MEDICINAL PLANTS POPULARLY USED in the RURAL Total Mixed Ration During Dry Season

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MEDICINAL PLANTS POPULARLY USED in the RURAL Total Mixed Ration During Dry Season AgroLife Scientific Journal - Volume 9, Number 2, 2020 Wittayakun, S., Youngklang, C., Vasupen, K., ***FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the ISSN 2285-5718; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5726; ISSN ONLINE 2286-0126; ISSN-L 2285-5718 Khowthong, C. (2005). A study on the performance United Nations (2013). Rice market monitor. of medium producing Holstein Friesian lactating Available at: < cows fed coarse ground rice straw as fibre source in publications/rice-publications/rice-marketmonitor- MEDICINAL PLANTS POPULARLY USED IN THE RURAL total mixed ration during dry season. Proceedings of rmm/en/>.Accessed on: April .09.2020. COMMUNITIES OF BEN SROUR (SOUTHEAST OF M’SILA, ALGERIA) 43rd Kasetsart University Annual Conference, ***IGAD (2011). The contribution of livestock to the Thailand, 1-4 February, 2005. Subject: Animals: 87- Ethiopian economy-part II, IGAD livestock policy 1, 2 3 4 5 95. initiative, Roy Behnke, Odessa Centre, Great Hamdi BENDIF , Nabila SOUILAH , Mohamed Djamel MIARA , Nassera DAOUD , 1 6 1 7 Yadessa Endale, Ebro Abule, a Fita Lemm and Asefa Wolford, United Kingdom. Yamina BEN MIRI , Mohamed LAZALI , Hanane KHALFA , Fayçal BAHLOULI Getnet, (2016). Feed resources and its utilization ***IPMS (Improving Productivity and Market Success practices by smallholder farmers in meta-robi district, of Ethiopian Farmers) (2005). Fogera pilot learning 1University of M’sila, Faculty of Sciences, BP 166 Mʼsila 28000, Algeria west shewa zone, oromiya regional state, Ethiopia. District diagnosis and programme design report. 78. 2ENS de Kouba, Laboratoire d’Ethnobotanique et substance naturelles, Alger, 16000, Algeria Vol. 4(4), 124-133. ***Tnau Agritech Portal Tami Nadu agricultural 3University of Skikda, Faculty of Sciences, 21000, Algeria Yemane, A. (2010). Farmers' evaluation and university. Coimbatore (2008). Introduction of 4 determinants of adoption of upland rice varieties in organic farming; effective micro organisms. Universite Ibn Khaldoun, Faculte of Natural and Life Sciences, Tiaret, Algerie, 14000, Algeria 5 fogera district, south gonder, Ethiopia. M.Sc Thesis. ***CSA (Central Statistical Agency), (2018). University of Djelfa, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Djelfa 17000, Algeria Haramaya University, Ethiopia. pp.104. Agricultural Sample Survey. Report on livestock and 6University of Khemis Miliana, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences & Earth Sciences, ***AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemist), livestock characteristics (Private peasant holdings). Aïn Defla 44000, Algeria (1990). Official Method of Analysis, 15th eds., Volume II. Statistical Bulletin, 587. Addis Abeba, 7University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, Faculty of Natural, Life and Earth Sciences and the Universe, Washington DC. 1298 p. Ethiopia. 100 pp. Bordj Bou Arréridj 34034, Algeria Corresponding author email: [email protected] Abstract The aim of this article is to investigate medicinal plants in Ben Srour region of M'sila, province and their use for treating several diseases in traditional medicine. The traditional and local uses of collected plants were questioned through semi-structured interviews with local informants and practitioners. The obtained data allowed to identify 84 species belonging to 37 botanical families with dominance of Lamiaceae (11 species), Asteraceae (8 species), Fabaceae (7 species) and Apiaceae (6 species). The most used parts of the plant are leaves (43%), aerial parts (21.7%), stems (9.6%) and seeds (7.7%), respectively. Decoction (37.87%), infusion (27.51%), powder (11.31%), maceration (5.48%) and raw (6%) are mode of traditional preparation of the medicinal plants by the local people. According to the results, used plants in Ben Srour region can be as a potential source of useful drugs. Key words: Ben Srour, M'sila, investigation, medicinal plants, traditional preparation. INTRODUCTION Therefore ethnobotanical studies are often significant in revealing locally plant species Plants have been used in traditional medicine important especially for the discovery of crude for several thousand years (Abu-Rabia, 2005). drugs. Thus, documenting the indigenous Since the advent of modern allopathic knowledge through ethnobotanical studies is medicine, the use of traditional medicine important for the conservation and utilization (including the use of medicinal plants for cure) of biological resources. Nowadays, according declined to a considerable extent. However, in to the World Health Organization (WHO), as recent years, traditional medicine has made a many as 80% of the world's people depend on comeback for a variety of reasons such as side- traditional medicine for their primary effects and toxicity of modern synthetic drugs, healthcare needs. Ethno-medicinal surveys or evolution of multi-drug resistance surveys of medicinal plants used by traditional microorganisms, and the inability of modern medicinal practitioners could represent a rich medicine to find effective cures for a number of source of data for the knowledge of medicinal diseases. During the last few decades there has plants and the ailments for which they are used. been an increasing interest in the traditional use These data can provide the background and of medicinal plants in different parts of the save the potential researcher from fruitless world (Al-Qura'n, 2005; Gazzaneo et al., 2005; research in modern scientific inquiries about Lev, 2006). Several studies highlight the the disease-curing properties of any particular importance of herbal medicine among plant. The study of medicinal plants in this area indigenous peoples (Tabuti et al., 2003; has not been realized as fully as that of other Kujawska et al., 2017). traditional communities elsewhere. In this 45 study, we present information on plant species dedicated ethnobotanical studies have been Table 1. Population structure by commune (Ben Srour, province of M'sila) used as medicines by people that inhabit an published so far. Recently, various authors Commune Population Population sex Density (inhabitant/km2) Urban Rural 2015 Male Female Population Population important step area. Out of the total flowering (Rebbas et al., 2012; Benderradji et al., 2014; Ouled Sliman 7.201 3.672 3.528 23 0 7.201 plants reported from the world, more than Bounar et al., 2016), independently carried out Zarzour 6.781 3.458 3.323 28 0 6.781 50,000 are used for medicinal purposes a study in a few localities of the province of Mohamed Boudiaf 17.611 8.982 8.629 27 0 17.611 Ben Srour 28.084 14.327 13.757 60 24.222 3.862 (Govaerts, 2001). The Algerian flora with more M’sila, reporting the uses of medicinal plants. (National Agency for Investment Development, 2015) than 3139 species (Quézel & Santa, 1962; It is in this context that the present work is part 1963) is one of the richest of North Africa and has the following objectives: to collect as DATA COLLECTION fruits, seeds, roots, resin, rhizome and stems (Miara et al., 2018). In Algeria, where much information about the therapeutic uses (Figure 2). The parts most used by people in phytotherapy is an integral part of the local practiced in this region, to analyze the results The investigation of medicinal plants used study area appeared to be the leaves and aerial culture, population has an important indigenous concerning the relationships between medicinal within the communities of Ben Srour and the parts. This has also been observed by several knowledge empirically acquired through the species and types of diseases treated, to identify surrounding areas took place between January authors in different regions of Algeria (Benarba generations (Bouasla et al., 2017). Traditional all the diseases treated, to preserve the and May 2017.This study was conducted et al., 2015; Chermat & Gharzouli, 2015; medicine still remains the main resource for a medicinal plants used by the local population among randomly selected local people of Ben Ouelbani et al., 2016; Bouasla and Bouasla, large majority of the people in Algeria in order and to highlight its importance and therapeutic Srour region (Table 2). 200 people were 2017; Miara et al., 2019c). This may be related to treat health problems and a traditional interest by ethno-pharmacology based on drug interviewed using a questionnaire. Oral semi- to the nature of active compounds in these medical consultancy including the consumption discovery and biological studies. structured interviews and questionnaires were parts. In order to facilitate the administration of of the medicinal plants has a much lower cost the tools commonly used for data collection. the drug, several methods are used, namely than modern medical attention. Recently, there MATERIALS AND METHODS The plants were collected around the region of decoction, infusion, powder, fumigation, are some works done in Algerian provinces that the informants and were shown to them to poultice, and maceration. Users are always recorded medicinally important plants (Ould El THE STUDY AREA AND confirm the plant names. looking for the simplest method to prepare Hadj et al., 2003; Chehma & Djebar, 2008; ETHNOBOTANICAL INVESTIGATION The questionnaire contained information about herbal medicines (Figure 3), the most frequent Rebbas et al., 2012; Boudjelal et al., 2013; The study area of Ben Srour is located in the the interviewed people and their uses of medi- being the decoction and infusion. The Miara et al., 2013; Benarba et al., 2015; Southeast of the province of M’sila in the cinal plants,
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