Resolution No.___A Resolution of the City of Sapulpa, Oklahoma and the Sapulpa Municipal Trust Authority Amending
RESOLUTION NO._____________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAPULPA, OKLAHOMA AND THE SAPULPA MUNICIPAL TRUST AUTHORITY AMENDING THE FY 2020-2021 ANNUAL BUDGET BY INCREASING REVENUES BY $7,181,750.00 AND INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS BY $3,495,250.00 IN VARIOUS FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING ADJUSTMENTS BASED ON CURRENT REVENUE. WHEREAS, several transfers between funds and payments are based on actual revenue and the revenue is now estimated to be more than budget resulting in an increase in the transfers or expenditures, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and the Sapulpa Municipal Authority, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, that the following budget amendments be made: GENERAL FUND (Increase) 10-4003 Sales Tax - First Penny $ 900,000.00 (Increase) 10-4003.01 Sales Tax – 2nd & 3rd Penny 1,800,000.00 (Increase) 10-4003.02 Sales Tax – ½ Penny 450,000.00 (Increase) 10-4003.03 Sales Tax – ½ Penny 450,000.00 (Increase) 10-4026 Resident Constr Park/Rec Fee 4,000.00 (Increase) 10-4920S Tsfr In: SMA-Sales Tax ___720,000.00 Total Revenue Increase $ 4,324,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-920S Tsfr Out: SMA $ 720,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-931S Tsfr Out: Cemetery 45,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-934S Tsfr Out: Library 45,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-935S Tsfr Out: Park & Rec 90,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-937 Tsfr Out: Park & Rec Capital 4,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-940S Tsfr Out: Fire Cash 45,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-941S Tsfr Out: Police Cash 45,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-944S Tsfr Out: Major Thorofare 90,000.00 (Increase) 10-590-945S Tsfr
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