SECURITY LOCAL AGENTS, SHIPPING COMPANIES THE PORT GATES Recommendations and regulations in accordance with the ISPS code AND SHIPBROKERS Helsingborgs Hamn AB Phone (0)42 10 63 00 Most of the port facilities are fenced in. During weekdays the West (International Ship and Port Facility Security) and the Maritime 11 Oceangatan 3 Fax (0)42 13 54 83 Harbour has a gatekeeper from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m., and the Scania Protection Act. ACL Sweden AB (0)31 64 55 00 P.O. Box 821, SE 251 08 Helsingborg Terminal (Skåneterminalen) from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. During other hours Airlog Group Sweden AB (0)42 16 00 90 5 t
[email protected] key-card or code is required. Arriving vessels can obtain the code to the SEAMEN’S CENTRE Alianca (0)31 755 44 20 pedestrian gate from the VTS Centre. Phone (0)42 18 78 80, (0)70 29 55 712, (0)703 92 99 53 Aseco AB (0)31 743 77 00 4 Sjöfartsverkets Sjömansservice, phone (0)708 16 88 25. Börje Jönsson Åkeri AB (0)42 29 50 50 HPC (Helsingborg Port Control) Phone (0)42 10 63 22 HARBOUR APPROACH C. Steinweg (Scandinavia) AB (0)31 711 20 90 24-hour service VHF channel 11 Fax (0)42 18 72 83 The harbour basins are easy to approach. The deep water outside SEAMEN’S EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE CargoNet AB (0)8 685 89 00
[email protected] breakwaters varies from 10 to 30 m. Normally vessels with good Södergatan 39, phone (0)771 60 00 00.