Environmental Radioactivity Ispra 1963
ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY Stft ''iii M. DE BORTOLL P. GAGLIONE)NE, E5^ilmsKti»'hlfeï:iaï,JWiF™ra!Piifil:efii ΙβΤίΓ'ΐΛΓτνΕΗ STRICHT wEXa ™.à|T;ÌB '¿Ju 9Γ *:m JilpitiÉiilwfilb mmm »■*■fii'tiit.a LEGAL ¡ρNOTIC;E ^ΐβΒΒβίΙ ThThiis document was prepared Atomic ΕEnergι y Community •epared under the sponsorship of the Commission of the European (EURATOM). κ* M* completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this document, or that the use of any information, apparatus, ιmethod , or process disclosed in this document may not infringe privately owned rights;rights; or 2o — Assume any liabihty with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in this documentH. K m ISillii iliieiliiPI This report can be obtained, at the price oí Belgian Francs 85,· ill from: PRESSES ACADÉMIQUES EUROPÉENNES Mnfi? Iß 98, Chaussée de Charleroi, Brussels 6. l^tÌM 'Si Please remit payments to : '•Sw — BANQUE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE (Agence Ma Campagne) - Brussels - account No 964.658, — BELGIAN AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY m New York --a accouno t No 22.186, —— LLOYDS BBANA K (Europe) Ltd. - 10, Moorgate London E.C.2. reference: "EUR 2213.e - ENVIRONMENTAL ' ' '. Pfiflíí! ¿Γ til ".-^Li RADIOACTIVITYT> AT\Tn A ΓΤΤΤΓΓΤΛ , ISPRA 1963". lais KI'T:i :ii.n.. .'»·.C^KSBtarønil^^^s^i? j·»'i: J.*W 'Í ¿WÎ ■ (¿kilt . 'J! HjiJffcu.U ht(f«.ittWei.;!E M Printed by Guyot, s.a., Brussels, January 1965. This document was duplicated on the basis of the best available copy. ^ïi»lilÉiiislilllÉi I v'Íli'í IfMllÄ S^ffií'E»: m Â\->\& '«|f'l^i*Ëîn!n: ' fifi !ií1^'t^W:'*5Íyl5 ::'ai tEIHsr ^wi W fepf'H»? li "Mi ÌSf-IT »'liHli ì ;*&- ÎfctdL ü^iteM^èWïYt EUR 2213.e ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY, ISPRA 1963 by M.
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