2018 OPEN SOURCE YEARBOOK OPEN SOURCE OPEN SOURCE YEARBOOK 2018 ..... ........ .... ... .. .... .. .. ... .. OPENSOURCE.COM Opensource.com publishes stories about creating, adopting, and sharing open source solutions. Visit Opensource.com to learn more about how the open source way is improving technologies, education, business, government, health, law, entertainment, humanitarian efforts, and more. Submit a story idea: https://opensource.com/story Email us:
[email protected] . OPEN SOURCE YEARBOOK 2018 . CC BY-SA 4.0 . OPENSOURCE.COM 3 Open Source Cheat Sheets Visit our cheat sheets collection for free downloads, including: Blender: Discover the most commonly and frequently used hotkeys and mouse button presses. Containers: Learn the lingo and get the basics in this quick and easy containers primer. Go: Find out about many uses of the go executable and the most important packages in the Go standard library. Inkscape: Inkscape is an incredibly powerful vector graphics program that you can use to draw scaleable illustrations or edit vector artwork that other people have created. Linux Networking: In this downloadable PDF cheat sheet, get a list of Linux utilities and commands for managing servers and networks. Python 3.7: This cheat sheet rounds up a few built-in pieces to get new Python programmers started. Raspberry Pi: See what you need to boot your Pi, how to install the operating system, how to enable SSH and connect to WiFi, how to install software and update your system, and links for where to get further help. SSH: Most people know SSH as a tool for remote login, which it is, but it can be used in many other ways.