We have made our decision. We will not be a part of this unjust, immoral and illegal war. We want no part of a war of ex termination. We oppose the criminal waste of American lives and resources. We refuse to go to Vietnam" THE CASE OF THE FORT HOOD THREE Pvt. Pvt. Pfc Dennis Mora David Samas James Johnson I P y§ ^ vf E&arnm."..:'.. \ THE CASE OF THE FORT HOOD THREE The U.S. army has moved to court-martial three antiwar GIs before they could complete legal proceedings in the civilian courts which would seek to prevent the army from sending them to Vietnam. The three GIs, formerly stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, and on leave in New York City were arrested July 7 just one half hour before they were to speak to a public meeting at Com munity Church to explain legal proceedings which they have instituted against the Vietnam war, which they consider "illegal, immoral and un just." They were taken, two of them inhandcuffs, to Fort Dix, New Jersey and are being held under "investigative detention" while the Army deter mines whether they are guilty of acts "prejudi cial" to the Army. The three men are PFC James Johnson, 20, Pvt. Dennis Mora, 25, and Pvt. David Samas, 20. They were drafted into the Army last December, took basic training at Fort Hood and signal train ing at Fort Gordon, Georgia. They became friends in training and found that they all felt the war in Vietnam was wrong. They completed the Signal School and were assigned to the 142nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, Fort Hood, Texas. There they found they were under orders to go to Vietnam. FIGHT FOR RIGHT "Now all we had discussed and thought about was real. It was time for us to quit talking and decide. Go to Vietnam and ignore the truth or stand and fight for what we know is right." They were given 30-day leaves before re porting to Oakland Army Terminal for shipment to Vietnam. They decided not to go to Vietnam and to make a case of it. They went to New York and contacted an attorney to seek an injunction in Federal Court Based on the illegality of the war. The case against the government contends "That it would be illegal to send the soldiers to Vietnam because the war violates the U.N. Char ter, Nuremberg Judgements, Geneva Agreements and other treaties." Also, they state that they cannot be sent to Vietnam since there has not been a declaration of war by Congress. On June 30 they held a news conference and announced that they were filing the injunction. They said: "We have been told that many times we may face a Vietnamese woman or child and that we will have to kill them. We will never go there — to do that — for Ky! ... We have made our decision. We will not be a part of this unjust, im moral, and illegal war. We want no part of a war of extermination. We oppose the criminal waste of American lives and resources. We refuse to go to Vietnam." WIDESPREAD SUPPORT They have been supported in their stand by leaders of the civil rights and by the entire anti war movement. Stokely Carmichael, Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and Lincoln Lynch, associate national director of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) appeared with them at the press confer ence to give support of their organizations. THE FORT HOOD THREE Pfc. James Johnson, 20. Born in East Harlem Graduated from Rice Parochial High School. Attended Bronx Community College for a year before being drafted. He is a Negro. Pvt. Dennis Mora, 25. Born in Spanish Harlem. Attended Bronx High School of Science. Grad uated from CCNY with a B.A. in History. A case worker for the New York City Dept. of Welfare until being drafted. He is Puerto Ri- can. Pvt. David Samas, 20. Born in Chicago. Was attending Modesto Junior College in Modesto, Calif., when drafted. Married this June. Of Italian, Lithuanian background. Master Sergeant Donald Duncan, who spent 18 months in the Special Forces in Vietnam and who refused a commission and quit the Army be cause he had become convinced the war was wrong sent a message of support saying: "Your actions, if properly motivated, take a strength greater than that required to go to Vietnam. To persevere will be an act of personal bravery far beyond the capabilities of most of us, certainly far beyond anything I have ever done." A committee to aid the three soldiers in their case was formed and called, the Fort Hood Three Defense Committee, with prominent people across the country as sponsors. INTIMIDATION & ARREST After their announcement, though they were still on leave, attempts were made to intimidate them and even to bribe them to drop the case. Pvt. Samas's parents were contacted by police and told that if their son would drop the case, he would be given an Army discharge. Then, only 30 minutes before they were to speak on their case before a public meeting they were arrested. Floyd B. McKissick, national director of CORE, declared that the arrests "were made ex plicitly to prevent these young men from exer cising their First Amendment right to freedom of speech and were reminiscent of 'police state tactics.' Recently in Baltimore at its National Convention, CORE went on record as being opposed to the Vietnam war and pledged to aid and support those who would not serve in Viet nam." A petition to prevent the government from sending the three GIs overseas was dismissed in Washington D.C.on July 11. Judge Edward Curran dismissed the case with the following decision: "This suit is in reality a suit against the U.S. and the U.S. has not consented to be sued. In addition, it is not the function of the judiciary to entertain such litigation which challenges the validity, the wisdom or the propriety of our Com mander in Chief. The issue presented involves a challenge to the conduct of not only diplomatic, but foreign affairs, over which the President is exclusively responsible." GOVERNMENT AIMS The attorney for the Fort Hood Three, Stanley Faulkner, will appeal the case in the U.S. Court of Appeals. After Judge Curran's de cision, Faulkner gave the following three pos sible reasons for the seizure of the three GIs: (1) to avoid a significant confrontation with the issues in the case; (2) to "frighten them and others who oppose the war" and (3) to hold them long enough for interest in the case to lessen. Reverend A.J. Muste, co-chairman of the Fort Hood Three Defense Committee, sent the following telegram to the U.S. Attorney General and the Secretary of Defense saying: "The peace movement will continue to aid in every possible lawful way anyone, civilian, soldier, sailor or marine, who opposes this illegal, immoral war. The young men in the armed services are en titled to know the truth about the war and to en gage in discussions about it. Citizens are like wise entitled to communicate the truth about the war to servicemen and the peace movement is determined to exercise that right." The anit-war movement, with hundreds of thousands of active participants across the country is backing the three soldiers now being held at Fort Dix. We defend their right to free speech, their right to their day in court, and their right not to participate in a war they con sider immoral and unjust. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP The New York Fifth Avenue Peace Parade Committee, and the New Jersey and Philadelphia anti-war groups have demonstrated at Fort Dix and have passed out fact sheets on the case to GIs both at the base and at bus terminals in cities nearby. They have found a remarkably friendly response. Everybody is watching to see whether the anti-war movement will stand solidly behind these three courageous GIs and succeed in mounting an effective campaign in their de fense. The importance of this case can hardly be overestimated. The Fort Hood Three Defense Committee urges that the following activities be undertaken wherever they are possible: 1. Obtain statements of support for the three GIs from prominent people in your area, including trade unionists, professors, politicians and peace candidates, civil rights leaders, and of course persons in the anti-war movement. Ask them to become sponsors of the defense committee. 2. Conduct demonstrations and meetings in support of the three GIs. Include their case in other anti-war demonstrations being planned in your area. Members of the families of all three of the GIs are willing to speak on their behalf. 3. Pass out fact sheets on the case to GIs wherever you can find them — at nearby military bases, service clubs, USO's, bus terminals, etc. This activity is completely legal, the response has been inspiring, and it is one of the most effective ways of maintaining pressure on the authorities connected with the case. The slogans which have been carried on the Fort Dix dem onstrations are: FREE THE FORT HOOD THREE FREE SPEECH FOR GIs SUPPORT GIs RIGHT NOT TO BE IN VIETNAM SOLDIERS ARE CITIZENS FREE Pfc. JOHNSON, Pvt. MORA, Pvt. SAMAS 4. Write or wire Congressmen, Senators, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, and President Johnson, urging that the three GIs not be prosecuted. 5. Send telegrams of support to the three men themselves.
Vietnam Generation Volume 2 Number 1 GI Resistance: Soldiers and Veterans Article 1 Against the War 1-1990 GI Resistance: Soldiers and Veterans Against the War Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration Part of the American Studies Commons Recommended Citation (1990) "GI Resistance: Soldiers and Veterans Against the War," Vietnam Generation: Vol. 2 : No. 1 , Article 1. Available at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration/vol2/iss1/1 This Complete Volume is brought to you for free and open access by La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vietnam Generation by an authorized editor of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact careyc@lasalle.edu. GI RESISTANCE: S o l d ie r s a n d V e t e r a n s AGAINST THE WAR Victim am Generation Vietnam Generation was founded in 1988 to promote and encourage interdisciplinary study of the Vietnam War era and the Vietnam War generation. The journal is published by Vietnam Generation, Inc., a nonprofit corporation devoted to promoting scholarship on recent history and contemporary issues. ViETNAM G en eratio n , In c . ViCE-pRESidENT PRESidENT SECRETARY, TREASURER Herman Beavers Kali Tal Cindy Fuchs Vietnam G eneration Te c HnIc a I A s s is t a n c e EdiTOR: Kali Tal Lawrence E. Hunter AdvisoRy BoARd NANCY ANISFIELD MICHAEL KLEIN RUTH ROSEN Champlain College University of Ulster UC Davis KEVIN BOWEN GABRIEL KOLKO WILLIAM J. SEARLE William Joiner Center York University Eastern Illinois University University of Massachusetts JACQUELINE LAWSON JAMES C.
Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Resist Newsletters Resist Collection 11-20-1968 Resist Newsletter, Nov. 20, 1968 Resist Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/resistnewsletter Recommended Citation Resist, "Resist Newsletter, Nov. 20, 1968" (1968). Resist Newsletters. 10. https://digitalrepository.trincoll.edu/resistnewsletter/10 THE BUILDZNG OF -COMMUNITIES cont'd ••• D!lAFT TO DOUBLE IN 1969 cont'd ••• domestic colonialism. If we can stand may go a good deal higher. For the together we can build a society that last few years the Army has always offers a meaningful life to all of underestimated its needs, and in its ' citizens. February or Ma~ch we can expect an announcement from General Hershey However, we should realize that we that the calls for the rest of the need personally relevant reasons for spring will be even higher than unity. , We should not let phony emo anticipated. tionalism perpetuate our organization al hang-ups. We must understand the Meanwhile, to keep the manpower people we hope to recruit, where pipeline filled, the Pentagon has they're at and how to activate them, resorted to a variety of maneuvers. and must discourage those who would Reserves called up during the Pueblo use the movement as a psychological crisis have been kept for Vietnam, balm for past hurts and injustices. and other Reserve and National Guard units have been activated and shipped There has not been enough debate out. Regulations governing attendance on the issue of "where do we go from of individual Reservists at drill have here and how?" Bluntly put, the been tightened, and a significant num movement can succeed only if we ber of men have been called to active develop continuity through community.
——THREE" G ri .-s ARRESTED A HD HELD KT FORT DIX TO PREVENT TEEIR SPEAKING ON THEIR LEGAL GPSE AGAINST THE VIETNAM WARI Three G.l.'s, formerly stationed at Fort Hood Texas, and on leave in New York City were arrested July 7 just one half hour before they were to speak to a public meeting at Community Church to.explain legal proceedings which they have instituted against the Vietnam war, which they consider "illegal, immoral and unjust." They were taken* two of them in handcuffs, to Port Dix, New Jersey and are being held under tight restrictions. The three are PFC James Johnson, 20, Pvt. Dennis Nora,: 25, and Pvt. David Samas, 20, They were drafted into the Army last December, took basic training at Port Hood and signal training at Fort Gordon, Georgia. They became friends -in training and found that they all felt the war in Vietnam was wrong. They completed the Signal School and were assigned to the li|2nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Armored Division, Port Hood, Texas. There they found they were under orders to go to Vietnam. •• •• "Now all we had discussed and thought about was real. It was time for us to quit talking and decide. Go to Vietnam and ignore the truth or stand and fight for what we know is right." They were given 30-day leaves before reporting to Oakland Army Terminal in California for shipment to Vietnam. They decided not to go to Vietnam and to make a case of it. They went to New York and contacted an Attorney to seek an injunction in Federal Court based on the illegality of the war.
View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Texas A&M Repository THE WAR IN THE DESERT: THE VIETNAM ANTIWAR MOVEMENT IN THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST A Thesis by BRANDON MICHAEL WARD Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS August 2009 Major Subject: History THE WAR IN THE DESERT: THE VIETNAM ANTIWAR MOVEMENT IN THE AMERICAN SOUTHWEST A Thesis by BRANDON MICHAEL WARD Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Approved by: Chair of Committee, Terry H. Anderson Committee Members, Carlos K. Blanton James S. Burk Head of Department, Walter L. Buenger August 2009 Major Subject: History iii ABSTRACT The War in the Desert: The Vietnam Antiwar Movement in the American Southwest. (August 2009) Brandon Michael Ward, B.A., Colorado State University Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Terry H. Anderson The Vietnam antiwar movement developed in the American Southwest out of a coalition of Chicanos, GI‟s, and students who agreed that the Vietnam War was racist, imperialist, costly, and negatively affected them and their communities. The antiwar movement in the Southwest formed in 1967, made possible by the emergence of the Chicano and GI movements. Chicanos criticized the military for a disproportionate number of Mexican American combat deaths in Vietnam. The military sent activist youth from across the country to bases in the Southwest, where they protested the war alongside Chicanos and college students.
Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons Faculty Publications 2004 ‘Lose in Vietnam, Bring Our Boys Home’ Robert N. Strassfeld Case Western Reserve University - School of Law, robert.strassfeld@case.edu Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/faculty_publications Part of the Law Commons Repository Citation Strassfeld, Robert N., "‘Lose in Vietnam, Bring Our Boys Home’" (2004). Faculty Publications. 267. https://scholarlycommons.law.case.edu/faculty_publications/267 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons. "LOSE IN VIETNAM, BRING THE BOYS HOME" ROBERTN. STRASSFELD. This Article examines the contest over dissent and loyalty during the Vietnam War. The Johnson and Nixon Administrations used an array of weapons to discourage or silence antiwar opposition. These included crinLinal prosecutions for "disloyal speech," a tool that they used with less frequency than s01ne other administrations in times of war; prosecutions for other "crimes" that served as pretext for prosecuting disloyal speech; infiltration and harassment; and an attempt to characterize their critics as disloyal. The antiwar movement, in turn, responded to allegations that dissent equaled disloyalty by offering an alternative vision of loyalty and patriotism. In so doing, they recast notions of allegiance, betrayal, support of the troops, and our obligations in the face of conflicting loyalties. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1892 I. THE USES OF LOYALTY IN THE VIETNAM WAR ERA ........... 1894 A. The Model of Legal Repression: The World War I Experience ...........................................................................
The War Within a War: Dissent in the Vietnam-Era Military
Vietnam Generation Volume 2 Number 1 GI Resistance: Soldiers and Veterans Article 3 Against the War 1-1990 The aW r Within a War: Dissent in the Vietnam-Era Military James R. Hayes Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration Part of the American Studies Commons Recommended Citation Hayes, James R. (1990) "The aW r Within a War: Dissent in the Vietnam-Era Military," Vietnam Generation: Vol. 2 : No. 1 , Article 3. Available at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration/vol2/iss1/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vietnam Generation by an authorized editor of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact careyc@lasalle.edu. ThE W ar W bhiN a W a r : DissENT in t Me Vie t n a m E ra MiliTARy Jaimes R. Ha y es The signing of the Indochina peace agreements in early 1973 officially ended American participation in the Vietnam conflict. Military officials would probably be the first to admit that they, more than any other group in society, experienced the first sigh of relief. Throughout most of the war, the military was subjected to invectives emanating from a war-weary civilian sector, as well as disgruntled, ant iwar, anti-military GIs. While civil-military relations have a well-documented tradition of animosity, organized protest within the ranks is without parallel in American military history.1 For military traditionalists, the presence of a small but vocal minority of soldiers raising the old ideal of a “democratic military” produced some acute anxiety.
Detroit Coalition to End the War Invietnam Records
THE DETROIT COMMITTEE TO END THE WAR IN VIETNAM COLLECTION Papers, 1965-69 1 linear foot Accession Number 425 LC Number MS The papers of the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam (CEWV) were placed in the Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs in December of 1970 by Helen Schiff and were open for research in September of 1984. The Detroit CEWV was one of a number of local Committees to End the War in Vietnam which were founded after the sustained bombing of North Vietnam began in February of 1965. These committees were not affiliated with any national political party, they were non-exclusionary, almost all demanded the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam, and they were action oriented. The work of the Committees was coordinated by the National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam which was founded in August of 1965. In Detroit, the CEWV sponsored a number of local demonstrations and events including teach-ins, debates, speakers, and films at Wayne State University and throughout the city. The Committee also worked with other anti-war groups in Detroit in sponsoring events and running peace candidates. Finally, the Committee built for and participated in a number of national demonstrations, including the April, 1967 March on New York City, and the October, 1967 March on Washington, D.C. The papers of the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam document the organization's work in building an anti-war movement in Detroit by sponsoring local events and participating in national demonstrations. Important subjects covered in this collection are: Dearborn Referendum GI Anti-war Organizing Factionalism in the Anti-war Movement Socialist Workers Party Fort Hood Three Among the important correspondents are: David Dellinger A.
Fort Hood Three Defense Committee 5 Beekman St., 10Th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10038
THE FORT HOOD TREE THE CASE OF THE THREE G.I.'S \NHO SAID uNO" TO THE V\IAR IN'VIETNAM 25¢ Cover: from lell-Pvt. Dennis Mora, Pvt. David Somas, and PFC James Johnson Published by Fort Hood Three Defense Committee 5 Beekman St., 10th Floor, New York, N.Y., 10038 Printed in the United States of America July, 1966 .', TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PRESS RELEASE . ..4 INTRODUCTION BY DAVE DELLINGER. 6 JOINT STATEMENT OF THREE G.I.'S . 9 LETTER FROM DONALD DUNCAN .... 12 ROBERT SCHEER SUPPORTS CASE . .. 13 PVT. DENNIS MORA'S STATEMENT. 14 PVT. DAVID SAMAS' SPEECH ...... 15 PFC JAMES JOHNSON'S SPEECH. 19 CORE STATEMENT. 21 SNCC STATEMENT. .. 22 AL EVANOFF'S SPEECH ........ 24 PARADE COMMITTEE PROTEST. 26 REPRINT FROM NEW YORK POST ... 28 V Photo by Finer Pvt. Dennis Mora, PFC James Johnson, and Pvt. David Samas at June 30th press conference VIET AM PEACE PARADE COMMITTEE 5 BEEKMAN ST. New York, . Y. 10038 Release: immediately Tel. 964-0070 GI's REFUSE SHIPMENT TO VIETNAM FILE I JU CTIO SUIT VS. Mc AMARA NEW YORK, JUNE 30- Three soldiers who are under em barkation orders for Vietnam declared today that they would refuse to board ship on the ground that the war is "illegal, im moral and unjust." Simultaneously with their announcement, legal proceedings were instituted on their behalf in Washington, D. C., Federal court against Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mc amara and Secretary of the Army Stanley Resor to bar the officials from shipping them to Southeast Asia. The suit, in the form of an application for a permanent injunction, was filed by their attor ney, Stanley Faulkner, 9 E.
1961-1973: GI resistance in the Vietnam War History of the widespread mutiny of US troops in Vietnam that brought the world's most powerful military machine to its knees. The GI anti-war movement within the army was one of the decisive factors in ending the war. An American soldier in a hospital explained how he was wounded: He said “I was told that the way to tell a hostile Vietnamese from a friendly Vietnamese was to shout ‘To hell with Ho Chi Minh!’ If he shoots, he’s unfriendly. So I saw this dude and yelled ‘To hell with Ho Chi Minh!’ and he yelled back, ‘To hell with President Johnson!’ We were shaking hands when a truck hit us.” - from 1,001 Ways to Beat the Draft, by Tuli Kupferburg. The U.S. government would be happy to see the history of the Vietnam War buried and forgotten. Not least because it saw the world’s greatest superpower defeated by a peasant army, but mainly because of what defeated the war effort – the collective resistance of the enlisted men and women in the U.S. armed forces, who mutinied, sabotaged, shirked, fragged and smoked their way to a full withdrawal and an end to the conflict. Before the war Military morale was considered high before the war began. In fact, the pre-Vietnam Army was considered the best the United States had ever put into the field. Consequently, the military high command was taken quite by surprise by the rapid disintegration of the very foundations of their power.
“Soldiers for Peace” Transcript from APM Reports 1 of 32 Soldiers For
Soldiers for Peace APM Reports Transcript Part 1 Stephen Smith: Barry Romo was 19 years old when he went to fight in the Vietnam War. It was July, 1967. Romo had volunteered for the Army, trained as an officer, and arrived in Vietnam a Second Lieutenant. He was assigned to be the platoon leader of an infantry unit. Within weeks of landing in Vietnam he was leading men on search and destroy missions. They were fighting enemy soldiers and guerillas - at close range. Barry Romo: I was afraid I was going to make a mistake; I was a 19-year-old lieutenant. I was gonna be in charge of 45 men in combat. I wasn’t afraid of dying, but I was worried that I would get people killed. Smith: Barry Romo was only five foot two. But he was strong and fit, and he wanted to kill communists. Romo: I volunteered because I was a dedicated anti-communist. I’d grown up in the 50s. I thought the world was being controlled by an international communist conspiracy. Kate Ellis: But from the beginning, there were things about the war that troubled Romo. He identified as a Chicano, and he saw a deep strain of racism in the military. There was one event, in particular. At a base where Romo was stationed, U.S. troops paid Vietnamese civilians to turn in unexploded American bombs and artillery shells. The U.S. military wanted those explosives back before enemy soldiers could find them. Romo: And there had been three or four children bringing back this round, which as they carried it, they jarred it and it exploded.
Vietnam Vets Against the Vietnam War: the People's House in Clarksville, TN (1970-1972)
Vietnam Vets Against the Vietnam War: The People’s House in Clarksville, TN (1970-1972) Research by Alice Saunders Advised by Jeffrey Burds History Department College of Arts and Sciences This research paper explores the history of a particular organization that flourished in a time of controversy and uncertainty throughout the United States. The People’s House was a GI coffeehouse located outside of Fort Campbell in Clarksville, TN from 1970 to 1972 that was developed in response to a growing opposition to the Vietnam war from the soldiers themselves. During the war, GI coffeehouses played a key role in providing a safe space outside of Army bases where disillusioned GI’s could speak their mind and organize together. This purpose, combined with the hope of bringing together GI and civilian activists, inspired and motivated the People’s House and its members. This research reveals that both the community of Clarksville and also the federal government did not approve of the People’s House. From firebombs to hearings before the House of Representatives, it is apparent that many viewed the People’s House as both a Communist cell and a threat to national security. The methodology used in this research involved a close examination of primary source and government documents related to the People’s House and interviews with past members. This research paper examines the importance and history of the widely under recognized GI movement and examines the reasons why the federal government saw the People’s House as a threat to the safety of America. The paper concludes that the legacy of the People’s House and other coffeehouses like it is an increase in governmental and public tolerance for criticism of the military by members of the military, the government, and the general public.