Introduction to projective varieties by Enrique Arrondo(*) Version of November 26, 2017 This is still probably far from being a final version, especially since I had no time yet to complete the second part (which is so far not well connected with the first one). Anyway, any kind of comments are very welcome, in particular those concerning the general structure, or suggestions for shorter and/or correct proofs. 0. Algebraic background 1. Projective sets and their ideals; Weak Nullstellensatz 2. Irreducible components 3. Hilbert polynomial. Nullstellensatz 4. Graded modules; resolutions and primary decomposition 5. Dimension, degree and arithmetic genus 6. Product of varieties 7. Regular maps 8. Properties of morphisms 9. Resolutions and dimension 10. Ruled varieties 11. Tangent spaces and cones; smoothness 12. Transversality 13. Parameter spaces 14. Affine varieties vs projective varieties; sheaves 15. The local ring at a point 16. Introduction to affine and projective schemes 17. Vector bundles 18. Coherent sheaves 19. Schemes (*) Departamento de Algebra,´ Facultad de Ciencias Matem´aticas, Universidad Com- plutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain, Enrique
[email protected] 1 The scope of these notes is to present a soft and practical introduction to algebraic geometry, i.e. with very few algebraic requirements but arriving soon to deep results and concrete examples that can be obtained \by hand". The notes are based on some basic PhD courses (Milan 1998 and Florence 2000) and a summer course (Perugia 1998) that I taught. I decided to produce these notes while preparing new similar courses (Milan and Perugia 2001). My approach consists of avoiding all the algebraic preliminaries that a standard al- gebraic geometry course uses for affine varieties and thus start directly with projective varieties (which are the varieties that have good properties).