
Volume 106, Number 6, November–December 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

[J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 106, 975–982 (2001)]

Volume 106 Number 6 November–December 2001

John W. Cahn The discretely diffracting aperiodic Key words: aperiodic crystals; new termed quasicrystals, discovered at NBS branch of ; quasicrystals. National Institute of Standards and in the early 1980s, have led to much inter- Technology, disciplinary activity involving mainly Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8555 , , , and crystallography. It led to a new un- Accepted: August 22, 2001 derstanding of how can arrange [email protected] themselves, the role of periodicity in na- ture, and has created a new branch of crys- tallography. Available online: http://www.nist.gov/jres

1. Introduction

The discovery of quasicrystals at NBS in the early periodicity has been an enormously important 1980s was a surprise [1]. By rapid solidification we had concept in the development of crystallography. Hau¨y’s made a that was discretely diffracting like a peri- hypothesis that crystals were periodic led to odic crystal, but with icosahedral . It had long great advances in mathematical and experimental crys- been known that icosahedral symmetry is not allowed tallography in the 19th century. The foundation of crys- for a periodic object [2]. tallography in the early nineteenth century was based on Periodic give discrete , but we did the restrictions that periodicity imposes. Periodic struc- not know then that certain kinds of aperiodic objects can tures in two or three dimensions can only have 1,2,3,4, also give discrete diffraction; these objects conform to a and 6 fold symmetry axes. With no exceptions, each mathematical concept called almost-1 or quasi-periodic- crystal was found to conform to one of only 32 ways of ity [3]. By definition all quasi-periodic objects diffract combining these symmetry axes, the so-called discretely, even though they are not periodic. Quasiperi- “crystallographic” point . External odic objects can have any of the infinite set of point forms of periodic crystals were found to be limited to group symmetries listed as non-crystallographic in the combinations of only 47 forms (32 general and 15 spe- International Tables for Crystallography [4]; because cial) made of symmetrically arranged bounding planes they have a single rotation axis of order 5, or one greater [5]. Cubes, octahedra, and tetrahedra, for instance, are than or equal to 7, or have icosahedral symmetry with its examples of special forms belonging to the cubic point six intersecting 5-fold axes. groups, octahedra to point groups 432, m3, and m3m, tetrahedra to 23 and 43m, and cubes to all five. In the nineteenth century each known crystal could be fit into 1 For reason discussed below we need not be concerned with almost periodicity. one (or more) of these 32 point groups by the examina- tion of its external form. That no additional

975 Volume 106, Number 6, November–December 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology form was found could be taken as proof that all crystals Interim Commission on Aperiodic Crystals wrote “by are periodic. Regular icosahedra and dodecahedra are ‘crystal’ we mean any solid having an essentially dis- special forms of both icosahedral point groups, 235 and crete diffraction , and by ‘aperiodic crystal’ we m35. All icosahedral forms have fifteen intersecting 2- mean any crystal in which three-dimensional pe- and ten intersecting 3-fold axes, as well as six intersect- riodicity can be considered to be absent” [9]. By this ing non-crystallographic 5-fold axes. latest definition, our solid is a crystal, albeit an aperiodic With the assumption of periodicity, the mathematical one. It is a “quasiperiodic crystal” or for aspects of crystallography were set and completely short, a word coined by Levine and Steinhardt [10]. worked out in the 19th century; that aspect became an Our surprising discovery created quite a stir and has almost closed field. In two and three dimensions the influenced research in many fields, not just crystallogra- number of crystal systems, point groups, and plane or phy, but also materials science, physics, mathematics space groups were all enumerated. When the allowed [11,12], [13,14], and even art. There have been symmetry axes are combined with translations, it was about 10 000 papers in these fields and many conference shown that there are only 230 space groups in three proceedings [15]. Hundreds of quasicrystals have been dimensions. In two dimensions there are only ten point found since, some with non-crystallographic axial sym- groups and seventeen plane groups. An elementary metries, pentagonal, octagonal [16], decagonal [17], proof why this listing contains every case allowed by and dodecagonal [18]. The crystals with axial sym- periodicity and why no others are allowed has long been metries are usually periodic along the symmetry axis, available in popular mathematics books [6]. Such com- and quasiperiodic in the basal plane. plete listing are called catalogs. Each one of the seven- Quasiperiodicity is a form of aperiodicity that has teen are beautifully illustrated in etchings by M. Escher many of the attributes of periodicity. As one of their [7], as well as Moorish tilings and Turkish carpets. defining properties, Fourier transforms of quasiperiodic Extensions were developed for color groups and for functions are discrete sets of delta-functions; they can crystallography in higher dimensions. Magnetic struc- always be expressed as a series of sine and cosine terms, tures and their 1609 Shubnikov space groups are an but with incommensurate lengths, or a number of arith- example of such an extension in which spins, up or metically independent vectors that exceeds the down (or two colors), are treated as if in a fourth dimen- number of independent variables. Physically, a sion [8]. quasiperiodic object diffracts to give a pattern with With the advent of x-ray diffraction in 1912, external sharp Bragg spots. But whereas diffraction from a peri- form became less important. Crystals became defined as odic object forms a that can be indexed periodic arrangements of identical unit cells. The domi- with a set of d reciprocal basis vectors, where d is the nant work of crystallographers became deter- dimension, the diffraction pattern from a quasiperiodic minations by diffraction to find the content of one object requires a finite number, D > d, independent ba- . The method depends on an assumed periodic- sis vectors. An important consequence of this is that any ity, and the results usually confirmed it. quasiperiodic function can always be represented as a periodic function in D dimensions. The aperiodic func- tion then is a d-dimensional cut of this periodic function. 2. Discussion If D is infinite, the function is called almost periodic. We have so far not been concerned with almost periodicity, Had we found a crystal? Many definitions of crystals since in any experiment D is less than or equal to the are in use, some have changed over the centuries. Our number of observed reflections, and thus is finite. solid was metallic and thus not a “clear transparent As a simple example consider the one-dimensional .” It can be grown to form “convex solids en- function f(x) = cos x + cos bx. The closed by symmetrically arranged plane surfaces, inter- consists of two delta functions. If b is rational, f is secting at definite and characteristic angles.” According periodic, the two delta functions can be indexed with a to the latter of these older definitions, quasicrystals are single reciprocal lattice vector. If b is irrational, f is crystals. The discovery in 1912 that crystals could dif- quasiperiodic; there are two incommensurate lengths in fract x-rays discretely implied either their periodicity or the Fourier transform; D = 2. The function f(x,y) = cos quasiperiodicity. But as noted above, the subsequent x + cos y is periodic in two dimensions; the quasiperi- structure determinations, seem to have led to the accep- odic one-dimensional f(x) is recovered by setting tance of a definition of crystals based on the periodicity y = bx. Note that there would be no diffuse scattering of their internal structure, and one which unnecessarily from a quasiperiodic object with f as its density func- ruled out quasiperiodicity. But by 1992 the IUCr Ad tion.

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Figure 1 shows the first diffraction pattern taken from and each rhomb becomes a square with a unique orien- a quasicrystal oriented along the 5. Note first the discrete tation. A zigzag path along the lines of the tiling be- diffraction and the apparent 10-fold symmetry. Note that comes a Cartesian path in five dimensions, and a five- there are no systematic rows; spots twice or three times index coordinate system specifies each corner. In five as far as a bright spot are much weaker if seen at all. dimensions the is confined to the set of all Note that the ratio of distances in any row is the “golden the lattice points within a slice bounded by two parallel mean” ␶,(␶ = 2 cos 360 =(1+͙5)/2 = 1.618034...), plane hypersurfaces with irrational orientations. and that ␶ occurs naturally in the ratios of the magni- Since the (111) plane of the primitive cubic lattice is tudes of vector sums of spots at 360 from one another. the two-dimensional hexagonal lattice, the three-dimen- Lastly note that it is impossible to index this pattern with sional hexagonal lattice can be considered as the (1110) just three reciprocal lattice vectors. plane of a four-dimensional cubic lattice [19]. This ra- Our brains often take us to higher dimensions to sim- tional cut can simplify the understanding of indexing plify what is seen. Every triplet of rhombs meeting at a hexagonal structures. The 4-index specification of a triple corner in the Penrose tiling in Fig. 2 can look like point ͗hkil͘ in a four-dimensional cubic structure can be a three-dimensional cube, but they are arrayed in several used to specify a point in the real three-dimensional orientations, and the same rhomb can seem to have dif- hexagonal crystal. For the point ͗hkil͘ to be in the three- ferent orientations depending on which other two neigh- dimensional crystal, it has to be on the (1110) hyper- boring rhombs it is grouped with. In five dimensions this plane of the four-dimensional cubic structure, i.e., it has tiling finally becomes simple and unambiguous with to have h + k + i = 0. Distances between two such points each edge along a specific one of five orthogonal axes can be computed more easily in the 4-index notation.

Fig. 1. The first pattern from a quasicrystal [1]. Note the forbid- den, 10-fold axis, the absence of systematic rows, and the need for more than three vectors to index all the spots.

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Fig. 2. Penrose tilings are quasiperiodic. Groups of three tiles around a trivalent point look like three-dimensional cubes with 90Њ between line segments, but the orientation of some tiles is ambiguous. In five dimensions this ambiguity is removed, all line segments can be orthogonal, an then this entire pattern will fit between two parallel hyperplanes.

A physical example of a two-dimensional quasiperi- quasilattice. But the existence of these translations is an odic object is the surface obtained by cutting a three-di- important property of quasiperiodic functions and of mensional crystal by an irrational plane. In this example quasicrystals. the three basis vectors of the periodic three-dimensional There are many kinds of defects in periodic structures crystal are needed to describe this two-dimensional that have their analogs in quasiperiodic structures. Let us quasiperiodic surface. Because the cutting plane is irra- begin by examining how defects in a three-dimensional tional the surface cannot be periodic; it will never go periodic crystal would appear on a two-dimensional through exactly the same point in two different unit aperiodic surface. Consider, for example, a metallic cells. Yet when the plane comes close to the same point crystal with a CsCl ordering of a body centered cubic in some distant unit cell, another plane through that structure to a Pm3m with differing occupa- point will be very close all the way out to infinity. The tion of corners and body centers. Such metallic crystals aperiodic structures these planes represent will superim- commonly have internal boundaries, called antiphase pose with little error all the way to infinity. That distance boundaries, separating domains in which the site occu- between the points is an approximate translation vector, pations are reversed. Such boundaries break the transla- whose existence depends on the specification of how tional symmetry in an otherwise periodic crystal. Now small a superposition error we require. For a periodic consider a cut of such a crystal on an irrational plane. function the superposition would be exact; the transla- Although this cut surface is aperiodic, the domain tion can be repeated indefinitely, and thus form a lattice. boundary, a translation defect, would clearly be visible For a quasiperiodic function, repetition of any transla- in the quasiperiodic surface. lines in three tion increases the mismatch, and eventually the error dimensions, intersecting the surface, would show up in becomes too large; thus the translations in a quasiperi- the surface as points with associated Burgers vectors. odic structure do not form a lattice, but what is called a Since, apart from some small strains, the three-dimen-

978 Volume 106, Number 6, November–December 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology sional structure is perfect away from the dislocation, so development of hyperspace crystallography which al- is the quasiperiodic surface. Thus we can detect transla- lowed a periodic indexing in the higher dimension. tional faults and imperfections in quasiperiodic objects. Modulated structures could then be treated as cuts on Defects in quasicrystals can be understood as defects in irrational planes, and sometimes as projections of a a higher-dimensional periodic crystal. Ordering can oc- slice, of a four or higher dimensional periodic structure. cur in icosahedral quasicrystals, giving rise to antiphase In an ideal modulated structure, each spot, including the boundaries that are five-dimensional hypersurfaces in satellites, is a Bragg peak, indexed with more than three, the six-dimensional crystal and seen as surfaces in the usually four, numbers. three-dimensional quasicrystal [20]. This boundary can Consider an icosahedral structure to be an irrational also be seen in an imperfect ordering of a Penrose tiling cut of a six-dimensional cubic structure with a single in which adjacent corners alternate black and white. lattice parameter. Indexing requires six numbers, which Dislocation lines in icosahedral quasicrystals arise from is obvious in six dimensions, but is also true for three. a four-dimensional defect surface in six dimensions. In a three-dimensional indexing using three orthogonal Mechanical deformation of quasicrystals is a most inter- axes in a Cartesian system, two indexes are required esting subject. Away from the dislocation line, the qua- along each axis, and six number specify each spot, sicrystal is perfect, as it would be with in (h + h'␶, k + k'␶, 1 + 1'␶) [23]. Indexing of icosahedral periodic crystals. powder is also straightforward; the ambiguities Although no new symmetry axes appear in going resulting from superpositions (such as (330) and (411) from two to three dimensions, higher dimensions allow in bcc powder patterns) are infrequent. After a lattice new symmetries to be consistent with periodicity. For parameter has been selected, indexing for all six num- the axial groups a n-fold symmetry axis first becomes bers for single crystals is unambiguous in either three or possible with if the dimensional- six dimensions. Using synchrotron radiation from a sin- ity equals the totient of n, which is the number of posi- gle AlCuFe quasicrystal, Moss and coworkers have mea- tive integers less than or equal to n which are relatively sured intensities of about 1200 crystallographically dis- prime (no common factors) to n [21]. This is readily tinct peaks, every peak found using a single icosahedral illustrated for any prime number N, whose totient is (quasi)lattice parameter and a six-parameter icosahedral NϪ1. Since the (11...1) hyperplane in an N-dimensional indexing [24]. isometric lattice has an N-fold axis and the dimension of Structure determinations would seem like a hopeless that plane is NϪ1, the rule works for all primes. Two task. Has one to describe the structure of an aperiodic has a totient of 1; three, four, and six have totients of 2; solid out to infinity? Because there is periodicity in the none have 3; five, eight, ten, and twelve have 4, etc. Thus higher dimensions, one needs only to describe the con- five, eight, ten, and twelve-fold rotations first appear in tent of one unit cell (hypercell) in the higher dimen- four-dimensional periodicity. Icosahedral symmetry sional space. Structure determination in six dimensions with its intersecting five-fold axes requires six dimen- is not very different from what it is in three. Once the sions. Each of the six axes in an isometric six-dimen- diffraction peaks from single crystals (or lines from sional lattice meets the five others at right angles, giving powders) have been indexed in six dimensions, or in rise to six 10-fold axes. Because there is no point group three with six basis vectors, and their corrected intensi- with more than one 10-fold axes in three dimensions, the ties measured, the diffraction pattern can be considered cuts by irrational planes can only preserve the six 5-fold either on a three-dimensional reciprocal quasilattice or (or the six 5-fold inversion) axes of the icosahedral on a six-dimensional periodic lattice. They are com- symmetry. pletely equivalent to another, but standard methods of The study of quasicrystals benefited greatly from crystallographic structure determination for periodic prior research in the mathematical subjects of quasiperi- structures are applicable with little modification to the odic functions, aperiodic tilings, and hyperspace crystal- six-dimensional data. lography. The latter had already been applied in the Indexing allows Patterson functions to be directly ob- study of modulated crystals [22]. Modulated structures tainable in three or six dimensions from powder data. had been found long before the discovery of quasicrys- They have the directional information lost in a radial tals and had provided some well-documented and under- distribution function. Although the three-dimensional stood exceptions to periodic crystals. Because they Patterson functions are aperiodic and complicated with could be considered as small incommensurate distor- many peaks, near the origin they bear striking similari- tions of periodic structures with a crystallographic point ties to Patterson functions of related periodic approxi- group, they could be fit into the schemes of crystallogra- mants, large cell periodic crystals with compositions phy. But the incorporation of the modulation wavelength slightly different from quasicrystals [25]. Thus the local as an additional length provided an impetus for the atom packing of quasicrystals are found to be very

979 Volume 106, Number 6, November–December 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology similar to that of corresponding periodic phases. Patter- with a structure that will give the strange extinctions to son functions in six dimensions are usually found to be conform to the lack of systematic rows of spots that we much simpler, with only a few peaks in each unit cell. now know is a characteristic of diffraction from qua- Actual structure determinations have now been carried sicrystals. Assuming we had a periodic low-symmetry out for several quasicrystals with very good residuals crystal, we searched unsuccessfully to fit the data with [26,27]. Atom positions are described in the six-dimen- cell constants up 2.5 nm. Even though either the twin- sional unit cell by three-dimensional surfaces; the inter- ning or the large unit cell were plausible alternate expla- sections of these surfaces periodically repeated in six nations, became one of the vocal oppo- dimensions by the irrational three-dimensional plane are nents by proposing a double-kill, both a large unit cell the points that describe the atom positions in the three- and what he called icosatwinning. His initial structure, dimensions of quasiperiodic structures. In analogy with based on his often successful method of fitting atoms the finding of three dimensional periodic structures by together, had a face centered cubic unit cell with a fitting balls with atomic radii together, plausible lattice constant of 2.67 nm, containing 1168 atoms (292 quasiperiodic structures have been constructed by fitting atoms per primitive cell). His claim [31] to fit our pow- atomic surfaces into six dimensional unit cells [28]. der data led him to write that there was only 1 chance Another technique exploits the known structures of peri- in 10 000 that this unit cell could be wrong, but he odic approximants to convert the structure determina- ignored that his indexing could not fit our published tion of the related quasicrystals to the standard crystallo- pattern. A few years later, he found it graphic structure refinement problem [29]. necessary to propose another cell, this time a primitive Periodic crystals can be considered a tiling of unit cubic structure with a lattice constant of 2.34 nm, con- cells, each decorated with atoms. Tilings with noncrys- taining 820 atoms [32]. Either of his structures would tallographic symmetries occur in art where the mathe- qualify as an approximant, but to the best of my knowl- maticians’ rules about having a limited number of con- edge, no one has yet reported finding either of them. gruent tiles and leaving no gaps need not be met. The Quasicrystals provided win-win opportunities for discovery by mathematicians of aperiodic tilings pre- crystallographers: If we were mistaken about them, ex- ceded that of quasicrystals. Penrose’s tilings with 5-fold pert crystallographers could debunk us; if we were right, symmetry seem particularly pertinent; they are here was an opportunity to be a trail blazer. While many quasiperiodic and their diffraction pattern is strikingly crystallographers worldwide availed themselves of the similar to that of the 5-fold zone of icosahedral qua- opportunity, U.S. crystallographers avoided it, to a large sicrystals [30]. By analogy some of the early models extent because of Pauling’s influence. The demonstra- were based on atomic decorations of three-dimensional tion by E. Prince that tilings with five-fold symmetry versions of Penrose tiles as if each of the different tiles would give discrete diffraction pattern was a notable had the same decoration of filled atom positions. exception [33]. Three-dimensional structures that give sharp diffrac- The systems that form quasicrystals additionally often tion are either periodic, if the indexing requires three give periodic crystals with large unit cells, called peri- basis vectors, quasiperiodic, if the indexing requires a odic approximants; sometimes there is even a sequence finite number, more than three, and almost periodic, if of approximants with ever larger cell constants [34]. The the indexing requires an infinite number. All the mathe- Frank-Kasper phases [35] turned out to be examples of matical interest had been with almost periodicity; any periodic approximants to quasicrystals that were found quasiperiodic structure is periodic in a higher dimen- later. Because their diffraction spots are periodically sion. arrayed, approximants are easily distinguished from qua- There was considerable initial resistance to quasicrys- sicrystals. Quintuple twinning of approximants is some- tals. My own initial reaction was that we were seeing a times seen, as is one case of triple twinning of a qua- quintuple twin, often seen in cubic crystal, but that was sicrystal, giving an apparent 30-fold diffraction pattern easily ruled out with data presented in our paper. [36]. The angles between the (111) twinning planes Much has been written about why quasicrystals exist. (arccos (1/3) ഠ 70.53Њ) in cubic crystals are sufficiently Although it could not be proven, it was taken as plausi- close to 72Њ that five wedge shaped periodic cubic crys- ble by many eminent scholars that the lowest tal can fill space with some easily detected strain or configuration of a set of identical atoms or extra material to fill the missing 7.36Њ. Twins to a would be periodic. Similarly it was assumed that the superpositioning of five reciprocal lattices, each giving lowest energy configuration of any mixture of atoms or systematic rows of periodically spaced diffraction spots. molecules would be a periodic arrangement of identical The absence of such systematic rows argues against unit cells forming a stoichiometric compound, or a mix- twinning. The other possibility was a very large unit cell ture of such periodic structures. Radin has shown quite

980 Volume 106, Number 6, November–December 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology the opposite; for almost any assumed interaction be- has become a ⌺. But why should such a three-dimen- tween molecular units, the lowest energy is a quasiperi- sional lattice be so important? The energy surely de- odic rather than a periodic structure [37]. He has raised pends only on the fit of atoms at the twin interface or the question about whether periodic crystals exist be- . An extreme case is a merohedral twin cause kinetics are too slow to reach the lowest energy for which S = 1 in which the lattice is continuous state, or whether there is something special about the through the twin boundary. These twins occur in cases interactions obtained from quantum mechanics. where the motif has less symmetry than the lattice; the To this date all quasicrystals have been metallic. In twin is formed when the motif is rotated by a symmetry metallic structures interatomic distances are deter- operation of the lattice but not of the motif. We found mined, but bond angles do not seem to . Local the opposite case in an arrangement of several approxi- atomic configurations thus obtained often do not pack mant crystals [41]. Here the icosahedral motif has ap- well into periodic structures. Even the simplest one- proximate symmetry operations that are not present in component metallic structures seem to favor regular te- the cubic lattice. Quasitwins occur when the lattice ro- trahedral arrangements that do not fill space. What tates by 72Њ about an irrational ͗1␶ 0͘ axis while the other local configuration is needed to fill the gaps, and motif retains its orientation across the grain boundary. does that lead to the orientational order seen in qua- The motif has long range orientational order across the sicrystals and periodicity or quasiperiodicity? Struc- boundary as it does in quasicrystals, surely for energy tures are determined by a trade-off between low energy reasons. local packing and the occasional higher energy configu- ration that is geometrically necessary. In order to have a Acknowledgments periodic space-filling arrangement, both the face-cen- tered and hexagonal close packed structures, for exam- It has been an interesting 20 years. I am extremely ple, introduce the octahedra, a configuration which one grateful to many of my colleagues at NIST, at CECM- expects to have a higher energy. The stable quasicrystals CNRS, Vitry, France, and at the Technion, Haifa, Israel, and the approximants are made of two [38] or more but , who discovered the Al-Mn qua- chemical components, allowing irregular tetrahedra that sicrystal at NIST, L. Bendersky, who identified the first have a better chance of filling space. Whether the ad- decagonal quasicrystals, and D. Gratias, who taught me justments happen to lead to a periodic approximant or to much that was new about crystallography, deserve to be a quasicrystal often seems to hinge on small changes in singled out. The rapid solidification work was sup- composition or . ported by DARPA; later we benefitted greatly from a While periodic and quasiperiodic structures always PICS agreement between NIST and CNRS. give discrete diffraction, what other kinds of aperiodic structures diffract [39]? Mathematicians have found a veritable “zoo” of orderly dispositions of points in space 3. References [11]. Have any of the many that are not quasiperiodic been found in nature or made in the laboratory? An [1] D. S. Shechtman, I. Blech, D. Gratias, and J. W. Cahn, A isotropic solid structure was found at NIST in a four- Metallic with Long-Ranged Orientational Order and No component system in which quasicrystals exist at some- Translational Symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1951-1953 (1984); reprinted in The Physics of Quasicrystals, P. J. Steinhardt and S. what different compositions. But while metallic Ostlund, eds., World Scientific, Singapore (1987) pp. 183-185. usually result from any remaining melt that is cooled too [2] International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. 4, Space-group rapidly to crystallize, this solid grew first as if it were a symmetry, T. Hahn, ed., D. Reidel, Boston (1983). crystal, with an interface and at a composition different [3] A. S. Besicovitch, Almost periodic functions, Dover, New York, from the melt [40]. On continued cooling the melt crys- 1954. [4] Ref. [2], Sec. 10.4. tallized around this solid. Is this a physical realization of [5] M. J. Buerger, Elementary crystallography; an introduction to one of the many other orderly, arrangements of atoms, the fundamental geometrical features of crystals, MIT Press, discussed by mathematicians that is not quasiperiodic? Cambridge (1963) Chaps. 10 and 11. 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About the author: John W. Cahn is a Senior Fellow in the NIST Materials Science and Engineering Labora- tory. His research interests include quasicrystals, phase transitions, , microstructure evolution, and crys- tal growth. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is an agency of the Technology Administra- tion, U.S. Department of Commerce.