The Signs of the Times, Vol. 12 (1886)
The Signs of the Times, Vol. 12 (1886) January 7, 1886 "The Ostrogoths and the Visigoths" The Signs of the Times 12, 1 , p. 4. THE peace which Constantine forced upon the Gothic nation in A.D. 331, continued for a period of thirty years. For the proper understanding of the further progress of our subject, it now becomes necessary to clearly define the distinction that existed between the two great divisions of the Gothic nation–the Ostro [Eastern] Goths, and the Visi [Western] Goths. As a matter of act this distinction existed from the earliest times of which we have any knowledge of the nation. "The Ostro and Visi, the eastern and western Goths, obtained those denominations from their original seats in Scandinavia. In all their future marches and settlements they preserved, with their names, the same relative situation."–Dec. and Fall, chap. 10, par. 8, note. Although this distinction was ever observed amongst them as a people, yet in all their wanderings and in all their expeditions, from the time they left the Baltic till the period of which we now treat, A.D. 361,–they were united and acted as one people. Now, however, we shall find them separated, and with the exception of a short interval, never more united. During the thirty years' peace with the Empire (A.D. 331-361), and under Hermanric, the last king of the united nation, the Gothic power was spread from the River Danube and the Black Sea to the Baltic. Of this we read:– "During a peaceful interval of thirty years, the Romans secured their frontiers, and the Goths extended their dominions.
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