SUSAN M. FOSNIGHT, RPH, CGP, BCPS KYLE R. ALLEN, DO CME Clinical Staff Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Summa Health Chief, Division of Geriatric , Medical Director, Post Acute CREDIT System, Akron, OH and Senior Services, Summa Health System; Associate Professor of Clinical Internal and Family Medicine, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Akron, OH CAROLYN M. HOLDER, MSN, RN, CNS SUSAN HAZELETT, MSN, RN Geriatrics Coordinator, Post Acute and Senior Services, Summa Research Associate, Summa Health System, Akron, OH Health System, Akron, OH A strategy to decrease the use of risky in the elderly

■ ABSTRACT OME MEDICATIONS that are safe in most S patients are best avoided in elderly Many medications that are safe in most patients pose patients—and pharmacists can help physicians serious risks in older patients, including functional avoid them. decline, , falls, and poorer outcomes. We describe In this paper we discuss three medications, our institution’s program of “academic detailing,” chosen on the basis of scientific evidence and designed to reduce the use of three high-risk drugs in our personal experience, that are associated elderly patients. with unacceptable risk in elderly patients and for which reasonable alternatives exist: ■ KEY POINTS meperidine, diphenhydramine, and amitripty- line. Meperidine, diphenhydramine, and all pose We also describe our institution’s program a high risk of adverse reactions in older adults. Safer of “academic detailing” to reduce their use. alternatives are available. Whenever a physician prescribes one of these high-risk drugs to an elderly patient at our In our program, the pharmacy computer system generates institution, a computer alerts the pharmacist, a daily report of elderly patients who are prescribed any who contacts the prescribing physician to explain the problems patients often have with of these three agents. A pharmacist contacts the these agents and to suggest alternatives. Under prescribing physician directly or leaves a preprinted note this program, use of these three drugs has fall- on the patient’s chart, explaining the problems older en by one third to one half. patients often have with these medications and suggesting alternatives. ■ SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM

Although medications may contribute to delirium, Adverse reactions are a huge problem, dementia, constipation, or , the especially in the elderly. Each year, at least contribution may be subtle or occur slowly, making it 100,000 people are estimated to die of medica- difficult to detect. tion-related problems.1 Adverse drug reactions are some of the most common complications Meperidine has a long-acting, renally excreted metabolite in hospitalized elders and often lead to poorer outcomes.2,3 An estimated $4 billion is spent that is toxic to the central nervous system; is on medication-related problems in acute care preferred. facilities each year.4 Medications have been documented to be a significant factor in both Diphenhydramine and amitriptyline have powerful delirium and falls.5–7 effects; alternatives depend on the This is an important quality-improvement indication. issue, since half of all adverse drug effects in This paper discusses therapies that are experimental or are not approved by the US Food and older patients have been reported to be avoid- Drug Administration for the use under discussion. able.3

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■ MEPERIDINE: than 600 mg/24 hours.10 Neither the RISK OF TOXICITY, DELIRIUM American Geriatrics Society’s Panel on Persistent Pain nor its Panel for Assessing Meperidine poses well-defined risks in older Care of Vulnerable Elders recommends patients.8 meperidine use in the elderly.16,17 Meperidine is metabolized by two hepatic Meperidine is generally reserved for severe pathways, one of which causes N-demethyla- pain for which a parenteral is needed. tion and the formation of the only active The alternative agent in this situation is mor- metabolite, normeperidine. Normeperidine is phine. excreted renally and has a longer half-life than Morphine, like meperidine, has an active meperidine (15–40 hours vs 3–6 hours, respec- metabolite. Although this metabolite may tively)9; it accumulates in patients who also become elevated in patients with renal receive repeated high doses and in patients insufficiency, it has a much shorter half-life with renal dysfunction. Since renal function (2.4–6.7 hours); therefore, it is less likely to declines with age, normeperidine often accu- accumulate. This metabolite is not associated mulates in older adult patients, placing them with excitatory effects on the central nervous at risk of toxicity.10 system.15 Kaiko et al11 correlated high normeperi- dine levels with central nervous system toxic- ■ DIPHENHYDRAMINE: ity, including , , twitches, ANTICHOLINERGIC EFFECTS myoclonus, and . Meperidine has also been reported to Diphenhydramine poses a risk in older adults cause delirium.12,13 In a retrospective analy- owing to its powerful anticholinergic effects. sis of 92 elderly patients with hip fractures, With age, production Adunsky et al14 found that patients receiv- decreases, leading to increased sensitivity of ing meperidine had a significantly higher receptors and eventual destruction incidence of delirium than did those receiv- of cholinergic neurons. In demented patients, Meperidine’s ing morphine. the rate and extent of this process is accelerat- active ed.18 This places older adults, and especially Theoretical advantage of meperidine demented patients, at a greater risk of adverse metabolite in gall bladder or pancreas disease reactions from anticholinergic agents. accumulates in Despite its risks, meperidine is often pre- The anticholinergic actions of medica- scribed to hospitalized older patients, perhaps tions can cause or worsen , , patients who because of its proposed advantage over mor- blurred vision, urinary retention, and constipa- have renal phine in patients with cholecystitis and pan- tion.3 These drugs also oppose the action of the failure creatitis. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ie, donepezil, Compared with morphine, meperidine , and rivastigmine) in patients has less effect on the motility of the sphinc- being treated for dementia. ter of Oddi. However, no studies have been Many studies have documented the dele- done to see if there is any difference in clini- terious effects of medications with anticholin- cal outcome or pain control due to this ergic effects. effect.15 Without these data, it is difficult to Han et al,19 in a prospective observation- justify meperidine’s use in patients at high al study, found that the greater the anticholin- risk of normeperidine accumulation and tox- ergic “load” (defined as the sum of the anti- icity. cholinergic activity of medications that a patient received), the greater the severity of Instead of meperidine, use morphine delirium symptoms. Many organizations no longer recommend the Gustafson et al,20 in a prospective study of use of meperidine. The American Pain 111 patients treated for femoral neck fractures, Society recommends it only for brief courses found that the incidence of an acute confu- (< 48 hours) in patients without renal or cen- sional state was significantly greater in tral nervous system disease, at doses lower patients receiving drugs with anticholinergic

562 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 71 • NUMBER 7 JULY 2004 Downloaded from on September 27, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. properties than in patients not receiving and to chlorpheniramine and them. diphenhydramine. Although they concluded Agostini et al,21 in a prospective cohort that and loratadine were less likely study of 426 patients, found that diphenhy- to cause central nervous system effects than dramine use in patients older than 70 years diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine, was associated with an increased risk of delir- variances in measurements did not allow para- ium. metric statistical tests in this study. Older patients face a significantly higher Studies in younger patients have demon- risk of illness and death if they develop deliri- strated a lower incidence of central nervous um in the hospital. Moreover, delirium is system effects with the second-generation often not recognized or treated appropriately , although cetirizine has been and is often associated with a prolonged hos- associated with a higher incidence of somno- pital stay, functional decline, and postdis- lence than the other second-generation charge institutionalization. agents.27–29 Loratadine or are Other cognitive adverse reactions have preferred for this reason. been associated with anticholinergic agents. For , hygiene protocols Lu and Tune22 found that in 69 patients with are preferred to medications.21,30 If sleep Alzheimer disease receiving donepezil 10 hygiene protocols fail or cannot be used, low mg/day, Mini-Mental State Exam scores at 2 doses of (25–50 mg) may be an years were significantly worse for those who option, although trazodone is not approved by received anticholinergic medications com- the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pared with those who did not receive these for this indication. Trazodone has little anti- medications. cholinergic activity, and low doses are widely Weiler et al,23 in a randomized placebo- used for depression-associated insomnia.31–33 controlled study of 40 young people, found that driving was significantly more impaired ■ AMITRIPTYLINE: in patients who received diphenhydramine 50 ALSO ANTICHOLINERGIC mg compared with fexofenadine 60 mg or an Of the alcoholic drink to achieve an approximate Amitriptyline is another anticholinergic med- antihistamines, blood level of 0.1%. ication that should be avoided in older adults.8 Amitriptyline has the most potent diphenhydra- Many alternatives to diphenhydramine anticholinergic profile of all antide- mine has the Of the available antihistamines, diphenhy- pressants. Like diphenhydramine, it may also dramine has the greatest anticholinergic be prescribed for a variety of uses, including as greatest effect.24 Although patients, family members, a , neuropathic pain reliever, and anticholinergic nurses, and physicians perceive it as benign, . Again, because there are effect diphenhydramine should not be used in older newer, lower-risk agents, alternatives should adults except in acute allergic reactions. be used for these conditions. Since safer alternatives are available, the risks of this medication clearly outweigh the Alternatives to amitriptyline benefits in older patients. For insomnia, sleep hygiene protocols or For environmental , a second- a low dose of trazodone are alterna- generation is preferred.8 The tives.21,30–33 second-generation agents cetirizine, lorata- For neuropathic pain, is as dine, and fexofenadine all have fewer anti- effective as amitriptyline and has fewer cholinergic effects and less penetration into adverse effects.34,35 No studies of gabapentin the central nervous system than first-genera- for this indication have been done specifical- tion agents.24,25 ly in elderly patients. Even so, it is recom- Studies comparing these agents in elderly mended as a preferred medication in elderly patients are lacking, however. Simon et al26 patients.36 performed a small, randomized, double-blind and are tri- study in elderly patients, comparing cetirizine cyclic with fewer anticholin-

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ergic effects. Desipramine has been found to ■ OUR STRATEGY FOR REDUCING be as effective as amitriptyline against neuro- USE OF HIGH-RISK DRUGS pathic pain.37 Again, although geriatric-spe- cific studies have not been done and these Our institution, a 1,000-bed health system drugs are not approved by the FDA for this with beds on three campuses, contains an use, they are rational alternatives for the Acute Care of Elders (ACE) unit that has treatment of neuropathic pain in older been in place for 10 years. The ACE unit is an adults.36–38 interdisciplinary model of care designed to For zoster nerve pain, topical or prevent functional decline in hospitalized capsaicin are also effective alternatives with- elderly patients by integrating the principles out systemic adverse effects.39 of geriatric assessment and continuous quality For depression in older adults, there are improvement. The ACE intervention consists many alternatives with fewer adverse effects. of a prepared environment, interdisciplinary These include , , patient-centered care, comprehensive dis- buproprion, and selective charge planning, and medical care review.43 inhibitors such as , , and The ACE staff developed a list of high- .40–42 risk medications (TABLE 1), using the best avail-

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able scientific evidence. This list discusses the Every day, the pharmacy computer system risks that these medications pose to older generates a report of all patients age 65 or patients and offers alternatives. older who are prescribed one of these three agents. The pharmacist then contacts the pre- The ‘Elder Monitor’ program scribing physician directly or leaves a A continuous quality improvement (CQI) preprinted note (FIGURE 1) on the patient’s team, composed of members of this hospital’s chart, explaining the problems older patients ACE unit, developed what we informally call often have with these medications and sug- the “Elder Monitor” program. Approved by gesting alternatives. Reference materials sup- the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, porting the recommendations are available the program targets meperidine, amitriptyline, upon request. This method, known as “acade- and diphenhydramine, with the intent of mic detailing,” has been shown to be effective decreasing their use in our elderly hospitalized for changing or improving prescribing pat- patients. We chose these three particular terns.44,45 drugs because of our personal experience with We implemented the program in March frequent problems with them in our older 2001. Baseline use of these medications was patients in the ACE unit. established by tabulating usage for the same

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Sample note from the pharmacist Patient name:______Date______PHARMACY NOTES Dear Doctor: Please consider whether the following suggestion(s) would be appropriate as part of your patient’s medication regimen. Meperidine ______has been on meperidine for more than 48 hours. His/her calculated creatinine clearance is _____ mL/minute. Meperidine is not recommended to be used in patients with reduced renal function. A toxic metabolite, normeperidine, can accumulate in patients with decreased renal func- tion. Normeperidine causes central nervous system toxicity, including agitation and seizures. The American Pain Society recommends that meperidine not be used for more than 48 hours. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee has recommended that the Pharmacy screen and intervene on all meperi- dine used in elderly patients for more than 48 hours. Can an alternative agent be used? Diphenhydramine ______has an order for diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine is no longer recommended for use in elderly patients (Beers MH. Arch Intern Med 1997; 157:1531–1536). The anticholinergic effects of diphenhydramine can cause or worsen confusion, unsteadiness, urinary retention, and consti- pation. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee does not recommend its use in elderly patients except in the therapy of acute allergic reactions. Can an alternative agent be used? If using as a hyp- notic, trazodone 25–50 mg or 7.5–15 mg is recommended as an alternative. Amitriptyline ______has an order for amitriptyline. Amitriptyline is no longer recommended for use in elderly patients (Beers MH. Arch Intern Med 1997; 157:1531–1536). The anticholinergic effects of For insomnia, amitriptyline can cause or worsen confusion, unsteadiness, urinary retention, and constipation. The Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee does not recommend its use in elderly patients. Can an alterna- sleep-hygiene tive agent be used? If using as an antidepressant, consider a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, such programs are as , citalopram, or sertraline. If using for neuropathic pain, consider desipramine or nortripty- line. If using as a , consider trazodone 25–50 mg or temazepam 7.5–15 mg. preferable to Thank you— ______, RPh drugs PHYSICIAN RESPONSE Please note: Physicians must write all necessary orders to implement changes in therapy. Comment/response______


month in the 2 years before the program was Does medication reduction save money? implemented. Postintervention use was mea- We believe that reducing the use of these sured 1 year later. three medications should decrease the inci- Use of all three medications decreased in dence of delirium in hospitalized older the year after the program was implemented— patients, and therefore should decrease length meperidine by 33%, diphenhydramine by of stay and costs. 52%, and amitriptyline by 50% (although Unfortunately, gathering these hard data there was a trend toward a decrease in the use is beyond the scope of the current project. To of amitriptyline in the year before the inter- document any effect of the program on the vention (TABLE 2). incidence of delirium would require an

566 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 71 • NUMBER 7 JULY 2004 Downloaded from on September 27, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission. T ABLE 2 Reducing prescriptions for risky medications in elderly hospitalized patients


Monthly census 3,582 3,395 3,536 Prescriptions Amitriptyline 20 10 5 50% Meperidine 133 126 84 33% Diphenhydramine 170 177 84 52% extensive chart review, which would be diffi- February 2001 due to a decreased usage of cult to justify since the medications that diphenhydramine. Using these figures, this were chosen have already been proved to would translate into a cost savings of cause delirium. Moreover, our institution’s $105,589 per year. medical records department implemented its own program in 2001 to increase the docu- ■ OVERCOMING BARRIERS mentation of various diagnoses, including delirium. Therefore, any comparison of the Barriers still exist when trying to switch elder- incidence of delirium with the historical ly patients’ medications to lower-risk alterna- record may not be valid. tives. A common reason for not changing We did, however, estimate the impact medications is that the patient is currently that our program would have on hospital costs tolerating the agent. on the basis of reducing the use of diphenhy- However, physicians should still exercise Under our dramine, using conservative data from other caution when prescribing high-risk medica- program, use of studies. tions, for two reasons. First, the contribution Delirium has been reported to occur in of high-risk medications to other disease states three risky 14% to over 50% of hospitalized elderly (delirium, dementia, constipation, urinary drugs in elderly patients5; we took the lower figure as the base- retention) may occur slowly and subtly, there- line incidence. Agostini et al21 found that fore making it difficult to relate the medica- patients fell by delirium symptoms increased with diphenhy- tion’s contribution to the patient’s current one third to dramine use by a factor of 1.7 to 5.6, depend- problem. Second, if these medications are one half ing on the symptom. Using the lower figure, used chronically, as the patient ages, adverse we calculated that the incidence of delirium effects will become less tolerable. in patients receiving diphenhydramine would We found that the use of three high-risk be 14% × 1.7, or approximately 24%. medications in older adult patients was sub- At our hospital, the average additional stantially reduced in our hospital by using a length of stay due to delirium is 3 days, and structured protocol developed by members of the cost of a patient remaining in the hospital an interdisciplinary geriatric team. This pro- for an additional test-free day is $300. Using tocol encourages pharmacists to directly com- the data for February 2001 and February 2002 municate with physicians and provide acade- (TABLE 2), an estimated 66 fewer patient days mic detailing concerning specific alternatives would occur in February 2002 compared with for these medications.

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