
Crystal Formations and in the Search of in Architecture Müge Kruşa Yemişcioğlu1, Arzu Gönenç Sorguç2, Çağlar Fırat Özgenel3 1,2,3Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture 1,2,3{mugek|arzug|fozgenel}@metu.edu.tr

Nature is always full of patterns inspiring all the disciplines and especially architecture in many ways. Currently, with the advances in technology and growing interest towards nature-driven studies, retrieving information from nature has a new connotation in scales and dimensions including both living and non-living beings. In this study, it is aimed to explore the scales of nature from Nano to Macro and a holistic approach is embraced to cope with the complexity of nature and architecture. To understand these complexities, patterns in different forms and scales serve as valuable tools to decode and recode information from one domain to another through locating the order and how patterns exist in different and changing environments with respect to forces and the urge of the existence of the being.This research focuses on the behavior of crystal formation which can be observed both in biotic and abiotic nature to understand the order generating the and its adaptation into a different and changing environment. This information of has great potential for architecture in terms of spatial structures, new materials and introducing a novel for freeform structures. In this study, the potentials, limits and possible contributions of crystal formation are stated for architecture in the search of symmetry and patterns.

Keywords: nature-driven, computational design, crystal formation, symmetry,

INTRODUCTION ifested in the façades, structural systems, ornaments, Men always search patterns which bring order and tiling, the use of materials and even spatial organi- predictability into Architecture. Observing the zations can be considered as the examples of how weather, recording the earthquakes, decoding DNA patterns in architecture determine the design. Na- are some examples of the quest for patterns. Ar- ture is always full of patterns inspiring all the disci- chitecture since from Vitruvius search for order as a plines and especially architecture in many ways. Cur- way to achieve strength, harmony, aesthetics. Differ- rently, with the advances in technology and grow- ent architectural styles with prominent features man- ing interest towards nature-driven studies, retrieving

GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 - eCAADe 36 | 121 information from nature has a new connotation in vents in technology and need for novel solutions for scales and dimensions such as , organelles, new challenging tasks like economic, environmental cells, tissues, organs, and living beings, behavior, and and social ones, researchers again gravitated towards ecosystem (Zari, 2010). In order to explore various di- nature with new tools and perspectives. Among mensional patterns, nature reveals as an important these approaches, biomimetics is taking attention model, mentor and measure in architecture (Benyus, with its methods, tools and exemplary studies. 1997) both living beings and inanimate part of it as a whole. Since nature and architecture are dif- Figure 1 ferent complex systems, finding patterns in nature Flow systems in which represent the ordered behavior is highly ad- action: the delta of vantageous to transfer information to architectural the Lena River in domain. Moreover, locating the disordered behavior northern Siberia according to force and formation provides a valuable (left) and a cast of a source to understand the adaptation of resultant pat- human lung (right). terns into changing conditions. Although this adap- (A. tation is mostly seen as an imperfection of the exist- Bejan/Doubleday) ing pattern, it is also possible to acknowledge it as a [url-1] new kind of order with new symmetry rules and pat- terns. In the scope of this study which is presented as a part of an ongoing Ph.D. research, it is aimed to ex- plore nature in terms of new orders and resultant pat- terns. Then the discussion of the broadened refer- ence domain towards a holistic one including both living and non-living beings is carried by focusing on abiotic nature as a source of information. In this re- spect case study is focused on the behavior of crystal formation which can be observed both in biotic and abiotic nature to understand the order generating the patterns in nature and its adaptation into differ- ent and changing environment. The information em- bedded in crystallization has great potential for ar- chitecture in terms of spatial structures, new materi- als and introducing a novel lattice for freeform struc- tures. The extent of the current biomimetic studies in Archi- PATTERNS AND NATURE tecture is mostly limited with the living natural world, Nature has always been source of inspiration and and this issue is explained by the urge of information for science, , architecture, to survive, thrive and nurture in the environment that engineering, and arts. Among the information em- they proceed their life (Dorfman, 2016). Moreover, bedded in nature, symmetry and resultant patterns learning from the inanimate part of the nature is dis- which reflect the ordered and disordered behaviors couraged in the scope of Biomimetic studies by call- are prominent for these domains. Today, with the ad- ing it “Geomimicry” and it is claimed that adapting

122 | eCAADe 36 - GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 living nature’s aspects to survive and thrive on Earth The drawings created between 1917 and 1920 shows is the only valuable strategy, although , stars, the influence of inanimate nature in his works, also air, and rocks are counted as important substances of explains the crystal inspiration on Crystal Pavilion “nature” (Biomimicry Institute, 2013). (1914) (Gomel & Weninger, 2004). Both the utopian As the Constructal Law introduced by Adrian Be- drawings and the pavilion can be seen as the explo- jan claims that nature works with same physical laws rations of the influence of environmental forces both both for animate and inanimate nature (Bejan & Zane, on nature and the architecture. Recently, Speck et.al. 2012), it is seen that both animate and inanimate na- proposed “” as “geo-derived development” ture reacts to forces of their environment in a sim- and nature-derived development along with “Biol- ilar manner which architecture is also seeking for. ogy” as a source of information that have potential The exemplary study of Philip Ball shows that abiotic to contribute to design and engineering (Speck, et al., subjects have great potential to understand, analyze, 2017). predict and generate the built environment, and bi- Hence, in the scope of this study, it is aimed otic and abiotic nature is not that much different from to broaden the extend of biomimetic studies by each other, and they form the ecosystem together re-introducing inanimate nature and well-known (Ball, 1999). As it is shown in Figure 1, the genera- natural forces with their lessons to be learned tion and growth of geographical formations and our and adapted to architecture. Approaching nature lungs behave similarly depending on the flow of wa- through only living organisms is found to be under- ter and air and this can be explained by Geometric estimating the potentials of balance between ani- Similarity which is one of the similarity types that can mate and inanimate nature. It is also stated that inan- be established between two different scales. These imate nature along with natural forces has great po- similarities are described as “tree model” which is the tential for architecture, since the contemporary ex- non-dimensional pattern based on branching amples are seemed to be limited with formal ap- according to the acting forces. proaches like biomorphic ones. Thus, comprehend- Learning from abiotic nature is not a new con- ing the natural system as a whole with all or related cept in architecture e.g. the hanging structural relations and changes in time provides more informa- model of Antoni Gaudi and book of Bruno Taut de- tion to architecture then acknowledging only one in- scribing a utopian city are still valuable examples stance of a part. showing the potentials of understanding the role of It is a fact that each of the natural beings is a forces on the forms in architecture. In Taut’s unreal- showing “a complicated mix of or- ized drawings and explanations, a new city and ar- dered and disordered behavior” (Johnson, 2009). In chitectural approach is proposed based on the ge- understanding these complexities, patterns in differ- ographical formations formed by the natural forces. ent forms and scales serve as valuable tools to de- code and recode information from one domain to Figure 2 (a) Cave of Crystals, found in Mexico [url-2], (b) Collage of protein crystals and grown in space (Credits: NASA). [url-3], (c) Examples of of human DNA (Manvilla, et al.,2012) GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 - eCAADe 36 | 123 another. In nature it is not a surprise to find geo- on the symmetry groups and elements. Crystalliza- metrically well-defined patterns like hexagonal hon- tion processes are chosen to understand the relation eycombs, spiral seashells, branching of trees between different behaviors in different scales from and leafage, molecular distribution and lattice struc- nano to macro. tures of crystals helping to define growth and gener- ation. These patterns can be found in both two and CASE STUDY: CRYSTAL SYMMETRY AS A three dimensions in different scales. In order to un- PATTERN derstand the order in complexity and relate it with Crystal formations are observed as an important ex- architectural patterns, it is important to decode the ample on how animate and inanimate nature should existing and how the resultant patterns be taken into account in a holistic way. Crystalliza- exist in different and changing environments with re- tion process can be observed both in animate and in spect to forces and the existence of the being. animate nature as can be seen in crystal caves (Figure Hence, considering the importance of the tan- 2a), in proteins and viruses (Figure 2b) and in human gible case studies in nature-driven research in archi- DNA and RNA (Figure 2c). The crystallization process tecture, in this study, the order of crystal structures regulates the being’s growth, by either adapting itself is examined to retrieve information for architecture to the changes of its environment or fitting to new to learn from its adaptive capacity and order based ones which are also very prominent for adaptation

Figure 3 Drawings of unit cell and Bravais Lattices are generated by the authors. Twin types are retrieved from http://www.tulane.edu/

124 | eCAADe 36 - GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 Figure 4 Screenshot of the developed algorithm simulating the growth of crystals based on unitcell, growth rates, twinnings and defects. The algorithm is developed by the authors.

GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 - eCAADe 36 | 125 in architecture. In this vein, crystal polymorphism is Although polymorphic crystals have different habits a very appealing trait with its capability to adapt to and costumes, the faces which grow as a response of various environments as well as preserving the inner the environment providing the efficient solution for order. the growth process will occur and the response of the environment based on crystal defects and growth Figure 5 rates based on the inner code of the crystal (Kang, et Spinel Crystal al., 2014). This code, which can also be interpreted as generated based on the genetic code of the crystal, regulates all the be- unit cell and growth havioral features of the crystal and can be explained by means of symmetry operations of the unit cell and the lattice structure (). In this respect, to comprehend and provide an information for various levels of architecture, a com- putational model is developed based on the crystal class, metrics regarding the unit cell (lengths {a,b,c} and angles {alpha, beta and gamma}), growth rates of faces according to local axise. Then, the model is elaborated to generate a cluster with numerical data such as the number of crystals, and number of twin crystals if a twinning process is foreseen among the most common defects in crystals. Also, considering the unpredictable location of initial crys- tallization, a randomization seed is included to illus- trate some of the potential configurations. Spinel Crystal (Al2MgO4) is generated based on the Crys- tallography Information File (CIF) data retrieved from “.net”. One of the instances of the al- gorithm showing the process can be seen in the Fig- ure 3. As a result of aforementioned analysis and sim- ulation, the potentials of crystal study are revealed with the adaptive features, the varied strength of 3-dimensional patterns, and force-driven formation. The outcome 3d spatial pattern based on a unit cell has great potential in terms of space filling, adapta- tion and structural behavior. Decoded and recoded pattern of Spinel crystal is shown in Figure 4. The growth process of the crystals along with de- fects such as intergrowth and twinning are promi- nent in architecture with its unique characteristic of repetition of the 3d pattern while adapting into a different environment. The simple ordered pat- tern underlining the complex structure of crystals

126 | eCAADe 36 - GENERATIVE DESIGN - Volume 2 is important for architecture to comprehend and the proposed model, crystal formation is explored in 3-dimensional which can evolve and various scales which are exhibiting different behav- grow in time. Also, various configurations of same iors yet, contributing the existence of crystal struc- revealing varied patterns show quite different ture by adapting into different environmental forces structural behavior, such as and . and conditions. It shows that abiotic nature which is Structural simulations show that these configura- mostly disregarded in the current studies can guide tions can also architecture to search for new 3- architecture to exist in different conditions through dimensional structural patterns. the principles of emergence and growth of crystal structures. These principles are illustrated with the NEW PATTERNS FOR ARCHITECTURE example of a spinel crystal which is a part of abiotic Architecture can learn from form generation from na- nature. Yet, it is possible to demonstrate similar be- ture and crystallization which is a process occur in havior with a biotic example with respect to its own any ordered is a prominent source. The idea order and symmetry conditions. of creating the form based on forces is not a recently developed idea, contrary it is being discussed in the REFERENCES last century which can be discussed on the quotation Ball, P 1999, The Self-Made Tapestry: in from D’Arcy Thompson: “Form is a diagram of forces.” nature, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (Thompson, 1917) Bejan, A and Zane, JP 2012, Design in Nature: How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in , , Therefore, the formation process of crystals Technology, and Social Organization, “Published in which occur according to thermodynamic forces of the United States by Doubleday, a division of Ran- the environment provides a valuable lesson regard- dom House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Ran- ing the force-form relationship to architecture. The dom House of Canada Limited, Toronto information transferred from crystals can be mapped Benyus, J 1997, Biomimicry: InnovationInspiredbyNature, into many architectural scales i.e. materials, com- Perennial Burkhardt, B 2016, ’Natural structures - the research of ponents, structural systems, buildings and building Frei Otto in natural sciences’, International Journal of blocks etc. Transfer or information among different Space Structures, 31, pp. 9-15 scales is a problematic process, especially all the ther- Dorfman, M 2016, Nature Is Alive with Green , modynamic reactions in nanoscale are completely Biomimicry 3.8 different than macroscale. Therefore, there is a need Gomel, E and Weninger, SA 2004, ’Romancing The Crys- for a common ground which defines the similarities tal: Utopias of Transparency and Dreams of Pain’, Utopian Studies, 15, pp. 65-91 between not only different scales, but also different Johnson, NF 2009, Two’s company, three is complex- knowledge domains namely crystallography and ar- ity: A simple guide to the science of all sciences., chitecture. s.l.:Richmond: Oneworld Kang, H, Wang, T, Li, X, Su, Y, Guo, J and Fu, H 2014, ’Faceted-nonfaceted growth transition and 3- CONCLUSION D morphological evolution of primary Al6Mn micro- This study constitutes the basis of a generic model crystals in directionally solidified Al-3’, Journal of Ma- in search of extreme architecture. The main chal- terials Research, 29, pp. 1256-1263 lenge in this study is to associate disciplines (which Manvilla, BA, Maiti, A, Begley, MC, Toth, EA and Dro- are crystallography, chemistry, physics, mathemat- hat, AC 2012, ’Crystal Structure of Human Methyl- ics, and architecture in this study) on a single case Binding Domain IV Glycosylase Bound to Abasic DNA’, Journal of Molecular Biology, 420, pp. 164-175 study. Thus, regarding the interdisciplinarity of the Speck, O, Speck, D, Horn, R, Gantner, J and Sedlbauer, KP subject, a group of researchers from different fields 2017, ’Biomimetic bio-inspired biomorph sustain- are contributed to provide a model and a method. In able? An attempt to classify and clarify biology-

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