Dep~'(Rules) R L'(J
No. - -----/Rules/DHC/20 17 The RegisLrar General, lligh Court of Delhi, New Delhi. To I. The District & Sessions Judge (HQ), Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. 2. The District & Sessions Judge, East District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi. 3. The District & Sessions Judge, North-West District, Rohini Courts, Delhi. 4. The District & Sessions Judge, New Delhi District, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi. 5. 'rhe District & Sessions Judge, South District, Saket Courts, New Delhi. 6. The District & Sessions Judge, South-West District, Dwarka Courts, Delhi. 7. The District & Sessions Judge, West District, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi. 8. The District & Sessions Judge, North District, Rohini Courts, Delhi . 9. The District & Sessions Judge, North-East District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi. 10. The District & Sessions Judge, South-East District, Saket Courts, New Delhi. II. The District & Sessions Judge, Shahdara District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi. 12. Thc Principal Judge (HQ), Family Courts, Dwarka, Delhi. New Delhi, dated Sub: Amendment in Rule 7B of Delhi Higher Judicial Services, 1970 Sir/Madam, I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Notification No. F.6/l1l20 II-JudI.! Suptlaw/877-881 dated 09.11.2016 received from the Govt. ofNCT of Delhi for information and necessary action. Yours faithfully, End: As Above. I (Ajay Gupta) Joint Registrar (Judicial)(Rules/CPC) For Registrar General Endorsement No.~) () '63> /Rules/DHCl2017 Dated :?>J) / n . Copy along with copy of the above Notification forwarded for information and necessary action to : 1. The Member Secretary, Delhi Legal Service Authority, Pre-fab Building, Patiala I·louse Courts, New Delhi 2. The Director (Admn.), Delhi Judicial Academy, Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi 3.
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