GEOLOGICAL MAP of KOSOVO Scale 1 : 200,000

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GEOLOGICAL MAP of KOSOVO Scale 1 : 200,000 1015202505 GEOLOGICAL MAP OF KOSOVO Scale 1 : 200,000 7420000 7430000 7440000 7450000 7460000 7470000 7480000 7490000 7500000 7510000 7520000 7530000 7540000 7550000 7560000 20°0'0"E 21°0'0"E 55 gdNmh 0 Regional Geological Units of Kosovo Scale approx. 1 : 1,200,000 Geotectonic Units of Central Balkan Peninsula Scale approx. 1 : 5,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 mPZ2 0 9 9 7 7 4 4 C A CVBK - Badofc/Kishinca Cenozoic volcanic complex CBDR- Drenicë Cenozoic basin TKO- Koritnik Triassic unit IN sJ2-3 N RP CVKB - Kopaonik/Belobërdë Cenozoic volcanic complex CBMI- Mirushë Cenozoic basin TMO- Moknes-Alpet Shqipetare Triassic complex aEo-Nm ER A CVMB - Majdan/Braine Cenozoic volcanic complex CPA - Pashtrik Upper Cretaceous syncline TKR- Çiçavica Triassic unit 50 C o A T CVMS - Mitrovicë/Samadrexhë Cenozoic volcanic complex CPG - Pagarushë Upper Cretaceous anticline TKU- Kutlovc Triassic unit R Nm P H CVNK - Nosale-Kllokot Cenozoic volcanic complex CCA - Carralevë Upper Cretaceous unit MKO- Kolashin metamorphic unit 35 vs sJ2-3 A I o 20 T o 20 H A CVRB - Rogoznë/Bube Cenozoic volvanic complex CJE - Jezerka Upper Cretaceous unit MSH- Sharr metamorphic complex o 40 o I C A N CBDU - Dukagjin Cenozoic basin CKC - Kaçanik Upper Cretaceous unit MST- Shtime metamorphic unit o N A S CBDG - Gjakovë Cenozoic subbasin CZU - Zubin Potok Upper Cretaceous unit MGA- Gadima metamorphic unit L S I TRANSYLVANIAN M CBDP - Pejë Cenozoic subbasin CVT - Vardar Lower Cretaceous flysch trough MKC- Kaçanik metamorphic unit lEo-Nm M I O A CBDS - Suharekë Cenozoic subbasin JBR - Brezovicë Jurassic ophiolitic complex MRU- Rugovë metamorphic unit N BASIN N N S U o E PANNONIAN BASIN N A CBKA - Kamenicë Cenozoic basin JGJ - Gjakovë Jurassic peridotite complex MNB- Novobërdë metamorphic unit S I N - U A aEo-Nm P T T H P CBKM - Moravë Cenozoic subbasin JGO - Golesh Jurassic ophiolitic complex MKU- Kurolai metamorphic unit vpEo-Nm A N A A aEo-Nm P 75 30 25 U Szeged I R o 50 o O E CBKK - Kriva Rekës Cenozoic subbasin JKZ - Koznicë Jurassic ophiolitic complex MJK- Kopaonik metamorphic footwall unit o vpEo-Nm N o M G (! S CBKS - Strezofc Cenozoic subbasin JST - Strofc Jurassic ophiolitic unit DA - Dardania massif (Serbo-Macedonian massif) S I - N 35 AI T 80 T F CBKO - Kosovo Cenozoic basin JLE - Leposaviq Jurassic ophiolitic complex N E o o U 75 L o 45 aQh MO I o I Y CBPO - Podujevë Cenozoic basin JRA - Rahovec Jurassic ophiolitic complex nJ2-3 FER Sibiu 0 I 0 AL S 0 80 T 0 E C 0 0 o M (! 0 J2-3 lEo-Nm 0 s 30 H 8 o o 35 8 7 7 o C JLE 70 26 Z 4 4 o Pleistocene River Terrace of the River Sitnicë / Sitnica. G 35 Nm ET O o35 vs ICU o M A External Vardar subzone (EVZ) N CVKB E 35 o20 R bJ2-3 45 sJ2-3 CUM o BI J2-3 80 o Beograd DANU Drin-Ivanicki element (DIE) vs 45 P o o Central Vardar subzone (CVZ) aEo-Nm o 55 G JLE lEo-Nm D W (! A o 30 40 50 U E D SJ2-3 E o R S o T R T EEP CVKB M E IN T CARPATHIANS FORED 60 20 R CVRB I - I h 20 T N I C o 55 V o O H o O A U o R 20 o P h sJ2-3 55 sKcn-mE 45 - H N 60 o J2-3 I M 35 vs 48 E IO C O (! 80 vsNm 70 A L o D K o o 75 S I h60 45 o T Leposaviq/Leposavić o I East Bosnian - Durmitor zone (EBDZ) MJK 45 A T E o o o bNp L E Bucureşti J2-3 50 B B - MKO n o 35 M R L O vsJ2-3 Kcn-mD SJ2-3 (! A E CBPO A S N B JLE o 45 40 C M CZU TKU Internal Vardar subzone (IVZ) o 55 N o 30 Dardanides Cataclastic Bujanovc / Bujanovac Pluton T H SJ2-3 o 50 Sarajevo IA E A CVMB (with Pegmatitic Veins and Schlieren). I N K MOESIAN PLATFORM o 45 o A N JST CVMS o o 85 R o 47 Z T mPZ2 70 N L vpEo-Nm 80 o 45 O A h o 45 o ! 50 o 40 - N ! Dardania massif (DM) o K I APZ2 40 o 85 H E Š o ! 65 50 lEo-Nm Kb-aC E ! T 0 o Eo-Nm 40 A 0 (Serbo-Macedonian massif) a o 35 40 ! I 0 R 0 o 30 o 85 o ! D o bJ2-3 ! 0 55 0 gPZ2 50 80 o 50 Z 0 28 N E 0 TMO MRU TKR h mKcn-moE E o bJ2-3 45 7 o 65 o o o G ! FORE BALKAN 7 CBDP 60 60 D ! ! S Sofia 7 CVT O 7 CBKS o 60 ! o 4 55 o 68 34 V ! A 4 50 sJ2-3 60 ! CBDR h o o I ! 60 o o 55 I ! o o 32 ! ( STARA PLANINA ZONE 60 N N ! lEo-Nm o ( aEo-Nm 45o DA ! R I ! o vpEo-Nm 55 50 o 32 A A Prishtinë ! CCA 20 70 C o o o 65 45 N ! ! CBDU CVBK h o25 o 37 o R Z h 55 ! CVBK o 57o O MKU 40 o N S 50 nJ2-3 E ! 45 o ! S CVT 35 33 I ! RED CPG SJ2-3 ! E NA JGO o o GO MNB APZ2 40 ! o R SJ2-3 D ! A CBKK o 48 ! h 55 ! R CCA CBKO 55 gPZ2 Kv-hC B B o lEo-Nm o 50 o A 50 E ! L CBMI JKZ 65 (! O KA o o ! N 45 M o 50 46 ID JRA MST 12 36 o o S ! - ES CVNK CBKA 55 ! Skopje o o ë I M J2-3 vs 60 j R Miocene Tuffs with Bombs. oo e E h P 65 65 68 - D A MGA o 70 sJ2-3 55 ra l A 70 55 o o o 42 o 72 d a I S C 38 o ko rs T o o e 50 h v A T E S s E V MNB o 45 n CBDG h fPZ2 40 ra O R A D RHO CVNK o 60 o 38 o 52 T DOP 25o 40 E M CJE o o 60 P N R O AS 85 o SIF o 39 o H O D N mPZ2 o 45 H JGJ 50 45 35 dQh62 ! K I CBKM o SJ2-3 60 o ( O P P A I N o K o R L H A 45 o N " 60 E E R 85 40 I O I 70 o N " 25 o Tirana A T O 0 o 67 52 L o CBDS o h ' 50 o vpEo-Nm 75 o 22 o L E R A L Z 0 60 50 60 o S M ' 0 I o B A T O o G 0 ° o H MSH CKC o o E o 60 50 o L R B A MKC 50 80 58 60 N ° 3 68 T A O o B o o o I S vsJ2-3 3 o 65 45 40 o E 4 37 o 66 A E o 55 72 o A N Z N R S 4 45 h JBR o 60 h P 0 CPA o C O A 0 lEo-Nm lKcn-mC o U I I 0 o J2-3 N 0 67 70 b 45 85 N - H N A F MKC h o 0 Kb-aC L 0 sKcn-mE h 76 o IO Ç N C 45 o 85 1 50 o I E 0 52 J2-3 o 54 75 A H 0 o 30 o vs o I 60 o 6 6 o 25 o 35 Nm 72 N N U o 50 D M o o 16 7 35 7 75 55 20 52 o K 70 o 75 I 4 Z 4 o Ophiolite belt (OB) h 82 o 45 A A o TKO h o 30 O o o E A K 23 s sKmD o 35 N S o Kb-aC 50 60 o 62 48 N L o 70 r 40 60 75 80 R o 10 o S 45 sJ2-3 h E I 20 h S o 89 o 45 o Z 25 75 h o 38 dQh U Z I 42 o o O F o o o h o h o J O o 45 30 45 48 70 20 o 60 66 A 45 o 55 o 56 N N o o 55 o 50 h h o h 58 o 70 67 44 o 20 h E E 39 47 o SJ2-3 - o 48 35 o o h ( o 40 36 o G h 40 o 50 o 85 o 40 25 40 Sharr - Korabi zone (SKZ) 40 h o S 47 o 50 40 s 50 36 38 A o o 65 o 30 r SJ2-3 20 U h h o 39 o 55 h o o V 40h 45 70 o 50 B h 70 o h R o SJ2-3 o P o 35 o 60 52 50 o lEo-Nm h60 65 O h 30 55 E o 42 h h 50 30 sT1-2 23 o mKcn-mE o 42 vpJ2-3 h 65 V L 60 o 85 20 o o 1 h A h 45 45 O h 45 o o 30 o h 65 72 60 Nm G Aegean Sea 72 o h o 72 44h sPZ2 30 tQp SERBIA 60 h h sJ2-3 o 47 o o Z 42 o O 30 50 40 Adriatic Sea h o 45 lEo-Nm 30 30 h 40 o 80 25 h O N 45 o o o o 57 h 88 o 75 I 60 o o 35 o N h h 25 47 A 45 50 o 80 58 35 N h E o 30 50 o h 25 65 o 40 h 60 25 J2-3 Z 35 b o 40 h 30 78 O o o h o N o h 78 E ) h h 30 40 30 h 52 30 o h h 28 o h 45 52 h 45 50 45 75 h h 50 h 50 h Kcn-sD h 50 30 o 22 o o o o 47 2 o 20 52 30 cPZ2 o vpEo-Nm 45 h o h T2 o h vs Np 40 66 46 o 45 36 80 50 h 50 h o 35 35 h 80 45 o 50 o o o o 45 40 h Podujevë/Podujevo h o o o 65 o 20 h 82 h 45 50 75 25 o 40 o h 0 o 50 0 o 35 o 38 h 35 25 o 74 48 o o h 58 0 60 35 o 60 57 0 h o cPZ2 35 80 h o 0 65 1 h 0 h tQp 78 40 0 80 o o 0 70 h Nm 50 o 40 45 h o 58 5 h h 5 o h h 45 30 o 14 7 42 54 7 o o 65 4 35 o 40 65 70 4 h o 35 40 o 35h 45 60 o 62 20 h 60 o 35 10 o h o h 50 h sJ2-3 30 o o h 37 50 50 o o 42 48 o 40 o Kcn-mE 55 o o fy h 30 sKmD o 20 60 o 51 45o 50 h o o h 76 45 sPZ2 12 o 40 o o o 55 52 o 42 30 o 85 50 20 45 o Mitrovicë/Mitrovica 16 o 40 o o lT3 o 60 58 o 15 28 h44 35 65 h o Kb-aC 30 o 66 h 75 h o 70 40 15 h o h h o 40 o 25 60 o 35 60 cJ2-3 o 70 o h o h o 80 50 o 50 o o o 52 o o aEo-Nm 35 65 50 25 o 20 70 2 45 h 52 r fKcE 60 o lQp Qp o t o 56 o 45 Np o 45 s 35 30 o o o 38 B h 40 h o 80 o 56 65 70 42 o 70 SJ2-3 o 55 o o h o o h 70 h Qh h 45 o 55 30 40 o a o sJ2-3 15 60 o 40 o 84 Kv-hC s o 38 15 vpEo-Nm o 56 38 o h 72 o o o 60 s r o 40 h 40 40 o 35 30 60 o 15 gNP r o o o 30 h o 63 68 o 65 70 o o o 52 h o 45 h 56 50 50 30 h o 50 48 35 15 20 o h o o o 40 o Qp o o o 50 40 40 Kc-tD o t 30 60 o 80 55 h r o o 45 50 h o o 60 35 s 30 30 o o o 50 o o 50 Qp 65 h 50 40 Qh t h 50 30 o 30 T2 15 d 25 45 vs o o o h h 60 o 50 o h 50 50 55 o Vushtrri/Vučitrn lKcn-mC o o 33 70 o o o o h 45 o 50 MONTENEGRO 45 50 o 50 o 60 65 15 15 h 40 o J2-3 50 64 o 84 40 h vs 30 o o o 45 o 25 o 30 38 o o o 45 45 10 35 25 o 30 45 h 35 o o o 15 o 45 o o 60 o 70 h 50 vpEo-Nm 28 o o o o lT3 o 15 o 20 50 45 o 40 35 o 45 20 60 45 40 o h o 30 o o o 0 0 o h h 64 o 40 55 2-3 40 o 50 o o 55 0 55 30 o 15 75 0 o o o 35 Nm o 45 0 Qp 2 0 o o t h o o o 45 45 30 35 0 sKcn-mE 0 40 o 45 20 Np 4 o o 50 4 o o smJ2-3 ocJ2-365 o 30 45 45 o o 7 o 50 60 7 o 40 45 o o 68 4 o 4 45 45 50 o 36 35 o o 70 12 o o o 10 44 20 35 o o 2 o 40 50 o 45 o Qp 30 l o o sEo o o 75 o 30 2 o 1 o 40 25 10 36 Np 52 o o o 42 lQp 10 50 45 o 65 SJ2-3 Np o 30 h o 75 80 o o s o 70 Kv-hC o 45 o o o r 40 Eo-Nm 48 60 lQp Qh 70 50 a 5 o p o 36 o 70 o o o 5 2 o 54 vsJ2-3 o 4 o28 o50 o o kEo o 10 o 22 o 40 o o 70 o 10 35 65 40 Kb-aC o pQh 50 25 2 o 40 o 50 45 o h vsT2 vsT2 30 20 15 o lEo 35 50 o o o o o o o 8 vsT2 o o 30 30 o 50 20 40 o 15 2-3 h 30 o o 30 o 40 50 o 25 High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks (Migmatitic Gneiss) in the Kaçanik s 25 40 o Nm 5 o Qp 40 o 15 55 5 l Á o o o 56 s 56 h o Metamorphic Unit.
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