Environmental Monitoring Report

Project No. 42248-013 Semestral Report July 2016

2763-BAN (SF): Second Hill Tracts Rural Development Project

Prepared by Mohammad Nurul Islam, Environmental Engineer, Independent Consultants, Safeguard and Quality Monitoring Cell

Second Rural Development Project, for the Peoples Republic of and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

The People’s Republic of Bangladesh & Asian Development Bank Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project Loan № 2763-BAN, Project № 42248-013

Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Prepared by Mohammad Nurul Islam, Environmental Engineer (Independent Consultant) Safeguard and Quality Monitoring Cell

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs ii Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS ...... v ABBREVIATIONS ...... v GLOSSARY ...... vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... vii PROJECT AT A GLANCE ...... ix MAP OF CHITTAGONG HILL TRACT REGION SHOWING LOCATION OF CHTRDP-II .. x I. PROJECT BACKGROUND ...... 1 Context of the Monitoring Report ...... 1 Physical Progress of Project Activities ...... 2 Scope of the Monitoring Report ...... 2 Monitoring Requirement ...... 2 Changes in Project Scope ...... 3 II. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ...... 4 Quantitative and Qualitative Monitoring Data ...... 4 Monitoring Parameters ...... 7 Monitoring Results and Compliance Status ...... 7 Institutional Arrangement for Implementing EMP ...... 14 III. RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE MEASURES ... 15 Monitoring Results ...... 15 Corrective Action Plan ...... 16 Records on Disclosure of Monitoring Information ...... 17 IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 17 Conclusion ...... 17 Recommendations ...... 18

Tables Table 1: Summary of Sampling Programme ...... 3 Table 2: Summary of Environmental Safeguard Issues of Rural Roads ...... 4 Table 3: Summary of Environmental Safeguard Issues of CI Component...... 6 Table 4: Summary of EMP Implementation Status of Rural Roads ...... 8 Table 5: Summary of EMP Implementation Status of CI Component ...... 10 Table 6: Environmental Compliance Status of GoB Act and Rules ...... 12 Table 7: Compliance with Environmentally Specific Loan Covenants ...... 12 Table 8: Implementation status of corrective action plan for identified issues ...... 13 Table 9: Institutional Responsibilities Matrix ...... 15 Table 10: Corrective Action Plan ...... 16 Table 10: Records on Disclosure of Monitoring Information ...... 17

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Appendix Appendix 1: Physical Progress of Rural Road Component ...... 20 Appendix 2: Physical Progress of CI Component ...... 21 Appendix 3: Environmental Management Plan of Rural Roads...... 33 Appendix 4: Status of Environmental Safeguard Issues of Rural Roads ...... 36 Appendix 5: Status of Environmental Safeguard Issues of CI Component ...... 44 Appendix 6: EMP Implementation Status of Rural Road Component ...... 63 Appendix 7: EMP Implementation Status of CI Component ...... 66 Appendix 8: Contractor Compliance to Environmental Provisions ...... 80 Appendix 9: Observation of Ground Water Monitoring Results ...... 85


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(As of 29 June 2016)

Currency unit – Bangladesh Taka (Tk) Tk 1.00 = $ 0.013 $1.00 = Tk 78.40


ADB – Asian Development Bank CHT – Chittagong Hill Tracts CHTDB – Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board CHTRC – Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council CHTDF – Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility CHTRDP-I – Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project CHTRDP-II – Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project CDC – Community Development Committee CI – Community Infrastructure DPD – Deputy Project Director DPMO – District Project Management Office DPP – Development Project Proforma CPTU – Central Procurement Technical Unit GC – Growth Centre GoB – Government of Bangladesh HBB – Herring Bone Bond HDC – Hill District Council IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IP – Indigenous People IPP – Indigenous People Plan LAR – Land Acquisition and Resettlement LARF – Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework LCS – Labour Contracting Society LGED – Local Government Engineering Department HQ – Headquarters MAD – Micro Agribusiness Development MoCHTA – Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs NGO – Non-government Organization O&M – Operation and Maintenance PAM – Project Administration Manual PIC – Project Implementation Consultants PD – Project Director PDC – Para Development Committee PMO – Project Management Office RCC – Reinforced Cement Concrete SDS – Survey, Design and Supervision SIEE – Summary Initial Environmental Examination SQMC – Safeguards and Quality Monitoring Cell SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement UNDP – United Nations Development Programme UP – Union Parishad

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Chittagong Hill : Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council is a statutory apex body Tracts Regional of the Chittagong hill tracts and consist of a chairman, fourteen Council tribal members; seven non-tribal members; chairmen of the three hill district councils (ex-officio). Circle : Chittagong Hill Tracts are sub-divided into three units based on ethnic domain. Each unit is called circle. Circle Chief : Circle Chief is an administrative head of a circle responsible for the administration of “tribal” justice and customary laws of the hill people, for revenue administration. District : Administration unit headed by district commissioner comprising a number of .

Hill District Council : Hill District Council is a statutory body and consist of a chairman, twenty tribal members, and ten non-tribal members. Headman : Headman is the mouza chief and responsible for the administration of “tribal” justice and customary laws of the hill people, for revenue administration within a Mouza. Karbari : Karbari is the local level leadership in the Chakma justice system. Karbari assists the headmen in the judicial process. Mouza : Mouza is composed of several villages. Mouza is officially called as Revenue Village. Para : Administrative unit (sub-division of union). Union : Union is an administrative unit and a subdivision of . Union Parishad : Local government institution at union level. Union parishad consists of an elected members and chairman, and is the oldest government institution in Bangladesh. Upazila : Upazila is an administrative unit and a sub-division of district (zila). Upazila Parishad : Local government institution at upazila level. The upazila parishad consists of an elected chairman, two vice-chairmen (one male and one female), and ex-officio members of chairmen of union parishads.

This Environment Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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1. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has obtained a loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) for financing Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project. Total cost of the project is $70.80 million, out of which $55.00 million is financing by ADB, $14.40 million by GoB financing and $1.40 million by the local beneficiaries. The project has started its implementation from January 2012 and is expected to be completed by 31 December 2018. The Project’s impact is to increase rural household incomes in subproject areas in Chittagong Hill Tracts and its outcome is increased income-generating opportunities for people in subproject areas. The Project comprises five main outputs - (i) institutional development and capacity building, (ii) upgraded 166 km of rural roads, (iii) development of community infrastructure in 600 villages, (iv) sustainable micro agribusiness development in 9 upazilas, and (v) efficient project management operationalized. Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs is the executing agency, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council is the lead implementing agency, and the Local Government Engineering Department is the implementing agency for the rural road component. 2. In compliance with the loan covenant, semestral environmental monitoring report is essential. This report describes the status of implementation and compliance of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to satisfy the environmental safeguard requirements of ADB and GoB as well as to fulfil the requirements mentioned in the loan document. This report also describes the environmental mitigation related any corrective and preventative actions with respect to each subproject for the period from January to July 2016. 3. Construction of one functional building has been completed and other two functional buildings have achieved physical progress of 88%. On the other hand, the improvement of six upazila and union roads (35km) including construction of 22 bridges (937m) and 141 culverts (242m) has started and attained physical progress of 23%. Procurement processes for improvement of another three upazila roads (10.5km) including construction of 8 bridges (259m) and 52 culverts (83m) have been completed under rural road component. 4. Under infrastructure component, 223 subprojects have been completed and implementation of another 47 subprojects are in progress. All these 270 subprojects consist of improvement of about 62km of village access roads including construction of 16 foot bridges, 65 culverts, 6,280 metres road side drains and 3,063 metres of road adjacent hill slopes protection works; construction of 5,213 metres of stair; construction of 6 market sheds; installation of 802 tube wells, 21 ring wells and 19 gravity flow system (gravity infiltration system); construction of 17,821 metres of lined irrigation canals; supply of 653 power pumps and 429 power tillers. 5. The main environmental concerns for these works are - drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, degradation of surface water, air pollution during construction of road and other structure, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers. 6. The implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures during the pre- construction stage of all sub projects was satisfactory. Checking of environmental mitigating infrastructure design in all rural road improvement subprojects and CI components has been done effectively during design and pre-construction stage. In CI component, environmental issues have been identified and EMPs have been prepared as a part of feasibility study report; and incorporated in bidding documents and contracts.

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7. Construction of retaining walls and toe walls to prevent potential erosion of the road embankment as well as to limit the potential siltation of streams/ water bodies, catch drain to collect run-on from hill, adequate crossroad and road surface drainage to ensure storm runoff for preventing damage to the road and down slope features, cross-fall drains and lined side drains to direct runoff off the road surface and construction of concrete platform with drainage facility for waste water from installed tubewells to prevent intrusion of waste water to aquifer have been provided as an environmental impact mitigating measures and included in the BoQ. Required fund has been allocated for these purposes. But no fund was allocated fund for re- vegetation/turfing over disturbed soils to prevent soil erosion, compensatory plantation and monitoring of impacts on environmental pollution related to surface water, air, shrillness of sound and fertility of soil. 8. Lab tests of water samples taken from the installed tube wells and ring wells were conducted to ascertain safe drinking water quality. Water parameters of arsenic (As), iron (Fe), acidity (pH), chloride (Cl) and manganese (Mn) were tested in Bandarban and districts; and only arsenic and iron parameters were tested in Khagrachari. From the test result it is appeared that trace of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit. 9. One upazila road in Rangamati district crosses two canals and another portion of upazila road in Khagrachari passes Chengi River, which erodes one portion of Panchari - Bhaibonchara road. This portion of the road needs to be protected immediately to avoid further erosion. No visual evidence was sighted of impacts on water quality. No spills were observed. No significant impact on air quality has obverted except generation of dust, which was minimized by spraying water, during progressing of construction activities. No pile driving, operation of mixture machines and brick/stone crushing machines were observed, except trucks carrying construction materials. No complaints regarding to noise impact were received from the community. No signs of soil contamination by oil from any construction equipment and machinery observed and reported. 10. Implementing agency (LGED) did not provide provisions in the BoQ to carry out the environmental monitoring tests for surface water, shrillness of sound, and fertility of soil; as a result, the impact on the road upgradation activities could not be quantified. Implementing agencies should ensure environmental monitoring tests for surface water, shrillness of sound, and fertility of soil for rural road component and relevant subprojects of CI component.

11. Some unstable batter steep slopes and land slide observed at some sections of rural roads and village access roads. Unstable batter slopes, which have been created due to widening of some sections of rural roads and village access roads, should be cut back to a stable grade. Biotechnology using local plant materials such as broom grass (locally known as fuljharu), which is a good soil and water conservation species, should be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion. It has a fibrous root-mat which helps protect topsoil and nutrients from erosion on sloping terrain and available in Chittagong Hill Tracts. 12. It is expected that LGED district offices and DPMOs will implement the corrective action plan and recommended monitoring adjustment measures; and will be able to demonstrate a substantial improvement, which will be focused in the next report.


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PROJECT AT A GLANCE 1. Project Name: Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project 2. Project Number: 42248-013 3. Country: Bangladesh 4. Department/Division: South Asia Department/Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division 5. Sector Classification: Sectors Primary Subsectors Agriculture and natural √ Agriculture and rural sector resources development Irrigation, drainage, and flood protection Land-based natural resources management 6. Thematic Classification: Themes Primary Subthemes Economic growth √ Widening access to markets and economic opportunities Social development Indigenous people Gender equity Gender equity in economic opportunities Capacity development Institutional development 6a. Climate Change Impact 6b. Gender Mainstreaming Adaptation Low Gender equity theme (GEN) √ Mitigation Low Effective gender mainstreaming (EGM)

Some gender benefits (SGB)

No gender elements (NGE) 7. Targeting Classification: 8. Location Impact: General Targeted Intervention National Low Intervention Geographic Millennium Income Rural High dimensions development poverty at of inclusive goals household growth level √ 9. Project Risk Categorization: Complex

10. Safeguards Categorization: Environment B Involuntary resettlement A Indigenous peoples A 11. ADB Financing: Sovereign/Nonsovereign Modality Source Amount ($ Million) Sovereign Project loan Asian Development Fund 55.0 Total 55.0 12. Cofinancing: No Cofinancing available.

13. Counterpart Financing: Source Amount ($ Million) Beneficiaries 1.4 Government 14.4 Total 15.9 14. Aid Effectiveness: Parallel project implementation unit No

Program-based approach No 15. Loan Milestones: Approval Signing Effective Closing 14 Jul 2011 2 Oct 2011 13 Dec 2011 30 Jun 2019 Elapsed loan period: 62% Loan period remaining: 36 months

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Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project Environmental Monitoring Report (January- July 2016)


Context of the Monitoring Report 1. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has obtained a loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) for financing Second Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project. Total cost of the project is $70.80 million, out of which $55.00 million is financing by ADB, $14.40 million by GoB financing and $1.40 million by the local beneficiaries. The project has started its implementation from January 2012 and is expected to be completed by 31 December 2018. The Project’s impact is to increase rural household incomes in subproject areas in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) and its outcome is increased income-generating opportunities for men and women in subproject areas. The Project comprises five main outputs - (i) Institutional Development and Capacity Building, comprising capacity building and training of executing agency, implementing agencies and relevant NGOs in the areas of indigenous peoples and safeguards issues, village mapping, and project management and organizational enhancement; (ii) Rural Roads comprising improvement of 105 kilometres union roads and 61 kilometres upazila roads, construction of 3,884 meters bridges and culverts; and the extension of 3 functional buildings for LGED’s district office; (iii) Community Infrastructure, comprising construction of 92 kilometres village access roads between and within villages and 100 market sheds, improving small-scale irrigation and water supply in up to 600 villages and participatory watershed management interventions in 6 sample watersheds; (iv) Micro Agribusiness Development, comprising capacity building in relation to identification and exploitation of potential high-yield commodities, establishment of common interest groups to market commodities and improving cultivation of high-yield commodities in 9 upazilas; and (v) Project Management, comprising establishment and operation of the PMO, the DPMOs and the PD (Roads) Office, provision of technical and implementation expertise from project implementation consultants, and establishment and operation of a safeguards and quality monitoring cell within the PMO. 2. In compliance with the loan covenant, semestral environmental monitoring report is essential. This report describes the status of implementation and compliance of the EMP to satisfy the environmental safeguard requirements of ADB and GoB as well as to fulfil the requirements mentioned in the loan document. This report also describes the environmental mitigation related any corrective and preventative actions with respect to each subproject for the period from January to June 2016. 3. This report has been prepared based on observations made during field inspections, random performance checks, reviewing records and document, and consultation with relevant stakeholders such as affected persons, beneficiaries, Para Development Committee (PDC),

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Project Implementation Consultant (PIC), Project Management Office (PMO) and Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) at different levels. 4. As a part of the project management support, consultant of the safeguards and quality monitoring cell (SQMC) provides inputs on intermittent basis to monitor compliances with environmental safeguards to ensure that the project is implemented with due concern for environmental safeguards according to the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009, specifically to ensure that these issues are adequately addressed to the requirements of ADB.

Physical Progress of Project Activities

5. Under the rural roads (RR) component, construction of one functional building has been completed and other two functional buildings have achieved physical progress of 88%. On the other hand, the improvement of six upazila and union roads (35km) including construction of 22 bridges (937m) and 141 culverts (242m) has started and attained physical progress of 23%. Procurement processes for improvement of another three upazila roads (10.5km) including construction of 8 bridges (259m) and 52 culverts (83m) have been completed.The implementation status of rural road (RR) component as of 30 June 2016 is summarized and shown in Appendix 1. 6. Under the community infrastructure (CI) component, 223 subprojects have been completed and implementation of another 47 subprojects are in progress. All these 270 subprojects consist of improvement of about 62km of village access roads including construction of 16 foot bridges, 65 culverts, 6,280 metres road side drains and 3,063 metres of road adjacent hill slopes protection works; construction of 5,213 metres of stair; construction of 6 market sheds; installation of 802 tube wells, 21 ring wells and 19 gravity flow system (gravity infiltration system); construction of 17,821 metres of lined irrigation canals; supply of 653 power pumps and 429 power tillers. The implementation status of CI component as of 30 June 2016 is summarized and shown in Appendix 2. 7. Overall physical progress of the project is 47% against time elapsed 62%.

Scope of the Monitoring Report

8. The scope of this report is to assess the status of implementation and compliance of the EMPs of each subprojects of improvement of rural roads (upazila and union connecting roads) and community infrastructure components, where the construction works have been started and completed, to satisfy the environmental safeguard requirements of ADB and GoB as well as to fulfil the requirements mentioned in the loan document. This report also addresses the environmental mitigation related any corrective and preventative actions with respect to each subproject for the period from January to June 2016.

Monitoring Requirement

9. The project falls under “B” category according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 and “Orange B” category in accordance with the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Conservation Rules 1997. All rural road subprojects require an IEE; but many community infrastructure development subprojects have minimal impacts, where a desk review is adequate. IEE as a part of the subproject feasibility report for each subproject,

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commensurate with the degree of environmental impacts has been prepared by the implementing agencies including EMP and included in all contracts let. These are consistent with GoB and ADB requirements. During the course of project implementation, monitoring of compliance and safeguard issues related to environmental matters are undertaken by the implementing agencies, PIC consultant, and SQMC consultant to ensure that the project is implemented with due concern for environmental safeguards and specifically to ensure that these issues are adequately addressed to the requirements of ADB. 10. The environmental monitoring requirements are presented in the EMP (Appendix 3). The EMP contains the scope of monitoring; monitoring parameters; time and frequency; the outputs required and implementing and supervising agencies. 11. Sampling Program is another monitoring requirement to determine compliance of the subproject works. The extent of the impacts of environmental pollution related to surface water, ground water, noise, and soil can be determined in quantitative terms by sampling a range of related parameters. Based on these results, the mitigation measures provided for in the EMP can be adjusted accordingly. Summary of the sampling programme is presented in Table 1 as follows: Table 1: Summary of Sampling Programme

S/N Impact Frequency Duration Parameter 1 Surface Water Twice per year 3 Years Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Acidity (pH), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Suspended Solids (SS) 2 Ground Water Once per tube well One Arsenic (As), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), ring well, IGF, and time Chlorides (Cl), Sulphate (S), Acidity (pH), GFS Suspended particulate matters (SPM) 3 Soil: Fertility of Soil Twice per year 3 Years Silt, Clay, Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen, Exchangeable Magnesium, Exchangeable Sodium, Exchangeable Calcium, Exchangeable Potassium, Cation exchange capacity, Phosphorus, and Soil pH 4 Noise: Shrillness of Sound Twice per year 2 Years dBA

12. Monitoring parameters vary depending upon nature of the project. CHTRDP-II is a rural development project comprising improvement of rural earthen village access road to brick pavement surfacing, construction of small bridges and culverts, stairs, sinking of tube wells, supply of small power pumps and power tillers located in the hilly rural area. Therefore, monitoring of air quality is not important for this project. 13. The frequency of submission of the Environmental Monitoring Report is defined in the loan agreement that the borrower will prepare environmental semi-annual monitoring reports, which will be described progress with implementation of the EMP and compliance issues including corrective actions, if any. Changes in Project Scope 14. Cost of rural roads improvement including construction of ancillary structures under rural road component, and market sheds under CI component have been increased substantially. Therefore, the target of upgrading 105 km of union and 61 km of upazila (subdistrict) roads, construction of 3,884 meters ancillary structures, and 100 market sheds may not be achieved

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within the available budget. ADB Mid-term Review Mission may review these issues and refix project scope if required. But till now, no change has been made in project scope.

II. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Quantitative and Qualitative Monitoring Data 15. The extent of the environmental impacts is determined in qualitative term by field visits and visual inspection. On the other hand, the extent impact of environmental pollution related to surface water, ground water, air quality, noise, and soils is determined in quantitative terms by sampling a range of related parameters. 16. It was reported in the last environmental monitoring report (EMR) that LGED did not make any provision in contracts of improvement of rural roads and construction of bridges to monitor environmental pollution related to surface water, air quality, noise (shrillness of sound), and soils (fertility of soil), which are equipment based monitoring and requires money. This problem may be solved by a simple contract variation for existing contracts and make a provision in upcoming contracts under rural road component. 17. As implementing agency (LGED) did not allocate any fund to monitor environmental pollution related to surface water, air quality, noise (shrillness of sound), and soils (fertility of soil), no quantitative data have been provided in this report except the samples of ground water related data under the community infrastructure component. However, the extent of the environmental impacts is determined in qualitative term by field visits and visual inspection only. Based on these results the mitigation measures provided in the EMP are adjusted accordingly. 18. The SQMC consultant1 has visited the construction works of three functional buildings and six packages of the two road improvement works. One functional building has been completed and another two buildings have achieved 88% progress. No major issues have been noticed related to the construction of functional buildings except noncompliance of wearing personal protective equipment by workers. The main environmental concerns for the improvement of union and upazila road subprojects are - drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, degradation of surface water, air pollution during construction of road and other structure, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers. Contract wise implementation status of the environmental safeguard issues observed during the field visit are presented in Appendix 4 and their summary is presented in Table 2 as follows: Table 2: Summary of Environmental Safeguard Issues of Rural Roads

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No stream passes along the road alignment; but No action is required. the road crosses two canals, where two bridges are being constructed. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Slope stability Landslide observed at certain section of the road This steep batter slope should be due to keeping steep batter slope along the road cut back to a stable grade and side. biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion.

1 Mohammad Nurul Islam, Environmental Engineer/Independent Consultant, SQMC, CHTRDP-II

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Soil erosion and (a) The spoil is disposed along the road sides. (a) Spoils should be dumped at sedimentation Inevitably, as a nature of most construction safe place to avoid the potential works of road during construction period, some impact to the agricultural land and dumped areas are prone to erosion and the construction work should be sediment may deposit on agricultural land along stopped during the rainy season. the road sides. (b) Subgrade should be rebuilt (b) Land slide observed at some section of road with proper compaction and (Rangamati). pavement should also be (c) Chengi River touches one portion of the completed before next rainy road, which was eroded by the river course ant season keeping proper drainage this portion of the road is now under thread of facilities. erosion. (Khagrachari). (c) Measure should be taken to (d) No stockpiling of earth materials was avoid further erosion by Chengi observed. River. (d) No action is required. Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation policy should persons for felling of 5,895 trees from the road be implemented after completion alignment. The project has adopted a ten for one of road works. tree replacement policy; but there is no compensatory plantation programme. Topsoil Some portion of earth materials for road As earth filling work has already embankment was taken from the adjacent rice been completed, no action is field. Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for required. reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard Surface water No visual evidence was sighted of impacts on Sufficient fund should be water quality. Lab test for water quality was not allocated for testing of water carried out due to lack of allocation of fund for samples to ensure monitoring of this purpose. water quality. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities generate No action is required. dust during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Noise: Shrillness of Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to As the work has nearly sound lack of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Soil: Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should be made to budgetary provision. monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste was No action is required. waste stored on site. Traffic management Construction and transportation activities No action is required. and safety have nearly been completed. Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety No action is required. measures for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp.

Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and No action is required. provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

19. Under the CI component, 110 subprojects have been completed and implementation of another 44 subprojects are in progress. All these 154 subprojects consist of improvement of about 53km of village roads and footpaths, installation of 535 tube wells and 12 ring wells, construction of about 16km of irrigation canals, 5 market sheds and 2954m of stairs, supply of 359 power pumps and 217 power tillers. The main environmental concerns for these are -

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drainage congestion, soil erosion and sedimentation, slope stability, topsoil disturbance, tree felling, clearing vegetation, surface water, ground water, air pollution during construction of village access road other structure, noise of construction activities, fertility of soil, health and safety for workers. Subproject wise implementation status of the environmental safeguard issues observed during the field visit are presented in Appendix 5 and their summary is presented in Table 3 as follows: Table 3: Summary of Environmental Safeguard Issues of CI Component

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues Recommended action observed Drainage congestion Two tubewells - one at Gungrumukh Waste water should be disposed in such a Para (Bandarban) and another at Antaha way that footpaths keep dry. Para (Bandarban) dispose water to the adjacent footpath and observed to wet remain in dry season also. No other drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and Shoulders of village access Shoulders of village access sedimentation roads/footpaths, approach of roads/footpaths, approach of footbridges, footbridges, sides of stairs observed sides of stairs should be compacted disturbed soils, which are prone to properly and covered with turf/vegetation erosion. No other stockpiles of soil and to avoid erosion. sand were observed.

Slope stability Shoulders of village access Shoulders of village access roads/ roads/footpaths, approach of footpaths, approach of footbridges, sides footbridges, sides of stairs were not of stairs should be compacted properly to properly compacted and are prone to make stable slopes. erosion Tree felling No tree felling was observed and No action is required. reported. Topsoil Topsoil of village access roads/footpaths, Topsoil for future works should be saved approach of footbridges, stairs sites were by stockpiling for reuse. not saved by stockpiling for reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of village access roads/footpaths, approach of footbridges, stairs to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Surface water In irrigation subprojects, no visual No action is required. evidence was sighted of impacts on water quality. Ground water DPMOs Bandarban and Rangamati Seven parameters (As, Fe, Mn, Cl, S, pH, conducted ground water test for five SPM) should be tested to ascertain quality parameters (As, Fe, pH, Cl, Mn) and of drinking water. Khagrachari two parameter (As, Fe). To ascertain quality of drinking water, at least 7 parameters (As, Fe, Mn, Cl, S, pH, SPM) are required to test. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and No action is required. reported for these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers and power pumps operate No action is required. sound far from residential area and operate only day time. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil No effect on the fertility of soil was No action is required. observed and reported.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues Recommended action observed Health and safety Contractors did not provide any safety Adequate safety measures, like helmet, measures to the workers. First aid box facemasks, goggles, noise reducing aids with medicine for workers was not including First Aid Box should be provided available. for workers.

Monitoring Parameters

20. For effective monitoring, environmental parameters have been identified as indicators which are qualitatively and quantitatively measured and compared over a period of time in order to assess the compliance to EMP. The parameters, which are identified as performance indicators, are (a) compliance with environmental management and monitoring plan; (b) compliance to national environment conservation rules; (c) monitoring of ambient surface water quality, ground water, noise levels (shrillness of sound), and soil (fertility of soils) and comparison with baseline environmental quality and national standards. As air quality for rural development project is not so much important, monitoring of air quality is dropped. 21. Parameters for surface water such as dissolved oxygen (DO), acidity (pH), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and suspended solids (SS) have been identified. 22. Tube well, infiltration galleries, ring wells etc are installing for supply of drinking water. Therefore, parameters for ground water such as arsenic (As), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), chlorides (Cl), sulphate (S), acidity (pH), suspended particulate matters (SPM) and fecal coliform have been identified for monitoring purpose. As these interventions are located in remote areas and as fecal coliform needs to be tested on the same day of sampling, this parameter is dropped for monitoring purpose. 23. Parameter of shrillness of sound is dBA; and parameters for fertility of soil are silt, clay, organic carbon, total nitrogen, exchangeable magnesium, exchangeable sodium, exchangeable calcium, exchangeable potassium, cation exchange capacity, phosphorus, and soil pH have been identified.

Monitoring Results and Compliance Status

24. The implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures during the pre- construction stage of all sub projects was satisfactory. Checking of environmental mitigating infrastructure design in all rural road improvement subprojects has been done effectively during design and pre-construction stage in association with Survey Design and Supervision (SDS) consultants, and Deputy Team Leader of PIC. In this stage, in consultation with the community, Executive Engineers of the respective LGED district have checked the present subprojects environmental settings and identified the problems that might be occurred during construction and selected mitigation measures with implementation procedures. 25. Similarly, checking of environmental mitigating infrastructure design in all community infrastructure subprojects have been done during design and pre-construction stage by the Deputy Team Leader of the PIC. In this stage, in consultation with PDC of the respective para/village and community, Deputy Project Directors of the respective DPMO have checked the present subprojects environmental settings and identified the problems that might be occurred during construction and selected mitigation measures with implementation procedures.

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26. In all rural road subproject, probable occupational health and safety issues in relation to construction of the subprojects were considered and incorporated into the contract documents; similarly, the extent of the impacts of environmental pollution monitoring related to water, noise, and soil were not considered. 27. In CI component, environmental issues have been identified and EMPs have been prepared as a part of feasibility study report; and EMPs were incorporated in the bidding documents and contracts. 28. Construction of retaining walls and toe walls to prevent potential erosion of the road embankment as well as to limit the potential siltation of streams/ water bodies, catch drain to collect run-on from hill, adequate crossroad and road surface drainage to ensure storm runoff for preventing damage to the road and down slope features, cross-fall drains and lined side drains to direct runoff off the road surface have been provided as an environmental impact mitigating measures for improvement of rural roads and included in the BoQ. No fund was allocated for re-vegetation/turfing over disturbed soils to prevent soil erosion, compensatory plantation, occupational health safety measures for workers, monitoring of impacts on environmental pollution related to water, air, noise and soil for these roads. Subproject wise present implementation status of rural road component is presented in Appendix 6 and their summary is presented in Table 4 as follows: Table 4: Summary of EMP Implementation Status of Rural Roads Activities: Improvement of rural roads (cutting and filling earth; improvement of roads with brick pavement; flexible bituminous pavement; construction of cross drainage structures, surface drains, retaining structure, toe walls, etc.) Subproject Potential Proposed mitigation Actual Recommended Compliance activities impacts measures as per EMP implementation action status Road Loss of soil Road design will be Road design No action is Complied. Construction in hills due to prepared with minimum has prepared required establish cutting of soil. with minimum smooth cutting of soil formation level of road Road Air Pollution Earth excavation and Water sprayed Truck carrying Complied Construction due to dust construction sites will to minimize earth, sand, partially. generates be water sprayed to dust; truck brick chips and during minimize dust. Trucks carrying stone chips construction carrying construction construction should be and carrying materials (such as materials such covered with construction earth, sand or stone) as earth, sand tarpaulins. materials will be covered with and stone chips tarpaulins to avoid were not spillage covered with tarpaulins. Widening of Removal of Road alignment will be Total 5895 trees The project has Compensation present road trees selected with minimum were removed; adopted a ten to affected section cutting of trees. compensation for one tree persons for Moreover road side tree amounting to replacement tree felling has plantation program will Tk 1,269,817 policy that been paid; but be taken after has been paid to should be no program to completion of road 94 affected implemented. adopt a ten for construction. households for one tree tree felling; but replacement there is no policy has compensatory been taken up. plantation programme.

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Subproject Potential Proposed mitigation Actual Recommended Compliance activities impacts measures as per EMP implementation action status Construction Temporary Adequate temporary Provision for No action is Complied. of bridges/ drainage pipe drains should be diversion roads required culverts congestion at provided in the with adequate some diversion. LGED drainage system locations of supervisor staff will take has been made. bridges/ urgent steps to solve culverts temporary drainage construction congestion if any at the sites may sites of bridges/culverts occur. construction by providing pipes at the diversions. Land Loss of land, During setting up road Steps have No action is Complied. Acquisition housing and alignment in the road been taken to required commercial design, steps will be minimize the structures. taken to minimize the loss of land, loss of land, housing housing and and commercial lands. commercial Moreover, provision of lands and compensation for land compensation acquisition and amounting to resettlement is in the Tk 23,086,074 project. has been paid to 188 affected households for land acquisition and resettlement Construction Need for Contractors will build Workforce Maintenance of Complied. Works accommodati construction shed for camps for workforce on, safe the workers of the workers camps should drinking Subproject and will including safe be continued. water and arrange safe drinking drinking water sanitation for water and sanitation for and sanitation the workers. the workers. were provided. Road Good roads Proper curvature and Safe design of No action is Compliance is Construction may cause super elevation at the the road has required now. progressing. increase of bend and smooth been made. road longitudinal slope will Provision for accidents. be maintained in the necessary traffic road design. Necessary signs has also traffic signs will be been made in provided in the roads. the BoQ; but the work yet to be implemented. Construction Road side LGED supervision staff No cultural This status Complied. Works cultural will take proper care to heritage and no should be heritage and make minimum level of institutions are continued till the institutions noise and dust pollution being affected completion of near the cultural by noise and this subproject. heritage and institutes. dust pollution for Moreover supervision intervention of staff of LGED will road ensure the adequate improvement provision to keep the activities. road passable during construction stage. Provision for diversion will be kept in the contract document.

29. Construction of retaining walls and toe walls, catch drain, cross-fall drains and lined side drains for 53km village access road/footpath and stairs; construction of concrete platform with drainage facility for waste water of 547 tubewell and ring wells to prevent intrusion of waste

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water to aquifer have been provide as an environmental impact mitigating measures under CI component and included in the BoQ. An amount of Tk 102.5 million has been allocated for this purpose. More fund is required for re-vegetation/turfing over disturbed soils to prevent soil erosion, occupational health safety measures for workers, monitoring of impacts on environmental pollution related to water and soil for relevant CI component. However, subproject wise present implementation status of CI component is presented in Appendix 7 and their summary is presented in Table 5 as follows: Table 5: Summary of EMP Implementation Status of CI Component

Subproject Potential Proposed mitigation Actual Recommended Compliance activities impacts measures as per EMP implementation action status Improvement Soil erosion Minimizing area of Ground Slopes should be Complied of footpath/ results in the ground clearance only clearance cut an angle partially. village loss of top to the extent required; minimized; greater than the access road soil, slope balancing the filling & cutting earth natural angle; stability, dust cutting of earth to the has been used and shoulders of pollution, extent possible; for fill road way; road should be cutting of avoiding creation of levelled, trees and cut slopes and cutting of compacted and native embankment which slopes were not covered with vegetation. are of an angle greater maintained an turf/vegetation on than the natural angle angle greater the disturbed of repose for locally than the natural area. available soil type; angle; proper water spraying it was reported during construction in that water dry season to mitigate spraying was dust pollution; and done during turfing/ re-vegetation construction to replanting in the mitigate dust disturbed areas. pollution; and re-vegetation was not done on the disturbed area; Construction Landslide Re-vegetation and Turf / Both sides of Not of footbridge may occur turfing will be provided vegetation were bridge complied. during on both sides of bridge not provided on approaches earthworks approach to stabilize both sides of should be on heavy the slope. stair. compacted and rainfall. covered with turf / vegetation. Construction Landslide Re-vegetation and Sides of stair Both sides of Not of stair may occur turfing will be provided were not filled stair should be complied. during on both sides of stair with soil and filled with soil; earthworks to stabilize the slope. not covered compacted on heavy with turf / properly; and rainfall. vegetation. covered with turf / vegetation. Construction Soils No spoil or No spoil or Both sides of Complied of irrigation excavated construction material obstructed the lined canal partially. lined canal from canal will be stored at natural should be filled may deposit places, where drainage with soil, on nearby obstructs the natural system compacted and croplands. drainage system. observed. Both covered with Landslide Re-vegetation/turfing sides of lined turf/vegetation. may also will be provided at canal were not occur during canal bank to stabilize filled with soil, earthworks the slope of canals. compacted and on heavy not covered rainfall; with turf/vegetation.

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Subproject Potential Proposed mitigation Actual Recommended Compliance activities impacts measures as per EMP implementation action status Water flow may reduce at downstream. Installation of May Bentonite instead of It was reported Parameters of Complied tube wells contaminate traditionally used cow that bentonite drinking water partially. aquifer and dung will be used was used for quality such as soil. drilling of bore holes. drilling of arsenic, iron, Surrounding of boreholes. manganese, borehole will be Concrete chlorides, sealed with cement platform sulphate, pH, concrete. keeping suspended Concrete platform drainage facility particulate keeping drainage for waste water, matters should facility for waste water, has been be tested. will be constructed to constructed. prevent intrusion of In Bandarban waste water. and Rangamati Parameters of drinking ground water water quality such as test for five arsenic, iron, parameters manganese, chlorides, (As, Fe, pH, Cl, sulphate, pH, Mn) and in suspended particulate Khagrachari matters and faecal two parameter coliform will be (As, Fe) were checked. conducted. Construction May Excavated soil will be Excavated soil Parameters of Complied of ring well contaminate reused for backfilling was reused. drinking water partially. aquifer and of the trenches and Platform quality such as soil. waste soil will be keeping arsenic, iron, placed at safe place to drainage facility manganese, avoid erosion. for waste water, chlorides, Concrete platform has been sulphate, pH, keeping drainage constructed. In suspended facility for waste water, Bandarban and particulate will be constructed to Rangamati matters should prevent intrusion of ground water be tested. waste water. test for five Parameters of drinking parameters water quality such as (As, Fe, pH, Cl, arsenic, iron, Mn) and in manganese, chlorides, Khagrachari sulphate, pH, two parameter suspended particulate (As, Fe) were matters and faecal conducted. coliform will be checked. Power pump Some noise Machine will operate It was reported No action is Complied. and power may generate in daytime only. that power required. tiller for during pumps and improved operation of power tillers agriculture power tiller operate at day and pump time only. machine which is local and not much significant.

30. Compliance status of GoB Environmental Act and Rules: The environmental legislation of GoB emphasises reducing the negative impacts of infrastructure development projects and enhancement of the positive impacts. This conforms to the GoB Environmental

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Policy 1992 that was enacted based on the Agenda 21 of Rio Conference and subsequent enactments of the Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules 1997. According to these act and rules, the project falls under “Orange B” category. The compliance with act and rules is presented in Table 6 as follows: Table 6: Environmental Compliance Status of GoB Act and Rules

Acts and rules Compliance requirement Compliance status Bangladesh Environmental Requires environmental The environmental clearance for the rural road Conservation Act 1995 and clearance from the component as well as community infrastructure Bangladesh Environmental Department of were obtained from the DoE. Conservation Rules 1997 Environment

31. Compliance status of ADB Safeguard Policy Statement: The project falls under “B” category according to ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 and hence an IEE is sufficient to meet the environmental requirements. IEE reports for six sample subproject s were prepared by the project preparatory consultant. An EARF also prepared by the ADB’s PPTA team. The CHTRDP-II has adopted the EARF. IEE reports including EMP for other subprojects, which were implement, or are being implemented, were prepared as part of the subproject feasibility report based on this EARF and ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. 32. Compliance status of Environmentally Specific Loan Covenants: Schedule 5 of the loan agreement stipulated environmental considerations. The compliance with environmentally specific loan covenants are shown in the Table 7 as below: Table 7: Compliance with Environmentally Specific Loan Covenants

Reference Loan covenants Compliance status Environment: The Borrower shall ensure or cause the All applicable laws and Schedule 5, Page 20, Implementing Agencies to ensure that the regulations relating to Para 7 preparation, design, construction, environment, health, and safety, implementation, operation and maintenance of environmental safeguards and each Subproject and all Project facilities EARF have been complied comply with (a) all applicable laws and during the preparation and regulations of the Borrower relating to design stage of each subproject. environment, health, and safety; (b) the Being complied all applicable Environmental Safeguards; (c) the EARF; and laws and regulations relating to (d) all measures and requirements set forth environment, health, and safety, in the respective IEE and EMP, and any the environmental safeguards; corrective or preventative actions set forth in a (c) the EARF; and (d) all Safeguards Monitoring Report. measures and requirements set forth in the respective IEE and EMP during the implementation of each subproject. Human and Financial The Borrower shall make available the Being complied the necessary Resources to Implement necessary budgetary and human resources to budgetary provision and human Safeguards fully implement the EMPs, the RPs and the resources for the Requirements: IPP. implementation of EMPs, the Schedule 5, Pages 21 &11 RPs and the IPP. Safeguards-related The Borrower shall ensure or cause the (a) Provision has been made in Provisions in Bidding Implementing Agencies to ensure that all bidding documents and works Documents and Works bidding documents and contracts for Works contracts for rural road Contracts: contain provisions that require contractors to: component. Similar provision Schedule 5, Page 22, (a) comply with the measures and has also been made for Para 12 requirements relevant to the contractor set community infrastructure forth in the IEE, the EMP, the RP and the IPP component; (to the extent they concern impacts on (b) Adequate budgetary affected people during construction), and any provision has been made for all environmental and social

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Reference Loan covenants Compliance status corrective or preventative actions set out in a measures except tree plantation Safeguards Monitoring Report; and monitoring environ (b) make available a budget for all such parameters of water, shrillness environmental and social measures; of sound and fertility of soils. (c) provide the Borrower with a written notice (c) No such incidence has of any unanticipated environmental, appeared till date; resettlement or indigenous peoples risks or impacts that arise during construction, (d) Being complied; implementation or operation of the Project that (e) Being complied; were not considered in the IEE, the EMP, the RP or the IPP; (d) adequately record the condition of roads, agricultural land and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction; and (e) fully reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the completion of construction.

33. Contractor Compliance to Environmental Provisions: Detailed assessment of contractor’s compliance status has been assessed in respect to the applicable construction contract environmental clauses. In pre-construction stage, environmental provisions has been achieved about 67% fully and 33% partially complied. In construction stage, environmental provisions has been achieved about 57% fully, 26% partially, non-complied 15% and compliance not due 2%. As no work has been completed, compliance in post construction stage yet not due. However, occupational health and safety of workforces have been complied partially. Main non-compliances issues are - no borrow pits are dug within 5 m of the toe of the final section of the road embankment and stockpiles of topsoil are not maintained. A summary of two upazila roads comprising six packages of contracts presented in Appendix 8.

34. Implementation Status of Corrective Action Plan: Nine corrective actions have been identified and suggested for their implementation. Seven suggestions have been implemented partially and some are in progress. But no action has been taken for the implementation of issues related to monitoring environmental pollution related to surface water, fertility of soil, shrillness of sound, landscape and future visual intrusion except ground water monitoring. A summary of implementation status of corrective action plan is presented in Table 8 as follows:

Table 8: Implementation status of corrective action plan for identified issues

Issues Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Action Taken Top soils Stripped topsoil should be LGED(PD/EE) Throughout the On going saved by stockpiling for reuse /DPMOs contract period in covering road shoulders, cut slopes and berms Unstable slopes Unstable batter slopes have LGED(PD/EE) 30 June 2016 Cutting batter slopes at been noticed at some sections /DPMOs stable grade is on going of the roads. These steep batter slopes are vulnerable to slide. These steep slopes should be cut back to a stable grade. Construction To ensure all solid wastes at LGED(PD/EEs) 30 June 2016 On going waste works sites and yards are /DPMOs management contained in legal manner and then correctly disposed to safe place.

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Issues Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Action Taken Tree felling Felling of 5,895 trees from two LGED(PD/EE) 30 June 2016 Tree plantation has been rural roads need to be planted included in the estimate @ 10 for one tree replacement of new subprojects; but policy of the project. To ensure no action has been taken plantation, initiative should be for ongoing subprojects. taken for planting of trees along lower slope of the road where completed. Landscape and Cleaning up of various work LGED(PD/EE) Throughout the No action is visible. future visual areas including levelling and project period intrusion dressing road shoulders, bridge approaches, sites of market sheds and stairs, etc. completed under the project and cover with vegetation/turf to minimize soil erosion and visual intrusion. Monitoring To execute sampling in line with LGED(PD/EEs)31 May 2016 PMO is being monitor environmental sampling programme /DPMOs quality of ground water pollution related prescribed in Table1 and taken from installed tube to surface water, present results with analysis wells and ring wells; no ground water, indicating impacts (if any) and action of LGED is visible fertility of soil, mitigate measures. for monitoring shrillness of environmental pollution. sound Occupational (a) To maintain effective LGED(PD/EEs) Throughout the Labour shed for men & health and safety operation and cleaning of /DPMOs contract period women are made sleeping, cooking, washing and separately tube well for toilet facilities in workforce drinking water & sanitary camps; (b) to ensure potable latrine are constructed. water supply, personal Personal protective protective equipment (PPE), equipment are provided First Aid Equipment including partly. First Aid medicines readily available at Equipment including all times for all workers; and (c) medicines is available at to initiate awareness sessions work camp for RR on the use of PPE for workers component. and staff. Contractor’s Contractor’s obligations in PMO/DPMO 15 February Contractor’s obligations obligations in respect of implementation of 2016 in respect of respect of EMP including occupational implementation of EMP implementation of health and safety have not including occupational EMP including been incorporated in the health and safety have occupational bidding document and contract been incorporated in the health and safety agreement for CI component. bidding document and These provisions should be contract agreement. made in the bidding document and contract agreement. Integrated past Training on IPM should be PMO/DPMO 30 June 2016 Training on IPM has management organised for farmers, where been organised for (IPM) irrigation facilities are farmers. provided.

Institutional Arrangement for Implementing EMP

35. Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs is the executing agency. The Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council (CHTRC) is the lead implementing agency, where a PMO headed by a Project Director has been established. The PMO is supported by three DPMOs headed by Deputy Project Director at each district and a team of PIC. Respective project DPMO is implementing CI components through PDC/CDC. LGED is the implementing agency for the

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rural road component headed by another Project Director. The responsibilities of each agencies during the various phases of the project are shown in 9 as below:

Table 9: Institutional Responsibilities Matrix

Stage Agency Contact Responsibility Deliverables Pre-construction CHTRC/PMO Project Director Preparation of EMP, EMP, bidding /Design incorporation of EMP documents, LGED Project Director (RR) into subproject monthly reports, DPMO Deputy Project Director feasibility report and quarterly reports, PIC Team Leader/DTL bidding documents, and semestral reports reporting to ADB. to ADB. Construction CHTRC/PMO Project Director Monitoring of EMP Monthly report, implementation and quarterly reports, LGED Project Director (RR) reporting to ADB. and semestral DPMO Deputy Project Director reports to ADB. PIC Team Leader/DTL SQMC Environmental Engineer Contractors As per signed contract Implementation of EMP Report Operation/Post CHTRC/PMO Project Director Monitoring of EMP Final report construction LGED Project Director (RR) Implementation, PIC Team Leader/DTL SQMC Environmental Engineer

36. Safeguards related all measures and requirements set forth in the respective IEE and EMP are integral part of contract documents. During implementation of these works, LGED implements EMP. LGED, PIC and SQMC consultants monitor these activities. Similarly, DPMO implements and monitors EMP under CI component. LGED and DPMO send monthly monitoring report to PD, PMO. After compiling these report PMO prepares semestral report with the assistance of PIC/SQMC consultant and sends this report to ADB, MoCHTA and DoE. SQMC consultant also monitors these activities and reports to PD (PMO) and ADB directly. 37. A comprehensive grievance redress mechanism has been established for the project under the land acquisition and resettlement framework. The same mechanism is applied for grievances arising due to environmental impacts, with the Project Director deputing a relevant community, project team member or NGO representative to join the process depending on the nature of the grievance.

III. RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND COMPLIANCE MEASURES Monitoring Results 38. Ground water quality: Under the community infrastructure component, 547 tube wells and ring wells were installed for supply of drinking water. Lab tests of water samples taken from the installed tube wells and ring wells were conducted to ascertain safe drinking water quality. Water parameters of arsenic (As), iron (Fe), acidity (pH), chloride (Cl) and manganese (Mn) were tested in Bandarban and Rangamati districts; and only arsenic and iron parameters were tested in Khagrachari. Atomic absorption spectrometer for testing the contents of arsenic, iron, and manganese in water samples; titrimetric method for testing of chloride; and multimer for testing pH values were used. These tests were conducted at the Regional Laboratory of the Department of Public Health Engineering. From the test result it is appeared that trace of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit. The monitoring results of tube wells and ring wells are presented in Appendix 9.

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39. Surface water quality: One upazila road in Rangamati district crosses two canals and another portion of upazila road in Khagrachari passes Chengi River. No visual evidence was sighted of impacts on water quality. No spills were observed. It was mentioned in the last EMR that as LGED did not allocate fund to monitor the surface water quality, no water quality test was carried out. 40. Air quality: No significant impact on air quality has obverted except generation of dust, which was minimized by spraying water, during progressing of construction activities. In rural infrastructure development project monitoring of air quality is not important. 41. Noise levels (shrillness of sound): No pile driving, operation of mixture machines and brick/stone crushing machines were observed, except trucks carrying construction materials. No complaints regarding to noise impact were received from the community. It was mentioned in the last EMR that the noise level was not monitor due to lack of budgetary provision. 42. Soil (fertility of soils): No signs of soil contamination by oil from any construction equipment and machinery observed and reported. It was observed that filling on road embankment were taken from cutting hill slopes and rice fields along the road alignment; but no top soil was saved by stockpiling for reuse. It was mentioned in the last EMR that the fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of budgetary provision.

Corrective Action Plan

43. Upgradation of rural roads and construction of bridges were in progress during this reporting period. It is expected that the implementation of ongoing works rural road component as well as CI component will be increased from mid-November 2016. The focus of environmental monitoring will be on the following aspects: (a) better implementation of EMP to minimize the negative environmental impact of the work under construction; (b) monitoring impacts of environmental pollution related to surface water, ground water, noise, and soil; and (c) to ensure soil erosion protection initiatives especially for the road, bridge, and stair sites. A corrective action plan has been prepared and presented in 10.

Table 10: Corrective Action Plan

Identified issues Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Tree felling Felling of 5,895trees from two rural roads LGED(PD/EE) 30 June 2017 need to be planted @ 10 for one tree replacement policy of the project. To ensure plantation, initiative should be taken for planting of trees along lower slope of the road where completed. Unstable slopes Unstable batter slopes have been noticed at LGED(PD/EE)/ 15 May 2017 some sections of the roads. This steep DPMOs batter slope should be cut back to a stable grade and biotechnology using local plant materials, or other suitable technology should be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion. Landscape and future Cleaning up of various work areas including LGED(PD/EE)/ Throughout the visual intrusion levelling and dressing road shoulders, DPMOs project period bridge approaches, sites of market sheds and stairs, etc. completed under the project and cover with vegetation/turf to minimize soil erosion and visual intrusion.

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Identified issues Actions required Responsibilities Timeline Top soils Stripped topsoil should be saved by LGED(PD/EE)/ Throughout the stockpiling for reuse in covering DPMOs contract period of road shoulders, cut slopes and each contract of berms works. Monitoring environmental To execute sampling in line with LGED(PD/EEs)/ Throughout the pollution related to surface sampling programme prescribed in PMO /DPMOs project period water, ground water, Table1 and present results with fertility of soil and analysis indicating impacts (if any) shrillness of sound and mitigate measures.

Records on Disclosure of Monitoring Information

44. Environmental monitoring information has disclosed in the ADB’s website since the starting of the project. A list of records on disclosure of monitoring information is presented in Table 11 as follows: Table 11: Records on Disclosure of Monitoring Information

S/N List of monitoring documents Web links

1 Safeguards Monitoring Report, http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project- Annual Report, April 2013 document/157715/42248-013-esmr-01.pdf

2 Safeguards Monitoring Report, http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project- Annual Report, April 2014 document/157716/42248-013-esmr-02.pdf

3 Environmental and Social Monitoring Report http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project- Semestral Report January-June 2015 document/161862/42248-013-esmr-04.pdf

4 Environmental Monitoring Report http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project- Semestral Report, January - June 2015 document/175600/42248-013-emr-01.pdf

5 Environmental Monitoring Report http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/project- Semestral Report, July - December 2015 document/183276/42248-013-emr-02.pdf


Conclusion 45. The implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures during the pre- construction stage of all sub projects was satisfactory. Checking of environmental mitigating infrastructure design in all rural road improvement subprojects and CI components has been done effectively during design and pre-construction stage. In CI component, environmental issues have been identified and EMPs have been prepared as a part of feasibility study report; and incorporated in bidding documents and contracts. Road side drains, cross fall drain, outfall basins, drainage chutes, and retaining walls for slope protection are being constructed as environmental mitigation measures. Cuts and fills in road embankment have been balanced successfully to reduce the amount of unused materials. Vegetation clearance, which was confined to the minimum area required for the road upgradation activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Dust, which is generated during improvement of road activities, was controlled by spraying water.

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46. Contractor’s obligations in respect of implementation of EMP including occupational health and safety have been incorporated in the bidding document and contract agreement. Contractors have provided safety measures to their workers, like helmet, shoes, facemasks, and first aid kits for reducing risk in respect of health and safety. Also, contractors have provided workforce camp, drinking water and toilet facilities. 47. One upazila road in Rangamati district crosses two canals and another upazila road in Khagrachari passes along Chengi River. No spills were observed. No significant impact on air quality has obverted except generation of dust, which was minimized by spraying water, during progressing of construction activities. In rural infrastructure development project monitoring of air quality is not important. No pile driving, operation of mixture machines and brick/stone crushing machines were observed, except trucks carrying construction materials. No complaints regarding to noise impact were received from the community. No signs of soil contamination by oil from any construction equipment and machinery observed and reported. 48. Implementing agency (LGED) did not provide provisions in the BoQ to carry out the environmental monitoring tests for surface water, shrillness of sound, and fertility of soil; as a result, the impact on the road upgradation activities could not be quantified. 49. Road construction or improvement in Chittagong Hill Tracts is a great challenge in respect of preventing landslides and soil erosion. As the required right of way was not considered during acquisition of land for road improvement, stable steep batter slopes are not maintained. These steep batter slopes are vulnerable to landslide and soil erosion under rural road component. Shoulders of village access roads/footpaths, approach of footbridges, sides of stairs were not filled, compacted, and not covered with vegetation/turf. These disturbed soils are also prone to erosion. 50. Land slide observed at some sections of rural roads and village access roads. Due to these landslides, some eroded materials have deposited over the road side agricultural land. Spoils of road improvement works are being disposed along the road sides. Inevitably, as a nature of most construction works for road, some dumped areas are prone to erosion and sediment may deposit on agricultural land along the road sides. 51. Under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District, Chengi River touches one portion of Panchari - Bhaibonchara road, which was eroded by the river course and this portion of the road is now under thread of erosion and needs to be protected immediately to avoid further erosion.


52. Monitoring adjustment measures, which are recommended based on monitoring experience, are as follows: (i) Unstable batter slopes, which have been created due to widening of some sections of rural roads and village access roads, should be cut back to a stable grade. Biotechnology using local plant materials such as broom grass2, which is a good soil and water conservation species, should be used for slope protection and to control soil

2 Scientific accepted name of the broom grass is Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) Kuntzeis. It belongs to the family of poaceae and is commonly known as ‘fuljharu’ in Bnagla. Broom grass is a good soil and water conservation species. It has a fibrous root- mat which helps protect topsoil and nutrients from erosion on sloping terrain. Broom grass can be used in biotechnology as an effective and low cost measure. It is a perennial grass and is available in Chittagong Hiltracts from June to December.

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erosion. It has a fibrous root-mat which helps protect topsoil and nutrients from erosion on sloping terrain. (ii) Shoulders of roads, approach of footbridges, sides of stairs should be filled, compacted and covered with vegetation/turf to minimise soil erosion. (iii) Chengi River touches one portion of Khagrachari - Bhaibonchara upazila road, which was eroded by the river course and this portion of the road needs to be protected immediately to avoid further erosion. (iv) Spoils of road improvement works should be dumped at a designated safe place to avoid soil erosion and deposition of sediment on agricultural land along the road sides. (v) Implementing agencies should ensure environmental monitoring tests for surface water, shrillness of sound, and fertility of soil for rural road component and relevant subprojects of CI component. (vi) Implementing agencies should initiate planting of trees along lower slope of the road when completed to ensure ten for one tree replacement project policy. 53. It is expected that LGED district offices and DPMOs will implement the corrective action plan and recommended monitoring adjustment measures; and will be able to demonstrate a substantial improvement, which will be focused in the next report. ______

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 19 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Appendix 1: Physical Progress of Rural Road Component As of 30 June 2016

District Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works Bandarban 1 Construction of 22 m long RCC bridge on Ruma Sadar - After finalization of revised Ruma Bazar Road. foundation design work will be started. 2 Construction of 220m Long PSC Girder Bridge over 5% on Raicha - Goaliakhola Road. 3 Improvement of Upazila rod of Naikhongchari- Tumbru 10% Road. 4 Improvement of Lama - Rupshipara road. Bid evaluation is under process 5 Improvement of Rowanchari - Bengchari Road. Design and estimate are in progress 6 Improvement of Baniarchar - Gazalia Road. Design and estimate are in progress 7 Construction of LGED’s Functional Buildings (Extension) 80% at Bandarban. Khagrachari 8 Improvement of Panchari GC - Baibonchara GC via 90% ShantipurArunyaKutir Road. 9 Improvement of Sindukchari Union H/Q - DullhaTali GC 15% via ChallyaTali Road. 10 Construction of Garitana GC - Batnatoli H/Q via 5% Jogyachola. 11 Improvement of Bellchari Union HQ Ajuddah bazar road. Design and estimate have been sent to PD (PMO) for approval. 12 Improvement of Upazila HQ (Kamolchari Muk) - Design and estimate are in Mahalchari GC (Singinala) via Bhuacharimuk, Itchari, progress East Gamaridala, Ultachari , Dutkuppya Road. 13 Improvement of Bichitola Bazar - Khagrachari Sadar HQ Design and estimate are in Road. progress 14 Construction of LGED’s Functional Buildings (Extension) 95% at Khagrachari. Rangamati 15 Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar - Laxmichari 80% road via Barmachari road. 16 Improvement of Raikhali GC Ferry Ghat - Rajasthali HQ Agreement signed for two via Mitingachari Road. packages and re-bidding for another two packages was under process. 17 Improvement of Batbunia Chairy Bazar - Bara Aoulia- Agreement signed for two Santir hat road. packages and re-bidding for another two packages was under process. 18 Improvement of Marishya bazar (Upazila sadar) - Design and estimate have Mayanimukh bazar via Babupara, Battola & Daskin been sent to PD (PMO) for Saroatoli road. approval. 19 Construction of of 99m long PC Girder Bridge on Design and estimate have Upazila Sadar - Horina Bazar via Bottali & Morghona been sent to PD (PMO) for Chara Road over Sijok river. approval. 20 Improvement of Bogachattar Union - Ghonamor Road. Design and estimate are in progress 21 Construction of LGED’s Functional Buildings (Extension) 100% at Rangamati.

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Appendix 2: Physical Progress of CI Component As of 31 December 2015

A. Khagrachari District

Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 1 Bagan Para subproject (comprises improvement of 5.21km earthen village access 100% road to brick pavement including construction of 880m road side drains, 202m guide walls and 7 culvers) under Sadar Upazila. 2 Monatek Para subproject (comprises improvement of 2.08 km village access road to 100% brick pavement including construction of 720m road side drains and 325m guide walls) under Mahalchari Upazila. 3 Majar Para subproject (comprises construction of 178 sqm of market shed, 4 toilets, 100% installation of one tube, and improvement of earthen access road with brick pavement) under Laxmichari Upazila. 4 Ugolchari Para Subproject (comprises construction of 760 m irrigation canal, and 100% supply of one power pump including construction of pump shed for irrigation) under Panchari Upazila 5 Harubil Para subproject (comprises construction of 150m irrigation canal, supply of 100% one power tiller and one power pump, installation of 4 tube wells, improvement of 500m earthen village access road to brick pavement including construction of 160m road side drains, and one culvert) under Panchari Upazila. 6 Dakkin Babuchara Noa Para subproject (comprises construction of 570m irrigation 100% canal, supply of one power tiller and one power pump, installation 6 tube wells and re-excavation of one pond) under . 7 Jowtha Khamar subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells, re-excavation of 100% one pond and construction of 2 culverts) under Dighinala Upazila. 8 Chitta Ranjan Karbari Para subproject (comprises construction of 178 sqm of market 100% shed including 4 toilets, installation of one tube well and improvement of 15 m earthen access road to brick pavement) under Mahalchari Upazila. 9 Joggyachala Headman Para Subproject (comprises installation of 12 tube wells, 100% construction of 480m irrigation and supply of 2 power pump) under Mahalchari Upazila. 10 Chitta Member Para Subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, construction 100% of 295m irrigation canal and construction of 70m stair, supply of one power pump) under Dhiginala Upazila. 11 Tapita Para Subproject (comprises construction of 628 irrigation canal) under 100% Panchari Upazila. 12 Durung Para Subproject (comprises construction of 6 culverts, installation of 5 tube 100% wells and supply of one power tiller) under Mohalchari Upazila. 13 Uttar Champaghat subproject (comprises improvement of 500m earthen village 100% access road to brick pavement, installation of 8 tube wells, construction of 250m irrigation canal and supply of 1 power pump) under Sadar Upazila. 14 Jalbanda Para subproject (comprises installation of 8 tube wells and development of 100% 4 infiltration gallery systems for drinking water supply) under Dighinala Upazila. 15 Paisi Mohajan Para subproject (comprises construction of 900m irrigation canal, 100% installation of 6 tube wells, and supply one power pump) under Mahalchari Upazila. 16 Hazachara Para subproject (comprises construction of one foot bridge and installation 100% of 6 tube wells) under Mahalchari Upazila. 17 Bagra Para Para subproject (comprises construction of 170 m irrigation canal, 20m 100% foot bridge, installation of 5 tube wells and supply of 2 power pump) under Sadar Upazila. 18 Dewan Para subproject (comprises construction of 366m irrigation canal and one box 100% culvert, installation of 20 tube wells and supply of one power pump) under . 19 Lakyochi Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells and supply of 2 power 100% tillers) under Ramghar Upazila.

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Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 20 Jaghat Mohan Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 3 power 100% pumps, installation of 7 tube wells and construction of 300m lined irrigation canal) under Panchari Upazila. 21 Abinash Para subproject (comprises construction of 500m irrigation canal, installation 100% of 5 tube wells, supply of one pump and 2 power tillers) under Panchari Upazila. 22 AK Para subproject (comprises construction of 380m irrigation, 7m foot bridge and 80% installation of 5 tube wells) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 23 Akshay Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells for drinking water, 2 100% tube wells with pumps for irrigation and supply of one power tiller) under Panchari Upazila. 24 Dakkin Golabari Para subproject (comprises construction of 700m lined irrigation 100% canal and supply of one power pump) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 25 Pablakhali Shantipur subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 100% power tillers and one pump pump) under Dighinala Upazila. 26 Gaganchandra Para subproject (comprises installation of 7 tube wells, construction 100% of 200m lined irrigation canal, supply of 2 power tillers and one power pump) under Panchari Upazila. 27 Sukanta Mohajan Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube well, supply of one 100% power tiller and one power pump) under Mohalchari Upazila. 28 Sajek Para subproject (comprises construction of 420m lined irrigation canal, 100% installation of 4 tube wells and supply of 2 electric submersible pumps) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 29 Madhya Adam Para subproject (comprises installation of 9 tube wells, supply of one 100% power pump and 3 power tillers) under Mahalchari Upazila. 30 Noa Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells, supply of 3 power pumps 100% and one power tiller) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 31 Juddha Kumar Para subproject (comprises construction of one culvert, installation of 100% 13 tube wells, supply of 3 power tillers and 3 power pumps) under Matiranga Upazila. 32 Kukichara Para subproject (comprises construction of 752m lined irrigation canal and 100% supply of one power pump) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 33 Lachari Para subproject (comprises construction of 520m lined irrigation canal, one 100% drainage culvert and installation of 7 tube wells) under . 34 Dataram Para subproject (comprises construction of 185m lined irrigation canal, 100% installation of 10 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Ramgarh Upazila. 35 Karalyachari Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power pumps and installation of 100% 8 tube wells) under Mahalchari Upazila. 36 Dewan Para subproject (comprises construction of 12m foot bridge and installation of 100% 3 tube wells) under Mahalchari Upazila. 37 Washu Gakul Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells and construction 100% of 2 culverts) under Matiranga Upazila. 38 Gudambari Para subproject (comprises construction of 100m RCC stair, installation 100% of 3 tube wells, supply of 2 power pumps and one power tiller) under Ramgarh Upazila. 39 Monatek Para subproject (comprises installation of 10 tube wells, construction of 100% 430m lined irrigation canal, supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Mahalchari Upazila. 40 Thali Para subproject (comprises supply of 3 power pumps) under Ramgarh Upazila. 100% 41 Tebangchara Para subproject (comprises construction of 700m lined irrigation canal 100% and installation of 8 tube wells) under Dighingala Upazila. 42 Dudukchara Para subproject (comprises construction of 510m lined irrigation canal, 100% installation of 250m underground irrigation pipe, 7 tube wells and supply of 2 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 43 Chowdhagram Para subproject (comprises construction of 380m lined irrigation canal, 80% installation of 14 tube wells tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Matiranga Upazila.

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Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 44 Rabijoy Para subproject (comprises installation of one tube well with submersible 80% pump and supply of one power tiller) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 45 Baura Para subproject (comprises construction of 500m lined irrigation canal, 100% supplying of 2 power pumps, one power tiller and installation of one tube well) under Panchari Upazila. 46 Maratila Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube well, supply of power one 100% tiller and 2 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 47 Karga Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% and 2 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 48 Mirzatila to Gaganchandra Para road subproject (comprises development of 2.5km 80% earthen village access road with brick pavement including construction of 1155m road side drains, 5 culverts and 360m guide wall) under Panchari Upazila. 49 Harigopal Para Subproject (comprises construction of 300m lined irrigation canal, 80% installation of 4 tube wells, supply of one power pump and one power tiller) under Panchari Upazila. 50 Jharjari Para subproject (comprises installation of one tube well) under Dighinala 100% Upazila. 51 Dalu Chailaprue Para subproject (comprises installation of one tube well, construction 50% of 280m lined irrigation canal, one foot bridge, supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Manikchari Upazila. 52 Headman Para subproject (comprises construction of 2 culverts, 490m lined irrigation 30% canal and installation of 13 tube wells) under Matiranga Upazila. 53 Chaila Karbari Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells, re-excavation 50% of one pond, construction of one culvert, supply of one power tiller and one power pump) under Manikchari Upazila. 54 Noa Para subproject (comprises construction of 3culverts and installation of 18 tube 100% wells) under Matiranga Upazila. 55 Pidiya Para subproject (comprises construction of 500m lined irrigation canal, supply 90% of 2 power tillers and one power pump) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 56 Pakujjyachari Para subproject (comprises construction of 600m lined irrigation canal 50% and supply 2 power pumps) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 57 No.2 Prakalpa Para subproject (comprises construction of 250m lined irrigation canal, 60% supply of 3 power tillers and 3 power pumps) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 58 Dewan Para subproject (comprises construction of 560m lined irrigation canal, supply 60% of one power tiller and 2 power pumps) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 59 Jamini Mohan Para subproject (comprises construction of 345m lined irrigation canal, 50% installation of 12 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Dighinala Upazila. 60 Jora Bridge subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supplying of 2 power 50% tillers and 2 power pumps) under Dighinala Upazila. 61 Haladar Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells, supply of 2 power 60% tillers and 3 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 62 Durga Moni para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supplying of 3 90% power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 63 Puratan Headman Para subproject (comprises construction of 460m irrigation canal, 80% supply of 2power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Khagrachari Sadar Upazila. 64 Narendra Karbari Para subproject (comprises installation of 8 tube wells, supplying of 80% one power tiller and 2 power pumps) under Mohalchari Upazila. 65 Jagat Sen Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 80% tillers and 2 power pumps) under Panchari Upazila. 66 Godachara watershed management subproject under Dighinala Upazila. 50% 67 Tarabonchara watershed management subproject under Panchari Upazila. 40% 68 Nittya Gan Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1050m earthen village access 90% to brick pavement including conatruction of 65m guide wall, one box-culvert (3 m), and 230m road side drain) under Dighinala Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 23 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 69 Buddha Ram Para subproject (comprises development of 600m village footpath with 100% brick pavement and installation of 6 tube wells) under Panchari Upazila. 70 Badanala Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 nos. deep tube well and 5 nos. 80% shallow tube well, supplying of power tiller 2 nos. and power pump 2 nos.) under Mohalchari Upazila. 71 Dewan Para subproject (comprises installation of 8 tube wells) under Mohalchari 50% Upazila. 72 Headman Para subproject (comprises construction of 560m lined irrigation canal and - installation of 13 tube wells) under Matiranga Upazila. 73 Mejar Para subproject (comprises construction of 300m lined irrigation canal, 60% installation of 6 tube wells, supplying of one power tiller one and power pump) under Laxmichari Upazila. 74 Ultachari Chairman Para subproject (comprises construction of 500m lined irrigation 80% canal, installation of 10 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Mohalchari Upazila. 75 Choddhagram Para subproject (comprises installation of 15 tube wells and supply of 50% 2 power tillers) under Matiranga Upazila. 76 Prabal Tripura Para subproject (comprises construction of 300m lined irrigation canal, 30% installation of 6 tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Manikchari Upazila. 77 Shilachari Para subproject (comprises construction of 350m irrigation canal, 30% installation of 3 tube wells, supplying of one power tiller and one power pump) under Laxmichari Upazila.


Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 1 Bagmara Para Subproject (comprises improvement of 627m village access earthen 100% road to brick pavement including construction of 149m guide walls, 5m road side drain and one culver, and installation of 2 tubewells and supply of one power tiller) under Sadar Upazila. 2 Hlapai Ujani Para subproject (comprises improvement of 664m village earthen road 100% to brick pavement including construction road side drains, and 30m long stair, installation of 2 tubewells and supplying of one power tiller) under Sadar Upazila. 3 Basanta Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1.5km earthen village access 100% road to brick pavement including 60m road side drains, construction of one pipe culvert, and 11m slope protection works) under Sadar Upazila. 4 Taracha Headman Para subproject (comprises improvement of 2.5km earthen village 100% access road to brick pavement including construction of 10m road side drains and 1.2km guide walls) under Rowangchari Upazila 5 Punarbasan Tripura Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1.39km earthen 100% village access road to brick pavement including construction of 262m road side drains and protection walls) under Sadar Upazila. 6 Wagoi Para subproject (comprises improvement of 781m earthen village access road 100% to brick pavement including construction of 102m road side drains, 18m long stair, and installation of one tube well for supping drinking water) under Rowangchari Upazila. 7 Sonai - Seprue Para subproject (comprises improvement of 2.19km earthen road to 100% brick pavement including construction 150m guide walls, 550m road side drains, and 8.6m long bridge) under Rowangchari Upazila. 8 Jogesh Karbari Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1.15km earthen road to 100% brick pavement including construction of 3 pipe culverts and 5m road side drains, installation of 2 tubewells for supplying drinking water, and supply of two power tillers for improved agriculture) under Sadar Upazila. 9 Khebuk Para subproject (comprises improvement of installation of 3 tubewells for 100% supplying drinking water, and supply of two power tillers for improved agriculture) under Sadar Upazila. 10 Faruk Nicher Para subproject (comprises construction of water reservoir tank and 100% 109m stairs) under Sadar Upazila.

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Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 11 Purna Chandra Para subproject (comprises installation of 20m deep ring well, 100% construction of water reservoir tank and 123m stairs) under Sadar Upazila. 12 Minjiri Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tubewells, construction of 7m spill 100% weir for irrigation and domestic use, 41m stair and supply of 2 power tillers) under Sadar Upazila. 13 Gungurumukh Para subproject (comprises installation of 2 tubewells and construction 100% of 110m stair) under Sadar Upazila. 14 Chemidulu Para subproject (comprises installation of one tub well including 100% construction of pump house for irrigation) under Sadar Upazila. 15 Zanka Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1005m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 160m road side drain, 154m stair, installation of 2 ring wells and supply and installation of 6000 litres plastic water tank and one tube well including submersible motor pump and pipe line) under Sadar Upazila. 16 Lulain Punarbashan Para subproject (comprises construction of 65m stair and 100% installation of 2 ring wells) under Sadar Upazila. 17 Tongprue Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells for supply of drinking 100% water) under Rowangchari Upazila. 18 Gungkhyong Para subproject (comprises improvement of 812m earthen road to brick 100% pavement, installation of one tube well and supply of one power tiller) under Rowangchari Upazila. 19 Khayamrong Para subproject (comprises construction of 134m stairs and installation 100% of 20m deep ring well) under Rowangchari Upazila. 20 Laxmi Chandra Para subproject (comprises supply of one power tiller, earthen dam 100% 36m) under Rowangchari Upazila. 21 Rowangchari Sadar Para subproject (comprises improvement of 450m earthen road 100% to brick pavement including construction of 90m protection wall and 3 pipe culverts) under Rowangchari Upazila. 22 Paglachara Para subproject (comprises improvement of 700m earthen road to brick 100% pavement, construction of 5m road side drain, 3.5m pipe culver, 6m stair, 330m irrigation canal, and supply of one power tiller) under Rowangchari Upazila. 23 Datvanga Para subproject (comprises construction of 112m stair, 7m brick wall and 100% 15m protection work) under Sadar Upazila. 24 Chimbuk Pabla Headman Para subproject (comprises improvement of 510m earthen 100% road to brick pavement including construction of 100m surface drain, 75m RCC stair, 10.5m pipe culvert and 15m earthen dam) under Sadar Upazila. 25 Bagmara Maddyam Para subproject (comprises improvement of 583m earthen village 100% access road to brick pavement including construction of 65m surface drain,3.5m pipe culvert, 24m brick protection wall, 124m stair, installation of 3 tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Sadar Upazila. 26 Nashalong Para subproject (comprises improvement of 831m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 139m stair, 10.5m pipe culvert and supply of one power tiller) under Rowangchari Upazila. 27 Aongya Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1393m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 192m surface drain, 20m stairs, 6m brick protection wall, 42m pipe culvert, installation of 2 deep tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and one power pump) under Rowangchari Upazila. 28 Antaha Tripura Para subproject (comprises improvement of 800m earthen road to 100% brick pavement including construction of 100m road side drain, 85m stairs, 14m pipe culvert, installation of 2 tube wells and supply of one power tiller) under Rowangchari Upazila. 29 Baittya Para subproject (comprises improvement of 819m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 112m road side drain, 78m stairs, 20m pipe culvert and 2 RCC water tanks) under Rowangchari Upazila. 30 Kattali Para subproject (comprises construction of 132m stair) under Sadar Upazila. 100% 31 Ubashoi Para subproject (comprises construction of 54m stair, installation of 2 tube 100% wells and supply of 3 power tillers) under Sadar Upazila. 32 Kaintar Mukh Para subproject (comprises construction of 66m stair, and installation of 100% 2 deep tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Rowangchari Upazila. 33 Wabraing Para subproject (comprises construction of 120m stair, 45m long steps and 100% installation of one ring wells) under Rowangchari Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 25 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Sl.№ Name of subprojects Status of works 34 Amtali Marma Para subproject (comprises improvement of 650m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 75m stairs, 14m brick protection wall, installation of 2 tube wells, supply of one power tiller and one power pump) under Sadar Upazila. 35 Talukdar Para subproject (comprises improvement of 703m earthen road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 45m stairs, installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and one power pump) under Rowangchari Upazila. 36 Faikhyong Para subproject (comprises construction of 68m stair and installation of 3 100% tube wells) under Rowangchari Upazila. 37 Paikhyang Para subproject (comprises installation of GFS water supply) under 100% Rowangcharl Upazila. 38 Chashoi Mong Para subproject (comprises construction of 62m stair, installation of 3 100% tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Sadar Upazlla. 39 Kanaiju Para subproject (comprises construction of 47.5m stair, installation of 3 tube 100% wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Rowangchari Upazila. 40 Thana Para subproject (comprises construction of 89m stairs and installation of 3 tube 100% wells) under Ruma Upazlia. 41 Gajan Para subproject (comprises construction of 90m stair, installation of one tube 100% well, supply of one power tiller and one power pump) under Lama Upazlia. 42 Amtoli - Tripura Para subproject (comprises construction of 174 stair and installation 50% of 2 ring wells) under Alikadam Upazila. 43 Manikjan Para subproject (comprises improvement of 977m village access road to 65% brick pavement including construction of 85m road side drain, 4 pipe culverts and 85m RCC stair) under . 44 Gajaiia Headman Para subproject (comprises construction of 88m stair and supply of 70% 2 water pumps) under Lama Upazila. 45 Tangozirt Para subproject (comprises construction of 110m stair, installation of 2 ring 100% wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under Lama Upazlla. 46 Gaindya Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 4 power 100% tllers and 2 water pumps) under Lama Upazila. 47 Akiram Para subproject (comprises improvement of 500m village footpath including 100% construction of 3 pipe culverts, 15m brick protection wall, 97m stair, installation of 2 tube wells and supply of one power tiller) under Lama Upazlia. 48 Bagan Para subproject (comprises construction of 59m stair, 15m surface drain, 80% installation of 2 tube wells and supply of 2 power tillers) under . 49 Chairagra Para subproject (comprises improvement of 675m village footpath including 100% construction of 12m surface drain, 30m protection wall and 3 pipe culverts,137m stair and one water reservoir tank) under . 50 Bethel Para subproject (comprises construction of 175m stair) under Ruma Upazlla. 100% 51 Hali Matha Para subproject (comprises improvement of 750m village access road to 50% brick pavement, construction of 133m drain, 60m protection work and 45m stair) under Ruma Upazila. 52 Happy Hill Para subproject (comprises improvement of 613m village access earthen 70% road to brick pavement, 180m stair) under Ruma Upazila. 53 Natun Charol Para subproject (comprises construction of 57m RCC stair, installation 100% of 2 tube well, supply of 2 power tillers and one power pump) under Sadar Upazila. 54 Kacchaptall Para subproject (comprises construction of 141m stair, supply of 2 power 20% tillers and one power pump) under Rowangchari Upazila. 55 Ranju Para subproject (comprises improvement of 576m village footpath including 100% construction of 75m surface drain, one water reservoir tank, and 88m RCC stair) under Sadar Upazila. 56 Kafru Para subproject (comprises improvement of 375m village access road to brick 100% pavement including construction of 109m surface drain, 3m pipe culvert, 173m stair and 15m protection work) under Lama Upazila. 57 Boll Para subproject (comprises construction of 20m earthen dam, 3 water reservoir 50% tanks and installation of 4 tube wells) under Thanchi Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 26 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

C. Rangamati district

S/N Name of subprojects Status of works Sapchari Wagga Para subproject (comprises construction of 117 sqm market shed, 100% improvement of 1.53 km earthen road to rigid pavement, construction of one foot 1 bridge, and infiltration gallery including water distribution system for supply of drinking water) under . Purba Kodala subproject (comprises installation of 2 tubewells, supply of 4 power 100% 2 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Kaptai Upazila.

3 Muralipara subproject (comprises installation of 4 tubewells, construction of 2 water 100% reservoirs including water distribution system) under Kaptai Upazila. Sacrachari subproject (comprises construction of 2 water reservoirs including water 100% 4 distribution system for irrigation, supply of 1 power tiller and 2 power pumps) under Kaptai Upazila. Mitingachari Marma Para subproject (comprises construction of water reservoir 100% 5 including water distribution system, and installation of tubewells) under Kaptai Upazila. Jibtali Headman Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1km HBB village access 100% 6 road, construction of market shed, and installation of 5 tubewells) under Sadar Upazila Bodhipur Para subproject (comprises construction of market shed, supply of 3 power 100% 7 tillers and 6 pumps 3, installation of ring wells) under Sadar Upazila. Mubachari Para subproject (comprises construction of 94m stairs, installation of 2 100% 8 tubewells, and supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila. Morongchari Para subproject (comprises construction of 15m long footbridge, two box 100% 9 culverts, one stair, installation of two tubewells for drinking water, and supply of 3 power tillers and 6 power pumps for improvement of agriculture) under Sadar Upazila. Kuramara Para subproject (comprises construction of 15m foot bridge, installation of 100% 10 1 tubewell 2 ring wells, supply of 3 power tillers and 6 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila. Karetkaba subproject (comprises supply of 4 power tillers and 8 power pumps) under 100% 11 Sadar Upazila. Kainda Dozor Para subproject (comprises supply of 4 power tillers and 6 power 100% 12 pumps, installation of 2 tubewells and construction of one foot bridge) under Sadar Upazila. Goboghona Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps, 100% 13 installation of 5 tubewells, construction of 2 RCC stairs) under Sadar Upazila. Devachari to Bangchari road subproject (comprises improvement of 2.5km earthen 100% 14 village access road to brick pavement, construction of 200m road side drains, 45m guide walls, and 2) under Sadar Upazila. Chegeychari subproject (comprises improvement of 3km HBB village access road, 80% 15 installation of 6 tube wells and water reservoir) under Sadar Upazila. Kharikhong Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power 100% 16 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila. Machya Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells supply of 2 power tillers 80% 17 and 4 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila. Badalchari Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tubewells, supply of 2 power 100% 18 tillers and 2 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila. Na Bhanga Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tubewells, supply of 2 power 80% 19 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Sadar Upazila.

20 Kamilachari Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1.3km HBB village access 30% road) under Sadar Upazila. Amtali Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 21 and 4 power pumps) under Rajsthali Upazila. Kuturia Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1km earthen village access road 100% 22 to brick pavement, construction of 100m road side drains and one cross drain, installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers) under Rajsthali Upazila. Naraichari subproject (comprises installation of 4 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 23 and 4 power pumps) under Rajsthali Upazila

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 27 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

S/N Name of subprojects Status of works Bima Chara Para subproject (comprises improvement of 1km earthen village access 100% 24 road to brick pavement, construction of 100m road side drains and 25m guide wall and 250 irrigation canals) under. Mobboi Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 25 and 4 power pumps) under Rajsthali Upazila. Noyajiri Para subproject (comprises improvement of 670m earthen road to brick 100% 26 pavement including construction of 105m guide wall, one cross drain, 28m road side drain and 130m long RCC stair) Rajsthali Upazila. Taitong Para subproject (comprises development of water reservoir and installation 100% 27 of tube wells) under Rajsthali Upazila. Ramatia Para subproject (comprises installation of 1 production tubewell, supply of 2 100% 28 power tillers, 4 power pumps, and construction of 100m irrigation canals) under Rajsthali Upazila. Kakrachari Upar Para subproject (comprises supply of 4 power tillers and 6 power 100% 29 pumps) under Rajsthali Upazila. Buri Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers, power pumps, installation 100% 30 of 3 tubewells) under Rajsthali Upazila. Kola Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers, 4 power pumps, installation 100% 31 of 5 tubewells) under Kawkhali Upazila. Poa Para subproject (comprises construction of one market shed, supply of 5 power 100% 32 tillers and 8 power pumps) under Kawkhali Upazila. Samukchari subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 33 under Kawkhali Upazila. Bagkhaiyaghona Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power 100% 34 pumps) under Kawkhali Upazila. Dupchari subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under 100% 35 Kawkhali Upazila. West Lungi Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers, 5 power pumps and 100% 36 installation of 5 tube wells) under Kawkhali Upazila. Harangi Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tubewells, supply of 2 power 100% 37 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Kawkhali Upazila. Boga Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 38 and 7 power pumps) under Kawkhali Upazila. Harincharamukh subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 3 power 100% 39 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila. Baradulu Para subproject (comprises construction of 300m irrigation canal, 100% 40 installation of 3 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Kaptai Upazila. Mitingyachari subproject (comprises improvement of 1.85 km earthen village access 100% 41 road to brick pavement including construction of 66m guide walls, 200m road side drains and 85m) under Kowkhali Upazila. Chotodulu Para -Triratnankur Uttar Magyamachara Para road subproject (comprises 100% 42 improvement of 1.0 km earthen village access road to brick pavement including construction of 20m guide walls, and ) Kowkhali Upazila. Chelachara to Haranggi High School road subproject (comprises improvement of 80% 43 2.5km earthen village access road to brick pavement, construction of 200m road side drains and 45m guide walls) Kowkhali Upazila. Nich Para subproject (comprises construction of 12.2m footbridge, installation of 5 100% 44 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila. Headman Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power 100% 45 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila. Boroichari Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power 50% 46 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila. Garichara Para subproject (comprises construction of13.2m footbridge, installation of 73% 47 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers and 5 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 28 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

S/N Name of subprojects Status of works Manikchara Para subproject (comprises construction of 12.5m footbridge, installation 33% 48 of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers and 5 power pumps) under Kaukhali Upazila. Pankhoa Para subproject (comprises construction of 238m stairs, supply of 3 power 100% 49 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Belaichari Upazila. Devachara Para subproject (comprises construction of 2 tube wells, supply of 3 100% 50 power tillers and 6 power pumps) under Belaichari Upazila. Digalchari Debamatha Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tubewells, supply 100% 51 of 3 power tillers and 6 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Bhalachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 2 tube wells, supply of 4 power 100% 52 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Taktanala Southwest Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 100% 53 3 power tillers, 4 power pumps, construction one footbridge and 20m RCC stair) under Bilaichari Upazila. Taktanala Northeast Para subproject (comprises installation of tubewells, supply of 100% 54 2 power tillers, 4 power pumps, construction of foot bridge and 20m RCC stair) under Bilaichari Upazila. Jamunachari subproject (comprises development of GFS water storage system, 100% 55 supply of 2 power tillers, 4 power pump, construction of one footbridge and 90m stair) under Bilaichari Upazila. Naraichari subproject (comprises supply of 3 power tillers and 6 power pumps and 3 80% 56 ring wells) under Bilaichari Upazila. Bahaltali Subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 57 and 4 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Down subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 8 power pumps) under 100% 58 Bilaichari Upazila.

59 Amtuli Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% tillers and 5 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Uluchari Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 60 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Chaindya Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 61 tillers and 3 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Dighalchari Para subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 6 power pumps, 50% 62 Construction of 100m RCC stair) under Bilaichari Upazila. Aguzyachari Para subproject (comprises development of GFS water storage system 50% 63 and supply of 2 power tillers and 5 power pump) under Bilaichari Upazila. Hijachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 6 tube wells, supply of 8 power 50% 64 pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Tinkuniya Para subproject (comprises installation of 2 tube wells, supply of 4 power 75% 65 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Sakrachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 power 50% 66 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Bilaichari Upazila. Aimacharamukh Para subproject (comprises construction of stair 80m, supply of 2 95% 67 power tillers, 4 power pumps and installation of 3 tube wells) under . Bagamukh Para subproject (comprises construction of 40m stair, supply of 2 power 100% 68 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Barkal Upazila. Latibashchara Para subproject (comprises development GFS system, construction of 100% 69 water storage tank and construction of stair 55m) under Barkal Upazila.

70 Taibang Para subproject (comprises installation of tube wells, supply of 2 power 50% tillers, 4 power pumps and installation of 4 Tube wells) under Barkal Upazila. Khubbang Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 71 tillers and 6 power pumps, and construction of 2 footbridges) under Barkal Upazila. Bogachari Para subproject (comprises supply of 3 power tillers, 4 power pumps, 100% 72 development of 2 infiltration gallery systems) under Barkal Upazila. Dozori Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 2 power tillers 100% 73 and 4 power pumps) under Barkal Upazila.

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S/N Name of subprojects Status of works

74 Bagchari Para subproject (comprises supply of 4 power tillers and 5 power pumps 100% and development of 2 infiltration gallery systems) under Barkal Upazila. Thamabag Para subproject (comprises supply of 5 power tillers and 8 power pumps) 100% 75 under Barkal Upazila. Chapkyachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 2 58% 76 power tillers,4 power pumps and construction of one footbridge) under Barkal Upazila. Silchari subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power tillers 75% 77 and 4 power pumps under Barkal Upazila. Koitor Hill Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 power 50% 78 tillers and 6 power pumps under Barkal Upazila. Talukder Para to Rangi Para road subproject (comprises improvement of 4.5 km 100% 79 earthen village access road to brick pavement including construction of construction 150m guide walls and 550m road side drains) under Naniarchari Upazila. Maischari Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 80 under . Vitor Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 5 power pumps) under 100% 81 Naniarchar Upazila. Dewan Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 82 under Naniarchar Upazila. T&T Bazar subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under 100% 83 Naniarchar Upazila. Morachengimukh subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 84 tillers and 8 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Patachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 85 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Barapul Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 86 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila.

87 Khullang Para subproject (comprises supply of 5 power tillers and 9 power pumps) 100% under Naniarchar Upazila. Jogonatuli Para subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 6 power pumps) 100% 88 under Naniarchar Upazila. Subalchari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 89 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila Bakcharimukh subproject (comprises installation of 7 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 90 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Nuo Adam Para subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 6 power pumps) 100% 91 under Naniarchar Upazila. Krishnamachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 33% 92 power tillers and 5 power pumps and construction of one RCC footbridge) under Naniarchar Upazila. Keretkaba Para subproject (comprises supply of 3 power tillers and 5 power pumps, 50% 93 1 RCC footbridge and construction of RCC stair) under Naniarchar Upazila.

94 Panchari Mukh subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) 100% under Juraichari Upazila Maischari Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 95 under Naniarchar Upazila. Vitor Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 5 power pumps) under 100% 96 Naniarchar Upazila. Dewan Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 97 under Naniarchar Upazila. T&T Bazar subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under 100% 98 Naniarchar Upazila. Morachengimukh subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 99 tillers and 8 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 30 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

S/N Name of subprojects Status of works Patachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 100 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Barapul Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 101 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila.

102 Khullang Para subproject (comprises supply of 5 power tillers and 9 power pumps) 100% underNaniarchar Upazila. Jogonatuli Para subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 6 power pumps) 100% 103 under Naniarchar Upazila. Subalchari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 104 tillers and 5 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Bakcharimukh Para subproject (comprises installation of 7 tube wells, supply of 3 100% 105 power tillers and 5 power pumps) under Naniarchar Upazila. Nuo Adam Para subproject (comprises supply of 6 power tillers and 6 power pumps) 100% 106 under Naniarchar Upazila. Krishnamachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 33% 107 power tillers, 5 power pumps and construction of one RCC footbridge) under Naniarchar Upazila. Keretkaba Para subproject (comprises supply of 3 power tillers 5 power pumps and 50% 108 construction of one RCC footbridge and one RCC stair) under Naniarchar Upazila.

109 Panchari Mukh subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power pumps) 100% under Juraichari Upazila. Jamerchari Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) 100% 110 under Juraichari Upazila.

111 Mondirachara Para subproject (comprises supply of 2 power tillers and 2 power 100% pumps) under Juraichari Upazila. Suknachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 112 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Bamechumachumi Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 100% 113 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Boherachari Para subproject (comprises supply of two power tillers and four power 100% 114 pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Balukhalimukh Para subproject (comprises installation of four tubewells, supply of 100% 115 three power tillers and six power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Devachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 116 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Kusumchari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 100% 117 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Hazachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 power 75% 118 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Barabanya Para subproject (comprises installation of 2 tube wells, supply of 2 power 100% 119 tillers and 2 power pumps and construction of 250m lined irrigation canal) under Jurachari Upazila. Talukder Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 2 power 62% 120 tillers and 6 power pumps) under Jurachari Upazila. Dozor Para to Rangapanichara Para road subproject (Comprises 3km village access 40% 121 road) under Longudu Upazila. Naba Perachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 75% 122 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Sijok College Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 100% 123 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Lalan Para subproject (comprises installation of 3 ring wells, supply of 4 power tillers, 33% 124 4 power pumps, construction of 1km HBB village access road) under Baghaichari Upazila. Jograbil Bijoysen Karbari Para subproject (comprises installation of 2 tube wells, 33% 125 supply of 3 power tillers and 2 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 31 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

S/N Name of subprojects Status of works Bara Mallya Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 50% 126 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Shanhaladam Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 127 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Katthali Para subproject (comprises construction of RCC stair, supply of 6 power tillers 50% 128 and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Nalkatachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 129 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Jhotokhamar Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 130 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Hazachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 50% 131 tillers and 4 power pumps, under Baghaichari Upazila. Shanhaladam Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 132 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Katthali Para subproject (comprises construction of RCC stair, supply of 6 power tillers 50% 133 and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Nalkatachara Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 134 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Jhotokhamar Para subproject (comprises installation of 4 tube wells, supply of 3 50% 135 power tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila. Hazachari Para subproject (comprises installation of 5 tube wells, supply of 2 power 50% 136 tillers and 4 power pumps) under Baghaichari Upazila.

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Appendix 3: Environmental Management Plan of Rural Roads Activities: Construction of rural roads (cutting and filling earth; improvement of roads with brick pavement consisting bricks and sand; flexible pavement with crushed bricks, gravels, sand and bitumen; contraction of drainage structures, retaining structure, bridges and culverts). Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Implementation parameters Anticipated Mitigation measures Monitoring Sampling Frequency of Output to be Implemented Monitored adverse impact measures location measurements provided by by Natural Environment: Construction Stage Drainage Improvement Drainage structure will be Inspect the road Throughout Inspect weekly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, congestion activities of road built to drain out the rain works just after the road to ensure that part of and SQMC works and water. heavy rainfall alignment drainage is inspection disposal of debris During construction work, during monsoon properly report may cause diversion structure and and find the causes Maintained drainage sufficient opening will be of drainage during congestion in provided to drain out congestion if any. monsoon. rainy season. water. The disposal of debris will be carried out only at sites identified for the purpose. Soil erosion and Erosion and Construction materials Site inspection Throughout Monthly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, sedimentation sedimentation may will be stacked together, the road part of and SQMC occur from the fenced by brick or earth alignment inspection exposed earth and walls and kept away from report stock piled areas water bodies and near stream in drainage lines and road improvement exposed earth surface works. will be covered by turf. Slope stability Slope stability may Construction of toe walls, Site inspection Throughout Weekly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, disturb by cutting guide walls, appropriate the road part of and SQMC toe of hill and drainage structures, alignment inspection filling roadside for maintain standard hill report widening the slopes and cover with exiting roadway vegetation. Also construction control run- on drainage from the slope above such as by constructing a catch drain to collect run-on above the batter and divert it to a stable location.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 33 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Implementation parameters Anticipated Mitigation measures Monitoring Sampling Frequency of Output to be Implemented Monitored adverse impact measures location measurements provided by by Topsoil Topsoil may Stripped topsoil shall be Site inspection Throughout Inspect weekly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, disturbed during saved by stockpiling for the road part of and SQMC road improvement. reuse in covering alignment inspection embankment slopes, cut report slopes and berms. Ecological Environment: Construction Stage Tree felling Felling of ----- Due compensation be Site inspection Throughout Quarterly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, trees from the paid to the affected and consultation the road part of and SQMC road alignment persons and 10 for one with the adjacent alignment inspection tree replacement policy community report to be implemented Clearing During road Vegetation clearance Site inspection Throughout Weekly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, vegetation improvement may shall be confined to the and consultation the road part of and SQMC damage to minimum area required with the adjacent alignment inspection surrounding for improvement activities community report vegetation resulting erosion hazard Environmental Pollution: Construction Stage Surface water Wastes, effluents Wastes, effluents and Site inspection Work site Quarterly Completed Contractor LGED, PIC, and other other contaminant and consultation and data table and and SQMC contaminant materials at work sites to with the adjacent irrigation short analysis materials at work be stored, handled, community field sites may cause transported and disposed degradation of in planned manners. surface water. Air pollution Significant amount Adjoining community be Site inspection Throughout Weekly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, of dust may informed about planned and consultation the road part of and SQMC generate during activities that might with community alignment inspection construction of cause significant dust. report road and other Dust to be controlled by structure. spraying soil with water as required. Noise Work sites will be Keep noise pollution at Site inspection Construction Monthly Completed Contractor LGED, PIC, noisy due to ≤ 60 dB levels at and consultation site data table and and SQMC vibration during mosque, school, with community short analysis pile driving, populated area and other operation of mixture sensitive sites. Contractor machines, will u s e only well brick/stone crushing maintained functioning

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 34 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Implementation parameters Anticipated Mitigation measures Monitoring Sampling Frequency of Output to be Implemented Monitored adverse impact measures location measurements provided by by machines. equipment. a) Occupational Health and Safety: Construction Stage Health and Working without Adequate safety Site inspection Worksites Monthly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, Safety for health safety gear measures, PPE like and consultation part of and SQMC workers i.e. personal helmet, facemasks, with workers inspection protective goggles, noise reducing report equipment (PPE) aids and first aid kit with may cause injury medicines will be to the workers provided to workers at worksites. Workers may face Workforce camp will be Site inspection Worksites Monthly Include as Contractor LGED, PIC, want of safe provided with proper and consultation part of and SQMC drinking water and drinking water as well as with workers inspection toilet facilities at sewage and waste report the workforce disposal facilities and camp. these facilities will be maintained. Separate toilet will be provided for women workers.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 35 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Appendix 4: Status of Environmental Safeguard Issues of Rural Roads

Contract wise implementation status of the environmental safeguard issues of rural road component observed during the field visit are presented below:

(1) Improvement of Panchari - Bhaibonchara via Shantipur Orannya Kuthir Road Subproject under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District. Package № 01A This package of contract comprises improvement of 2.6km brick pavement road to bituminous carpeting including construction of 144 metres road side drains, 181 retaining walls and toe walls for slope protection and relocating/replacing 282 metres lined irrigation canals with PVC pipes etc. About 90% work has been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion Existing road is being improved keeping the No action is required. existing drainage facilities. Chengi river passes along the certain portion of the road. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and Chengi river touches one portion of the road, Protection of this sedimentation which was eroded by the river course and this portion of the road portion of the road is now under thread of erosion should be undertaken (Fig 1). on emergency basis to avoid further erosion.

Fig 1: Road is under thread of erosion

Slope stability Side slopes road of the road embankment are No action is required. acceptable. Topsoil Some portion of earth materials for road As earth filling work embankment was taken from the adjacent rice has already been field. Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for completed, no action is reuse. required.

Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation persons for felling of 2487 trees from the road policy should be alignment. The project has adopted a ten for one implemented after tree replacement policy; but there is no completion of road compensatory plantation programme. works. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities generate dust No action is required. during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Surface water No visual evidence was sighted of impacts on Sufficient fund should water quality. Lab test for water quality was not be allocated for testing

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 36 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action carried out due to lack of allocation of fund for this of water samples to purpose. ensure monitoring of water quality. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to lack As the work has nearly of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should budgetary provision. be made to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste was No action is required. waste stored on site. Traffic management Construction and transportation activities have No action is required. and safety nearly been completed. Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety measures No action is required. for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor has rented a house for workforce No action is required. camp and provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

(2) Improvement of Panchari - Bhaibonchara via Shantipur Orannya Kuthir Road Subproject under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District. Package № 01B This package of contract comprises improvement of 1.7km brick pavement road to bituminous carpeting including construction of 327 metres road side drains, 45 metres cross fall drain, 12 outfall basins, 12 drainage chutes, and 30 metres retaining walls for slope protection and relocating/replacing 120 metres lined irrigation canals with PVC pipes etc. About 92% work has been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion Existing road is being improved keeping the No action is required. existing drainage facilities. No stream passes along this package of contract. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and The spoil is disposed along the road sides. Spoils should be sedimentation Inevitably, as a nature of most construction works dumped at safe place to for road, some dumped areas are prone to avoid the potential erosion and sediment may deposit on agricultural impact to the agricultural land along the road sides land.

Slope stability At some section of the road steep batter slopes This steep batter slope were observed (Fig 2). should be cut back to a stable grade and biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action

Fig 2: Steep batter slope is shown

Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation persons for felling of 2487 trees from the road policy should be alignment. The project has adopted a ten for one implemented after tree replacement policy; but there is no completion of road compensatory plantation programme. works. Topsoil The some portion of earth materials for road As earth filling work has embankment was taken from the adjacent rice already been completed, field. Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for no action is required. reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities generate dust No action is required. during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Surface water As no stream passes along the road alignment, No action is required. monitoring for surface water is not required. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to lack As the work has nearly of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should be budgetary provision. made to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste was No action is required. waste stored on site. Traffic management Construction and transportation activities have No action is required. and safety nearly been completed. Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety measures No action is required. for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and No action is required. provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

(3) Improvement of Panchari - Bhaibonchara via Shantipur Orannya Kuthir Road Subproject under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District. Package № 01C This package of contract comprises improvement of 1.06km earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of two box culverts, 594 metres road side drains, 30 metres

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 38 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016 hillside cross fall drain, 5 cross fall basins, 210 metres toe walls for slope protection etc. About 90% work has been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion Existing road is being improved keeping the No action is required. existing drainage facilities. No stream passes along this package of contract. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and The spoil is disposed along the road sides. Spoils should be sedimentation Inevitably, as a nature of most construction works dumped at safe place for road, some dumped areas are prone to erosion to avoid the potential and sediment may deposit on agricultural land impact to the along the road sides agricultural land.

Slope stability At some section of the road steep batter slopes This steep batter slope were observed (Fig 3). should be cut back to a stable grade and biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion.

Fig 3: Steep batter slope is shown Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected persons The tree plantation for felling of 2487 trees from the road alignment. policy should be The project has adopted a ten for one tree implemented after replacement policy; but there is no compensatory completion of road plantation programme. works. Topsoil The some portion of earth materials for road As the earth filling has embankment was taken from the adjacent rice field. already been Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for reuse. completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the minimum No action is required. area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities generate dust No action is required. during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Surface water As no stream passes along the road alignment, No action is required. monitoring for surface water is not required. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to lack of As the work has nearly budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should budgetary provision. be made to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste was No action required. waste stored on site.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 39 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Traffic management Construction and transportation activities have No action is required. and safety nearly been completed. Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety measures for No action is required. workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and provided No action is required. drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

(4) Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Laxmichari Road Subproject under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District, Package 01A. This package of contract comprises improvement of 2.38km earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of 7 box culverts, 2305m road side drains, 16 cross fall basins, 20m toe walls for slope protection etc. About 80% work has been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No stream passes along the road alignment; No action is required. required drainage provision has been made; and drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and The spoil is disposed along the road sides. Spoils should be dumped at sedimentation Inevitably, as a nature of most construction safe place to avoid the works for road, some dumped areas are potential impact to the prone to erosion and sediment may deposit agricultural land and the on agricultural land along the road sides. construction work should be Landslides observed at some section of the stopped during the rainy road (Fig 4). No stockpiling of earth materials season. was observed. Slope stability Landslide observed at certain section of the This steep batter slope should road (Fig 4) due to keeping steep batter be cut back to a stable grade slope along the road side. and biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion.

Fig 4: Picture shows land slide Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation policy persons for felling of 3408 trees from the should be implemented after road alignment. The project has adopted a completion of road works. ten for one tree replacement policy; but there is no compensatory plantation programme. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 40 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Topsoil The earth materials are taken from cutting No action is required. hill slopes along the road alignment. No soil was taken from any land along the road sides except hill slops. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities No action is required. generate dust during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Surface water As no stream passes along the road No action is required. alignment, monitoring for surface water is not required. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to As the work has nearly lack of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should be budgetary provision. made to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste No action is required. waste was stored on site. Traffic management Transportation activities were not intensified. No action is required. and safety Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety No action is required. measures for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and No action is required. provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

(5) Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Laxmichari Road Subproject under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District, Package 01B. This package of contract comprises improvement of 1.6km earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of 25m bridge, 6 box culverts, 61m road side drains, 5 cross fall basins, 70m toe walls for slope protection etc. About 80% work has been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No stream passes along the road No action is required. alignment; but the road crosses one canal (Pachu Para canal), where one 25m bridge and six box culverts are being constructed. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and The spoil is disposed along the road sides. Spoils should be dumped at sedimentation Inevitably, as a nature of most construction safe place to avoid the potential works for road, some dumped areas are impact to the agricultural land. prone to erosion and sediment may deposit on agricultural land along the road sides. Landslides observed at some section. No stockpiling of earth materials was observed.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Slope stability Landslide observed at certain section of This steep batter slope should the road due to keeping steep batter slope be cut back to a stable grade along the road side. and biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion. Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation policy persons for felling of 3408 trees from the should be implemented after road alignment. The project has adopted a completion of road works. ten for one tree replacement policy; but there is no compensatory plantation programme. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard Topsoil The earth materials are taken from cutting No action is required. hill slopes along the road alignment. No soil was taken from any land along the road sides except hill slops. Surface water No visual evidence was sighted of impacts Sufficient fund should be on water quality. Lab test for water quality allocated for testing of water was not carried out due to lack of allocation samples to ensure monitoring of fund for this purpose. of water quality. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities No action is required. generate dust during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to As the work has nearly lack of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack Sufficient fund should be made of budgetary provision. to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste No action is required. waste was stored on site. Traffic management Transportation activities were not No action is required. and safety intensified. Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety No action is required. measures for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and No action is required. provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

(6) Improvement of Betbunia Chairy Bazar-Laxmichari Road Subproject under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District, Package 01C. This package of contract comprises improvement of 2km earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of 42m bridge, 3 box culverts, 1862m road side drains, 5 cross fall basins, 130 RCC retaining walls and toe walls for slope protection etc. About 80% work has been completed.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No stream passes along the road alignment; No action is required. but the road crosses one canal (Dabua canal), where one 42m bridge and two box culverts are being constructed. No drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and The spoil is disposed along the road sides. The Spoils should be dumped at sedimentation dumped areas are prone to erosion. No safe place to avoid the stockpiling of earth materials was observed. potential impact to the agricultural land and Dabua canal. Slope stability Landslide observed at certain section of the This steep batter slope road due to keeping steep batter slope along should be cut back to a the road side. stable grade and biotechnology using local plant materials may be used for slope protection and to control soil erosion. Topsoil The earth materials are taken from cutting hill No action is required. slopes along the road alignment. No soil was taken from any land along the road sides except hill slops. Tree felling Due compensation has paid to the affected The tree plantation policy persons for felling of 3408 trees from the road should be implemented alignment. The project has adopted a ten for after completion of road one tree replacement policy; but there is no works. compensatory plantation programme. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for the road improvement activities to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard Surface water No visual evidence was sighted of impacts on Sufficient fund should be water quality. Lab test for water quality was not allocated for testing of carried out due to lack of fund. water samples to ensure monitoring of water quality. Air pollution Improvement of rural road activities generate No action is required. dust during construction that was controlled by spraying water. Shrillness of sound Shrillness of sound was not monitor due to lack As the work has nearly of budgetary provision. completed, no action is required. Fertility of soil Fertility of soil was not monitor due to lack of Sufficient fund should be budgetary provision. made to monitor fertility of soil. Hazardous/chemical No hazardous/chemical materials or waste No action required. waste was stored on site. Traffic management Transportation activities were not intensified. No action is required. and safety Health and safety Contractor has provided some safety No action is required. measures for workers. First aid box with medicine for the workers is available at workforce camp. Workforce camp Contractor provided workforce camp and No action is required. provided drinking water supply and toilet facilities near the camp.

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Appendix 5: Status of Environmental Safeguard Issues of CI Component

Subproject wise implementation status of the environmental safeguard issues of CI component observed during the field visit are presented below:

(1) Lulian Punarbasan Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District

This subproject comprises construction of 65m RCC stair and installation 20m deep ring well for drinking water supply. Contractor has completed all works.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and Both sides of the stair filled with loose earth and Both sides the stairs sedimentation were not compacted (Fig 7). These may lead to should be compacted erosion. No other stockpiles of soil and sand were and covered with turf/ observed. vegetation to avoid erosion.

Fig 5: RCC stair linked with stream & ring well Slope stability Both sides of the stair filled with loose earth and Both sides the stairs were not compacted (Fig 23). These may lead to should be compacted unstable of the stairway. and covered with turf/ vegetation to avoid erosion. Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for reuse; No action is required. the work has been completed. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair. Surface water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the No action is required. installed tube wells and ring wells in Bandarban district, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit. Air pollution Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

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(2) Gungrumukh Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 54m RCC stair, 56 brick masonry stair and installation two deep tubewells for drinking water. All works have been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion Drainage of waste water from the tubewell Proper drainage facility installed keeps the community’s footpath wet (Fig needs to be provided to 08). keep the footpath dry.

Fig 6: Newly installed tubewell Soil erosion and Both sides of the stair constructed was not refilled Both sides of the stair sedimentation and compacted. This may lead to erosion at both should be refilled and sides of the stair. compacted and covered with turf/vegetation to avoid erosion. Slope stability Steep slope, which is prone to slide, was Steep slope needs to be observed along one sides of the stair (Fig 9). cut to a stable grade to avoid landslide.

Fig 7: RCC Stair linked to para Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of stair site was not saved by stockpiling No action is required. for reuse and the work has been completed. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction works. Surface water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Ground water Random samples taken from the installed tube Suspended particulate wells and ring wells in Bandarban district appear matters, sulphate and that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and fecal coliform should manganese are within the national standard limit. also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Soil: Fertility of soil Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

(3) Nachalong Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 831m earthen village access road to brick pavement (HBB), construction of 3 stairs (139m), and supply of 1 power tiller. Construction of three stairs and supply of power tiller have been completed. The improvement village access was in progress.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and sedimentation

Fig 8 : Improvement of village road Both sides of village Both sides of the village access road and stair filled access road and stairs with loose earth and were not compacted (Fig 10). should be compacted These may lead to erosion. and covered with turf/vegetation to avoid erosion. Slope stability

Fig 9: Improvement of village road In some sections of the road steep batter slopes These steep batter (Fig 11) were observed. These steep slopes are slopes need to be cut to not stable and prone to landslides. a stable grade to avoid landslides. Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of road embankment and stair sites were Topsoil should be saved not saved by stockpiling for reuse. for reuse.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the minimum No action required. area required for construction of village access road and stairs to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Surface water One newly constructed stair linked to a stream, Cowshed needs to be where a cowshed is situated along the stair (Fig relocated to a safe site 12). Water of the stream is polluted by cow dung. for avoiding water pollution from cow dung

Fig 10: Cowshed pollutes surface water

Ground water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tiller operates day time only. There is no No action is required. sound significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Contractors did not provide any safety measures to Adequate safety the workers. First aid box with medicine for workers measures, PPE like was not available. helmet, and facemasks, including First Aid Box should be provided for workers.

(4) Minjiri Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District

This subproject comprises construction of 41m RCC stair, 6.4m spill weir and installation of 3 deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of 2 power pumps. All works have been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and Although soil erosion and sedimentation are Arrangement for sedimentation common under the command area of this removal of sediments subproject; but due to construction of a weir need to be made. across the stream, deposits of sediment will be increased to some extend at the upstream.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Slope stability A part of the spill weir is an earthen dam Cutting soil from the toe constructed by cutting hill slope (Fig13). of the hill should be Moreover, proper slopes of the dam were not restored. Proper slopes maintained and did not cover with vegetation/turf. of the dam should be As a result soil erosion will occur causing maintained and covered with vegetation/turf

unstable slopes of the dam and the hill. Fig 11: Earthen dam and spill weir Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of spill weir, dam and stair sites were not As the work has been saved by stockpiling for reuse. completed no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for the construction spill weir and stair. Surface water No environmental significant impact is expected No action is required. for the intervention of this subproject. Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Suspended particulate installed tube wells and ring wells in Bandarban matters, sulphate and district, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, fecal coliform should chloride, acidity and manganese are within the also be tested. national standard limit. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power pump operates day time only. There is no No action is required. sound significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

(5) Antaha Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 800m village access road, construction of four stairs (75m), installation of two deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of one power tiller. Construction of four stairs, installation of two deep tubewells for drinking water, and supply of one power tiller have been completed; the improvement of village access road has been achieved bout 90%.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Topsoil Topsoil of village excess road and stairway were As the works were not saved by stockpiling for reuse. completed, no action is required.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed; one Provision for drainage of tubewell has been installed adjacent to a newly waste water should be constructed stair leaving a gap, which remain wet made to keep dry of the by waste water of the tubewell (Fig 14). passage between tubewell and the stairway.

Fig 12: Stair linked to stream Soil erosion and Both sides of stairs were not filled with earth. Road Both sides of stairs and sedimentation shoulders were not compacted and cover with road shoulders need to vegetation/turf to avoid soil erosion (Fig 15). These be filled with earth and may lead to erosion and may deposit covered with vegetation sedimentation to the stream bed and crop fields. /turf.

Fig 13: Newly constructed stair Slope stability Batter slopes of stairway was appeared steep, Batter slopes of stairway which is vulnerable to slope stability. need to be cut back to a stable grade. Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action is required. minimum area required for construction of stairs and improvement of village access.

Surface water No significant environmental impact is expected No action is required. from this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Suspended particulate installed tube wells and ring wells in Bandarban matters, sulphate and district, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, fecal coliform should chloride, acidity and manganese are within the also be tested. national standard limit. Air pollution Brick pavement (HBB) of village access road was Excessive silt/sand covered with excessive silt/sand, which is should be removed and spraying water needs to

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action vulnerable for air pollution on temporary basis be ensured over the during windy weather (Fig 16). road surface to minimize dust.

Fig 14: HBB village road covered with silt Noise: Shrillness of Power tiller operates day time only. There is no No action is required. sound significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Contractors did not provide any safety measures Adequate safety to the workers. First aid box with medicine for measures, PPE like workers was not available. Drinking water and helmet, facemasks, toilet facilities were absent goggles, including First Aid Box, drinking water and toilet facility should be provided for workers.

(6) Datvanga Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District

This subproject comprises construction of stair (112m) and one water storage tank (2mx2mx2m) for household use.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and As the both sides of stair were not fill with Both sides of stair need sedimentation suitable earth and not coved with vegetation both to be filled with suitable sides of the stair is prone to erosion (Fig 17). earth and coved with vegetation / turf to avoid to erosion

Fig 15: RCC stair linked with water reservoir

Slope stability No significant effect on slope stability was Work was completed observed. and no action is required.

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 50 Chittagong Hill Tracts Rural Development Project-II Environmental Monitoring Report January - July 2016

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the stairway was not saved for reuse. As the work has completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair. Surface water No cover over the water reservoir was provided Cover over the water to prevent water pollution from falling leaves and reservoir needs to be other vegetation of the surrounding area (Fig 18). provided to prevent water pollution from falling leaves and other vegetation of the surrounding area.

Fig 16: Newly constructed water reservoir

Ground water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

(7) Kattoli Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District

This subproject comprises construction of 132m RCC stair which is the extension of existing 44m stair.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Topsoil Topsoil of the stairway was not saved for As the work has reuse. completed, no action is required. Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair. Slope stability Batter slopes of stairway was appeared steep, Batter slopes of stairway which is vulnerable to slope stability (Fig 34). need to be cut back to a stable grade.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Soil erosion and As the both sides of stair were not fill with Both sides of stair need to sedimentation suitable earth and not coved with vegetation / be filled with suitable turf, both sides of the stair is prone to erosion earth and coved with (Fig 19). vegetation / turf to avoid to erosion

Fig 17: RCC stair linked with water reservoir

Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

(8) Wabreing Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 165m RCC stair and one ring well (16m deep) for supply of drinking water.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Soil erosion and As the both sides of stair were not fill with Both sides of stair need sedimentation suitable earth and not coved with vegetation / to be filled with suitable turf, both sides of the stair is prone to erosion earth and coved with (Fig 20). vegetation / turf to avoid to erosion

Fig 18: RCC stair linked with water reservoir

Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Slope stability As the both sides of the stair were not filled with Both sides of stair need earth and not covered with vegetation/turf, the to be filled with suitable

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action sides of the stair is prone to erosion, which may earth and coved with cause unstable of slopes. (Fig 20). vegetation / turf to make slopes stability Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the stairway was not saved for reuse. As the work has completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Suspended particulate installed tube wells and ring wells in Bandarban matters, sulphate and district, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, fecal coliform should chloride, acidity and manganese are within the also be tested. national standard limit. Air pollution Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

(9) Ubashoi Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 2 RCC stairs (54m), installation of 2 deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of 3 power tillers. Construction of two RCC stairs and supply of three power tillers have been completed; and the procurement of two deep tubewells is under process.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the stairway was not saved for As the work has reuse. completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Sinking of tubewells yet to be started. Parameter of ground water needs to be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers will be operated at day time only. No action is required. sound There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Works of this subproject is about to complete. No action is required.

(10) Zanka Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 1.05km village access road, construction of three RCC stairs (154m), two water storage tank (2mx2mx2m), two ring wells (20m deep), installation of one deep tube well for drinking water supply, supply of 2500 litres capacity water tank and one water pump. All works under this subproject have been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and Spoils of road improvement works dumped along Spoils should be sedimentation the road sides (Fig 21). Inevitably, as a nature of dumped at safe place most construction works for road, some dumped to avoid the potential areas are prone to erosion and sediment. impact to the agricultural land.

Fig 19: Improvement of village access road

Slope stability Steep batter slopes of the road embankment was Steep batter slope observed at some sections of the road. These should be cut back to a steep slopes are prone to landslide. Also landslide stable grade to avoid was observed at a section of the (Fig 22). landslide.

Fig 20: Improvement of village access road

Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the road embankment was not saved for As the work has reuse. completed, no action is required.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair and improvement of village access road. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Suspended particulate installed tube wells and ring wells in Bandarban matters, sulphate and district, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, fecal coliform should chloride, acidity and manganese are within the also be tested. national standard limit. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers will be operated at day time only. No action is required. sound There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not relevant or this subproject No action is required. Health and safety Works of this subproject have been completed. No action is required.

(11) AK Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District

This subproject comprises construction of 380m lined irrigation canal, installation of one deep tubewell with submersible pump for irrigation and three shallow tubewells for drinking water supply. All works under this subproject have been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the construction of irrigation canal As the work has was not saved for reuse. completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for the construction of irrigation canal. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Chloride, acidity, installed tube wells and ring wells in manganese, suspended Khagrachari district, appear that contents of particulate matters, arsenic and iron are within the national sulphate and fecal standard limit. coliform should also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of There is no significant effect of shrillness of No action is required. sound sound. Soil: Fertility of soil No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject. Health and safety Works of this subproject has been complete. No action is required.

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(12) School Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises installation of two deep tubewells with submersible pumps for irrigation. All works under this subproject have completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for this subproject. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Chloride, acidity, installed tube wells and ring wells in manganese, suspended Khagrachari district, appear that contents of particulate matters, arsenic and iron are within the national sulphate and fecal standard limit. coliform should also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of There is no significant effect of shrillness of No action is required. sound sound. Soil: Fertility of soil No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject. Health and safety Works of this subproject has been complete. No action is required.

(13) Dudhukchara Para Subproject Panchari Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of 510m lined canal, installation of 7 tubewells, and supply of 2 power pumps for irrigation. Contractor has stated the construction of 510m lined canal and achieved about 70% of physical progress.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil for the construction of lined irrigation Topsoil should be saved canal was not saved for reuse. for reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of lined canal. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Chloride, acidity, installed tube wells and ring wells in manganese, suspended Khagrachari district, appear that contents of particulate matters, arsenic and iron are within the national sulphate and fecal standard limit. coliform should also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power pumps will be operated at day time No action is required. sound only. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject. Health and safety Works of this subproject is about to complete. No action is required.

(14) Tarabonchara Watershed Management Subproject under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District

This subproject comprises construction of 50m earthen dam as a part of the Tarabonchara watershed management subproject. Physical progress of the dam is about 85%.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and Although soil erosion and sedimentation are Arrangement for sedimentation common under the command area of this removal of sediments subproject; but due to construction of a dam, need to be made. deposits of sediment will be increased to some extend at the upstream.

Fig 21: Newly constructed 50m earthen dam

Slope stability Filling materials for the dam were collected from Cutting soil from the toe cutting slopes of hill toes, where both ends of the of the hill should be earthen dam meet (Fig 23). As a result soil restored. Proper slopes erosion will occur causing unstable slopes of the of the dam should be dam and the hill. covered with turf/ vegetation. Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the borrow area was not saved for As the work has reuse. completed, no action is required.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of the dam. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Works of this subproject is about to complete. No action is required.

(15) Juddo Kumar Para Subproject under Mati Ranga Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of box culvert, installation of 13 tubewells, supply of 3 power tillers and 3 power pumps for irrigation.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion One drainage box culvert has been No action required. constructed. No other drainage congestion was observed and reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the culvert site was not saved for As the work has reuse. completed, no action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of box culvert. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Chloride, acidity, installed tube wells and ring wells in manganese, suspended Khagrachari district, appear that contents of particulate matters, arsenic and iron are within the national sulphate and fecal standard limit. coliform should also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers and power pumps will be No action is required. sound operated at day time only. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Works of this subproject is about to complete. No action is required.

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(16) Mura Para Subproject under Mahalchari Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of one footbridge (8.3m), installation of four tubewells, and supply of two power tillers and three power pumps for irrigation.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and No significant soil erosion and sedimentation No action required. sedimentation are expected from this subproject

Slope stability No significant slop stability is expected from No action required. this subproject Tree felling Not tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of the footbridge site was not saved for Topsoil should be saved reuse. for reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of footbridge. Surface water No significant impact is expected for the No action is required. intervention of this subproject Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Chloride, acidity, installed tube wells and ring wells in manganese, suspended Khagrachari district, appear that contents of particulate matters, arsenic and iron are within the national sulphate and fecal standard limit. coliform should also be tested. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers and power pumps will be No action is required. sound operated at day time only. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Not so much relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Contractors did not provide any safety Adequate safety measures to the workers. First aid box with measures, PPE like medicine for workers was not available. helmet, shoes including Drinking water and toilet facilities were absent First Aid Box, drinking water and toilet facility should be provided for workers.

(17) Chelachara to Harangi road Village Access Road under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises improvement of 1.96km village access earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) and construction of 5 cross drains, 100m RCC causeway, and surface drains. Contractor has started brick pavement works and attained 45% of physical progress.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion Five (5) cross drainage and 100m RCC causeway No action is required. yet to be constructed to keep the existing drainage facilities. Soil erosion and Filing at road shoulder without compaction was Road shoulders should sedimentation observed. In some sections of the road steep be compacted properly batter slopes (Fig 21) also were observed. These and disturbed soils should be covered with

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action will cause soil erosion. No other stockpiles of soil turf/vegetation to avoid and sand were observed. erosion.

Slope stability In some sections of the road steep batter slopes These steep batter (Fig 5) were observed. These steep slopes are slopes need to be cut to not stable. Slopes along the stair was not a stable grade to avoid compacted and is prone to erosion. landslides.

Fig 22: Steep slope on village access road. Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil of stair and footpath construction sites Topsoil should be saved were not saved by stockpiling for reuse. by stockpiling for reuse. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area required for construction of stair and footpath to protect surrounding vegetation for minimizing erosion hazard. Surface water Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Ground water Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil Not important for this subproject. No action is required. Health and safety Contractors did not provide any safety measures Adequate safety to the workers. First aid box with medicine for measures, PPE like workers was not available. helmet, and facemasks, including First Aid Box should be provided for workers.

(18) Bagkhaiyagona Para Subproject under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps. All works have been completed.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action is required. reported. Soil erosion and No soil erosion and sedimentation was No action is required. sedimentation observed. Slope stability Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required.

Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required.

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Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Topsoil Insignificant of top soil was removed. No action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area. Surface water No significant impact on surface water was No action is required. observed. Ground water Random samples, which were taken from the Suspended particulate installed tube wells and ring wells in matters, sulphate and fecal Rangamati district, appear that contents of coliform should also be arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese tested. are within the national standard limit. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power tillers and power pumps operate day No action is required. sound time only. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil Surface water from a perineal stream is being No action is required. used for vegetable. No contamination of surface water was observed and reported. Health and safety This subproject already completed. No action is required.

(19) Dozori Para Subproject under Barkal Upazila of Rangamati District

This subproject comprises installation of GFS (Gravity Flow System) including construction of two water storage tanks (Size: 3mx2mx2m and 2mx2mx1.83m), 3 water collecting points including 1220m water transmission of flexible pipe for water supply, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps. Contractor has completed all works.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action is required. reported. Soil erosion and No soil erosion and sedimentation was No action is required. sedimentation observed. Slope stability No thread of slopes stability was observed. No action is required.

Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Insignificant of top soil was removed. No action is required. Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the No action required. minimum area. Surface water No significant impact on surface water was No action is required. observed. Ground water Not relevant for this subproject. No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of Power pumps and power tillers operate day No action is required. sound time only. There is no significant effect of shrillness of sound. Soil: Fertility of soil No contamination of surface water was No action is required. observed and reported. Health and safety This subproject was completed. No action is required.

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(20) 18-Mile Rangi Para - Talukdar Para Village Access Road Naniarchari Upazila of Rangamati District

This subprojectcomprises improvement of 4.5km village access earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of road side drains and ancillary works. Five packages of contracts have been awarded to implement this subproject. About 95% works have been completed. SQMC consultant has visited four packages of contracts.

Environmental parameters Environmental safeguard issues observed Recommended action Drainage congestion No drainage congestion was observed and No action required. reported. Soil erosion and Road shoulders were not compacted and not Road shoulders should sedimentation covered with turf / vegetation (Fig 06). These be compacted and shoulders are prone to erosion. No other stockpiles covered with of soil and sand were observed. vegetation/ turf. Slope stability In some sections of the road steep batter slopes These steep batter (Fig 6) were observed. These steep slopes are not slopes need to be cut stable and prone to landslides. to a stable grade to avoid landslides.

Fig 23: Village Access Road (Package 4) Tree felling No tree felling was observed and reported. No action is required. Topsoil Topsoil was not saved by stockpiling for reuse; the No action is required. work has nearly been completed Clearing vegetation Vegetation clearance was confined to the minimum No action required. area required for road improvement. Surface water No significant impact on surface water was No action is required. observed and reported. Ground water Not relevant for this work No action is required. Air pollution No air pollution was observed and reported for No action is required. these works. Noise: Shrillness of No shrillness of sound was observed and reported. No action is required. sound Soil: Fertility of soil No significant impact on fertility of soil for this work No action is required. was observed and reported Health and safety This subproject was nearly completed. No action is required.

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Appendix 6: EMP Implementation Status of Rural Road Component

1. Improvement of Panchari – Bhaibonchara Upazila Road under Khagrachari District Activities: Improvement of rural roads (cutting and filling earth; improvement of roads with brick pavement consisting bricks and sand; flexible pavement with crushed bricks, stone chips, sand and bitumen; contraction of drainage structures, retaining structure, culverts, surface drains, toe walls etc.). Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Road construction Loss of soil in hills Road design will be prepared with minimum Road designs have been No action is required Complied. due to establish cutting of soil. prepared with minimum smooth formation level cutting of soil. of road Road construction Air Pollution due to Earth excavation and construction sites will Water sprayed to minimize Truck carrying earth, Complied partially. dust be water sprayed to minimize dust. Trucks dust; truck carrying sand, brick chips and carrying construction materials (such as construction materials such stone chips should be earth, sand or stone) will be covered with as earth, sand and stone covered with tarpaulins to avoid spillage chips were not covered with tarpaulins. tarpaulins. Widening of present Removal of trees Road alignment will be selected with Total 2,487 trees trees were Initiative to be made Complied partially. road section minimum cutting of trees. Moreover road side removed; compensation to for planting tree along tree plantation program will be taken after affected persons for tree the road sides to completion of road construction. felling has been made; but implement a ten for there is no compensatory one tree replacement plantation programme. project policy. Construction of Temporary drainage Adequate temporary pipe drains should be Provision for diversion roads No action is required. Complied. bridges/ culverts congestion at some provided in the diversion. LGED supervisor with adequate pipes has locations of staff will take urgent steps to solve temporary been made. bridges/culverts drainage congestion if any at the sites of construction sites may bridges/culverts construction by providing occur. pipes at the diversions.

Land acquisition Loss of land, housing During setting up road alignment in the road Steps have been taken to Compensation for land Complied partially. and commercial design, steps will be taken to minimize the minimize the loss of land, acquisition and structures. loss of land, housing and commercial lands. housing and commercial resettlement should be Moreover provision of compensation for land lands and compensation for expedite. acquisition and resettlement is in the project. land acquisition and resettlement was nearly to complete.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction works Need for Contractors will build construction shed for Workforce camps for Maintenance of Complied. accommodation, safe the workers of the Subproject and will workers including safe workforce camps drinking water and arrange safe drinking water and sanitation for drinking water and sanitation should be continued. sanitation for the the workers; were provided. workers; Road construction Good Roads may Proper curvature and super elevation at the Safe design of the road has No action is required Complied partially. cause increase of road bend and smooth longitudinal slope will be been made. Provision for now. accidents. maintained in the road design. Necessary necessary traffic signs has traffic signs will be provided in the roads. also been made in the BoQ; but yet to be implemented Construction works Road side cultural LGED supervision staff will take proper care No cultural heritage and This status should be Complied. heritage and to make minimum level of noise and dust institutions are being continued till the institutions pollution near the cultural heritage and affected by noise and dust completion of this institutes. Moreover supervision staff of pollution for intervention of subproject. LGED will ensure the adequate provision to road improvement activities. keep the road passable during construction stage. Provision for diversion will be kept in the contract document.

2. Improvement of Betbunia Chairybazar- Laxmichar Upazila Road under Rangamati District Activities: Improvement of rural roads (cutting and filling earth; improvement of roads with brick pavement consisting bricks and sand; contraction of bridges, drainage structures, retaining structure, toe walls, etc.) Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Road construction Loss of soil in hills Road design will be prepared with minimum Road design has prepared No action is required Complied. due to establish cutting of soil. with minimum cutting of soil smooth formation level of road Road construction Air Pollution due to Earth excavation and construction sites will Water sprayed to minimize Truck carrying earth, Complied partially. dust be water sprayed to minimize dust. Trucks dust; truck carrying sand, brick chips and carrying construction materials (such as construction materials such stone chips should be earth, sand or stone) will be covered with as earth, sand and stone covered with tarpaulins to avoid spillage chips were not covered with tarpaulins. tarpaulins. Widening of present Removal of trees Road alignment will be selected with Total 3,408 trees were Initiative to be made for Complied partially. road section minimum cutting of trees. Moreover road side removed; compensation to planting tree along the Compensation to tree plantation program will be taken after affected persons for tree road sides to implement affected persons for completion of road construction. felling has been made; but a ten for one tree tree felling has been there is no compensatory replacement project paid. plantation programme. policy.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of Temporary drainage Adequate temporary pipe drains should be Provision for diversion roads No action is required Complied. bridges/ culverts congestion at some provided in the diversion. LGED supervisor with adequate drainage locations of bridges/ staff will take urgent steps to solve temporary system has been made. culverts construction drainage congestion if any at the sites of sites may occur. bridges/culverts construction by providing pipes at the diversions. Land acquisition Loss of land, housing During setting up road alignment in the road Steps have been taken to Compensation for land Complied partially. and commercial design, steps will be taken to minimize the minimize the loss of land, acquisition and structures. loss of land, housing and commercial lands. housing and commercial resettlement should be Moreover provision of compensation for land lands and compensation for expedite. acquisition and resettlement is in the project. land acquisition and resettlement was nearly to complete. Construction works Need for Contractors will build construction shed for Workforce camps for Maintenance of Complied. accommodation, safe the workers of the Subproject and will workers including safe workforce camps drinking water and arrange safe drinking water and sanitation for drinking water and sanitation should be continued. sanitation for the the workers; were provided. workers; Road construction Good roads may Proper curvature and super elevation at the Safe design of the road has No action is required Complied partially. cause increase of bend and smooth longitudinal slope will be been made. Provision for now. road accidents. maintained in the road design. Necessary necessary traffic signs has traffic signs will be provided in the roads. also been made in the BoQ; but yet to be implemented Construction works Road side cultural LGED supervision staff will take proper care No cultural heritage and This status should be Complied. heritage and to make minimum level of noise and dust institutions are being continued till the institutions pollution near the cultural heritage and affected by noise and dust completion of this institutes. Moreover supervision staff of pollution for intervention of subproject. LGED will ensure the adequate provision to road improvement activities. keep the road passable during construction stage. Provision for diversion will be kept in the contract document.

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Appendix 7: EMP Implementation Status of CI Component 1. Lulian Punarbasan Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 65m RCC stair and installation 20m deep ring well for drinking water supply. Contractor has completed all works. Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of ring Aquifer and soil may Excavated soil will be reused and proper Excavated soil was reused. No Water parameter of Complied partially. well be contaminated. backfilling of the trenches will be done and the construction work and drilling suspended particulate excavated soil will be placed safely against borehole were done during rainy matters, sulphate and erosion. Concrete platform keeping drainage season and night time. fecal coliform should facility for waste water, will be constructed to Concrete platform keeping also be tested. prevent intrusion of waste water. Parameters drainage facility for waste water, of drinking water quality such as arsenic, iron, has been constructed. manganese, chlorides, sulphate, pH, Random water samples, which suspended particulate matters and faecal were taken from the installed coliform will be checked. tube wells and ring wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit. Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on Turf / vegetation were not Turf / vegetation Not complied stair during earthworks on both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. provided on both sides of stair. should be provided on heavy rainfall. both sides of stair

2. Gungrumukh Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 54m RCC stair, 56 brick masonry stair and installation two deep tubewells for drinking water. All works have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of stairs Soil erosion results in the Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance minimized; Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. loss of top soil, slope the extent required; balancing the filling & cutting earth has been used angle greater than the stability, dust pollution, cutting of earth to the extent possible; for fill road way; cutting of natural angle and re- cutting of trees and native avoiding creation of cut slopes and slopes were not maintained vegetation should be vegetation. embankment which are of an angle greater an angle greater than the done on the disturbed than the natural angle of repose for locally natural angle; re-vegetation area. available soil type; re-vegetation & replanting was not done on the disturbed in the disturbed areas immediately; and area; it was reported that proper water spraying during construction in water spraying was not done dry season to mitigate dust pollution. during construction to mitigate dust pollution.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that bentonite Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. was used for drilling of suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with boreholes. Concrete platform matters, sulphate and cement concrete. keeping drainage facility for fecal coliform should Concrete platform keeping drainage facility waste water, has been also be tested. for waste water, will be constructed to constructed. prevent intrusion of waste water. Random water samples, Parameters of drinking water quality such as which were taken from the arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, installed tube wells and ring sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters wells, appear that contents of and faecal coliform will be checked. arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

3. Nachalong Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 831m earthen village access road to brick pavement (HBB), construction of 3 stairs (139m), and supply of 1 power tiller. Construction of three stairs and supply of power tiller have been completed. The improvement village access was in progress.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Improvement of Soil erosion results in the Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. village access road: loss of top soil, slope the extent required; balancing the filling and minimized; cutting earth has angle greater than the Earth cutting and stability, dust pollution, cutting of earth to the extent possible; been used for fill road way; natural angle and re- filling, box cutting, cutting of trees and native avoiding creation of cut slopes and cutting of slopes were not vegetation should be brick pavement, vegetation. embankment which are of an angle greater maintained an angle greater done on the disturbed construction of than the natural angle of repose for locally than the natural angle; re- area. drainage system available soil type; re-vegetation and vegetation was not done on replanting in the disturbed areas the disturbed area; it was immediately; and proper water spraying reported that water spraying during construction in dry season to mitigate was not done during dust pollution. construction to mitigate dust pollution. Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on Turf / vegetation were not Turf / vegetation Not complied stairs during earthworks on both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. provided on both sides of should be provided on heavy rainfall. stair. both sides of stair

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Supply of power tiller Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. during operation of power tiller operates in day time. tiller that is localised and not much significant on environment.

4. Minjiri Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 41m RCC stair, 6.4m diversion weir for irrigation and installation of 3 deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of 2 power pumps. All works have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on Turf / vegetation were not Turf / vegetation Not complied stairs during earthworks on both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. provided on both sides of should be provided on heavy rainfall. stair. both sides of stair Construction of May cause flood at Providing of spillway to allow water passing Spillway has been provided No action required Complied. diversion weir: Earth upstream and water at downstream to allow water passing at cutting, compaction, shortage at downstream. downstream brick work, RCC and This impact is localized CC work and not much significant on environment. Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. matters, sulphate and cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping fecal coliform should Concrete platform keeping drainage facility drainage facility for waste also be tested. for waste water, will be constructed to water, has been prevent intrusion of waste water. constructed. Parameters of drinking water quality such as Random samples, which arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, were taken from the sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters installed tube wells and ring and faecal coliform will be checked. wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

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5. Antaha Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 800m village access road, construction of four stairs (75m), installation of two deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of one power tiller. Construction of four stairs, installation of two deep tubewells for drinking water, and supply of one power tiller have been completed; the improvement of village access road has been achieved bout 90%.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Improvement of Soil erosion results in the Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. village access road: loss of top soil, slope the extent required; balancing the filling and minimized; cutting earth has angle greater than the Earth cutting and stability, dust pollution, cutting of earth to the extent possible; been used for fill road way; natural angle and re- filling, box cutting, cutting of trees and native avoiding creation of cut slopes and cutting of slopes were not vegetation should be brick pavement, vegetation. embankment which are of an angle greater maintained an angle greater done on the disturbed construction of than the natural angle of repose for locally than the natural angle; re- area. drainage system available soil type; re-vegetation & replanting vegetation was not done on in the disturbed areas immediately; and the disturbed area; it was proper water spraying during construction in reported that water spraying dry season to mitigate dust pollution. was not done during construction to mitigate dust pollution. Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on Turf / vegetation were not Turf / vegetation Not complied stairs during earthworks on both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. provided on both sides of should be provided on heavy rainfall. stair. both sides of stair Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. matters, sulphate and cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping fecal coliform should Concrete platform keeping drainage facility drainage facility for waste also be tested. for waste water, will be constructed to water, has been prevent intrusion of waste water. constructed. Parameters of drinking water quality such as Random samples, which arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, were taken from the sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters installed tube wells and ring and faecal coliform will be checked. wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Supply of power tiller Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. during operation of tiller operates in day time. power tiller that is localised and not much significant on environment.

6. Datvanga Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District

This subproject comprises construction of stair (112m) and one water storage tank (2mx2mx2m) for household use.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. stairs and water during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turfing / vegetation were not should be provided on reservoir tank heavy rainfall. provided on both sides of both sides of stair stair.

7. Kattoli Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 132m RCC stair which is the extension of existing 44m stair. All works have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. stairs during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turf / vegetation were not should be provided on heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on provided on both sides of both sides of stair both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. stair.

8. Wabreing Para Subproject under Rowangchari Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 165m RCC stair and one ring well (16m deep) for supply of drinking water.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. stairs during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turf / vegetation were not should be provided on heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on provided on both sides of both sides of stair both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. stair.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of ring Aquifer and soil may be Concrete platform keeping drainage facility Concrete platform keeping Suspended particulate Complied partially. well contaminated. for waste water, will be constructed to drainage facility for waste matters, sulphate and prevent intrusion of waste water. water, has been fecal coliform should Parameters of drinking water quality such as constructed. also be tested. arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, Random samples, which sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters were taken from the and faecal coliform will be checked. installed tube wells and ring wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

9. Ubashoi Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises construction of 2 RCC stairs (54m), installation of 2 deep tube wells for drinking water, and supply of 3 power tillers. Stairs and supply of three power tillers have been completed; and the procurement of two deep tubewells is under process.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. stairs during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turf / vegetation were not should be provided on heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on provided on both sides of both sides of stair both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. stair. Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. matters, sulphate and cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping fecal coliform should Concrete platform keeping drainage facility drainage facility for waste also be tested. for waste water, will be constructed to water, has been prevent intrusion of waste water. constructed. Parameters of drinking water quality such as Random samples, which arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, were taken from the sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters installed tube wells and ring and faecal coliform will be checked. wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Supply of power Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. tillers during operation of power tiller operates in day time. tiller that is localised and not much significant on environment.

10. Zanka Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Bandarban District This subproject comprises improvement of 1.05km village access road, construction of three RCC stairs (154m), two water storage tanks (2mx2mx2m), two ring wells (20m deep), installation of one deep tube well for drinking water. All works have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Improvement of Soil erosion results in the Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. village access road: loss of top soil, slope the extent required; balancing the filling and minimized; cutting earth has angle greater than the Earth cutting and stability, dust pollution, cutting of earth to the extent possible; been used for fill road way; natural angle and re- filling, box cutting, cutting of trees and native avoiding creation of cut slopes and cutting of slopes were not vegetation should be brick pavement, vegetation. embankment which are of an angle greater maintained an angle greater done on the disturbed construction of than the natural angle of repose for locally than the natural angle; re- area. drainage system available soil type; re-vegetation & replanting vegetation was not done on in the disturbed areas immediately; and the disturbed area; it was proper water spraying during construction in reported that water spraying dry season to mitigate dust pollution. was not done during construction to mitigate dust pollution. Construction of ring Aquifer and soil may be Concrete platform keeping drainage facility Concrete platform keeping Water parameter of Complied partially. well and water contaminated. for waste water, will be constructed to drainage facility for waste suspended particulate storage tanks prevent intrusion of waste water. water, has been matters, sulphate and Parameters of drinking water quality such as constructed. fecal coliform should arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, Random samples, which also be tested. sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters were taken from the and faecal coliform will be checked. installed tube wells and ring wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of RCC Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. stairs during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turf / vegetation were not should be provided on heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on provided on both sides of both sides of stair both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. stair. Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. matters, sulphate and cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping Concrete platform keeping fecal coliform should drainage facility for waste water, will be drainage facility for waste also be tested. constructed to prevent intrusion of waste water, has been water. Parameters of drinking water quality constructed. such as arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, Random samples, which sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters were taken from the and faecal coliform will be checked. installed tube wells and ring wells, appear that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit. 11. AK Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of 380m lined irrigation canal, installation of one deep tubewell with submersible pump for irrigation and three shallow tubewells for drinking water supply. All works under this subproject have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of Soils from excavated from No spoil or construction material will be No spoil or obstructed the Re-vegetation/turfing Complied partially. irrigation canal canal may deposit on stored at places, where obstructs the natural natural drainage system. should be provided on nearby croplands. drainage system. Re-vegetation/turfing was canal bank. Landslide may also occur Re-vegetation/turfing will be provided at not provided on canal bank. during earthworks on canal bank to stabilize the slope of canals. heavy rainfall time; Water flow may reduce at the downstream.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Parameters of drinking Complied partially. tubewells with contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for water quality such as submersible pump Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. arsenic, iron, and shallow tubewells cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping Concrete platform keeping manganese, chlorides, drainage facility for waste water, will be drainage facility for waste sulphate, pH, and constructed to prevent intrusion of waste water, has been suspended particulate water. Parameters of drinking water quality constructed. matters should be such as arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, Parameters of drinking tested. sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters water quality was not tested. and faecal coliform will be checked.

12. School Para Subproject under Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises installation of two deep tubewells with submersible pumps for irrigation. All works under this subproject have completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Installation of Aquifer and soil Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow dung It was reported that bentonite Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells with may be will be used drilling of bore holes. Surrounding of was used for drilling of chloride, acidity, submersible pump contaminated. borehole will be sealed with cement concrete. boreholes. Concrete platform manganese, Concrete platform keeping drainage facility for keeping drainage facility for suspended particulate waste water, will be constructed to prevent waste water, has been matters, sulphate and intrusion of waste water. Parameters of drinking constructed. fecal coliform should water quality such as arsenic, iron, manganese, Random samples, which were also be tested. chlorides, sulphate, pH, suspended particulate taken from the installed tube matters and faecal coliform will be checked. wells and ring wells, appear that contents of arsenic and iron are within the national standard limit.

13. Dudhukchara Para Subproject Panchari Sadar Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of 510m lined canal, installation of 7 tubewells, and supply of 2 power pumps for irrigation. Contractor has stated the construction of 510m lined canal and achieved about 70% of physical progress.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Supply of power Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. pumps during operation of power tiller operates in day time. pumps that is localised and not much significant on environment.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of Soils from excavated from No spoil or construction material will be No spoil or obstructed the Re-vegetation/turfing Complied partially. irrigation canal canal may deposit on stored at places, where obstructs the natural natural drainage system. should be provided on nearby croplands. drainage system. Re-vegetation/turfing was canal bank. Landslide may also occur Re-vegetation/turfing will be provided at not provided on canal bank. during earthworks on canal bank to stabilize the slope of canals. heavy rainfall time; Water flow may reduce at the downstream. Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for chloride, acidity, Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. manganese, cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping suspended particulate Concrete platform keeping drainage facility drainage facility for waste matters, sulphate and for waste water, will be constructed to water, has been fecal coliform should prevent intrusion of waste water. constructed. also be tested. Parameters of drinking water quality such as Random samples, which arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, were taken from the sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters installed tube wells and ring and faecal coliform will be checked. wells, appear that contents of arsenic and iron are within the national standard limit. Supply of power Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. pumps during operation of power tiller operates in day time. pumps that is localised and not much significant on environment.

14. Tarabonchara Watershed Management Subproject under Panchari Upazila of Khagrachari District

This subproject comprises construction of 50m water harvesting earthen dam as a part of the Tarabonchara watershed management subproject. Physical progress of the dam was about 85%.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of water Soil disturbance during Compaction and vegetative measures to Compaction and vegetative Cutting soil from the Complied partially. harvesting dam construction and cover the exposed soils. Control water flow measures to cover the toe of the hill should change in water flow as per the community needs and capacity of exposed soils was one be restored. the channel down stream

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15. Juddo Kumar Para Subproject under Mati Ranga Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of box culvert, installation of 13 tubewells, supply of 3 power tillers and 3 power pumps for irrigation. All works have been completed

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of box Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Backfilling was done. Turf / vegetation Complied partially. culvert during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. Turf / vegetation were not should be provided heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on provided on culvert on provided on both sides of stair to stabilize the slope. approaches culvert approaches Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that bentonite Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. was used for drilling of chloride, acidity, Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with boreholes. Concrete platform manganese, cement concrete. keeping drainage facility for suspended Concrete platform keeping drainage facility waste water, has been particulate matters, for waste water, will be constructed to constructed. sulphate and fecal prevent intrusion of waste water. Random samples, which were coliform should also Parameters of drinking water quality such as taken from the installed tube be tested. arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, wells and ring wells, appear sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters that contents of arsenic and and faecal coliform will be checked. iron are within the national standard limit. Supply of power Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. tillers and power during operation of power tiller operates in day time. pumps tillers and pumps that is localised and not much significant on environment.

16. Mura Para Subproject under Mahalchari Upazila of Khagrachari District This subproject comprises construction of one footbridge (8.3m), installation of four tubewells, and supply of two power tillers and three power pumps for irrigation. Installation of four tubewells, supply of two power tillers and three power pumps have been completed; and the construction of footbridge was progressing.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Construction of Landslide may occur Backfilling be done and the excavated soil Work was in progress Turf / vegetation Being complied. footbridge during earthworks on will be placed safely against erosion. should be provided on heavy rainfall. Re-vegetation and turfing will be provided on bridge approaches both sides of stair to stabilize the slope.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Installation of Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that Water parameter of Complied partially. tubewells contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. bentonite was used for chloride, acidity, Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with drilling of boreholes. manganese, cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping suspended particulate Concrete platform keeping drainage facility drainage facility for waste matters, sulphate and for waste water, will be constructed to water, has been fecal coliform should prevent intrusion of waste water. constructed. also be tested. Parameters of drinking water quality such as Random samples, which arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, were taken from the sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters installed tube wells and ring and faecal coliform will be checked. wells, appear that contents of arsenic and iron are within the national standard limit. Supply of power Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. tillers and power during operation of power tiller operates in day time. pumps tillers and pumps that is localised and not much significant on environment.

17. Chelachara to Harangi road Village Access Road under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises improvement of 1.96km village access earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) and construction of 5 cross drains, 100m RCC causeway, and surface drains. Contractor has started brick pavement works and attained 45% of physical progress

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Improvement of village Soil erosion results in Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance minimized; Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. access road: Earth the loss of top soil, the extent required; balancing the filling and cutting earth has been used angle greater than the cutting and filling, box slope stability, dust cutting of earth to the extent possible; for fill road way; cutting of natural angle, top soil cutting, brick pavement, pollution, cutting of avoiding creation of cut slopes and slopes were not maintained should be saved for construction of trees and native embankment which are of an angle greater an angle greater than the reuse, and re- drainage system vegetation. than the natural angle of repose for locally natural angle; re-vegetation vegetation should be available soil type; re-vegetation & replanting was not done on the done on the disturbed in the disturbed areas immediately; and disturbed area; it was area. proper water spraying during construction in reported that water spraying dry season to mitigate dust pollution. was not done during construction to mitigate dust pollution.

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18. Bagkhaiyagona Para Subproject under Kawkhali Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises installation of 5 tubewells, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps. All works have been completed.

Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Installation of tubewells Aquifer and soil may be Bentonite instead of traditionally used cow It was reported that bentonite Water parameter of Complied partially. contaminated. dung will be used drilling of bore holes. was used for drilling of suspended particulate Surrounding of borehole will be sealed with boreholes. Concrete platform matters, sulphate and cement concrete. Concrete platform keeping keeping drainage facility for fecal coliform should drainage facility for waste water, will be waste water, has been also be tested. constructed to prevent intrusion of waste constructed. water. Parameters of drinking water quality Random samples, which were such as arsenic, iron, manganese, chlorides, taken from the installed tube sulphate, pH, suspended particulate matters wells and ring wells, appear and faecal coliform will be checked. that contents of arsenic, iron, chloride, acidity and manganese are within the national standard limit.

Supply of power pumps Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. and power tillers for during operation of pumps and power tillers improved agriculture power tiller and pump operate in day time. that is localised and not much significant on environment. 19. Dozori Para Subproject under Barkal Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises installation of GFS (Gravity Flow Water System) water supply including construction of two water storage tanks (Size: 3mx2mx2m and 2mx2mx1.83m), 3 water collecting points including 1220m water transmission of flexible pipe for water supply, supply of 2 power tillers and 4 power pumps. Contractor has completed all works. Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status GFS water supply: As water will be No mitigation measure will be required. Implemented as per design No action required Complied. construction of two collected from existing water storage tanks, spring, no potential water collecting points impacts anticipated. connecting and laying of water transmission line with flexible pipes.

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Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Supply of power pumps Some noise generates Machine will operate in daytime only It was reported that power No action required Complied. and power tillers for during operation of pumps and power tillers improved agriculture power tiller and pump operate in day time. that is localised and not much significant on environment.

20. 18-Mile Rangi Para - Talukdar Para Village Access Road Naniarchari Upazila of Rangamati District This subproject comprises improvement of 4.5km village access earthen road to brick pavement (HBB) including construction of road side drains and ancillary works. Five packages of contracts have been awarded to implement this subproject. About 95% works have been completed. SQMC consultant has visited four packages of contracts. Subproject activities Potential impacts Proposed mitigation measures as per EMP Actual implementation Recommended action Compliance status Improvement of village Soil erosion results in Minimizing area of ground clearance only to Ground clearance minimized; Slopes to be cut an Complied partially. access road: Earth the loss of top soil, the extent required; balancing the filling and cutting earth has been used angle greater than the cutting and filling, box slope stability, dust cutting of earth to the extent possible; for fill road way; cutting of natural angle, top soil cutting, brick pavement, pollution, cutting of avoiding creation of cut slopes and slopes were not maintained should be saved for construction of trees and native embankment which are of an angle greater an angle greater than the reuse, and re- drainage system vegetation. than the natural angle of repose for locally natural angle; re-vegetation vegetation should be available soil type; re-vegetation & replanting was not done on the done on the disturbed in the disturbed areas immediately; and disturbed area; it was area. proper water spraying during construction in reported that water spraying dry season to mitigate dust pollution. was not done during construction to mitigate dust pollution.

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Appendix 8: Contractor Compliance to Environmental Provisions

Status of compliance4 Clause3 № Items Brief description of items     A. Pre-Construction Stage 12.1.1 Environmental Environmental clearance obtained from DoE  clearance 12.1.2 Land acquisition Acquisition of land and properties have been  done and compensation paid to affected persons 12.1.3 Training Training has been provided to persons related  to the implementation of works to ensure effective compliance of the environmental provisions. 12.1.4 Worksite survey, Road widening and ancillary sites have been  pegging and approval surveyed and pegged prior to construction related activities to ensure the correct setting out of the lines and levels of formations, side slopes, drainage works, and shoulders in accordance with the detailed road designs. 12.1.5 Construction (a) All the construction machinery and vehicles to  machinery and be used for road improvement and ancillary vehicles works are conformed to GoB standards for emissions and noise levels. (b) All the construction machinery and vehicles  are operated and maintained to conform to GoB standards for emissions and noise levels. 12.2.14 Soil erosion and (a) Prior to the start of construction, the  sedimentation control contractor has obtained approval from the Engineer for his plan of carrying out temporary and permanent erosion/ sedimentation control works applicable for the items of clearing, embankment widening, construction of bridges and other structures across watercourses, pavement courses and shoulders. (b) Work has not started until the erosion/  sedimentation control schedules and methods of operations has been approved by the Engineer. (c) Potential borrow areas and brick  crushing sites have been identified during design stage. B. Construction Stage 12.2.1 Vegetation clearance (a) Vegetation clearance is confined to the  minimum area to limit the loss of productive resources, damage to surrounding features and ground disturbance and the associated erosion hazard. (b) Trees within the boundaries of ancillary  sites are retained wherever possible. (c) The pits resulting from uprooting of trees 

3 Tender Document for Civil Works, Volume 2, Section 7 of the General Specifications. 4 Status of compliance measures as  Full compliance;  Partial compliance;  Non-compliant;  Not yet applicable.

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Status of compliance4 Clause3 № Items Brief description of items     and stumps are backfilled and compacted to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation. (d) Trunks, branches, stumps of trees,  boulders, stone, brick bats and other materials resulting from road improvement activities are stocked/disposed in such a manner that these do not find its way to nearby watercourse. 12.2.2 Retaining wall / toe (a) Retaining walls or toe walls are  wall construction constructed where required to prevent potential erosion of the road embankment as well as limit the potential siltation. (b) (b) All preventive measures are to control  potential siltation during retaining wall construction and/or embankment widening. 12.2.3 Formation widening During execution of embankment widening all  adequate precautions against soil erosion and water pollution are taken and adequate drainage measures are installed. 12.2.4 Stabilizing batter (a) Stability of the batter slopes are  slopes ensured. (b) Run-on drainage from the slope is  controlled by constructing a catch drain to collect run-on above the batter and divert it to a stable location. (c) All adequate measures against soil  erosion, sedimentation and water pollution are ensured. 12.2.5 Drainage Road surface drainages are provided by  cross-fall drains and lined side drains to direct runoff off the road surface. 12.2.6 Topsoil saving and (a) Topsoil is saved by stockpiling for reuse  re-use in covering embankment slopes, cut slopes and berms. (b) Stockpiled topsoil are kept separate  from other materials. 12.2.7 Disposal of unsuitable Unsuitable materials are disposed of properly  excess materials to minimize damage to environmental and social features. /spoil 12.2.8 Reinstatement of All irrigation tubewells, channels, drainage  services ditches and walking trails are maintained during construction. 12.2.9 Borrow pits (a) No borrow pits are dug within 5 m of the  toe of the final section of the road embankment. (b) Borrow pits are not be located within  500m of any identified archaeological, religious or cultural sites. (c) Stockpiled topsoil should be returned to  the borrow pit. 12.2.10 Stockpiling Stockpiled materials shall be stored on non-  hazardous sites, away from both habitation and drainage lines to minimize off-site sedimentation and protect off-site features.

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Status of compliance4 Clause3 № Items Brief description of items     12.2.11 Workforce camps (a) Provision of drinking water, garbage bins  and sanitation facilities in the construction camps are made (b) Medical facilities are provided to the  workforce 12.2.12 Workforce (a) Workers are acted in a responsible  management manner during and after working hours. (b) No wood is burnt by any workers on or  off site for cooking needs. (c) Working hours within village areas are  not extend beyond 7:00 am - 9.00 pm to ensure that local people are not unduly disturbed (d) Child labour is not used in any activities  of construction works. 12.2.13 Dust nuisance and (a) Water is sprayed on road surfaces,  noise pollution excavation sites, sand and earth mixing sites, asphalt mixing sites, and on temporary roads to control dust generation. (b) Brick crushing yards, bituminous hot mix  plants and concrete batching plants are located sufficiently away from habitation (at least 500m). (c) Vehicles and machinery are maintained  and fitted with pollution control devices to keep emission and noise at standard levels. (d) Construction is stopped between 9:00  pm and 6:00 am in the residential areas and the public shall be informed about the regulations of noise pollution. (e) Workers in the vicinity of strong noise is  wear earplugs. 12.2.14 Soil erosion and Clearance of vegetation on steep slopes has  sedimentation control not undertaken during the monsoon period. 12.2.15 Wetland/ponds/rivers/ Adequate mitigation measures have been  canal undertaken to limit the impact on the water resources. 12.2.16 Hazards and (a) Hazardous materials have been stored  hazardous materials above flood level and at least 20m from any watercourse. (b) Hazardous liquid substances (e.g.  petrol, diesel, oils) have been stored on top of sealed plastic sheets in a secure, flat enclosed area. (c) Used lubricants and oils have been  collected and disposed of or recycled without causing pollution or a hazard to worker safety. 12.2.17 Grassing and turfing Grassing and turfing of all disturbed areas  have been done. 12.2.19 Maintenance and (a) Public and vehicular access along the 

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Status of compliance4 Clause3 № Items Brief description of items     protection of traffic project right of way are maintaining. (b) Passage of traffic is controlled in one-  way operation by posting flagmen.

12.2.20 Environmental Monitoring and documentation of different  monitoring construction related activities, which may adversely affect the environmental resources of the area or health and safety of the population and the wild life of the area are being done. 1.17.1 Health and safety (a) The contractor has taken all reasonable  steps including training and safety drill to ensure the safety of all persons on the site. (b) The Contractor has provided all  appropriate protective clothing and equipment (safety nets, belts, belts harnesses and life belts) for the work done. (c) All safety and rescue equipment are fully  maintained and available for use at all times. (d) The Contractor has provided and  maintained in prominent and well-marked positions all necessary first-aid equipment, medical supplies and other facilities. 1.17.2 Safety relating to (a) The contractor has submitted complete  temporary structures design calculations plans and technical details of all proposed temporary structure for the Engineer’s prior approval before their construction commences. (b) The contractor has ensured all  necessary safety regulations and precautions during the erection, use and dismantling of temporary structures. 1.17.4 Environmental (a) The contractor has complied with the  requirement GoB ambient standard for emissions to air (dust, smoke etc.) (b) The contractor has complied with the  GoB ambient standard for emissions to land (solid and liquid domestic & industrial waste etc.) (c) The contractor has complied with the  GoB ambient standard for emission to water (dredge spoil, surface & foul water drainage etc.) (d) The contractor has complied with the  GoB ambient standard for noise and visual pollution. 1.17.6 Cleaning (a) Waste materials, rubbish, and other  debris resulting from the site work operations are cleaned regularly in neat and orderly condition free from environmental hazards at

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Status of compliance4 Clause3 № Items Brief description of items     all times. (b) The drainage system is maintained free  of debris and loose material and in an operational condition at all times. (c) Wastes are not disposed into streams or  waterways. 1.17.7 Sanitation (a) Adequate sanitary arrangement has  been provided for the people working on the site. (b) Separate sanitary arrangement for the  women workers. Post-construction stage 12.2.14 Soil erosion and All the Borrow pit sites have been  sedimentation control rehabilitated / re-vegetated appropriately to prevent potential land degradation. 12.3.1 Re-vegetation Disturbed areas have been re-vegetated  following construction activities to stabilize cut and fill batters. 12.3.2 Ancillary site Ancillary sites (stockpile sites, brick crushing  rehabilitation sites, borrow pits, workforce camps) are fully rehabilitated. 1.17.6 Cleaning At the completion of the works the site has  been left clean.

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Appendix 9: Observation of Ground Water Monitoring Results A. Bandarban District

Drinking Water: Monitoring Parameter and Test Results Frequency of Location Remarks Monitoring pH Fe Cl As S Mn SPM Akiram para, Lama Upazila (Tubewell) 6.80 <0.02 05 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Bagan Para, Thanchi Upazila (Tubewell) 6.70 0.05 05 0.002 <0.1 Once OK Gainda Para Lama Upazila (Tubewell) 6.90 0.02 05 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Thana Para, Ruma Upazila (Tubewell) 6.80 0.07 05 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Natun Charui Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW1) 6.89 0.76 <0.001 Once OK Natun Charui Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW2) 6.90 0.89 <0.001 Once OK Paglachara Para, Rowangachari Upazila (Tubewell) 6.70 0.05 0.5 0.002 <0.1 Once OK Boli Para, Thanchi Upazila (Tubewell) 6.50 0.03 0.5 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Oyabri Para, Rowangachari Upazila (Ring Well) 6.90 <0.06 0.001 Once OK Chosoimong Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW1) 6.85 0.48 <0.001 Once OK Chosoimong Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW2) 6.89 0.58 <0.001 Once OK Kanajo Para Rowangachari Upazila (TW1) 6.90 0.90 <0.001 Once OK Kanajo Para Rowangachari Upazila (TW2) 6.90 <0.01 <0.001 Once OK Kanajo Para Rowangachari Upazila (TW3) 6.90 <0.01 <0.001 Once OK Untaha Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW1) 6.90 0.05 <0.001 Once OK Untaha Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW2) 6.90 0.96 <0.001 Once OK Fhakkhong Para, Rowangachari Upazila (Tubewell) 7.90 0.68 0.001 Once OK Ubashai Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW1) 7.10 0.33 0.001 Once OK Ubashai Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW2) 6.90 0.29 0.001 Once OK Aungya Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW2) 7.60 0.65 <0.001 Once OK Kainthar Mukh Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW1) 7.60 0.29 <0.001 Once OK Amtali Para, Bandarban Sadar Upazila (TW2) 7.80 0.34 <0.001 Once OK Talukdar Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW1) 6.90 0.18 0.001 Once OK Talukdar Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW2) 6.90 0.36 0.001 Once OK Talukdar Para, Rowangachari Upazila (TW3) 6.50 0.36 0.001 Once OK National Standard 6.5-8.5mg/l 0.3-1.0mg/l 150-600mg/l 0.05mg/l 400mg/l 0.1mg/l 10 mg/l

Note: Atomic absorption spectrometer has been used for testing of Arsenic (As), Iron (Fe) and Manganese (Mn); Titrimetric method has been used for testing of Chloride (Cl); and Multimer has been used for testing of Acidity (pH) of water. TW: Tubewell; RW; Ring Well.

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B. Khagrachari District

Drinking Water: Monitoring Parameter and Test Results Frequency of Location Remarks pH Fe Cl As S Mn SPM Monitoring Hazachara Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW1) 0.40 <0.001 Once OK Hazachara Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW2) 0.22 <0.001 Once OK Hazachara Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW3) 0.14 <0.001 Once OK Maratila Para, Panchari Upazila (TW1) 0.29 <0.001 Once OK Maratila Para, Panchari Upazila (TW2) 0.32 <0.001 Once OK Maratila Para, Panchari Upazila (TW3) 0.25 <0.001 Once OK Maratila Para, Panchari Upazila (TW4) 0.23 <0.001 Once OK Gudambari Para, Ramghar Upazila (TW1) 0.18 <0.001 Once OK Utalchari Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW1) 0.27 <0.001 Once OK Utalchari Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW2) 0.25 <0.001 Once OK Utalchari Para, Mahalchari Upazila (TW3) 0.39 <0.001 Once OK Bogra Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW1) 0.20 <0.001 Once OK Bogra Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW2) 0.28 <0.001 Once OK Bogra Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW3) 0.29 <0.001 Once OK Kala Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW1) 0.30 <0.001 Once OK Kala Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW2) 0.28 <0.001 Once OK Kala Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW3) 0.19 <0.001 Once OK Kala Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW4) 0.34 <0.001 Once OK Jhorgori Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW1) 0.39 0.001 Once OK Jhorgori Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW2) 0.37 0.001 Once OK Jhorgori Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW3) 0.42 0.001 Once OK Jhorgori Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW4) 0.38 0.001 Once OK Jhorgori Para, Khagrachari Sadar Upazila (TW5) 0.37 0.001 Once OK Hari Gopal Para, Panchari Upazila (TW1) 0.40 <0.001 Once OK Hari Gopal Para, Panchari Upazila (TW2) 0.22 <0.001 Once OK Hari Gopal Para, Panchari Upazila (TW3) 0.14 <0.001 Once OK Hari Gopal Para, Panchari Upazila (TW4) 0.33 <0.001 Once OK National Standard 6.5-8.5mg/l 0.3-1.0mg/l 150-600mg/l 0.05mg/l 400mg/l 0.1mg/l 10 mg/l

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C. Rangamati District

Drinking Water: Monitoring Parameter and Test Results Frequency of Location Remarks pH Fe Cl As S Mn SPM Monitoring Amtali Para, Belaichhari Upazila (TW1) 6.8 0.39 06 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Amtali Para, Belaichhari Upazila (TW2) 0.35 0.001 Once OK Amtali Para, Belaichhari Upazila (TW3) 0.67 0.001 Once OK Badalchhari Para, Sadar Upazila (TW1) 7.12 <0.05 07 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Badalchhari Para, Sadar Upazila (TW2) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Badalchhari Para, Sadar Upazila (TW3) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Badalchhari Para, Sadar Upazila (TW4) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Badalchhari Para, Sadar Upazila (TW5) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Balukhali Mukh, Juraichhari Upazila, (RW4) 0.25 0.001 Once OK Barabanne Para, Juraichhari Upazila, (RW1) 7.02 <0.05 06 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Barabanne Para, Juraichhari Upazila, (RW2) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Bodhipur Para, Sadar Upazila, (RW1) 0.35 <0.001 Once OK Bodhipur Para, Sadar Upazila, (RW2) 0.38 <0.001 Once OK Chayndha Para, Belaichhari Upazila, (TW1) 6.8 <0.05 05 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Chayndha Para, Belaichhari Upazila, (TW2) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Chayndha Para, Belaichhari Upazila, (TW3) <0.05 0.001 Once OK Chayndha Para, Belaichhari Upazila, (TW4) <0.05 0.002 Once OK Headmman Para, Kawkhali Upazila (TW1) 6.8 <0.05 06 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Headmman Para, Kawkhali Upazila (TW2) 0.05 0.001 Once OK Headmman Para, Kawkhali Upazila (TW3) 0.38 0.001 Once OK Headmman Para, Kawkhali Upazila (TW4) 0.17 0.001 Once OK Headmman Para, Kawkhali Upazila (TW5) 0.03 0.001 Once OK Kharigong Para, Sadar Upazila (TW1) 6.9 <0.05 06 0.001 <0.1 Once OK Kharigong Para, Sadar Upazila (TW2) 0.03 0.001 Once OK Kharigong Para, Sadar Upazila (TW3) 0.02 0.001 Once OK Kharigong Para, Sadar Upazila (TW4) 0.11 0.001 Once OK Kharigong Para, Sadar Upazila (TW5) 0.39 0.001 Once OK National Standard 6.5-8.5mg/l 0.3-1.0mg/l 150-600mg/l 0.05mg/l 400mg/l 0.1mg/l 10 mg/l

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