27 May 2020 Issue 07 - Special Edition

What about it!? The need for knowledge


✦ YouTube Subscribers | 65,200 ✦ YouTube Views | 8,019,689 ✦ First Episode | 27 May 2019 ✦ Episodes | 95 ✦ In Depth Episodes | 4 ✦ Live Streams | 14 ✦ Recorded Time | 58h, 50m, 34s ✦ Patrons | 422 ✦ YouTube Members | 114 Episode 1 Uploaded 27 May 2019 ✦ SpaceX News - Starlink Starhopper Twitter Followers | 5,992 and a Raptor ✦ Sponsors - brillant.org - Surfshark.com - NordPass.com What about it!? Turns 1 ✦ Collaborations With the need for knowledge, a space-tuber uploaded his first episode on YouTube back on the 27 May 2019 with a personal goal to connect the space - Beautiful Science community bringing us What about it!? ✦ Interviews - Scott Manley If you have become a subscriber and have clicked the notification bell then you would be accustom to the What about it!? introduction “My name is - Walter Cunningham Felix and I am your host for today’s episode of What about it!? As always - Dr Robert Zubrin there has been a lot going on in the space industry lately, so let’s dive right in!” and now after the airing of the 95th episode where here to - Peter Beck celebrate the first anniversary of What about it!? ✦ Away Missions - ESA Open Day From the outset, the distinctive style of What about it!? has brought us the latest space news twice a week complemented with away missions, - ESA Solar Orbiter Event collaborations and interviews. - CRS-20 Launch - Starship Testing The first away mission was the ESA Open Day which aired on Episode 40 with interviews with the Scottish YouTuber Scott Manley and Apollo 7 Astronaut Walter Cunningham, then came the ESA Solar Orbiter Event which aired on Episode 72 and it was not that long ago, Felix ventured to the US Space Coast for his first Live Launch and visited Starships in Boca Chica which aired on Episode 77.

May 2020 February 2020 December 2019 September 2019 July 2019 April 2019 50 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 65,200

YouTube Subscribers

By Stinger NSW 1 27 May 2020 Issue 07 - Special Edition

In a cross-channel collaboration with Beautiful Science as aired on Episode 63, we were treated to a two-part animation style walk through looking at 10 most amazing and curious facts about SpaceX.

Recently, What about it!? showcased two in-depth interviews, the Mars Society President Dr Robert Zubrin in a three-part extravaganza and Rocket Lab’s founder and CEO Peter Beck.

From asking the questions to answering questions, What about it!? has been interviewed by Will & Pete for Australia’s podcast “Drive It Out” and was a special guest on the Mars Bunker (Week 7): “How to Build a Starship” with the Martian Colonist, Ryan McDonald.

Studio Gifts What about it!? has not been immune to controversy, “Cocoagate” erupted after the airing of Episode 55 when the closure of the Cocoa Construction ✦ Large Grid Fin gifted by Warhawk site was reported, stirring up a lot of talk within the space community. To the (Episode 62) credit of What about it!?, a correction was made and as they say, the rest is history. Another controversy arose after the airing of Episode 85 where “Let’s ✦ S t a r s h i p M o d e l g i f t e d b y dive right in” was changed to “Let’s take right off” and after a community poll SPACESHIPMANIA (Episode 65) was conducted “Let’s dive right in” was rightly reinstated on Episode 94. ✦ Grid Fins + SuperDraco Engine + A couple of facts, did you know that What about it!? episodes were released Dragon c/w Trunk gifted by Henrik on Monday and Friday however this was changed after Episode 9 to Monday from Sweden (Episode 74) and Thursday and that Episode 17 was never made, or was it? ✦ Texan Flag gifted during the Community Meet-Up in Boca Chica With a list of achievements backed with impressive statistics, the growth of What about it!? is a true testament to the man we all know as Felix Schlang, (Episode 77) who ventured out into YouTube land to make videos as a full-time profession ✦ Texan Hat gifted by SPadre during not only to bring us space news but joy and smiles along the way. All this the Community Meet-Up in Boca would not be possible without the loving support from his amazing wife Chica as seen in the picture above Stefanie! “Mrs What about it!?” (Episode 81) So with Felix’s signature sign-off “I hope to see you on the next episode, ✦ with Crew Dragon Model until then have a great time” we all look forward to many more years of gifted by BUZZ Space Models What about it!? (Episode 92) From all the What about it!? community, Felix it’s been one epic year and ✦ Alabama Trooper Patch gifted by “You Definitely Rock”. John for Alabama (Episode 92) ✦ Starship SN1 and Starhopper B&W Print gifted by Arts Image (Awaiting Framing)

Studio Upgrade

✦ WAI unveiled the new Studio digs in Episode 46 moving “up stairs” to a new look studio and to enhance the studio a Mars Globe and Telescope was introduced to the set


✦ Made his first appearance on the set of WAI in Episode 30 Stream Cat

✦ Cookie, pictured right, has made numerous appearances during live streams and is ever present during recordings of WAI episodes

By Stinger NSW 2