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GUATEMALA: ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS OF PROGRESS TOWARD SO5 GOALS IN THE MAYA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Chemonics IQC No. LAG-I-00-PP-00014-00, Delivery Order 805 International Resources Group EPIQ IQC No. PCE-00-96-00002-00, Delivery Order 836 Final Report December 6, 2000 Submitted to: USAID/G-CAP Submitted by: The Chemonics International BIOFOR Consortium International Resources Group EPIQ IQC TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms i Executive Summary 1 SECTION I Background I-1 SECTION II Summary of Analyses, Conclusions, and Recommendations II-1 A. Protected Areas and Biodiversity II-1 B. The Buffer Zone II-3 C. Forest Concessions II-7 D. Project Partners II-8 E. Project Management II-12 F. Environmental Policy II-15 G. Environmental Education II-17 H. Minority and Gender Issues II-17 I. The Results Framework II-18 SECTION III Proposed Strategy III-1 A. New Strategic Vision III-1 B. Management Support and Timing of the Strategy III-3 C. Specific Strategies by Theme III-4 SECTION IV Results Framework Critique IV-1 A. Organization of the Material IV-1 B. Management of the Information from Partners IV-2 C. Multiple Goals at the SO-Level IV-2 D. Indicators of Biodiversity IV-2 E. Intermediate Results IV-8 Exhibit IV-1 USAID’s Current Results Framework for SO5 IV-6 Exhibit IV-2 Proposed Results Framework IV-7 Exhibit IV-3 Proposed Intermediate Result 1 IV-10 Exhibit IV-4 Proposed Intermediate Result 2 IV-15 Exhibit IV-5 Proposed Intermediate Result 3 IV-20 Exhibit IV-6 Proposed Intermediate Result 4 IV-24 ANNEX A Assessment Findings: Context and Overall Impact A-1 Annex A-I Protected Areas and Biodiversity A-I-1 Map A-I-1 Critical Areas of the Sierra del Lacandón A-I-9 Map A-I-2 Population: Norte del Petén: Reserva de la Biosfera Maya y Poblaciones por Número de Habitantes A-I-10 Map A-I-3 Fire 1998: Intensidad de Fuegos Durante 1998 en el Petén, Guatemala A-I-11 Map A-I-4 Fires March to May 2000 A-I-12 Exhibit A-I-5 Estimated Populations for 1993 and 1998 with Projections to 2008 for Communities in the Area of Influence of the Sierra del Lacandon Park A-I-13 Annex A-II The “Buffer Zone” A-II-1 Map A-II-1 Map of Municipal Ejidal Lands in Petén and Their Relationship to the MBR A-II-9 Annex A-III Ecological Services and Economic Valuation A-III-1 Annex A-IV Forest Concessions A-IV-1 Exhibit A-IV-1 Forest Units Under Management in the MBR A-IV-7 Exhibit A-IV-2 Fees and Taxes Paid by Forest Management A-IV-12 Exhibit A-IV-3 Potential Annual Revenues to CONAP from Stumpage Area Base Fees A-IV-16 Annex A-V Proposal for Strengthening Forest Management A-V-1 Exhibit A-V-1 Type of Subsidized Assistance Needed After the 2001 Harvest Season for a Maximum of Three Years A-V-8 Exhibit A-V-2 Residual Value per Cubic Meter of Mahogany A-V-10 Exhibit A-V-3 Summary of Available Cost and Revenue Data for Forest Management by Communities A-V-11 Annex A-VI Project Partners and Management Structure A-VI-1 Exhibit A-VI-1 Recommended Standard Reporting Format A-VI-8 Exhibit A-VI-2 Existing Project Management Structure A-VI-11 Exhibit A-VI-3 Proposed Project Management Structure A-VI-14 Annex A-VII Environmental Education A-VII-1 Exhibit A-VII-1 Estrategia de Educación Ambiental de la Región VIII Petén propuesta en 1998 A-VII-6 Exhibit A-VII-2 Ejercicio FODA de la Estrategia de Educación Ambiental Región VIII A-VII-9 Annex A-VIII Minority and Gender Issues A-VIII-1 ANNEX B Implementation Plan B-1 ANNEX C Scope of Work–Chemonics BIOFOR C-1 ANNEX D Scope of Work–IRG EPIQ D-1 ANNEX E Contacts E-1 ANNEX F References F-1 ACRONYMS ACOFOP Asociación de Comunidades Forestales del Petén AFISAP Asociación Forestal Integrado San Andrés Petén ARD Associates in Rural Development ASOREMA Asociación Nacional de ONGs para la Protección del Ambiente BANDESA Banco de Desarrollo Agrícola BZ Buffer Zone CATIE Centro Agrónomo Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza CDC Conservation Data Center CEAP Comisión de Educación Ambiental en el Petén CECON Centro de Estudios de Conservación (Universidad San Carlos) CEMEC Centro de Monitoreo y Evaluación (de CONAP) CI Conservation International CISEA Comisión Inter-Institucional de Seguimiento a la Estrategia de la Educación Ambiental COADAP Cooperativa de Apicultores del Petén (Centro Maya creation) CONAMA Consejo Nacional de Medio Ambiente CONAP Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas CONRED Comisión Nacional de Reducción de Desastres CUDEP Centro Universitario del Petén (Universidad de San Carlos) EMAPET Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Petén EPIQ Environmental Policies Indefinite Quantities Contract FARES Foundation for Archeological Research and Environmental Studies FMP Forest Management Plan FMU Forest Management Unit FONTIERRA Fondo de Tierra FSC Forest Stewardship Council FYDEP Comisión para el Fomento y Desarrollo de Petén, Peten Management Unit GIS Geographic Information System GoG Government of Guatemala GTZ German Government Cooperation Agency IDAEH Instituto de Arqueología e Historia IDB Inter-American Development Bank INAB Instituto Nacional de Administración de Bosques INACOOP Instituto Nacional de Cooperativas INGUAT Instituto Nacional de Turismo INTA Instituto Nacional de Transformación Agraria IRG International Resources Group JOCV Japanese Overseas Volunteers KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wideranfban (German Development Bank) MAGA Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería MBP Maya Biosphere Project MBR Maya Biosphere Reserve MIS Management Information System MUZ Multiple Use Zone NASA National Air and Space Administration NPV Naturaleza para la Vida NTFP Non-Timber Forest Products OMYC Forestry Concession below Dos Lagunas OCA Organizational Capacity Assessment PAF Plan Anual Forestal PDS Programa de Desarrollo Sostenible PINFOR Programa de Incentivos Forestales P/L Profit/Loss Statement PMS Programa de Manejo Sostenible (GTZ program) PNSL Parque Nacional Sierra del Lacandón PPM Parcelas Permanentes de Medición POA Plan Operativo Anual (Annual Operating Plan) PROARCA Proyecto Ambiental Regional Centroamericano PRONADE Programa Nacional de Autogestión para el Desarrollo Educativo PSC Personal Services Contract PVO Private Voluntary Organization RAINPEG Regional Archaeological Investigation of Northern Peten, Guatemala RAP Rapid Assessment Program GUATEMALA FINAL REPORT RENDRIA Red Nacional de Formación e Investigación Ambiental SARN Sección de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales SCAF Sociedad de Comunidades Agroforestales SEGEPLAN Secretaría General de Planificación SEMARN Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales SEPRONA Servicio de la Protección a la Naturaleza SIGAP Sistema Guatemalteco de Areas Protegidas TFAP Tropical Forestry Action Plan TNC The Nature Conservancy TR&D Tropical Research and Development UTPM Unidad Técnica de Planificación Municipal WCS Wildlife Conservation Society ZAM Zona de Amortiguamiento (Buffer Zone) ZUM Zona de Uso Múltiple (Multiple Use Zone) ACRONYMS Executive Summary Executive Summary From mid-July through the third week in September, 2000, a team of multidisciplinary specialists from Chemonics International, through the BIOFOR IQC, conducted an assessment of SO5 activities to provide the Mission with recommendations for a new program strategy and results framework. At approximately the same time, another team from International Resources Group (IRG), through the EPIQ IQC, conducted a separate but closely related assessment, focusing especially on environmental policy and the Guatemalan Protected Areas System Network (SIGAP). Both teams studied project documentation and interviewed partners, stakeholders, clients, and personnel from national and international agencies in order to assess and analyze progress toward the Mission’s SO5 goals and provide recommendations for a new project strategy and results framework. The Chemonics and EPIQ teams worked closely together to produce a coordinated and complementary set of recommendations for the new environmental sector strategy and results framework that are included in this report. The Chemonics team took the lead in the development of these documents and the preparation of this report. The EPIQ team authored the pieces on environmental policy in Section II Summary of Analyses, Conclusions and Recommendations, Section III Proposed Strategy, and Section IV Results Framework Critique. The rest of the report—including the annexes, which provide more detailed findings and recommendations— was authored by the Chemonics team. Per their agreement with USAID/G-CAP, IRG will also provide a separate report with further details and analysis as their work progresses. The Chemonics and EPIQ teams also exchanged findings and coordinated with a third consulting team from the Academy for Educational Development’s GreenCOM project. The GreenCOM team was asked to provide an assessment of the Maya Biosphere Project’s (MBP) educational strategy. The GreenCOM team will submit its results in a separate report per their agreement with USAID/G-CAP. This Executive Summary is divided into three parts: Assessment Findings, Proposed Strategy and Results Framework Critique. Assessment Findings The MBP can be credited with five main achievements over the last decade: 1. Helping to gain public and government recognition and acceptance of the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR), its external boundaries, its internal zoning scheme, and the various management regimes employed therein. 2. Slowing the rate of deforestation within the MBR. 3. Promoting and strengthening coadministration agreements between the Government of Guatemala and environmental NGOs. 4. Creating an incipient community of environmental NGOs in the Petén. 5. Creating and legitimizing community forest concessions. Major observations by management zone and themes, as outlined in the Chemonics and EPIQ Teams’ scopes of work include: Protected Areas and Biodiversity · There are no measurements for conservation of biodiversity in the MBR, though it is an explicitly stated component of the SO5. · The original borders of the two main parks, Laguna del Tigre and Sierra del Lacandon, are indefensible with currently allotted resources. · The central and eastern portions of the Reserve—which are the least altered by human activities and which may be the most biologically diverse—have received very little attention or investment from the MBP.