WILTSHIRE . [ Kelt.Y's Salvation Army, Barracks, Market Square, Capt

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WILTSHIRE . [ Kelt.Y's Salvation Army, Barracks, Market Square, Capt . 1018 SWINDON. WILTSHIRE . [ KELt.Y'S Salvation Army, Barracks, Market square, capt. John Poole, Great Western Railway. Old Swindon & Bridge street; capt. Thomas Hooper, New LOCOl\IOTIV.H & CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. Swindon; 7 & n a..m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; week days, 8 p.m Chief engineer & superintendent for the whole of the Great Wesleyan, Bath road, n a.m. & 6 p.m. Western system, William Dean; principal assistant en­ mon. 8 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m gineer, Thomas Simpson ; chief clerk, William Hy. Stanier Wesleyan, Faringdon street, xo 30 a.m. & Rev.M.P.Gilbert 6 p.m. ; tues. & fri. 7 p.m & Rev. .A. Brice, LOCOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT. Wesleyan, Princess st. II a.m. & 6 p.m. ministers Manager of the works, S. Carlton; assistant manager, ·w esleyan, Gorse hill, 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m Douglas Earle Marsh ; accountant, William Hall; rolling '\Yesleyan, William st. 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m mill manager, William Ellis Evangelistic Mission Hall, Rolleston street, Mr. Edward CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. Hurditch, minister; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7·30 p.m .Accountant, H. J. Birch; chief store keeper, H. Dunn Schools. .Assistant manager, waggon works, L. R. Thomas A School Board of 9 members was formed for Swindon Carriage works, G. J. Churchward November xo, x877; Henry Kinneir, clerk to the board; Timber department, T. 0. Hogarth John Conduct, 40 Prospect place, attendance officer TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. The following schools have been built by the Swindon School! Station master & superintendent, William Bonner; goods Board :- manager, Charles Ilsley BoARD ScHOOLs. Midi d & s th w t J t' R il Sanford Street (boys), built at a cost of £6,J.5o, & opened . an °11 es ern 11~ 0 lOn a way. in .April, x881 for 794 boys; average attendance, Boo; Engme~r, Jame~ Rew Sh.opland; traffic n:'-anager, Thomas John Williams head master Harr1son Sm1th; statiOn master, Edwm Noble; secre- Queens Town (in'fants), built at a cost of £x,8go, opened in tary, .Arthur Francis Ranald Daniel May, x88o, for 275 infants ; average attendance about the Conveyance. sam~ n,umber ; ~:liss M ..K.ent, head mis~re~s , Omnibuses to Railway station from Goddard .Arms & King's Queens rown (girls), ad]OlDS the Queen s ro wn Infants .Arms hotels to meet the principal trains School, built at a cost of about£2,300, & opened inFebruary x885, for 265 girls; average attendance, about 2~0; Miss Carriers. D. James, head mistress .ALDBOURNE-Lambden, 'Mason's .Arms,' mon. wed. & sat.; Gilbert's Hill (girls & infants), built at a cost of £2,250, & Smith' Bell hotel,' mon opened in .August x88o, for 280 girls & infants ; average AsHBURY & BISHOPSTONE-Stratford, 'Mason's .Arms,' mon. attendance about 1.21 girls & Io6 infants ; Miss .A. Gard­ & fri ner, head mistress .AVEBURY, BROAD HINTON &WROUGHTON-Jerrome & Nash, Westcott School (infants), built at a cost of £2,570, & 'Mason's Arms,' mon opened in .April 188x, for 286 infants; average attendance BROAD HINTON, BROAD TowN & WROUGHTON-Nash, about 250 ; Miss M. Davie, head mistress ' Masons' Arms,' mon Clifton Street, of three departments, built at a cost of about BERWICK BASSETT, MONKTON, :BECKHAMPTON, KENNETT, £s,soo, & opened in January 1885, for 284 boys, 205 girls OVERTON, LOCKERIDGE, FYFIELD, MA..... TON & WINTER­ & 200 infants; average attendance, 290 boys, 210 girls & BOURNE BASSETT-Nash, 'Masons' .Arms,' mon 220 infants; George Pressey, head mt~ster; Miss S. BxsHOPSTONE-Stratford & Taylor, 'Masons' .Arms,' mon. Wright & Mrs. Le Manquais, head mistresses & fri College Street, for 408 girls & 404 infants ; average attend­ tCHISLEDON-Cripps & Bush, 'Masons' .Arms,' m on. wed.& fri ance, about 380 girls & 400 infants; Miss J. Bevan & Mrs. CLIFFE PYPARn-Thomas Gale, 'Crown,' mon. & fri .A. 'Iincknell, head mistresses FAIRFORD, KEMPSFORD, STANTON & HANNINGTON-Bullock, Gorse Hill (boys, girls & infants), under Stratton St. Mar­ ' King's .Arms,' sat. ; Stroud, ' King's .Arms,' wed garet, but about to be transferred to Swindon School ·HAYDON WICK-Reuben Hiett, 'Crown,' mon Board, built for 480 children; average attendance, 175 HIOHWORTH & LECHLADE-Bizley, 'Masons' .Arms,' thurs. boys, 183 girls & 175 infants; Henry Wager, master; & sat. & Reuben Hiett, 'Crown,' mon Miss 'Thomas, girls' mistress ; Miss Cull, infants' mistress KEMPSFORD-Bullock, sat. & Stroud, wed. from 'King's A new Board School will be erected in 1890 for girls & in­ Arms' fants in Lethbridge road, Swindon, at a cost of over LIDDINGTON-Fowler, 'Bell & Shoulder of Mutton,' tues £3,000 LONGCOTT & SHRIVENHAM-Thatcher, 'Crown,' mon Parochial (boys & girls), King William street, built in I8]I, LYNEHAM-Franklin, 'King's .Arms,' thurs. & sat.; Simp- for 465 boys & 229 girls ; average attendance, 410 boys, kins, fri 210 girls ; supported in part by endowment; .Arthur MoNKTON-George Nash, 'Masons' .Arms,' mon Stote, master; Miss Kate Gay, girls' mistress .PuRTON-Selby wed. & Turner thurs. 'Masons' Arms' Parochial (infants), Newport street, built 1836; under the Al'tlSBURY-Hnrst, 'Bell & Shoulder of Mutton,' fri. ; same management as the former ; will hold 180 infants; & Talmage, mon average attendance, 135; Miss S . .A. Ranee, mistress WANBOROUGH-Stratford, 'Masons' .Arms,' mon. & fri. & Catholic (mixed), Regent street, built in 186o, & opened Johnson, mon. wed. & fri.; :Fowler, 'Bell & Shoulder of 187 5, for x6o children; average attendance, 110 ; Miss Mutton,' mon. thurs. &fri Marie Flinn, mistress IWOOTTON BASSETT-Franklin, 'King's .Arms,' thurs. & sat Newspapers. WROUGHTON-Jerrome, 'Masons' .Arms,' mon.; George North Wilts Herald, Bath road, Henry D. Piper, proprietor Eatell, Great Western Railway station, four times daily & publisher; published weekly on friday. See advert GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Goons DELIVERY-R. T. Smith .Swindon .Advertiser, xo Victoria street, William Morris, & Co. agents printer & proprietor; published satnrday. See advert SuTTON & Co-Thomas Ann Swindon. PRIVATE RESIDENTS, Brown Fredk. John, Thurlow, Bath rd Dolby Mrs. 1 Clyde villas, The Sands .Adye .Arthur, Prospect Brown Miss, 1 Alexandria vils. The Sands Dry Mrs. Cotham house, Devize-s road .Affieck Robert, 36 Prospect place Butterworth George Montague, 5 Eaton James, 23 Prospect place .Alien Henry George, I Strathearne Brunswick terrace, Bath road Eddington William Clarke, Belmont villas, Devizes road Byrch Thomas, High street house, Devizes road .Andrews Robert, 23 Belle Vue road Call way Wm. Hy.x Glo'ster viis. Bath rd Etty Lyttelton, High street ..Arnold Ernest Charles, r Brunswick Chandler John, 35 Wood street Evenden Miss, gr Bath road terrace, Bath road Clark Mrs. Yucca villa, 'fhe Sands Foote William, Bath road .Atkinson Rev. Robert Leighton M.A. Corballis Col. Jas. .Anthony, The Croft Foreacre Alfred, 20 Lansdown road [curate of Christ Church],Prospect la Cullingford Frederick Thomas Mallory, Foreman Robert Stannard, 41 Bath rd Ball Mrs. 46 Victoria street 18 Victoria street Frith Henry, 35 Prospect place Barnard John Samson, Marlborough rd Daniels Arthur Francis Ranald, View Furner James Kemp, 2 Wood street Barns Amos, Wood street Point villas, Union street Gardner John, Devizes road Barns William Amos, Broom manor Davis William, 62 Prospect lane GaskellJames, 2 Clyde viis. The Sands .Bend Richard, 21 Lansdown road Dawson Wm. Oxford house, The Sands Gilbert Rev. Mark Potter [Wesleyan Bendrey Mrs. Devizes road Deacon .Arthur William, I Devonshire superintendent], 39 Bath road Birch Henry James, 42 Belle Vue road villas, The Sands Gilbert William, Devizes road .Bizley Mrs. 48 Belle Vue road Deacon Mrs. 3 Bath road Gilmore Miss, 3 Newport street .Boniface Mrs. Tewin house, Victoria st DeaconThos. Strathearne vils.Devizes rd Godd.ar· · Ambrose Lethbridge M.A.,n.r.., l3owly Charlf',s, 14 Devizes road Deacon Thomas Hooper, Newport st J.P. Th~ Lawn .Bowly Robert, 14 High street Dixon Percy,2 Devonshire viis. TbeSands Goddard Fitzroy Pleydell J.P. The :Bradford Jas. Edwd. Goddard, 8 High st Dodd Misses, Stanley house, Devizes rd Lawn .

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