Lecture Note on Elementary Differential Geometry Ling-Wei Luo* Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica July 20, 2019 Abstract This is a note based on a course of elementary differential geometry as I gave the lectures in the NCTU-Yau Journal Club: Interplay of Physics and Geometry at Department of Electrophysics in National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Spring semester 2017. The contents of remarks, supplements and examples are highlighted in the red, green and blue frame boxes respectively. The supplements can be omitted at first reading. The basic knowledge of the differential forms can be found in the lecture notes given by Dr. Sheng-Hong Lai (NCTU) and Prof. Jen-Chi Lee (NCTU) on the website. The website address of Interplay of Physics and Geometry is http: //web.it.nctu.edu.tw/~string/journalclub.htm or http://web.it.nctu. edu.tw/~string/ipg/. Contents 1 Curve on E2 ......................................... 1 2 Curve in E3 .......................................... 6 3 Surface theory in E3 ..................................... 9 4 Cartan’s moving frame and exterior differentiation methods .............. 31 1 Curve on E2 We define n-dimensional Euclidean space En as a n-dimensional real space Rn equipped a dot product defined n-dimensional vector space. Tangent vector In 2-dimensional Euclidean space, an( E2 plane,) we parametrize a curve p(t) = x(t); y(t) by one parameter t with re- spect to a reference point o with a fixed Cartesian coordinate frame. The( velocity) vector at point p is given by p_ (t) = x_(t); y_(t) with the norm Figure 1: A curve. p p jp_ (t)j = p_ · p_ = x_ 2 +y _2 ; (1) *Electronic address:
[email protected] 1 where x_ := dx/dt.