In the Alphabetic Order S Is Treated Like Sh, and $, Representing a Double Sibilant, Follows Ss
INDEX (In the alphabetic order s is treated like sh, and $, representing a double sibilant, follows ss. In the arrangement of words no distinction is made between long and short vowels.) Achaemenes1 (Hakhiimanis) ro, II3 n. 133 Aiwisruthrim Giih 3rd watch of the day, 252 Achaemenes' r86 akitu ceremony 34 Achaemenians ro, 41-3 et passim Alexander 282, 285 ff. Acropolis r69-7o, 174 All Souls Feast see Hamaspathmaedaya Adad 95, 139 altar not used by Iranians in the Median or AdukanaiSa 23, 24 early Achaemenian periods, 21, 40, 179, r8o; Adur Niyayes II4 alien altars at Tepe Nush-i Jan, 36-7, and at aethrapati 230 Dahiin-i Ghuliimiin, 129. (See also 'fire Ahura, the 16 (See also Varuna) holder') Ahuramazda (Mazda, Horomazes, Oromasdes, Alvand, Mt. 6, 7 with n. 28, 27 Ohrmazd) in the pre-Zoroastrian religion Alyattes 12 the Lord Wisdom, with an especial link with Ameretat (Amurdiid) 57, 93, 122, r6s, r68, the priesthood, 3, 252; greatest of the 3 245, 249, 250 Ahuras, rs, 27; in theophoric names, IS; Amesa Spentas the six 3, 93; the parallel be regularly invoked by name and title, rs, 23, tween them and the six noble conspirators, 139; "god of the Iranians", 27-8, 127; in 92-4; in calendar dedications, 245, 246, 248- Zoroaster's revelation God, Creator of all so; their new name-day feasts, 251; forming things good, including all other beneficent with Ahuramazda, or with Spenta Mainyu divine beings, 46-7, II9, 120, rs6, rs8, 192, ( q. v.) the divine heptad, 94; transcendent 233, 236, 240, 247-8; his kingdom to come and also immanent in the 7 creations 154, on earth, 39, 192, 231, 28r; Lord of all 179; reflected in Jewish angelology, 195 peoples, but especially of his chosen people, Amestris', wife of Xerxes r67, 173, r87, r88 the Iranians, 65; in Darius' inscriptions, 79 Amestris2, daughter-wife of Artaxerxes II with n.
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