metabolic quotient

(qCO2) in soils under forests and adjacent plantations in the Andaman Islands (India).

2.3.4 Ergosterol ergosterol/SMB-C ratio in the forest soils (0.64 ± 0.12) was approximately double the ratio in In the forest sites, the mean ergosterol con- the plantation soils (0.31 ± 0.11). By recalcu- centration was 3.30 ± 0.36 μg g–1 (Table 2.4), lating ergosterol into fungal biomass by multi- while in the plantation soils it was notably plication by 90 (proposed by Djajakirana et al., lower (0.54 ± 0.11 μg g–1). Likewise, the mean 1996), we found that fungi represented 58% of 14 R. Dinesh et al.

Table 2.3. Ratios (mean ± SE) of soil microbial indices in soils under forests and adjacent plantations in the Andaman Islands (India).

SMB-C/SOC qCO2 Ergosterol/ –1 (qMIC) (mg CO2-C g ATP/SMB-C SMB-C (%) SMB-C/SMB-N SMB-C per day) (μmol g–1) (%)

Forest sites Evergreen 2.9 ± 0.6ab 12.1 ± 1.6bc 44.6 ± 4.6c 6.4 ± 1.3a 0.62 ± 0.12ab Semi-evergreen 3.0 ± 0.6a 10.2 ± 1.5cd 43.3 ± 5.1c 5.8 ± 1.3ab 0.65 ± 0.12ab Moist 2.7 ± 0.8ab 12.5 ± 1.2ab 36.6 ± 4.4c 4.6 ± 1.4c 0.66 ± 0.11a deciduous Mean 2.9 ± 0.7 11.6 ± 1.4 41.5 ± 4.7 5.6 ± 1.3 0.64 ± 0.12 Plantation sites Coconut 2.1 ± 0.5de 9.50 ± 1.4de 84.1 ± 5.6a 4.4 ± 1.1c 0.30 ± 0.10c Arecanut 1.9 ± 0.5def 9.10 ± 1.4de 83.1 ± 4.9a 4.3 ± 1.4c 0.30 ± 0.12c Rubber 2.5 ± 0.7bc 12.7 ± 1.6ab 56.3 ± 3.9b 4.5 ± 1.5c 0.30 ± 0.09c Teak 2.0 ± 0.5de 13.6 ± 1.5a 79.9 ± 4.3a 4.2 ± 1.1c 0.35 ± 0.11c Padauk 2.2 ± 0.6cd 13.6 ± 1.9a 82.1 ± 4.8a 4.1 ± 1.3c 0.31 ± 0.12c Mean 2.1 ± 0.6 11.7 ± 1.6 77.1 ± 4.7 4.3 ± 1.3 0.31 ± 0.11

Note: SMB-C – soil microbial biomass C; SOC – soil organic C; SMB-N – soil microbial biomass N; qCO2 – metabolic quotient (soil respiration/SMB-C); ATP – adenosine tri-phosphate. Values in a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05.

Table 2.4. Concentrations (mean ± SE) of adenylates (adenosine tri- (ATP), mono- (AMP), di- (ADP) phosphate), adenylate energy charge (AEC) and ergosterol in soils under forests and adjacent plantations in the Andaman Islands (India).

Adenylates (nmol g–1) Ergosterol ATP AMP ADP Total AEC (μg g–1)

Forest sites Evergreen 2.71 ± 0.43a 0.28 ± 0.06a 0.42 ± 0.11bc 3.41 ± 0.67a 0.86 ± 0.13a 2.61 ± 0.33bc Semi-evergreen 2.86 ± 0.54a 0.28 ± 0.04a 0.56 ± 0.13a 3.70 ± 0.59a 0.85 ± 0.11a 3.20 ± 0.29b Moist deciduous 2.81 ± 0.57a 0.29 ± 0.06a 0.51 ± 0.10ab 3.61 ± 0.44a 0.85 ± 0.14a 4.10 ± 0.46a Mean 2.79 ± 0.51 0.28 ± 0.05 0.50 ± 0.11 3.57 ± 0.57 0.85 ± 0.13 3.30 ± 0.36 Plantation sites Coconut 0.64 ± 0.13c 0.13 ± 0.04c 0.21 ± 0.07e 0.98 ± 0.21b 0.76 ± 0.14b 0.43 ± 0.09d Arecanut 0.64 ± 0.10c 0.15 ± 0.04c 0.22 ± 0.07e 1.01 ± 0.36b 0.74 ± 0.13b 0.44 ± 0.10d Rubber 1.21 ± 0.21b 0.22 ± 0.06b 0.34 ± 0.06cd 1.77 ± 0.46b 0.78 ± 0.14b 0.80 ± 0.17d Teak 0.64 ± 0.18c 0.12 ± 0.03c 0.21 ± 0.06e 0.97 ± 0.34b 0.77 ± 0.14b 0.54 ± 0.09d Padauk 0.62 ± 0.16c 0.15 ± 0.04c 0.23 ± 0.05e 1.00 ± 0.41b 0.74 ± 0.11b 0.47 ± 0.11d Mean 0.75 ± 0.16 0.15 ± 0.04 0.24 ± 0.06 1.15 ± 0.36 0.76 ± 0.13 0.54 ± 0.11

Note: Values in a row followed by the same letter are not significantly different atP < 0.05.

the total SMB-C in forest sites and 28% of the 2.4 Discussion SMB-C in the plantation sites. We obtained a significant negative relationships between qCO2 Our results revealed markedly lower SOC, SMB-C and the ergosterol/SMB-C ratio (r2 = –0.71; and SMB-N in the plantation sites, showing a de- P < 0.0001) in the forest sites but the relation- crease due to deforestation and replacement ship was not significant in the plantation sites with agriculture that can be attributed, at least (r2 = 0.32; n.s.). partly, to a reduced input of plant residues due to Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters 15

the absence of fresh overstorey litter. Since SMB greater qMIC values in the forest sites suggested in forest sites is largely governed by litterfall, greater availability of SOM than in the plant- greater SMB-C in the forest sites reflects greater ations. Joergensen (2010) reported that the accumulation of plant residues and SOC that are mean qMIC across forests, plantations, pasture substrates for soil microorganisms. A positive and arable soils of the tropics was 1.7% (range ­relationship existed between SOC and SMB-C in- 0.1–8.2%) and, similar to our study, it was lower dicating that SMB-C follows a trend parallel to in the plantation soils than the forest soils. How- that of SOC when forest is converted to pasture ever, the qMIC has been reported to be lower in or cropland (Verchot, 2010). While the values of the tropics than the humid temperate regions, SMB-C observed in this study in the forests where values ranging from 2.3 to 2.6% have (422–617 μg g–1) fall well within the range ob- been reported from arable and grassland soils served in temperate forest soils (Zhong and (Anderson and Domsch, 1989; Joergensen 1995). Makeschin, 2006), the mean SMB-C in the In addition, extremely low values (mean 0.6%) forests (511 μg g−1) was 55% higher than the have been reported in Andisols (Zunino et al., worldwide average of 330 μg g−1 soil reported by 1982) and, similar to our findings in the plant- Wardle (1998). This is not surprising consider- ations, qMIC values ranging from 2.2 to 2.5% ing that the decomposition of plant residues and have been reported in Vertisols and Inceptisols the turnover of SOM are higher under tropical (Joergensen, 2010). conditions (Diels et al., 2004). In contrast to the The SMB-C/SMB-N ratio did not show forest sites, SMB-C in the plantations was 47% ­significant changes due to altered land use. lower compared to the worldwide average and This suggests that SMB-C/SMB-N ratio is not a 37% lower compared to the mean (281 μg g−1) significant indicator of shifts in microbial com- reported by Joergensen (2010) from a range of munity structure as observed by Joergensen plantations in the tropics, thereby suggesting and Scheu (1999) in temperate soils. However, substantial losses in SOM due to conversion to the SMB-C/SMB-N ratios (mean 11.6 ± 1.4 in plantations. Several studies have indicated that the forests and 11.7 ± 1.6 in the plantations) the removal of natural vegetation followed by consistently exceeded the corresponding SOC/ cultivation can cause major changes to physical, total N ratios (mean 10.5 ± 1.9 in the forests chemical and biological properties of soil and and 8.9 ± 1.5 in the plantations), possibly due that these changes are often associated with re- to low N availability and relatively higher ductions in SOM, deterioration of soil structure, SOM availability to soil microbes (Salamanca and decreases in SMB and microbial activity et al., 2002). (Dinesh et al., 2004; Bossio et al., 2005; Nour- Similarly to SMB-C and SMB-N, soil respir- bakhsh, 2007; D’Angelo et al., Chapter 3, this ation also declined significantly in the plant- volume). Conversely, SMB-C in soils previously under ations compared to the forests; greater soil res- arable use was found to increase during forest piration rates under the forest sites can be succession, apparently due to increasing inputs attributed to greater amounts of SOC, which has and accumulation of SOC (Susyan et al., 2011). been found to account for 75% to 81% of the

In contrast to SMB-C, SMB-N values in the forests variation in CO2 production from soils (Wang (range 34.8–49.4 μg g–1) were an order of mag- et al., 2003). Lower soil respiration under the nitude lower than those (213–591 μg g–1) observed­ plantations is presumably due to depletion of in temperate humid forest soils (Gómez-Luna­ readily decomposable substrates for micro- et al. 2009). organisms (Wang et al., 2003) and could also re- The mean SMB-C/SOC ratio (qMIC), which sult from the suppression of the decomposition is an important index for SOM availability to the of native SOC (Ding et al., 2010) due to decreases soil microbial community (Anderson and Domsch, in SMB and activity (Lee and Jose, 2003). Lower 1989), also showed a decrease in the plantation soil respiration due to altered land use is also due sites. qMIC has been used as an indicator of the to the lower substrate quality (lower qMIC), re- changes in SOM status due to alterations in soil sulting in a reduced C use efficiency (higher conditions (Anderson and Domsch, 2010; Heinze metabolic quotient, qCO2). In contrast, under et al., 2010) – values below 2% being a signal of forests, increased C availability via a broader SOM depletion (Anderson, 2003). Therefore, range of substrates (litterfall) and good yield 16 R. Dinesh et al.

–1 efficiency (higher qMIC, low qCO2) increased soil the mean (48 mg CO2 g microbial biomass C respiration. Similar to our study, a decrease in per day) observed in 62 tropical forest sites and soil respiration was observed in degraded lands was almost twice as high as the mean qCO2 value –1 compared to native vegetation in north-east Bra- of 21 mg CO2 g microbial biomass C per day in 99 zil (Nunes et al., 2012). Nevertheless, the mean German soils under different land uses (Anderson rate of soil respiration in the forests in this study and Domsch, 1990; Joergensen, 1995). −1 (17.6 μg CO2 g per day) is comparable to that The concentrations of adenylates (ATP, −1 found in 62 tropical forest sites (20 μg CO2 g AMP and ADP) and the sum of adenylates were per day), while the mean rate observed in the markedly greater under the forest sites compared −1 plantations (2.9 μg CO2 g per day) is markedly to the plantations. Higher SMB in the forest sites −1 lower than the rate (10 μg CO2 g per day) ob- most likely led to higher ATP and adenylate served in 22 plantation sites of the tropics (Joer- concentrations compared to plantation sites. gensen, 2010). The mean ATP concentration in forest soils In contrast to soil respiration, the metabolic (2.8 nmol g–1) is higher than the mean (2.1 nmol –1 quotient (qCO2) was markedly lower under the g ) recorded in 35 tropical forest soils (Joergensen, forests compared to the plantations. The meta- 2010). In contrast, the mean concentration ob- bolic quotient reflects the maintenance energy served in the plantations (0.75 nmol g–1) is lower requirement of soil microbes: levels above 2 g than the mean (1.0 nmol g–1) observed in 18 –1 CO2-C h kg SMB-C being the critical threshold tropical plantation soils (Joergensen, 2010). for the baseline performance of microbial com- Greater concentrations of adenylates resulted munities (Anderson, 2003). It is considered the in greater AEC levels in the forest soils relative most straightforward index used to evaluate eco- to plantation soils (mean 0.76). The values are system development, disturbance or system ma- slightly lower (0.840.88) than those reported turity (Bastida et al., 2008). The qCO2 has also by Dinesh et al. (2006) and Dinesh and Chaud- been found to be affected by a shift in the com- huri (2013) in soils under mangrove forests position of the microbial populations, for in- of the Andaman Islands, India, and slightly stance the fungal-to-bacterial biomass ratio higher than those (0.67–0.74) ­reported by (Heinze et al., 2010) and has found wide applic- Salamanca et al. (2002) in soils under second- ability in the assessment of forest ecosystems ary tropical forest sites of the Philippines. and different land uses. Lower qCO2 indicated a We observed negative relationships between decrease in the microbial community mainten- the ATP/SMB-C ratio and SMB-C/SMB-N ratio in ance energy requirement in the forest soils and the forest and plantation soils. Similar significant that a smaller microbial community respired at negative relationships between the ATP/SMB-C a greater rate in the plantation soils. Subse- ratio and SMB-C/SMB-N ratios were reported by quently, this could have decreased the substrate Joergensen and Raubuch (2002) and Salamanca use efficiency, i.e. more substrate is catabolized et al. (2002). Salamanca et al. (2006) also re- to CO2 and less substrate is incorporated into the ported that the increase in the ATP/SMB-C ratio SMB (Anderson and Joergensen, 1997), which and the decrease in the SMB-C/SMB-N ratio were suggested that the conversion of total C into mi- related to N concentration in the leaf litter. They crobial C is less efficient (Frazão et al., 2010). In deduced that ­reduced C input to plantation soils ecological terms, however, a high qCO2 reflects a may temporarily restrict the access of soil micro- high maintenance C demand, and if the soil sys- organisms to N-containing organic compounds tem cannot replenish the C that is lost through especially in the dry season. respiration, microbial biomass will decline (An- The ergosterol concentration and the derson and Domsch, 2010). In soils under differ- ­ergosterol/SMB-C ratio, which are indicators ent land uses, Joergensen (2010) found that of fungal biomass (Joergensen and Wichern,

­specific qCO2 values were in the order of pasture 2008), were lower in the plantation soils com- > arable > forest > plantation, and that a signifi- pared to the forest soils. Fungal biomass, recalcu- cant negative relationship between qCO2 and the lated using the ergosterol data, indicated a shift SMB-C/SOC ratio existed in these tropical soils. in the microbial community structure owing to

The mean qCO2 value of the forest soils (41.5 mg change in land use, with fungi dominating the –1 CO2 g microbial biomass C per day) is similar to microbial community over bacteria in the forest Effects of Land-use Changes on Biochemical and Microbial Parameters 17

soils. Joergensen (2010) found that the ergos- (2007) that fungi are more efficient in the use of terol content increased significantly in the order organic substrates. forest > plantation > arable. He also found that fungi represented only 25% of total microbial biomass C in tropical soils. However, other re- 2.5 Conclusions ports indicate that fungi dominate the microbial biomass in tropical soils by approximately 50 to The study provides clear evidence that soil func- 90% (Henrot and Robertson, 1994; Sahani and tioning is significantly impacted due to shifts in Behera, 2001; Li et al., 2006a,b) where the land use from forested ecosystems to agricultural worldwide average of 75% was reported for plantation systems. This was apparent from the all forms of land-use management (Joergensen marked changes in SOC and soil microbial prop- and Wichern, 2008). Greater contributions of erties suggesting that SMB-C, soil respiration fungi to microbial biomass in forest soils could be and SOC are reliable indices of soil quality in explained by the lack of soil disturbance leading tropical regions. Such soils were characterized to undisturbed development of fungal hyphae by low SMB-C levels, low soil respiration rates

(Pennanen et al., 2004; Appuhn et al., 2006). and lower SMB-C/SOC ratios and high qCO2 Apparently, the environment for decomposition values, thereby indicating the negative impacts favours fungi where soil disturbance is low and of changed land use on soil quality. Since these both lignin inputs and soil C/N ratios are high as microbial parameters are indices of biological encountered in forest ecosystems (Grandy et al., stability that ultimately control nutrient cycling 2009), as the majority of lignin decomposition and transformation in soils, any decrease in the is known to occur via fungal rather than bacter- levels of these indices would result in less ‘stable’ ial pathways (Lopez et al., 2006). We obtained soils, which may subsequently lead to soil deg- different patterns in the relationships between radation over the medium term. The altered land qCO2 and the ergosterol/SMB-C ratio in the forest use also influenced the degree of association and plantation sites. Salamanca et al. (2006) between various microbial parameters due to and Scheller and Joergensen (2008) obtained a variations in both quantity and quality of SOM. positive relationship between qCO2 and the er- However, it may be possible to partially restore gosterol/SMB-C ratio that suggested a negative these soils through long-term soil management relationship between substrate use efficiency involving zero/minimum tillage, organic/green and the presence of fungi. However, in our forest manure incorporation, cover cropping, mulching, sites, a negative relationship between qCO2 and etc. that would not only sequester SOC thereby the ergosterol/SMB-C ratio supports the view of enhancing soil quality, but would also prevent Sakamoto and Oba (1994) and Jastrow et al. soil erosion during high rainfall.


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Heather D’Angelo,1* Krista L. McGuire,1,2 Caitlyn Gillikin,2 Francis Q. Brearley3 and Dina C. Merrer4 1Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, USA; 2Department of Biology, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, USA; 3School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK; 4Department of Chemistry, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, USA

3.1 Introduction been shown to alter soil physicochemical prop- erties, it is still not fully understood how these Since the mid-1900s, South-east Asia’s lowland factors then influence soil microbial commu- rain forests have been subjected to intense, large- nities (Bossio et al., 2005; Adachi et al., 2006). scale deforestation, driven mainly by selective In order to comprehensively evaluate the impact logging and, more recently, agricultural expan- that deforestation is having in this region and sion of oil palm plantations (Flint, 1994; Sodhi predict future ecosystem C balances, a more thor- et al., 2004; Wilcove and Koh, 2010). As a result, ough understanding of these relationships is South-east Asia now has the highest rate of therefore needed (Allison and Martiny, 2008). tropical deforestation in the world, accounting Although selective logging has been an for nearly half of total global forest cover loss ­important driver of deforestation in South-east (Hansen et al., 2013). These human disturb- Asia, the expansion of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis; ances have created mosaics of old-growth forest, Arecaceae) plantations has been the most salient regenerating forest and oil palm monocultures consideration in recent years. Palm oil, the com- across the terrestrial landscape, which have mercial commodity extracted from oil palm fruits ­resulted in dramatic biodiversity losses (Okuda and kernels, is the most productive and profit- et al., 2003; Sodhi et al., 2004). Tropical forests able vegetable oil in the world; and the versatility contain approximately half of all terrestrial bio- of this oil in food and non-food commodities has mass (Sala et al. 2000; Pan et al., 2011); thus, made it a crucial source of income in this region soil microbial processes in these ecosystems (Koh and Wilcove, 2007). In Malaysia alone, can be of global importance in regulating trans- primary forests represented nearly 60% of the formations of soil organic matter (SOM) and soil total forests converted to oil palm plantations carbon (C) storage (Bardgett et al., 2008; Wood between the years 1990 and 2005, and fur- et al., 2012). Although land-use changes have ther deforestation is expected in order to meet

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 21 22 H. D’Angelo et al.

increasing future demands for cooking oil and microbial composition, PLFA is a more rapid and biofuel (Sodhi­ et al., 2004; Laurance et al., 2010; cost-effective technique for assessing total bio- ­Wilcove and Koh, 2010; Wicke et al., 2011). mass and community structure of the live pool ­Numerous studies have demonstrated that the of soil microbes. conversion of tropical forest to oil palm plant- In this chapter we test the following hypoth- ations results in biodiversity loss for macrofauna eses: (i) microbial communities would be distinct such as primates, butterflies, birds and insects for each land-use type (primary forest, regenerat- (Peh et al., 2005, 2006; Koh, 2008; Pfeiffer et al., ing forest, and oil palm plantation); (ii) microbial 2008). However, the impacts of these perturba- communities from forest sites (primary forest and tions on soil microbial communities are virtually regenerating forest) would be more similar to unexplored. each other than those found in the oil palm plan- In addition to understanding the impacts of tation site; (iii) microbial communities would be forest conversion on soil microbial communities, distinct at different soil horizon depths; and it is also important to understand their compos- (iv) SMB would be greater in forest sites than in ition in forests regenerating from human disturb- the oil palm plantation sites. To test these hypoth- ances such as logging. In the Asian tropics, the eses, we analysed soil samples collected from an majority of forests are in various states of regen- intact tropical rain forest, a tropical rain forest re- eration, and intact, old-growth forests are be- covering from logging 50 years previously and an coming less reflective of the forested landscape oil palm plantation in active production located in (Asner et al., 2009). There has been much debate and around the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Peninsu- regarding the value of degraded tropical forests lar Malaysia. We conducted this study in order to (Peh et al., 2006; Barlow et al., 2007; Chazdon gain a preliminary understanding of how meas- et al. 2009), especially within the context of C ures of SMB compared across land-use type as a payment programmes and conservation initia- proxy for overall soil health and functionality. We tives such as Reducing Emissions from Deforest- expected that fungal biomass would be lower in ation and Forest Degradation (REDD)+ (Putz and the oil palm plantation than the forests given that Redford, 2009). Many studies have demonstrated fungi are more sensitive to disturbance than bac- that regenerating tropical forests can recover or teria. However, a decrease in SMB or altered mi- continue to retain high biodiversity value even crobial communities could indicate a change in if they are structurally degraded (Dunn, 2004; biogeochemical cycling, which has broader impli- Wilcove and Koh, 2010; Woodcock et al., 2011), cations for global nutrient cycling given the crit- although, again, few studies have evaluated soil ical role played by soil microbial communities. microbial communities within this context. Soil microbial biomass (SMB) is one indica- tor used to approximate the health and function- 3.2 Methods ality of soils (Kaur et al., 2005; Dinesh et al., Chapter 2, this volume). Microbes conduct sev- 3.2.1 Study site eral important functions in soil including aggre- gation, soil water retention, and nutrient capture This study was conducted in the Negeri Sembilan and cycling. Soil microbial biomass also tracks region of peninsular Malaysia (2°58¢N, 102°18¢E) SOM concentrations (Fierer et al., 2009), which in July and August 2010. We collected soils from is another indicator of the condition of soil bio- Pasoh Forest Reserve, which is located within a logical, chemical and physical properties (Carter, core remnant of lowland mixed dipterocarp pri- 2002). One advantage of evaluating SMB is that mary forest (Manokaran and LaFrankie, 1990; because microbes respond quickly to disturbance, Condit et al., 1996; Manokaran et al., 2004). Oil changes in their composition can be readily assessed palm plantations border the reserve to the east, in the laboratory. The technique of phospholipid south and west. This region is aseasonal and fatty acid analysis (PLFA) for quantifying SMB ­receives an annual mean of 2054 mm of rain, has the added advantage of providing a coarse ranging from 1728 to 3112 mm with average community profile of bacteria and fungi. While minimum and maximum temperatures between DNA-based molecular techniques are needed 22.7°C and 33.2°C. Ultisols are found at higher to obtain detailed taxonomic information about elevations, while sandy Entisols predominate at Impact of Oil Palm Agriculture and Logging on Soil 23

lower elevations. Samples were collected from acid standards (Supelco, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania) the south-west area of Pasoh, which is dominated and fungal fatty acid standards (Matreya, Pleasant by tree communities typical of sandy alluvium, Gap, Pennsylvania). Based on these known mi- and all of which belong to the Dipterocarpaceae: crobial biomarkers, we quantified 33 com- ­Shorea maxwelliana, Hopea mengarawan and pounds per sample. The abundance of PLFA ­Dipterocarpus crinitus (Manokaran et al., 2004). markers (nmol g−1 of dry weight of soil sample) were calculated from the integrals of the com- pounds in the gas chromatograms and used for 3.2.2 Sampling scheme further statistical analysis. PLFA values of these 33 peaks were summed to estimate the total SMB for each site and at each depth. Bacterial In addition to choosing the primary forest at biomass was estimated using the biomarkers ­Pasoh Forest Reserve for our first sampling site, 10Me16:0, 10Me17:0, i15:0, a15:0, 15:0, i17:0, we chose a forest remnant that was selectively 17:0, cis17:0, cis19:0, 16:1ω7t, 18:1ω7c, and logged in 1958 and then left to regenerate for our fungal biomass was quantified using 18:2ω6,9 second sampling site (Okuda et al., 2003). For (Frostegård and Bååth, 1996; Whalen and our third sampling site, we selected a nearby Sampedro, 2010; Frostegård et al., 2011). 25-year-old oil palm plantation. We collected five soil cores from three replicate plots (20 × 20 m) at each site, totalling nine plots. In order to evalu- ate the variation in microbial community com- 3.2.4 Statistical analyses position across soil horizons, one 20-cm soil core was taken at each of the four corners and the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey’s post-­ centre of each plot. Each soil core was divided hoc tests were used to test for significant­ differences into three horizons: 0–2, 2–10 and 10–20 cm, in SMB across sites using spss 19 (Chicago, Illi- which were separated with a sterilized knife be- nois). Similarity between samples was calculated fore being placed into sample bags. The soils were using the Bray–Curtis coefficient (Bray and Curtis, frozen and then returned to the USA for analysis. 1957; Clarke, 1993) following presence–absence transformation of the PLFA data. To visualize the similarity in microbial community compos- 3.2.3 Soil and microbial analyses ition across sites, non-metric multi-­dimensional scaling (NMDS) was used (Clarke, 1993). To test the significance of the clustering of microbial In the laboratory, the five soil cores from each community composition by site, Analysis of plot were composited by soil depth (0–2, 2–10 and Similarity (ANOSIM) was employed, which is a 10–20 cm) and homogenized with a sterile 2-mm non-parametric (randomization-­based) method sieve. To assess SMB, microbial community struc- of multivariate analysis used to compare the ture, and bacterial-to-fungal ratios, we used PLFA variation in species abundance and composition on 1–2 g of soil from each sample with two ana- across samples. NMDS and ANOSIM analyses were lytical replicates for each (White et al., 1996). done using Primer-E software (Plymouth, UK). Lipids were extracted from the soils with a single-­ phase, phosphate-buffered, CHCl3–CH3OH solvent ­mixture (2:1) and separated from neutral and ­glycolipid fractions by column chromatography 3.3 Results on silica gel. Phospholipids were dried under N2 at 40°C, transesterified to fatty acid methyl esters Total SMB estimated by summing PLFA com- and quantified by mass spectrometry (Bligh and pounds from each soil depth revealed that SMB Dyer, 1959; Zelles et al., 1992) using an Agilent was significantly higher in the forest sites than in 6980N gas chromatography system equipped the oil palm plantation (P < 0.001; Fig. 3.1). Across with an autosampler and flame ionization detector soil depths (0–2, 2–10 and 10–20 cm), the (FID; Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California). greatest magnitude of difference in SMB across PLFA peaks were identified using­Agilent Chem- sites was observed within the 10–20 cm profile Station software and compared to bacterial fatty (Fig. 3.2). At this depth, both forest sites had 24 H. D’Angelo et al.

140 )

–1 a 120 a 100


60 b 40

20 Total PLFA (n mol gram soil 0 Primary Regenerating Oil palm

Fig. 3.1. Total PLFAs in primary and regenerating forests, and oil palm soils at Pasoh in Peninsular Malaysia. Different letters above the bars indicate significance at P < 0.05.

a 0–2 a b

a Primary 2–10 b a Regenerating

Soil depth (cm) Oil palm a 10–20 b c

050 100 150 200 Total PLFA (n mol gram soil–1)

Fig. 3.2. Total PLFAs in primary and regenerating forests, and oil palm soils across three soil depths: 0–2 cm, 2–10 cm and 10–20 cm at Pasoh in Peninsular Malaysia. Comparisons of microbial biomass were made within each soil depth across sites. Different letters next to the bars indicate significance at P < 0.05 within a depth category. greater SMB than the oil palm plantation and notable in the lower soil horizons (P < 0.01; ­between the forest sites, the regenerating forest had Fig. 3.3), but there was no significant difference in greater SMB than the primary forest (P < 0.05). bacterial-to-fungal ratios between the primary or In the 0–2 cm depth, both forest sites had greater regenerating forest. ANOSIM of lipid composition SMB than the oil palm plantation (P < 0.05). across samples (all horizons summed for each Last, in the 2–10 cm depth, there was no signifi- sample) showed that the microbial community cant difference between the primary forest and composition was distinct across all three sites the oil palm plantation (P = 0.06) but the regener- (P < 0.01 for all contrasts; Fig. 3.4). ating forest had greater SMB than both the primary forest and the oil palm plantation (P < 0.001). At all sites, bacterial-to-fungal ratios declined with sam- 3.4 Discussion pling depth (Fig. 3.3). Bacterial-­to-fungal ratios in the oil palm plantation were significantly lower Conversion of lowland tropical rain forest to oil than in the forest sites and this was most palm agriculture results in reduced diversity of Impact of Oil Palm Agriculture and Logging on Soil 25

a 0–2 a a

c 2–10 b Primary a Regenerating Soil depth (cm) Oil palm b 10–20 ab a

015210 5 02530 Bacteria:Fungi

Fig. 3.3. Bacterial-to-fungal ratios in primary and regenerating forests, and oil palm soils at three soil depths at Pasoh in Peninsular Malaysia. Different letters next to the bars indicate significance at P < 0.05.

palm plantations have a similar tree age struc- Primary ture, a uniform canopy and sparse understorey Oil palm vegetation (Danielsen et al., 2009). A recent study Regenerating by Luskin and Potts (2011) evaluating habitat characteristics of forest sites at Pasoh Forest ­Reserve and nearby oil palm plantations found that, within the plantations, the area covered by leaf litter was reduced and more patchy com- pared to forest sites. Because leaf litter sustains Fig. 3.4. Non-metric multidimensional scaling plot microbial growth for decomposition and nutri- of soil microbial community composition for ent cycling, and the quantity of SOM is correl- primary and regenerating forests, and oil palm ated with SMB (Fierer et al., 2009; Dinesh et al., plantations at Pasoh in Peninsular Malaysia. Chapter 2, this volume), we expected to find greater SMB in forest soils based on this observation numerous macroscopic taxa (Fitzherbert et al., alone. Oil palm plantations also lack much coarse 2008; Koh and Wilcove, 2008; Sodhi et al., 2004). woody debris, which serves as a C source for de- This study found analogous reductions in SMB composer microbes. As would be predicted from and alterations in microbial community compos- this observation, a recent study found that the ition. Our results corroborate previous studies diversity of wood-­inhabiting fungi was signifi- that have reported reductions in SMB following cantly reduced in oil palm plantations relative to land-use change from forest to plantations (Henrot nearby forest sites (Hattori et al., 2012). and Robertson, 1994; Sahani and Behera, 2000; In addition to differences in leaf litter quan- Waldrop et al., 2000; Bossio et al., 2005; Dinesh tity, differences in the chemical constituents of et al., Chapter 2, this volume); however, this study the litter can also influence the size of the SMB. is one of the few to investigate microbial com- The chemical composition of leaf litter is deter- munities specifically in oil palm plantations in mined by plant community composition, which South-east Asia. is much more heterogeneous in forest habitats Our finding that forest soils had greater compared to monoculture oil palm plantations. SMB than oil palm plantation soils could be due Managed plantations also receive external in- to a number of differences in biotic and abiotic puts of chemical fertilizers that can alter the factors across sites. One major difference across SMB (Treseder, 2008; Phosri et al., 2010). Oil sites is that the oil palm plantation has less leaf palm plantation soils also had notable differences litter in the upper horizons of soil (personal in soil physicochemical characteristics such as ­observations), probably due to the fact that oil a less acidic soil and a greater soil calcium 26 H. D’Angelo et al.

concentration (McGuire et al., 2015), which canopies and more diverse tree stands (Hamer could further alter SMB and microbial commu- et al., 2003; Okuda et al., 2003). In contrast, our nity composition. results show that these forests share many simi- Another difference between forest and larities belowground, as indicated by their total plantation soils likely to affect SMB may be soil SMB and fungal-to-bacterial ratios. More im- surface temperatures and solar irradiance (Fowler portantly, in almost all of the analyses, this study et al., 2011; Luskin and Potts, 2011). Significant shows that regenerating forests had more in temporal variability in soil moisture was reported common with primary forests than they did with previously from this site where oil palm planta- oil palm plantations. This observation is a critical tion soils were hotter and drier during the day- point, given that regenerating forests are likely time than their forest counterparts (Luskin and candidates for conversion to oil palm plantations Potts, 2011). Drying and wetting can alter soil because their conservation value is still widely microbial communities because bacteria and viewed as uncertain (Berry et al., 2010), and has fungi are inherently different in their abilities to generated a need for more research comparing a resist and acclimate to stress (Schimel et al., 2007; broad range of ecological parameters between Brearley, Chapter 4, this volume). Similarly, a de- regenerating and primary forests. crease in soil moisture can increase rates of cell Since the ecological value of a secondary lysis due to desiccation, which leads to reductions forest is expected to increase over time (Martin in SMB (Wardle and Parkinson, 1990). et al., 2013), it is possible that as regenerating Bacterial-to-fungal ratios were significantly forests recover aboveground similarities to their lower in the oil palm plantation, which was old-growth counterparts, the belowground simi- counter to expectations, since agricultural sites larities may increase as well. For example, we ob- have been found to have greater bacterial domin- served that the regenerating forest that had been ance and forests have been found to be more fun- abandoned for 50 years since logging had already gal dominated (Fierer et al., 2009). An increase regained similar SMB compared to the primary in fungal-to-bacterial abundance has been cor- forest. However, the exact course of the trajec- related with more acidic soil pH and higher soil tory within the last 50 years is unclear and this C:N ratios (Fierer et al., 2009; Nilsson et al., 2011). highlights a gap in our understanding of the In a recent study, we found higher C:N ratios and mechanisms underlying microbial succession. more acidic pH in the primary forest soils (McGuire Numerous studies have shown that changes et al., 2015), but this did not reflect a greater rela- in land use have a significant effect on microbial tive abundance of fungi relative to bacteria. The community composition (Waldrop et al., 2000; reason for higher bacterial-to-fungal ratios in the Carney et al., 2004; Bossio et al., 2005), and our forest sites remains elusive, but may be related to results show that microbial community compos- oil palm plantation management techniques that ition was distinct across all sites. In the context were not included as covariates in our analyses. of forest restoration, these results provide a The differences in pH between the forest sites and snapshot of how variations due to land-use his- the oil palm plantation may also not have been tory alter microbial communities, thus bringing extreme enough to elicit changes in bacterial-to-­ into question whether microbially mediated pro- fungal ratios. In a recent study that evaluated cesses remain functionally equivalent across sites. fungal and bacterial biomass across a pH gradi- While it is known that microbial dynamics are ent in the UK, PLFA-based ratios of bacteria-­to- the foundation on which higher trophic levels fungi did not vary significantly for a pH range of are built, the influence of these differences on 4.5 to 7.4 (Rousk et al., 2011). Because the pH succession in an abandoned oil palm plantation values of all the sites in this study fall within this remains unclear. range, it is possible that the disparity was not Although this study does not address the great enough to alter the biomass ratios. taxonomic differences responsible for the pat- Across the tropics, many degraded forests terns we have observed, the marked distinction appear to be transitioning to a state of regener- between the microbial communities of the oil ation (Meyfroidt and Lambin, 2011). Regenerat- palm plantation and the primary forest is worth ing forests have many characteristics that differ noting because of the unique relationship be- from primary forests aboveground, such as lower tween trees and fungi in this region. In the Malay Impact of Oil Palm Agriculture and Logging on Soil 27

Peninsula, primary forests are dominated by large this preliminary study of microbial communities stands of trees in the Dipterocarpaceae. These within forest sites and an oil palm plantation is a trees form symbiotic associations with ectomyc- useful starting point for further analysis. orrhizal fungi that are important for their growth and survival. Ectomycorrhizal fungi form exten- sive belowground networks that provide the roots 3.5 Conclusions of their plant hosts with essential nutrients such as water, nitrogen and phosphorus in exchange In conclusion, our results that oil palm ecosys- for fixed C (Smith and Read, 2008). Given that tems have lower SMB and altered microbial the soil in tropical rain forests is often nutrient-­ communities compared to forest sites indicate poor, the survival and growth of the Diptero- that plantations may experience altered bio- carpaceae depend upon their ability to form geochemical cycling compared to forest sites. ectomycorrhizal associations (Alexander et al., ­Because tropical forests contain the equivalent 1992; Brearley, 2012). Studies have shown that of 37% of global terrestrial C pools (Dixon et al., fungi are sensitive to stress from intensive agri- 1994), changes in biogeochemical cycling in cultural management practices such as fertilizer this region will have global implications. Oil palm application and tillage (Munyanziza et al., 1997; plantations are predicted to continue expanding Treseder 2004); however, little is known about in South-east Asia until at least 2020 (Koh and the response of fungi to oil palm plantation cul- Ghazoul, 2010). Therefore, efforts to under- tivation (but see McGuire et al., 2015). Explor- stand the effects of shifts in microbial compos- ation of this topic should be a key aim of future ition and biomass on nutrient cycling in these research in order to recommend better planta- ecosystems are of major importance. tion management practices. Since there were distinct differences in mi- crobial biomarkers across sites, there are likely Acknowledgements differences in microbial communities at finer levels of taxonomic resolution, and an initial We acknowledge the National Science Founda- study by McGuire et al. (2015) found a major tion (CHE-0234660 to D.C.M.), which funded the shift in fungal community composition and a purchase of the gas chromatograph and Marina significant reduction in fungal species diversity, Orman for technical assistance. Nina Yang, Rosie especially among ectomycorrhizal fungi, in oil Gradoville, Carling Bateman and Patahayah Man- palm plantation soils compared to forest soils. sor assisted with sample collection. The Forest A major limitation of PLFA is that it does not Research Institute of Malaysia provided invalu- allow for resolution to the species level, so future able logistic support and infrastructure. Research work should prioritize sequencing the DNA of permits were granted through the Malaysian soil microbes to resolve exactly which taxa have Economic Planning Unit and the Pasoh Research different responses across habitats. However, Committee.


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Francis Q. Brearley* School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

4.1 Introduction Southern Oscillation events, are predicted to ­increase in this region (Timmerman et al., 1999; Land-use change is known to affect the diversity Kumagai et al., 2013) leading to uncertain im- and composition of soil microbial communities pacts on the soil environment and soil microbial in a range of tropical ecosystems (Bossio et al., communities. In this chapter, the comparative 2005; Verchot, 2010; Dinesh et al., Chapter 2, responses of soil microbial communities from this volume; Mendes et al., Chapter 5, this volume). undisturbed primary rain forest and an adjacent In addition, land-use change also affects soil oil palm plantation to a simulated drought are ­nutrient status through a reduction in carbon determined in order to evaluate their resistance (C) input leading to knock-on changes mediated and resilience to drought stress. through soil microbial communities. While the Soil moisture plays an essential role in focus of most of the research into the effects ­microbial activity and, hence, biogeochemical of land-use change on soils has been on their processes (Billings and Phillips, 2011). In the chemical properties and on the diversity of soil vast majority of studies, microbial activity is organisms/microbes, much less work has been reduced in dry soils (Manzoni et al., 2012; conducted on the impacts on ecosystem func- Moyano et al., 2013). Upon rewetting, there is tioning, such as functional stability. regularly a rapid release of CO2 due to a soil mi- One major land-use transition currently crobial respiration pulse (often to levels higher ­occurring in South-east Asia is the conversion of than that found in moist soils) and increased forested lands to oil palm plantations, which are nitrogen (N) mineralization rates (Borken and a highly profitable agricultural crop (Koh et al., Matzner, 2009; Kim et al., 2012). This is due to 2011; Carlson et al., 2012). Much of the re- the ‘microbial stress’ response (sensu Xiang search on the conversion to oil palm has focused et al., 2008) whereby microbial­ cells are rup- on the changes in biodiversity of insects and lar- tured following osmotic shock and there is a ger animals (Fitzherbert et al., 2008; Turner et al., concomitant release of cell solutes either by cell 2011) and there has been little attention paid lysis or actively in response to changing osmotic to the organisms that live in soils. Furthermore, conditions; these compounds are then rapidly droughts, especially those related to El Niño– taken up by growing microbial cells. It is also

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 31 32 F.Q. Brearley

due to the ‘substrate supply’ mechanism in which and, as such, the results should be considered changes in soil structure and disaggregation of with this in mind. soil organic matter during soil rewetting lead to more C being made labile in the soil that is, again, taken up by growing microbial cells (Fierer and Schimel, 2003). Many studies have 4.2 Methods examined the response of individual soils to such drying–rewetting stresses but there is little Soils (Ultisols) were collected from Pasoh Forest understanding of how land-use change affects Reserve in south-central Malaysia (2°58¢N; microbial responses to these stresses (but see 102°18¢E; Okuda et al., 2003) and an adjacent Gordon et al., 2008; Huygens et al., 2011; de oil palm plantation (about 8 years since plant- Vries et al., 2012). ing; Fig. 4.1) in February 2011. This area is one In this study, soils were collected from a pri- of the driest in Malaysia and receives around mary forest and an adjacent oil palm plantation 1800–2000 mm rainfall a year with extended and subjected to a brief simulated drought and dry periods (around 3 weeks) occurring typic- subsequent rewetting to assess the short-term ally in late January or late July (Manokaran resistance and resilience of the microbial com- et al., 2004). munity from the different land-use types. Fungi Ten soil samples were collected (to 8 cm are generally considered more tolerant of soil depth), equally spaced along two 40-m transects drying (Harris, 1980; Manzoni et al., 2012) and in each land-use type. They were sieved to approxi- the key hypothesis under examination here is mately 8 mm to remove any stones and roots, that the primary forest soil, having a more diverse pooled by land-use type and returned to the la- fungal community (McGuire et al., 2015), will boratory in Malaysia where they were maintained show a greater resistance and resilience to drought in a fresh state in a refrigerator for 2 weeks before than the oil palm plantation soil community. being returned to the UK. About 180 g of pooled While laboratory-based experiments, such as this soil (with four replicates per ­forest type) were one, allow more precise control of experimental placed in plastic containers (9.5 cm tall; 7.5 cm conditions, they lack some of the ecological real- upper diameter, 5.5 cm lower diameter with a ity of those conducted under field conditions 7-mm diameter hole in the lid for aeration) in an

Fig. 4.1. Oil palm plantation adjacent to Pasoh Forest Reserve in south-central Malaysia. Microbial Functioning in Response to Simulated Drought 33

incubator at 25°C in the dark. They were main- at 34°C for 5 h. At the end of the incubation, 2 ml tained at the water holding capacity at the time of of 0.5 M K2SO4 was added, the soils were vortexed collection for 1 week before being adjusted to 70% again, centrifuged and filtered through filter papers water holding capacity for 1 further week before followed by a 0.2-μm filter and analysed for ammo- the start of the experiment. At the start of the ex- nium on a Dionex ICS-2000 ion chromatography periment, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, fungal system. Blanks had deionized water added instead and bacterial colony forming units, urease activ- of urea, and urease activity was calculated as the ity, phosphatase activity, ammonium and nitrate difference in ammonium concentrations between concentrations, soil pH, total C and N, extractable the two. Phosphatase activity was measured using­ phosphorus (P) and exchangeable potassium (K), a protocol based on that of Johnson et al. (1998). calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were all deter- A total of 1 g of soil was added to 10 ml of deion- mined (see below for methods). The soils were then ized water to create a soil slurry. Next, 1 ml of this dried in the incubator for 2 weeks to simulate a was added to 4 ml of deionized water and 1 ml of drought by removing the lids of the plastic con- 0.01 M p-nitrophenyl phosphate and incubated at tainers and the same measurements retaken at 37°C for 1 h while shaking at 200 rpm. Then 4 ml the end of this period. The soils were then rewet to of 2 M NaOH was added to stop the reaction and the 70% water holding capacity to simulate the end of tubes were centrifuged before absorbance of the the drought and left for 2 weeks more before the ­solution was measured at 410 nm (Cecil CE1020 final set of measurements were completed. spectrophotometer) with appropriate standards of Measurement of fluorescein diacetate hy- p-nitrophenol. drolysis (as a broad measure of total microbial Assessment of the different land uses and the activity) followed Margesin (2005): 1 g of fresh drying and rewetting process was also made on soil soil was added to 10 ml of NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 chemical properties. Ammonium and nitrate were buffer (30 mM of each) at pH7 and 100 μl of fluor- extracted from 5 g of fresh soil with 50 ml of 1 M escein diacetate substrate in acetone (2 mg ml–1) KCl and shaken at 180 rpm for 1 h. Extracts were was added before the tubes were vortexed and then filtered (0.2 μm) and analysed on a Dionex placed in an incubator at 25°C. After 2 h, they ICS-2000 ion chromatography system. Soil pH were removed, 10 ml of acetone was added to was measured by adding 5 g of air-dried soil to stop the reaction, they were centrifuged and ab- 12.5 ml of distilled water that was stirred and left sorbance of the solution measured at 490 nm to equilibrate for 1 h before pH was measured on a (Cecil CE1020 spectrophotometer) with appro- Sartorius PB-11 pH meter. Total C and N were ana- priate fluorescein standards and blanks. lysed on a LECO TruSpec CN elemental analyser The culturable fungal and bacterial num- using 0.2 g air-dried soils. P was extracted from 1 g bers in soil were assessed by the number of col- of air-dried soil with 10 ml of Mehlich 1 solution ony forming units (CFUs) determined by a serial (0.05 M HCl plus 0.025 M H2SO4) by shaking for dilution viable count technique (Madigan and 5 mins and subsequently analysed on a Thermo Martinko, 2006). About 1 g of soil was added to iCAP 6300 Duo inductively coupled plasma optical 10 ml of sterile water and then serially diluted emission spectrometer. ­Exchangeable Ca, K and Mg (ten-fold) with 100 μl spread plated out on petri were determined by leaching 2.5 g air-dried sam- dishes containing potato dextrose agar (with 0.05% ples with five successive additions of 10 ml of 1 M (w/v) chloramphenicol) for fungi and tryptic soy ammonium acetate; lanthanum chloride was agar (with 0.05% (w/v) cyclohexamide) for bac- added to the samples for Ca and Mg determination teria. The petri dishes were incubated for 72 h at to create a 0.1% LaCl solution before analysis on a 25°C before enumeration of CFUs. Thermo iCE 3300 atomic absorption spectrometer. The activity of two soil enzymes was assessed All results were converted to a soil oven-dry basis to determine microbial capacity for nutrient min- by drying soils at 105°C for 24 h. eralization. Urease activity was measured follow- Data were analysed using a general linear ing the protocol of Schaller (1993). Two grams model with a repeated measures design using of fresh soil was added to 0.5 ml toluene and pre-­ Minitab 16.1; Tukey’s tests were conducted fol- incubated at 34°C for 15 mins. One ml of 55 mM lowing all analyses. Data were log-transformed urea and 3 ml of deionized water was added, if required and 1 was added to any zero CFU the soils were then vortexed and incubated readings to avoid bimodality. 34 F.Q. Brearley

4.3 Results fungi as, although bacteria from the primary for- est showed a greater reduction in numbers in re- Microbial activity was significantly greater sponse to the drought (P < 0.001), they recovered in the primary forest soil than the oil palm soil to higher numbers than previously, leading to a (P < 0.001; Fig. 4.2). Drought reduced fluores- significant forest × drought interaction (P < 0.01). cein diacetate hydrolysis to a similar magnitude Bacterial CFUs in the oil palm soil showed much in both soil types to around 25–30% of initial less of a change following the drought or during (pre-drought) conditions (P < 0.001). Microbial the rewetting period (Fig. 4.3b). activity recovered to around two-thirds of pre- Both ammonium and nitrate concentra- drought activity after rewetting. Primary forest tions were significantly greater in the primary soil microbial communities showed a better re- forest soils than in the oil palm plantation soils covery after rewetting than the oil palm planta- (ammonium P < 0.001; nitrate P = 0.01; Fig. 4.4). tion communities (73% of initial value compared There was an increase in ammonium concen- to 58% of initial value) as they were significantly trations under the drought conditions that was different from the activity during the drought, further increased after rewetting in both forest whereas the oil palm plantation communities types (P < 0.001; Fig. 4.4a). This effect was sig- were not (Fig. 4.2). nificantly greater in the primary forest than in Initial fungal CFU numbers were signifi- the oil palm plantation (P < 0.001). Nitrate con- cantly higher in the primary forest soil (P = 0.01; centrations increased (although not significantly) Fig. 4.3a) and were reduced following the drought when droughted and were then reduced (again, (P < 0.001), significantly so in the primary forest not significantly) when rewetted, so overall there (leading to a forest × drought interaction, P < 0.05). were no significant differences in nitrate concen- Recovery showed a similar pattern in both forest trations between the beginning and end of the types although fungal CFUs did not reach initial experiment (P < 0.05; Fig. 4.4b). pre-drought numbers at the end of the experi- Soil pH was more acidic in the primary for- ment (Fig. 4.3a). Overall, the number of bacter- est soils and both soil types showed a very large ial CFUs was not significantly different between increase in acidity (c. 2 pH units) when soils were the two forest types (Fig. 4.3b), but their response droughted and a subsequent decrease to a value to the drought contrasted markedly with that of intermediate between the initial pre-drought and

2.0 Oil palm Primary forest

y mass over 2 h y mass over 1. 6 a

1. 2 ab ab

0.8 bc

eleased per gram soil dr 0.4 c c scein r 0.0 0 (Wet) 2 (Dry) 4 (Wet) Week re μg fluo

Fig. 4.2. Effects of drying and rewetting on fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis by soil microbial communities from microcosms of Malaysian primary forest and adjacent oil palm plantations (letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05. Microbial Functioning in Response to Simulated Drought 35

(a) (b) 108 Oil palm Primary forest

a 7

–1 10

ab bc a bc

CFU gram soil 6 10 ab cd ab

bc c d c 105 0 (Wet) 2 (Dry) 4 (Wet) 0 (Wet) 2 (Dry) 4 (Wet) Week Fig. 4.3. Effects of drying and rewetting on soil (a) fungal and (b) bacterial populations in microcosms of Malaysian primary forest and adjacent oil palm plantations (letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05).

(a) (b)

140 Oil palm Primary forest a 120 ) –1 l 100

80 a (μg gram soi

3– a 60 ab /NO

4+ ab 40 NH ab 20 b bc cd d cd b 0 0 (Wet) 2 (Dry) 4 (Wet) 0 (Wet) 2 (Dry) 4 (Wet) Week Fig. 4.4. Effects of drying and rewetting on soil (a) ammonium and (b) nitrate concentrations in microcosms of Malaysian primary forest and adjacent oil palm plantations (letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05). drought periods when rewetted (Table 4.1). Soil C rewetting, with this pattern being more notable and N were both higher in the primary forest in the primary forest soils (Table 4.1). Extractable soils; C did not change in response to the drying/ P was 16 times greater in the oil palm soils indi- rewetting treatment, whereas N was reduced cating fertilization with this element. It was re- when droughted and increased again following duced following drought to about 40% of initial­ 36 F.Q. Brearley

Table 4.1. Effects of drying and rewetting on soil chemical and enzymatic properties in microcosms of Malaysian primary forest (PF) and adjacent oil palm (OP) plantations.

Land Week 0 Week 2 Week 4 Forest Time Forest × use Wet Dry Wet (P) (P) time (P) pH PF 5.66 ± 0.04a 3.21 ± 0.05e 4.13 ± 0.04c <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 OP 5.55 ± 0.08a 3.66 ± 0.01d 4.54 ± 0.03b C (%) PF 2.03 ± 0.11a 1.80 ± 0.11a 1.82 ± 0.05a <0.001 n.s. n.s. OP 1.32 ± 0.03b 1.24 ± 0.01b 1.27 ± 0.04b N (%) PF 0.21 ± 0.009a 0.14 ± 0.015bc 0.17 ± 0.005ab <0.001 <0.001 n.s. OP 0.13 ± 0.003cd 0.10 ± 0.002d 0.11 ± 0.004cd P extractable PF 3.15 ± 0.27c 3.12 ± 0.21c 2.03 ± 0.44c <0.001 <0.001 <0.05 (mg kg–1) OP 80.1 ± 7.3a 32.5 ± 3.7b 29.1 ± 4.7b K exchangeable PF 0.12 ± 0.008bc 0.12 ± 0.006c 0.11 ± 0.009c <0.05 n.s. n.s. –1 ab abc a (cmolc kg ) OP 0.14 ± 0.004 0.13 ± 0.006 0.14 ± 0.004 Ca exchangeable PF 0.10 ± 0.01a 0.12 ± 0.01a 0.11 ± 0.003a <0.001 n.s. n.s. –1 b b b (cmolc kg ) OP 0.46 ± 0.04 0.51 ± 0.01 0.50 ± 0.01 Mg exchangeable PF 0.09 ± 0.05e 0.11 ± 0.003cd 0.10 ± 0.004de <0.001 <0.001 n.s. –1 bc a ab (cmolc kg ) OP 0.12 ± 0.01 0.16 ± 0.004 0.14 ± 0.004 Phosphatase PF 2.79 ± 0.43ab 2.88 ± 0.42ab 4.82 ± 1.53a <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 (mM p-NPP OP 0.50 ± 0.05c 1.68 ± 0.25b 2.37 ± 0.33ab produced g soil: 3 h incubation) a a ab Urease (μg NH4+ PF 14.1 ± 0.75 12.6 ± 2.29 7.06 ± 1.47 <0.01 <0.05 n.s. produced g soil: OP 6.27 ± 1.38b 10.2 ± 0.76ab 5.48 ± 0.27b 5 h incubation)

Note: letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05. values and remained at this lower level following are commonly found in soils under plantation rewetting in the oil palm soil; no changes were crops (Verchot, 2010), including previous studies seen in the primary forest soil. Soil exchangeable under oil palm plantations (Adachi et al., 2006), K, Ca and Mg were all higher in the oil palm soils due to increased rates of decomposition and ­reduced (Table 4.1); only Mg concentrations increased in litter input. It cannot be confirmed whether the response to drought and returned to pre-drought palms were fertilized or not, but the high values levels at the end of the experiment (Table 4.1). for extractable soil P make this highly likely; the Both phosphatase and urease were lower in increase in other cations may also be due to fer- the oil palm plantations but their response to the tilization. There was a reduction in microbial drying and rewetting was different (Table 4.1). biomass and microbial activity in oil palm soils Phosphatase activity in oil palm soils was lowest compared to the primary forest soil (D’Angelo prior to the drought but increased during and fol- et al., Chapter 3, this volume) as may be expected lowing the drying, whereas there was no change in following the reduction in soil C during the pro- the primary forest soils (Table 4.1). Urease activity cess of land-use change (Dinesh et al., Chapter 2, was idiosyncratic and patterns were not consistent this volume). or significantly different over time (Table 4.1). In general, microbial activity was reduced in dry soils as expected (Manzoni et al., 2012; Moyano et al., 2013). However, when the pat- 4.4 Discussion terns are unpicked a little further we can see some interesting and subtle patterns. When In common with many other studies, soil C and using fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis as a meas- N were lower in the oil palm plantations when ure of microbial activity, there were indications compared with the forest, but concentration of that the primary forest soil microbial commu- other nutrients did not differ. Lower soil C stocks nity functioning was more resilient to drought Microbial Functioning in Response to Simulated Drought 37

(i.e. recovered closer to pre-drought activity period that was then denitrified upon rewetting than the oil palm community). Similarly, Chaer (Groffman and Teijde, 1988). Nitrifying bacteria et al. (2009) found microbial populations from appear to be particularly sensitive to drought primary forest soil to be more stable following a conditions (Stark and Firestone, 1995) and this heat stress than those from adjacent agricul- may explain the increase in ammonium concen- tural land, with different microbial parameters trations during the drought conditions as the either showing greater resistance or resilience in ­reduction in nitrifier activity during drying the primary forest soil. In contrast to the relative meant that additional ammonium released was resilience of fungal populations, bacteria from not converted to nitrate. the oil palm plantation soil appeared more resist- These results compare favourably with those ant to the drought (i.e. populations did not of Muhr et al. (2010) who showed a large increase change as much as in the primary forest com- in ammonium concentrations after drying and re- munity). This could be because the oil palm wetting (c. ten-fold) as did Miller et al. (2005). In bacterial communities have adapted to an envir- contrast, Fierer and Schimel (2002) did not see onment where drying and rewetting are more any effects of drying–rewetting on soil ammo- frequent due to a lower, more open canopy lead- nium concentration. For nitrate, these results also ing to a less humid environment (Luskin and compare with Fierer and Schimel (2002), who Potts, 2011) and reduced soil moisture buffering showed that nitrate concentrations were reduced capacity as there is less of an insulating litter by about 10–20% in their droughted treatments layer (personal observation). In contrast to the relative to their controls. Miller et al. (2005) also bacteria from the oil palm plantation that exhib- showed small reductions in nitrate concentra- ited a higher resistance to the drought by chan- tions, whereas Muhr et al. (2010) found an initial ging less in number, the bacteria in the primary increase in nitrate after rewetting but that it was forest soil exhibited a high resilience by increas- similar to pre-drying/rewetting values after about ing in number rapidly following rewetting after 20 days. Few studies have actually examined the drought. Data from fluorescein diacetate hy- changes in mineral N concentrations throughout drolysis suggest that microbial­ communities the wetting–drying cycle, but Muhr et al. (2010) from the primary forest are similarly resistant to showed an increase in ammonium and nitrate drought to those of the oil palm plantation (i.e. during the drying process, although this was not show similar reductions in activity reduction) or as pronounced as following the rewetting. How- perhaps less resistant (in the case of bacteria) ever, there are differences between all of the above but are more resilient (i.e. show closer recovery studies in the magnitude and timings of the differ- to initial activity). These overall results are some- ences in N concentrations, and the reasons for what in contrast to de Vries et al. (2012) who these differences are worthy of additional study found more extensively managed grassland soils but are likely to include soil mineralogy, length of (i.e. fungal-dominated ecosystems) had a more drought and the ratio between ammonium and resistant microbial community than wheat field nitrate in addition to changes in land use. soils (bacterial-dominated) when subjected to The changes in soil pH with drying and re- drought conditions. wetting were very large (greater than one pH Mineral N concentrations were greater in unit). Reductions in soil pH with drying has been the primary forest soil than the oil palm soil. shown previously (Erich and Hoskins, 2011) al- Ammonium and nitrate concentrations in- though, in that case, the change in pH was con- creased during the drought period. Ammonium siderably smaller (<0.5 pH units). Surprisingly, increased further following the drought while and in contrast, to other studies (e.g. Turner and nitrate concentrations then declined again (al- Haygarth, 2000, 2003), the oil palm plantation though these results were not significant for soils showed a reduction in extractable P with nitrate). This ammonification pulse was greater drying. It is not clear why this is, but the addition in primary forest soil than the oil palm soil. It is of P as fertilizer may have led to increased sorp- known that denitrification­ is high in moist trop- tion of P on soil surfaces with drying as reported ical soils (Bai et al., 2012) and is reduced by dry by Haynes and Swift (1985). soil conditions. This may explain the accumula- Extracellular enzyme activity (of both tion of nitrate in the soils during the drying phosphatase and urease) was lower in the oil 38 F.Q. Brearley

palm plantation soils than the primary forest leads to changes in soil chemical and biological soils. Phosphatase activity was negatively cor- properties with general reductions in soil C and related with the availability of P in the oil palm ­microbial activity in common with many other plantation soils; it was initially low when P con- studies of tropical land-use change. It has also centrations were high and then decreased as P shown that disturbance to the soil system (in availability declined with the drying and rewetting. this case drying and rewetting) led to differen- This result is in line with numerous other studies tial responses from the microbial communities that have linked phosphatase activity to the in soils under the two land-use types. However, availability of P in soil (Nannipieri et al., 2011). different populations and processes can show The effects of the treatments on urease activity contrasting responses (e.g. fungi show similar were somewhat idiosyncratic. This is maybe responses in the two soil types, whereas bac- because urease does not appear to be sensitive teria showed quite different responses) and this to drought in tropical soils (Stark and Brearley, is likely due to the soil properties and the envir- unpublished data) or it may reflect a process that onmental conditions as well as the structure is not yet understood. However, previous authors of the microbial communities. These results have found reductions in urease and phosphat- therefore have implications for C, N and nutri- ase activities under drought conditions (Henry ent cycling and losses from the ecosystem. More et al., 2005; Sardans and Penuelas, 2005) al- broadly, changes in tropical land use and soil though phosphatase is not always affected (Yavitt management have implications for biogeo- et al., 2004). Furthermore, Zhao et al. (2010) found chemical cycling that will depend upon an a reduction in urease activity with an increase in ­improved understanding of both how micro- the number of drying–rewetting cycles. How- bial populations and their functioning are im- ever, other authors have rarely considered the pacted by land-use changes and how this is effects of drying and rewetting on microbial pro- differentially modulated by additional stresses cesses such as enzyme production and activity and disturbances. as the main areas of study are C (as CO2 efflux) and mineral N fluxes. Acknowledgements

4.5 Conclusions Thanks to David McKendry for analytical sup- port and colleagues in Malaysia (especially Lee This study has shown that conversion of South-­ Su See and members of her laboratory) for as- east Asian primary forest to oil palm plantation sistance.


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Lucas W. Mendes,1,2 Acácio A. Navarrete,1,2 Clóvis D. Borges,1 Eiko E. Kuramae2 and Siu Mui Tsai1* 1Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture CENA, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Microbial Ecology Department, Netherlands Institute of Ecology NIOO-KNAW, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

5.1 Introduction on the sustainability of agricultural production. Deforestation and agricultural intensification are Soil-living microorganisms represent the largest common land-use changes in tropical regions biodiversity pool on Earth, with more than 1030 such as South-east Asia and the Amazon, which microbial cells and estimates of 104 to 106 species are hotspots of biodiversity (Erwin, 1983; Myers per gram of soil (Whitman et al., 1998; Torsvik et al., 2000). Due to anthropogenic activities and et al., 2002; Roesch et al., 2007). With their enor- dramatic changes in land use, these regions have mous numbers, large biomass and involvement in the highest deforestation rates (Sodhi et al., 2004; numerous key biogeochemical functions, soil mi- Fearnside, 2006; Hansen et al., 2008), which has crobial communities hold a central place in ter- impacted upon their rich and unique biodiver- restrial ecosystems. Soil microbial communities sity, in particular aboveground diversity (Brook carry out essential ecosystem functions (Bardgett et al., 2003; Sodhi et al., 2004; Hoffmann et al., et al., 2008), including nutrient cycling, facilitat- 2010), for example, 5843 km2 of Amazonia was ing plant nutrition, ­disease suppression, water deforested in 2013 (INPE, 2013). Therefore, in- purification and biological attenuation of pollu- creased attention has recently been paid to micro- tants. Nowhere are soil microbial communities bial communities resident in soils converted from likely to be more complex than under tropical rain forest into agricultural fields, which is needed forests, which house the majority of plant diver- to increase our knowledge about the effects of sity on Earth (Dirzo and Raven, 2003; Kreft and land-use changes on the microbial community Jetz, 2007). structure, composition and functioning. Despite Biodiversity loss is happening rapidly in the the increased appreciation of belowground tropics, much of which is due to expanding agri- microbial diversity in the tropics, little is known cultural activities (Phalan et al., 2013; Wilcove­ about bacterial taxa responses and much less et al., 2013). The process of land conversion about the functional responses to alterations in and agricultural intensification is one of the soil chemical properties and fertility following most important causes of biodiversity loss, with deforestation and agricultural management of negative effects both on the environment and tropical forest soils.

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 41 42 L.W. Mendes et al.

Deforestation and land degradation in the quality and content (Carter, 2001; Roscoe et al., tropics has resulted in increased greenhouse gas 2006; Dinesh et al., Chapter 2, this volume; emissions to the atmosphere, loss of biodiversity, D’Angelo et al., Chapter 3, this volume) because a decrease in carbon (C) sequestration capacity it responds rapidly to environmental changes, and changes in many soil properties (Fearnside, often much earlier than soil physical and chem- 2005). Previous studies have shown that con- ical parameters, including SOC and even crop version of Amazonian forest to pasture causes productivity (Roscoe et al., 2006; Franchini an increase in soil pH, ammonium concentra- et al., 2007; Hungria et al., 2009). tions and bulk density, as well as a decrease in Soil microbial biomass (SMB) has been nitrate concentrations and soil porosity (Piccolo ­defined by the portion of SOM constituted by ar- et al., 1994; Reiners et al., 1994). The consequent chaea, bacteria and eukaryotes, excluding roots reduction in the diversity of the soil microbial and animals smaller than 5 × 103 μm3 (Jenkinson community may cause a loss of ecosystem func- and Ladd, 1981), and it has been quantified tion, reducing the ability of ecosystems to through two different methods: fumigation–­ withstand periods of stress and leading to un- incubation (Jenkinson and Powlson, 1976), and desirable environmental effects. The factors that fumigation–extraction (Vance et al., 1987). The drive the structure and composition of soil micro- eco physiological indices (metabolic quotients) bial communities are not well understood (Fierer can be generated by basing physiological per- and Lennon, 2011), and there is ­evidence that formance (respiration, C uptake and growth/ well-established patterns of plant diversity are death) on the total microbial biomass per unit of not necessarily predictive of those for micro- time (Anderson, 2003). In this sense, for example, organisms, despite their obvious trophic linkages an ‘efficient’ SMB would have a lower respiration (Fierer et al., 2011). rate compared to an ‘ineffective’ SMB. Because of the increasing role of large-scale Studies encompassing the Amazon biome agriculture in the Amazon and expansion of have not determined indices such as qCO2 for agri- cropland into areas previously covered by forest, cultural soils. Thus, we show results from agricul- in this chapter we discuss the effects that land- tural soils in the Amazon and also in ­Cerrado, use changes have on soil microbial diversity, Atlantic, Caatinga and Pampa ‘biomes’ (Table 5.1). composition and distribution in Amazonian Low qCO2 values indicate a high quality substrate tropical soils. We examine the effects of land-use used by microorganisms or a low microbial main- change on aspects of the soil ecosystem from tenance requirement. both a chemical and biological perspective. In general, agricultural soils showed a de- crease in SMB-C when compared with forests and in most, but not all, ‘biomes’, there was lower SOC in agricultural soils compared to forest soils 5.2 Assessment of Soil Quality Based (Table 5.1). The patterns for qCO2 were not al- on Microbial Community Structure and ways consistent (Table 5.1) but we would expect Function in the Tropics the lowest qCO2 values in forest soils because ­forest systems show lower disturbance to the Classical microbiological methods combined soil microbial community. However, there is a with new molecular tools have proven to be a lack of consistent information, especially from ­robust approach to measure soil parameters. the tropics, about agricultural management ­effects Soil microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C), meta- on microbial community functioning. A major bolic quotient (qCO2), and total soil organic car- effect of increased SMB-C is an increase in C im- bon (SOC) are widely accepted as indicators of mobilization that is slowly released in an organic soil quality, particularly when used to compare form according to plants’ needs (Roscoe et al., soils under different agricultural managements 2006). Thus, microbial properties allied to SOC (Kaschuk et al., 2010). Over three decades study- content can be used to evaluate the sustainabil- ing microbial biomass in soil, the results have ity of agricultural production. These properties shown that this is a sensitive parameter for de- are described as biological indicators capable of tection of the effects of agricultural manage- detecting changes in soil quality and its bio- ment and alterations in soil organic matter (SOM) logical properties (Roscoe et al., 2006). Impact of Land-use Changes on Bacteria 43

Table 5.1. Soil microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C), metabolic quotient (qCO2) and soil organic carbon (SOC) under different agricultural management regimes in five Brazilian ‘biomes’.


–1 (mg C-CO2 g ‘Biome’ Management (mg C kg–1 soil) SMB-C h–1) g kg–1 Reference

Amazon Forest 503.4 1.60–1.90 17.3 Matoso et al., 2012 Sugarcane nd nd nd – Livestock 385.1 nd 14.7 Matoso et al., 2012 Soybean 290.1 nd 12.7 Matoso et al., 2012 Cerrado Forest 486.0–1330 0.04–1.41 15.8–18.0 Cardoso et al., 2009; Frazão et al., 2010 Sugarcane 450.0 1.50 nd Portilho et al., 2011 Livestock 113.9–500.0 1.90 4.6–19.0 D’Andréa et al., 2002; Frazão et al., 2010 Soybean 387.8 1.61 18.6 Lourente et al., 2010 Atlantic Forest 444.0–1122 0.16–2.70 20.1–22.6 Niemeyer et al., 2012; Souza et al., 2012 Sugarcane 328.4–700.0 nd 12.4–14.0 Pupin and Nahas 2011; Souza et al., 2012 Livestock 476.0–550.0 1.40–2.20 26.9 Ndaw et al., 2009; Souza et al., 2010 Soybean 257.4–303.0 0.72 25.4 Babujia et al., 2010; Borges et al., 2012 Caatinga Forest 99.0–500.0 0.44–1.50 9.8–25.0 Nunes et al., 2012; Xavier et al., 2006 Sugarcane 125.0 nd nd Silva et al., 2012 Livestock 141.0 0.40 10.1 Xavier et al., 2006 Soybean 126.7–270.0 0.84 13.9–18.0 Leite et al., 2010; Pragana et al., 2012 Pampas Forest 533.5 0.11 28.8 Dieckow et al., 2009; Lupatini et al., 2012 Sugarcane nd nd nd – Livestock 280.3 0.08 22.6 Dieckow et al., 2009; Lupatini et al., 2012 Soybean 153.3–233.4 0.21 11.5 Ferreira et al., 2010; Lupatini et al., 2012

Note: The values of SMB-C were obtained by the fumigation-extraction method with kC and kEC standardized at 0.40. nd, not determined.

5.3 Studies on Microbial Community the community structure, diversity and phyl- Structure and Function in ogeny of microorganisms in any environment, Amazonian Soils while quantification of the individual species of microorganisms or entire microbial communi- In the past two decades, molecular tools have ties may be addressed by nucleic acid hybrid- been allied to the classical microbiological ization techniques. Molecular sequence analysis methods to provide new insights into the micro- of community DNA allows a new perception bial ecology of soils. Powerful molecular tools of the microbial diversity and function in a broad are becoming available to allow the examination range of environments. The sequencing approach of microbial communities through analysis of is a powerful tool for the study of microbial com- microbial DNA and RNA. For example, molecular munities inhabiting soil and can be useful to approaches based on 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) predict changes in soil properties and quality. sequence analysis allow direct investigation of Next-generation sequencing technologies have 44 L.W. Mendes et al.

allowed microbial ecologists to advance from and Acidobacteria (subgroup I) and Rhodoplanes analysing a few hundred sequences to millions were related to forests. In a study in maize fields of sequences per study. With the advance of such in the southern region of Brazil, Roesch et al. technologies, the length of the sequenced DNA (2007) identified the classesα -Proteobacteria and fragment has increased, although they are β-Proteobacteria as being the most abundant in shorter than the desirable length or the read maize rhizosphere soils. length obtained from traditional Sanger sequen- Navarrete et al. (2010) conducted a study cing (~1000 base pairs) (Luo et al., 2012). on soil microbial ecology in the basin of Alto The assessment of microbial diversity will Solimões in the western Amazon. The study as- be advanced by the development of new tech- sessed the effects of land-use systems on micro- nologies that answer some key questions about bial community structure in soils of different the ‘who, what, when, where, why, and how’ of landscape types in the Brazilian Amazon that microbial communities (Knight et al., 2012). were previously covered with native tropical rain The rapid advance of sequence technologies al- forest. The area studied encompassed agricultural lied to bioinformatics tools is increasing the pos- systems of indigenous people primarily based on sibility of massive studies on microbial ecology slash-and-burn, annual crops in shifting cultiva- for a deeper comprehension of the composition tion and a long fallow period. Soil samples were and function that soil microorganisms play in a collected during 2 years in areas characterized wide range of ecosystems. The new information by tropical rain forest, semi-permanent manioc available will be useful for a better understand- cultivation, pasture and secondary forest at ad- ing of soil quality and improve the sustainable vanced stages of regeneration. The archaeal, use of ecosystems. Despite new technologies being bacterial and fungal communities were analysed used to better understand microbial communi- by automated ribosomal intergenic spacer ana- ties in soil, there is a lack of data addressing this lysis (ARISA), and the results are represented issue in tropical soils. graphically in Fig. 5.1. Based on ARISA data, soil In this section, we present studies from archaeal, bacterial and fungal communities are Amazonian soils in order to illustrate how the heterogeneous and each capable of responding assessment of soil microbial communities can differently to environmental characteristics. ARISA contribute to our comprehension of soil man- data evidenced considerable difference in struc- agement and its sustainable use in this tropical ture existing between microbial communities in biome. The first description of the microbial di- forest and agricultural soils. versity in Amazonian soils was made by Borne- By observing the organization of the micro- man and Triplett (1997) who used a sequencing bial community in relation to soil attributes, we approach to analyse sequences from forests and can begin to generate and test hypotheses re- pastures. They were able to demonstrate the im- garding the rules that govern the distribution mense microbial diversity contained within the of microorganisms in the different land-use soils and differences in composition between for- ­systems. Navarrete et al. (2010) correlated the est and pasture. In a more recent study, Jesus archaeal, bacterial and fungal community pro- et al. (2009) showed that changes in land use files obtained by the ARISA technique with soil alter the structure of soil bacterial communities chemical attributes, and their results show that in the Amazon region. Phylogenetic analysis re- pasture microbial communities were clearly sep- vealed that the groups Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, arated from other land-use systems and were re- Firmicutes and Proteobacteria responded to the lated to higher iron (Fe) concentrations detected different land uses. The phylum Bacteroidetes were in soil samples, for example. mostly found in crop and pasture soils, while Functional traits are also an important ap- ­Firmicutes were found in primary and secondary proach to defining microbiological parameters forests. In a finer taxonomic analysis, some se- for monitoring soil quality in land-use systems. quences were indicators of environmental con- Navarrete et al. (2011) studied the composition ditions, i.e. Arthrobacter and Bradyrhizobium of ammonia oxidizing archaea (amoA – ammonia were widespread among land-use systems, while monooxygenase gene) in tropical soils under ­Acidobacteria (subgroup I), Sphingobacteriales and primary and secondary forests, agriculture and Sphingomonadaceae were related to pasture sites, pasture. Ammonia oxidation is the first step of Impact of Land-use Changes on Bacteria 45 5 ,8 0 T . 432847 . 432738,68 . 433071,1

2008 sampling 2009 sampling 66.78

Y FORES 02.44 1 ng i ,03 Long Fu 67 AR 8853,80 Long 87 8690,62 Long

951 951 951 36.22

eria 25.0 act SECOND B

SF1 – Lat. SF2 – Lat. SF3 – Lat.

4.44 1


.22 7 ,32 chaea Ar T SF3 . 399538,1 . 399497 . 399205,6 6 Long ,52 Y FORES 0607 0334,22 Long 0356,65 Long 951 951 951 SF2 PRIMAR PF2 PF1 – Lat. PF2 – Lat. PF3 – Lat.


1 4.1 7

26.44 1 ungi F

PF1 22.0

eria 9.0 PF3 1 act

B onas


11 Amaz Stat 7. 3.89 chaea Ar


r ve


. 433348,81 . 433331,1 Solimões Ri Solimões Long CR2 OPS 6,30 Lon g. rs 066,08 Long 268,81 18 CR Me te CR1 95 18 95 18 95 18 8000 4000 i r 0 ar CR3

CR3 – Lat. CR1 – Lat. CR2 – Lat.

Ri ve



4000 55.1

9.89 11 ungi 01 F

31,2 2 33.78

eria 38722 7, 25.33 . 387225,4 8 . 3871 act


5.89 1

Long 11 5.0 2 5,54 Lon g. 7, chaea PA 289,75 Long 18 17 Ar TURE S 95 14 95 14 95 14 PA 1 3 PA PA 1 – Lat. 3 – Lat. 2 – Lat.



8.22 11


F 39.78

eria Bacterial operational taxonomic unit richness based on intergenic spacer region length polymorphisms of the rRNA gene detected using automated based on intergenic spacer region length polymorphisms of the rRNA taxonomic unit richness Bacterial operational .22 27 act


9.78 8.0 haea A rc Fig. 5.1. Fig. along the Amazonas State, Brazil, Amazonian landscape (Benjamin Constant municipality, ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) at sites located in an crop forest, traditional Soil samples were collected at different points (*), a depth of 0–20 cm from sites representing primary tropical rain Solimões River). were values richness The 2009). 2008 and January sampling period (March a 2-year systems of the indigenous people, pasture and secondary forest over et al. , 2010.) calculated based on triplicate PCR products from the soil samples. (Adapted Navarrete 46 L.W. Mendes et al.

nitrification, an essential step in the global nitro- less acidic pH, greater total phosphorus (P) con- gen (N) cycle. The study showed an increase in centration, greater exchangeable calcium (Ca) ammonia-oxidizing archaea richness in pasture and magnesium (Mg) and increased minor ele- soils, which could be related to N inputs through ment concentrations (more information in Gla- urine deposition by grazing animals. In another ser et al., 2001). The high fertility of these soils study, Taketani and Tsai (2010) explored the has been attributed to the high concentration of Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) soils and found black carbon, which retains nutrients and water that soils subjected to agriculture displayed a and increases the pH. The presence of black car- higher number of amoA genes. In soils, nitrifica- bon in soils has also been shown to increase C tion can result in N loss from an ecosystem, thus storage by reducing C emissions (Marris, 2006). knowledge about the microbial communities in- Navarrete et al. (2010) studied these soils, volved in nutrient cycles in soils can be useful for comparing the microbial community of the bulk soil quality monitoring. soil to the black carbon (BC). The pyrosequenc- The analysis of functional diversity can also ing data indicate that, although the BC hosted provide information on how microorganisms lower richness of bacterial species than the may influence the fertility of soils. Biodegrad- ADE bulk soil, it still has a very high richness ation due to bacterial activity is one of the most of unique (operational taxonomic units OTUs) important processes occurring in soils and (Fig. 5.2). On the other hand, from the total involves genes that may develop key roles in nu- OTUs found in BC, 41% were not present in the trient cycles. Germano et al. (2012) studied the ADE bulk soil, suggesting that this environ- diversity of the ARHD gene (aromatic ring-­ ment may be the substrate for specific microbial hydroxylating dioxygenase), which is responsible processes. These data bring new perspectives for the initial degradation of aromatic com- ­regarding the opportunity for reconstruction pounds. They found that secondary forest con- of tropical and degraded soils by contemporary tained more unique operational protein clusters human activities. Proteobacteria represented than agricultural sites, suggesting an effect of the dominant phylum in ADE soil, including the management on the bacterial groups related representatives of the class α, β, γ and δ of Pro- to the C cycle, which can lead to a loss of import- teobacteria (Fig. 5.3). In contrast, Acidobacteria ant species that participate in this cycle in agri- were the prominent phylum in BC with 21% of the culture. In another study in Amazonian soils, bacterial sequences. The second most abundant Brossi et al. (2014) evaluated the diversity of phyla in ADE and BC were Acidobacteria (10%) the bacterial catabolic BPH gene (biphenyl dioxi- and Proteobacteria (15%), respectively. Other prom- genase), which is involved in aromatic hydrocar- inent phyla in ADE were the Actinobacteria, bon degradation. They found that soil chemical Planctomycetes and Verrucomicrobia, which rep- properties, such as high SOC, cation exchange cap- resented 8%, 7% and 4% of total sequences, acity and more alkaline pH, were significantly cor- respectively. In BC, the Actinobacteria were repre- related with the structure of BPH communities. sented by more than 12% of the sequences; The first soil microbial ecology study using the 454 pyrosequencing approach was made by Roesch and collaborators (2007). They assessed the bacterial diversity in four soils across a large transect of the western hemisphere, collecting samples in Brazil, Florida, Illinois and Canada. 342 492 512 The bacterial diversity of the forest soils was BC ADE ­phylum-rich compared to agricultural soils, which were species-rich but phylum-poor. In a more re- cent study using pyrosequencing (Navarrete Fig. 5.2. Venn diagram of the bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on the 16S rRNA et al., 2010), the researchers studied the bacterial gene analysed by pyrosequencing (454 Roche) diversity in the Brazilian ADE. Amazonian Dark found exclusively in Amazonian Dark Earths Earth or Terra Preta de Índio of prehistoric origin (ADE; 512), in black carbon (BC; 342) and the is differentiated from surrounding soils by its OTUs in held in common (492). (Adapted from darker colour, higher organic matter content, Navarrete et al., 2010.) Impact of Land-use Changes on Bacteria 47

Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) Acidobacteria 10% Actinobacteria Bacteroidetes 7% 3% Chlamydiae Unclassified 1% Chloroflexi 36% 1% Firmicutes 3% Gemmatimonadetes 1% Nitrospira, ODI, WS3 Planctomycetes 4% TM7, BRCI 2% 1% Proteobacteria Verrucomicrobia 24% 8%

Black Carbon (BC)

Unclassified Acidobacteria 26% 21%

Actinobacteria 12% WS3 Bacteroidetes 1% 1% Verrucomicrobia Chlamydiae 9% 1% Chloroflexi Proteobacteria Firmicutes 1% 15% 8% Gemmatimonadetes Planctomycetes OP10, BRCI, Nitrospira, 2% 2% TM7, ODI 1% Fig. 5.3. Relative abundance of bacterial phyla in an Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) soil and black carbon (BC) pyrosequencing library, in which 16S rRNA gene sequences were classified according to the nearest neighbour in the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-MSU, USA) pipeline. (Adapted from Navarrete et al., 2010.) among the other phyla, Verrucomicrobia (9%) samples were dominated by Actinomycetales, and and Firmicutes (8%) were found in BC. adjacent non-ADE soils differed from the others Using 454 pyrosequencing, Taketani et al. by the high abundance of Solirubrobacterales (2013) studied two ADE sites, one cultivated with (>30%). Within the Acidobacteria phylum the manioc and another with secondary forest cover, adjacent soils were dominated by the Gp1, Gp2 with samples of BC, ADE and adjacent soils. The and Gp3 classes, while BC and ADE were domin- authors found that the most abundant bacterial ated by Gp5 and Gp6. Although the ADE soils phyla in all samples were Acidobacteria, Actino- are found in patches within the adjacent Ultisols, bacteria, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. Class the contrasting characteristics found between composition varied among samples, highlighting them led to different microbial communities in- the differences between BC, ADE and adjacent habiting each environment. In brief, the results (non-ADE) soil. The soil properties had a stronger suggest that the modifications made to these selective effect on the community composition soils by ancient indigenous populations have af- than vegetation cover. Focusing on the two most fected soil physical, chemical and microbio- dominant phyla, within the Actinobacteria all logical properties, which have acted together to 48 L.W. Mendes et al.

create this fertile Amazonian soil. Amazonian pathways. These results indicate a rhizosphere ef- Dark Earth has been conceived as a major example fect on the soil community, not only taxonomic- of sustainable agriculture because, since their ally, but also at a functional level, along with a initial description, these soils have been recog- selection of specific taxonomic groups related to nized as one of the most fertile soils known, even some metabolic pathways, which could be related after extensive crop use. Their potential surpasses to plant nutrition and development (Fig. 5.4). the use for the sustainable growing of food and Recent studies have demonstrated that fuel, and also has implications for C sequestra- changes in soil microbial communities across tion. Therefore, understanding how the microbial space are often correlated with differences in community is structured in such environments is soil chemistry, in particular soil pH (Fierer and key to a better management of this resource. Jackson, 2006; Jenkins et al., 2009; Lauber et al., Because of the increasing role of large-scale 2009) and other soil factors such as Ca:Mg ratio, agriculture in the Amazon and expansion of crop- and P and aluminum (Al) concentrations (Lauber land (mainly soy) into areas previously covered by et al., 2008; Kuramae et al., 2012). This pattern forest, Mendes et al. (2014) conducted a study in holds both for overall bacterial community com- order to obtain better insight into the ecological position (Fierer and Jackson, 2006; Kuramae­ process of bacterial community selection and et al., 2010; Lauber et al., 200) and for the com- assembly in the soybean rhizosphere in Amazon position of individual bacterial groups (­Jenkins soils recently converted into cultivation (1 and et al., 2009; Jones et al., 2009). It also seems to 5 years after conversion). The studied area was hold across a variety of spatial scales (Fierer and ­located in the south-east Amazon, a region con- Jackson, 2006; Lauber et al., 2009; Philippot sidered the largest agricultural frontier in the et al., 2009) and across land-use types at a given world (Macedo et al., 2012), where nativ­ e forests location (Jenkins et al., 2009; Jesus et al., 2009; are converted into soybean crop fields, high- Lauber et al., 2008). Although most of the previ- lighting the social and economic importance ous studies have indicated the effect of soil pH on of this system to Brazil. Therefore, using 454 the diversity of bacterial communities, the dom- ­pyrosequencing, they investigated the phylo- inant factors controlling soil bacterial commu- genetic and metabolic diversity of microbial nity variation within the tropics are poorly communities colonizing the rhizosphere and the known. Tripathi et al. (2012) compared the mi- bulk soil associated with the soybean crop crobial communities of primary (unlogged), field. From 24 soil samples from greenhouse logged forests and crop and pasture lands in ­mesocosm experiments, more than three million South-east Asia (Malaysia), and found soil pH metagenomic sequences from soil of the first and was the best predictor of bacterial community fifth years of cultivation were obtained. The com- composition and diversity across the various position of the microbial community based on the land-use types, with the highest diversity at close taxonomic profile was distinct between the rhizo- to neutral pH values. In addition, α-Proteobacteria, sphere and bulk soil, however the metabolic β-Proteobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria structure did not show a clear separation, which and Actinobacteria were significantly correlated may suggest that the taxonomy did not reflect the with soil pH. The authors suggested that, unlike metabolic profile of the community. Rhizosphere the general diversity pattern found for larger samples showed an over-­representation of bacter- ­organisms, primary tropical forest is no richer ial phyla Chlamydiae, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Fir- in operational taxonomic units of soil bacteria micutes, Fusobacteria, Spirochaetes and Tenericutes. than logged forest, and agricultural land (crop In addition, the rhizosphere presented an over-­ and pasture) is actually richer than primary for- representation of functional genes related to est, partly due to agricultural soils being more metabolism of N, P, Fe and potassium (K), with fertile and the effects of liming raising soil pH. some specific bacterial groups linked to these func- The Acidobacteria phylum has been shown to tional categories found only in rhizosphere samples be highly abundant in Amazon soils (Kim et al. (Fig. 5.4). Still, the network correlations involving 2007; Jesus et al., 2009; Navarrete et al. 2010). bacterial groups and metabolism were less com- Previous studies have indicated that soil pH is the plex in the rhizosphere than bulk soil, which sug- main driver of Acidobacteria abundance in differ- gests the specialization of some specific metabolic ent soil types (Jones et al., 2009; Rousk et al., Impact of Land-use Changes on Bacteria 49

V Verrucomicrobia errucomicrobia

Thermotogae Thermotogae

Synergistetes Tenericutes Acidobacteria Acidobacteria

Actinobacteria Actinobacteria

Spirochaetes Aquificae Spirochaetes Aquificae

Unclassified Unclassified Proteobacteria Proteobacteria Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes Nitrogen metabolism Phosphorus metabolism Chlorobi Chlamydiae Planctomycetes omycetes Planct Chloroflexi Chlorobi

Chloroflexi Cyanobacteria Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Deferribacteres Cyanobacteria Deinococcus-Thermus Deferribacteres Firmicutes Deinococcus-Thermus Firmicutes

Elusimicrobia Elusimicrobia Dictyoglomi Dictyoglomi

Verrucomicrobia Verrucomicrobia

Thermotogae Thermotogae

Acidobacteria Synergistetes Acidobacteria Synergistetes

Actinobacteria Actinobacteria

Unclassified Aquificae Spirochaetes Spirochaetes Bacteroidetes Unclassified Iron acquisition Potassium metabolism Proteobacteria Chlorobi Proteobacteria and metabolism Bacteroidetes

Chloroflexi Chlorobi

Chloroflexi Planctomycetes Cyanobacteria Planctomycetes

Deferribacteres Cyanobacteria Rhizosphere

Deinococcus-Therm Deferribacteres Fusobacteria Fusobacteria Bulk soil Firmicutes Firmicutes




Fig. 5.4. Bacterial groups linked to specific metabolic pathways in soybean rhizosphere and bulk soil samples from the Brazilian Amazon, assessed by shotgun metagenomics. (Adapted from Mendes et al., 2014.)

2010) and across spatial scales (Lauber et al., 2009). in these soils. In addition, bacterial communities However, soil pH is often correlated with many other dominated by the Acidobacteria phylum changed factors, including nutrient availability, and causality significantly along gradients of base saturation, among factors is not easily determined. Navarrete Al, and pH in western Amazonian soils (Jesus et al. (2013) showed differential responses of et al., 2009). ­Acidobacteria subgroups to Amazon soil charac- Navarrete et al. (2013) identified sequences teristics altered by the liming practice required in belonging to the Acidobacteria phylum sub- the agricultural management, such as pH, Al, Ca, groups 1–8 (Hugenholtz et al., 1998); subgroups Mg, K, boron and micronutrients. In the soil en- 9–11 (Zimmermann et al., 2005); and subgroups vironment, pH is one of the most important vari- 12–26 (Barns et al., 2007). This study showed ables and it is related to changes in other soil factors, the responsiveness of Acidobacteria subgroups to such as Al concentration and nutrient availabil- abiotic soil factors in an Amazon region charac- ity. Aluminum toxicity has long been known to affect terized by the expansion of cropland (mainly microbes as well as plants in tropical soils (Joner soybean) into areas previously covered by native et al., 2005). Tropical soils are usually rich in Al; forest (Fig. 5.5). In this geographical area, liming­ hence, it is not surprising that Al and pH covary is practised based on the calculation of the neces- and correlate with acidobacterial communities sity of Ca and Mg for the plant, tolerance to Al 50 L.W. Mendes et al.

5 (Ward et al., 2009) revealed that Acidobacteria are 1. metabolically active in soils and suggested that members of this phylum might contribute greatly Gp3 to biogeochemical processes. Sequenced genomes of three cultivated Acidobacteria revealed sequences encoding proteins capable of degrading structural C, such as cellulose and hemicellulose (Ward et al., 2009) and a recent acidobacterial isolate from peat-

Gp2 land soils was capable of degrading cellulose, albeit at a slow rate (Pankratov et al., 2011). Gp13 Axis 2 40.4% Gp10

Gp5 Gp1 Gp4 5.4 Conclusions Gp6 Gp7 Soil habitats probably contain the greatest mi- crobial diversity of all environments on Earth, .0

–1 and information about specific phylogenetic and –1.0 Axis 1 1. 0 functional groups and land-use systems and 56.0% management options is fundamental for under- Fig. 5.5. Constrained ordination diagram for sample standing soil quality and fertility. Therefore, plots (soils from forest (denoted by trees) and soybean the possibility for using indicator organisms or cropland (denoted by tractors) in the Brazilian model groups as a proxy for biological soil status Amazon) in the first two redundancy analysis (RDA) is tractable for monitoring soil ecosystems axes based on the soil chemical characteristics and (Wessén and Hallin, 2011). The use of new tech- their relationship with the relative abundance of nologies has opened a wide range of possibilities Acidobacteria subgroups (1–7, 10 and 13). (Adapted in exploring microbial ecology. Metagenomics from Navarrete et al., 2013.) allows deeper studies spanning both phylogen- etic and functional diversity, however one of the and soil clay content. In tropical acid soils, major challenges for soil metagenomics is to de- changes in soil chemical properties due to the velop methods to capture the heterogeneity and lime requirement for agricultural practices in- dynamics of microbial communities temporally clude a decrease in hydrogen ion activity, a de- and spatially (Daniel, 2005). However, in recent crease in Al, Al saturation, manganese toxicities, years, metagenomics has proven promising for an increase in Ca and Mg availability, and bene- discovering novel organisms and functional fits associated with Ca as a complementary ion traits, revealing potential biomarkers for moni- in the cation exchange complex (Abruña et al., toring environmental changes. 1964; Amedee and Peech, 1976; Oliveira and The characterization and identification of Pavan, 1996), which concomitantly decreases microbial communities inhabiting soil in a wide heavy metal toxicity (Ingerslev, 1997; Kreutzer, range of environments has demonstrated im- 1995). The liming appeared to have a direct ef- portant insights into ecosystem function and fect on Acidobacteria subgroups 4, 6 and 7 since the stability. The knowledge about which groups abundance of these subgroups was negatively are associated with which management or crop correlated with Al and Al saturation (Navarrete system is the first step in defining microbial bio-­ et al., 2013). However, for Acidobacteria­ subgroup 6, indicators. However, accurate assessment of the Ca and base saturation also explained their abun- diversity and phylogenetic composition of the dance, while for Acidobacteria subgroup 7, Mg and soil microbial community is essential to charac- sum of bases (Ca, Mg, K) were additional factors terize spatial and temporal patterns of diversity explaining their high abundance in cropland soils. in response to land-use changes (Bent and For- Because of their recalcitrant culturability, the func- ney, 2008). When these responses are related to tions of the Acidobacteria (including subgroups specific soil management factors, they may be 4, 6 and 7) in the ecosystems are not yet com- used to develop early-warning bio-indicators for pletely under­stood. Nevertheless, some studies soil impacts. However, there are still few studies Impact of Land-use Changes on Bacteria 51

focusing on the responses of certain groups or subgroups of bacteria to environmental factors Acknowledgements in the tropics. Ultimately, a better understand- ing of how agricultural management affects Our studies are supported by Fundação de Amparo soil microbial ecology will support the develop- à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP- ment of more productive and sustainable sys- 2008/58114-3, 2011/50914-3, 2011/51749-6), tems. Therefore, it is important to understand Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de the factors that influence the biodiversity of soil Nível Superior (CAPES-Wageningen – 010/09, bacterial communities, to understand how 2238/10-1, 1240/11-0) and Conselho Nacional de these communities are structured and also to Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq 485969/2012-2, predict ecosystem responses to a changing en- 485801/2011-6, 304713/2010-6). Publication vironment. 5672 of NIOO-KNAW.


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Kazumichi Fujii,1,2* Chie Hayakawa,2,3 Shinya Funakawa2 and Takashi Kosaki4 1Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan; 2Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; 3National Institute for Agro-Environmental Science, Ibaraki, Japan; 4Department of Tourism Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan

6.1 Introduction In croplands, a number of factors can accelerate soil acidification such as the enhanced net min­ In the humid tropics, shifting cultivation is an eralization of soil organic nitrogen (N) (Tanaka et al., extensive farming system on typically highly 1997; Funakawa et al., 2006), limited plant up­ weathered and leached soils (Nye and Green­ take of mineralized nitrate at the beginning of the land, 1960; Kyuma and Pairintra, 1983; Mertz cropping season (Poss et al., 1995) and N fertil­ et al., 2009). Owing to rapid population growth, ization (Bouman et al., 1995). This contrasts with traditional shifting cultivation with an adequa­ forests, where excess cation accumulation in or­ tely long fallow period has been replaced with ganic matter (biomass and SOM) contributes to more intensive cropping systems with shorter soil acidification (Hallbäcken and Tamm, 1986). fallow periods or continuous cropping (Kyuma On the other hand, the loss of SOM has the and Pairintra, 1983; Mertz et al., 2009). Since potential to increase acid neutralization in soils restoration of soil fertility is dependent upon by mineralization of organic anions. Since most a sufficiently long fallow period, continuous proton-generating and -consuming processes cropping risks widespread soil degradation are associated with organic matter cycles under and reductions in plant productivity in Asian low-input agriculture, soil acidification is strongly countries. influenced by the cropping-induced changes in Soil degradation associated with conversion SOM cycles. In tropical regions, SOM cycles, espe­ of forest fallow to cropland typically includes the cially SOM decomposition, can change dramatically depletion of soil organic matter (SOM) and accel­ within relatively short periods in response to crop­ eration of soil acidification and erosion (Funaka­ ping following deforestation (Bruun et al., 2009). wa et al., 2006). Soil acidification is generally a Soil acidification is also influenced by pro­ natural process under a humid climate where ton sources other than nitrification, i.e. acidic precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration, but deposition, dissociation of organic and carbonic it can be accelerated by agricultural practices acids and excess uptake of cations over anions (Helyar and Porter, 1989; Juo et al., 1996). by plants. Therefore, all proton generation and

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 55 56 K. Fujii et al.

consumption mechanisms need to be quantified ­(Capsicum sp.; Solanaceae) had been cultivated in order to evaluate cropping-induced changes for 2 years after deforestation in BSc. Soils were in soil acidification. The utilization of a proton derived from sedimentary rocks and classified budget approach in combination with measure­ as Typic Paleudults (Ultisols). Poultry manure ment of SOM decomposition rates can allow us (0.71 Mg ha−1 year−1 (dry weight)) was applied to estimate proton consumption associated with at the beginning of the cropping season (October the loss of SOM (Poss et al., 1995). 2004 to October 2005). In the present study, the effects of continuous cropping on soil acidification were assessed by quantifying proton budgets in a soil–vegetation 6.2.2 Sampling and analytical methods system including solute leaching, vegetation up­ for soil and plant materials take and SOM decomposition in croplands and adjacent forests in Thailand and Indonesia. We Five composite soil samples were air-dried and tested whether SOM loss can neutralize acidity ground to pass through a 2-mm sieve. Soil pH generated from nitrification under continuous was measured using a soil to solution (water) cropping. ratio of 1:5 (w/v) after shaking for 1 h. Carbon (C) and N concentrations were determined using a CN analyser (NC-800-13N; Sumika Chemical 6.2 Materials and Methods Analysis Service). Particle size distribution was determined by the pipette method. Exchangeable 6.2.1 Study sites base cation, i.e. calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and potassium (K), concentrations Experimental plots consisted of one forest and and cation exchange capacity (CEC) were deter­ one cropland plot in both Thailand and Indo­ mined using the ammonium acetate (1 M at pH7.0) nesia (Fig. 6.1). The forest and cropland plots in method; Na and K concentrations were deter­ Thailand (RPf and RPc, respectively) were located mined by flame photometry, and Mg and Ca con­ in Ban Rakpaendin, Chiang Rai Province (Fig. 6.1; centrations were determined by atomic absorption 19° 50′ N, 100° 20′ E; 697 m a.s.l.), where the spectroscopy. mean annual precipitation and temperature are In the forest plots, the aboveground biomass­ 2084 mm and 25.0°C, respectively. There are es in RPf and BSf were estimated by applying the distinct dry and wet seasons: the dry season is diameters of stems at breast height (1.3 m) to from November to March and the wet season is the regression equations obtained by Tsutsumi from April to October. The vegetation was dom­ et al. (1983) and Yamakura et al. (1986) for the inated by Lithocarpus sp. (Fagaceae) and Eugenia Thailand and Indonesia sites, respectively. Litter­ sp. (Myrtaceae) in RPf, while maize (Zea mays; fall was collected by circular litter traps of 60-cm Poaceae) had been cultivated during the wet diameter in five replicates over a 1-year period. season without fertilization in RPc for 3 years Wood increment was estimated by tree ring ana­ since the conversion of forest to cropland. Soils lysis, after obtaining core samples using an in­ were derived from sedimentary rocks (RPf) and crement borer, and using the regression equation sedimentary rocks associated with granite in­ for estimating tree biomass according to Johnson trusion (RPc), and classified as Typic Haplustults and Risser (1974). In the cropland plots, plant (Ultisols). biomass (leaves, stems and fruits) was collected The forest and cropland plots in Indonesia at the end of the wet season. Fine roots in the (BSf and BSc, respectively) were located in the O horizon were collected in 30 cm × 30 cm quad­ Experimental Forest of the Tropical Rain forest rats in five replicates, while those in mineral soil Research Center, Mulawarman University, Bukit horizons (0−30 cm) were collected at 5-cm Soeharto, East Kalimantan Province (Fig. 6.1; intervals by taking 0.1-l cores in five replicates. 0° 51′ S, 117° 06′ E; 99 m a.s.l.), where the mean Roots were rinsed in distilled water to remove annual precipitation and temperature are 1977 mm soil material. Plant samples were oven-dried at and 26.8°C, respectively. The vegetation is dom­ 70°C for 48 h, weighed and milled. The C and N inated by Shorea laevis and Dipterocarpus cornu- in plant materials were determined using a CN tus (both Dipterocarpaceae) in BSf, while chili analyser. For concentrations of other elements Acidification of Tropical Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping 57

Thailand (RP) (a) (b) (c)

Indonesia (BS) RP (d) (e)


0° BS Indonesia

Fig. 6.1. Landscapes and soils of the experimental sites in Thailand (RP) and Indonesia (BS). (a) Use of fire in conversion of forest fallow to cropland, (b) cultivation of maize or upland rice, (c) clayey Ultisol at RP and (d) tropical lowland forests, and (e) acidic Ultisol at BS. in plant samples, we conducted nitric-sulfuric by excluding root respiration using the trench­ acid (1:1) wet digestion. The Na and K concen­ ing method (Shinjo et al., 2006). The rates of trations were determined by flame photometry, SOM decomposition were estimated from soil

Mg and Ca by atomic absorption spectroscopy, CO2 efflux after trenching. Carbon dioxide efflux iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) by inductively was measured monthly in five replicates using a coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry closed-chamber method in the trenched plots, (ICP-AES, SPS1500; Seiko Instruments Inc.), for which collars with a diameter of 15 cm and a and phosphorus (P) using the colorimetric method height of 40 cm were installed in the soil to a (molybdate blue method, UV-VIS spectropho­ depth of 20 cm. Gases in the headspace of the tometer UV-1200; Shimadzu) The chlorine (Cl) soil collars were sampled 0, 10, 20 and 30 min and sulfur (S) concentrations were determined after the tops of the collars were covered with by high performance liquid chromatography plastic sheets. Sampled gases were analysed with

(HPLC) after combustion according to Busman an infrared CO2 controller (ZFP9; Fuji Electric In­ et al. (1983). struments Co., Ltd). The CO2 efflux was calcu­

lated using linear regression from the initial CO2 concentration increase and air temperature 6.2.3 Measurements of decomposition measured within the chamber before measure­ rates and stocks of organic matter ment. At the same time, soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm was measured with a thermister probe Soil respiration consists of gases produced during (107 Temperature Probe; Campbell Scientific, SOM decomposition by microorganisms and by Inc.), while volumetric water contents in soils at root respiration (Kuzyakov, 2006). Organic matter depths of 5, 15 and 45 cm (5, 15 and 30 cm in decomposition rates can therefore be estimated BSf and BSc) were measured with time domain 58 K. Fujii et al.

reflectometer probes (CS615 Water Content Re­ precipitation and throughfall were measured flectometer; Campbell Scientific Inc.). Data were using a precipitation collector, while the fluxes of recorded using dataloggers at 30-min intervals soil water percolating from the surface (5−15 cm (CR-10X; Campbell Scientific, Inc.) during the depth) and subsurface soil horizons (15−45 and experiments. 15−30 cm depths in RP and BS, respectively) were Soil C stocks in the organic and mineral estimated by applying Darcy’s law to the unsat­ horizons (0−20 cm) were quantified on an area urated hydraulic conductivity and the gradient of basis in five replicates. The C stocks in the or­ the hydraulic heads. A detailed description for ganic horizons (forest sites) were collected from the calculation of water fluxes was presented in 20 cm × 20 cm quadrats in five replicates. The a previous paper (Fujii et al., 2008). C stocks in the mineral horizons were calcu­ lated using bulk density and soil C concentra­ tions at the depths of 0−5, 5−10, 10−15 and 15−20 cm. The core samples (0.1 l) were collected 6.2.5 Calculation of proton budgets in five replicates. Proton budgets associated with solutes leach­ ing from the system and those associated with 6.2.4 Sampling and analytical methods vegetation uptake can be successfully quanti­ of precipitation, throughfall fied in forests (Van Breemen et al., 1983, 1984). and soil solution In croplands, where continuous cropping re­ sults in the loss of SOM, proton consumption Soil solutions were collected using a tension-free owing to net mineralization of organic anions lysimeter, draining a surface area of 200 cm2 in should also be quantified (Helyar and Porter, five replicates beneath the A, BA and Bt horizons 1989; Poss et al., 1995). (7, 20 and 45 cm depths) in RPf and RPc; the Net proton generation (NPG) resulting from

O, A and B1 horizons (0, 5 and 30 cm depths) in excess cation uptake by vegetation (NPGBio),

BSf; and the Ap1, Ap2 and B1 horizons (5, 20 transformation of N (NPGNtr), dissociation of or­ and 30 cm depths) in BSc. Precipitation and ganic acids (NPGOrg), dissociation of carbonic throughfall were collected separately using a acid (NPGCar) and net proton influx from the + + precipitation collector in five replicates. Sample overlying horizon ({(H )in−(H )out}) can be calcu­ solutions were filtered through 0.45-μm filters lated based on the input–output budget of before analysis. The concentrations of hydrogen in the soil (Bredemeier et al., 1990). Representa­ ions (H+) in solution were determined with a tive processes and equations of NPG are pre­ glass electrode. The concentrations of ammo­ sented in Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.2. NPGNtr, NPGOrg + + 2+ 2+ − 2− nium, nitrate, Na , K , Mg , Ca , Cl and SO4 and NPGCar can be calculated from the fluxes of in solution were determined by HPLC. The con­ ions entering and leaving the soil horizon com­ centrations of Fe3+ and Aln+ in solution were partment, e.g. an increase in fluxes of organic acids determined by ICP-AES. The total charge equi­ in the O horizon. NPGBio, which consists of wood valent of Al ions (Aln+) was calculated as the increment (forest), crop removal (cropland) and 3+ 2+ + −1 equiva­lent sum of Al , AlOH and Al(OH)2. litterfall, is calculated from ion fluxes (kmolc ha The concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC) year−1) caused by vegetation uptake of cations and inorganic C were determined using a total (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe3+ and Aln+) and anions − − 2− organic carbon analyser (TOC-VCSH; Shimadzu). (Cl , H2PO4 and SO4 ). − The concentrations of HCO3 in solution were Protons are also consumed by net mineral­ ­determined from the solution pH and inorganic ization of organic anions in croplands (Table 6.1). C concentration, based on pKa = 6.3. The anion Net proton consumption owing to mineralization deficit, if any, was assigned to the negative charge of organic anions (NPCMin) is caused by decom­ n− of organic acids (Org ). position of litterfall, manure and SOM. NPCMin The fluxes of ions from each soil horizon from litter and manure is calculated from the dif­ were calculated by multiplying the water fluxes ference between cations and anions of litterfall by the concentrations of ions in precipitation, and manure entering into soil, while NPCMin as­ throughfall and soil solution. The water fluxes of sociated with the loss of SOM is calculated using Acidification of ropicalT Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping 59

Table 6.1. Proton-producing and proton-consuming processes in soils.

H+ budget Representative reaction Proton budget calculation

Proton-generating processes + + + + (1) H input (e.g. acid rain) H input = (H )in − (H )out 2+ (2) Cation excess uptake Ca + 2R-OH ® (R-O)2Ca (org) + NPGBio = (Cat)bio − (Ani)bio by plants 2H+ + − + + + (3) N transformation NH4 + H2O ® NO3 + 2H + H2O NPGNtr = (NH4 )in − (NH4 )out + − − (e.g. nitrification) (NO3 )out − (NO3)in − + − − (4) Dissociation of carbonic acid H2CO3 ® HCO3 + H NPGCar = (HCO3)out − (HCO3)in − + n− n− (5) Dissociation of organic acid 2CH2O + 3/2O2 ® HC2O4 + H + H2O NPGOrg = (Org )out − (Org )in Proton-consuming processes + 2+ (6) Mineralization of organic (R-O)2Ca (org) + 2H ® Ca + 2R-OH NPCMin = ΔSOC × 1.8 × CECSOM matter + n+ (7) Weathering and cation n/2M2/nO(s) + nH ® M + n/2H2O exchange reaction

Note: The suffix ‘bio’ represents ion fluxes caused by vegetation uptake, assuming that vegetation uptake was equal to the sum of wood increment and litterfall. The suffixes ‘in’ and ‘out’ represent ion fluxes entering the soil horizon (e.g. throughfall for the O horizon) and leaving the horizon, respectively. Cat and Ani represent cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe3+, Aln+) − 2− − −1 −1 and anions (Cl , SO4 , H2PO4 ), respectively. ΔSOC represents the rates of SOC loss (Mg C ha year ), whereas CECSOM −1 represents the cation exchange capacity of SOM (kmolc kg SOM). The SOM to SOC ratio of 1.8 was used. CECSOM was calculated using the soil pH-CECSOM equation of Helyar and Porter (1989); CECSOM = 32 × (soil pH-1.5).

(1) H+

Ca2+ H+ H+ + – (3) Org-N NH4 NO3 (2) + + + H+ H H H+ H

H+ – (4) H2CO3 HCO3 (7) (5) R-COOH R-COO– H+ H+ H+ 2+ + Ca H+ H Mineral – R-COO 2+ phase (6) Ca CO2 R-COO– Ca2+

Fig. 6.2. Conceptual diagram of proton-generating and consuming processes in soils. The numbers in parentheses correspond to those in Table 6.1. the rates of soil organic carbon (SOC) loss (Mg C 6.2.6 Calculations and statistical analyses ha−1 year−1), the SOM to SOC ratio of 1.8 and the cation exchange capacity of SOM (CECSOM) All results were expressed on an oven-dried soil −1 (kmolc kg SOM) (Helyar and Porter, 1989; Poss (24 h, 105°C) weight basis and as means ± standard et al., 1995). The principles and calculation error (SE) of five determinations for SOM decom­ methods are described in detail in Fujii et al. position rates, C inputs and C stocks. The signifi­ (2008, 2009a, 2012). cance of differences in mean values between sites 60 K. Fujii et al.

was tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at than C inputs (P < 0.05; Table 6.3). This suggests the P < 0.05 significance level for ion concentra­ a loss of SOM in the cropland plots (Table 6.3). tions. Spearman’s linear correlations were used This is consistent with Funakawa et al. (1997, to assess the relationships between SOM decom­ 2006), in which continuous cropping after defor­ position rates and volumetric water content in estation resulted in a loss of SOM in Thailand soil. The statistical analyses were performed using (5.0 Mg C ha−1 year−1). The SOM loss caused by Systat 11.0 (SPSS Inc., 2008). continuous cropping can account for the lower SOM stock in the cropland plots (Table 6.3).

6.3 Results 6.3.3 Composition of soil solution 6.3.1 Physicochemical properties of soils In the BS site, the soil solution was highly acidic Soil pH was more acidic throughout the profiles in the forest plot (BSf), with the less acidic pH in in BSf and BSc than in RPf and RPc (Table 6.2). the cropland soil (BSc) being caused by poultry The RPf and RPc soils were rich in clay (>40%). manure application (Table 6.4). In RP, the soil The SOC concentrations in the A horizons of solution pH was less acidic irrespective of land the cropland plots were significantly lower than use, consistent with higher base saturation than in the adjacent forest plots (P < 0.05; Tables 6.2 BS (Tables 6.2 and 6.4). According to the annual and 6.3). The SOC stocks in the cropland soil mean concentrations of ions in soil solution (0−20 cm) were greater than in the respective (Table 6.4), bicarbonate was present at all plots adjacent forest soil (P < 0.05; Table 6.3). except for BSf, where it was negligible owing to the low pH of the soil solution. The concentra­ tions and fluxes of organic acids in the surface 6.3.2 Decomposition rates soil solution were significantly higher in BSf and of soil organic matter BSc, compared to RPf and RPc (P < 0.05; Table 6.4). The higher DOC concentrations of BSf and BSc, as compared to RPf and RPc, contributed to Rates of SOM decomposition were positively proton generation through dissociation of one ­correlated with volumetric water content in RP acidic functional group for 11.5 and 10.0 C (RPf: r = 0.91, P < 0.01, RPc: r = 0.63, P < 0.10; atoms of DOC, respectively. Fig. 6.3), while they were independent of volu­ In the cropland plots, the concentrations of metric water content in BS (Fujii et al., 2009a). nitrate in soil solution were significantly higher Therefore, the annual rates of SOM decompos­ in both RPc and BSc, when compared to the re­ ition in RPf and RPc were calculated as totals of spective adjacent forest plots (P < 0.05; Table 6.4; the C fluxes simulated using the regression equa­ Fig. 6.4). The concentrations of nitrate in the tions and soil moisture data (Fig. 6.3) according Ap horizons were highest, especially at the be­ to Funakawa et al. (2006) (Table 6.3). In the for­ ginning of the cropping season in RPc (April est plots, the annual rate of SOM decomposition 2004−June 2004) and BSc (October 2004− was high (5.4−5.5 Mg C ha−1 year−1) compared January 2005), owing to the enhanced de­ to the reported values in tropical seasonal forest composition of SOM and the small amount of (4.1 Mg C ha−1 year−1; Funakawa et al., 2006) and biomass (Fig. 6.4). tropical rain forest (4.8−8.9 Mg C ha−1 year−1; Bond-Lamberty et al., 2004), respectively. As­ suming that annual rates of root litter input were 20% of the fine root biomass (Nakane, 6.3.4 Net proton generation 1980), the annual rates of SOM decomposition and consumption were almost balanced with C inputs as the sum of litterfall and root litter input in the forest plots Proton budgets were calculated using the ion (Table 6.3). fluxes associated with solute leaching and plant In the cropland plots, the annual rates uptake (Table 6.1). Cation contents exceeded of SOM decomposition were significantly higher anion contents in litter and wood materials in all Acidification of Tropical Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping 61 b 5 4 6 42 32 39 52 49 43 34 64 54 46 54 Sand 25 23 19 18 13 10 25 27 30 35 16 19 21 19 Silt (%) 70 73 75 40 55 51 23 24 27 31 19 28 33 26 Clay Particle size distribution Particle ) −1 a kg c 8.5 6.2 5.0 5.0 6.8 8.7 CEC 27.6 19.9 20.1 11.5 14.4 14.4 10.3 11.3 (cmol Na 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.03 0.11 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.03 0.14 0.29 0.04 0.10 0.00 a K ) 0.54 0.22 0.15 0.23 0.08 0.05 0.41 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.15 0.05 0.06 0.06 −1 kg c (cmol Mg 2.23 0.72 0.47 2.03 1.40 0.97 0.11 0.13 0.19 0.14 0.12 0.41 0.22 0.16 Exchangeable cations Exchangeable Ca 2.98 0.97 0.66 5.66 4.32 3.26 0.60 0.63 0.59 0.60 1.54 1.26 0.85 0.68 a 1.5 1.0 3.8 2.0 1.3 1.0 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 ) Total N Total −1 a (g kg 8.9 4.2 3.5 2.5 4.8 3.7 3.2 19.8 62.6 26.8 15.0 10.8 22.9 14.3 Total C Total pH 4.9 4.6 5.0 5.4 5.5 5.5 4.0 3.8 4.3 4.2 4.0 4.3 4.2 4.3 7–20 0–7 0–7 7–20 0–5 5–25 0–5 5–20 40+ 20–45+ 20–45+ 25–40 20–40 40–60+ +1–0 +2–0 Depth (cm) Clay (<0.002 mm); silt (0.002–0.05 sand (0.050–2 mm). Clay b BA Bt O A Ap BA Bt O A Ap1 Ap2 BA(E) B1 Bt B1 Bt Horizon Physicochemical properties of forest and cropland soils in Thailand and Indonesia. Thailand properties of forest and cropland soils in Physicochemical Oven-dry basis. Oven-dry a RPf forest RPc cropland BSf Forest BSc Cropland Thailand Indonesia Note: Table 6.2. Table 62 K. Fujii et al. (0.1) (0.3) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.3) (0.2) (0.3) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) - - - BSc 1.1 3.6 1.4 0.3 0.2 1.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 −2.2 18.9 Cropland Indonesia ( - ) ( - ) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.1) (0.8) (0.3) (0.7) (0.6) (0.4) (0.3) (0.4) - BSf The annual rates of root litter input were assumed annual rates The b Forest 4.1 5.4 5.0 0.9 3.5 4.7 1.3 0.9 2.6 10.7 21.2 −0.4 292.6 (0.7) (0.3) (0.7) (0.1) (0.3) (0.8) (0.8) (2.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) - - - RPc 4.1 8.2 4.3 0.2 1.7 5.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 Cropland −3.9 43.5 Thailand ( - ) ( - ) (0.2) (0.3) (0.2) (0.1) (0.4) (0.1) (4.9) (0.4) (0.3) (0.2) (0.1) - RPf Forest 4.0 5.5 5.2 1.2 5.8 2.6 6.2 2.4 2.2 1.7 55.9 −0.2 169.1 C input was calculated as the sum of litterfall and root litter (b = c + d). C input was budget in soil was calculated as the difference between organic matter decomposition and C input (e = b − a). budget in soil was a c (c) (a) (e) (b) (d) ) −1 a c b ) b c year −1 −1 a Stocks and annual fluxes of C in forest and cropland ecosystems in Thailand and Indonesia. and annual fluxes of C in forest cropland ecosystems Stocks Root litter Litterfall C input Crop removal increment Wood O, A O, horizon BA horizon BA B1 horizon Organic matter production C budget in soil O horizon root biomass Fine Aboveground biomass Aboveground soil horizon (0–20 cm) Mineral Organic matter decomposition C stock (Mg C ha C stock C flux (Mg ha Table 6.3. Table figures in parenthesis represent standard errors ( n = 5). The Note: to be 20% of the fine root biomass in forests (Nakane, 1980). Acidification of Tropical Soils under orestF and Continuous Cropping 63

Organic matter Volumetric water decomposition (μgC m–2 s–1) content in soil (l l–1) 80 Thailand 0.6 RP 0.5 60 0.4

40 0.3

0.2 20 0.1

0 0 Feb 04 May 04 Aug 04 Nov 04 Feb 05 May 05 Date Organic matter Volumetric water decomposition (μgC m–2 s–1) content in soil (l l–1) 80 Indonesia 0.6 BS 0.5 60 0.4

40 0.3

0.2 20 0.1

0 0 Sep 04 Jan 05 Apr 05 Jul 05 Nov 05 Date

Soil water content (forest) Soil water content (cropland) Organic matter decomposition (forest) Organic matter decomposition (cropland)

Fig. 6.3. Seasonal fluctuations of soil moisture and organic matter decomposition rates in the forest and cropland sites of Thailand (RP) and Indonesia (BS). Bars indicate standard errors (n = 5). plots (Fig. 6.6). Excess cation charge was com­ consumption by SOM loss and manure) (Table 6.1; pensated for by the net proton load to the soil as Figs 6.5 and 6.6), the proton budgets were cal­

NPGBio (= cation uptake by plants). Within plant culated in each of the soil horizons (Fig. 6.7). uptake, since litterfall was the circulating fraction, In RPf, the fluxes of organic acids and nitrate

NPGBio attributable to wood increment (forest) or in soil solution were small owing to the adsorp­ crop removal (cropland) was counted in net pro­ tion of organic acids and rapid nitrate uptake by ton generation. NPGBio in each of the soil horizons vegetation, respectively (Fig. 6.5), and thus, con­ was calculated by allocating it based on the dis­ tribution of nitric and organic acids to acidification tribution of the fine root biomass(Table 6.3), ac­ was negligible (Fig. 6.7). Although bicarbonate cording to Shibata et al. (1998). Using NPGNtr was one of the dominant anions in soil solution

(net proton generation by nitrification), NPGCar in RPf (Table 6.4; Fig. 6.5), the contribution of

(dissociation of carbonic acid), NPGOrg (dissociation carbonic acid to soil acidification was minor. In of organic acids), NPGBio (cation loss caused by wood RPf, net proton generation for wood increment increment or crop removal) and NPCMin (proton was found in the mineral soil horizons and it was 64 K. Fujii et al. n+c Al 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 2+ Fe 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2+ Ca 0.04 0.02 0.24 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.28 0.15 0.03 0.26 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.02 2+ 0.04 0.03 0.15 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.16 0.06 0.03 0.19 0.07 0.08 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.01 Mg + K 0.06 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.11 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.08 0.00 + 4 NH 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 represents anion deficit, the negative charge of organic represents anion deficit, the negative n− ) −1 Org + l b c Na 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 (mmol + H 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 n-b 0.12 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.26 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.01 0.01 0.10 0.02 Org 2 − 4 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.01 SO − 3 0.03 0.02 0.34 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.38 0.14 0.04 0.02 0.37 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.01 NO ). + 2 − Cl 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.01 − 3 and Al(OH) 2+ 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.02 HCO , AlOH ) 3+ −1 9.9 3.1 1.9 5.9 3.1 2.2 9.3 3.9 4.5 9.7 2.7 2.9 9.0 4.2 17.2 34.7 (mg C l DOC (Fujii et al., 2013) pH 4.4 6.1 5.8 5.2 6.1 5.7 4.2 5.6 6.2 5.8 4.4 5.6 6.1 6.2 5.2 6.1 ) −1 545 825 824 824 1064 1162 1064 1196 1602 1414 1619 1144 2083 2223 2031 2187 Water Water year flux (mm a a a a P P TF B1 Bt B1 B1 BA BA A Ap2 A Ap O Ap1 TF Horizon Annual volume-weighed mean concentrations of ions in precipitation, throughfall and soil solution in forest and cropland soils of Thailand and Indonesia. Thailand of ions in precipitation, throughfall and soil solution forest cropland soils mean concentrations Annual volume-weighed represents total charge equivalent of Al ions (Al of equivalent represents total charge + Al c BSc RPc BSf Forest Cropland Forest Cropland RPf P and TF represent precipitation and throughfall, respectively. O, A, Ap, Ap1, Ap2 and BA, B, B1 and Bt represent soil horizons. B, Ap2 and BA, Ap1, Ap, A, O, TF represent precipitation and throughfall, respectively. P and Indonesia acids. Thailand Table 6.4. Table Site a Acidification of Tropical Soils under orestF and Continuous Cropping 65

Thailand Indonesia 0.5 O horizon 0.4 RPf A horizon BSf forest BA horizon forest A horizon

) B1 horizon 0.3 Bt horizon –1 l c 0.2



2.5 RPc Ap horizon BSc Ap1 horizon cropland BA horizon cropland Ap2 horizon 2.0 B horizon B1 horizon 1. 5

Nitrate concentration (mmol Nitrate 1. 0


0.0 Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Apr–04 Jun–04 Aug–04 Oct–04 Dec–04 –04 –04 –05 –05 –05 –05 –05 Date

Fig. 6.4. Seasonal fluctuations of the concentrations of nitrate in soil solution of forest and cropland soils in Thailand (RP) and Indonesia (BS). Bars indicate standard errors (n = 5).

a dominant proton source in each soil horizon in BSc (Fig. 6.6). NPCMin was higher than the sum (Fig. 6.7). In BSf, protons were produced by the of NPGs and it resulted in soil alkalinization in the dissociation of organic acids in the O horizon, Ap horizons (Fig. 6.7). ­although they were consumed owing to the ­mineralization and adsorption of organic acids in the A and B horizons (Fig. 6.7). Proton gener­ ation by plant uptake (wood increment) was also 6.4 Discussion found in the O horizon, as well as in the A and B horizons, and contributed to acidification of the 6.4.1 Natural acidification processes O horizon (Fig. 6.7). of tropical forest soils In RPc and BSc, protons were produced by nitrification in the Ap horizons, most of which The importance of organic acids to soil acidifica­ were neutralized by basic cations in the Ap hori­ tion was different between forest sites. Proton zons and this resulted in leaching of basic cations generation of organic acids in BSf is as high as (Figs 6.5 and 6.7). Owing to the fine root biomass those in Spodosol soils under temperate forests −1 −1 concentrated in the Ap horizons (Table 6.3), (1.2−3.7 kmolc ha year from Guggenberger

NPGBio (crop removal) was concentrated in the and Kaiser (1998) and Fujii et al. (2008)). In BSf, Ap horizons in the cropland plots (Fig. 6.6). the larger production of DOC in the O horizon

­Although NPGOrg in RPc and BSc was lower than resulted in acidification of surface soils by organic the respective forest plots, organic acids also con­ acids. Ammonium leaching from the O horizon tributed to proton generation in the Ap horizon of and its uptake in the A horizon also contributed BSc. In the cropland plots, assuming the loss of to the vertical variation of acid load in the soil

SOM from the Ap horizons (Table 6.3) and CECSOM profile of BSf, while the concurrence of mineral­ −1 to be 124 and 90 cmolc kg SOM in RPc and BSc, ization and uptake by plants resulted in small respectively, NPCMin values associated with SOM fluxes of protons associated with nitrification loss were estimated to be 8.8 ± 1.8 and 3.6 ± 0.5 in RPf. −1 −1 kmolc ha year in RPc and BSc, respectively. Since nitric and organic acids are working There was a minor contribution to the value of only within the surface soil horizons, their −1 −1 NPCMin by poultry manure (0.2 kmolc ha year ) contribution to acidification in the entire soil 66 K. Fujii et al.

Thailand Indonesia

Litter RPf Litter BSf KKMg Ca Al Mg Ca production forest production forest P Na Al Wood Wood K MgCa increment increment

S Na Litter Al RPc Litter BSc K production cropland production cropland Ca P K Mg Crop Mg Ca Crop removal removal Poultry Soil organic manure Soil organic anion mineralized anion mineralized

–10 –5 0510 –10–50 510 –1 –1 –1 –1 (kmolc ha year ) (kmolc ha year ) Net proton generation (+) or consumptiom (–) Net proton generation (+) or consumptiom (–)

Fig. 6.5. Proton generation by vegetation uptake and proton consumption by mineralization of soil organic anions in forest and cropland soils in Thailand (RP) and Indonesia (BS).

profile is minor in the forests studied. Excess nitrification of soil organic N, the higher proton cation accumulation in wood is commonly a generation in the RPc soil is considered to be dominant proton source in the growth stage of caused by the higher rate of SOM loss, com­ the RP and BS forests. The small loss of cations pared to BSc. The lower NPGNtr in BSc is con­ from the soil profile and large fluxes of plant sidered to be partly attributed to the lower soil uptake appeared to be common to tropical for­ pH (Kemmitt et al., 2006), as nitrification is ests (Fujii, 2014). generally suppressed in acidic soils (Kemmitt et al., 2006). Although acidification is increased by nitrification after continuous cropping, its extent varies depending on soil pH, as well as 6.4.2 Soil acidification processes the rates of SOM loss. in cropland soils Although continuous cropping results in a decrease in the DOC concentration in the A hori­ In cropland soils, the higher temperature than zon owing to a loss of the O horizon, the DOC found in forest soils could increase microbial ac­ concentrations in the Ap horizon of BSc were still tivity of SOM decomposition (Hayakawa et al., higher compared to RPc. The higher DOC concen­ 2014). Loss of SOM is considered to contribute tration results in higher proton generation owing to nitrification predominating over vegetation up­ to organic acid dissociation in BSc compared to take in the Ap horizons of the croplands. This could RPc. In the RPc soil, the contribution of organic contribute to acidification of cropland soils. Despite acids to acidification was negligible owing to the a lack of fertilization, the magnitude of proton greater adsorption of DOC on the clay-rich soil. generation by nitrification in RPc is comparable In the croplands, crop removal, as well as ni­ to the higher reported values in fertilized crop­ trification, contributed to soil acidification. This −1 −1 lands (1.4−11.5 kmolc ha year from Ridley is consistent with the pattern of soil acidification et al. (1990), Bouman et al. (1995), Poss et al. in pastures (Bolan et al., 1991). However, proton (1995), Lesturgez et al. (2006) and Noble et al. budget analysis showed that an intensive acid (2008)). Since proton generation owing to nitri­ load by nitrification could be neutralized by pro­ fication is caused by the net mineralization and ton consumption associated with a loss of SOM Acidification of Tropical Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping 67

Horizon Thailand forest Horizon Indonesia forest

2 – NH4 – 2– –HCO3 HCO RPf SO NO 2 3 2 2+ 4 2 Na 2+ 2+ BSf NO– Na Ca Mg Ca 2 Fe2+ TF TF Aln+ Fe2+

n– Org – + Aln+ n– 2– – + 2 + 2+ A Cl K O Org SO4 Cl H NH4 K Mg


Bt B1 H+

–8 –6 –4 –2 02468 –8 –6 –4 –2 02468 –1 –1 –1 –1 Cation (+) and anion (–) flux (kmolc ha year ) Cation (+) and anion (–) flux (kmolc ha year )

Horizon Thailand cropland Horizon Indonesia cropland

2 HCO– NH 3 2 4 – Na RPc HCO– Na2 NH2 BSc Cl 3 4 2– P P SO4 – 2+ 2 2+ Fe n– SO Fe Org 4

n– + – – 2+ 2+ Ap1 Org NO – K 2+ Ca2+ Aln+ Ap NO2 Cl Mg Ca 2 Mg

+ K Aln+ BA Ap2

Bt B1 + H H+ –8 –6 –4 –2 02468–8–6–4–20 2468 –1 –1 –1 –1 Cation (+) and anion (–) flux (kmolc ha year ) Cation (+) and anion (–) flux (kmolc ha year )

Fig. 6.6. Fluxes of solutes at each horizon of forest and cropland soils in Thailand (RP) and Indonesia (BS). P and TF represent precipitation and throughfall, respectively. O, A, Ap, Ap1, Ap2 and BA, B, B1 and Bt represent soil horizons. in cropland soil in the initial stages of cropping uptake at the beginning of the cropping season following deforestation in the present study. contributed to net proton generation. Concurrently, the loss of SOM could con­ tribute to proton consumption because of the mineralization of organic anions in croplands. 6.4.3 Effects of continuous cropping on This contrasts with the case of forests, where organic matter cycles and excess cation accumulation in organic matter soil acidification (biomass and humus) contributes to soil acidifi­ cation. In the present study, organic matter pro­ In the forest soil profiles, the contribution of ni­ duction contributed to proton generation at the trification to acidification was minor. Judging from rate of 0.004−0.020 molc for the production of the almost even balance between SOM decom­ 1 mol organic C. On the other hand, in the crop­ position and C input, a complete cycle of N is land soils, a loss of SOM consumed protons at considered to be balanced with no net proton rates ranging from 0.019 to 0.026 molc for the fluxes in forest ecosystems (Binkley and Richter, loss of 1 mol soil organic C (Fujii et al., 2009a). 1987). On the other hand, in the croplands, where Both proton generation and consumption were SOM decomposition was greater than C, inputs greater in RPc than in BSc owing to the higher resulting in a loss of SOM, net mineralization nitrification activity and the higher CECSOM of the of soil organic nitrogen and limited vegetation less acidic soils of RPc. Net proton consumption 68 K. Fujii et al.

Horizon Thailand forest Horizon Indonesia forest


(H+) -(H+) BA A in out


NPGOrg Bt B1 NPGBio(wood)

NPGCar Total Total NPGMin

–10–50 510–10 –5 0510 –1 –1 –1 –1 (kmolc ha year ) (kmolc ha year ) Net proton generation (+) or consumption (–) Net proton generation (+) or consumption (–)

Thailand cropland Indonesia cropland

A Ap1

+ + (H )in-(H )out BA RPc Ap2 BSc NPGNtr

NPGOrg Bt Bt NPGBio(Crop)

NPGCar Total Total NPGMin

–10 –5 0510 –10–50 510 –1 –1 –1 –1 (kmolc ha year ) (kmolc ha year ) Net proton generation (+) or consumption (–) Net proton generation (+) or consumption (–)

Fig. 6.7. Net proton generation and soil acidification in the soil profiles fromhailand T (RP) and Indonesia

(BS). O, A, Ap, Ap1, Ap2 and BA, B, B1 and Bt represent soil horizons. NPGBio: net proton generation (NPG) resulting from excess cation uptake by vegetation, NPGNtr: NPG owing to transformation of nitrogen,

NPGOrg: NPG owing to dissociation of organic acids, NPGCar: NPG owing to dissociation of carbonic acid + + and {(H )in-(H )out}: net proton influx from the overlying horizon. owing to net mineralization of organic anions could 6.4.4 Soil acidification and implications for increase with increasing pH and SOC content amelioration strategy in Asian countries (Poss et al., 1995). The effect of continuous crop­ ping on soil acidification could vary from soil to Increasing application of fertilizer N (especially soil, depending on the organic matter budgets and ammonium ), as well as net mineralization soil pH and texture. Under low-­input tropical of SOM, can accelerate soil acidification (Bolan agriculture, SOM cycles have a strong influence et al., 1991; Bouman et al., 1995). In Asia in on acidification processes. Soil acidification asso­ particular, soil pH has decreased by 0.3 to 1.1 units ciated with intensive cropping after deforestation within the last few decades (Ali et al., 1997; can be ameliorated by the build-up of SOM during Darmawan et al., 2006; Guo et al., 2010) (Fig. 6.8). forest fallow periods. Case-by-case land-use In Bangladesh and Indonesia (Java), the use of strategies need to be developed by adjusting the high-yielding varieties of rice and chemical fer­ length of forest fallow periods between cropping tilizers following the green revolution has not for maximizing the harvest or benefits of farmers. only increased rice production but has also Acidification of Tropical Soils under Forest and Continuous Cropping 69

7. 0 a promising approach for identifying the dom­ inant acidifying processes and for proposing 6.5 site-specific and feasible countermeasures against soil acidification. 6.0 Soil pH 5.5 6.5 Conclusions Bangladesh Indonesia China 5.0 Under continuous cropping of the deforested 1967 1995 1970 2003 1980s 2000s land in northern Thailand, the enhanced SOM Year decomposition and crop removal result in a loss Fig. 6.8. Soil pH changes over recent decades in of SOM. The mineralization of soil organic ni­ selected Asian countries. (Data sources for trogen can enhance proton generation owing Bangladesh, Indonesia and China are Ali et al. to nitrification. At the same time, SOM loss also (1997), Darmawan et al. (2006) and Guo et al. enhanced proton consumption through mineral­ (2010), respectively.) ­ization of soil organic anions. Acidity contributed by nitrification can be neutralized by depletion accelerated soil acidification (Ali et al., 1997; of SOM at least during the initial stage of crop­ Darmawan et al., 2006). The increased input of ping after deforestation in tropical regions. N fertilizer without sufficient application of lime However, it should be noted that the capacities and organic matter results in a low to moderate of acid neutralization associated with SOM are −1 −1 rate of soil acidification (~2 kmolc ha year ) in reduced by continuous cropping in tropical re­ these regions (Ali et al., 1997; Darmawan et al., gions, where the SOM stock is originally small 2006). In China, the conversion of crop production compared to the temperate regions. In some re­ systems to cash crop production (e.g. vegetables) gions of Asia, the conversion of traditional agri­ has resulted in rapid soil acidification through cultural systems to intensive farming has accel­ nitrification of excessive ammonium fertilizer erated soil acidification through nitrification of N (500–4000 kg N ha−1 year−1) and crop removal excessive fertilizer N within the past few dec­ (Guo et al., 2010). Proton generation due to N ades. The impact of agriculture on soil acidifica­ −1 −1 cycling (20–221 kmolc ha year ) in China is tion may be ameliorated by improving N fertil­ extremely high compared with the lower N fertilizer ization strategies and maintaining SOM levels −1 rates in other regions (1.4–11.5 kmolc ha by assessing the effects of cropping on proton year−1). budgets. Under low-input tropical agriculture, The impact of agriculture on soil acidification SOM cycles have a strong influence on acidifica­ may be ameliorated by improving N fertilization tion processes. Soil acidification associated with strategies and maintaining SOM levels. For ex­ intensive cropping after deforestation can be ample, strategies to improve N use efficiency and ameliorated by the build-up of SOM during for­ reduce excessive N fertilization have been pro­ est fallow periods. Thus, case-by-case land-use posed in China (Ju et al., 2009). Proton transfer strategies need to be developed by adjusting the associated with SOM cycles in cropland soils length of forest fallow periods between cropping suggests that the maintenance of SOM levels for maximizing the harvest or benefits to farm­ will neutralize protons produced by nitrification ers through a fuller understanding of tropical (Fujii et al., 2009a). Proton budget analysis is soil chemical processes.


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Lovemore Chipungu,1 Hangwelani H. Magidimisha,2 Michael Hardman3* and Luke Beesley4 1School of the Built Environment and Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; 2Human Science Research Council, Demography Governance and Service Delivery, Durban, South Africa; 3School of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, Salford, UK; 4Environmental and Biochemical Sciences, The James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, UK

7.1 Introduction: Urban Soils as Vital the soil properties in which the agriculture occurs. Pseudo-natural Capital This overview of urban agriculture in ­selected African cities, particularly the exploration of soil Urban soils, waters and wastes are a valuable quality and contamination issues breaks new natural capital asset for the world’s burgeoning ground since it features one of the first reviews urban population. The utilization of this capital of urban agriculture and soils. Ultimately, this is beginning to be recognized as fundamental to piece aims to provide an insight into practices on strategies for ensuring a safe and secure food the African continent and pave the way for sub- supply in many countries. This idea of growing sequent research. in the city, or ‘urban agriculture’, is a relatively new concept in certain parts of the world, al- though ample literature exists on the practice in 7.1.1 Urban soils as distinct entities the North American context (see, e.g. Mougeot, 1999; Viljoen, 2005; Wiskerke and Viljoen, Soils are the basis of life: providing vital nutrients, 2012). This chapter explores urban agriculture harbouring diverse ecological communities, in Africa, which to date has had relatively little storing carbon and maintaining water supplies. exposure in the academic literature. While the United States Department of Agricul- Within this chapter, we focus on three ture (USDA) soil taxonomy system does not major cities across the continent: Harare recognize anthropogenic soils at higher orders (­Zimbabwe), Nairobi (Kenya) and Johannesburg of taxonomy, the World Reference Base classi- (South Africa). In each case, we provide an over- fication system (IUSS Working Group WRB, view of urban agricultural activities, authority 2006) does recognize soils strongly influenced responses to the practice and an evaluation of by human intervention as distinct and existing

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 72 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture 73

in their own right and categorizes them as those: difficult to identify, map and avoid (Hursthouse (i) formed or strongly modified by human activ- et al., 2004; Thums et al., 2008). In themselves, ity (Anthrosols), and (ii) predominantly contain- elevated concentrations of ‘risk elements’ – those ing artefacts derived from human activities that induce toxicity symptoms if ingested – present (Technosols) (Rossiter, 2007). Figure 7.1 displays minimal health concern without transfer from a representation of a typical composition of vari- soil to people. Contemporary reviews, documenting ous waste materials supplementing native soil-­ the environmental context of urban agricul- forming materials and added organic amendment tural activities in developed countries, highlight (Beesley, 2012). Both Anthrosol and Technosol the enhanced possibilities for the passage of con- designations may apply to urban soils and have a taminants from soils to humans due to cultivat- profound influence on the productivity and safety ing urban soils (Cook et al., 2005). For instance, of agricultural activities practised thereon, Wortman and Taylor-Lovell (2013) summarize although Technosols are more likely to exist in various sources of contamination to a typical urban areas, due to the locally derived artefact vacant urban space in agricultural use, including contribution. emissions from traffic, storm water (often used for irrigation) and artefacts, such as paint frag- ments containing lead (Pb), that are all sources 7.1.2 Risks associated with cultivation of contamination to soils. of urban soils Mok et al. (2014), reviewing urban agricul- tural practices in developed countries, highlight chemical contamination of soils as a key risk In various urban topsoils, concentrations of ­associated with food produced in urban areas, heavy metals have been shown to vary consider- stating that best management practices to miti- ably over relatively small geographical scales gate such risks include rigorous monitoring of (Madrid et al., 2002, 2007) creating sporadic- sites, bioremediation of contaminated areas and ally elevated levels of ‘risk elements’, which are removal of soils. If one considers ‘formalized’ or ‘planned’ urban agriculture, such as allotments, a burden of responsibility lies with the local ad- ministration to ensure that soils are fit for pur- pose, and a raft of local and national regulatory frameworks exist for this purpose, some of which are specifically related to urban soils with agri- cultural uses (see Hardman and Larkham, 2014). However, in situations where urban agri- culture is practised ‘informally’ or where no ­regulations exist or are not upheld, there is a clear possibility that the quality of soils, and their management, could result in contaminant loads exceeding safe levels in foods. Where soil quality is already poor, climatic conditions un- favourable or demand for food exceeds supply, the pressure to cultivate marginal soils, whether that is those with low fertility or elevated ‘risk element’ loadings, is more likely.

7.1.3 Emerging pressures on urban natural capital

Fig. 7.1. Typical urban ‘Technosol’ profile Reliance on urban agriculture as a predominant composed of native soil-forming materials, waste source of food differs with economic development artefacts and organic amendments. (cf. Caputo, 2012). Gumbo (2000), quoting the 74 L. Chipungu et al.

UNDP (1996), argues that 15% of total world we argue that urban agriculture, if practised food production comes from urban agriculture ­effectively, could be a tool for enabling certain (mainly farming, horticulture, animal hus- elements of the African community to have bandry and fishing) and that over 1 billion greater access to fresh produce. Havana (Cuba), people are actively engaged in urban agriculture a city that faces similar issues to many of those with 200 million being full-time farmers produ- experienced in Africa, demonstrates the effect- cing food for market. Data collected from 15 de- iveness of urban agriculture: in this case, the au- veloping and transition countries by the United thorities initially resisted the practice, but upon Nations Food and Agriculture Organization realizing its benefits and potential, began to en- (UN-FAO) (2008) show that the share of income courage it across the capital (Angotti, 2013). from agriculture by urban poor households is in- Havana, alongside Detroit (USA), is now seen as an creasing. Within the African context, urban exemplar of how urban agriculture can be used agriculture among poor urban households has as a mechanism to alleviate food poverty and en- risen. This is against the backdrop of a popula- able populations to have greater access to fresh fruit tion increase in Africa of around 60% between and vegetables (Hardman and Larkham, 2014). 2010 and 2050, with the urban population trip- ling to 1.23 billion during the same period (UN-Habitat, 2013). This will inevitably intro- 7.2 The Development of Urban duce a huge number of challenges (cf. Odendaal, 2012), many of which will stretch natural cap- Agriculture in Africa ital to its limits and beyond. This increase in population is associated, at least partially, with 7.2.1 Origins and progress the ‘urbanization of poverty’ typified by the de- velopment of informal settlements (UN-Habitat, Urban agriculture is not a recent development in 2003). Yet despite these issues, and Africa being Africa, dating to the colonial era when urban farm- on the frontline of the global food crisis, there ing was seen as a viable way of supplying food to has been little exploration of urban agriculture the local population. For most Africans, urban within this context. Rapid urbanization is one of agriculture, though small scale, provides continu- Africa’s greatest challenges and, coupled with ity to their rural lifestyle, which has largely been the need to achieve sustainable growth in all sec- historically agricultural in nature. For example, tors of the urban economy (UN-Habitat, 2013; Yoshikuni (2007), in his studies on Zimbabwe, noted Zeeuw and Dubbling, 2009), urban agricultural that when black workers were finally allowed to activities are only likely to increase further. live in towns, most wanted settlements that resem- Generally, Africans already have a lack of bled their rural homes where they could cultivate access to the most basic of services, from educa- crops. However, for decades, the history of urban tional and social services, employment, safe and agriculture is a history punctuated by negligence affordable water to sanitation, housing and and isolation mainly arising out of lack of recogni- more. Yet the recent financial crisis has resulted tion by urban authorities. Arku et al. (2012) ob- in more pressure on the continent’s population; served that in most cities of the developing world, the rise in food and fuel prices is perhaps the the practice of urban agriculture was either ig- most severe arising from the crisis. Food prices in nored or, at best, treated as marginal. Harare (Zimbabwe), for example, increased by It should also be noted that the historical 53% between 1991 and 1992 due to the re- development of most African cities coincided moval of subsidies and price controls, spurring with the modernist era whose town planning poor urban consumers to obtain access to food principles excluded farming as an urban activity outside of market channels through home pro- while at the same time trying to protect property duction or bartering (Tevera, 1996). values in the interest of European settlers However, in as much as cities concentrate (Chipungu, 2011). This was aggravated by the poverty, they are also the best hope of escaping perception that urban agriculture had a minimal it, with urban agriculture representing a huge impact on the urban economy; rather it was opportunity, given considerate exploitation of considered a public health nuisance, mainly due natural capital (Choguill, 1995). In this instance, to odours and the spread of diseases. Yet despite Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture 75

these setbacks, urban agriculture has continued priority; indeed from a purely land zoning per- to grow, with its contribution to urban food se- spective, its inclusion is seen as a waste of urban curity and the economy now viewed as of clear land that is already in short supply. Where it is importance (Haysom, 2007; Lynch et al., 2013). grudgingly accommodated, security concerns In fact, evidence gathered within a variety of have been raised, with produce liable to theft or African cities has demonstrated that urban agri- damage. Concerns over its impact on sanitation culture is directly contributing towards the en- and ‘fragile urban ecologies’ have also been raised hancement of the urban poor’s welfare. Kisner by officials (Magidimisha et al., 2012). (2008), for instance, noted that in Harare, 25% Such concerns have forced practitioners of of the urban poor are dependent on urban agricul- urban agriculture to engage in the activity illegall­ y, ture, which in turn contributed 60% to their total thereby infringing on existing laws and regula- food consumption. Similarly, Arku et al. (2012) tions and introducing problems pertaining to lack observed that a large percentage of the urban of infrastructure, capital, land and tenure. Zeeuw population in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) is increas- (2004) attributed these problems to the nature of ingly becoming dependent on crops grown in the activity, which he argued is yet to establish its urban spaces for food and income. relevance beyond and above the household level These studies suggest that the practice of and receive acknowledgement within the urban urban agriculture not only improves food secur- economy. This position is substantiated by Moustier ity among urban poor, but also contributes to- and Danso (2006), who argue that urban agri- wards the diversity of the produce consumed. culture in African cities is highly subsistence in Similarly, with an increased dependency placed nature, and mainly driven by families on home- on urban soils, waters and wastes as natural as- based plots and in ­illegal spaces. sets to sustain yields and produce marketable goods, and with new generations of urban farmers dis-attached from the agricultural practices of 7.2.4 Urban agriculture and its impact previous generations, there is the potential for soil on African soils degradation due to agricultural intensification. At the centre of urban agriculture in African cit- ies is the need to understand how this practice 7.2.2 The economic value of urban impacts on soils, especially since the majority of agriculture in Africa those partaking in the activity are from poor households who often view the practice as a sur- Urban agriculture has also emerged as an oppor- vival strategy; this is predominantly due to the tunity to ease local unemployment, with an es- challenges and limited opportunities within the timated 40% of the urban population in Africa urban economy. This, in turn, places urban soils currently employed in urban agriculture and under intense pressure, since they are supposed its related sectors (Arku et al., 2012). While to yield adequate harvests in order to contribute low-income households practise urban agricul- towards food security for households as well as ture out of necessity, more affluent households to sustain their livelihoods. Hence, in order to with larger plots steer production towards mar- meet such diversified expectations, a variety of ketable produce. A breakdown of earnings from strategies are employed by households and firms selected cities (Table 7.1) demonstrates the import- that, in the long run, have both positive and ance of urban agriculture in contributing towards negative implications for soils. income security as well as offering employment In terms of the negative impacts, perhaps opportunities to some urban households. the most fundamental issue is that urban agri- culture is generally practised illegally and pursued through subsistence means. Lagerkvist (2014) 7.2.3 Planning, policy and opposition argues that, due to this illegal approach, house- to urban agriculture holds are not prepared to invest their resources into the land, let alone into soil management, Most existing urban development plans and pol- since they do not own the space. Further negative icies in Africa do not view urban agriculture as a practices range from the use of contaminated 76 L. Chipungu et al.

Table 7.1. Mean monthly income from urban agriculture in selected African cities. (Adapted from Arku et al., 2012.)

Percentage of households Mean net income per month (US$) City (country) practising urban agriculture from urban agriculture

Accra (Ghana) 46 27 Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) 30 12 Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) 20 24 Kumasi (Ghana) 57 27 Nairobi (Kenya) 30 33 Oagadougou (Mali) 36 25 Yaoundé (Cameroon) 35 53 water, to the overuse of inorganic fertilizers and 7.3 Urban Agriculture in Africa: overexploitation of land. In turn, these have had A Selection of Case Studies consequences for soils, such as loss of soil struc- ture, soil erosion and loss of soil fertility. Wopereis The diversity in urban agricultural practices at the and Maatman (2002) add to this by estimating continental level is also mirrored at regional and that some 17% of 3 million hectares of cultivated national levels. Hence, there is no uniformity in land, which is being seriously degraded, can be the nature of urban agriculture practised within attributed to urban agricultural practices. This a country, largely because of the absence of na- observation is substantiated by Sanchez and tional legislation to guide the practice coupled Swaminathan (2005) who note that over the with ad hoc responses by local authorities. There- past decades, Africa’s small-scale farmers have fore, case studies depicted in this chapter are based removed large quantities of nutrients from their on selected major cities of respective countries soils without returning them in sufficient quan- that, to a large extent, experience varied develop- tities as manure or fertilizer. mental dynamics, with urban agriculture being However, the gradual relaxation of urban one of them. The driving assumption is that such policies, in recognition of the value of urban cities are ‘seats’ of development where both posi- agriculture by some African cities, is contribut- tive and negative practices converge and cascade ing towards good practices with positive reper- to other urban centres within the country. Thus cussions on soils. Provision of vacant land and their choice, to some extent, mirrors practices peri-urban land for urban agriculture, observ- common in a given country. The three case stud- able in some African cities such as Cape Town ies selected for this chapter are Zimbabwe, Kenya (South Africa) and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe), allows and South ­Africa: providing a ‘flavour’ of urban for the stabilization of this practice due to formal agricultural activity on the African continent. tenure arrangements that contribute towards In each case study, emerging urban agricul- better investment in land and soil manage- tural practices evolved out of defying stringent ment. In addition, the provision of training and town planning systems that were opposed to education on urban agriculture, normally con- ­accommodating such a ‘rural’ practice within ducted by NGOs, is also contributing towards urban areas. It is this resilience of urban agricul- better soil management. Zeeuw et al. (2009) ob- ture that finds meaning in these countries, serve that some training programmes include which therefore serve as an indicator of the identifying adaptable cultivars, water saving importance of this activity. techniques and training in the production of or- ganic bio-fertilizers. Such intervention measures, while benefiting urban farmers, also contribute 7.3.1 The practice of urban agriculture immensely towards sustaining urban soils. How­ in Harare – Zimbabwe ever, these measures are only operative in selected countries – a factor that leaves most African Urban agriculture in Harare is an activity that can soils under urban agriculture at the mercy of be traced back to the inception of the city in competing human interests. 1890. It survived under stringent urban colonial Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture 77

rules when cities were exclusive to European set- implemented legislation for control of this culti- tlers as well as under the majority government vation is the Environmental Management Act of that came into power in 1980 and upheld colo- 2002, which forbids cultivation within 30 m of nial land-use policies. The increase in the urban any watercourse. By doing so, it aims to imple- population, caused by an expectation of better ment a degree of catchment management to opportunities in urban areas, coupled with maintain vegetation cover that reduces erosion challenges arising out of the poor performance and deposition of soil into watercourses. This le- of the economy, has seen urban agriculture be- gislation also prohibits cultivation of wetlands coming a mainstay of livelihoods, especially among that are viewed as ecologically sensitive and the low-income households in high density areas whose disturbance has adverse effects on both (Kamete, 2007). flora and fauna conservation. In addition to this, Cultivation in Harare is largely of crops for the legislation also forbids cultivation without domestic consumption, such as maize (Zea mays; written approval from the local authority and, Poaceae), sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas; Con- where crops have already been grown, written volvulaceae) and a variety of other vegetables. approval is also required for their destruction Toriro (2006) notes that those practising the ac- (Bowyer and Tengbeth, 1995; Toriro, 2006). tivity include low-income families unable to meet Kamete (2007) observes that the enforce- their basic needs through cash income derived ment of legislation, either through the destruc- from formal employment. There was an average tion of crops or levying of fines, has been mollified annual increase of 67% in land area cultivated to some extent by the opportunities for residents by the urban poor between 2005 and 2007 to form cooperatives and as such, to apply for the (Kamete, 2007). Kamete (2007) continues to permission to use designated urban land for the argue that this increase has been attributed to cultivation of crops. Although the procedures for general population increase, rural–urban migration, this are lengthy and cumbersome, some groups a growing number of dependents per house- have obtained permission. Yet bureaucratic con- hold, burgeoning unemployment and inflation fusion has resulted in incidents where legal crops resulting in a lowering of income in real terms. have been slashed and cooperatives have re- Inevitably, this mix of economic hardship, quested financial compensation running into demands on urban land and increasing popula- thousands of Zimbabwean dollars to account for tion has resulted in the cultivation of soils that their losses (Kamete, 2007). will produce the best yields. Urban agriculture in In summary, the authorities still suppress Harare is practised on approximately 87 km2 of illegal cultivation in Harare and the legislative land with 57% being on vlei areas or fragile justification for such action remains. At the same ­wetlands which, though susceptible to different time, the need to practise urban agriculture has environmental changes, have high soil fertility become even more pressing as the impact of the (Gumbo, 2000). Other areas where urban agri- economic structural adjustment programme culture is practised include roadsides, railway and political uncertainty has percolated deeper sides and on household plots. Although these lo- into society (Kanyenze, 2004). As with other cations provide access to available soils, their ­cities in Africa, there is also increasing evidence close proximity to road and railway pollutants, that middle-income families are becoming in- as well as general household waste in domestic volved in urban agriculture, not always as direct plots, may increase contaminant loadings such producers or consumers, but as organizers of that the safety of produce grown in those loca- production and employers of individuals from tions is compromised (Cook et al., 2005). poorer households as labourers (Toriro, 2006); creating an interesting trickle-up effect on the Legislation and urban agriculture in Harare popularity of urban agriculture.

In terms of legislation, Bowyer and Tengbeth Soils and soil management in Harare (1995) note that urban agriculture in Harare takes place in areas that are not specifically zoned In Zimbabwe, large areas of the country’s soils for that purpose, thus off-plot cultivation is mostly are derived from granitic parent material and as illegal and often crops are subsequently des- a result are sandy, nutrient-deficient and contain troyed by the local authority. The most actively only small amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). 78 L. Chipungu et al.

Although greenstone soils (related to Oxisols) Urban agriculture in Harare is spreading to have a higher nutrient content, continuous crop- middle- and high-income households; however, ping has depleted them; a factor that, to a large it could be argued that this is happening at the extent, is exacerbated by poor farming practices expense of soil degradation. Measures should be (Barber, 1991). Intensive cropping and prolonged taken to deal with soil degradation arising from periods of insufficient nutrient replenishment have soil tillage, removal of crop residues and nutri- also increased soil fertility problems (Nyamap- ent mining to ensure that demand for urban fene, 1991). Thus, as mentioned earlier in this sec- agricultural produce is met, but in a safe and tion, much of the urban agriculture in Zimbabwe ­environmentally friendly manner. However, it is is practised on the more SOC-rich and fertile vlei yet to be seen how the local authority and the areas. This continual cultivation of vlei areas central government will respond in the face of can lead to a deterioration of soil structure and such challenges. alter its hydrological functioning (Gumbo, 2000). Vlei watercourses can also become choked with sediments eroded from the catchment area due 7.3.2 The practice of urban agriculture to cultivation. Mutyavaviri (2006) also observed in Nairobi – Kenya that vlei sites under cultivation have exposed (unvegetated) surfaces leading to increased soil An estimated 14% of land in Nairobi is used for temperatures, aeration and decomposition, and urban agriculture, involving some 150,000 house­ net reductions in SOC. A decrease in organic holds (City of Nairobi, 2009). As in Harare, the matter input to the soil due to crop stalk harvest- exclusion of agriculture from the city’s landscape ing, a practice common amongst urban farmers is a legacy of colonial urban planning. According on some vlei sites, may also be a factor reducing to Egziabher and Lee-Smith (2006), during SOC stocks (Mutyavaviri, 2006). pre-colonial times, land was in communal own- Soil erosion is also a major problem in ership in Kenya but this has changed since land and around Harare (Mbiba, 2000). It leads to is now either under public or private ownership. lowering of land surfaces; the direct and indir- Public land is owned by either the municipal ect loss of fertilizers though erosion and loss of council or the central government and is either cation exchange capacity; a reduction in SOC used for municipal or government purposes (MCN, stocks; and the deposition of eroded sediments 1999); such land does not include urban agri- into watercourses. Above all, urban agricul- culture. According to municipal bylaws, farm- ture in Harare is highly dependent on intensive ing practices are forbidden within the town’s cultivation made possible by tillage, which ad- boundaries, but the practice is tolerated and by- versely affects the structure of topsoils (Shumba laws permit it under stringent conditions, such et al., 2010). as along road reserves, in the middle of round- It has been observed that urban agricul- abouts, between railway lines, in open spaces tural plots in Harare rely on inputs of organic and parks, along rivers and river valleys, under fertilizers obtained from animal manures and power lines and within backyards of residential composts, while 90% of off-plot farmers use plots (Olima, 2006). This brings into focus the chemical fertilizers to enhance soil fertility (Kis- problem of access to land for urban agriculture ner, 2008). Other research has also noted that in Kenya’s urban areas, with a lack of formal the use of animal manures and organic munici- support existing for the activity, and the use of pal wastes (sewage sludge) is also increasing polluted soils, which may exist along transporta- (Nyamasoka et al., 2010). Further ways of en- tion corridors. hancing crop yield include the use of treated ef- fluent, while the use of contaminated domestic Legislation and urban agriculture in Nairobi and industrial effluent has been observed in gar- dens around the Mukuvisi River (Mapanda et al., Although agriculture is not legally recognized as 2005). However, heavy application of fertilizers to an urban land use, there is increasing evidence increase crop yields results in traces of aluminium, that farming is a widespread activity in Nairobi cadmium (Cd), Pb and mercury in food; a factor often practised by vulnerable groups, the major- that may pose a threat to the health of house- ity of whom are women. Ayaga et al. (2005) holds (Saunyama, 2001). noted that under the Local Government Act, Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture 79

local authorities in Kenya are given the power to be largely informal and unregulated, a factor lease, transfer or allocate land for temporary that contributes to environmental degradation use. They also have the power to make bylaws arising from deforestation, poor agricultural and necessary to prevent and suppress nuisance, waste management practices, and water pollu- maintain residents’ health and safety as well as tion (City of Nairobi, 2009). to regulate, control or prohibit any activity that Most areas where urban agriculture is is deemed contradictory to existing regulations. practised in Nairobi depend on irrigation, with However, Nairobi City Council has used these rivers and boreholes being the main sources of powers to enact bylaws that prohibit cultivation water. The majority of surface water, used for ir- on public streets and keeping livestock. Ayaga rigation, is heavily polluted with domestic, in- et al. (2005) also note that the Local Govern- dustrial and solid waste that results in contamin- ment Act prohibits cultivation by unauthorized ation when applied to soils. Results from a study persons on land that is not occupied or enclosed, by Karanja et al. (2010), on soils from irrigated or land belonging to private persons, govern- plots in the Kibera area of Nairobi, showed a ment and local authorities. In addition to this, high degree of salinization and traces of Pb and the Kenya Public Health Act empowers the pro- Cd, which are toxic to crops and soil organisms hibition of cultivation or irrigation within and at high concentrations. The study also found around townships. some of the soils contained sufficient plant nu- Due to the rapid increase of the practice of trients (especially potassium, calcium and mag- urban agriculture, the present day municipality nesium) to sustain high vegetable yields. This allows crop cultivation, as long as the crop is less was attributed to continuous additions from ir- than 1 m high. Crops such as kale (Brassica oler- rigation water derived from sewage, which is acea var. acephala; Brassicaceae), cowpeas (Vigna high in nitrogen and P (Karanja et al., 2010). unguiculata; Leguminosae) and spinach (Spinacia However, the main challenge associated with oleracea; Chenopodiaceae) are often cultivated the safe practice of urban agriculture is the pos- for commercial purposes, since this type of pro- sibility that continual use of polluted water duce is in high demand and a ready market is sources, combined with poor agricultural prac- present. Urban agriculture in Nairobi is mainly tices, may lead to the accumulation of heavy supported by irrigation water from polluted metals in soils and uptake to crops. rivers arising out of untreated or partially treat- Poor agriculture and land management ed wastewater (Tibaijuki, 2007; Karanja et al., practices have also impacted negatively on soils. 2010), thus attendant health risks can be im- The City of Nairobi (2009) noted that the big- plied from urban-grown produce. gest challenge has been deforestation in water- shed areas, which is contributing to increased Soil management in Nairobi soil erosion. The loss of fertile soil, through ero- sion, is one of the factors that necessitates the Nairobi’s soil types include various clays, red silt, use of fertilizers, which can negatively impact laterites, decomposed tuffs, alluvial and swamp on soils. Sanchez and Swaminathan (2005) soils (Onyancha et al., 2011). They are the have observed that although synthetic fertilizers weathering products of volcanic parent material add necessary nutrients to cropland, they fail to and most are classified as Andisols or Ultisols. restore organic matter to the soil as does ma- Andisols are generally fertile, with high concen- nure, for example. Furthermore, regular use of trates of available phosphorus (P), whereas Ultisols synthetic fertilizers causes long-term depletion are acidic and highly weathered, containing low of organic matter and degradation of overall soil concentrations of plant available nutrients partly ‘quality’. They further argue that such practices due to high concentrations of iron oxides and among farmers contribute to widespread nutri- their ability to retain anions, such as P (Bationo ent mining. On the other hand, disposal of et al., 2006). It is because of the nature of the soils agro-chemicals, by industry and some farmers that Nairobi has a diversity of urban agriculture who grow flowers, has led to the contamination that includes households engaging in crop pro- of soils; a practice that also leads to water pollu- duction, livestocking and the growing of flowers. tion (City of Nairobi, 2009). However, lack of recognition of urban agriculture The overall impact of poor soil management in land-use planning has rendered the activity to is felt by the consumers of urban agricultural 80 L. Chipungu et al.

products. Traces of heavy metals, especially in US$5000 can be awarded to interested groups leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, have for equipment, and the amount can be increased been detected, while infections with tapeworm, to around US$15,000 if fencing and boreholes ascarids and protozoa are common among resi- are required. Communities can also receive ad- dents, especially those in informal settlements vice from Gauteng Department of Agriculture (Karanja et al., 2010). In turn, this puts a sub- and Rural Development. The City of Johannes- stantial part of the urban population at risk, burg encourages food gardens institutionally by given that 50% of vegetables consumed in Nairobi drafting formal constitutions for groups and are grown on such plots and are susceptible to sometimes land is provided, but preference is these contaminants. However, regulating urban given to housing (Richards and Taylor, 2012). agriculture is not enough; there is a need for Evidence from ‘Orange Farm’, a township more research into the sites on which urban located on the outskirts of the city, shows that agriculture is practised to understand the im- gardeners are required to sign a lease agreement pact on the area and the potential danger of eat- with the provincial government if they wish to ing produce grown within these spaces (cf. Cook use this land for gardening. Vacant land, includ- et al., 2005). It is hoped that since Kenya is a sig- ing land designated for schools in Orange Farm, natory to the Harare Declaration (of 2003), on can be used until such a time that such land is Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture in East and designated for alternative development (Richards Southern Africa, policies will be put in place to and Taylor, 2012). Yet despite these agreements, create an environment enabling integration of Orange Farm only has around 0.8% of house- urban agriculture into the urban economy. holds practising urban agriculture (City of Jo- hannesburg, 2003; Richards and Taylor, 2012). On a wider level, and away from Orange Farm, 7.3.3 The practice of urban agriculture there are a number of barriers preventing the in Johannesburg – South Africa practice across South Africa, ranging from finan- cial to the general poor skills of urban farmers. The city of Johannesburg is the largest urban In most cases, urban agriculture subsists in complex in South Africa and one of the largest an environment governed by a plethora of dis- on the African continent. Though the city is the jointed and uncoordinated legislation dealing economic hub of South Africa, 33% of the city’s with land use, health and the environment. Fur- population lives in poor housing characterized thermore, Watson (1998) points out that prior to by backyard shacks and informal settlements the 1994 democratic elections in South Africa, (City of Johannesburg, 2003; Landau et al., urban areas were home to elites; this, to a large 2013). Generally, the practice of urban agricul- extent, excluded poor people from urban areas. ture in Johannesburg is an ad hoc activity under- Asomani-Boateng (2002) substantiates this taken by households and communities on dump- argument by indicating that the majority of sites, residential plots, riverbanks and other people who practise urban agriculture are the open spaces. Given the fluid nature of the activ- urban poor who cannot afford to pay for infra- ity, only 4.8% (164,500 ha) of the land area is structure and service provision. Above all, he under cultivation (City of Johannesburg, 2003). emphasizes how the activity requires specialist There is no clear policy on land allocation skills and knowledge; urban farmers need to apply for urban agriculture; the city does allow its own the appropriate production or farming tech- land to be used for food growing, but there is niques that are reconcilable with the urban situ- no provision relating to the allocation of land ation. Usually urban farmers utilize traditional and specifically for such activities, with gardeners inappropriate methods from rural areas. These ‘invading’ land on adjacent plots when they individuals may lack the capacity to bring together expand their gardens. Where some parcels of their needs, know-how and activities in such a land are zoned for agriculture, they are far from manner that it becomes a sustainable venture residential areas. It has also been observed that that contributes to their livelihoods (cf. Asomani-­ land for urban agriculture is classified as part of Boateng, 2002). Kroll and Rudolph (2010) argue the city’s open space system, hence such land is that urban agriculture in Johannesburg remains temporary. A one-off grant of up to around a challenge, from the scarcity of land to erratic Soil Quality in the Safe Practice of Urban Agriculture 81

and torrential rains, degraded and polluted soils yet to gain importance as it has done in Harare and other issues. and Nairobi.

Soil management in Johannesburg Much of South Africa has good agricultural soils 7.4 Conclusions: The Future of Urban characterized by loamy-clay soils (Bationo et al., Agriculture and Soils in Africa 2006). In addition, 35% of land in Johannes- burg is not developed, partly due to degradation Soils support life, and commonality in the case caused by large-scale mining activities that af- study regions revolves around maximizing this fected vast tracts of land. Mining activities valuable, non-renewable resource even where the have contributed to surface and groundwater inherent soil properties are far from optimal for ­pollution, soil pollution, high radiation levels, supporting agriculture. We have seen that the increased air-borne pollution and loss of land practice of urban agriculture can be associated (City of Johannesburg, 2003). The situation is with both positive and negative impacts on soils. aggravated by small-scale mining and quarry- The use of organic fertilizers in Harare and Nai- ing activities within the city that do not have ad- robi increased the fertility of the soils, but the con- equate resources to invest in cost-effective and taminated composition of these organic inputs efficient technologies, and so generate large may eventually induce soil toxicity, decreasing ­volumes of waste spoil. In addition, land degrad- yields and the passage of contaminants through ation is also caused by industrial and commer- crops to humans. Evidence from the City of cial activities where inappropriate land and ­Johannesburg shows that mining operations have waste disposal practices are common – a factor polluted water sources and degraded land, thereby that contributes to the removal of topsoil (City of rendering it unsuitable for agriculture. Johannesburg, 2003). While this review provides evidence to sug- Much of the land previously utilized for gest that urban agriculture is still a peripheral mining requires remediation and is conse- component of urban land use in many African quently not fit for urban agricultural use. The cities, it does suggest that the continual search City of Johannesburg (2003) observed that for food security among the urban poor is ex- there was general evidence of escalating soil panding the practice. However, unless major degradation, declining biological diversity and steps are taken, there will be continual contam- soil productivity mainly in open spaces caused ination and degradation of soils that, in turn, by illegal clearing (for urban agriculture and will further constrain urban food security espe- informal settlements), dumping and uncon- cially among poor households. Hence Zeeuw’s trolled burning. One could argue that the prac- (2003, cited in Haysom, 2007), observation tice of urban agriculture in Johannesburg is a that disjointed practices being experienced in fragmented activity that is not well blended ­African cities can only be resolved if the nexus into the livelihoods of the people, despite sup- between urban land-use planning, food security port from government structures. Perhaps, policies, urban environmental policies and urban most convincingly, it can also be argued that health policies is achieved. Further research is given the rapid rate of urbanization in Johan- required to explore the impact of this type of nesburg (which stands at 2.6%) supported by practice on the African continent: providing­ the high concentration of economic activities empirical material to suggest the potential for (Turok, 2012; Landau et al., 2013), indulgence urban agriculture and whether populations are in urban agriculture as a survival strategy is able to use this practice to become self-sufficient.


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David D. Mkwambisi,1* Andrew J. Dougill,2 Philip Antwi-Agyei2,3 and Chikondi P. Chabvuta4 1Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda College Campus, Lilongwe, Malawi; 2Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 3Department of Environmental Science, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana; 4Centre for Community Organization and Development, Lilongwe, Malawi

8.1 Introduction Many African cities are currently failing to realize the potential of urban agriculture in sup- It is estimated that the urban population in porting households to meet their food require- sub-Saharan Africa will double to about 600 mil- ments, as shown by previous studies in Dar es lion by 2030 (FAO, 2012). This urbanization has Salaam (Jacobi et al., 2000), Kampala (Maxwell come with a recognition that strategies for meet- et al., 1998) and Dakar (Mbaye and Moustier, ing current and future urban food supply require- 2000). Municipal solid waste and human waste ments are insufficient (Mougeot, 2005; Hovorka from urban sanitation systems now offer the et al., 2006; Zezza and Tasciotti, 2010) and that potential to address low soil nutrient concentra- impacts on urban environmental conditions are tions and also to reduce environmental prob- poorly understood (Grimmond et al., 2002; Lu lems associated with poor waste management et al., 2010). In particular, the impact of urban- (Mkwambisi et al., 2012). Better understanding ization on urban food production systems and soil of this relationship could help to address some of nutrient cycles needs additional research. The need the challenges and provide opportunities for cities to consider urban land management practices to meet both national and international develop- that can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases ment objectives. and enhance carbon storage is increasingly being Despite the important role of urban agricul- discussed at an international level (e.g. Rosenzweig ture in reducing poverty and providing livelihoods et al., 2011; Bulkeley and Castán Broto, 2013; for many households (Maxwell, 1999; Redwood, Taylor and Peter, 2014). Indeed, this is now recog- 2009), city authorities rarely provide formal nized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate space for it (Chipungu et al., Chapter 7, this vol- Change, who included chapters on the urban ume). There are typically no efforts put in place dimensions of climate change in their Fifth Assess- within city plans or policy support measures ment Report (IPCC, 2013). that can advance the role of urban agriculture.

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 85 86 D.D. Mkwambisi et al.

The other sustainable food production challenge Lilongwe lies in the fertile central region at is that most urban African farmers cannot af- an altitude of 1100 m above sea level and has ford to purchase inorganic fertilizers, leading to ustalf (Alfisol) soils, which are the red-yellow year-on-year declines in levels of the essential soils of the Lilongwe plain (Lowole, 1965). These plant macronutrients in soils used for agricul- soils are typically highly fertile and the Lilongwe tural production (Jones et al., 2013). Failing to plain has extensive agricultural production for fully understand environmental problems and both commercial and subsistence needs of the to link them to urban poverty and food systems nation. Lilongwe is an administrative and com- is a pressing problem, as many urban poor people mercial centre with 669,100 residents, 25% of are resorting to unsustainable livelihoods such whom live below the nationally assessed poverty as charcoal production, moulding bricks and line (GOM, 2012). Residential plots in many sand mining to raise income to enable the pur- ­medium- and high-income households were de- chase of food to meet their household needs. signed to incorporate crop production; however, Based on these challenges, several related re- government officials have regularly destroyed search activities have been ongoing since 2005 maize crops in poorer urban areas where no for- in Malawi to improve understanding of the role mal land ownership was assigned to local com- of urban agriculture in contributing to urban munities and livestock rearing has also been food security, reducing municipal solid waste strictly prohibited in residential areas. and their effects on urban soil properties. This Blantyre, with a population of 711,200 in chapter summarizes some of this research using 2008 (GOM, 2008), is the largest commercial findings from two Malawian cities (Lilongwe and and industrial centre in Malawi. It covers a total Blantyre). The overall aim is to assess the poten- area of 228 km2 of hilly ground with soils typified tial for urban agriculture in Malawi to improve by poorly developed Entisols, with their sandy tex- urban soil quality, crop yields and livelihood op- ture making them less fertile and lower in soil or- portunities for urban residents. Specific research ganic matter (SOM) content. The majority (71%) objectives are to: of the city’s residents live in unplanned settle- ments characterized by poor living conditions. 1. Investigate the extent to which urban agri- culture has improved the livelihoods and well- being of the urban poor, and other marginalized 8.2.2 Urban agriculture and livelihoods groups, in Lilongwe and Blantyre. 2. Assess farm-scale nutrient budgets for urban To assess food production and consumption and agricultural activities and how these are affected its determinants, a livelihood questionnaire was in Lilongwe by the availability of organic ma- administered to a total of 330 households (strati- nure in the form of tobacco waste. fied according to income, age, gender of house- 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of new ecosani- hold head and education level) engaged in urban tation organic manure products on soil quality agriculture in the two cities. In Lilongwe, 131 and maize yields from recent pilot projects in male-headed and 34 female-headed households ­Lilongwe. were sampled, while in Blantyre 112 male-headed and 53 female-headed households were sampled. The sample was stratified into high-income, ­medium-income and low-income households 8.2 Methods based on a participatory wealth ranking exercise approach (Kebede, 2007) involving classification 8.2.1 Study sites by traditional leaders of the relative wealth status of their community members (Mkwambisi, 2008). Research was undertaken with urban commu- Focus groups with low-income residents in both nities in Lilongwe and Blantyre in Malawi. These cities were also held and provided an opportunity two cities are different in terms of economic, to elaborate on the results from the question- geographical and demographic structures, and naire. Finally, community workshops were held capture many of the problems faced in African enabling feedback of key findings and the cities more widely. broader discussion of new opportunities for the Urbanization and Soil Nutrient Challenges and Opportunities 87

use of domestic­ and municipal waste sources as 8.2.4 Assessing the effect of ecosanitation a potential organic input to urban agriculture manure on maize yield and community initiatives. perceptions

Ecological sanitation (also known as ecosanita- 8.2.3 Soil nutrient budgets tion) is a holistic approach to sanitation and water management based on the systematic clos- We conducted a soil nutrient budget analysis of ure of local material flow cycles (Langergraber 27 farming households (21 male-headed and and Muellegger, 2005). This is a process whereby 6 female-headed households) in Lilongwe from human faeces and urine are utilized as inputs for different income groups, stratified by their prox- food production. In this case study, human faeces imity to an industrial site known as Kanengo, (also termed humanure) was applied as basal a major source of organic tobacco wastes. We dressing fertilizer while urine was applied as top hypothesized that households close to this site dressing liquid fertilizer for maize production. had improved access to a nutrient-rich organic The development aim of this new techno- waste compared to those located further away logical practice is principally to protect human so the impact of distance from such an organic health and reduce water pollution, but it also re- waste resource was studied across three regions duces the use of water in sanitation systems and with nine farm plots studied in each region. The recycles nutrients to help reduce the need for artifi- first region covered farm plots located 0–5 km cial fertilizers in agriculture. This project involved from Kanengo, the second region covered farm the use of demonstration plots (Fig. 8.1) to compare plots located 6–10 km from Kanengo and the the performance of maize applied with various or- final region was for farms over 10 km from the ganic and inorganic fertilizers within study com- source. To determine nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) munities and at experimental plots at Bunda Col- and potassium (K) budgets, household grain lege of Agriculture, Lilongwe. In the experimental yields were multiplied by nutrient concentra- plots, there were four nutrient levels of humanure tions of tropical crops as outlined by Kirchmann application (60, 75, 90 and 104 kg N ha–1). Other et al. (2005) to enable assessment of nutrient plots were applied with cattle and goat manure at losses from harvested crops from both crop res- the same rates as that of humanure. Both huma- idues and the grain. We used indices that had nure and livestock manures were applied one week been developed from studies in southern Ghana before planting and once during planting. A ques- because of similarities in soil and agro-ecological tionnaire was also used to collect information from characteristics in these areas (Stoorvogel and the households that participated in the utilization Smaling, 1990; FAO, 2004). Soil nutrient ana- of the ecosanitation technology for providing hu- lyses used the following methods: modified manure for soil treatments across Lilongwe. macro-Kjeldahl digestion method for total N (Anderson and Ingram, 1993); modified Olsen’s extraction procedures for extractable P (Olsen and Sommers, 1982); and exchangeable K fol- 8.3 Results lowing a sodium acetate extraction (Anderson and Ingram, 1993). These methods were also 8.3.1 Urban agriculture and livelihoods used to determine macro-nutrient concentra- tions in waste to calculate the amounts of nutri- Overall, the households surveyed produced a ents available per year from this source. mean maize yield of 802.5 ± 869.1 kg ha–1 (see Farmers were also asked (as part of semi-­ Table 8.1 for breakdown by area and household structured interviews) to explain the factors type). At a household level, the mean maize pro- limiting their use of solid waste as an organic in- duction was 228 kg per capita of maize (or cer- put. These factors were also discussed during eal equivalents), which is above the 181 kg per community workshops and focus group discus- capita that the Government of Malawi recom- sions to gain a more detailed understanding of mends as an adequate food budget (GOM, 2012). the decision-making followed by urban farmers Although considerable variation exists both within in the two cities. and between groups, more educated, wealthier 88 D.D. Mkwambisi et al.

Fig. 8.1. Demonstration plot for ecosanitation products applied as fertilizers at Bunda College of Agriculture, Lilongwe, Malawi.

Table 8.1. Contribution of urban agriculture to household livelihoods in Lilongwe and Blantyre (Malawi) during the 2004/05 agricultural season with breakdown by household classifications.

Maize yield Total harvest consumed Amount of Period taken to Parameter n (kg ha–1) (kg person–1 year–1) maize sold (kg) consume (months)

Lilongwe 142 855.4 ± 926.9 712.7 ± 820.4 122.8 ± 403.5 22.5 ± 39.1 Blantyre 152 758.5 ± 833.3 639.5 ± 765.5 109.7 ± 365.4 17.3 ± 34.6 Male-headed 209 975.9 ± 943.3 825.7 ± 849.2 129.2 ± 435.1 21.1 ± 37.7 households Female-headed 85 385.1 ± 494.7 303.9 ± 454.0 80.2 ± 175.5 16.7± 34.7 households Low-income 120 297.5 ± 438.2 237.9 ± 424.6 59.6 ± 143.3 13.5 ± 31.2 households High-income 179 1155.5 ± 936.0 976.1 ± 845.2 148.6 ± 467.0 23.6 ± 39.5 households Illiterate 17 183.3 ± 184.6 173.3 ± 189.8 10.0 ± 41.2 7.7 ± 23.6 Pre-school 4 312.5 ± 443.6 262.5 ± 343.8 50.0 ± 100.0 2.5 ± 1.7 Primary school 82 552.6 ± 697.8 475.7 ± 659.1 73.3 ± 205.2 15.9 ± 33.7 Secondary 82 684.7 ± 830.6 559.6 ± 677.1 111.0 ± 351.5 23.5 ± 40.0 school Post-secondary 107 1203.4 ± 963.7 1002.7 ± 914.6 166.5 ± 507.9 22.5 ± 38.6 school

Note: Values are mean ± standard deviation. and male-headed households typically obtained 183 ± 185 kg ha–1 from urban agriculture, larger harvests than poorer, less educated and fe- while high-income households harvested 1156 male-headed households (Table 8.1). For ex- ± 936 kg ha–1 from their plots. ample, the 17 households where the household Yields from female-headed households were head was ‘illiterate’ only harvested an average of lower (385 ± 495 kg ha–1) when compared to Urbanization and Soil Nutrient Challenges and Opportunities 89

that obtained by male-headed households The results show that households consumed (976 ± 943 kg ha–1). Consultations with farmers around 80% of the maize they harvested from and community focus groups revealed that these urban plots (Table 8.1). In terms of the period differences in harvest existed because male-headed taken to consume the urban harvests, the results households were typically wealthier and had show that those farmers that have resources ­access to large plots of land and better agricul- (e.g. high-income households) are able to de- tural technology. Comments during stakeholder pend on food from urban plots for a longer period consultations noted that high-income house- of time. However, it is difficult to link this out- holds obtained higher maize yields than low-­ come to the size of the households as those from income households (1156 ± 936 kg ha–1 compared low-income and illiterate households generally to 298 ± 438 kg ha–1) due to level of education have larger household sizes and hence their food and their greater availability of skilled labour. will last for a shorter period of time. This was also confirmed with community level workshops, and focus group discussions sug- gested that this was due to access to information, 8.3.2 Soil nutrient budgets educational qualifications and resources such as good quality nutrient inputs. For example, a retired civil servant from Lilongwe city said: Farm scale results show that soils in Lilongwe re- quire on average 77 kg N ha–1, 19 kg P ha–1 and The availability of agricultural information in 28 kg K ha–1 per year to provide an annual nutri- all the daily newspapers and information on ent balance given the nutrient outputs from the packaging materials has allowed me to identify quality farm inputs and prevent some of the fields studied (Table 8.2). Farmers currently pest[s] attacking my crops. apply less inorganic fertilizers in farm plots lo- cated 0–5 km from the main source of tobacco This contrasted with the sentiments of farmers wastes as compared to those located over 5 km from low-income households. During the focus from sources of tobacco waste. group discussions, the local chief complained: Despite the high costs associated with man- aging municipal solid waste and increased prices Most of the farmers here have no access to of inorganic fertilizers, our survey data show a radios and are illiterate. This makes it difficult to understand instructions that are on the high demand for inorganic fertilizers with the ma- agricultural farm inputs. In addition, the jority of households (61%) reporting the usage of instructions are mostly in English and are so inorganic fertilizer. This compares with tobacco brief to allow a farmer [to] practice the wastes (26%), livestock manure (9%) and recycled instructions. wastes (4%). For example, a female farmer aged

Table 8.2. Nutrient inputs and outputs from fields in Lilongwe in three regions with increasing distance from an industrial tobacco waste site.

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Source and type of (0–5 km) kg ha–1 (6–10 km) kg ha–1 (over 10 km) kg ha–1 nutrient (n = 9) (n = 9) (n = 9)

Mineral fertilizer N 8.0 ± 11.4 64.5 ± 26.1 33.9 ± 10.3 Mineral fertilizer P 10.9 ± 6.4 19.3 ± 5.5 18.94 ± 7.1 Mineral fertilizer K 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 0 ± 0.0 Total crop output N 32.9 ± 19.4 58.1 ± 16.7 57.0 ± 21.3 Total crop output P 7.8 ± 4.6 13.8 ± 4.0 13.5 ± 5.0 Total crop output K 18.7 ± 11.0 33.1 ± 9.5 32.4 ± 12.1 N required 41.9 ± 26.0 98.5 ± 31.3 90.2 ± 29.5 P required 9.8 ± 6.5 24.3 ± 11.2 24.0 ± 12.1 K required 18.7 ± 11.0 33.1 ± 9.5 32.4 ± 12.1

Note: Values are mean ± standard deviation. Mean nutrient deficits in Lilongwe (across all three regions) nitrogen = 77 kg ha–1; phosphorus = 19 kg ha–1; potassium = 28 kg ha–1 90 D.D. Mkwambisi et al.

48 years from Lilongwe city who has been practic- to the land and labour required for agricultural ing urban farming for over 10 years summarized production within the confines of a city. The ac- the discussions with the following remark: cess to labour required for surface application of We prefer tobacco wastes to other wastes as they wastes is particularly important in areas such as are easy to apply, do not require recycling [saving Blantyre where soils are sandy, making water time], have a high content of nutrients and they and nutrient retention reliant upon SOM levels. are available in good time [few months before the The observation of wealthier households being new agricultural season] for application. It is drivers for growth in urban food production cor- easy to transport the materials and they degrade roborates findings from other studies (e.g. Max- very fast after application. On the other hand, well, 1999), suggesting that more powerful urban solid organic wastes are difficult to collect and interests have realized the value of under-utilized manage at household level; in addition, they are urban land and have converted it to agriculture. associated with low NPK content. Land ownership for both rural and urban house- Soils have a mean N deficit of 77 kg N ha–1, implying holds can be used as a proxy for household that farmers require 6.2 t of organic waste on aver- wealth, and its relationship with favourable nu- age to meet the deficit for future sustainable maize tritional status shows that land enhances food production. Thus, it follows that 4000 ha of land security (Maxwell, 1999). However, the extent to could be supplied with sufficient nutrient inputs which poor families used the economic oppor- from the municipal solid waste that is currently de- tunities presented by urban agriculture (either livered to dumping sites (Mkwambisi, 2008). The by selling food or through working for other current tonnage of municipal solid waste taken to urban farms) demonstrates that urban agricul- dumping sites (approximately 21,000 t) (Mkwam- ture provides an important livelihood diversifica- bisi, 2008) is therefore not enough to fully meet re- tion strategy (Kwapata et al., 2001; Mkwambisi quirements for potential land zoned for agriculture et al., 2011). It is pertinent to suggest that waste within and outside the city. recycling can serve a key additional benefit to local communities and improved soil fertility as most poor communities are also faced with food 8.3.3 Ecological sanitation plots security problems (Klemesu, 2000). Urban agri- cultural activities and their crop productivity could be enhanced if soil nutrient availability Plots applied with ecosanitation manure produced were to be increased through greater use of higher maize yields (e.g. 2112 kg ha–1 for plots organic waste inputs. The findings corroborate with 90 kg N ha–1 added) than those without fer- the wider literature across sub-Saharan Africa­ tilizers (1498 kg ha–1). Interviews with urban suggesting that combined application of organic farmers revealed that products from ecosanita- resources and inorganic mineral inputs (often tion ­toilets have several uses. The results show termed as integrated soil fertility management that over 80% are using the manure for urban approach) and maintaining SOM is a key to sus- food production, while 43% are using the prod- tainable land-use management (e.g. Haiti et al., ucts to earn income. The main crops on which 2007; Hilhorst and Muchena, 2000). Other im- these products were applied are currently maize portant benefits resulting from the maintenance (Zea mays poaceae), vegetables such as spinach of SOM include improved retention of nutrients, (Spinacia oleracio Chenopodiaceae) and kale (Bras- increased buffering capacity in low acidity soils, sica oleracia var. acephala Brassicaceae), beans and increased water-holding capacity. In many (Leguminosae) and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersi- cases, this approach can also prevent the acidifi- cum, Solanaceae). cation problems that are commonly associated with the regular application of inorganic fertilizers to sandy soils of low inherent fertility (Dougill 8.4 Discussion et al., 2002). Results on the utilization of organic waste Urban agriculture activities in Malawi cur- as a source of plant nutrients confirm that rently appear to favour educated, higher-income cities in Malawi remain characterized by inad- male-headed families who have retained access equate waste management policies and practices. Urbanization and Soil Nutrient Challenges and Opportunities 91

These findings corroborate other studies (e.g. shows that such concepts are not being imple- Henry et al., 2006; Oteng-Ababio et al., 2013), mented in Malawian cities. Urban agriculture in suggesting that waste management constitutes sub-Saharan Africa can be valued as a strategy/ one of the key challenges, but also an opportunity, opportunity to minimize waste delivered to dump- for city authorities in sub-Saharan Africa. For in- ing sites as it fits well into the waste hierarchy by stance, Henry et al. (2006) noted that municipal moving waste from dumping sites to agricultural solid waste management posed enormous chal- farms. Several studies in other parts of lenges to many cities in Kenya. The rates of sub-Saharan Africa (Smit and Nasr, 1992; Jacobi waste generation in this study are broadly simi- et al., 2000; Battersby and Marshak, 2013 ) have lar to those in other African cities (Beukering demonstrated the potential of urban agriculture et al., 1999). In addition, our household level to enhance food security while ensuring urban consultations with urban food producers re- sustainability through the efficient use of re- vealed that soil infertility was identified as a sources. In particular, Smit and Nasr (1992) ar- major cause of food insecurity. Opinions from gued that urban wastes which would otherwise key informants suggested that the nutritious degrade the natural environments are converted food harvested from locations near rural areas is into useful resources that conserve the environ- a result of agricultural produce from the organ- ment through urban agriculture. Indeed, in re- ically enriched soils close to the location given cent years, various advanced technologies have the extra organic inputs that this waste source been employed by African city authorities in an provides. High population densities can result in attempt to properly manage waste. However, high waste generation and less waste removal wholesale importations of many of such ad- allowing waste to decompose and thus provide vanced technologies have not yielded the desired an organic nutrient input where composting of results. This can be attributed to the incompatibil- municipal waste is taking place. ity of advanced technology with the social, phys- One potential problem for scaling up the ical and economic realities prevailing in many use of new integrated waste management strat- sub-Saharan Africa cities, with our study noting egies is the perception that domestic waste man- the important controls of land and labour avail- agement via urban agriculture creates health ability as being critical factors. problems either because of the use of contamin- Ecosanitation technologies and their or- ated wastewater for irrigation that increases ganic waste products are being accepted for pathogen contamination leading to soil and producing maize with both communities and water pollution (Mvena et al., 1991; Afrane city health officials recognizing the role of the et al., 2004; Redwood, 2007), or through patho- ecosanitation technology in reducing public gen concerns related to ecosanitation waste. For health-related problems such as cholera and instance, studies by Khan et al. (2008) highlight diarrhoea. There are now more permanent toi- the health risk of heavy metals in wastewater ir- lets in high-density areas, thereby saving land for rigated soils in Beijing. In Zimbabwe, Muchuweti other usages. Our preliminary plot-based field et al. (2006) reported that soils irrigated with results showed that ecosanitation products can sewage sludge resulted in increased levels of improve soil quality and maize yields. The efficacy heavy metals such as cadmium, copper, lead and of ecosanitation technology has been widely zinc in maize. As yet, no studies have assessed acknowledged (Simpson-Hebert, 2001; Sugden, these heavy metal risks in the Malawian context 2006; Endale et al., 2012). In using such ap- and further analysis to this end is required prior proaches to achieve efficient waste management to more widespread uptake in the use of such practices in cities across sub-Saharan Africa, composting technologies. ecosanitation technologies could be used to en- Despite large financial investments in hand- hance urban food production and sustainability. ling waste, current waste management approaches lack integration of agriculture into city-level strategic plans. Even though concepts such as 8.5 Conclusions the ‘waste minimization hierarchy’ have been developed to achieve sustainable management The Malawian urban agriculture and waste of municipal waste (DEFRA, 2001), our work management case study research presented here 92 D.D. Mkwambisi et al.

provides preliminary evidence on how issues food security through integrated soil nutrient ­related to waste in urban areas can be used more management approaches. This study highlights effectively to address food insecurity, household project examples where it has been possible to poverty and soil nutrient benefits, especially in implement strategies that not only improve areas of sandy infertile soils as found around the sanitation of the community but also im- many cities in sub-Saharan Africa. Several con- prove household income and food security straints in waste management are identified and among low-income urban communities. Im- linked to the opportunity cost for land-use plan- proved urban soil and land-use management ning, soil fertility management and improved has been achieved by empowering local commu- food security at household and city levels. City nities with knowledge, skills and other resources authorities need to more pro-actively utilize the that enable them to produce high quality com- opportunity to produce and use organic munici- post manure for enhancing the nutrient and pal waste for soil quality and agricultural pro- ­water-retention capacities of soils across urban duction benefits within city boundaries. These landscapes. initiatives offer ‘win–win’ benefits for soil fertil- ity and water-holding capacity as well as redu- cing urban environmental problems associated with waste management and aquatic pollution. Acknowledgements Urban land management and planning de- bates at present typically ignore the role that The authors acknowledge the financial support urban farmers play, yet they are key actors in provided by International Development Re- food production and affecting the cycling of nu- search Centre (IDRC) in Canada, the Centre for trients within urban and peri-urban agricultural Community Organisation and Development landscapes. Formalizing urban farming activ- (CCODE) in Malawi and Nippon International ities and supporting organic nutrient flows on to Cooperation for Community Development of urban farmers’ fields can drastically reduce solid Japan. We gratefully thank the editors for their waste management-related costs and ­improve input in improving this chapter.


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Michel Grimaldi,1* Stéphane Guédron2 and Catherine Grimaldi3 1Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris, Bondy, France; 2ISTerre, Université Grenoble, Grenoble, France; 3INRA, Rennes, France

9.1 Introduction thus, the exact spatial extent and magnitude of impacts are difficult to determine. As early as the 16th century, major expeditions Gold mining changes land use drastically, were searching for gold and other precious with a considerable impact on the entire eco- metals and ores in the ‘New World’ (Nriagu, system, including soil. First, extracting eluvial 1994; Tandeter, 2006). Later, in the middle of deposits requires removing vegetation and the 19th century, gold rushes that started in then using powerful water jets to strip off sur- California spread to South America, as well as face soil horizons and reach the gold-bearing Australia and South Africa (Nriagu, 1994; Ali, layer (Fig. 9.1). Besides the large loss of topsoil, 2006). Their main goal was to extract alluvial these practices affect the turbidity of watercourses gold, occurring as fine particles in sediments de- (Fig. 9.1) and sometimes their drainage patterns rived from soils and weathered rocks. Another (Telmer et al., 2006; Hammond et al., 2007) and more current strategy of artisanal mining thus have impacts far beyond the local site of op- groups is to extract eluvial gold concentrated in eration. Second, fine gold particles in sediments the soil as fine particles and nuggets, originat- and soils are recovered by amalgamating them ing from the in situ weathering of rocks. The ex- with mercury (Hg) (Nriagu, 1994; Malm, 1998), tent of such artisanal small-scale gold mining which is subsequently burnt to evaporate the Hg. (ASGM) activities varies with the price of gold The amalgamation process releases 650–1350 t (Malm, 1998). According to the United Nations Hg into the global environment annually (mean Industrial Development Organization, 10–15 mil- annual release of 1000 t, of which 350 t are lion people worked on ASGM sites throughout emitted to the atmosphere through burning the world in 2004 (Veiga and Baker, 2004) in of amalgam and 650 t are discharged into the more than 160 mainly developing countries hydrosphere as elemental and particulate Hg (Telmer and Veiga, 2009). Unfortunately, there (Telmer and Veiga, 2009). Mercury contamination is little information about the size and type of aquatic trophic chains is the most alarming of ASGM operations (Telmer and Veiga, 2009) health risk for local populations, whose protein or the surface area of soil and sediment worked; diet is largely provided by carnivorous fish and

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 95 96 M. Grimaldi et al.

Fig. 9.1. Illustration of artisanal or semi-industrial gold mining activities in French Guiana. From top left to bottom right: (a) mechanical removal of surface soil horizons, (b) stripping off of gold-bearing material with water jets to recover gold particles and nuggets, (c) digging of a derivation canal, (d) settling basin, and water turbidity in Combat Creek (e) before and (f) during artisanal small-scale gold mining activities. their predators (Lebel et al., 1996, 1997; Fréry current ASGM activities intensify the soil pro- et al., 2001; Laffont et al., 2011). These top- cesses that favour Hg mobilization by surface chain predators concentrate Hg in its most toxic and near-surface runoff to watercourses, Hg and bio-accumulative form, monomethyl-Hg emission to the atmosphere and production of (Agaki et al., 1995; Mason et al., 1995; Barbosa monomethyl-Hg. et al., 2003; Coquery et al., 2003). This chapter combines research carried In this chapter, we focus on the impact of out in French Guiana, a territory located in nor- ASGM on the Hg contamination of tropical soils, thern South America (Tessier et al., 2003; Gri- with special attention on how the change in maldi et al., 2004, 2008; Guédron et al., 2006, land use (i.e. gold extraction practices) alters the 2009, 2011a,b), with studies from Brazilian soil processes that affect Hg fate and behaviour. Amazonia. French Guiana, like much of Amazo- We explain the soil formation and transform- nia, is greatly impacted by ancient and current, ation processes that determine the accumula- legal and illegal ASGM activities. The impact tion or mobilization of Hg, reflecting the dual on tropical soils, as well as on ecosystems as role of soils as both ‘sink’ and ‘source’ of Hg. a whole, has been well studied in these areas. First, we compare the fate and behaviour of Hg Furthermore, as the environmental legislation from ASGM with that from the natural geo- in force since 2006 in French Guiana prohibits chemical background, considering the nature the use of Hg at gold mining sites, it is relevant to and abundance of carrier phases and soil func- compare ASGM with or without the amalgam- tioning. Second, we describe how former and ation practice. For a better understanding of the Impact of Gold Mining on Soil Contamination and Degradation 97

soil processes involved, the main research issue long period of intense weathering under a hot is to promote mining practices that can reduce and humid climate. During weathering, Hg can health and environmental risks. concentrate in Oxisols, along with elements such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al), manganese and titanium, while other elements, including calcium, magnesium and silica, are more mobile 9.2 Origins and carrier phases (Nahon, 1991). The proportion of lithogenic Hg of mercury accumulated in soils has been estimated using refractory elements (Fe, niobium, uranium and zinc), which are Mercury inputs from ASGM activities add to Hg known to be relatively immobile, not derived already accumulated in the soil from two distinct from an atmospheric source, and are indicators origins: (i) weathering of parent rocks (lithogen- of the degree of weathering (Oliveira et al., 2001). ic Hg); and (ii) atmospheric deposition derived It appears that rocks are of minor importance as from degassing of the Earth’s crust and oceans, a source of Hg (in French Guiana, 10–25% of along with long-term human activities since the total Hg depending on soil type) compared to industrial era. long-term natural atmospheric deposition and The magmatic and metamorphic rocks anthropogenic inputs (Guédron et al., 2006; making up the Guiana and Brazilian shields, Grimaldi et al., 2008) (Fig. 9.2). The contribu- which border the Amazon basin to the north-­ tion of anthropogenic Hg increases even more near east and south, have low concentrations of Hg, gold mining sites using amalgamation, where ranging from 4 to 7 ng g–1 for granites, basalts the total Hg concentrations in the soil can reach and andesites in French Guiana (Guédron et al., several micrograms per gram locally (Guédron 2006). These concentrations are lower than, et al., 2006, 2009). or equal to, those obtained for rocks of a com- While most of the Hg accumulated in soils parable nature found in Brazil (Fiorentino et al., is not derived from their parent rocks, these ma- 2011) and on other continents (Gao et al., terials have an indirect influence on the Hg en- 1998). Except for certain minerals, which are richment, from natural or anthropogenic generally sulfur (S)-bearing (cinnabar: HgS), sources, due to the nature and abundance of Mercury is present as impurities in the crys- secondary minerals produced by weathering, talline lattices of minerals (Andersson, 1979). which are likely to fix Hg. The Hg carrier phases Weathered materials (alterites) have higher Hg identified in Amazonian soils by selective ex- concentrations than parent rocks. The weather- traction methods (Kostka and Luther, 1994; ing zone is often 20–40 m thick in humid trop- Bloom et al., 2003) are: (i) organic matter; and ical regions where rock exposures­ are limited to (ii) amorphous and crystallized Fe-oxides inselbergs. Analysis of several alterites derived (Al-substituted goethite and haematite), both from the same parent rock shows that the Hg in the fine fraction (<2 mm) and in ferruginous concentration increases progressively with nodules (Roulet and Lucotte, 1995; Roulet the degree of weathering, up to approximately et al., 1998; Guédron et al., 2009). Hg has a 50 ng g–1 (Oliveira et al., 2001; Guédron et al., strong affinity for the S groups of ­organic mol- 2006). Mercury concentrations in alterites are ecules (Schuster, 1991; Skyllberg et al., 2000; themselves lower than those from the soil hori- Manceau and Nagy, 2008), which explains its zons above them, in particular the clayey and commonly observed correlation with S and or- micro-aggregated Oxisol horizons that are a ganic carbon (C) (Guédron et al., 2009). Owing few metres thick. The Hg concentration in to the rapid mineralization of organic matter in Oxisols can reach 800 ng g–1 in the fine fraction Oxisols, oxy(hydr)oxides (whether associated (<2 mm) and sometimes more than 1 μg g–1 in with residual organic matter or not) take over the ferruginous coarse fraction (>2 mm), which in importance for Hg retention. The ability of often represents more than half of the bulk Fe-oxides to retain Hg in its divalent form (Hg2+) soil fraction (Oliveira et al., 2001; Grimaldi is even higher when these oxides are amorph- et al., 2008). ous or poorly crystallized, because of their The strong contrast between the parent large surface area and the atomic ordering de- material and the Oxisols can be explained by the fects induced by a high rate of substitution of 98 M. Grimaldi et al.

Hg enrichment factor (%) Hg enrichment factor (%) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 500 1000 1500 0 0

1 1

Oxisol S1 (Pristine)

Depth (m ) 2 2 Ultisol S2 (Pristine)

3 3 Hg enrichment factor (%) Hg lithogenic 0 500 1000 1500 10000 20000 Hg exogenic 0

Enrichment factor (EF)

∗ ∗ 1 EF (%) = 100 [([Hg]S/[Nb]S]) ([Nb]P/[Hg]P) –1)]

∗ [Hg]lithogenic, S = [Hg]P [Nb]S / [Nb]P Ultisol Saint Elie (Vicinity of goldmining site)

Depth (m ) 2 [Hg]exogenic, S = [Hg]S – [Hg]lithogenic, S Subscripts: S: soil P: parental (deepest sample) 3

Fig. 9.2. Lithogenic and exogenic mercury (Hg) enrichment factors (%) in pristine Oxisol and Ultisol from the Leblond toposequence (upper panel) and in an Ultisol sampled near the Saint Elie goldmine camp (French Guiana). Niobium (Nb) was selected as an immobile element, uranium (U) as proxy for Hg behaviour during weathering and pedogenesis, and the mean composition of the three lowermost samples of both Ultisols’ alterite as reference material. (Modified from Guédron et al., 2006.)

Fe by Al (Schwertmann and Latham, 1986; 9.3 Soil Processes Controlling Mercury Schwertmann and Cornell, 2000). These various Concentrations in Soils organic and mineral phases are associated with kaolinite, forming clayey micro-aggregates in the Soil processes influence the fate of Hg not only upper soil horizons (Tandy et al., 1990), so that by determining the nature and abundance of the abundance of clay particles (<2 μm fraction) carrier phases, but also more directly by control- accounts for the Hg content of the soil, in the ling hydric and biological soil functioning, which same geological setting. Highly clayey Oxisols affect Hg speciation and migration. There is a developed on sedimentary formations of the cen- high degree of pedological diversity in Amazo- tral Amazonian basin (Roulet et al., 1998) have nia (composition and functioning) across a wide lower Hg concentrations (<200 ng g–1) than Oxi- range of geological formations and climatic con- sols on the Guiana Shield (350–810 ng g–1 – ditions at the regional scale (Richter and Babbar, Richard et al., 2000; Guédron et al., 2006, 2009; 1991; Quesada et al., 2011). Even at the local Grimaldi et al., 2008) and Brazilian Shield (80– scale, soils formed from the same bedrock can 640 ng g–1 – Oliveira et al., 2001). Indeed, the Oxi- display distinctively different properties (Chauvel sols of the central Amazonian basin are richer in et al., 1987; Boulet et al., 1993). As a conse- clay but poorer in oxides, which is an indirect quence, away from gold mining sites the pedo- ­result of the nature of their parent rocks. logical diversity associated with past and present Impact of Gold Mining on Soil Contamination and Degradation 99

soil formation processes explains the spatial frequent water excess and reducing conditions variability of Hg content observed for the same (Guédron et al., 2006; Grimaldi et al., 2008) parent rock and under the same conditions of (Fig. 9.3). Moreover, the poorly structured al- atmospheric input (Roulet et al., 1998; Oliveira terites are depleted in Hg, which is primarily et al., 2001; do Valle et al., 2005; Guédron et al., lithogenic and preferentially integrated into the 2006; Grimaldi et al., 2008). lattice of crystallized Al- and Fe-oxides (Guédron This pedological diversity results from the et al., 2009). transformation of Oxisols by two active natural Hydromorphic soils are characterized by processes (i.e. erosion and hydromorphy) under poor water drainage and reducing conditions (do present-day tectonic and climatic conditions. Nascimento et al., 2004; Fritsch et al., 2006). First, erosion, diffuse under forest cover, pro- These soils are located in areas of slight or flat duces a gradual thinning of the soil, bringing slopes of the watershed and in depressions close poorly structured and more impermeable alter- to the riverbed, and are sometimes developed on ites closer to the surface, thus leading to the summit shoulders or mid-hillslope areas that are ­development of Ultisols that are superficially de- hydrologically more isolated (Fig. 9.3). In the hy- pleted in clay by dissolution and eluviation dromorphic soils, reducing conditions favour dis- (Grimaldi et al., 2004). Second, hydromorphy is solution of amorphous and crystallized Fe-oxides favoured by the presence of these alterites near (Patel-Sorrentino et al., 2007), as well as emis- the surface on slight slopes, where vertical or lat- sion of elemental gaseous Hg into the atmos- eral water drainage is limited. Therefore, under phere by reduction of its ionic divalent species long-lasting conditions of excess water, this (Tessier et al., 2003). Consequently, the two nat- process results in the chemical and physical deg- ural processes of transformation of Oxisols into radation of the soil (depletion of Fe and clay; dis- Ultisols and hydromorphic soils lead to a redistri- appearance of micro-aggregated structure). bution of natural or anthropogenic Hg in the soil The micro-aggregated structure of Oxisols, or, more often, to its export, as discussed later. well developed in thicknesses varying from one to a few metres, leads to an effective porosity that facilitates water and gas transfers; thus, water drainage is primarily vertical and occurs under 9.4 Relative Importance of Mercury oxidizing conditions. The high Hg content of Anthropogenic Inputs versus Oxisols, sometimes down to a depth of 3 m, can Geochemical Background be explained by the abundance of carrier phases, as well as by water transfer and biological activ- The last great gold rush in Amazonia released ity, which redistribute Hg of atmospheric origin approximately 2000 t Hg into the environment in the soil profile (Guédron et al., 2006; Grimaldi (Malm, 1998), reaching 200 t year–1 in Brazil et al., 2008) (Fig. 9.3). The Hg can migrate with during the 1980s, of which 60% was released into other substances transported by water, in par- the atmosphere due to burning of gold-Hg amal- ticular organo-mineral complexes such as fulvic gams (Lacerda and Salomons, 1998). Among other acids associated with Fe and Al (Ravichandran, human activities, burning associated with Ama- 2004). Bioturbation of the soil, i.e. structural re- zonian deforestation also releases considerable arrangement of soil particles by invertebrates quantities of Hg: 6–9 t year–1 (Roulet et al., 1998). such as termites, worms and ants, is active in Consequently, Hg fluxes reaching the soil Oxisols, also contributing to the penetration of via direct wet and dry atmospheric deposition particulate-bound Hg deep into the soil, while (above the forest canopy) were estimated at ensuring aggregation of the soil and thus main- 151 μg m–2 year–1 at less than 10 km from a taining its permeability (Lavelle et al., 2006). mining site in Brazil (Tumpling et al., 1996), de- In contrast, in the Ultisols, drainage during creasing rapidly with distance to 18–25 μg m–2 heavy rains is essentially lateral and superficial, year–1 at 100 km (Fostier et al., 2000; Fadini and due to the presence of alterites at depths of less Jardim, 2001). At this distance, the contribution than 1 m (Molicova et al., 1997; Grimaldi et al., of gold mining to wet atmospheric fall out was 2004). The Hg carrier phases become less abun- estimated at 7–17 μg m–2 year–1. Hg stocks were dant in the surface layers of the Ultisols due to evaluated at 0.65 and 2 g m–2 in the uppermost 100 M. Grimaldi et al.

–1 Hgtotal (ng g ) 0 100 200 300 400 500 0

1 Oxisol S1

S1 Ultisol Depth (m) 2 S2 Upslope S3 hydromorphic soil S2 20 S4 S3 3 (m)

Downslope 10 hydromorphic soil

Leblond S4 creek


0 100 (m) 200 300

–1 Clay (g g–1)CFedith(mg g ) (g g–1)

0.000.2 0.4 0.6 0306090 .00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0 0

1 1

S1 Depth (m)

Depth (m) 2 S2 2 S3 S4

3 3

Fig. 9.3. Total mercury (Hgtotal), clay, crystalline iron extracted with dithionite (Fedith) and total carbon (C) contents in four soil profiles (S1–S4) of the pristine Leblond toposequence (French Guiana). (Modified from Guédron et al., 2006 and unpublished data.)

2 m of two Oxisols of French Guiana, respect- respectively, in both Oxisols. In the hydromor- ively, without including the Hg accumulated phic soils, which are markedly less rich in Hg, in ferruginous nodules (Guédron et al., 2009). the same Hg flux would account for 1.7% of a A Hg flux of 17 μg m–2 year–1 over the last stock of 0.15 g m–2. These calculations do not take 150 years would have supplied 2.6 mg m–2, that into account dry atmospheric deposition (Hg2+ is to say, only 0.39 and 0.13% of the Hg stock, bound to aerosols as well as elemental Hg0), Impact of Gold Mining on Soil Contamination and Degradation 101

which, in forests, is adsorbed on to the leaves of in both rainwater and throughfall (4 ng l–1), con- the canopy before being washed off by rains or firming the role played by Oxisols as a sink for Hg reaching the ground with the fall of leaf litter (Guédron et al., 2011a) (Fig. 9.4a). In contrast, (Fostier et al., 2000; Mélières et al., 2003; surface runoff and the temporary near-surface Guédron et al., 2013). Mining activities at the groundwater formed during strong rainfalls in beginning of the European colonization of the Ultisols mobilize Hg, both associated with South America, before the 150 years assumed particles and in soluble form. A large part of the here for calculating fluxes, released large quan- mobilized Hg is in particulate form during the tities of Hg (Nriagu, 1993, 1994), which could peaks of discharge, while the proportion of dis- also contribute to the Hg stock in the soils. Des- solved Hg tends to increase during the discharge pite these approximations, it appears that an- recession (Tessier et al., 2003; Guédron et al., thropogenic activities, in particular gold mining, 2011a). Due to the considerable soil erosion pro- only make a minor contribution to the Hg stock duced by ASGM practices, particulate Hg fluxes of soils compared to other natural atmospheric into streams include not only anthropogenic Hg sources over long periods. Away from gold min- but also long-term accumulated Hg from the ing sites, the geochemical background of Hg is natural background. thus predominant in controlling its content in Long-lasting water saturation in hydro- Amazonian soils. morphic soils after intense rainfall favours the However, Hg pollution is clearly apparent in reduction of Hg2+ and its emission into the at- soils intensely reworked by gold prospecting ac- mosphere as a gaseous phase. This other mech- tivities. The Hg concentrations at such sites are anism for the mobilization of Hg in the soil was an order of magnitude higher, on average, than demonstrated by experiments in the laboratory those from pristine soils, irrespective of their and in the field (Tessier et al., 2003; Peretyazhko ­texture (Guédron et al., 2009) (Fig. 9.2). Their et al., 2006). The concentrations of gaseous spatial variability over short distances is high elemental Hg in the atmosphere range from (Guédron et al., 2009). Exceptionally high con- 2–9 ng m–3 above well-drained soils and from centrations were observed in an undisturbed soil 14–95 ng m–3 in pristine areas where the drain- of a gold mining camp, probably caused by the age is less efficient (Tessier et al., 2003). In input of Hg0 in liquid (waste or accidental pollu- French Guiana, the gold rushes occurring since tion) and gaseous phases (amalgam burning) the middle of the 19th century affected mostly (Guédron et al., 2006). It is thus noteworthy that flat areas along the river network. Reducing con- a major proportion of Hg is present in the form ditions often occur in this environment, accen- of isolated droplets of elemental Hg (Hg0), quan- tuated by disturbance of the prospected area’s tifiable by pyrolysis (Bollen et al., 2008) that are geomorphology. sometimes amalgamated with particles of gold (Guédron et al., 2009). 9.6 Methylation of Mercury in Former Gold-mined Sites 9.5 Mobilization of Mercury from Soils In former gold mine flats, soil disturbance from ASGM activities has impeded soil drainage, Natural or anthropogenic Hg stored in soil can be which favours methylation of Hg. Guédron et al. mobilized by water fluxes on the surface and in the (2011a) observed an increase in the concentra- soil, or emitted to the atmosphere. In Amazonia, tion of various Hg species in a stream, between intense rain events play a major role in leaching the entry and outlet of a former mined site, espe- Hg from the atmosphere and the canopy to the cially for both dissolved and particulate mono­ soil and watercourses. Mercury is mobilized in methyl-Hg (Fig. 9.4a). Total Hg concentration its various chemical forms, either dissolved or of suspended sediments increased along with associated with solid suspended particles. In increasing Hg concentrations of ASGM contam- streams draining Oxisols, concentrations of dis- inated riparian soils. Although monomethyl-Hg solved total Hg are lower (around 1 ng l–1) than represented less than 1% of the total Hg dissolved 102 M. Grimaldi et al.

012345 a) Former gold mine (Combat Creek catchment) (ng l–1) [(THg) ] Upstream (source - l) D Downstream (outlet - III)

Throughfalls 0 1 2345 012345 –1 –1 (ng l ) [(MMHg)D] (ng l )

–1 [(THg) ] (ng l ) [(THg)D] D 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 54 ° 53 ° 52 ° Atlantic Ocean N Kourou 5 ° Cayenne Study site [(MMHg)D] Maroni River Combat Creek watershed [(MMHg)D]

–1 Conté River –1 (ng l ) FRENCH GUIANA (ng l ) 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.09 80

3 ° 60

0.0 0.5 1. 01.5 2.0 SURINAME 1. 00.50.0 1. 5 2.0 –1 Oyapock River –1 (μg g ) BRAZIL I (μg g ) 040 80km 20 III [(THg) ] [(THg)P] Water sampling P point 70 Boulanger 60 River Former 50 40 30 [(MMHg)P] goldmine flat [(MMHg)P] Combat creek –1 (ng g–1) (ng g ) 0246810 0100km 0246810

–1 –1 b) Gold mine (THg)D (ng I ) (THg) (ng I ) Dissolved concentrations P Particulate concentrations construction –1 (MMHg) (ng I ) (MMHg) (pg I–1) and operation D P 10000 3.00 –1 TSS (mg I ) (Combat Creek 1000 outlet) 2.00 100 1.00 0.10 10 0.05 1 Log concentrations 0.00 0.1 Initial Deforestation Canal Canal Gravel Initial Deforestation Canal Canal Gravel state Begining End digging opening washing state Begining End digging opening washing

Fig. 9.4. (a) Mean and standard deviation of dissolved (D) and particulate (P) total mercury (THg) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentrations in throughfalls, the stream source and the stream outlet of the former goldmine flat of the Combat Creek catchment (French Guiana) sampled between and during 14 storm events at the beginning and in the middle of the 2005 and 2006 rainy seasons. (Modified from Guédron et al., 2011a.) (b) Dissolved (D) and particulate (P) total mercury (THg), monomethylmercury (MMHg) and total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations monitored at the outlet of Combat Creek (French Guiana) during construction and operation of an experimental gold mine in the former goldmine flat of the Combat Creek catchment in December 2006. (Unpublished data.) in rainwater, throughfall and water draining the Many zones of stagnant water remain even sev- pristine Oxisols, it reached 2–3% in water drain- eral decades after the mining activity, leading to ing the exploited soils. A comparable trend was the accumulation of organic matter under an- observed for particulate monomethyl-Hg. Unlike oxic conditions. These stagnant waters and, to a Oxisols, which tend to retain or transform the lesser extent, the pore waters of water-logged monomethyl-Hg originating from the canopy soils, are highly enriched in monomethyl-Hg (up and litter, soils contaminated by former eluvial to 0.8 ng l–1), containing 10–100 times the con- gold mining are sources of both dissolved and centrations in waters draining the Oxisols particulate monomethyl-Hg (Fig. 9.4a). Be- (Guédron et al., 2011b). Because of the abun- tween the entry and outlet of the former mined dance of and reduced Fe in these waters, site, the specific flux in the stream (flux per unit methylation, favoured by the high Hg and or- area of the catchment) of dissolved and particu- ganic C, can be attributed to sulfate and Fe-­ late monomethyl-Hg increased six-fold and reducing bacteria (Ullrich et al., 2001; Benoit et al., ­four-fold, respectively, while total Hg specific flux 2003). Dissolved and particulate monomethyl-Hg remained stable for the dissolved fraction and is mobilized when production zones are con- doubled for the particulate fraction (Guédron nected to the drainage network during intense et al., 2011a). rainfall events. This mobilization is expressed by Former gold mining activities dramatically sudden peaks of monomethyl-Hg concentration disturb the geomorphology of prospected areas. in the stream, the strongest ones being observed Impact of Gold Mining on Soil Contamination and Degradation 103

at the beginning of the rainy season,­ before the particles to rivers during mining operations. Be- areas of stagnant water are replenished or di- sides improving mining practices, the most crit- luted (Guédron et al., 2011a). ical points for miners are to reforest sites to avoid In many Amazonian regions, eluvial gold Hg methylation after mining activities. Rapid mining is currently practised on formerly mined drainage of the settling basins, followed by rapid sites. Far more than deforestation and the removal revegetation, appears to be the best method to of superficial soil layers, the highest particulate decrease post-mining Hg and monomethyl-Hg emissions are caused by excavation of diversion emissions (Guédron et al., 2011b). The success canals, which are subsequently used to supply of rehabilitation depends on human interven- water to a site’s installations and to wash aurif- tion to restore soil fertility, which includes recon- erous gravels, before digging a settling pond. stituting physico-chemical characteristics and A full-scale simulation of a gold mining operation recovering biological functions (Loubry, 2002; at a site at Combat Creek (French Guiana, unpub- Schimann et al., 2007). These interventions lished data), without use of Hg, pointed to large have to be prepared before mining operations by increases in Hg fluxes at the start of the oper- sampling local representative plant species and ation: approximately 10 times more total Hg and building a nursery. Next, revegetation requires 50 times more particulate monomethyl-Hg were covering the worked materials with an organic released downstream of the mining site (Fig. 9.4b). matter layer (stored during excavation of the or- Dissolved Hg fluxes increased less markedly, and ganic horizon, the first step after deforestation), dissolved monomethyl-Hg fluxes even decreased in which pioneer species and then the local spe- temporarily (Fig. 9.4b). Particulate Hg emissions cies grown in the nursery are planted. remained high during rain events, because of Since such promising practices are recent, erosion of deforested areas on the mining site. In not enough time has elapsed to evaluate their the long term, these cumulative Hg emissions to short- and medium-term impacts on Hg emis- the drainage network can be higher than inputs sions and methylation. In particular, the fate of due to the opening of the sites. In particular, it is Hg methylation in deep and sub-surface ground- advisable to avoid overflowing of settling basins water of rehabilitated soils must be studied fur- into rivers, because these basins act as zones of ther. Although little to no information about the water stagnation. The highest concentrations of drainage capacity of these soils is available, it is dissolved monomethyl-Hg observed in two basins probable that before they recover an aggregated studied (1.4 and 2.5 ng l–1) (Guédron et al., structure that allows drainage, they will become 2011b) are similar to those recorded in storage saturated during rainfall events. Therefore, this dams (Boudou et al., 2005; Muresan et al., 2008), disturbed material, consisting of an Fe-rich soil at the sediment–water interface. In the settling horizon and fine Hg-rich particles from settling basins, high concentrations of dissolved organic ponds, might become a sub-surface source of matter, and Fe-oxides indeed favour the monomethyl-Hg in groundwater under anoxic activity of Fe- and sulfate-reducing bacteria. conditions.

9.7 Recent Legislative Attempts 9.8 Conclusions to Reduce Mercury Emissions and Methylation Artisanal small-scale gold mining, both at pre- sent and in the past, has had a major impact on Since 2006, legislation in French Guiana has soils and ecosystems. The most crucial risk iden- improved semi-industrial gold mining practices tified is the use of Hg to amalgamate gold. The by prohibiting the use of Hg and replacing it with impacts are not only local, as in areas directly techniques that combine concentration by affected by the working of auriferous deposits, or gravity and centrifugation. This legislation also downstream from mining sites due to increased requires construction of closed water circuits to release of fine Hg-rich particles into the drainage strip off the gold-bearing layers of soil or sedi- network and food-chain contamination, but also ment, thus decreasing emissions of fine Hg-rich global, via atmospheric emissions. 104 M. Grimaldi et al.

The Hg used in eluvial gold mining is added from erosive practices that export both natural to the already important geochemical back- and anthropogenic Hg. ground of tropical soils. Indeed, soils of humid Artisanal small-scale gold mining affects tropical regions are naturally rich in Hg, be- most flat areas along river networks, where redu- cause of their high contents of carrier phases, in cing conditions in hydromorphic soils favour at- particular Al- and Fe-oxyhydroxides. Over long mospheric Hg emission. Above all, by reworking periods of time, these soils have accumulated Hg the soil, gold mining disturbs local hydrological resulting from (i) the intense weathering of and geochemical conditions, which then become rocks, which nevertheless have low concentra- favourable for Hg methylation. In this way, settling tions of Hg, and, more particularly, (ii) the input basins of present-day sites, but also flat riparian of atmospheric Hg derived from degassing of the areas affected by former gold mining, act as bio- Earth’s crust and oceans, or from long-term an- chemical reactors producing monomethyl-Hg, the thropogenic emissions. This accumulation took most toxic bio-accumulative form of Hg. place simultaneously with pedogenic processes Although the use of Hg has been officially that have shaped soil development, thus leading prohibited in French Guiana since 2006, being to great variability in Hg content linked to the di- replaced by techniques combining concentra- versity of tropical soils. The Hg used in ASGM tion by gravity and centrifugation, its use is activities can be stored in soils under its divalent common in other parts of the developing world. form, as natural Hg, because tropical soils have However, even when Hg amalgamation is not high Hg-storage capacities. On gold mining sites, used, gold mining without any precautions cre- large quantities of anthropogenic Hg can be ates conditions that favour the transport of Hg found in the form of droplets of elemental Hg or already present in the soils to river systems and gold–Hg amalgams. its transformation into monomethyl-Hg. The Although soils generally behave as a sink risk of Hg contamination for humans thus for Hg, from natural or anthropogenic origins, tends to eclipse the other problems arising from they can also become a source. By destroying the ASGM operations. In fact, ASGM also causes vegetation and soil cover, gold mining increases complete deforestation of the areas exploited the erosion and transfer of soil particles en- and consequently a loss of biodiversity and eco- riched in Hg towards rivers. Contamination of system functions, landscape modifications and the aquatic food chain by Hg results, above all, soil degradation.


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Marife D. Corre,1* Jeroen M. Schoorl,2 Free de Koning,3 Magdalena López-Ulloa4 and Edzo Veldkamp1 1Büsgen Institute – Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems, Georg-August University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany; 2Soil Geography and Landscape, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 3Conservation International Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador; 4Environmental Engineering, Universidad de las Americas, Quito, Ecuador

10.1 Introduction position) that regulate SOC stabilization and loss (Schmidt et al., 2011). These authors also Soil organic carbon (SOC) contains a large pointed out that one of the major weaknesses of ­proportion of the nutrient-holding capacity of current models is the lack of representation of most soils and contributes to important struc- the edaphic factors that regulate SOC at the tural properties such as aggregate stability, fer- landscape scale, which could better reflect obser- tility, erodibility and water-holding capacity. vations and inform policies. While the impact of In recent years, losses of SOC due to land-cover land-use change on SOC stocks has been investi- change and agricultural practices have contrib- gated at a landscape scale (e.g. de Koning et al., uted about 12 to 15% of the anthropogenic CO2 2003; Powers, 2004), research efforts on the ef- emissions to the atmosphere (~1.2 Pg C year–1), fects of soil erosion on changes of SOC are still the bulk of which is released from tropical re- limited (e.g. Chaplot and Poesen, 2012). gions (Le Quéré et al., 2009, Van der Werf et al., Soil erosion is a complex process, involving 2009). Agricultural practices lead to a reduction four phases: detachment, breakdown of aggre- in ecosystem carbon (C) stocks due to the re- gates, transport/redistribution and sedimenta- moval of aboveground biomass with subsequent tion. These four phases of erosion strongly burning (Mutuo et al., 2005) and accelerated loss ­influence the distribution and quantity of SOC of SOC as a result of decomposition (Powers in a landscape (Fang et al., 2006). Typically, et al., 2011) and soil erosion (Yoo, 2005). A re- erosion reduces the SOC storage at upper slope cent framework for improving prediction of SOC positions and sedimentation increases the SOC ­response to global warming calls for research storage at footslopes and depressions compared ­approaches that represent spatial gradients in to areas without erosion processes (Liu et al., landscapes in order to exemplify the spatial pat- 2003). The four phases of soil erosion depend terns of factors (e.g. soil type and topographic strongly on land cover and use, parent material,

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 108 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 109

soil texture, landscape position and climate. ­Implications for land-use policy options for the Vegetation cover enhances infiltration and re- study area are also discussed. duces surface runoff and consequently erosion (Francis and Thornes, 1990; Kosmas et al., 2000). For example, a study on soil erosion in eastern Spain demonstrated that the inter- 10.2 Materials and Methods action between vegetation and parent material prevented high runoff and erosion rates on marl 10.2.1 Study site soils, which developed on Cretaceous lime-rich mudstone, when plant cover increased­ (Cerda, The study area (Fig. 10.1) is located in the south- 1999). Parent material and its position in the ern part of Manabí province in western Ecuador landscape influence transport-limited and de- (1° 16¢–01° 37¢ S, 80° 22¢–80° 28¢ E). This area tachment-limited erosion, and hence the spatial is within the Chocó biogeographical region, patterns of soil redistribution (Schoorl et al., which is one of the world’s hotspots of biodiver- 2002, 2006). Soil texture affects transport and sity (Myers et al., 2000) and a priority area for redistribution of soil as clay minerals and the implementation of conservation measures. Mean light fractions of organic matter are more eas- annual precipitation varies from 800–1300 mm ily removed and redistributed over the land- (INAMHI, 2002) and mean annual temperature scape than the heavier silt and sand fractions is 25°C. The main agricultural land uses are (Lal, 2003). Landscape position and landform coffee–agroforestry systems (Fig. 10.2), pastures shape influence transfer of water within and and upland rice fields. Coffee–agroforestry sys- between landscapes which, in turn, controls soil tems, on which more than 60% of the farmers in redistribution and sediment deposition (Swan- the area depend for their income (INEC, 2001), son et al., 1988). Finally, precipitation intensity were established 30–40 years ago by the replace- strongly influences soil erosion and sedimenta- ment of the forest understorey vegetation with tion processes. coffee plants (mainly Coffea arabica; Rubiaceae) Erosion and sedimentation affect SOC dis- and planting of fruit trees and timber species with tribution in two ways. First, erosion and sedi- a multi-layered canopy structure. Pastures (con- mentation redistribute considerable amounts of sisting mainly of Panicum maximum; Poaceae) SOC at a variety of scales within landscapes. were established approximately 30 years ago after Therefore, accurate estimates of soil redistribu- slashing and burning of the original vegetation. tion in the landscape are needed to quantify the Upland rice (Oriza sativa; Poaceae) fields were also relative contribution of erosion and sedimenta- established after slashing and burning of original tion to landscape-scale changes in SOC storage. vegetation and/or agroforestry systems and are Second, erosion and sedimentation may alter rotations of 4–5 years rice and 2–3 years fallow. the biological process of SOC mineralization by The geology and landscape genesis of burying surface soil layers and by indirectly af- the Noboa-Pajan area dates back to the Oligo- fecting vegetation growth, soil depth and water cene and two physiographic units characterize availability. In the present study, we evaluated the study area (Fig. 10.1): sloping areas situated how land-use changes affect the distribution of north-west, and river valleys with alluvial and SOC within a complex tropical landscape through colluvial deposits situated south-south-east of the processes of erosion and sedimentation. Noboa and Pajan villages (Schoorl et al., 2006). Our objectives were: (i) to estimate the present Parent material of the upland areas mainly con- SOC storage at a landscape scale using predict- sist of sediments deposited by deep-sea currents ors such as slope, elevation, texture, land-use (turbidites), resulting in soil layers from fine clays type and landscape position; (ii) to estimate to silts and fine sands. In general, Lithic Udorth- soil ­redistribution under the present land-use ents (Entisols) are formed on the higher land- ­conditions and under different land-use change scape positions and sloping areas (hereafter scenarios using an erosion–sedimentation model; called the upland soils). Mollic Udifluvents (Enti- and (iii) to estimate the redistribution of SOC sols) are developed on depositional lower land- caused by erosion–sedimentation processes scape positions and river valleys (hereafter called and its effect on landscape-scale SOC stocks. the lowland soils). 110 M.D. Corre et al.

0 2.5 5 10 Km

Fig. 10.1. Digital Elevation Model of the Noboa-Pajan study area, located in the southern part of Manabí province, western Ecuador (UTM coordinates: 545.5 and 580.5 km (E, W) and 9819.5 and 9850.5 km (S, N)). The total landscape area is 812.55 km2.

Fig. 10.2. Coffee–agroforestry system in the Noboa-Pajan study area, western Ecuador. Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 111

10.2.2 Site selection, soil sampling and predicting SOC stocks (as the dependent vari- measurement of soil organic carbon able) using the following regulatory factors (in- dependent variables): elevation, slope, texture We selected 12 sites in each of the three land-use (as continuous variables), land-use type and systems (36 sites in total) to represent the two major soil-landform class (as categorical variables). physiographic soil units. Six sites of each land use Furthermore, we completed a Geographic Infor- were located on alluvial fans and valley bottoms mation System (GIS) database of these variables with lowland soils. The other six sites of each land for our study area, allowing extrapolation of the use were located on sloping areas with upland soils. model developed from the plot scale (Table 10.1) At each geo-referenced site (within an area of 50 m to the landscape scale. We examined the ex- × 50 m), a 3 m × 3 m regular grid was laid out and planatory power of significant effects using a at each grid point (total of nine sampling points) a Type II Likelihood Ratio test. Assumptions of soil sample was collected to 25 cm depth. Soil sam- normality and homogeneity of variance were ples from the nine sampling points of each plot were tested on all variables prior to developing the air-dried, sieved through a 2-mm sieve, ground and statistical model. Using the model, we calculated analysed for SOC using a CNS Elemental Analyser the SOC stocks at the landscape scale and (Elementar Vario EL, Hanau, Germany). Soil bulk ­generated the SOC map for baseline condition density was determined for each sampling point (Fig. 10.3). For all statistical analyses, the gen- using a core of 250 cm3. From each soil core, all eral regression model of Statistica 6.0 was used roots were removed by hand, stones (if present) (StatSoft Inc., 2003). were weighed to correct for the volume, and the soil was oven-dried at 105°C for 24 h. The SOC Soil redistribution under four scenarios stock was calculated for each sampling point from of land-use changes the bulk density, SOC concentration and soil depth, and the nine sampling points in a plot were To calculate the amount of soil redistribution averaged to represent a replicate plot (Table 10.1). at the landscape scale, we used the LAPSUS (LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti dimen- 10.2.3 Modelling and statistical analyses sions and Scales) modelling framework (Schoo- rl and Veldkamp, 2001; Schoorl et al., 2000, Determination of actual soil organic carbon 2002; Claessens et al., 2005). This model re- stocks using terrain-based regulatory factors quires data on topography (generated for the study area using a Digital Elevation Model Using a general linear model with backward (DEM) with 29 m resolution; Fig. 10.1), land- stepwise elimination, we developed a model for use type, geology, soil type, soil depth, rainfall,

Table 10.1. Concentrations and stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the top 25 cm depth in three land-use types in the Manabí province in western Ecuador.

SOC Bulk density SOC (mg C g–1) (g cm–3) (mg C ha–1) Slope (o) Elevation (m) Soil – Land use physiographic units Mean ± SE, n = 6 Range

Coffee– Udifluvents on river 28 ± 2 1.07 ± 0.02 74 ± 5 0–0 125–148 agroforestry valleys Udorthents on 26 ± 2 1.12 ± 0.02 72 ± 7 2–30 190–471 sloping areas Pasture Udifluvents on river 23 ± 3 1.18 ± 0.04 67 ± 6 0–16 121–160 valleys Udorthents on 26 ± 3 1.17 ± 0.05 73 ± 8 5–34 180–477 sloping areas Upland rice Udifluvents on river 19 ± 1 1.14 ± 0.05 54 ± 4 0–25 105–156 valleys Udorthents on 23 ± 1 1.16 ± 0.02 67 ± 4 2–20 175–471 sloping areas 112 M.D. Corre et al.

Soil organic carbon (Mg C ha–1)

30–40 40–50 50–60 60–70 70–80 80–90


3 036Km

Fig. 10.3. Landscape-scale soil organic carbon stocks under the present land-use types in the Manabí province in western Ecuador. Values were calculated using a statistical model between SOC stocks and regulatory factors (see section 10.2.3) combined with a GIS database of regulatory factors. erodibility and soil permeability. Attributes de- as a result of erosion and sedimentation, we rived from the DEM are the local slope and the defined four ‘extreme’ scenarios of land-use area of the upslope contributing to the drain- changes: scenario 1 is conversion of all coffee– age area, which are calculated using the algo- agroforestry systems to pastures; scenario 2 is rithm of multiple downslope flow (Quinn et al., conversion of all coffee–agroforestry systems to 1991). Some input variables such as erodibility, rice fields; scenario 3 is conversion of all rice soil depth and soil permeability were not meas- fields to coffee–agroforestry systems; and scen- ured but estimated in the field based on soil pro- ario 4 is conversion of all pastures to coffee– file surveys. For the model-calculated­ soil re- agroforestry systems. For each scenario, the distribution, we stratified the landscape into model was run to calculate soil erosion and four soil textural classes: sand, clay, loam soils sedimentation rates over a period of 1 year. and soils located in river terraces and river/ Each scenario produced new spatial patterns of stream valley areas (Fig. 10.4). The rate of soil total amounts of erosion (Fig. 10.5a) and sedi- redistribution was then calculated by soil tex- mentation (Fig. 10.5b) throughout the land- tural classes. scape. To determine the fraction of eroded First, we ran LAPSUS for the present land- soil lost from the study area, we calculated use types, topography and soil conditions in the the Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR), which is area. This model-run corresponds to scenario the sediment fraction exported out of the ‘0’ or the baseline conditions with which all landscape. subsequent scenarios were compared. To explore the possible changes in SOC storage in the area SDRT=1−×(_ot sed/( Tot_( ero −1))) (10.1) Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 113

Soil classes Sand Clay Loam River terraces


3 03 6Km

Fig. 10.4. Soil stratification by textural classes based on combined information of field soil surveys, geology and Digital Elevation Model (see section 10.2.3) in the Manabí province in western Ecuador.

Where Tot_sed is the total amount of re-­ (Fig. 10.3) to calculate changes in SOC storage sedimen­tation (Mg ha–1 year-–1) and Tot_ero is the at the landscape level. We used the following total amount of erosion (Mg ha–1 year–1). A SDR equations to calculate SOC losses and gains for value of 1 means all eroded soil is exported out each land-use change scenario and soil tex- of the whole landscape whereas a SDR value of tural class: 0 indicates all eroded soil is deposited within the landscape. We used the same climatic conditions SOCClosses=×(_ soil Tot ero)/depth (10.2) for all land-use change scenarios, which were the SOCC=×(_Tot sed)/depth (10.3) average monthly values (e.g. rainfall, temperature) gains soil during 1990–2002 taken from the weather sta- Where SOC is area-weighted average of SOC tions (i.e. Colimes de Pajan and Camposano 2) near losses losses by erosion processes (corresponding to a our study area. –1 –1 negative value in Mg C ha year ); SOCgains is ar- ea-weighted average of SOC gains by sedimenta- Soil organic carbon balance tion processes (corresponding to a positive value in Mg C ha–1 year–1); C is the area-weighted aver- in the landscape soil age of SOC stock (Mg C ha–1) (Fig. 10.3); Tot_ero The LAPSUS model-calculated erosion (Fig. 10.5a) is area-weighted average of soil erosion losses and sedimentation rates (Fig. 10.5b) for (m year–1); Tot_sed is area-weighted average of soil each land-use change scenario and soil tex- sedimentation gains (m year–1) (Fig. 10.5; data tural class were combined with the SOC map ­expressed as m year–1 = Mg ha–1 year–1 ÷ 114 M.D. Corre et al.

a. Present land uses Coffee–agroforestry to pasture

Coffee–agroforestry to upland rice Upland rice to coffee–agroforestry

Pasture to coffee–agroforestry

Erosion rate [Mg ha–1 year–1]


1.5–15 N 15–150



Fig. 10.5. (a) LAPSUS model-estimated erosion rates in the landscape area of 812.55 km2 under different land-use change scenarios in the Manabí province in western Ecuador. Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 115

b. Present land uses Coffee–agroforestry to pasture

Coffee–agroforestry to upland rice Upland rice to coffee–agroforestry

Pasture to coffee–agroforestry

Sedimentation rate [Mg ha–1 year–1]


1.5–15 N 15–150



Fig. 10.5. (b) LAPSUS model-estimated sedimentation rates in the landscape area of 812.55 km2 under different land-use change scenarios in the Manabí province in western Ecuador. 116 M.D. Corre et al.

10,000 m2 ha–1 ÷ bulk density Mg m–3); depth is the area) were found in lowland soils on river the soil sampling layer (m). valleys, river terraces and lower hills, whereas lower To determine the net SOC redistribution at values were found in upland soils on higher land­ the landscape scale, we calculated the SOC bal- scape positions (north-west corner of the area). ance between SOC losses and SOC gains: SOC stocks in the top 25 cm depth ranged from 30–87 Mg C ha–1 and the area-weighted mean SOC balance =−SOCSOC (10.4) gains losses was 63.6 Mg C ha–1. The SOC map illustrates A negative SOC balance corresponds to SOC ex- that the actual SOC stocks were strongly related ported via erosion out of the landscape (loss), to topography and topography-related soil textural whereas a positive SOC balance corresponds to classes (Figs. 10.1, 10.3 and 10.4), suggesting that SOC deposited through sedimentation into the topography-driven water erosion and sedimen- landscape (gain). SOC balance was calculated tation processes play an important role in this for all four land-use change scenarios. landscape.

10.3 Results 10.3.2 Impacts of erosion and sedimentation by land-use change 10.3.1 Soil organic carbon baseline on SOC redistribution

The significant variables that explained SOC stocks Soil erosion losses (Fig. 10.5a) and sedimenta- at the landscape scale were: elevation (P < 0.01), tion gains (Fig. 10.5b) showed stark contrasts texture (sand) (P < 0.05), land-use type (LU1 = among the four land-use change scenarios coffee–agroforestry; LU2 = pasture) (P < 0.05), (Table 10.2). Scenario 2 (all coffee–agroforestry and soil-landform class (SL1 = lowland soils) converted to rice) resulted in the highest erosion (P < 0.01), as reflected in the regression model: losses and highest sedimentation gains within SOCM()gCha−1 =−87..4006 × elevation the landscape, whereas scenario 3 (all rice con- verted to coffee–agroforestry) resulted in the −×10..94sandL+×81UL+×37. U2 lowest erosion and sedimentation rates within −−×83.SL1 (10.5) the landscape. For all scenarios, the area affected by sedimentation (positive values) was much This model explained 46% of the variability in smaller (Fig. 10.5b) compared to the area af- SOC stocks of the 36 measured sites (P < 0.01). fected by erosion (negative values) (Fig. 10.5a). Application of this model to the landscape scale Compared to the baseline condition, scenarios 3 and using the GIS database generated the map of 4 (all pasture converted to coffee–agroforestry) SOC stocks of the study area (Fig. 10.3). The showed comparable amount of soil loss from highest SOC stocks (in the south-east corner of the landscape (Tot_out) whereas scenarios 1

Table 10.2. Model-estimated erosion and sedimentation rates for the entire landscape area of 81,255 ha under different land-use change scenarios in the Manabí province in western Ecuador.

Scenario Tot_ero (Mg ha–1 year–1) Tot_sed (Mg ha–1 year–1) Tot_out (Mg ha–1 year–1) SDR

0 –124.2 34.8 –89.4 0.72 1 –161.0 39.2 –121.8 0.76 2 –311.4 88.5 –223.0 0.71 3 –113.4 29.8 –83.6 0.74 4 –120.0 34.1 –86.0 0.72

Values are area-weighted means of the four soil textural stratifications in Figure 10.4. Scenario: 0 = present land uses (baseline conditions); 1 = conversion from coffee–agroforestry to pasture; 2 = conversion from coffee–agroforestry to upland rice; 3 = conversion from upland rice to coffee–agroforestry; 4 = conversion from pasture to coffee-agroforestry; Tot_ero = area-weighted average of soil erosion loss from the landscape; Tot_sed = area-weighted average of soil sedimentation gain in the landscape; Tot_out = area-weighted average of net soil erosion loss from the landscape (Tot_ero – Tot_sed). SDR = sediment delivery ratio = 1 – (Tot_sed/(Tot_ero × (–1))). Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 117

(all coffee–­agroforestry converted to pasture) impacts of erosion and sedimentation on SOC and 2 showed considerably more soil exported redistribution occur in scenario 2. For the land- out of the entire landscape (Table 10.2). scape as a whole, SOC losses (negative values) SOC redistribution in the landscape, caused ranged from 2.5 Mg C ha–1 in scenario 3 to by land-use change effects on erosion and sedi- 7.0 Mg C ha–1 in scenario 2 (Fig. 10.6a), whereas mentation, showed the highest impact in clay soil SOC gains only ranged from 1.0 to 2.0 Mg C ha–1, zones on depositional lower landscape positions respectively (Fig. 10.6b). The SOC balance was and in lowland soils on river terraces, whereas negative at the landscape level for all scenarios the lowest impact was found in sand and loam (Fig. 10.6c), indicating that the net effect of ero- soils on upper landscape positions (Fig. 10.6). sion and sedimentation processes was the export Among land-use change scenarios, the strongest of SOC from the entire landscape. However, the

(a) 12 Total 10 Sand 8 –1 Clay 6 Loam

Mg C ha 4 River terrace 2

0 0 1234 Scenario

(b) 10


–1 6

4 Mg C ha 2

0 0 1234 Scenario (c) 10


–1 6

4 Mg C ha 2

0 0 1234 Scenario Fig. 10.6. Area-weighted averages of (a) soil organic carbon (SOC) losses by erosion; (b) SOC gains by sedimentation; and (c) SOC balance (SOCgains – SOClosses) in the landscape under different land-use change scenarios in the Manabí province in western Ecuador: 0 = present land uses, conversions from 1 = coffee–agroforestry to pasture; 2 = coffee–agroforestry to upland rice; 3 = upland rice to coffee–agroforestry; and 4 = pasture to coffee–agroforestry. 118 M.D. Corre et al.

conversion from coffee–agroforestry systems to comparable with other studies that found max- upland rice fields resulted in twice as great a loss imum erosion losses of 109 and 250 Mg ha–1 of SOC relative to the present land-use configur- year–1 in Cameroon and Spain, respectively ation (scenario 0 or baseline conditions). (Ambassa-Kiki and Nill, 1999; Schoorl et al., 2002). Yet these studies were done in drier areas than our study area, where the annual precipita- 10.4 Discussion tion is greater and with more intense events. Our approach only concentrated on the 10.4.1 Soil organic carbon baseline ­redistribution of SOC on the basis of currently estimated SOC stocks. We did not consider the Spatial variation of SOC in the landscape normally complete SOC balance, particularly SOC inputs hinders generating landscape-scale estimates of and mineralization. All land-use systems have C SOC stocks. Our study illustrates that a consider- input through root and leaf litter and C losses able part (46%) of the spatial variation in SOC through mineralization, which will strongly in- stocks can be predicted using soil-topographic fluence the SOC budget. Although all the land-use land-use attributes. Such attributes have been change scenarios resulted in negative landscape-­ shown to regulate spatial patterns of SOC at a scale SOC balances, this does not necessarily large scale (de Koning et al., 2003; Powers and mean that the land-use systems are not input- Veldkamp, 2005), but application of predictive ting and stabilizing SOC locally. Instead, this relationships between SOC and spatially based only means that the net effect of soil erosion and regulatory factors to generate landscape-scale sedimentation is dominant and resulted in a re- estimates of SOC stock is seldom done (Pennock moval of SOC from the studied landscape. This et al., 1994). The upper landscape positions with modelling exercise also provides an insight that sandy to loamy soils showed lower SOC stocks if quantification of SOC is only based on a local than the depositional lower landscape positions scale and not on the entire landscape, changes with clay soils. Our results agree well with earlier in SOC stocks with land-use change could be studies that also found decreasing SOC stocks negative or positive, depending on whether ero- with increasing elevation (Bergstrom et al., 2001; sion or sedimentation is dominant. Chaplot et al., 2001). The effects of topography Soil organic carbon balance was strongly and topography-induced water erosion on land- influenced by changes in land use and soil types. scape-scale SOC storage have also been demon- Conversions of pasture and upland rice to coffee– strated earlier (Pennock et al., 1994; Pennock agroforestry systems, particularly in sandy to and van Kessel, 1997). loamy soils, have the lowest losses of SOC. This land use/soil type association may therefore be considered for soil conservation and mitigation of 10.4.2 Soil redistribution and SOC CO2 emissions. In contrast, conversion from coffee–­ balance under different land-use agroforestry systems to upland rice, as is pres- change scenarios ently occurring in parts of the study area due to low coffee prices (de Koning et al., 2007), is the Our results showed that the overall erosion sus- worst scenario in terms of SOC conservation. ceptibility of the study area was highly dependent Soil organic carbon losses from sand and loamy on land-use type. Additionally, erosion and run- soils were approximately eight times lower than off rates from upstream located land uses may clay soils and lowland soils on river terraces. also have an impact on erosion and sedimenta- A similar trend of soil erosion differences due to tion rates downslope (Schoorl and Veldkamp, soil texture, which is related to parent material, 2001). Land-use types that do not have perman- was reported from a study in eastern Spain with ent vegetation cover (e.g. upland rice) result in lower erosion rates on sandy soils than on clay larger soil redistribution rates than land-use types soils under different vegetation covers (Cerda, with permanent cover (e.g. pastures or coffee– 1999). High infiltration rates in sandy soils prob- agroforestry systems). It should be kept in mind ably lead to much lower soil erosion rates than in that our calculated soil losses were not calibrated clay soils. Loamy soils, which are mainly located against an independent dataset. However, the in mid-slope and footslope areas, suffered less range of soil losses (83–223 Mg ha–1 year–1) are from erosion processes. Conversely, lowland soils Erosion and Sedimentation Effects on SOC Redistribution 119

on river terraces and river/stream valley areas They conclude that direct payment per hectare is were most susceptible to erosion processes. This more efficient to maintain or increase coffee– demonstrates that the offsite effects on lowland agroforestry areas than payment per kilogram soils were more important than the onsite conse- of coffee. Price buffering is possibly the most quences of land-use change. cost-effective way to support coffee–agroforestry Although our simple mass balance app­roach production, especially when farmers are highly probably results in a reasonable estimate of short- averse. Also, relatively low payments per hectare term effects of soil redistribution on the SOC bal- of forest can increase forested land in the studied ance in the landscape, the results should be inter- landscape. preted with care if long-term effects are considered. The present methodology can also be used For example, we did not consider the effects of ero- to inform policies and methodologies for REDD+ sion and sedimentation on SOC mineralization, nor (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and do we know what happened to the SOC exported forest Degradation + conservation, sustainable from the study area. Part of the exported SOC may management of forests, and enhancement of be deposited in terrestrial deposits and another part forest carbon stocks). Set-up, implementation and may be exported to aquatic ecosystems (Hope et al., monitoring costs of REDD+ projects are highly 1994; Stallard, 1998). In addition, as much as 70% variable (Rendón Thompson et al., 2013) and of the exported SOC may be decomposed during improved methodologies for the estimation of SOC transportation and sedimentation (Beyer et al., redistribution at the landscape scale can con- 1993), although a lower estimate of about 20% tribute to reducing costs and increasing benefits. was reported by others (Jacinthe et al., 2001). Also, The Government of Ecuador is implementing its we used the average monthly climatic values in the national REDD+ programme and is part of the LAPSUS model, which may not reflect erosion and UN-REDD initiative (MAE, 2011). Since 2008, the sedimentation events occurring during pulses of government has run the Socio Program, which heavy rainfall. While these varied estimates show provides direct economic incentives to families that presently not enough is known about the fate and indigenous and local communities to con- of eroded SOC, generating a SOC budget at the serve native forests (de Koning et al., 2011), and landscape level as we did in the present study has currently over 1.1 million hectares of native will be a first step towards model development ecosystems enrolled in the programme. For such in which processes affecting SOC redistribution, initiatives, it is necessary to understand the im- e.g. erosion, transport, sedimen­tation and min- portance of SOC stocks in the C balance and the eralization, should be integrated. effect of land-use change on these stocks. This will help inform their design and the quantifica- tion of the benefits of reduced deforestation and 10.4.3 Land-use policy options forest restoration in terms of CO2 emissions.

Our approach can directly support land-use pol- icies at the landscape level. As the conversion of Acknowledgements coffee–agroforestry systems to pastures or rice leads to the largest soil redistribution and SOC This study was funded by the Tropical Ecology loss from the landscape, policies that aim at redu- Support Program of the German International cing SOC loss should implement incentives that Cooperation and the German Federal Ministry of make agroforestry a more competitive land-use Education and Research. We thank the many option as compared to other alternatives. In the landowners who allowed us to collect field data. same landscape studied, de Koning et al. (2007) M.D.C. also acknowledges funding from the applied a land-use allocation model to analyse dif­ ­Robert Bosch Foundation (Germany) and the ferent policy options to support coffee–agroforestry. German Research Foundation (Co 749/1-1).


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Andrew D. Thomas,1* David R. Elliott,2 Tasmin N.L. Griffith2 and Helen Mairs2 1Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK; 2School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

11.1 Introduction borehole, there is typically a zone of less palat- able annual grasses where the more nutritious Grazing lands cover almost half the global land perennial species have been preferentially grazed area and an estimated 70% of the world’s poor- (Dougill et al., 1999). These zones have little est billion people rely on income generated from biological soil crust (BSC) cover as the fragile pastoralism (FAO/IIASA/ISRIC/ISS-CAS/JRC, 2009). crusts are highly susceptible to breakage by In rural dry sub-humid environments such as trampling (Dougill and Thomas, 2004; Berkeley the Kalahari, pastoral farming is the only viable et al., 2005; Thomas and Dougill, 2007). BSCs livelihood for most people, and cattle are central form from the association of soil particles with to the Tswana way of life. Cattle not only pro- cyanobacteria, algae, lichens and fungi (Belnap vide a major source of household income, but and Lange, 2003). They bind sand grains into ag- confer prestige to families within their commu- gregates, reducing erodibility (McKenna-­Neuman nities (Campbell, 1990). The vast majority of and Maxwell, 2002; Thomas and Dougill, 2007) livestock are reared on communal land where and add carbon (C) and ­nitrogen (N) to soils fences are absent and grazing resources are (Belnap and Lange, 2003; Elbert et al., 2009). shared. The absence of surface water in the They are widespread in ­drylands regions and the Kalahari means that animals are dependent sub-tropics,­ and are such an important part of the on groundwater from boreholes (Perkins and landscape they have been called ecosystem en- Thomas, 1993). As more boreholes have been gineers (Viles, 2008). A reduction in BSC cover is established, livestock grazing has expanded synonymous with increased erodibility (McKenna-­ across the Kalahari (Rohde­ et al., 2006), leading Neuman and Maxwell, 2002; Langston and to spatially defined areas of impact around the McKenna-Neuman,­ 2005) and a reduction in soil watering points (Perkins and Thomas, 1993). nutrient content (Belnap and Lange, 2003). The location of boreholes therefore controls the Areas that have been grazed intensively for distribution and intensity of grazing impacts in long periods commonly have a higher density of the landscape. The most frequently disturbed woody shrubs than areas that have not been areas, or sacrifice zones, are characterized by un- grazed (Moleele and Mainah, 2003; Gil-Romera, consolidated sand and an absence of vascular 2010; Eldridge et al., 2011). This is because the plant cover. With increasing distance from the sustained selective removal of grasses gives a

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 122 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 123

competitive advantage to shrubs that gradually 11.2 Methods increase in density and area. Many studies con- sider this change in vegetation community 11.2.1 Study site structure to be the single most important pro- cess of degradation affecting the rangelands Experiments were conducted in an open fine-leaf of southern Africa because of the associated savannah on Kalahari Sand soils in south-west­ ­reduction in grazing potential (Moleele and Botswana (25° 56'51" S, 22° 25'40" E). Vegetation ­Mainah, 2003; MEA, 2005). However, shrub cover is a mix of perennial (Eragrostis sp.; Poace- encroachment has been shown to induce a ser- ae) and annual (Schmidtia spp.; Poaceae) grasses, ies of alterations to the soil microclimate, micro- woody shrubs (Grewia flava; Tiliaceae and Acacia bial populations and nutrient cycles that make mellifera; Leguminosae) and trees (predominantly the relationship with degradation much less cer- Acacia erioloba; Leguminosae). Grewia flava is a tain (Eldridge et al., 2011). common encroaching species in the Kalahari as Grazing will inevitably lead to changes in well as East Africa (Gil-Romera, 2010). Mean an- soils and vegetation and this has led to the view nual precipitation between 1996 and 2012 was that, in Botswana, communal pastoralism is a 314 mm, with a low of 130 mm in 2002–2003 degradation-causing, low-output system. This, and a high of 532 mm in 2001–2002. Seasonal in turn, has encouraged the privatization of variations in air temperature are extreme, with land through the Tribal Grazing Lands Policy summer maxima frequently in excess of 40°C (TGLP) that was seen as a way of increasing and winter below 0°C. productivity and reducing degradation (Dougill Soils are weakly acidic psamments (Entisols), et al., 1999). However, there is little evidence with little or no horizon development. In lightly that the TGLP has met its environmental, pas- grazed areas, around 80% of the surface is toral production or societal objectives (Thomas covered in a 3–4-mm deep BSC, composed of et al., 2000). Rohde et al. (2006) have also ar- cyanobacteria (dominated by Phormidium), bac- gued, very powerfully, that rangeland manage- teria (mostly Proteobacteria) and fungi (mostly ment policy across the whole of southern Ascomycota) (Thomas, 2012). Crusts are enriched ­Africa is the result of a flawed model of develop- in ammonium, total N and organic C compared ment. A clearer understanding of the impact of to the mineral soil (Thomas and Dougill, 2007; grazing on soil properties and the likely conse- Thomas et al., 2011; Thomas, 2012). The stock quences of policies affecting grazing lands is of SOC to 1 m was 39.4 ± 4.1 t C ha–1, and >10% of this therefore of utmost importance. This requires was contained within the upper 2 cm (5.4 t ha–1) an approach that quantifies the impact of dif- (Thomas et al., 2012). ferent grazing regimes on soil properties as well as changes associated with shrub encroach- ment. Importantly, the findings must be evalu- ated in terms of realistic livelihood options for 11.2.2 Field experiment 1: Grazing pastoral farmers. ­disturbance simulation This chapter presents field-based evidence of the changes in soil properties resulting from Four 1 m × 1 m plots, approximately 0.5 m grazing-related disturbance and shrub encroach- apart, were laid out and enclosed within a fence ment in the south-west Kalahari. The objectives in July 2009. In February 2010, treatments were: (i) to determine the impact of different were applied to the soils within each plot to grazing intensities on soil CO2 efflux, soil organic simulate different levels of livestock disturbance. carbon (SOC) and chlorophyll a (a proxy for To simulate the effects of intense grazing, the photosynthetic biomass); and (ii) to quantify dif- BSC was removed to a depth of 1 cm in one plot ferences in microclimate, SOC and soil CO2 ­efflux and buried in a 1-cm layer of unconsolidated sand between open-grass sites, and the shrub/tree in a second plot (together, both plots are classified canopy. The results from the field experiments as heavily disturbed). Soil burial by wind-blown are discussed and interpreted within the broader material is a common, albeit localized occurrence context of grazing land management and policy in heavily grazed areas where the breakup of the in the Kalahari. BSC promotes sand transport. To simulate light 124 A.D. Thomas et al.

grazing impacts, the BSC was broken into small cycle, a syringe was used to extract two 10 ml air fragments, approximately 1–2 cm in length. The samples from the chambers at 15 min intervals. fourth plot was left untreated as a control. After The gas was injected into 6 ml pre-evacuated treatment, measurements were made on four oc- glass vials and CO2 concentrations determined casions in contrasting seasons over the following using an Agilent GC 3000 gas chromatograph.

15 months. Monthly rainfall and mean air tem- Soil CO2 efflux data from each chamber were in- peratures during the sampling months were: tegrated over the measurement period and the February (48.7 mm; 27.4°C); July (0 mm; 12.4°C); resulting cumulative change used to determine

November (103.8 mm; 28.9°C) and April (55.8 mm; mean CO2 efflux rates. 20.5°C). For the purposes of analysis, data were All BSC samples were collected in triplicate grouped into three sets: pre-treatment (February after insertion of 50 mm diameter sterile Petri 2010), first year after disturbance (February 2010 dishes into the surface to remove the crust. Sub- in the week following treatment, July and November surface soils were also collected in triplicate from 2010) and second year after disturbance (April 2011). a soil pit. The chlorophyll a content of the surface The assumption that differences between soil/BSC samples was determined within 12 h plots are due to the treatments is only valid if of collection by heating samples to 60°C in the the natural variability in soil properties does not dark in high performance liquid chromatog- ­increase between sites 1 m and 5 m apart (the raphy (HPLC)-grade 100% methanol. Concen- ­distance over which the plots were located). This trations in filtered extracts were determined from assumption was tested by quantifying the variabil- absorbance values at 652 nm, 665.2 nm and ity in soil CO2 efflux between respiration chambers 750 nm (Porra, 2006) using an Ocean Optics as a function of distance between them (Thomas, HR4000 field spectrometer, responsive at 200 nm 2012). There are two main sources of variability to 1120 nm with a mean sampling interval of in Kalahari Sand properties: (i) islands of fertility 0.27 nm. The remaining samples were air dried, around shrubs and trees (Wang et al., 2009); and bagged and returned to the UK for determin- (ii) the extent and degree of BSC development ation of total C and N using a Leco TruSpec CN (Dougill and Thomas, 2004; Thomas and Dougill, elemental analyser and organic C, following the 2007). The plots in this study were located in method of Walkley and Black (1934). plant interspaces and the construction of the fences around the plots in June 2009 meant that grazing disturbance was minimized for 7 months 11.2.3 Field experiment 2: Soil properties prior to the start of the experiment. Thus, when and microclimate under vegetation and treatments were applied to the plots there was in open-grass sites a relatively uniform cover of BSCs at each site. Two factors, (i) selecting sites in plant interspaces, Experiments were undertaken at the same study and (ii) allowing BSCs to develop evenly across site to determine whether a suite of soil and micro-­ the sites prior to the start of the experiments, maxi- meteorological properties were significantly dif- mized homogeneity in BSC and soil properties ferent under shrub/tree canopies compared to ­before treatments were applied. Experimental data open-grass sites. Data were collected in Novem- confirmed that differences in CO2 ­efflux between ber 2011, February 2012 and July 2012 from plots did not increase with the distance between three rewia flava and cacia erioloba sub-canopy them (Thomas, 2012). Differences in soil CO2 sites, three Eragrostis and three Schmidtia grass sites.

­efflux were just as likely to be the same between Soil CO2 efflux was measured using the chambers 1 m apart as those that were 5 m apart. same static closed respiration chambers as in the This result validates the sampling and replication grazing experiment. Three replicate shrub and strategy adopted in this grazing experiment. three tree sites were sampled, each with two

Soil CO2 efflux was measured using static chambers under the east and west side of the closed respiration chambers, the design of which canopy. Six different open-grass sites were sampled,­ is outlined in Thomas et al. (2011) and Thomas each with a single chamber. Soil CO2 efflux was (2012). Three replicate chambers were used determined at each site three to four times per within each plot and soil CO2 efflux determined 24 h over each measurement period. CO2 con- seven times per 24 h. Within each measurement centrations were determined onsite using an Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 125

­infra-red gas analyser. Simultaneous soil mois- ­ranging from 0.35% ± 0.08 over the first year ture (integrated over the top 5 cm soil) measure- to 0.41% ± 0.02 in the second year of measure- ments were made with a Delta T ML2x theta ment (Table 11.1). Light grazing had no sig- probe and soil surface temperature readings us- nificant impact on the SOC content of the soil ing a TN1 infra-red sensor. Incoming solar radi- surface. Heavy grazing disturbances, however, ation was measured continuously 2 m above the led to a significant decline in SOC that per- ground surface in an open site as well as under- sisted for the entire 2 years of the experiment neath a rewia flava canopy using a Skye sensor (Table 11.1). and logger. Soil and BSC samples were collected Chlorophyll a concentrations in the surface from soil pits at each site at 0–1 cm; 1–2 cm; 2–5 cm; soil of the control plot were naturally variable 5–10 cm and 10–20 cm depths for subsequent between seasons and increased significantly determination of total C and N. in years 1 and 2 compared to the pre-treatment conditions (Table 11.1). Light grazing did not significantly alter this pattern, despite the de- 11.2.4 Statistical analyses cline in chlorophyll a in year 1. Heavy grazing, however, led to a significant decline in chloro- After checking for normality, a two-way analysis phyll a during the first year after treatment. Soil CO efflux was significantly affected by of variance (ANOVA) was undertaken using SPSS 2 19 to test the significance of differences in soil seasonal changes in moisture and temperature (see Thomas, 2012 for more details). Simulated CO2 efflux and soil properties due to the effects of treatment and season. To test for the effects of grazing intensity also had a significant effect on soil CO2 efflux (P < 0.01) but post hoc tests reveal treatment, mean soil CO2 efflux rates of each chamber in each season, were compared. When these effects were only apparent in February and the analysis was significant (P < 0.05), a post-hoc April, and not when soils were dry in November and July (Fig. 11.1). In February, soil CO efflux Tukey’s test was undertaken to evaluate differences. 2 was significantly greater from soil where the BSC was heavily disturbed compared to the control (P < 0.05) and from where the BSC was lightly 11.3 Results disturbed (P < 0.05). In April, soil CO2 efflux from the heavily disturbed soil was also signifi- 11.3.1 The impact of intense and cantly higher than from the control soil (P < 0.05). light grazing on SOC, chlorophyll a CO2 efflux was significantly higher from soil and CO2 efflux where the BSC was lightly and heavily disturbed than the control (P < 0.01). There were no sig- Soil organic carbon in the control plot did not nificant differences between any of the other change significantly during the experiment, treatments.

Table 11.1. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations in the control, lightly and heavily disturbed grazing plots in the south-west Kalahari.

Control Light disturbance Heavy disturbance

Pre- Second Pre- Second Pre- Second treatment First year year treatment First year year treatment First year year

SOC (%) 0.39 ± 0.35 ± 0.41 ± 0.27 ± 0.01 0.23 ± 0.24 ± 0.39 ± 0.16 ± 0.14 ± 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.05a 0.09b Chl a 0.94 ± 1.55 ± 4.43 ± 1.72 ± 0.47 1.36 ± 3.52 ± 1.78 ± 0.60 ± 1.55 ± (μg g–1) 0.04 1.15a 0.28b 0.43 0.13b 0.50 0.46a 1.57

Note: Means with standard deviations are given for the pre-treatment period and the first and second years after treatment. Significant differences (P < 0.05) are indicated by letters. aSignificantly different between pre-treatment and year 1 (P < 0.05). bSignificantly different between pre-treatment and year 2 (P < 0.05). 126 A.D. Thomas et al.

11.3.2 Differences in microclimate, SOC Total C and N concentrations were also significantly

and soil CO2 efflux in open-grass and greater under rewia flava than in the grass sites vegetation canopy sites (P < 0.05) (Table 11.2). Soil C:N ratios were con- sistent between sites, ranging from 9:1 to 10.5:1.

Soil CO2 efflux was highest in March and lowest In the hot summer and autumn months of in November when soil moisture was very low November and March, air temperatures at the grass (below detection limits) (Fig. 11.2). When dry, site were higher than those under rewia flava there were no significant differences between (Table 11.3). This reflects the shading provided sites, but when soil moisture increased, differ- to the soil surface by the shrub canopy. Conversely, ences between the sites became apparent. Efflux in the relatively cooler winter month of June, air was significantly greater at the cacia erioloba and temperatures at the grass sites were less than lo- rewia flava sites compared to the open-grass sites cations under shrubs. This is reflected in the in- in March and June (P < 0.05) but there were no coming solar radiation at each site (Fig. 11.3). significant differences in November. November 2011 and March 2012 were rela- Total C and N concentrations in the soils tively cloud free and the diurnal changes in open underneath the cacia erioloba trees were signifi- site solar radiation are described by sine curves. cantly greater than those under rewia flava shrubs Peak incoming solar radiation was similar in and in open-grass sites (P < 0.05) (Table 11.2). ­November and March. June 2012 was cloudy,


40 –1

h 30 –2

20 mg Cm


0 Feb 2010 July 2010 Nov 2010 April 2011

Control Lightly disturbed Highly disturbed

Fig. 11.1. Mean soil CO2 efflux from control, lightly and heavily disturbed grazing plots in February, July, November 2010 and April 2011 in the south-west Kalahari. Error bars represent the standard error.

60 60 ) ) 50 50 –1 –1 h h

–2 40 –2 40

30 30

20 20 ux (mg C m ux (mg C m C fl C fl 10 10

0 0 November March June G. flavaGrass sp. A. erioloba G. flava Grass sp. A. erioloba November March June

Fig. 11.2. Seasonal variations in mean soil respiration in soils under Grewia flava, grass and Acacia erioloba in the south-west Kalahari. Error bars represent the standard error. Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 127

Table 11.2. Total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations under Grewia flava, Acacia erioloba and in open-grass sites in the south-west Kalahari.

C (%) N (%) C:N ratio

Open-grass sites 0.18 ± 0.01a 0.02 ± 0.01a 9:1a Grewia flava 0.39 ± 0.07b 0.04 ± 0.01b 9.8:1a Acacia erioloba 0.84 ± 0.10c 0.08 ± 0.01c 10.5:1a

Note: Data are means of values from November, March and June with standard errors. Letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) between sites.

Table 11.3. Mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures (°C) in the open-grass, Grewia flava and Acacia erioloba sites in the south-west Kalahari during three monitoring periods.

November 2011 March 2012 June 2012 Temp. (°C) Grass G. flava A. erioloba Grass G. flava A. erioloba Grass G. flava A. erioloba

Mean 33.0 32.2 29.3 30.8 29.8 28.5 12.9 13.4 13.6 Max. 59.5 59.5 60.5 55.0 54.5 48.5 33.0 34.5 39.0 Min. 4.5 5.5 5.5 9.5 11.5 9.5 –3.0 –1.0 –2.5 particularly over the first 4 days of the study and to be considered as an additional factor in accel- peak radiation was much lower than in the pre- erating land-­atmosphere CO2 emissions. vious study periods. The radiation reaching the Belnap and Lange (2003, and references soil surface underneath the rewia flava canopy was therein) and Elbert et al. (2009) demonstrate substantially reduced in all measurement periods that in some environments, primary produc- (Fig. 11.3). This was most apparent in June when, tion by BSCs can be the major source of SOC. despite the lack of leaf cover, the woody branches The field-based experimental data presented and slightly lower sun angle meant that much here clearly demonstrate that intense graz- less light penetrated the canopy. ing has a detrimental impact on SOC, at least over a period of 2 years. Compared to lightly

grazed and ­ungrazed soils, C losses as CO2 ef- flux are significantly greater in intensively dis- 11.4 Discussion turbed soils, and C and N concentrations significantly lower. There are likely to be sev- 11.4.1 Grazing and soils in rangelands eral reasons why destruction of BSCs due to grazing leads to a reduction in SOC. First, BSCs Understanding the impact of grazing on soils affect the boundary layer between the atmos- and SOC is particularly important in sub-humid phere and soil, influencing gas diffusivity, savannah rangelands because SOC stocks are water infiltration and retention. A reduction low and even small changes can have a large in the ability of soils to retain moisture and impact on ecosystem function. Soil organic therefore sustain primary productivity from matter and SOC are essential to biological prod- shallow rooting grasses and BSCs may be par- uctivity and underpin numerous ecosystem ticularly important in reducing SOC. Second, functions in terrestrial environments (Thomas, autotrophic organisms in the BSC will utilize

2012). Land-use change, largely deforestation CO2 generated from the mineral soil below and conversion to agricultural land, was re- during photosynthesis, simultaneously redu- sponsible for 20% of the global anthropogenic cing CO2 losses and adding to the SOC pool. emissions of CO2 in the 1990s (IPCC, 2007) and Light grazing, where disturbance to the soil is the main cause of net C release in Africa (Henry surface is relatively minor and discrete bits of et al., 2009). Our data suggest that intense BSC remain, has no discernible negative effect grazing, which breaks up existing BSCs, needs on soil properties. There is some evidence that 128 A.D. Thomas et al.

1000 November 2011

750 –1 s –2 500

μ mol m 250


1000 March 2012

750 –1 s –2 500

μ mol m 250


1000 June 2012 750 –1 s –2 500

μ mol m 250

0 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 Local hour

Fig. 11.3. Diurnal variation in open-grass site (thick dashed line) and below G. flava canopy (thin solid line) incoming solar radiation (630 nm) in November 2011 and March and June 2012. light grazing actually increases soil concentrations productivity and what, if anything, should be of C and chlorophyll a. This is likely to be due to done about it. the increased surface roughness created by the The seemingly logical conclusion is to rec- disturbed blocks of BSC, which create areas of ommend that stocking densities are determined shade, reducing mean soil surface temperatures by carrying capacity assessments, based on and prolonging autotrophic microbial ­activity of grass production during average rainfall years. BSC organisms. The time to recover BSC photo- Carrying capacity is defined as the maximum synthetic function after disturbance will be im- livestock density that can be supported on a portant for management decisions, and our data sustainable basis (FAO, 1988), and in Botswana suggest this may be at least 2 years for heavily this typically equates to one cow per 10–20 ha grazed sites. The good news is that, despite se- (Stocking and Murnaghan, 2001). The ration- vere disturbance whether from complete removal ale is that if livestock density is kept below this or burial, BSCs do reform and start to generate number then long-term degradation of ecosys- chlorophyll and organic C. What is much less cer- tem resources will be avoided, even in dry years tain, and subject to intense debate, is whether when grass production is low. Rotational graz- changes will result in a long-term reduction in ing systems can be used to ensure no areas of Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 129

land and soil are disturbed for too long and chance I have that some of them will survive.… grazed land has time to recover. Furthermore, Mostly, we try to keep our cattle during a drought knowing that if we sell them when because this will ensure CO2 emissions are re- duced, it opens up the possibility of rewarding thin, we get little for them and sometimes they pastoral farmers through carbon credit payment are condemned. schemes such as REDD+ (United Nations, 2011; Interestingly, Campbell (1990) demonstrates Stringer et al., 2012). However, the situation these issues are not confined to communal areas, may not be this straightforward, and our data albeit for subtly different reasons, by quoting an- hint at some of the complicating factors that call other farmer who purchased and fenced land: into question these assumptions and conclu- sions. At the very least, rangeland health assess- If I am honest, I must say I have too many cattle ments should include information on the extent on the ranch, especially during the drought when grass is poor. But I have problems. I had to and type of BSCs in the area and take into ac- drill three boreholes before striking water. I got count recovery times after disturbance. Rohde et a rebate, but it still costs much more than al. (2006) have also questioned the assumptions I expected. If I kept less cattle, I would be unable upon which many grazing management deci- to cover repayments to the bank. Then, my sions are based in southern Africa, namely that: relatives have cattle. As the eldest, I have to help (i) they are stable systems in equilibrium; (ii) im- them with grazing and water. Even the people proper land-use practices will destabilize them; I employ have a few cattle and I find it impossible and (iii) a reduction in livestock numbers, or a to refuse to keep these here. change in the tenure system, is needed to return Campbell (1990, p. 52) to a more productive and less degraded state. The apparent disconnect between recommenda- The inter-annual variability of precipitation tions derived from scientific studies of soil and in the Kalahari (and all drylands) means that pri- ecological processes and what the people need mary production, including that from BSCs, is and, indeed, should, do in order to farm in this en- inherently temporally and spatially variable vironment, may be illusory. BSCs dominated by (NoyMeir, 1973; De Leeuw and Tothill, 1990; cyanobacteria, typical of much of the Kalahari Behnke et al., 1993; Rohde et al., 2006). A carry- and elsewhere, recover relatively quickly from even ing capacity set in the drought years of 2002– intense disturbance. Similarly, annual grasses fol- 2005 in the southern Kalahari will be considerably lowed by perennials will return after intense graz- lower that one set in any year since 2007 when ing within 2–3 years in the Kalahari. Maintaining rainfall has been average or above average for 5 land in pristine condition is not a priority for consecutive years. Importantly, grazing strategies semi-subsistence livestock farmers in an environ- that do not take advantage of the additional re- ment where rainfall is highly variable. This does sources provided in the productive years (as a not mean to say that an ever-increasing number of carrying capacity strategy would dictate), are not livestock on a decreasing amount of communal appropriate, practical or even sustainable. Under grazing land is sustainable or advisable. It will these conditions, opportunistic pastoral strategies eventually lead to a coalescing of highly disturbed are the rational approach, rather than one that ad- areas and an elimination of any opportunity to let heres to fixed-stocking rates (White, 1993; Stocking the land lie fallow and grass and BSC cover to and Murnaghan, 2001; Sullivan and Rohde, 2002). re-establish. Decisions on grazing land manage- Increasing stocking densities to take advantage ment should take into account natural variations of rains provides immediate gain and increases in productivity and be based on a holistic assess- the chance of at least some of the herd surviving ment of the grass and BSC ­resource. when drought returns and rangeland productiv- ity drops (Stocking and Murnaghan, 2001). The following excerpt from an interview with a com- munal farmer from the Kalahari illustrates the 11.4.2 The spatial distribution of point (from Campbell, 1990, p. 52): resources and links to degradation

Of course, I knew the drought must come. Additional complicating factors relate to the spa- The more cattle I have when it comes, the more tial distribution of soil resources in the landscape. 130 A.D. Thomas et al.

It is well established that the spatial ­distribution Kalahari where there is a complex relationship of vascular plants in drylands is heterogeneous, between land tenure, grazing intensity, climate in response to low and variable precipitation and soil impacts. Increases in the C stocks due (Noy-Meir, 1973, 1985). Our data clearly show to shrub encroachment are likely to be higher that C, N and soil microbial activity (evidenced than those from carefully managed grazing by CO2 efflux) are greater under shrubs and trees lands and so there is a possibility that this compared to open areas. The processes leading ­system could reward practices that reduce the to these ‘islands of fertility’ can relate to organic grazing potential of the rangelands. Stringer matter additions and faunal activity (e.g. Dean et al. (2012) stress the importance of a collab- et al., 1999) and/or deposition of enriched eroded orative, multi-stakeholder approach, working material (e.g. Tongway and Ludwig, 1994). Given from local to regional scales to ensure that the lack of major wind erosion in the Kalahari ­scientific advances can inform policy and prac- (Thomas and Dougill, 2007), it is likely that any tice to deliver C, ecosystem service and poverty sub-plant canopy enrichment will occur through ­alleviation benefits. Dougill et al., (2012) have the former mechanism (Dougill and Thomas, also shown that strong existing local institu- 2004; Berkeley et al., 2005). The implications tions, clear land tenure, community control of this spatial heterogeneity are contested. over land management decision-making and Schlesinger et al. (1990) associated the develop- up-front, flexible payment schemes are vital if ment of spatial heterogeneity in soil and water payment schemes are to contribute to poverty resources in the south-west USA with land alleviation and sustainable rangeland man- ­degradation. They ­argued that intensive grazing agement. reduced grass cover and resulted in an invasion of woody shrub species that, once established, was difficult to reverse. However, Ludwig and Tongway (1996) concluded that patchiness 11.5 Conclusions increased ecosystem productivity and that it was vital to ecosystem functioning and bio- Pastoral farming on unfenced communal areas diversity. There is a further apparent contra- is the principal livelihood activity across most of diction, in that intense grazing will lead to the Kalahari. The grazing land available to farm- reductions in SOC in the short term, but shrub ers without tenure is, however, shrinking as more encroachment, the result of long-term grazing is sold to private owners. This increases livestock pressures, will increase SOC (Eldridge et al., stocking densities and communal grazing lands 2011). This highlights the need to be very in Botswana typically exceed recommended car- careful in the use of terms such as degradation rying capacities. This leads to detrimental changes and desertification. Feedback mechanisms be- in soil properties, at least in the short term, and tween climate, land use, soils and vegetation longer-term changes in the balance between are complex, and do not lend themselves easily shrubs and grasses. to terms that oversimplify multiple ecosystem Our research has shown that intensive graz- processes. ing damages the biologically crusted sand sur- What is clear, however, is that shrub en- face resulting in a reduction in the amount of C croachment will lead to an increase in the fixed by autotrophic organisms. Light disturbance amount of C (and N) contained in soils and of the soil, however, does not appear to have an vegetation compared to grassland dominated adverse effect on the ability of the organisms areas (Eldridge et al., 2011). Long-term, inten- to photosynthesize and add C to the soil. Thus, sively grazed areas in the Kalahari are likely to managed grazing, where soils are only lightly dis- have a higher shrub density than lightly grazed turbed, could help maintain a positive C balance areas (Moleele and Mainah, 2003). Changes in African drylands. However, the situation is in land use and management practices to store complicated by longer-term changes in vegeta- and sequester C are becoming integral to glo- tion structure resulting from shrub encroach- bal efforts to address climate change (Dougill ment. This alters the micro-climate and leads to a et al., 2012; Stringer et al., 2012). However, significant increase in soil C and N. There is a this may not be simple in the rangelands of the growing desire to manage land for C capture Pastoralism and Kalahari Rangeland Soils 131

and storage, which will reward sustainable land Acknowledgements management practices that increase the capture of photosynthetically fixed C in soils. However, Research was funded by a Leverhulme Trust what is regarded as degraded land by pastoral ­Research Fellowship and a Leverhulme Trust re- farmers in the Kalahari has the potential to search grant and conducted under Government be viewed as beneficial by C capture schemes of Botswana permit EWT8/36/4 VIII(4). We are because shrub encroachment increases the photo- indebted to Jill Thomas, who provided access to synthetically derived input to the soil. Thus, it is her land and logistical support for which we are vital that land management decisions take a holis- very grateful. We thank Steve Hoon for provid- tic view that includes consideration of how land ing the respiration chambers and the spread- use changes may affect the behaviour of human sheets for soil CO2 efflux determination. We thank populations that rely directly on the managed two anonymous referees whose comments im- land for their livelihoods. proved an earlier draft.


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L. Ronald Ng Cheong* and Gunshiam Umrit Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Moka Road, Réduit, Mauritius

12.1 Introduction and Review where it has been shown that the crop has mostly of Literature negative effects on soils (Haynes and Hamilton, 1999). Planting sugarcane on previously un- Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum; Poaceae) was cultivated land in countries as diverse as first introduced into Mauritius in 1639 by Dutch Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, South Africa settlers (North-Coombes, 1993) and today it is and Swaziland has led to a progressive degrad- the major crop on the island, occupying some ation in soil properties, essentially through re- 64,000 ha, or one-third of the land area (MSIRI, duced SOM, acidification and compaction. 2011). However, crop yields are declining, a phe- Some studies have, however, shown no negative nomenon that has also been observed in Australia effect, e.g. Bramley et al. (1996) in Australia. Some (Garside et al., 2001), which can be attributed to positive effects have even been noted in certain biological causes, such as a reduction in soil instances, e.g. in Australia, McGarry et al. (1996) microbial biomass (SMB; Holt and Mayer, 1998) found that cropping reduced bulk density and or the presence of soil organisms such as fungal increased SOM content. root pathogens or the lesion nematode (Pankhurst Nevertheless, SOM tends to decline when et al., 2003). Other possible causes have been virgin land is converted to sugarcane, this effect identified, including a combination of increased being most marked in the topsoil (Henry and soil acidification, loss of soil organic matter (SOM) Ellis, 1996; Deng et al., 2009). This decline is a and accumulation of deleterious soil organisms two-stepped process, with a fast initial reduc- (Meyer and Van Antwerpen, 2001). More soil deg- tion, followed by a slower process, before stabiliz- radation is expected to occur with the increasing ing at a constant equilibrium value (Dominy et al., use of machinery, combined with large-scale 2001). Rates of SOM decline range from 0.01% rock removal and land preparation. Therefore, per annum (Qongqo and Van Antwerpen, 2000) understanding the impacts of sugarcane cropping to 0.14% per annum (Hartemink, 1998a). Sug- on soil processes is important to avoid further soil arcane cropping may also lead to accumulation degradation. The effects of sugarcane cropping of inert SOM such as charcoal (Skjemstad et al., on soil have been mostly ­inferred from compari- 1999) when the cane is burnt, at the expense of sons between soils under sugarcane and soils from more labile forms of carbon (C). Total SOM content adjacent uncultivated zones (e.g. Garside et al., 1997) would then remain similar, but as the relative

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 133 134 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit

proportion of different C pools changes, certain higher or lower than fertilizer inputs, with other properties such as soil structure are affected. losses such as leaching being also taken into There is also evidence to suggest that SOM from consideration (Haynes and Hamilton, 1999). Thus, surface horizons migrates to deeper horizons calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) have been (Masilaca et al., 1986) as a result of soil tillage found to decrease in several studies (Masilaca when virgin land is cultivated to sugarcane et al., 1986; Meyer et al., 1998; Qongqo and Van (Basile-Doelsch­ et al., 2009). Dominy et al. Antwerpen, 2000), with an average Ca concen- –1 (2001) have identified three main causes of SOM tration of 23.0 mmolc kg being measured in –1 decline with cropping, namely a lower return of virgin soil compared to 16.4 mmolc kg in an ad- organic residues to the soil, exposure of hitherto jacent sugarcane soil (recalculated from Wood, protected SOM to microbial action following ag- 1965) and potassium (K) decreasing in newly –1 gregate disruption and more rapid SOM decom- planted soil from 14.2 to 8.5 mmolc kg between position rates under more favourable conditions. 1979 and 1996 (Hartemink, 1998a). Henry and However, this decline can be reversed by chan- Ellis (1996) also noted a decline in K concentra- ging practices. For instance, changing from cane tions, a situation further aggravated by increasing burning to green harvesting (where cane is not imbalances between basic cations as shown by burnt prior to harvest) and trash (dry cane leaves) the increases in (Ca+Mg) to K ratios. However, retention has been shown to increase SOM (Pin- there were also cases where K concentrations heiro et al., 2010; La Scala Júnior et al., 2012). actually increased in sugarcane soils, a situation Concomitant with the reduction in SOM, attributed to an excessive use of K fertilizers by SMB has also been found to decrease with sugar- growers (Meyer et al., 1998). In most cases, however, cane cropping (McGarry et al., 1996). It tends to there were not enough bases added to compen- decrease rapidly at first, before stabilizing at a sate for the amounts that were being used by the new equilibrium level (Dominy et al., 2001). crop and lost to leaching by rainfall or deep­ However, it has also been shown that this decline ­percolation (Masilaca et al., 1986). can be reversed with conservation practices The increased use of heavy machinery (Graham et al., 1999), whereby the trash is re- has resulted in compaction, as shown by the tained instead of being burnt at harvest, with an significant increase in topsoil bulk density of increased return of SOM to the soil from mater- sugarcane croplands (Wood, 1985; Van Ant- ial such as decaying roots, trash and cane tops, werpen and Meyer, 1996). As expected, this which stimulated the activities of the microbial compaction occurred mostly in the inter-row as populations. it is traffic-induced. Qongqo and Van Antwerpen Soil acidification also often occurs with sug- (2000) calculated that the average annual rate arcane cropping (Haynes and Hamilton, 1999). of bulk density increase varied between 0.004 Meyer et al. (1998) have identified three main and 0.005 g cm–3. Several cultural operations causes of acidification in sugarcane soils, namely contribute, with different degrees, to the compac- oxidation of ammoniacal fertilizers to nitric acid, tion process, either short term from mechanized accelerated mineralization of SOM and increased harvesting, or long term from cultivation during leaching of basic cations from the profile. How- crop growth (McLean, 1975). The compaction ever, the one cause that is considered most im- process also results in lower water infiltration portant is the oxidation of ammoniacal fertilizers, rates (Garside et al., 1997; Hartemink, 1998a). particularly ammonium sulfate (McLean, 1975; In addition to traffic-induced compaction, Wood, 1985). Qongqo and Van Antwerpen (2000) other phenomena such as surface crusting occur, estimated that pH declined at about 0.025 pH which affect soil physical properties, particularly units per year, whereas Hartemink (1998b) calcu- its capacity to absorb water. A lower stabilized lated a rate of 0.047 pH units per year for the topsoil. water infiltration rate can be taken as a signal of With respect to plant available nutrients, deteriorating soil physical condition and this has studies indicate that these are not necessarily been regularly observed; soils under sugarcane lower in sugarcane soils compared to virgin had a lower stabilized infiltration rate compared soils. Indeed, the nutrient status depends on the to those under native vegetation (Garside et al., nutrient balance, i.e. whether the amounts of 1997). These lower rates were associated with nutrients removed in the harvested crop were increased soil strengths and were therefore caused Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 135

by compaction, with a potentially negative effect the sugarcane soils, nor do we have much infor- on soil rooting depth. Hartemink (1998a) meas- mation about how physical properties such as ured a low average infiltration rate of 16 mm –1h in soil structure have been affected by sugarcane the sugarcane inter-rows compared to 259 mm h–1 cropping. Furthermore, most of the research for grassland and 290 mm h–1 for sugarcane work has been undertaken in large sugarcane rows. Since no significant difference was found producing countries such as Australia and South between the data for grassland and sugarcane Africa, whereas there is a paucity of data from rows, it appears that infiltration rate was not af- small tropical islands such as Mauritius. In spite fected by the crop per se, but most likely by its as- of its small size, Mauritius comprises a variety of sociated traffic. climates and soil conditions that sets it apart from Wong You Cheong and Chan (1977) were other sugarcane producing countries where con- the first to study the effects of continuous sugar- ditions are more uniform. Its sugar ­industry also cane cultivation on soil properties in Mauritius. uses one cultural practice that does not exist They showed that monoculture under sugarcane elsewhere, namely ‘derocking’, i.e. large scale had a number of effects on soils, but that these removal of stones and rocks from sugarcane fields effects differed depending on prevailing condi- for mechanized production (Fig. 12.1). Changes tions. Thus, they demonstrated that the dry soils in soil properties could therefor­ e be quite different had acidified, probably due to the long-term use in Mauritius compared to other countries. of ammonium sulfate fertilizer, but the wet soils The aim of the studies described in this chap- were less acidic under sugarcane, due to liming. ter was to determine the effects of sugarcane pro- With acidification, exchangeable Ca and percent- duction practices on soil properties using pristine age base saturation decreased in the dry soils, soils as a reference, and to establish whether any while exchangeable aluminium levels increased. such effect differed between climatic zone and soil On the other hand, they found a high loss of SOM type. It was conducted in response to apprehen- mainly in dry soils, whereas wet soils were sub- sions from sugar producers in Mauritius that the ject to losses only in the topsoil, which they be- productive capacity of their soils could be declin- lieved to be due to higher SOM turnover under ing because of long-term monoculture, in a man- sugarcane, mainly from an accelerated decom- ner similar to that which has been observed in position of acid-stable organic materials. They Australia by Garside et al. (2001). The main hy- also found a general decrease in aggregate sta- pothesis behind the studies was that sugarcane bility that they related to the reduction in SOM, cropping, inclusive of practices such as mechan- but could find no difference in bulk density or ization, has had a degrading effect on soil properties porosity with cultivation, presumably because of and that soil quality has therefore been signifi- limited use of heavy machinery in sugarcane cantly affected. cultivation in the 1970s. The literature thus indicates that biological, chemical and physical properties of sugarcane soils have degraded over time, eventually putting 12.2 Materials and Methods at risk the long-term sustainability of sugarcane production in a number of countries. A number Here we present the results of a study conducted of cultural practices contribute to this degrad- in Mauritius, an island of volcanic origin located ation, with soil tillage, fertilization and mechaniza- between the latitudes of 19° 58′ S and 20° 32′ S, tion being identified as the main factors. Research and the longitudes of 57° 17′ E and 57° 46′ E, in has tended to concentrate more on SOM and the south-west Indian Ocean. The total land area chemical properties, while changes in physical is only 1860 km2 but there is a great diversity of properties have been less studied. It has been climatic and soil types. As it is a small, relatively well established that sugarcane cropping leads isolated land mass, it is almost free from contin- to a decline in SOM and SMB, coupled with acid- ental influences and has a maritime climate, ification and soil compaction, but changes in with hot summer months from November to soil chemical status are more variable as these April and relatively cool winter months from depend on fertilization practices. However, we do May to October. Mean annual rainfall is around not know much about the nature of the SOM in 2100 mm, but its distribution is greatly affected 136 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit

Fig. 12.1. Derocking, the large-scale removal of stones and rocks from sugarcane fields, which is unique to Mauritius sugarcane production. by orography and prevailing winds. Thus, the ­regions, respectively, but from younger parent windward eastern coast receives 1600 mm an- material and therefore have a greater number of nually, compared to almost 4000 mm in the rocks within their profile. central region and only about 1000 mm in the Soil samples were taken from fields that leeward western coast. The mean maximum were either under pristine uncropped conditions, temperature is around 30˚C at most locations. or under long-term sugarcane cropping. The L, P, The temperature range is of the order of 6˚C F and B soils were studied at Richeterre (20° 07′ in the cooler central region, and of about 8˚C on S, 57° 31′ E), Médine (20° 16′ S, 57° 23′ E), Mon the hotter coastal belt (Padya, 1984). Désert Alma (20° 14′ S, 57° 33′ E) and Savannah Soils of Mauritius are of volcanic origin and (20° 26′ S, 57° 36′ E), respectively. Four samples have developed from basalt as the parent mater- were taken from three fields for both cropped and ial. Major soils are classified as either Latosol or uncropped conditions, giving a total of 12 sam- Latosolic according to the soil classification sys- ples for each condition. Soil pits were dug for this tem of Mauritius (Parish and Feillafé, 1965), which purpose and samples were taken at different is based on the system adopted by Cline (1955) depths; 0–15 cm was considered the topsoil and for Hawai’i. These are equivalent, respectively, to 15–50 cm the subsoil. While no specific trench- the Oxisol and Inceptisol in the United States ing direction was applied to the pristine un- Department of Agriculture (USDA) classification cropped sites, pits were dug across the cane row (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). The main soil groups in the sugarcane fields and the soil was sampled within the Latosol are the Low Humic Latosol (L) across the face of the pit and mixed to produce a and Humic Ferruginous Latosol (F), whereas the composite sample. Sub-samples were also taken Latosolic Reddish Prairie (P) and Latosolic Brown in the uncropped sites and mixed to give compos- Forest (B) soils are the main groups within the ite samples that were subsequently analysed. Latosolic soils (Table 12.1). The L and F soils The soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration have mostly developed on old parent material was determined by partial oxidation using the and are therefore relatively rock-free, but the L modified Walkley–Black procedure (Anderson and soils are found in the dry region, whereas the Ingram, 1993), whereas the total nitrogen (N) F soils are in the wet region. Similarly, the P and concentration was determined by Kjeldahl diges- B soils have developed in the dry and the wet tion followed by steam distillation and titr­ ation Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 137

Table 12.1. Characteristics of four major soil groups of Mauritius. (After Parish and Feillafé, 1965).

Soil group Mauritius classification USDA classification Climatic zone

Low Humic Latosol (L) Latosol Oxisol Sub-humid Latosolic Reddish Prairie (P) Latosolic Inceptisol Sub-humid Humic Ferruginous Latosol (F) Latosol Oxisol Super-humid Latosolic Brown Forest (B) Latosolic Inceptisol Super-humid against sodium borate (Bremner and Mulvaney, 50 ml distilled water (STASM, 2003). Concen- 1982). Stable C isotopic composition (d13C) was de- trations of individual exchangeable bases were termined on an elemental analyser coupled to a determined using the leachate produced when continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometer 1 M unbuffered ammonium acetate solution was with a triple collector (Europa Scientific­ , Crewe, used to displace the exchangeable bases (Peech, UK) and results expressed in standard delta nota- 1945). The concentrations of Ca and Mg in the tion relative to a Pee Dee ­Belemnite (PDB) standard solution were then measured using an atomic (Peterson and Fry, 1987). The fraction of total SOC absorption spectrophotometer, whereas that of derived from sugarcane was calculated using the K was determined using a flame photometer. isotope mass balance equation described by Bales- Bulk density and stabilized infiltration rate dent and Mariotti (1996). Total SOC stocks (Mg were both measured in situ using the excavation ha–1) were calculated using the following equation: method with a sand-funnel apparatus (Blake and Hartge, 1986) and the CSIRO disc per- Total SOC stocks (Mg ha–1) = %C × meameter (Perroux and White, 1988), respect- Z × B × (100 – S) (12.1) ively. Aggregate water stability was determined Where %C is the C concentration of the sample from soil moisture characteristics of weathered (percent), Z is the layer thickness (m), B is the and unweathered soil samples using the tech- bulk density (Mg m–3) and S is the stone content nique described by Haines (1930). of soil (%). Loss of original SOC as a result of For each parameter and both conditions sugarcane cultivation was calculated using the (uncropped versus cropped), 12 data points were following equation: obtained and statistically analysed by comparing means and standard errors. Comparisons were made between paired uncropped and cropped Ccane  %%Loss of original SOC =×100 − Cdfnv   C sites to determine whether or not differences  nv  were significant. The difference between the two (12.2) cropping situations was considered significant when the standard errors did not overlap, i.e. the

Where Cdfnv is the percentage of total SOC derived lower limit of the higher value is higher than the from natural vegetation, Ccane and Cnv denote the upper limit of the smaller value. SOC stocks under sugarcane and natural vegeta- tion, respectively. Labile C was determined by

­oxidation with 333 mM KMnO4 according to the method described by Blair et al. (1995). Soil micro- 12.3 Results bial biomass was measured via the chloroform ­fumigation–extraction method of Voroney et al. 12.3.1 Soil biological properties (1993), followed by dichromate and Kjeldahl digestion for microbial biomass C and N, respect- Both SOC and total N tended to decrease in the top­ ively, using a kEC value of 0.27 and a kEN value of soil and increase in the subsoil with sugarcane 0.53 as suggested by Anderson and Ingram cropping (Table 12.2). With cropping, topsoil (1993). Microbial biomasses of C and N were SOC and total N values became either signifi- calculated by the difference between the values cantly lower or were not significantly different of fumigated samples and unfumigated ones. for all four soils. The opposite was true for subsoil Soil pH was measured electrochemically SOC and total N. SOM was translocated from ­using a pH meter in a suspension of 20 g soil in topsoil to subsoil; as a result, there may have 138 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit C B (+) (+) (0) (0) (+) (0) (+) U C F (+) (0) (0) (–) (+) (0) (+) U Soil group C P (–) (–) (+) (0) (0) (–) (0) U C L (–) (0) (0) (–) (+) (–) (0) U 2.7± 0.2 2.4 ± 0.1 3.4 ± 0.3 3.9 ± 0.2 3.6 ± 0.2 2.9 ± 0.1 3.5 ± 0.2 3.4 ± 0.1 9.3 ± 0.8 10.4 ± 0.6 9.7 ± 0.8 13.4 ± 0.6 13.8 ± 1.0 12.1 ± 1.0 11.7 ± 1.0 10.3 ± 0.5 10.4 ± 0.6 9.3 ± 0.4 10.8 ± 0.6 9.5 ± 0.4 7.1 ± 0.4 9.1 ± 0.5 7.7 ± 0.5 12.5 ± 0.5 89.9 ± 6.5 92.4 ± 3.8 100.6 ± 6.2 89.3 ± 4.2 99.0 ± 4.3 109.2 ± 6.4 84.8 ± 5.0 118.8 ± 4.8 0.29 ± 0.02 0.23 ± 0.01 0.35 ± 0.03 0.29 ± 0.02 0.26 ± 0.01 0.24 ± 0.01 0.30 ± 0.02 0.33 ± 0.01 Top Top Sub 1.4 ± 0.1 1.6 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.1 1.8 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 2.3 ± 0.2 2.7 ± 0.1 Top Sub 0.17 ± 0.01 0.17 ± 0.01 0.20 ± 0.02 0.18 ± 0.01 0.13 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.01 0.20 ± 0.02 0.29 ± 0.01 ) –1 ) –1 ) of Mauritius. 12.1 Table F and B; see cane cropping on soil organic matter in four major groups (L, P, Effect of sugar

Table 12.2. Table Note: U = uncropped, C cropped; mean of 12 samples ± SE. = topsoil (0–15 cm); Sub subsoil (15–50 (+) significant increase with cropping; (0) no difference (–) decrease cropping. Top Parameter C:N ratio Profile total N content (Mg ha SOC concentration (%) SOC concentration Total N concentration (%) N concentration Total Profile SOC content (Mg ha Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 139

been gains or losses in the total amounts of SOC SOC at all the study sites and its replacement by and total N within the whole soil profile (0–50 cm), C derived from sugarcane origin. However, the depending on the extent to which these changes amount of native C lost ranged from 27% to occurred within the upper and lower soil layers 70% of the original C stock in the corresponding (Table 12.2). The topsoil C:N ratio increased in virgin soils (Table 12.3) and represented be- the dry zone, but there was no significant change tween 26 and 71 Mg C ha–1. The loss of native in the wet zone. SOC was fully compensated by C inputs from sugarcane at all sites studied (Fig. 12.3). Thus, after more than 50 years of sugarcane crop- ping, sugarcane-derived C constituted between 12.3.2 Loss of native SOC and its 31% and 56% of the existing C in topsoil of the replacement by sugarcane-derived C ­Oxisols, the remaining 44% to 69% being still ­attributable to native C. In the Inceptisols, In the Oxisols, long-term sugarcane cropping sugarcane-­derived C contributed about 41% to decreased SOC stocks in the surface 0–15 cm 69% of the total C in the topsoil, the remaining layer by 4.9 to 6.3 Mg C ha–1 compared to the 31% to 59% being attributed to original C de- uncropped soil. Moreover, the decline in topsoil rived from native vegetation.

SOC was accompanied by an increase in subsoil The labile C fraction (KMnO4-oxidizable; SOC stocks by 10.5 to 20.8 Mg C ha–1. In the In- Blair et al., 1995) in the upper 50 cm of the ceptisols, however, changes in SOC stocks in top- profile ranged between 21.9 and 40.5 Mg C ha–1 soil and subsoil resulting from long-term crop- representing about 25% to 34% of the total C ping were not significant. Although long-term stock across the study sites (Table 12.4). In the sugarcane production resulted in a decline of P soil, labile C declined significantly by 32% as SOC in the top 15 cm layer, the total SOC stock of a result of sugarcane cultivation. In the Oxi- the top 50 cm profile did not change at any of sols, the impact of sugarcane cropping on labile the sites studied (Fig. 12.2). C stocks was not significant. When the labile C Measurements of the d13C natural abun- fraction was expressed as a proportion of non-­ dance showed marked depletion of the native labile C, the resulting C lability showed a more

Oxisols Inceptisols L soil P soil

Cane Cane


0255075100 125150 0255075100 125150

F soil B soil

Cane Cane


0255075100 125150 0255075100 125150 Mg C ha–1

Fig. 12.2. Soil organic carbon stocks (Mg C ha–1) in 0–15 cm (shaded portion), and 15–50 cm (unshaded portion) depths under long-term sugarcane cultivation (Cane) and natural vegetation (NV) in Mauritius. 140 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit

Table 12.3. Loss of original C and proportion of sugarcane-derived C in two soil layers in four major soil groups (L, P, F and B; see Table 12.1) after long-term sugarcane cropping in Mauritius.

Soil group

Parameter Depth (cm) L P F B

% loss of original C 0–15 38.3 ± 7.1a 74.1 ± 3.8a 62.1 ± 3.6a 36.5 ± 5.9a 15–50 16.1 ± 3.6b 66.4 ± 5.9a 20.0 ± 4.6b 22.2 ± 4.7b Profile 26.5 ± 4.2 70.0 ± 4.2 37.3 ± 4.0 27.1 ± 5.3 % C derived from 0–15 31.0 ± 4.7a 68.6 ± 5.4a 56.4 ± 1.3a 40.9 ± 3.4a sugarcane 15–50 35.9 ± 2.9a 62.8 ± 5.6a 38.4b ± 2.4b 27.6 ± 2.2a Profile 30.5 ± 3.4 65.3 ± 5.0 44.2 ± 1.9 32.2 ± 1.9

Note: Mean of 12 samples ± SE. For each parameter within one soil group, values followed by the same letter were not significantly different (P < 0.05).

160 Sugarcane-derived C Native C 120 –1 80 Mg C ha 40

0 NV Cane NV Cane NV Cane NV Cane L soil F soil P soil B soil

Fig. 12.3. Soil carbon stocks in the surface 50 cm of soil under natural vegetation (NV) and after long-term sugarcane cultivation (Cane) in Mauritius.

Table 12.4 Labile carbon (C) and C lability in four major soil groups (L, P, F and B; see Table 12.1) as influenced by long-term sugarcane cropping in Mauritius.

Soil group

Parameter L P F B

Labile C (Mg ha–1) Uncropped 30.9 ± 2.0a 32.3 ± 2.9a 40.5 ± 1.9a 32.3 ± 2.1a Cropped 27.3 ± 2.4a 21.9 ± 3.3b 40.1 ± 2.1a 28.8 ± 2.0a Carbon lability* Uncropped 0.46 ± 0.02a 0.47 ± 0.03a 0.53 ± 0.02a 0.46 ± 0.03a Cropped 0.35 ± 0.02b 0.33 ± 0.02b 0.44 ± 0.03b 0.35 ± 0.03b

Note: Mean of 12 samples ± SE. For each parameter and soil group, values followed by the same letter were not ­significantly different (P < 0.05). definitive picture of the soil’s capacity to With respect to SMB, sugarcane cropping either maintain the labile C fraction under sugarcane had no effect, or decreased the topsoil SMB-C cropping. The C lability under long-term sugar- and -N, except for microbial biomass C in the P cane was signficantly lower than under natural soil, which increased with cropping (Table 12.5). vegetation at all sites. Microbial biomass C (0–15 cm) had a mean be- tween 419 and 648 kg ha–1 for uncropped con- labile C stock –1 *Lability = ditions, compared to 280–764 kg ha when non-labile C stock cropped, whereas the mean SMB-N ranged from Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 141

Table 12.5. Effect of sugarcane cropping on topsoil (0–15 cm) microbial biomass in four major soil groups (L, P, F and B; see Table 12.1) of Mauritius.

Microbial biomass Microbial biomass Microbial biomass C (kg ha–1) N (kg ha–1) C:N ratio

Soil group U C U C U C

L 621 ± 139 653 ± 70 56 ± 8 54 ± 8 11.1 ± 2.8 12.1 ± 1.1 (0) (0) (0) P 419 ± 97 764 ± 77 65 ± 14 79 ± 9 6.4 ± 5.8 9.7 ± 2.0 (+) (0) (0) F 648 ± 84 280 ± 31 97 ± 22 39 ± 5 6.7 ± 1.5 7.2 ± 1.5 (–) (–) (0) B 466 ± 82 466 ± 63 32 ± 6 36 ± 6 14.6 ± 3.5 12.9 ± 5.1 (0) (0) (0)

Note: U = uncropped; C = cropped; mean of 12 samples ± SE; (+) = significant increase with cropping; (0) = no significant difference with cropping; (–) = significant decrease with cropping.

32 to 97 kg ha–1 when uncropped and from but differing patterns were seen in the subsoils 36 to 79 kg ha–1 when cropped. The soil type with increases in L soil, decreases in F soil and no most affected was the wet, rock-free F soil where change in the other soils. The stabilized infiltration both SMB-C and SMB-N were reduced by over rate was reduced significantly with mechanized 50% with sugarcane cropping. sugarcane production in the wet F and B soils, fall- ing from 190 and 216 mm h–1, respectively, under native vegetation to 66 and 105 mm h–1 with sug- 12.3.3 Soil chemical properties arcane as well as in the dry L soils where it fell from 105 mm h–1 to 78 mm h–1. Soil pH generally increased with cropping in the dry L and P soils, but decreased in the wet F and B soils (Table 12.6); mean pH values being about 12.4 Discussion 5.5 in the wet soils and 7.0 in the drier ones. In general, changes with cropping in the exchange- The changes occurring in SOC concentration able bases K, Ca and Mg were variable. K declined within the topsoil following sugarcane cultiva- in the L soil, but mostly increased in the other tion in Mauritius were reflected, to a certain ex- soils. Ca concentrations decreased markedly in tent, by changes in SMB. The reduction in SMB the B soil, but increased in the L and F sub-soil. in the F soil follows the reduction in SOC within Mg concentration increased with cropping in its topsoil, while there was no change in the B the L and P soils and was mostly unchanged in soil for both SOC and SMB. In the L topsoil, the the other soils, except for the F topsoil where it reduction in SOC was not matched by a similar declined. decrease in SMB, while SMB increased in the P topsoil, following the trend in its SOC concentra- tion. Since microbial biomass C is an indicator of 12.3.4 Soil physical properties potential microbial activity (Rice et al., 1996), sugarcane cropping tends to reduce the activity Little change in bulk density was observed, even in of the microbial population in the soil, presum- the topsoil where compaction is expected to occur ably because of the lower SOM content, but pos- (Table 12.7), with only one exception for the rocky sibly also because the remaining SOM is more wet B soil. In fact, mean topsoil bulk density re- recalcitrant. mained within the range of 0.95–1.15 g cm–3 and The observed decline in topsoil SOC and in- subsoil mean bulk density within the range of crease in subsoil SOC concur with the findings of 1.13–1.19 g cm–3. No difference was noted in McGarry et al. (1996) and Skjemstad et al. (1999), terms of the aggregate stability of the four topsoils, who reported a decline in the SOC content of 142 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit C B (–) (–) (0) (–) (0) (–) (0) (–) U C F (0) (+) (0) (–) (+) (+) (–) (0) U Table 12.1 ) of Mauritius. Table Soil group C P (+) (+) (+) (0) (+) (0) (+) (–) U C (+) (–) (+) (+) (–) (+) (+) (0) L U 6.5 ± 0.2 7.0 ± 0.1 7.0 ± 0.1 7.3 ± 0.2 5.3 ± 0.1 4.7 ± 0.1 6.8 ± 0.2 5.1 ± 0.1 1.3 ± 0.1 0.7 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 0.3 0.2 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.0 0.8 ± 0.1 0.7 ± 0.1 3.9 ± 0.2 5.3 ± 0.3 5.7 ± 0.4 9.3 ± 0.8 1.2 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.1 2.5 ± 0.3 2.6 ± 0.3 13.4 ± 3.0 11.7 ± 2.1 19.1 ± 1.2 15.5 ± 1.6 2.6 ± 0.9 1.6 ± 0.5 15.3 ± 3.8 3.2 ± 0.3 Sub 6.1 ± 0.2 7.0 ± 0.1 7.0 ± 0.1 7.6 ± 0.1 5.1 ± 0.1 5.2 ± 0.1 6.9 ± 0.2 5.3 ± 0.1 Sub 0.5 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.1Sub 2.3 ± 0.4 2.2 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0.0 3.9 ± 0.2 0.2 ± 0.0 4.7 ± 0.3 0.6 ± 0.1 9.6 ± 1.0 0.4 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.0 1.9 ± 0.2 2.3 ± 0.2 Top Top Sub 6.6 ± 0.5 9.8 ± 1.6 15.4 ± 1.1 15.2 ± 1.7 0.7 ± 0.2 1.8 ± 0.4 13.1 ± 3.2 3.3 ± 0.3 Top Top ) ) –1 ) –1 cane cropping on chemical properties of four major soil groups (L, P, F and B; see properties of four major soil groups (L, P, cane cropping on chemical –1 kg kg c c kg c Effect of sugar

K concentration (cmol K concentration Ca concentration (cmol Ca concentration Mg concentration (cmol Mg concentration Parameter pH Table 12.6. Table = topsoil (0–15 cm); Sub subsoil (15–50 (+) significant increase with cropping; (0) no difference Top Note: U = uncropped; C cropped; mean of 12 samples ± SE; with cropping; (–) significant decrease cropping. Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 143 C B (0) (0) (+) (+) (–) U C F (–) (0) (–) (0) (–) U Soil group C P (0) (0) (+) (0) (+) U C L (+) (0) (0) (0) (–) U 105 ± 9 78 ± 11 133 ± 18 185 ± 31 190 ± 24 66 ± 16 216 ± 36 105 ± 7 0.55 ± 0.09 0.52 ± 0.05 0.51 ± 0.10 0.52 ± 0.06 0.91 ± 0.04 0.88 ± 0.04 0.85 ± 0.07 0.88 ± 0.05 1.14 ± 0.03 1.15 ± 0.03 1.03 ± 0.03 1.05 ± 0.04 0.89 ± 0.04 0.98 ± 0.06 0.73 ± 0.04 0.95 ± 0.03 Sub 0.18 ± 0.02 0.36 ± 0.03 0.30 ± 0.05 0.38 ± 0.08 0.90 ± 0.04 0.76 ± 0.04 0.82 ± 0.09 0.92 ± 0.06 Top Sub 1.25 ± 0.05 1.19 ± 0.02 1.09 ± 0.04 1.19 ± 0.02 1.20 ± 0.03 1.13 ± 0.03 0.86 ± 0.05 1.16 ± 0.03 Top Table 12.1 ) of Mauritius. Table F and B; see properties of four major soil (L, P, cane cropping on physical ) –3 ) –1 Effect of sugar

rate (mm h rate Stabilized infiltration Stabilized infiltration Aggregate stability index Table 12.7. Table = topsoil (0–15 cm); Sub subsoil (15–50 (+) significant increase with cropping; (0) no difference Top Note: U = uncropped; C cropped; mean of 12 samples ± SE; with cropping; (–) significant decrease cropping. Bulk density (g cm Parameter 144 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit

surface horizons but an increase in that of was measured in a P soil and could be attributed, sub-surface horizons after different periods of at least partly, to a decrease in soil clay content sugarcane cultivation in Australia. This accu- from an initial 63% in the virgin soil to 50% mulation of SOC in deeper soil layers under sug- (Ng Cheong, 2007) after long-term cropping. It arcane has been attributed to rhizo deposition is generally reported that clay and silt contents and continual turnover of root material at lower play an important role in the protection of SOC depths as evidenced by a higher proportion of by stabilizing SOC against mineralization (Bationo sugarcane-derived C in the subsoil compared to and Buerkert, 2001; Bationo et al., 2007). In topsoil SOM as reported by De Resende et al. addition to soil texture, factors such as climatic (2006). But our data on measurements of d13C variations and cultural practices such as the fre- showed that the topsoil was more depleted in na- quency and intensity of tillage operations could tive SOC than the subsoil, suggesting that re- have influenced the loss of original SOC. peated ploughing resulted in a greater loss of However, the losses of native SOC were ad- original SOC and hence lower SOC stocks. It equately compensated by C input from sugar- could also be due to a downward redistribution cane crop residues and root C turnover so that of SOM-rich topsoil caused by tillage and disk the net effect of sugarcane cultivation on total harrowing carried out at the time of replanting SOC stocks in the 0–50 cm profile was generally (Masilica et al., 1986; McGarry et al., 1996) or not significantly different from virgin unculti- by a vertical migration of organo-mineral com- vated land. The results emphasize the import- plexes (Basile-Doelsch et al., 2009). Apart from ance of retaining sugarcane crop residues in the tillage, ‘derocking’ is a common practice in maintenance of SOC under intensive sugarcane Mauritius, particularly in the sub-humid zone. cropping. Derocking followed by tillage probably greatly The proportion of sugarcane-derived C reduces SOM content, and organic waste mater- tended to decrease with depth in the wet zone ial such as mill mud (also called filter cake, a but was more uniformly distributed in the soil solid waste generated on clarification of cane profiles of the dry zone. Roots constitute an im- juice before its concentration and sugar crystal- portant source of C in sugarcane farming sys- lization; average composition: 8% C, 0.2% N, tems: up to 3.7 Mg C ha–1 annually (Suman et al.,

0.6% P2O5, 0.1% K2O), stillage slop (also called 2009). The observed differences in distribution vinasse, the liquid residue left after distillation of sugarcane-derived C can, therefore, be partly of ethanol from molasses; average composition: explained by a lower root density in the generally

1% C, 0.2% N, 0.06% P2O5, 1.6% K2O) or com- water saturated layer of the wet soils at lower post is routinely added as soil amendment to re- depths, compared to a more uniform distribu- store SOM levels. When substantial amounts of tion of roots down to the 50 cm depth in the dry stillage slop and mill mud compost were applied soils. Over the 50 cm profile, the contribution of to a P soil over a period of 3 years, SOM concen- sugarcane-derived C to the total SOC stock var- tration decreased in the topsoil but increased in ied from 31% to 65%. Although site-to-site vari- the subsoil (Ng Cheong et al., 2009), resulting in ation in the gross C inputs occurs, it could not a net increase within the profile. Green cane account for the observed wide variations in the trash blanketing, whereby residues from the pre- contribution of sugarcane-derived C to the total vious crop are retained in situ after harvest, also SOC stock. The results tend to suggest that stabil- contributed to increased return of residues in ization of C derived from sugarcane was depend- the field. ent on the amounts of original C lost relative to Although long-term sugarcane cultivation the initial SOC stock under native vegetation and in Mauritius did not have any detrimental effect tended to continue until the initial level of SOC on overall SOC stocks in the top 50 cm of the was restored. profile, there was a marked depletion of the Although the quantity of SOC did not ­native SOC stock. Most of this loss in native C oc- change as result of long-term cropping, it re- curred in the surface 15 cm of soil, indicating sulted in a significant decline in labile C (KMnO4-­ that repeated tillage of topsoil resulted in en- oxidizable), indicating that the quality of sugar- hanced mineralization of native C stocks com- cane soils, in terms of C lability was degraded, a pared to deeper layers. The highest loss of 70% phenomenon that was exacerbated by the shift Changes in Soil Properties with Sugarcane Cropping 145

from conventional to mechanized farming had already­ been noted as a result of mechanized (Umrit et al., 2014). The results indicated that harvesting and loading under wet conditions in although total SOC stocks were maintained Mauritius (Ng Cheong et al., 1999). The more after long-term cultivation, mainly through the recent data confirm that topsoil compaction does return of sugarcane-derived C, the frequent tillage occur with sugarcane cropping, but mostly in the and disc harrowing operations have favoured super-humid B soils. Soil structure has not been the mineralization of the labile components majorly degraded as aggregate properties are not of SOC. affected in the topsoil, but care needs to be exer- Previous studies have generally shown that cised in this respect as these may become de- soil became acidified with sugarcane monocul- graded if the SOM content declines below a ture because of N fertilization, so the absence of certain threshold (Ng Cheong et al., 2011). acidification in sub-humid soils is surprising. This effect could be attributed to pH-enhancing practices, mainly through the addition of ce- ment. Another element that explains the pH in- 12.5 Conclusions crease in the P soil is the use of composted mill mud as a soil conditioner after rock removal. In- The fact that SOM is depleted in the topsoil with deed, dry composted mill mud contains calcium sugarcane cropping is a worrying aspect for the oxide (Paturau, 1989), which increases soil pH. long-term sustainability of this crop. Not only On the other hand, the B soil and the F topsoil does SOM impact directly on essential physical followed the expected trend and became acidified properties such as soil aggregation, but it also due to ammoniacal fertilizers and urea applica- supplies a substantial part of the N that the crop tion, compounded by leaching of basic cations requires through microbial mineralization. The out of the topsoil in the wet environment. associated decline in the soil microbial popula- The relatively constant level of exchange- tions also reduces the mineralization process. able bases is not surprising as K, Ca and Mg are The SOM will thus supply less N to the crop, with added to the soil in the fertilization and/or pH a consequent adjustment needed in terms of fer- correction process. Thus, all soils receive annual tilizer N to maintain productivity, thereby in- dressings of K to meet the crop requirements, creasing costs and pollution risks. The reduced 2 kg of K being required to produce 1 t of sugar- SOM content in the topsoil may also increase the cane in Mauritius (MSIRI, 2005). Some K may risk of erosion, since SOM plays a role in binding also have been added in excess, from either fertil- soil particles. Acidification and loss of exchange- izers or organic wastes such as mill mud and able bases has not been noted to any great ex- poultry litter. Dressings of Ca are applied in fer- tent. Nevertheless, care should be exercised in tilizers such as calcium ammonium nitrate, as maintaining this balance, particularly since mill soil amendments, e.g. for liming, as calcium sili- mud has a major influence on this aspect. Since cate to correct for silicon deficiency and in mill the degradation in topsoil SOM concentration mud. In this manner, relatively high amounts of needs to be reversed to ensure the long-term en- Ca are regularly applied to sugarcane fields in vironmental and economic sustainability of the Mauritius. Magnesium is also regularly applied sugarcane crop in Mauritius, new strategies to the soil, but as a component of organic are needed to reverse the trend and rebuild the amendments, mainly in mill mud and also in SOM levels. These include green cane trash poultry manure and litter. Overall, there appears blanketing, already a common practice with to be an appropriate chemical balance in the mechanized harvesting, the addition of large sugarcane fields. amounts of organic wastes that can be pro- Since the study by Wong You Cheong and duced in large quantities from both municipal Chan (1977), who found no difference in bulk and agricultural wastes, and the addition of a density with cropping because of the limited use leguminous break crop as green manure. Sug- of heavy machinery in the 1970s, the situation arcane trash is a ready source of SOM and also has changed. In fact, sugarcane is currently supplies N to the soil. It also acts as mulch, produced with the use of machines at all steps thereby conserving soil water and protecting of the production process. Topsoil compaction the soil against the direct impact of rainfall. 146 L.R. Ng Cheong and G. Umrit

­Organic waste material such as mill mud is rou- and yield as soil–plant–water relations are af- tinely returned to the sugarcane fields as a soil fected. One approach would be to prevent all in- conditioner. Other forms include poultry litter, field traffic when soil conditions are conducive to stillage slop and compost. The latter holds great compaction, but that would mean preventing all promise, as it can be manufactured from both mechanized cultural practices and harvest under agricultural and household wastes. The addition wet conditions, a solution that cannot be envis- of a leguminous break in the sugarcane mono- aged under commercial conditions. The trend in culture should also become a regular practice. the Mauritius sugar industry is now for the adop- A legume reduces the amount of N fertilizer ap- tion of a cropping system that includes growing plied as it fixes N from the atmosphere and the sugarcane on raised beds with dual row planting, remains of the crop increase soil SOM content with controlled traffic confined to dedicated traffic when incorporated into the soil. lanes in the inter-rows, associated with minimum Another issue that needs to be addressed in tillage and the inclusion of a leguminous fallow. the long term is soil compaction, particularly in This approach has the advantage of eliminating the wet zones. Compaction leads to reduced infil- compaction in the sugarcane rows and of adding tration rates and therefore degraded soil hydraulic SOM to the soil. The adoption of new technology properties, higher risks of erosion under high in- holds great promise for the future sustainability of tensity rainfall and, of course, poorer plant growth the sugarcane industry of Mauritius.


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Jennifer S. Powers,1,2* David W.P. Manning3 and Justin M. Becknell1 1Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA; 2Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA; 3Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, USA

13.1 Introduction It has been known for decades that soil-­ forming factors, i.e. climate, organisms, top- Soils contain a large pool of organic carbon (C) ography, parent material and weathering state that may increase or decrease in response to or time, affect the total amount of soil C pre- changes in land use and management (Blair sent at a site (Jenny, 1941; Jenny et al., 1948; and McLean, 1917; Greenland and Nye, 1959; Torn et al., 1997; Amundson, 2001), thus it is Schlesinger, 1977; Powers et al., 2011). Nat- not surprising that these same factors might ural reforestation or forest regeneration on help determine response of the soil C pool to lands that were previously used for agriculture land-use change (Post and Kwon, 2000; La- or grazing is occurring to different degrees ganière et al., 2010). There are a number of across the tropics (Chazdon, 2008) and under- mechanisms through which soil-forming fac- standing how this affects C stored in vegetation tors might affect soil C pools during forest res- and soils is an important question with rele- toration and regeneration. Changes in vegeta- vance for the global C cycle. Simple conceptual tion productivity with succession might affect models typically assume that ecosystem C soil C stocks through inputs of organic matter stocks including biomass and soil C (through- to the soil. Alternatively, factors that are in- out the text we refer to soil organic carbon as herited from parent materials or reflect soil soil C) are depleted during forest-to-pasture weathering processes such as the quantity conversion, but gradually increase as agricul- and mineralogical composition of soil clays tural lands are abandoned and secondary for- can affect soil C stabilization through mech- ests regenerate (Fig. 13.1) (Detwiler and Hall, anisms such as the formation of metal–humus 1988; Melillo et al., 1996). However, a recent complexes, sorption to clay minerals or poly- meta-analysis of the effects of tropical land-use valent cation bridges (Lopez-Ulloa et al., 2005; changes such as reforestation on soil C stocks Lorenz et al., 2009). revealed diverse responses to land-use change, In this study we used a space-for-time which depended upon soil mineralogy and pre- substitution, also known as a chronosequence, to cipitation regime (Powers et al., 2011). understand how forest regeneration on previously

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) 149 150 J.S. Powers et al.

Forest Abandonment the quantity or diversity of inputs of organic C to conversion and secondary the soil from aboveground vegetation or roots is an to crops or forest regrowth important control on total soil C stocks and iso- agriculture topic composition, we would expect to see strong correlations between soil C and co-varying meas-

C stock C stock ures of the forest community such as stand age, aboveground biomass or species richness (Maestre et al., 2012). However, previous work in three for- est plots in this region showed strong correlations Time between poorly crystallized iron (Fe) oxides and Fig. 13.1. Conceptual model of changes in biomass the size of stable soil C stocks (Lorenz et al., 2009), stocks as a function of deforestation and secondary suggesting that soil mineralogical composition succession. (Redrawn from Melillo et al., 1996.) controls soil C stocks through organic matter sta- bilization. Our sampling design allowed us to test grazed or cropped lands affected surface soil C in the relative importance of the effect of these dif- patches of seasonally dry tropical forest in north-­ ferent factors on the total soil C stock size and its west Costa Rica. Seasonally dry tropical forests dynamics, as inferred by d13C. are defined as those receiving up to 2000 mm of annual rainfall and experiencing a dry season of more than 4 months (Becknell et al., 2012), and are understudied compared to wet tropical for- 13.2 Methods ests (Meli, 2003). The amount of dry forest in Costa Rica was severely reduced during the pre- 13.2.1 Study site vious several centuries by conversion to pastures and crops (Sader and Joyce, 1988), but second- This study was conducted in two conservation ary forests are now regenerating in the Costa areas in north-western Costa Rica, Área de Con- Rican system of protected Conservation Areas servación Guanacaste (10° 50¢ N, 85° 37¢ W) (Powers et al., 2009) and on private lands (Calvo-­ and Área de Conservación Arenal-Tempisque Alvarado et al., 2009). Our approach was to (10° 20¢ N, 85° 20¢ W). Within the two conser- sample a large number of forest plots distributed vation areas, the work was focused on the Sector across gradients of stand age and edaphic prop- Santa Rosa (formerly known as Parque Nacional erties, and use multiple regression and correl- Santa Rosa) in the Área de Conservación Guan- ation analysis to identify the variables that best acaste and Parque Nacional Palo Verde in the Área predicted the size and isotopic composition of de Conservación Arenal-Tempisque (Fig. 13.2). soil C stocks. Annual rainfall can range from 915 mm to over We focused on three response variables: 3500 mm, but typically annual values are from (i) soil C concentrations (i.e. % C); (ii) soil C stocks, 1500–1700 mm (Gillespie et al., 2000). Mean which are the product of soil C concentrations annual temperatures at both sites are around and bulk density both of which may be affected by 25°C (Gillespie et al., 2000). Both parks were es- land-use change independently; and (iii) d13C tablished in the early 1970s and include mosaics (i.e. the ratio of the two stable C compounds 13C to 12C), of land in various stages of abandonment from which is useful for tracking the contributions grazing, interspersed with patches of mature for- of C4 grass-derived soil C relative to C3 tree-derived ests, which may have been selectively harvested soil C in pasture-to-forest transitions (de Koning or disturbed (Allen, 1988; Jiménez et al., 2001). et al., 2003). The response variables we meas- Soils at Santa Rosa have diverse parent mater- ured reflect different soil- or ecosystem-forming ials, including ignimbritic pumice deposits from factors, and included forest characteristics such volcanic eruptions, which vary in composition as stand age, species richness and aboveground (Leiva et al., 2009), while soils derived from bas- biomass, and edaphic factors such as pH, clay alt are present at lower elevations (Hartshorn, concentrations and total elemental composition. 1983). Soils at Palo Verde include limestone-­ Aboveground primary production in these forests derived soils on rocky outcrops and lowland soils increases with stand age (Becknell, 2012); thus, if with high concentrations of montmorillonite Patterns of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition 151



Fig. 13.2. Secondary tropical dry forests in Área de Conservación Guanacaste (a) and Arenal-Tempisque (b), Costa Rica. clays (Hartshorn, 1983). Although detailed soil estimates of forest age to each plot (Powers et al., mapping and classification have not been car- 2009). In general, these two sources of data were ried out in either conservation area, the soils at consistent and allowed us to bracket forest ages Santa Rosa include Typic Ustropepts and Lithic to within 5 years. Plots of mature or old growth Ustropepts (Inceptisols), while common soils at forest were difficult to date and were assigned an Palo Verde include Typic Pellusterts/Typic Pel- arbitrary age of 100 years. luderts (Vertisols) and Typic Ustropepts (Powers et al., 2009). The secondary forests we sampled are regenerating naturally following centuries 13.2.2 Plot locations and assumptions of grazing and cropping (Jiménez et al., 2001). about prior land-use history Among the 84 plots we sampled, we have identi- fied over 140 species of trees (Becknell and Powers, Robust statistical designs rely on random sampling unpublished). We used a combination of satel- schemes to make inferences about population lite image analysis and expert opinion to assign characteristics, and also to control for factors 152 J.S. Powers et al.

such as the nature, intensity and duration of (Becknell and Powers, 2014). There are two prior land use. Unfortunately, human use of for- main ways to sample soils: by fixed depth or by ests (including land clearing, management and genetic horizons. Because we anticipated large subsequent abandonment) is not random, but differences among plots in soil properties and rather controlled by complex factors including perhaps also horizons, we elected to collect two accessibility, distance to markets, social norms sets of soil samples using a fixed depth from the and economic incentives, as well as biophysical top 0–10 cm layer of mineral soil. We focused on factors (Lambin et al., 2003). Our ability to lo- surface soils, because they are dynamic and more cate forest patches that differed in forest age, but likely to respond to land-use change then deeper were otherwise similar in terms of historical layers. The first set of samples included three land use and edaphic characteristics was limited volumetric cores per plot to estimate bulk dens- by two factors. First, because initial conversion ity and stone content using a rectangular turf of unmanaged forest to small-scale cultivation grass sampler (2.5 cm × 9.0 cm dimensions). began in the pre-Columbian era and continued The second set of samples was collected by com- into the Colonial period of extensive grazing positing 10 cores extracted with a 2.5-cm diameter ­(Jiménez et al., 2001), it is difficult, if not impos- punch tube corer per plot and used for chemical sible, to reconstruct accurate land-use histories analysis. for our sites that extend beyond 60 years or so. We assume that most, if not all, our plots were primarily grazed by cattle, which was the most 13.2.4 Grasslands common land use since colonization. Second, it was not feasible to lay out plots at random. Ra- While we do not have paired pasture sites that ther, we used a haphazard sampling approach, represent the pre-abandonment conditions of stratifying plots by forest cover type and aiming each secondary forest, we collected soil and to obtain approximately even coverage of plots vegetation samples from three grasslands that across the gradients of estimated stand age. We were converted from tropical dry forest decades acknowledge this limitation of our study and to centuries ago, in order to have C -vegetation discuss below how the duration and intensity of 4 end members for stable isotope calculations. grazing prior to secondary forest regeneration is These sites are located in the Area de Con- a variable that we cannot control for, but that servación Guanacaste and are maintained as might affect our results. grasslands through annual burning and/or grazing by horses. Typical species include Hypar- 13.2.3 Soil and vegetation sampling rhenia rufa and Paspalum species (both Poaceae). in forests Soil samples from these sites were collected and processed using identical methods as for the for- est plots. We did not quantify aboveground bio- Here we analyse soil and vegetation data from mass as these sites were treeless. Because these 60 plots that have previously been described are not currently active cattle pastures, we refer (Powers et al., 2009) in addition to 24 new plots. to them as grasslands. Most of the plots were on flat regions in the land- scape, so we did not consider the influence of topography on soil C here. In the prior study we summarized soil C concentrations and d13C, but 13.2.5 Plant material for did not analyse these data statistically as the isotope analysis focus of that paper was forest composition. Full methods describing plot measurements appear In order to use simple mixing models to calculate in Powers et al. (2009), and are presented here in the percentage of C4 versus C3-derived organic brief. All 84 plots were 20 m × 50 m. All trees matter to the soil C pool, we measured d13C in ≥10 cm diameter at breast height were identi- plant tissue. We used leaf litter from a mixture of fied and measured. Aboveground biomass was tree species collected in litter traps during the dry ­calculated using allometric equations that in- and wet season of 2008 to represent the isotopic corporated species-specific wood density values composition of C3 tree vegetation. We also Patterns of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition 153

­collected grab samples of aboveground tissue bulk density may be altered by land use (Ellert of common C4 grasses and C3 sedges that were and Bettany, 1995). We used two ways to calcu- growing in the grassland sites for isotopic analysis. late soil C stocks, which we refer to as the ‘com- mon depth’ and ‘common mass’ methods. For the ‘common depth’ method, we multiplied each 13.2.6 Laboratory analyses site-specific C concentration by the measured bulk density at each site, and the depth increment of 10 cm. The ‘common mass’ approach adjusts The laboratory methods used to characterize soil for possible changes in the total amount of soil chemical properties appear elsewhere, and are sampled to a fixed depth that may be caused by presented briefly here (Powers et al., 2009; differences among land uses due to compaction Powers and Perez-Aviles, 2013). Soils were or expansion (Toriyama et al., 2011). An implicit air-dried, picked free of roots and other debris, assumption of this approach is the untestable then passed through a 2-mm sieve. We measured assumption that bulk densities were identical pH in water using a 1:2.5 air-dried soil to solu- prior to land-use change. Thus, in chrono­ tion ratio and particle-size distribution was sequence studies, comparing soils sampled ­determined using the hydrometer method. Un- under different land uses or ages on a common fortunately, we do not have data from selective mass basis involves expressing soil C inventories dissolution analyses (e.g. quantities of Fe and by using a common bulk density value for a ref- aluminum (Al) extracted by acid ammonium ox- erence site that represents the ‘original’ land use alate, sodium pyrophosphate, etc.) for all our (de Koning et al., 2003). We calculated the mean samples, which are useful for inferring soil min- bulk density of our three oldest forest sites eralogy (Lorenz et al., 2009; Jimenez et al., 2011). (0.82 g cm–3) and used this as a common value Instead, we used data on total Al concentrations, for expressing­ soil C inventories in all plots on a which we had for all plots. Total elements includ- common mass basis. ing Al were measured via inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy on a Perkin Elmer Optima 3000 ICP Spectrometer following diges- tion in nitric acid in a microwave. Total Al is posi- 13.2.8 Calculations of pasture- versus tively correlated with a measure of the poorly forest-derived C crystalline Fe oxide ferrihydrite (acid ammonium oxalate-extractable Fe minus pyrophosphate-­ We used a simple mixing model to estimate the extractable Fe = 0.40, P < 0.01) in a subset of contribution of C (pasture) and C (secondary our samples for which we have selective dissol- 4 3 forest) derived vegetation to the soil C in second- ution analysis data, while total Fe was not ary forests (Balesdent and Mariotti, 1996; Lopez-­ (Powers et al., unpublished data). Thus, we used Ulloa et al., 2005), assuming that the dominant total Al as a proxy for the abundance of poorly plant species in pastures are C4 grasses and the crystalline minerals. Last, total soil C and its dominant plant species in forests are C3 trees. stable isotopes (d13C) were measured on finely The equation is: ground samples at the Stable Isotope Facility at the University of California at Davis, USA. Carbon 13 13 13 Fp = (d C soilsf – d C soilof)/(d C detritusp concentrations are reported on an oven-dry 13 – d C detritusf) (13.1) weight basis and d13C is reported using standard notation in units of parts (‰), relative to the Pee Where Fp refers to the proportion of pasture-­ derived soil C in the total soil C pool, d13C soil is Dee belemnite standard. sf the isotopic composition of soil C in each second- 13 ary forest plot, d C soilof is the isotopic compos-

ition of soil in a reference or ‘pure’ C3 or old 13.2.7 Soil carbon inventories 13 ­forest soil, d C detritusp is the isotopic signature 4 13 of C pasture grasses and d C detritusf is the iso- Soil C stocks are calculated by multiplying soil C topic signature of C3 forest vegetation. In our cal- 13 concentrations by bulk density and sample culations, we set d C soilof to –27.63‰, which depth; however, both soil C concentrations and was the lowest value for soils in our sample of 154 J.S. Powers et al.

secondary forests, and we assumed that this rep- minimized the AIC. We did not do these analyses resented the end-member C3 forest soil. The iso- on the soil C stocks calculated using common topic composition of pasture grasses was set to mass, as these would be identical to results for –11.24‰, which was the mean value that we soil C. All analyses were conducted in JMP 8.0 measured in C4 grass tissue, and the isotopic (SAS Institute, Inc.). value of C3 vegetation was set to –29.50‰, which is the mean value for wet and dry season 13.3 Results litter measured in our mixed species litter traps (Table 13.1). We also ran this calculation for our three grassland samples, to check whether soil C 13.3.1 Patterns with forest age appeared to be exclusively from C4 vegetation, or whether it contained a mixture of C3 and C4 In general, bulk density tended to decrease with sources. Because the only term that varies in this increasing forest age (Fig. 13.3a), while soil C equation for our dataset is the isotopic compos- concentrations tended to increase (Fig. 13.3b) ition of soil C in the secondary forest or grass- especially relative to the three grassland sites, land sites and all other terms are fixed, this equa- ­although there was considerable variability tion essentially re-scales the d13C soil values. around these mean trends. These two trends counter-balanced each other, so that soil C stocks calculated on a common depth basis us- 13.2.9 Statistical analyses ing site-specific bulk density data showed little variation over succession (Fig. 13.3c). Calculat- We used Spearman rank correlation coefficients ing soil C stocks under the common mass as- as a preliminary approach to explore (non-linear) sumption yields identical patterns of variation relationships among the response variables soil over stand age compared to soil C (Fig. 13.3d), C, soil C stocks (Mg ha–1), and d13C and the fol- because using a common bulk density value lowing variables: stand age, tree species richness, simply rescales the site-specific concentration total aboveground biomass, soil pH, % clay and data. Across the landscape, soil C stocks (0–10 cm total Al. These analyses were performed for the depth) ranged from 13.1 Mg C ha–1 to 47.6 Mg C ha–1 forest plots only and excluded the three grass- when calculated on a common depth basis, and land sites, because we are not certain how well from 10.3 Mg C ha–1 to 60.5 Mg C ha–1 when these three sites represent the pre-abandonment calculated based upon a common mass with conditions of the forest sites. Next, we performed mean bulk density values from older forests three multiple regression analyses using soil C, (Fig. 13.3c and d). Mean soil C stocks were simi- soil C stocks (common depth) or d13C as response lar irrespective of the assumed bulk density variables, and stand age, species richness, above­ value and were 30.3 Mg C ha–1 for the common ground tree biomass, soil pH, % clay and total Al depth samples and 31.0 Mg C ha–1 for the com- as predictor variables. We ran all possible models mon mass samples. and used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) Stable C isotope values in the grassland soils to determine the model that best fit the data and ranged from –22.25‰ to –13.37‰ (Table 13.1,

Table 13.1. Stable carbon isotope values for pasture vegetation, forest leaf litter and soil carbon (0–10 cm). Soil samples were collected from plots of regenerating tropical dry forest or three grassland sites in Costa Rica, while vegetation data are from grab samples (Poaceae) or leaf litter traps in forested plots.

Variable Mean (‰) Minimum (‰) Maximum (‰) Sample size

Vegetation C4 pasture plants (Poaceae) –11.24 –12.09 –11.23 4 Forest leaf litter wet season –29.34 –30.04 –28.31 9 Forest leaf litter dry season –29.66 –30.02 –29.27 6 Soil Grasslands and pastures –17.28 –22.25 –13.37 3 Secondary forests –24.15 –27.63 –16.70 84 Patterns of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition 155

a. 1.4 b. 8

) 1.2 7 –3 ) 6 cm 1

(g 0.8 5 4

0.6 arbon (% 3 0.4

soil c 2

bulk density 0.2 1 0 0 020406080100 120 020406080100 120 stand age (years) stand age (years) c. 70 d. 70 ) –1 60 ) 60 –1 h 50 50 40 40 30 30

ommon dept 20 20 common mass common c 10 C stock (Mg ha 10 soil C stock (Mg ha 0 0 020406080100 120 020406080100 120 stand age (years) stand age (years) e. –10 f. 1 n 0.8

–15 arbo 0.6

–20 C4–c C (‰)

13 0.4 δ –25 0.2 oportion pr –30 0 020406080100 120 020406080100 120 stand age (years) stand age (years)

Fig. 13.3. Soil characteristics (0–10 cm sampling depth) plotted as a function of estimated forest age from 84 plots of tropical dry forest regenerating following abandonment from agriculture in Costa Rica. Response variables are as follows: (a) bulk density, (b) soil C concentrations, (c) soil C stock calculated using a common sampling depth, (d) soil C stock calculated using a common mass approach, (e) d13C and (f) ­proportional contribution from C4 vegetation to total soil C. Filled symbols represent grassland sites and open symbols represent forested sites.

Fig. 13.3e), indicating that even these old grass- measured d13C values in each plot; however, sev- land sites are not pure C4 plant communities or eral interesting results emerge from these data. perhaps have contributions of old, resistant soil First, soil C in both grasslands and forests con- C that persisted from the original forest vegeta- sists of a mix of C3- and C4-derived sources. Even tion. Consistent with the former explanation, the grassland site that had the highest C4 signature the site with the lowest d13C had abundant still consisted of almost 20% of C3-derived C. sedges (Daniel Perez-Aviles, personal communi- ­Second, the higher values of C4-carbon in some cation). Bulk d13C of surface soil C sampled in secondary forests compared to the three refer- these secondary forests suggest rapid incorpor- ence grassland sites suggest that when they ation of C3-derived material into the soil C pools (Fig. were abandoned from pasture, they started at 13.3e). Within 30 years, surface soils of regen- higher values than the current grasslands. Third, erating tropical forest had isotopic signatures within forests of similar ages, there was a wide similar to those of forests ≥100 years old. range of C4-derived C. Fourth, even secondary As discussed above, calculating the fraction forests of 40 years or older still show evidence of of C4- to C3-derived C essentially rescales the C4-derived C. 156 J.S. Powers et al.

13.3.2 Correlates of soil C and c13C in dry tropical forests compared to wet tropical forests (Meli, 2003). The goals of this project The strongest correlations between predictor were to determine whether simple, conceptual variables and soil C concentrations and stocks models of ecosystem recovery from landuse fit were the positive correlations with soil pH, with data from regenerating tropical dry forests and, if Spearman’s correlation coefficients of 0.61 and not, whether soil-forming factors helped to ex- 0.46, respectively (Table 13.2, P < 0.0001). plain variation among plots in soil C and its stable Total Al was also positively correlated with soil C C isotopic composition. In our sampling of many concentrations and % clay was positively correl- secondary dry forest stands in Costa Rica, we ated with soil C stocks (Table 13.2). Soil d13C was found positive but weak trends for soil C concen- negatively correlated with stand age, species rich­ trations to increase with forest age, and strong ness and aboveground biomass, and positively and rapid decreases in C4-derived soil C with forest correlated with % clay (Table 13.2). age. Multiple regression models indicated that The best fit multiple regression model for soil factors other than stand age such as tree species C included tree species richness, soil pH and richness and soil pH explained much of the vari- total Al, and had an r2 value of 0.51 (Table ation among sites in soil C concentrations, stocks, 13.3). The best fit model for soil C stocks (com- and isotopic composition. Below we discuss these mon depth) had a much lower r2 value and in- patterns, ­potential mechanisms and implica- cluded stand age in addition to the same variables tions for regional soil C budgets. that explained variation among plots in soil C (Table 13.3). Despite the strong Spearman rank correlation between stand age and d13C, the best fit regression model for d13C contained above­ 13.4.1 Successional patterns ground biomass, species richness, soil pH and % clay, and had an r2 value of 0.52 (Table 13.3). Although both soil C concentrations and stocks tended to increase with secondary succession, stand age is clearly not the primary driver of soil C concentrations and stocks in our data. There 13.4 Discussion are several possible explanations for our finding that a simple successional model was insuffi- The extent to which secondary forests in trop- cient to account for variation across the land- ical landscapes provide ecosystem services scape in soil C. First, it is possible that our stand such as biodiversity conservation and C storage age estimates were incorrect, thus obscuring the is subject to intense debate (Wright and Muller-­ relationship with soil C. While we cannot rule Landau, 2006; Laurance, 2007), and we cur- this out, several lines of evidence suggest that rently lack a complete understanding of the pat- this potential source of error is fairly small. The terns and processes of regeneration, particularly relationship between the fraction of C4-derived

Table 13.2. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between soil C concentrations, soil C stocks and d13C and predictor variables in plots of regenerating tropical dry forests in Costa Rica (P values in parentheses).

Variable Soil % C Soil C stock (Mg ha–1) d13C

Soil C stock 0.81 (<0.001) – 0.20 (n.s.) d13C –0.11 (n.s.) 0.20 (n.s.) – Stand age 0.25 (0.02) 0.08 (n.s.) –0.61 (<0.001) Aboveground biomass 0.11 (n.s.) 0.001 (n.s.) –0.59 (<0.001) Tree species richness 0.25 (<0.05) 0.18 (n.s.) –0.50 (<0.001) pH(water) 0.61 (<0.001) 0.46 (<0.001) –0.28 (<0.01) % Clay 0.25 (<0.05) 0.28 (<0.01) 0.32 (<0.01) Total Al 0.35 (<0.001) 0.24 (<0.05) 0.22 (<0.05)

Bonferoni-corrected a = 0.006. Patterns of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition 157

Table 13.3. Best-fitting regression models for soil % C, secondary forest. The fine root mass of deep- soil C stock and d13C in regenerating tropical dry forests rooted pasture grasses can exceed that of forest in Costa Rica determined by the lowest AIC value. or savanna vegetation, and add to belowground C stocks (Fisher et al., 1994). Indeed, the average Soil C stock (common change in soil C stocks during forest-to-pasture Variable Soil % C depth) d13C conversion on low-activity clay soils in the drier tropics (1500–2500 mm mean annual rainfall) Stand age * is a 26.4% increase (Powers et al., 2011). Aboveground * Third, it is likely that the relationship be- biomass tween soil C and forest age is not direct. Rather, Tree species * * * any possible correlations are the result of factors richness that vary as forests age, e.g. microclimate, changes pH(water) * * * % clay * in the quantity and/or quality of organic matter Total Al * * inputs to the soil or changes in disturbance re- r 2 0.51 0.33 0.52 gimes (e.g. elimination or reduction in the num- AIC 200.49 555.53 346.39 ber of fires). The correlation coefficients for soil C stocks (at a common depth basis) illustrate this Predictor variables included stand age, aboveground biomass, well. Even though soil C concentrations in- tree species richness, pH, % clay and total Al. Each response variable appears in a column and predictor variables included creased slightly with forest age, bulk density also in the best model are denoted with an asterisk. declined, leading to no significant changes in soil C stocks as a function of forest age. The possibil- ity most supported by our data is that total soil C soil C and estimated stand age is very strong and stocks are determined first by factors that affect consistent with the expectation of increasing the size of the stable soil C pool such as mineral- forest-derived soil C and/or decomposition of ogy (Lorenz et al., 2009; Jimenez et al., 2011), and pasture-derived soil C. Next, stocks of above­ secondarily by processes that vary with land use. ground tree biomass and coarse woody debris in Last, we cannot rule out the possibility that these forests increase with stand age (Kissing the nature, duration and/or intensity of prior land and Powers, 2010), and indeed, stand age explains use affected C stocks either during agriculture the largest amount of variation among plots in or in the post-agricultural phase of recovery aboveground C (Becknell and Powers, 2014). (Buschbacher et al., 1988), and that this ac- Moreover, fine root mass in a subset of the plots counts for some of the unexplained variation in which we studied soil C varies inversely with among plots. While we have confidence that soil fertility, but not stand age, lending further most of our sites were cleared for fairly low-in- support to the idea that it is possible for above- tensity grazing and not intensive cultivation and belowground C to be controlled by different such as rice, we do not have estimates for how factors (Powers and Perez-Aviles, 2013). It is long each site was subjected to grazing prior to also possible that our sampling strategy was in- abandonment or whether there were large dif- sufficient to characterize within-site variability ferences among farms in management. Thus, of each plot or that chronosequence approaches unfortunately this potential source of variation do not account for slight variations in initial con- cannot be addressed with this dataset. It is also ditions among plots . However, repeated sampl­ing possible that the uneven distribution of stand of a subset of these plots using identical methods ages across soil types adds additional variation yielded the same patterns in soil C and bulk when all plots are viewed together. For example, density (Powers and Nowicki, unpublished one possible interpretation of the trend of de- data), thus we eliminate this as a major source creasing soil % C in the oldest stands might be C of variation. saturation. However, a more likely explanation A second factor that might account for the is that the oldest forests in our sample always weak relationships between forest age and soil C had lower C, and some that of the high C-soils concentrations or stocks is the possibility that from Palo Verde are more abundant in the the prior land use of grazing did not substan- 30–40 year age classes but poorly represented tially deplete soil C stocks relative to primary or in older age classes. 158 J.S. Powers et al.

13.4.2 Soil-forming factors However, our data also indicate a role of the and soil C storage forest community in soil C pool sizes and d13C. Interestingly, species richness was present in all In general, soil C concentrations were better three of the regression models. Not surpris- correlated with abiotic variables (pH, % clay ingly, species richness increases with stand age and total Al), while d13C (as an index of soil C (Powers et al., 2009), so it is notable that species turnover), was better correlated with biological richness adds explanatory power beyond that of variables that changed as forests aged. The mul- stand age. Species richness is a key determinant tiple regression analysis revealed more complex of belowground biogeochemical function in arid models than the pairwise correlations, and each ecosystems worldwide (Maestre et al., 2012). In model included variables associated with soil C regenerating tropical dry forests, increased tree stabilization and forest characteristics (e.g. species species richness might affect soil C through the richness), suggesting that both input processes quantity, quality and/or diversity of C inputs to and stabilization mechanisms are important in the soil. In the forests we sampled, individual controlling the overall size and dynamics of the species differentially affect total and labile soil C soil C pool. concentrations directly under their crowns (Gei One strong pattern was the positive correl- and Powers, 2013), and thus it is also possible ation between soil pH and C concentrations. pH that the identities of the species present in each ranged from 5.04 to 6.74 among sites, which stand are also important. rules out the possibility that carbonates contrib- The actions of mycorrhizas are another uted to this pattern (note that we have indeed ­possible mechanism through which species searched for carbonates in these soils and found composition might affect soil C stocks and cyc- them below 20 cm in certain samples, but never ling, and also potentially explain the correlation in the surface soils). What accounts for the posi- between soil C and pH. Many of the trees on the tive correlations between soil C and pH? Not sur- poorest soils in this landscape are ectomycor- prisingly, in our dataset soil pH is well correlated rhizal (e.g. Quercus oleoides). A recent conceptual with the concentrations of total base cations model posited that biogeochemical cycles in ­calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium and stands dominated by ectomycorrhizal trees are sodium in the soil, with Pearson correlation characterized by more organic nutrient cycling, coefficients ranging from 0.57 to 0.79. Divalent whereas forests dominated by arbuscular mycor- cations like Ca can stabilize soil organic matter rhizal trees are dominated by inorganic nutrient through the formation of bridges among organic cycling processes (Phillips et al., 2013). Consist- molecules and between organic matter and clay ent with the hypothesis that different mycorrhizal particles (Oades, 1988). In a lab incubation study communities yield distinct signatures on soil C is with leaf litter from two different tree species this the finding that soils dominated by ectomycor- region (the nitrogen-fixing legume Gliricidia se- rhizal plant communities store more C ­per unit N pium and an oak Quercus oleoides; Fagaceae), Mg than plant communities that support arbuscular­ addition in solution retarded decomposition, mycorrhizas, i.e. have greater C:N ratios (Averill ­suggesting that Mg availability may play a role in et al., 2014). determining soil C pool sizes (Powers and Salute, 2011). Total Al was also included in the regres- sion models of soil C concentrations and stocks, 13.4.3 Insights from stable isotopes but % clay was not. Again, total Al concentrations were well correlated with a measure of the poorly The isotopic data suggest that surface soil C crystalline, Fe-containing mineral ferrihydrite. pools are dynamic, but with a number of cav- Detailed studies of soil mineralogy in four sites in eats. The isotopic signatures in the grassland the Área de Conservación Guanacaste show that sites were not ‘pure’ C4-communities, either be- ferrihydrite controls the size of the stable and pas- cause of the presence of C3 species like sedges or sive soil C pools (Lorenz et al., 2009; Jimenez et al., remnant trees or residual forest-derived C from 2011), and our results are consistent with a large the original, primary forest (note that we have role of soil mineralogy in determining the size of never observed charcoal or charred particles in the total soil C pool. any soil samples from this region). Our grassland Patterns of Soil Carbon Stocks and Isotopic Composition 159

site with the lowest d13C had sedges, and is likely However, when comparing soil C stocks not representative of the pre-abandonment con- estimated using the common mass approach ditions of many of our forest sites. Even so, the in chronosequences, adjusting samples to a proportion of C3-carbon in the grassland site common mass using a reference bulk density with the highest d13C was 0.2. This suggests cau- as we did removes any variation in soil C stocks tion should be exercised in using the natural attributed to bulk density and emphasizes the abundance isotope method as a precise tracer of differences among sites in C concentrations. soil C dynamics (Powers and Veldkamp, 2005). In our dataset, soil C concentrations varied Despite these caveats, our data suggest that more among sites than did bulk density (the within 30 years of regeneration the isotopic sig- coefficients of variation were 28.6% and 16.5%, nature of surface soil C resembles that of older respectively), and thus the choice of the com- forests. This is similar to results from a survey of mon depth or common mass approach to esti- forest-to-pasture conversions in a wetter climate mate soil C stocks is not as important as in north-eastern Costa Rica, where surface soil understanding how soil C concentrations vary d13C values in the 0–10 cm layer of soil stabilize among sites. approximately 30 years after deforestation (Powers and Veldkamp, 2005). How can we rec- oncile the lack of directional changes in soil C 13.5 Conclusions stocks with the apparently rapid turnover of soil C? Our data suggest that the size of the total soil A major conclusion from many recent studies of C pool in the topsoil is determined largely by soil C responses to forest regeneration is that mineralogy and secondarily by factors such as ­regional, mechanistic studies are essential for species richness, but that this carbon pool is rela- accurately understanding soil C dynamics and tively dynamic, almost completely turning over their consequences for CO exchange with the within 30 years. We also acknowledge that the 2 atmosphere at coarser spatial scales (de Koning r2 values of the multiple regression equations et al., 2003; Lopez-Ulloa et al., 2005; Powers were lowest for soil C stocks on a common depth et al., 2011). We purposefully located our sec- basis and were around 0.5 for both soil C con- ondary forest plots across gradients of stand age centrations and d13C, suggesting that additional and soil-forming factors. Our data from tropical factors we did not measure are also important, dry forests in Costa Rica are largely consistent e.g. belowground soil C inputs from roots and with results from wetter forests that show simple microorganisms and/or duration and intensity models of recovery of belowground C stocks of prior land use. with recovery from land use are insufficient to explain the patterns of soil C distribution across the landscape. Our isotopic data suggest that surface soil C pools are dynamic, but that con- 13.4.4 Methodological considerations centrations and stocks are controlled by a num- ber of site-specific soil-forming factors such as There is much discussion in the literature about mineralogy, pH and species richness, in addition the relative merits of sampling by fixed depth to forest age. versus genetic horizon (Davidson and Ackerman, 1993) and expressing inventories on a common depth (or volume) versus common mass basis (Ellert and Bettany, 1995; Toriyama et al., 2011). Acknowledgements Although sampling by genetic horizon allows for detecting erosion, it can be difficult to accomplish This study was supported by a McKnight Land in highly weathered soils that lack clearly delin- Grant Professorship from the University of eated horizons and it also hinders comparisons of Minnesota, a NASA New Investigator Award land-use effects among sites. Longitudinal studies (NS000107) and National Science Foundation where soils are repeatedly sampled over time can CAREER Award (DEB-1053237) to J.S.P. We help resolve some of these issues and reduce errors thank two anonymous reviewers for comments in C accounting schemes (Toriyama et al., 2011). that improved this chapter. 160 J.S. Powers et al.


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Luitgard Schwendenmann1* and Simon Kaiser2 1School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Tropical Silviculture and Forest Ecology, Georg-August University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

14.1 Introduction as the amount of above- and belowground biomass returned to the soil as necromass, the rate of de- The establishment of forest plantations on pas- composition, soil moisture and temperature, soil tures and cropland has the potential to lead to fertility and land-use management (Gupta and carbon (C) sequestration and may contribute to Rao, 1994; Bardgett et al., 2009). A number of the restoration of ecosystem services (Fisher, studies and meta-analyses have shown that re- 1995; Montagnini and Jordan, 2005). Where forestation of pastures and cropland also leads trees have rapid growth rates, particularly in the to an increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) tropics and sub-tropics, the uptake of carbon di- stocks (Paul et al., 2002; Laganière et al., 2010; oxide from the atmosphere and subsequent stor- Powers et al., 2011). Other studies have observed age in aboveground biomass through naturally losses in soil C following reforestation (de Koning regenerating secondary succession, afforestation et al., 2003; López-Ulloa et al., 2005; Guo et al., (i.e. planting in an area where the previous 2008) and yet others have reported no net change vegetation was not forest) and reforestation (i.e. (Bashkin and Binkley, 1998; Davis et al., 2007). planting of forests on lands that were forested Globally, soils store three times as much C as but that have been converted to non-forested aboveground biomass (Raich and Schlesinger, land; CBD, 2003) is large (Silver et al., 2000; Lal 1992), it is therefore important to quantify chan­ et al., 2005). In this chapter, reforestation will be ges in SOC stocks following land-use conversion used to cover both reforestation and afforest- accurately. Research has shown that the direc- ation activities unless specified otherwise. tion and magnitude of changes in SOC following Aboveground–belowground linkages drive reforestation depend on a wide range of factors. ecosystem processes including the fluxes of C and These include tree species effects (Guo and Gifford, nutrients (Bardgett and Wardle, 2010). Whether 2002; Russell et al., 2007, 2010), the legacy higher standing biomass leads to enhanced soil effects of previous land use (de Koning et al., C storage depends upon a variety of factors such 2003), plantation age (Laganière et al., 2010),

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 162 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations 163

soil mineralogy (Powers et al., 2011) and climatic this purpose. We hypothesized that pastures and factors (Powers et al., 2011). teak plantations differ in their soil properties and Besides SOC, live and dead roots contribute we expected that effects, including increased soil to belowground C. Fine root biomass, root turn- C storage and soil fertility, are achieved to a over and rooting depth determine the fate of root greater extent in older teak plantations. We as- C and thus have implications for belowground C sumed that land-use history, site management, sequestration and storage (Lugo and Brown, and species effects are the mechanisms driving 1993). A number of studies have examined fine these changes. root biomass following the conversion of trop- ical forests into other land uses (Trumbore et al., 2006; Harteveld et al., 2007) and during sec- 14.2 Materials and Methods ondary succession (Hertel et al., 2003; Brearley, 2011). However, the effect of reforestation on 14.2.1 Study site fine root biomass and fine root C and nitrogen (N) stocks is not well investigated. The study was conducted in the San Lorenzo Reforestation may not only lead to changes district (8° 19¢ N, 82° 9¢ W) of the Chiriquí Pro- in SOC and fine roots, but may also alter the vince in western Panamá. The study area is de- physical and chemical properties of soils due to limited by the Pacific Ocean in the south and the plant–soil interactions. For example, some stud- Pan-American Highway in the north. The eleva- ies have shown that bulk density (Fisher, 1995; tion of the study area ranges between 5 m and Salimon et al., 2009) and soil pH (Berthrong 35 m above sea level. The mean annual rainfall et al., 2009) under plantations is lower compared recorded at the nearest weather station in David, with croplands and pastures. However, the approximately 40 km west of the study area, results are inconsistent and depend on tree spe- was 2750 mm for the years 1996–2007 (ETESA, cies, stand age, land-use history and biophysical 2008). The region is characterized by distinct conditions in the study regions (Powers et al., 1997; wet and dry seasons with the majority of rain Montagnini, 2000). falling between the months of June and December. One of the tree species with high growth rates The mean annual temperature is 26.7°C (ETE- and thus a high C sequestration potential is teak SA, 2008). (Tectona grandis; Lamiaceae). Teak is native to south Soils in the study area are formed by alluvial and south-east Asia, in particular India, Indonesia, processes and are classified as Ultisols and Alfisols Malaysia and Myanmar (Pandey and Brown, (B. Name, Panamá City, 2005, personal commu- 2000), but is a widely planted hardwood species nication). The natural vegetation in the area was across the tropics, within and outside its natural an evergreen seasonal lowland forest (ANAM, distribution range. Of the plantations established 2000) before deforestation in the 1950s opened throughout the tropics, over 2.3 million ha have the area to livestock farming. Since the 1990s, been planted with teak (FAO, 2010). In Panamá, an increasing area of pasture in the study area where this study was conducted, plantation for- has been converted into teak plantations. As well estry is rapidly growing with the addition of teak. as teak, a number of Acacia mangium (Leguminosae) From 1992 to 2004, an area of 46,000 ha was and Khaya senegalensis (Meliaceae) plantations reforested, with approximately 75% of this area exist in the area (R. Rojas, San Lorenzo, 2005, per- having been planted with teak (ANAM, 2006). sonal communication). The aim of this study was to understand how soil C and fine roots change in response to pasture conversion and teak plantation estab- 14.2.2 Land-use type, site lishment in western Panamá. We also evalu- and plot selection ated potential positive or negative effects of teak plantations on physical (bulk density) and The chronosequence approach (Penman et al., chemical soil properties (pH, cation exchange 2003) was used to investigate whether the estab- capacity and base saturation). A chrono­ lishment of teak plantations on Improved Pas- sequence of teak stands spanning 10 years of tures and Chumico Pastures had an effect on soil development on former pastures was used for properties, soil C and nitrogen (N), and fine root 164 L. Schwendenmann and S. Kaiser

biomass. We selected teak plantations aged 1, 2 regular cutting and application of herbicides. and 10 years old at the time of this study (Teak-1, The plantations were fertilized with 4 lbs (1 lb Teak-2, Teak-10). For each land-use type (Chum- = 453.6 g) of organic fertilizer (in Spanish: ico Pasture, Improved Pasture, Teak-1, Teak-2 Gallinaza) and 1 lb of lime per plant annually and Teak-10) three to five sites of similar envir- (R. Rojas, San Lorenzo, 2005, personal com- onmental conditions were selected using a munication). Teak-10 was thinned­ and at the stratified random design. The main characteris- time of this study in 2005, 55–70% of the tics of each land-use type are described below originally planted trees remained. Re-sprout- and summarized in Table 14.1. ing from cut stumps was common and these sprouts were up to 5 m high. The canopy was • Chumico Pastures: Characterized by exten- closed. No other tree species were found in sive grazing and a high number of native the canopy and understorey. Grass and shrub grass species. The distinct feature of this abundance in Teak-10 was low. land-use type is the abundance of Curatella americana (Dilleniaceae) (in Spanish: Chum- Within each site, three sampling plots (21 m × ico) trees. This silvopastoral system has 21 m) were established. In total, 57 plots across been in place for decades. 19 sites were investigated. All plots, except for • Improved Pastures: The so-called Improved Teak-10, were located in the sub-district of San Pastures (in Spanish: pasto mejorado) con- Lorenzo. The Teak-10 plantation was situated in

sist of the introduced deep-rooted C4 grass the sub-district of Boca del Monte, 15 km to the Brachiaria humidicola (Poaceae) and are in- north-west of San Lorenzo. A high percentage tensively grazed by cattle (up to three head of clay and silt (>80%) was found across the soil of cattle per hectare). profiles at all sites in San Lorenzo (Chumico Pas- • Teak plantations: The plantations were estab- ture, Improved Pasture, Teak-1, Teak-2). These lished on both Chumico and Improved Pas- soils were classified as clay, whereas the soils ture sites. Site preparation before planting under Teak-10 were classified as loamy clay. included the cutting of existing trees and shrubs and the removal of stumps and coarse roots. The residual grass and herbaceous 14.2.3 Soil and root sampling vegetation was ploughed to a depth of up to 30 cm. The soil remained bare for approxi- All samples were taken between May and July mately 3 months prior to tree planting. Sap- 2005. For chemical analysis, three samples were lings were planted at 3 m spacing with an taken in each plot at depths of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm initial tree density of 1111 trees ha–1. The and 30–40 cm with a soil auger (2 cm in diameter). area was drained at locations with high soil A soil pit was dug in one of the three plots per site water content (R. Rojas, San Lorenzo, 2005, and a sample from 90–100 cm depth was also personal communication). After planting­ , collected. In total, 225 soil samples were collected. grass, herbs and shrubs were removed by The samples were oven-dried (60°C, 48 h) and

Table 14.1. Characteristics of the five land-use types studied for soil properties, Chiriquí, Panamá. (Modified from Derwisch et al., 2009.)

Aboveground carbon Tree characteristics (mean ± SD) stock (kg m–2) Year sites Land-use type established Density (n ha–1) Height (m) Diameter (cm) Trees Grass/litter

Chumico Pasture 1950–1960 5.1 ± 0.3 Improved Pasture 1950–1960 3 – 71 Teak-1 2004 1079 2.1 ± 1.6 3.7 ± 1.5 0.6 ± 1.4 2.3 ± 0.1 Teak-2 2003 990 2.8 ± 2.0 3.6 ± 2.0 0.8 ± 2.1 5.8 ± 0.3 Teak-10 1995 383 20.5 ± 3.0 22.5 ± 3.6 38.0 ± 3.4 2.7 ± 0.1

The values are means ± standard deviation (n = 3–5 sites). 1Pedro et al. (2007) Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations 165

sieved (2 mm). Roots and organic material were C and N concentration by the soil bulk density of removed before further analysis. the soil layer and by soil depth. Bulk density did Volumetric samples (257.65 cm3) were not differ significantly among land-use types taken from the soil pit at 0–5 cm, 10–15 cm, for a given depth (Table 14.2). However, we 30–35 cm, and 90–95 cm. One sample was col- accounted for changes in bulk density follow- lected for bulk density (in total 76 samples) and ing the approach by Solomon et al. (2002) by a second sample was taken for fine root analysis dividing the bulk density of Improved Pasture, (in total 76 samples). For fine root analysis, the Chumico Pasture, Teak-1 and Teak-2 by the samples were covered with water, gently shaken bulk density of Teak-10 and then multiplying and poured on to a 1-mm mesh sieve. The pro- these values by the fixed soil depth (10 cm). cedure was repeated until all roots were on the Fine root C stock (g m–2) for each layer was cal- sieve. All live roots (<2 mm diameter) were visu- culated as the product of root C concentration ally separated into teak and grass roots based on and root biomass. root colour and structure. The roots (bulked per plot) were washed again, dried at 60°C for 48 h and weighed. 14.2.6 Statistical analyses

Differences among land-use types were evalu- 14.2.4 Laboratory analyses ated by Kruskal–Wallis tests. For each soil layer, the mean of three plots within each site was Soil texture was determined using a modified used in the analysis of n = 5 land-use types with three to five replicates per type, for a total of 19 pipette method after treating the samples with H2O2 and sodium pyrophosphate (Moschrefi, 1983). sites analysed. If a significant effect was found, Bulk density was calculated as the quotient of pairwise comparisons were conducted using the soil dry weight (105°C, 48 h) and fresh soil volume. Mann–Whitney U test to determine which land The pH in water was measured using a 1:2.5 uses were different from others. Spearman Rank soil-to-solution ratio (GPHR 1400A; Greisinger correlation was applied to explore relationships Electronic GmbH, Regenstauf, Germany). The ef- among soil parameters. Significant differences were stated at the level of P < 0.05. Statistical fective cation exchange capacity (CECe) was esti- mated as the sum of exchangeable cations at the analysis was conducted using SPSS 18.0.2; SPSS pH of the soil (Sumner and Miller, 1996). Dried Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). and sieved soil samples were extracted with 1 N

NH4Cl (Meiwes et al., 1984). The elements were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy 14.3 Results (Spectra AA.300; Varian Pty Ltd, Clayton, South Australia). Base saturation was calculated by sum- 14.3.1 Physical and chemical ming the base forming cations (calcium (Ca), soil properties magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium) and then dividing this sum by the CECe value. The Mean bulk density in the upper 0–10 cm ranged –3 –3 CECe was only determined in one soil profile under from 0.85 Mg m to 0.98 Mg m (Table 14.2). Improved Pasture, Chumico Pasture and Teak-1. Bulk density across all land-use types tended to Soil and root sub-samples were ground to increase slightly with depth (Table 14.2). Bulk a fine powder using a ball mill (Fritsch GmbH, density values in Teak-10 were consistently lower Idar-Oberstein, Germany) and then analysed for compared to the other land-use types across the C and N with an elemental analyser (Carlo Erba soil profile; however, differences in bulk density NC 2500; Thermo Quest, Milan, Italy). among land-use types were not statistically sig- nificant (Table 14.2). The soils in all land-use types were acidic, 14.2.5 Calculation of carbon and nitrogen with pH values in the topsoil between 4.7 and stocks in mineral soil and roots 5.3 (Table 14.2). In the top 10 cm, no significant differences in pH were found among land-use Soil organic C and N stocks (kg m2) were calcu- types (Table 14.2). In contrast, land-use had an lated for each soil layer separately by multiplying effect on pH in deeper layers (10–20 cm, P < 0.05; 166 L. Schwendenmann and S. Kaiser

Table 14.2. Bulk density, pH (in water), effective cation exchange capacity (CECe) and base saturation of mineral soil for four depth intervals across five land-use types, Chiriquí, Panamá.

Soil properties, Chumico Improved P (Kruskal depth (cm) Pasture Pasture Teak-1 Teak-2 Teak-10 Wallis Test)

Bulk density (g cm–3) 0–10 0.92 ± 0.24 0.98 ± 0.09 0.92 ± 0.04 0.90 ± 0.03 0.85 ± 0.07 n.s. 10–20 1.04 ± 0.35 1.11 ± 0.10 1.04 ± 0.06 1.04 ± 0.09 0.96 ± 0.03 n.s. 30–40 1.06 ± 0.15 1.19 ± 0.10 1.10 ± 0.10 1.11 ± 0.13 0.96 ± 0.05 n.s. 90–100 1.29 ± 0.10a 1.14 ± 0.07a 0.95 ± 0.12b 1.19 ± 0.19a 0.98 ± 0.11a <0.05 pH (in water) 0–10 5.2 ± 0.3 4.9 ± 0.2 4.7 ± 0.1 4.7 ± 0.3 5.2 ± 0.3 0.05 10–20 5.3 ± 0.1a 4.9 ± 0.2a 4.6 ± 0.3b 4.8 ± 0.2b 5.1 ± 0.1a <0.05 30–40 5.5 ± 0.2a 5.2 ± 0.1a 4.8 ± 0.1b 4.9 ± 0.1b 5.4 ± 0.2a <0.05 90–100 5.7 ± 0.4 5.5 ± 0.2 5.2 ± 0.2 5.5 ± 0.8 5.2 ± 0.3 n.s. –1 CECe (cmol kg )* 0–10 8.0 6.8 12.0 7.7 ± 4.0 30.2 ± 8.6 10–20 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 30–40 9.5 2.1 10.4 5.5 ± 4.4 32.3 ± 4.1 90–100 16.0 4.2 9.1 6.5 ± 6.1 38.7 ± 18.4 Base saturation (%)* 0–10 12 47 26 32 ± 24 87 ± 13 10–20 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 30–40 23 32 9 31 ± 26 74 ± 29 90–100 99 24 6 25 ±3 2 61 ± 46

The values are means ± standard deviation (n = 3–5 sites). n.d = not determined. Different letters indicate a significant difference among land-use types (P < 0.05). * CECe and base saturation were only measured in one soil profile under Chumico Pasture, Improved Pasture and Teak-1.

30–40 cm, P < 0.05), with Teak-1 and Teak-2 (Table 14.3). The differences in stocks among

­having more acidic pH values. The CECe was 7–30 land-use types were only significant (P < 0.05) cmol kg–1 and the base saturation was 12–78% at 0–10 cm depth, with Teak-2 having the least in the top 10 cm (Table 14.2). The CECe and base and Improved Pasture having the greatest C and saturation was higher in Teak-10 than in any N stocks (Table 14.3, Fig. 14.1b). other land-use type at all depths.

14.3.2 Soil carbon and nitrogen 14.3.3 Fine root biomass and carbon stocks In the top 10 cm, soil C and N concentrations across land-use types ranged from 2.3% to 3.0% Fine root biomass (live roots only) in the top 10 and from 0.21% to 0.29%, respectively cm was 1.5 g m–1 C to 35.5 g m–1 C. Teak-1 and (Table 14.3). Land use had a significant effect Teak-2 had significantly lower fine root C stocks on C concentration (P < 0.05), N concentration compared with Teak-10 and the pasture sites (P < 0.05) and C:N ratio (P < 0.01) in the upper- (Table 14.3, Fig. 14.1c). A positive, but non-­ most soil layer (0–10 cm) (Table 14.3; Fig. 14.1a). significant, correlation asw found between fine The C:N ratio at 10–20 cm (P < 0.05) and 30–40 root and soil C stocks in the uppermost soil layer cm depth (P < 0.05) differed among land-use (r = 0.80; P = 0.10). types, with Teak-10 having the lowest C:N ratio Fine root C stocks decreased with depth (Table 14.3). across all the land-use types (Table 14.3). The Between 2.0 kg m–2 and 2.6 kg m–2 C and steepest decline in fine root C stock with depth 0.17 kg m–2 and 0.27 kg m–2 N, respectively, was measured under Improved Pasture, followed were stored in the top 10 cm of the soil profile by Chumico Pasture and Teak-10 (Table 14.3). Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations 167

Table 14.3. Soil organic carbon and nitrogen concentration, C:N ratio, soil organic carbon stocks and fine root carbon stocks in mineral soil for four depth intervals across five land-use types, Chiriquí, Panamá.

Soil properties, Chumico Improved P (Kruskal– depth (cm) Pasture Pasture Teak-1 Teak-2 Teak-10 Wallis test)

Carbon concentration (%) 0–10 2.87 ± 0.41a 3.01 ± 0.39a 2.39 ± 0.12b 2.31 ± 0.25b 2.86 ± 0.50a,b <0.05 10–20 1.51 ± 0.13 1.59 ± 0.27 1.68 ± 0.18 1.25 ± 0.39 1.31 ± 0.29 n.s. 30–40 0.75 ± 0.15 0.91 ± 0.23 0.91 ± 0.06 0.78 ± 0.18 0.66 ± 0.18 n.s. 90–100 0.24 ± 0.02 0.37 ± 0.14 0.40 ± 0.14 0.29 ± 0.08 0.38 ± 0.20 n.s. Nitrogen concentration (%) 0–10 0.24 ± 0.05a 0.29 ± 0.04b 0.21 ± 0.01a 0.22 ± 0.04a 0.32 ± 0.05b <0.05 10–20 0.11 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.03 0.13 ± 0.01 0.11 ± 0.04 0.15 ± 0.03 n.s. 30–40 0.06 ± 0.00 0.07 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.00 0.07 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.02 n.s. 90–100 0.03 ± 0.00 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.00 0.05 ± 0.02 n.s. C:N ratio 0–10 11.8 ± 0.7a 10.2 ± 0.3b 11.5 ± 0.2a 10.5 ± 1.0a,b 8.8 ± 0.2c <0.01 10–20 13.4 ± 1.6a 12.0 ± 0.7a 13.0 ± 0.3a 12.1 ± 1.6a 8.4 ± 0.2b <0.05 30–40 12.4 ± 2.0a 12.9 ± 1.2a 11.9 ± 0.3a 11.6 ± 1.1a 7.8 ± 0.3b <0.05 90–100 8.4 ± 1.4 9.3 ± 2.2 10.5 ± 1.1 8.7 ± 1.6 7.1 ± 0.6 n.s. Soil carbon stocks (kg m–2) 0–10 2.45 ± 0.35a 2.57 ± 0.33a 2.04 ± 0.10b 1.98 ± 0.21b 2.43 ± 0.36a <0.05 10–20 1.45 ± 0.12 1.53 ± 0.26 1.61 ± 0.17 1.20 ± 0.38 1.26 ± 0.29 n.s. 30–40 0.71 ± 0.15 0.87 ± 0.22 0.87 ± 0.06 0.75 ± 0.18 0.62 ± 0.15 n.s. 90–100 0.24 ± 0.02 0.37 ± 0.14 0.39 ± 0.14 0.29 ± 0.08 0.37 ± 0.19 n.s. Fine root carbon stocks (g m–2) 0–5 cm 19.3 ± 10.6a 35.5 ± 1.6b 1.5 ± 0.2c 12.1 ± 8.7a 29.1 ± 12.1a,b <0.05 10–15 cm 8.2 ± 7.9 5.1 ± 1.4 1.5 ± 1.5 2.9 ± 2.6 8.7 ± 5.1 n.s. 30–35 cm 3.1 ± 3.2 5.2 ± 2.8 0.4 ± 0.6 2.4 ± 2.9 4.4 ± 2.2 n.s. 90–95 cm 0.1 ± 0.1 3.1 ± 2.1 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 1.2 <0.05

The values are means ± standard deviation (n = 3–5 sites). Different letters indicate a significant difference among land-use types (P < 0.05).

14.4 Discussion other studies where lower bulk densities were found in tree plantations or secondary forests As hypothesized, pastures and teak plantations compared to pastures and grasslands (Fisher, differed in a number of soil properties including 1995; Salimon et al., 2009; Don et al., 2011). Fisher (1995) explained the decrease in bulk pH, CECe, soil C and N, and fine root biomass. Most of the differences between land uses and density in 4-year-old native and exotic tree plant- age of conversion were limited to the top layer of ations established on an abandoned pasture with soil (0–10 cm). In contrast to our expectations, the input of leaf litter and soil organic matter teak plantation development did not lead to a (SOM) and high biotic activity in the litter such as substantial increase in soil C storage. Pastures earthworm and arthropods. In contrast, trampling had higher soil C and N stocks and fine root bio- by cattle and the use of heavy machinery before mass than the plantations. The main mechan- and during the establishment of plantations was isms underlying the observed changes following likely to have contributed to the compaction of soil pasture conversion are discussed below. resulting in higher bulk densities in the young teak plantations (Reiners et al., 1994). The amount of C stored (around 2.5 kg m–2) in the surface layer (0–10 cm) under pastures in 14.4.1 Land-use history, soil mineralogy, San Lorenzo is similar to soil C stocks in pasture site preparation and management sites in central Panamá (Schwendenmann et al., 2007; Neumann-Cosel et al., 2011). In contrast, A trend for lower bulk density with increasing pastures on old volcanic soils in Costa Rica plantation age was found. This is in line with stored more C in the top 10 cm of soil (around 168 L. Schwendenmann and S. Kaiser

(a) 14

13 abaabc



10 C:N ratio 9




) B aabba –2 3 g C m

2 ks (k oc

1 Soil carbon st 0 (c) 45 ) abcaab

–2 C 40 35 30 ks (g C m

oc 25 20 15

ot carbon st 10 5 ne ro Fi 0 Chumico Improved Teak-1 Teak-2 Teak-10 pasture pasture

Fig. 14.1. (a) C:N ratio (0–10 cm depth), (b) soil carbon stocks (0–10 cm depth) and (c) fine root carbon stocks (0–5 cm depth) in each of five land-use types, Chiriquí, Panamá. All values are mean ± standard deviation (n = 3–5 sites). Different letters indicate a significant difference among land-use types (P < 0.05).

4.5 kg m–2) (Schedlbauer and Kavanagh, 2008). (Guo and Gifford, 2002; Lagnière et al., 2010). Soil mineralogy and pasture management may Measuring SOC concentrations in the O/A hori- explain the differences among study locations zons of active pastures and teak plantations in (Powers and Schlesinger, 2002). Costa Rica, Boley et al. (2009), found that soils A reduction in C concentration and SOC under 8–10-year-old teak plantations had sig- stocks after the conversion of pastures and crop- nificantly lower C concentrations than active pas- land into plantations is frequently observed tures. The establishment of native tree (Vochysia Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations 169

guatemale­nsis; Voychysiaceae) plantations on to mixing with C-rich topsoil through tillage. pastures in Costa Rica reduced SOC stocks in the This highlights that sampling depth has to be as top 30 cm for the first 10 years (Powers, 2004), deep as the tillage depth to quantify land-use suggesting that soil C loss is not limited to the change effects on SOC stocks accurately (Don conversion of pastures into exotic species. et al., 2011). Soil disturbance during preparation of the plantation is often cited as a reason for SOC loss in young tree plantations established on pastures 14.4.2 Species effects and soil–plant and grasslands (Paul et al., 2002; Langière et al., interactions 2010). Prior to tree planting at San Lorenzo, the sites were ploughed to a depth of up to 30 cm. The highest concentrations of the base-forming Ploughing and tilling operations can cause loss cations Ca and Mg across the soil profile were of substantial amounts of SOC due to accelerated found in Teak-10. A growing body of evidence decomposition rates and erosion (McLauchlan, suggests that tree species can alter soil properties 2006). Low net primary productivity of newly (Binkley and Ryan, 1998; Russell et al., 2004, planted trees and the elimination of the grass 2007). For example, significantly higher CECe and shrub vegetation in the first few years after and Ca concentrations were measured in the plantation establishment, as shown by low above­ topsoil of 8-year-old and 12-year-old teak plant- ground and fine roots biomass in Teak-1 and ations in Costa Rica compared to active pasture, Teak-2, is another reason explaining the SOC undisturbed forest and native tree plantations losses (Turner and Lambert, 2000). (Boley et al., 2009). Increased concentrations of The teak plantations were fertilized, which exchangeable Ca and percentage base saturation is likely to have implications for soil microbial have also been found under teak plantations in communities and soil C storage. The fertilization India (Singh et al., 1985). Similarly, Ca enrichment of Eucalyptus saligna (Myrtaceae) seedlings in under teak plantations was observed in Myanmar

Hawai’i increased plant productivity and (Suzuki et al., 2007). Higher CECe and Ca in soil aboveground C storage but resulted in lower fine under teak are attributed to a high leaf litterfall root biomass and had a negative effect on soil C and higher concentrations of Ca and Mg in teak storage (Giardina et al., 2004). leaves (Singh et al., 1985). We measured a sig- Soil C gains or losses following land-use nificantly higher pH under Teak-10 compared to ­conversion also depends on the C stock of the the younger plantations despite liming. Salifu original land-use type. The comparatively high and Meyer (1998) also reported high pH values SOC measured in Improved Pasture may be asso- under teak in Ghana, which was attributed to ciated with high fine root biomass as roots have higher Ca concentrations and teak’s ability to been found to be a more effective pathway to build act as a cation pump from deeper soil layers as up SOC stocks than foliar litter (Lugo and Brown, shown in a temperate forest study by Dijkstra 1993). A decline in fine root biomass may be char­ and Smits (2002). acteristic of reforestation of active pastures where Species effects and land-use management fine root productivity can be high due to frequent may also explain the slightly higher pH and CECe grazing (Pucheta et al., 2004). under Chumico Pasture compared to Improved Statistically significant differences in soil C Pasture. Although we did not find any charcoal, and N storage between pastures and teak plant- Chumico Pastures might have been burned in ations were only evident in the surface soil layer the past, affecting soil cation concentration and (0–10 cm). This has been reported by others and pH. Further, the mineralization of N, SOM, ex- indicates that surface soils are more sensitive to changeable Ca, Mg and K, and total soil N were changes in vegetation and/or site preparation found to be higher under evergreen trees (among (Don et al., 2011). However, it is interesting to others Curatella americana) than in soils under note that SOC stocks in Teak-1 at 10–20 cm savanna grasses (García Miragaya et al., 1994). tended to be higher compared to the other land- Surface soil erosion, low fine root densities use systems. This observation is in agreement and organic matter quality seem to be respon- with findings from studies conducted in crop- sible for impeding SOC accumulation in the teak lands where the subsoil C stock was higher due plantations investigated. Canopy closure has 170 L. Schwendenmann and S. Kaiser

been reached in Teak-10, limiting the amount of to plantation age. While a loss in SOC stocks of light reaching the forest floor. This may explain 5.6% was found in young plantations (<10 years), the low abundance of understorey vegetation, as SOC stocks in medium aged (10–30 years) and observed in Teak-10. Besides increasing plant older (>30 years) plantations increased by diversity in teak plantations, understorey vegeta- 6.1% and 18.5%, respectively (Lagnière et al., tion may also contribute to overall ecosystem C 2010). Enhanced SOC accu­mulation over time storage (Powers et al., 2013). Further, more after planting trees has been associated with an rapid teak litter decomposition leads to an ex- increase in C input from litterfall and the turn- posed soil surface that is prone to erosion over of dead roots (Richter et al., 1999) and (Tangtham, 1992; Boley et al., 2009). The risk of improved SOM protection (Six et al., 2002; Del soil erosion in teak plantations, caused by large Galdo et al., 2003). raindrops falling from broad and large teak Low fine root biomass, especially in Teak-1 leaves, has been noted by Calder (2001). In turn, and Teak-2, is likely to be an effect of tree age the high level of erosion may create an additional and soil disturbance. A positive effect of tree age barrier to plant recruitment as seed resources are on fine root biomass has also been reported by washed away. In addition to topsoil erosion, root Hertel et al. (2003). Overall, fine root biomass in litter deposition is not likely to contribute large our study was low when compared with other amounts to SOC as teak fine-root densities in our teak plantations (Takahashi et al., 2012) and study plots were comparatively low. The low soil other tropical primary and secondary forest C:N ratio in Teak-10 suggests high N mineraliza- datasets (Brearley, 2011). Besides unsuitable soil tion rates. It could also suggest N fixation by free conditions (see below), low fine root biomass living N fixers (Russell and Raich, 2012). This and soil C stocks at our sites might be related to may result in enhanced nutrient and organic the low tree density. Roots intensively colonize matter return to the soil, but also a greater C loss the soil and add SOM if trees are planted in high from decomposition (Fisher and Binkley, 2000). density (Rao et al., 2004). Previous research has Live fine root biomass and C stocks (0–10 cm) also shown that fine root density in seasonal were highest in the top 10 cm under Chumico tropical forests is strongly influenced by soil Pasture and Improved Pasture. This is a species-­ moisture, with 1.5 times higher root biomass in related effect, as studies have shown that grass- the wet season compared to the dry season (Cue- lands allocate most of their biomass to the root vas, 1995). Our root biomass measurements system (Jackson et al., 1996; Poorter et al., were conducted at the beginning of the dry sea- 2012). Further, the turnover of root biomass is son. Thus, root biomass during this period may much faster than in forest environments (Guo have been lower than that in the rainy season. et al., 2007). This may result in higher root C Fine root biomass and fine root C stocks were inputs in herbaceous than in forest ecosys- concentrated in the surface soil layer (0–10 cm) tems. The high root C stock at 90 cm depth independent of land-use type. This is in agree- under Improved Pasture is considerable com- ment with the meta-analysis by Jackson et al. pared to the other land-use systems. The poten- (1996), who found that the vertical distribution tial of the deep-rooted grass Brachiaria humidi- of roots across many ecosystems can be describ­ cola to sequester significant amounts of C deep ed with an asymptotic equation. Teak-10 showed in the soil was also found in South American a deeper root penetration compared to Teak-1 savannas (Fisher et al., 1994). and Teak-2, but we assume that in Teak-10 the maximum depth of fine root penetration has not been reached yet. 14.4.3 Plantation age

Soil organic C losses were partly reversible 14.4.4 Consequences of teak as ­indicated by higher C stocks at 0–10 cm in establishment on soil quality, soil C Teak-10 compared to Teak-1 and Teak-2. Accord- storage and plant diversity ing to the outcome of a recent meta-analysis, chan­ges in SOC storage following afforestation Teak occurs naturally on fertile soils (Tanaka of grassland­ and cropland are closely linked et al., 1998). Teak is a ‘calcareous’ species and Conversion of Pastures into Tectona grandis Plantations 171

requires relatively large amounts of Ca for its intensively managed teak plantations can im- growth (Singh et al., 1985; Zech and Drechsel, prove soil conditions and produce high yields. 1991). Higher uptake and less return during the Negative effects of mono-specific teak plantations early period of plantation establishment may are loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and pests result in the depletion of soil nutrients. The (Hallet et al., 2011). To ensure long-term sus- lower concentration of exchangeable cations in tainability, potential positive and negative ef- Teak-1 and Teak-2 may be explained by nutrient fects on ecosystem health have to be evaluated depletion despite fertilizing the plots. It is inter- before establishing new teak plantations. To esting to note that the plantation established in improve ecosystem function and biodiversity, 2004 (Teak-1) was later abandoned as teak grew planting teak with other species is suggested poorly on these soils (R. Rojas, San Lorenzo, (Brockerhoff et al., 2008; Takahashi et al., 2012, personal communication). Several authors 2012). also highlight that the removal of teak biomass through harvesting will result in a considerable loss of Ca from the system (Hase and Fölster, 14.5 Conclusions 1983; Nwoboshi, 1984). Soil organic C storage under teak increased Conversion of pastures into teak plantations in with plantation age. This is in accordance with Panamá altered soil properties and fine root bio- other studies where initial loss in SOC that mass. Differences were strongest in the surface occurred during the first few years after affor- layer. In contrast to our expectations, soil C estation was followed by a gradual return of C stocks under young teak plantations did not ex- stocks to levels comparable to those in the control ceed the soil C stock under pastures. Still, soil C agricultural soil, and then increased to generate is an important C stock as more C was stored in net soil C gains (Paul et al., 2002; Davis et al., the topsoil (0–30 cm) than in the aboveground 2007). Our study did not represent the effects of teak biomass. Despite the pressure to plant a full teak rotation period of 25 years, thus we fast-growing tree species such as teak for timber may have underestimated the soil C sequestra- and C sequestration, the potential negative ef- tion potential of these plantations. However, the fects on ecosystem health have to be evaluated soil C sequestration potential of teak in a separ- before establishing plantations. Based on our ate study in Panamá seemed to be limited, as findings, landowners and decision makers should 20-year-old teak plantations did not accumu- consider the following aspects when establishing late more soil C (between 2.0 and 2.4 kg m–2) in and managing teak plantations in order to the top 10 cm than Teak-10 (Kraenzel et al., maintain SOC concentrations at pre-plantation 2003). Soil properties (low pH, limited Ca, alu- levels and enhance other ecosystem services: minium toxicity) might not be suitable for teak planting teak in mixture, minimizing soil dis- establishment in certain areas in Panamá (Cra- turbance during site preparation and planting, ven et al., 2007). Lack of proper silvicultural promoting the development of an understorey management (e.g. pruning, thinning) might and limiting activities that restrict or undermine also result in poor tree growth and C sequestra- its development. tion rates. As described above, soil erosion and rapid decomposition may also hamper the soil C ­sequestration potential under teak (Takahashi et al., 2012). Acknowledgements The conversion of traditional pasture ­systems such as the Chumico Pasture into Im- We thank Prime Forestry Group Panamá S.A. (now proved Pasture and teak plantations also has Forests for Friends) and Tree Gold Cooperation implications for the diversity of plant species. for granting access to their plantations and pro- The Chumico Pasture has a diversity of native viding logistical support. Laboratory assistance herbaceous species. In contrast, Improved was provided by Ann-Kathrin Bauer and Helge ­Pasture is dominated by an introduced grass Dickau. S.K. was supported by a scholarship ­(Brachiaria humidicola) and the plantations are from the German Academic Exchange Service dominated by an exotic tree. Mono-specific and (DAAD). 172 L. Schwendenmann and S. Kaiser


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Andrew D. Thomas,1* Marife D. Corre,2 Luitgard Schwendenmann,3 Edzo Veldkamp,2 Kazumichi Fujii,4,5 Krista L. McGuire,6,7 David D. Mkwambisi,8 L. Ronald Ng Cheong,9 Jennifer S. Powers10,11 and Francis Q. Brearley12 1Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK; 2Büsgen Institute – Soil Science of Tropical and Subtropical Ecosystems, Georg-August University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany; 3School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; 4Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan; 5Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; 6Department of Biology, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, USA; 7Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, New York, USA; 8Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lilongwe, Malawi; 9Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute, Réduit, Mauritius; 10Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA; 11Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, St Paul, USA; 12School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

15.1 Emerging Themes in Land-use three broad areas covering: soil microbial popu- Change Effects on Soils in the Tropics lations and processes; urban soils, agriculture and soil contamination; and soil carbon (C) and This book contains a series of research studies soil organic matter (SOM). Although we do not and state-of-knowledge review chapters that il- claim to have covered all the factors and pro- lustrate the range of drivers of land-use change cesses affecting soils in the tropics, we are able in the tropics and the ways in which these are to see the emergence of key themes that can be affecting soils. There are contributions from all used to inform future research directions. To continents where tropical and savannah envir- conclude this book we have produced a synthe- onments are found and from authors across the sis that draws on findings from each of the world. Contributions have been grouped into chapters and includes the thoughts of many of

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© CAB International 2015. Land-use Change Impacts on Soil Processes: 176 Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems (eds F.Q. Brearley and A.D. Thomas) Emerging Themes and Future Research Directions 177

the authors on the main challenges ahead for a data collection are limiting our understanding sustainable future for tropical and savannah of soil processes, properties and responses to soils. These are based around where (1) and land-use change in many areas within the trop- how (2, 3) we should be conducting our sampling ics. Ideally, studies should be conducted at and analyses; adopting a holistic approach to landscape scales and include landscape vari- understanding soil functioning and fertility ability since this strongly affects the results (4–6); utilizing new molecular techniques to (Corre et al., Chapter 10, this volume). Studies test hypotheses relating to soil processes and on soil C stock estimation, for example, should the impacts of land-use change (7); and, finally, conduct cost-optimization analyses to answer reconciling the multiple demands on soils in the question: how can we optimize field-based rural and urban settings (8, 9). sampling with a limited amount of money? Many studies of land-use change effects on soil C come from paired plots or chronose- quences; these should be complemented with 15.2 Working at Appropriate Scales longitudinal studies that are established across to Address Relevant Questions About gradients of soil-forming factors and common Land Management land-use transitions (e.g. Thomas et al., 2011). Finally, all studies should be designed with 1. Rates of land-use change in the tropics are ­explicit consideration of how data collected at high and there are a multitude of different uses the plot or field scale can be linked to regional after natural vegetation clearance. The implica- or pan-tropical databases, such as the Har- tions of some of these changes for soils remain monized World Soil Database (Nachtergaele poorly understood due to a lack of research. Ex- et al., 2008). amples include forest clearance for oil palm and 3. Many tropical soils are old and highly wea- rubber plantations and savannah clearance for thered with deep soil profiles. Tropical trees can sugar cane. Importantly, these land-use changes root very deeply and, as a consequence, add C are not represented in recent guidelines from to the deepest layers of sub-soil. Currently, most the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate evaluations of soil C account for the top 1 m Change (IPCC, 2013) on national greenhouse (Jobbágy and Jackson, 2000) and there is a gas inventories. Their Tier 1 method assumes paucity of surveys that assess deeper horizons. soil C changes to be zero for conversions from However, important changes may actually forest to tree or rubber plantations, but only be- occur in these deeper soil horizons (Trumbore cause of the limited data available (Aalde et al., et al., 1995; Veldkamp et al., 2003). Studies in 2006; Lasco et al., 2006). Furthermore, there is tropical soils have shown that decomposition a geographical bias in soil research, notably in rates of SOM decrease with soil depth (van Dam relation to soil C, with drier areas of the tropics et al., 1997). While the exact mechanisms be- (500–1500 mm annual precipitation) and hind this are unclear, it remains important to areas of high-activity clay presently underrep- understand the full profile when evaluating the resented (Powers et al., 2011; Thomas, 2012). complete effects of land-use changes on soil C The importance of tropical peatland soils as stocks (Schmidt et al., 2011). The temperature major C stocks leads to a need for increased and moisture regimes at depth in the soil will ­research on this soil type, as it is impossible to be different to those closer to the surface and generalize from the more ‘typical’ clay-rich this has implications for modelling the effects tropical soils. If we are to have a more com- of climate on C turnover and respiration. Depth-­ prehensive understanding of the global soil ­dependent decomposition rates may be espe- ­resource, and in particular on the effects of cially important in landscapes where active land-use change on land–atmosphere C fluxes, erosion and sedimentation are happening since then addressing these gaps should be a research they may affect landscape-scale soil C ­balances priority.­ (Van Oost et al., 2007). Therefore, we recom- 2. Soil sampling and the subsequent labora- mend additional studies that examine soil tory analyses can be time consuming and properties and dynamics at depths of greater costly. ­Logistical and financial constraints on than 1 m. 178 A.D. Thomas et al.

15.3 Adopting a Holistic Approach modelling of soil organic C dynamics is required to Understanding Soil Functioning for predicting soil acidification, especially under and Fertility land-use change, such as shifting cultivation, deforestation and increasingly mechanized agri- culture (see Fujii et al., Chapter 6, this volume). 4. During the past decade, considerable pro- In addition, the role of SOM in proton gener- gress has been made in advancing our under- ation and consumption needs to be studied in standing of biogeochemical cycles in tropical greater depth and in more soil types. Both ecosystems. Many biogeochemists and soil sci- ­laboratory studies (reciprocal dynamics between entists have traditionally focused on specific SOM and acid production) and field monitoring cycles, in particular the C or nitrogen (N) cycle. of SOM and pH (long-term manipulation or However, recent findings highlight the import- chronosequence approaches) in tropical regions ance of micronutrients and metals in C, N and are needed (Kemmitt et al., 2005; Guo et al., phosphorus (P) cycling (Bellenger et al., 2011; 2010). The construction of a model of recipro- Wurzburger et al., 2012). Furthermore, hydro- cal dynamics between SOM and acidity will con- logical processes are important drivers of soil tribute to improved management of SOM for biogeochemistry (Castellano et al., 2012). As bio- ameliorating acidification and ultimately in bet- geochemical cycles do not exist in isolation, fu- ter land management strategies. ture research should aim to investigate a wider range of elements and determine how they, and their couplings, are affected by land use and cli- matic changes. Coordinated distributed exp­ eriments as described by Fraser et al. (2013) 15.4 Utilizing New Molecular might be a way forward for understanding the ­Techniques to Test Hypotheses Relating general principles in coupled biogeochemical to Soil Processes and the Impacts cycles in tropical ecosystems. of Land Use 5. An improved understanding of plant–soil interactions will be critical for predicting the 7. Microorganisms play a vital role in the cyc- ­response of tropical ecosystems to land-use ling of elements and nutrients within all soils. change. Soil and plant processes are intricately Previous research has been limited in the extent linked and there is a large body of literature ex- to which we can describe and analyse soil micro- ploring interactions at the plant–soil interface bial communities but the advent of next gener- (Bardgett and Wardle, 2010). Investigating soil ation sequencing has opened up new possibil- characteristics under different native tree spe- ities for research in soil microbial studies at a cies in Costa Rica revealed that soil organic C finer taxonomic resolution. Linked to functional and nutrients were correlated with the amount gene studies (He et al., 2007; Paula et al., 2014), of leaf litter input but also with litter and root these types of investigations have the potential chemistry (Russell et al., 2004). Besides species to unlock the composition and functions of the identity, soil processes are also influenced by soil microbial community. Future research has plant diversity (Fornara and Tilman, 2008). the possibility of using microbial responses as a Soil–plant feedbacks are likely to vary over time quantitative indicator of the impact of land-use due to changes in plant composition and resource change on tropical soils. It is currently unknown availability (Peltzer et al., 2010; Kardol et al., to what extent degraded and cultivated lands re- 2013). Thus, future research should address tain microbial communities capable of support- the temporal dynamic of plant composition and ing regenerating forest. For example, oil palm related soil processes with a particular focus on agricultural sites labelled as ‘sustainable’ with the rhizosphere. the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certifi- 6. Soil acidification is likely to become increas- cation have mostly been assessed using macro- ingly problematic in tropical agriculture (Sumn- scopic taxon surveys (Edwards et al., 2010) but er and Noble, 2003). Soil organic matter cycling incorporation of soil microbial communities influences acidification through effects on proton into sustainability assessments will be vital for generation (nitrification) and consumption (net mitigating further biodiversity losses and for mineralization of organic anions). Therefore, evaluating forest regeneration potential. Emerging Themes and Future Research Directions 179

15.5 Reconciling the Multiple comprising continuous mono-cropping under Demands on Soils in Rural single row planting and normal tillage oper- and Urban Settings ations. Research is needed to develop reliable management techniques to ensure soil C and key plant nutrients are retained and recycled 8. There is huge potential to close nutrient gaps appropriately to avoid soil degradation and sus- and reduce nutrient losses by adopting ap- tain plant productivity (Lal, 2000). proaches such as ‘regenerative cycling’ (sensu Pearson, 2007) whereby waste becomes an agri- cultural input and is recycled. In the urban envir- onment of developing countries, many cities are 15.6 A Way Forward faced with challenges associated with unregu- lated waste disposal and increased waste burning In concluding this book we take guidance and leading to a loss of usable nutrients and many inspiration from the United Nation’s Food and other environmental problems. Examples of organic Agricultural Organization Global Soil Partner- material that can be added to soils include: eco­ ship, which raises awareness of soils as a key sanitation products (Mkwambisi et al., Chapter 8, component of the environment and celebrates this volume), bones (Simons et al., 2014), biochar their importance as a vital contributor to human (Abiven et al., 2014) and agricultural wastes well-being (refer to the extensive material on the such as concentrated molasses stillage (da Silva FAO website for more information: et al., 2013). There is a clear need, however, to globalsoilpartnership/en). The lack of aware­ness match demand with supply and to determine the of the critical role of soils in the environment long-term use of these products on soil ‘quality’ amongst the public and policy makers reflects to ensure that soils do not become contaminated poorly on our collective effort to communicate or imbalanced in nutrients. For example, data our expertise outside the narrow confines of from an irrigated trial in Zimbabwe (Booth and academia. This is a vitally important task at a Lightfoot, 1990) suggest that there is cause for time when soil degradation is increasing in ex- concern if sugarcane vinasse is applied in large tent and severity, our food, fuel and fibre demands quantities, as this could lead to salinity problems are increasing and yet the political will to cher- in the long term. ish and protect soil remains weak. There is no 9. Soil nutrient and organic C retention can doubt this will be challenging, particularly as also be improved through appropriate agricul- the processes we describe are often subtle, com- tural management options. If applied correctly, plex and hidden below ground. Compared to they can reduce inorganic fertilizer require- some of the other environmental issues we face ments, for example, through improved under- today, soils are rarely considered newsworthy, standing of soil-specific nutrient application particularly on television media. As a coalition rates to optimize soil nutrient cycling while in- of soil scientists, ecologists, biologists and geo­ creasing SOM levels. The major benefits of graphers we must rise to this challenge and dras- SOM, however, arise not from its accumulation tically improve the level of engagement with key but from its decomposition (Janzen, 2006) thus stakeholders and the way in which soils are creating a potential conflict between decisions taught about at all levels of education. taken to enhance SOM storage or utilization The Global Soil Partnership have set out (e.g. Thomas, 2012). Research is needed to de- ‘Five Pillars of Action’ that we summarize here velop, test and validate alternative agricultural as a guide to the way forward: management strategies that will optimize SOM storage while at the same time ensuring avail- 1. Promote sustainable management of soil able nutrients are released to satisfy crop ­resources for soil protection, conservation and ­nutrient demand. As an example, in the case of sustainable productivity. sugarcane, there are many practices such as 2. Encourage investment, technical cooperation, double-row planting on raised beds, minimum policy, education, awareness and extension tillage, controlled traffic and legume fallows in soil. (Garside et al., 2004) that contrast markedly 3. Promote targeted soil research and develop- when compared with a classical approach ment focusing on identified aps,g priorities and 180 A.D. Thomas et al.

synergies with related productive, environmen- implement. This is a timely opportunity to raise tal and social development actions. awareness of our soils and to push for more 4. Enhance the quantity and quality of soil data effective protection for this vital and fragile through improved data generation, analysis, resource. If the five pillars were widely adopted validation, reporting, monitoring and integra- by policy makers, not just in the tropics, but tion with other disciplines. globally, then the benefits would be widespread. 5. Harmonize methods, measurements and in- Healthier soils would lead to healthier people in dicators for the sustainable management and an environment that would be more sustain- protection of soil resources. ably managed. A few years ago this may have been seen as a rather naïve Utopian vision, held The United Nations has declared 2015 to be by a committed but eccentric few. Today, we the International Year of Soils, which the believe it needs to be an integral part of all agri- Global Soil Partnership, in conjunction with cultural and natural resources policy if we are the Food and Agricultural Organization, will to ensure a viable future for all.


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Page numbers in bold refer to illustrations and tables

Acacia spp. 123, 124, 126, 126, 127, 163 amoA- ammonia monooxygenase acidification 55–69, 68, 134, 135, 145, 178 gene 44 acidity 34–35, 69, 165 analyses Acidobacteria 44, 46, 47, 48–49, 50, 50 laboratory 23, 32, 101, 153–154, acids 63, 65–66 165, 177, 178 Actinobacteria 44, 46, 47, 48 microbial 23 Actinomycetales 47 phylogenetic 44 activity, microbial 15, 34, 36, 141 regression analyses/models 56, 57, 60, adenylate energy charge (AEC) 11, 14 111–116, 156, 157, adenylates 9, 11, 12, 14, 14, 16 158, 159 advice 80 statistical 11, 23, 59–60, 111–116, 125, 137, afforestation 5, 162, 170 151, 154, 165, 169 see also reforestation analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) 23, 24 aggregate stability index 143 analysis of variance (ANOVA) 11, 23, 125 agriculture 3, 4, 41, 43, 74–76, 77, 80, see also analysis, statistical 86–88, 88 Andaman Islands, India 8–17, 10, 12, agroforestry 3, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 13, 14 117, 118, 119 Andisols 15, 79 Akaike information criterion (AIC) values 154, 157 anions 55, 58, 59, 60–61, 63, 67, 69, 79, 178 Alfisols 86, 163 Anthrosols 73 alterites 97, 99 Área de Conservación Guanacaste 151 Alto Solimões, Western Amazon 44 Arecaceae 2, 9, 10, 12, 14, 21, 44 aluminium (Al) 49–50, 57, 78, 135, 153, 171 arecanut, Areca catechu 9, 10, 12, 14 Amazon 43–50, 45, 46, 49 Arenal-Tempisque 151 Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) soil, terra preta do ARHD gene (aromatic ring-hydroxylating indio 3–4, 46, 46, 47, 48 dioxygenase) 46 amelioration 68–69, 178 ARISA (automated ribosomal intergenic spacer amendments 73 analysis) 44, 45 see also fertilizers; nutrients artisanal small-scale gold mining ammonia 44, 46, 134 (ASGM) 95–104 ammonia oxidizing archeae (amoA- ammonia Asian countries 69 monooxygenase gene) 44 automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis ammonium 34, 35, 37, 69 (ARISA) 44, 45 ammonium acetate 56 autotrophs 127, 128, 130

183 184 Index

bacteria canopy 124, 126–127, 128, 130, 169–170 biomass 23 capital, pseudo natural 72–74 colony forming units 33, 34, 35 carbon (C) communities 2, 48 budget 62 diversity, composition and distribution 41 concentrations 127, 155 groups 49 correlates 156, 158 iron reducing 102 cycle 178 numbers 33 fluxes 2, 62 operational taxonomic units richness 45, 46 gains 169 phyla 48 increase 4, 130 populations 35 inputs 118, 144 predictor, soil pH 48 inventories 153 relative abundance 47 labile 32, 137, 139, 140, 140, 144, 158 see also Cyanobacteria losses 118, 127, 140, 169 bacteria-to-fungi ratios 24, 25, 26 organic 2, 12, 13, 149, 171 Bacteroidetes 44, 47, 49 ratios 15, 16, 138, 139, 167, 168 bio-indicators, microbial 50–51, 141 retention 179 biochar 4, 179 sequestration 5, 42, 48, 162, 163, 165, 171 biodegradation process 46 stocks 58, 62, 130, 140, 154, 155, 157, 165, biodiversity, microbial 2, 44 166–167, 168, 170 biodiversity loss 21, 41, 50 storage 169, 158, 171 biogeochemistry 2, 22, 27, 31, 38, 104, 158, 178 see also soil microbial biomass carbon; bioinformatics tools 44 soil organic carbon biological soil crust (BSC) 61, 65, 122, carbon credit payment schemes 129 123–124, 127, 128 see also REDD+ biomarkers 9, 23, 27, 50 carbon dioxide (Co2) 11, 108, 124–125, biomass 126–127, 126 aboveground 62, 150, 157 carrying capacity 128, 129, 130 aboveground-belowground linkages 162 case studies activity reduction 37 urban agriculture 76–81 estimation 23 see also study sites indicators 11, 16–17 cation exchange capacity (CEC) 165, 166, 169 microbial 11–12, 12, 13, 36 cations 36, 56, 60, 63, 66, 165, 169, 171 soil quality indicator 11 changes 3–4, 111–113, 116–119 stocks changes 150 Chiriquí, Panamá 165, 166, 167, 168 see also soil microbial biomass chlorophyll a (Chl a) 124, 125, 125, 128 biomes 42, 43 chronosequence 149–150, 159, 163–164 bioturbation 99 Chumico Pastures 163, 164, 165, 169, 171 black carbon (BC) 46, 47 clay Blantyre, Malawi 86, 88 content 60, 61, 144 boreholes 79, 122, 129 depletion 99 Brachiaria humidicola, grass 164, 170, 171 extracted 100 Bradyrhizobium 44 mineral 2, 109 Brazil 45, 49, 49, 96, 97, 98, 102 particles 98 see also Amazon percentage 154, 156, 156, 157, 158, 164 bulk density 134, 137, 141, 143, 154, 155, 157, climate 9, 22, 56, 85, 135, 177 165, 166, 167 see also microclimate; rainfall; temperature burning practice 81, 99, 108, 109, 134, 152, 179 CN analyser 33, 56, 124 bylaws 78, 79 coconut, Cocos nucifera 9, 10, 12, 14 see also legislation coffee-agroforestry systems 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 117, 118, 119 common depth approach 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, cadmium (Cd) 78 157, 159 see also heavy metals common mass approach 153, 154, 155, 159 calcareous species 170–171 communities see also teak microbial 24, 25, 25, 26, 42–50 calcium (Ca) 49–50, 134, 137, 141, 142, 145, 171 see also bacteria; fungi Index 185

compaction 134–135, 145, 146, 167 effluent 77 conservation 5, 22, 26, 77, 109, 118, see also waste 119, 134, 156 emissions 101, 103, 127 Conservation Areas 150–151 Entisols 9, 22–23, 109 contamination 3, 4, 73, 75–76, 79, 81, 91, see also lowland soils 95–104 Environmental Management Act (2002) 77 see also mercury enzymes 9, 33, 36, 37–38 conversions 118, 119, 127, 162–171 equations, regression 56, 57, 60 Costa Rica 149–157, 151, 154, 157 Eragrostis sp. 123, 124 crop removal 66 ergosterol 9, 11, 13–14, 14, 16–17 cropland 48, 61, 62 erosion 2, 78, 79, 99, 101, 108–119, 114–115, cropping effects 55–69, 138 116, 145, 169 crops 3, 77, 79 Eucalyptus saligna 169 cultural practices 135, 144, 146 Eugenia spp. 56 Cyanobacteria 48, 49, 122, 123, 129 Euphorbiaceae 9, 10, 12, 14, 177 see also bacteria evergreens 9, 10, 12, 14, 163, 169 Experimental Forest of the Tropical Rainforest Research Center 56 d13C 137, 139, 144, 150, 152, 153–154, 155, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159 data collection 177 fauna 22, 77, 130 debris, coarse woody 125, 157 fertility 1, 124, 130, 162, 178 decomposition 57–58, 60, 162 fertilizers deforestation 8, 14, 21–22, 41, 42, 79, 99, acidification cause 68, 69, 134, 135 127, 150 impacts 79, 81 see also logging increasing use 68–69 degradation inputs 77, 89, 89 annual cost 3 loss 78 avoidance 179 outputs 89, 89 causes 8, 55, 76, 78, 79, 81, 133, 135 overuse 76 effects 42 practices 135 process 123 SMB effects 25–26 soil resources spatial distribution links unaffordability 86 129–130 see also treatments deposition, atmospheric 99–101 fire 57 derocking 135, 136, 144 see also burning practice Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 110, Firmicutes 44, 46–47, 47, 49 111–112, 113 Five Pillars of Action 179–180 Dipterocarpaceae 27, 56 Fluventic Sulfaquents (Entisols) 9 dissolved organic C (DOC) 58, 60, 64, 65, 66 food 74, 81, 87 disturbance 3, 16, 21, 22, 38, 42, 77, forests 125, 127, 169 age 150, 151, 152, 154–156, 157 see also grazing bacterial-to-fungal ratios 25 drought 31–38, 34 carbon 61 drying 26, 31–32, 33, 34, 35, 36 characteristics, species effects 150, 158, 169–170 clearance 2, 3 earnings 75, 76 see also deforestation; logging see also income conversion 21–27, 118, 119, 149, eco-physiological indices 42 157, 159 see also metabolic quotients lowland 57 economic value urban agriculture 75 properties 61 ecosanitation 86, 87, 88, 90, 91 regeneration 22, 154, 156, 157 see also waste restoration 26 ectomycorrhizas 27, 158 tropical dry 154, 156, 157 edaphic factors 108, 150, 152 French Guiana 95–103 education 76, 89 fumigation-extraction method 11 186 Index

fumigation-incubation 42 Indonesia 4, 55–69, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, function, microbial 31–38, 41, 42–50 67, 68, 69 fungi infections 80 -to-bacterial abundance 24, 25, 26 see also health biogeochemical cycles regulating 158 infiltration 109, 118, 127, 134–135, 137, 141, biomass indicators 11, 16–17 143, 146 BSC component 123 intergenic spacer region length polmorphormisms, colony forming units 33, 34, 35 rRNA gene 45 communities 27 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cultural numbers 3 (IPCC) 85, 177 diversity reduction 25 International Year of Soils (2015) 2–3, 180 drought tolerance 32 interventions 76, 103 populations 35 see also fertilizers SMB-C percentage 13–14 inventories 153, 159, 177 soil type responses 38 ions 58, 60, 64 symbiotic associations 26–27 iron (Fe) 44, 49, 57, 79, 97–98, 100, 102, 104, 150, 153 isotopes 137, 152–153, 154–155, 154, 158–159 geomorphology 101, 102 grants 80, 131 grasses 122, 123, 124, 126, 126, 127, Java 4, 45, 68 127, 128, 171 Johannesburg, South Africa 72, 80–81 grassland 152, 154 grazing 2, 3, 122, 123, 124, 125, 125, 126, 127–129, 152 Kalahari 122–131, 126 greenstone soils 78 Kenya 72, 76, 78–80, 91 Grewia flava 123, 124, 126, 126, 127, 128 Kenya Public Health Act 79 groundwater 79, 81, 101, 103, 122, 129 Khaya senegalensis 163

Harare, Zimbabwe 72, 74, 75, 76–78, 80, 81 Lamiaceae 9, 162–171 Harare Declaration (2003) 80 land, ownership 78, 150 harmonization 180 LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti dimensions harrowing, disk 144, 145 and scaleS see LAPSUS Havana, Cuba 74 LAPSUS (LandscApe ProcesS modelling at mUlti health 2, 4, 73, 78, 79, 80, 91, 95, 103, dimensions and scaleS) 111, 112, 104, 129 114–115 heavy metals 73, 79, 80, 91 lead (Pb) 73, 78 see also contamination; iron; mercury legislation 77, 78–79, 80, 103 high performance liquid chromatography Leguminosae 9, 10, 123, 145–146, 163 (HPLC) 11, 57 Likelihood ratio test 111 histories 152, 167–169 Lilongwe, Malawi 86 holistic approach 87, 127, 129, 131, 178 lime 49–50, 69, 135, 145 humanure 87 literature review 133–135 see also ecosanitation; manure; waste Lithic Udorthents (Entisols) 109 hydric soil functioning 98 litter 15, 16, 25, 56, 60–61, 63, 154, 170 hydrolysis, fluorescein diacetate 33, 34, 34 livelihoods 85, 86–88, 88, 90, 122 hydromorphy 99, 100, 101, 101, 104 livestock 3, 122, 128, 129 hypothesis testing 178–179 Local Government Act, Nairobi 78–79 logging 21–27, 48 see also deforestation illiteracy 89 lowland soils 109, 111, 116, 117, 118, 119 Improved Pastures 163, 164, 165, 169, 171 Inceptisols 136, 139, 151 income 21, 74, 76, 77, 78, 86, 88, 88, 89, 109, 122 magnesium (Mg) 49–50, 134, 137, 141, indicators 9, 11, 15, 16–17, 22, 42, 50, 141 142, 145, 169 indices 9, 14, 17, 42, 87 maize 57, 87, 90 Index 187

Malawi 85, 86 stocks 165, 166, 167 Malaysia 21, 24, 25, 32, 34, 35, 36 storage 169 management practices 4, 73, 76, 77–80, 81, 162, see also fertilizer 169, 171, 177 Noboa-Pajan study area 109, 110 manure 86, 87, 145 non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) 23 materials 9–11, 56, 97, 99, 109–116, 135–137, nutrients 163–165 budgets 86, 87, 89–90 see also soils concentrations 36, 85 Mauritius 133–146, 136 cycling 8, 38 mechanisms 26, 32, 56, 74, 101, 130, 149, 158, depletion 171 162–171 enhanced 90 mechanization 134, 135, 145 gaps 179 Meliaceae 10, 163 inputs 89, 91 mercury (Hg) 3, 78, 95–104, 98, 100, 103 outputs 89 see also contamination retention 179 metabolic quotient (qCO2) 11, 15–16, 17, 42, 43 source 79 metagenomics 48, 49, 49, 50 status 31, 134 metals 73, 79, 80, 91, 178 see also calcium; fertilizers; methylation 101–103, 104 magnesium; potassium micro-Kjeldahl digestion procedure 11 microbiology 42, 43 microclimate 8, 124–125, 126–127 oil palm, Elaeis guineensis 21, 24, 25, 31, see also climate 32, 34, 35, 36 microcosms 34, 35, 36 open-grass sites 124–125, 126–127, 127, 128 micronutrients 49, 178 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) 45, 46, 46 see also nutrients Orange Farm township 80 microorganisms 2, 44, 178 organic matter 4–5, 57–58, 62, 63, 67, 169 mill mud (filter cake) 144, 145–146 see also biomass; soil organic matter mineralization 8, 145 organisms 3, 11, 50, 127, 128, 130 mineralogy 165, 166, 167–169, 167 organizations 2, 179, 180 mining 3, 81, 95–104, 96 oxidation 44, 46, 134 moist-deciduous forests 9, 10, 12, 14 oxides 79, 97–98, 150 moisture 63, 162 Oxisols 97, 98–99, 101, 136, 139 Mollic Udifluvents (Entisols) 109 oxy(hydr)oxides 97, 104 see also lowland soils monomethyl-Hg 101–103, 104 mycorrhizas 27, 158 padauk, Pterocarpus dalbergioides 9, 10 see also fungi parent material 77, 79, 97, 108, 109, 149, 150 Myrtaceae 56, 169 Pasoh forest reserve 22, 24, 25, 32 pastoralism 3, 122–131 see also grazing Nairobi, Kenya 72, 76, 78–80 pastures 44, 48, 109, 111, 112, 114, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia 22–23 154, 155, 162–171 net proton generation (NPG) 58, 59, 63, 65, pathways, metabolic 48, 49 66, 68, 69 peatland 50, 177 nitrate 5, 34, 35, 37, 63, 65, 65 Pee-Dee Belamnite (PDB) standard 137 nitric acids 65–66 people, nitric-sulfuric acid (1:1) wet digestion 57 numbers, urban 3 nitrification 66, 69 see also population nitrogen (N) perceptions, community 87 carbon ratio 138, 139, 167, 168 pH concentrations 37, 127, 136–137, 138, 167 -enhancing practices 145 cycle 46, 178 acidity 34–35 deficit 90 bacterial communities changes 49 drying and rewetting effects 35, 36, 38 C concentrations correlation 158 fertilization 69, 145 changes 69 increase 130 decline estimation 134 188 Index

pH (continued) radiation, solar 125, 126–127, 128 drying and rewetting effect 37, 141 rain forest 21, 22, 24, 27, 31–38, 41, 44, 45, 60 soil microbial communities changes rainfall 2, 9, 32, 101, 111, 124, 129, 135–136, correlation 48 150, 157, 163 sugarcane cropping effect 142 see also precipitation values 165–166, 166, 169 rangelands 122–131 Phormidium 123 re-sedimentation 113 Phorodium 123 REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and phosphatase 33, 36–38 forest Degradation+) 119, 129 phospholipid fatty analysis (PLFA) redistribution 108–131 technique 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 redundancy analysis (RDA) 50 phosphorus (P) 33, 38, 49, 57, 79, 87, reforestation 103, 149, 162, 165 89, 178 see also afforestation photometry, flame 56, 57 regeneration 22, 26, 44, 149–150, 156, 159, 178, Planctomycetes 46, 47, 49 179 planning 74, 75, 79, 81, 92 residues 4, 14–15, 78, 87, 134, 144 plant–soil interactions 163, 165, resources, spatial distribution 129–130 169–170, 178 respiration 2, 9, 11, 12, 12, 13, 15–16, 17, 57, 126 plantations 9, 10, 12, 14, 162–171 responses 31, 150, 154, 155, 178 plants, material 65–67, 130, 152–153 restoration 26, 119, 149 plots, sample plots, constrained ordination revegetation 103 diagram 50 rewetting 31–32, 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 37–38, 141 ploughing 3, 144, 169 rhizosphere 48, 49 Poaceae 109, 123, 124, Rhodoplanes 44 133–146, 154 Ribosomal Database Project (RDP-MSU) 47 policies 2, 75, 80, 119, 123 rice, Oriza sativa 57, 68–69, 109, 111, 112, 114, pollution 3, 79, 101 115, 115, 116, 117–118, 117 see also contamination risks, health 4, 73, 79, 80, 91, 95, 103, 104 population 74, 80, 85 rocks populations, microbial 4 removal 136 porosity 42, 99, 135 see also derocking potassium (K) 134, 141, 142, 145 roots 62, 144, 157, 163–164, 165, 166–167, poverty 74, 80–81, 85, 86, 167, 168, 169, 170 92, 130 Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil certification 178 practices rRNA gene 46, 47 agriculture 4 rubber, Hevea brasiliensis Euphorbiaceae burning 81, 99, 108, 109, 134, 9, 10, 12, 14, 177 152, 179 cultural 135, 144, 146 fertilizers 135 safe practice 72–81 pH-enhancing 145 sampling urban agriculture 78–81 analytical methods 56–57, 58, 124, 152 precipitation 56, 58, 64, 66, 123, assessment 49 129, 130 collection 44, 45, 136, 154 see also rainfall constrained ordination diagram 50 prices 118, 119 depth 155, 169 primary forests 27, 36, 48 methods 32–33, 159 productivity, biological 127 plots 164–165 Proteobacteria 44, 46, 47, 48, 123 selection 23, 111 protons 55–56, 58–60, 59, 63, 65, 66, 67–68, 67, undisturbed forest types 9 68, 69, 155 vegetation 152 Psamments (Entisols) 123 San Lorenzo, Chumico Pasture 163, 165, pyrosequencing 46, 46, 47, 47, 48 167, 169 sand 61, 109, 112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 122, 123, 124 qMIC SOM status changes indicator 12, 14, 15, 16 sanitation, ecological 86, 87, 88, 90, 91 quality 9, 11, 17, 42–43, 170–171 Santa Rosa 150–159 Index 189

saturation, base 49, 50, 60, 135, 163, soil organic matter (SOM) 165, 166, 169 content 141 savannah 1–5, 123, 127, 136, 169, 170, 176 decline 133 scales decomposition 8–9 field 177 depletion 55 landscape 91, 108, 111, 112, 116, loss 15, 67–68, 69 117, 118, 119 maintenance 90 regional 98, 130 preservation 4–5 spatial 48, 49, 159 SMB quantity correlation 25 Schmidtia spp. 123, 124 sugarcane cropping effect 138 seasonally dry tropical forests defined 150 soil-forming 73, 158 seasons, dry 6 soil–plant interactions 163, 165, 169–170, 178 secondary forests 26, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156 soils sedges 153, 155, 158, 159 anthropogenic 72 Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) 112–113 bacterial-to-fungal ratios 25 sedimentation 109, 116–118, 116, 117, 118 characteristics 9, 50, 155 semi-evergreens 9, 10, 12, 14 functioning 98, 178 sequencing technologies 43–44, 49, 49 groups 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143 sequestration 5, 42, 48, 162, 163, 171 importance 1–3 shrubs 123, 124, 130–131 oil palm 24, 25, 31 silt 61, 79, 109, 144, 164 PLFAs 24 Socio Program 119 processes 176–177, 178–179 sodium (Na) 56, 158, 165 properties Soil Framework Directive (EU) 3 biological 9, 137–139 soil microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C) 13–14, 15, changes 3–5 16–17, 43 chemical 36, 165–166, 166 soil microbial biomass (SMB) physical 141, 141, 143, 165–166, 166 assessment 23–24 physicochemical 21, 25–26, 60, 61 biochemical parameters 9 quality 77–78 decrease 15, 134 types 56–57, 57, 79, 136 defined by 42 urban 4, 72–74 estimates 11 see also sampling fertilizers effect 25–26 Solirubrobacterales 47 reductions 25, 141 solutes 31, 58, 66 soils health and functionality indicator 22 solution 60, 64 SOM quantity correlation 25 South Africa, Johannesburg 72, 80–81 sugarcane cropping effect 140 South-east Asia 21 soil organic carbon (SOC) soybean 48, 49, 50 at different site types 126 Spearman’s correlation coefficients 60, 154, 156, balance 113, 116, 118–119 156, 165 baseline 116, 118 species, forest characteristics effect 150, 158, 169–170 Brazilian biomes 43 species estimation, microbial 41 changes 162 spectrometry 23, 57 concentrations 125, 136–137, 138, 167 spectroscopy, atomic absorption 56 decline 141, 144 Sphingobacteriales 44 decrease 139 stillage 144, 146, 179 forest/plantation differences 11–12 stocking densities 3 fraction calculated 137 see also carrying capacity; livestock gains by sedimentation 117 stones, removal 136 grazing impact 127–129 see also de-rocking losses 66, 117, 118, 125, 127, 139, 169 stratification 113, 116 measurement 111 stress response, microbial 31 profile content 138 study sites 10, 22–23, 56, 86, 109–110, 111, 123, redistribution 108–119 150–151, 163, 167–169 replacement by sugarcane-derived C 139–141 see also case studies soil quality indicator 42 substrates 15–16, 32 stocks 78, 111, 112, 144 see also litter 190 Index

succession 156–157, 162 vegetation sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum 133–146, 136, canopy sites 126–127 138, 139, 140 clearance impact 4 sulfate 68, 102, 103, 134, 135 cover 123 sustainability 3, 178 data 154 swidden agriculture 3 differences 124–125 elimination 165 natural 4, 140 teak, Tectona grandis 9, 162–171 pasture 154, 155 Technosols 73, 73 types 56, 123, 124–125 temperature 9, 26, 56, 66, 123, 124, 126, 136, understorey 109, 170 150, 162 see also grasses; sedges; shrubs texture 68, 86, 101, 109, 111, 116, 118, 144, 165 Verrucomicrobia 46–47 Thailand 55–69, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, Vertisols 151 68, 69 vlei areas 77, 78 themes, emerging 176–177 volcanic soils 136 throughfall 58, 59, 64, 66, 101, 102, 102 Tiliaceae 123, 124, 126, 126, 127, 128 tillage 144, 169 Walkley-Black wet combustion method tobacco wastes 86, 87, 89, 89, 90 11, 124, 125 tools, molecular 43, 178–179 waste see also analysis artefacts 73 topography 108, 111, 112, 116, 118, 128, 149, 152 human 85 topsoil 73, 138, 140–141, 141, 142, 143, 144, management 91, 92 145, 165, 169 municipal solid 85 toxicities 49, 56, 73, 79, 81, 96, 104 organic 78, 90–91, 145–146 training 76 recycling 90 see also education related costs 92 traits, functional 44, 46 solid 87, 89 trash 134, 144, 145 tobacco 86, 87, 89, 89, 90 treatments 11, 35, 37, 38, 87, 123, 124, 125 utilization 4 see also fertilizers wastewater, contaminated 91 tree/fungi relationship 26–27 water 1–2, 64, 75–76, 99, 122, 134–135, 137, 165 trees 10, 27, 50, 56, 123, 158, 165, 169 way forward 179–180 see also Acacia spp.; coconut; forests; Meliaceae; wealth status 86 oil palm; rubber weathering 97, 99, 149, 177 trenching method 57, 136 well-being 1–3, 86 Tribal Grazing Lands Policy (TGLP) 123 Western Ecuador 108–131 Tukey-Kramer honestly significant difference (HSD) Western Panamá 162–171 test 11, 12, 14, 23, 33, 34, 35, 36, 125 wetting 26 Typic Pellusters/Typic Pelluderts (Vertisols) 151 see also rewetting wood increment 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 65, 67 workshops 86 Ultisols 22, 32, 56, 57, 57, 79, 98, 99, 100, 101, 163 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization Global Partnership 179–180 yields 87, 90, 133 urbanization, agriculture 3, 4, 72–74, 75, 76–81, 179 urease 33, 36 Ustropepts (Inceptisols) 151 Zimbabwe 72–78