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Cultural nationalism is a trick ganization, this is also a part of Haiti, and that the oppressor is long rapping and standing on the barbituates to the young people in used by the black bourgeoisie and the plan of the continuation of very shrewd in that manner be­ corner and waving our hands and our community, they can survive in the children of the bourgeoisie. Nixon's program referred to as cause racism, black racism, cul­ swaying and trying to style, I this system by joining certain or­ They tell brothers to love every­ black capitalism. The cultural na­ tural nationalism, black capitalism don't mean that kind of education, ganizations that come under the po­ thing black and to have an undying tionalists take the position that all these things are just the in­ I mean the kind of education that litical standards of the system like love for blacks, while they jockey capitalism isn't bad, it was only bad gredients, just the kind of ingred­ has put America up against the the US organization, the N.A for positions, executive positions because blacks never had a chance ients that's necessary to create a wall the kind of education that was A.C.P., the Black Muslims all of on Richard Nixon's black capi­ to excel or that they never had a Haiti within the black communities exemplified by the two courageous these organizations that's not talist program. It is our duty as chance to reap the benefit of their of America, and this would not and the two most respected mem­ talking about destroying the pre­ revolutionaries, as members of labor, which is only a euphemism, hinder the system as it is,.this bers of our Party, our Chairman sent structure. the lumpen proletariat (field which are only very sharp words, would not hinder the system of Bobby Seale, and our Minister of ! So when they trump up charges niggers). We. have to detour our words used to dissuade and to con­ capitalism because capitalism Defense Huey P. Newton. And their and pull members of our Party off brothers from the corner of re­ fuse people so that .people like would be allowed to exist and it education was education by ex­ the street, when they kidnap us off actionary nationalsim. members of our Party people like would exist at the expense of con- ample, and we have to continue to the streets, lock us in their peni­ This means we have to out- educate by example. tentiaries and put astronomical talk the insanity that's propagated The work that we have cut out bails on us which is really ransom, by the cultural nationalists, we for us in our police petition, to then it becomes very clear to us have to out-organize them, even if control the pigs in our commun­ that its not the Black Panther it means returning to kicking their ity we know that this is a very Party at all that's conspiring to asses, knocking them in the head or powerful weapon. This is a very commit criminal acts, it's all those physically eliminating them. We powerful weapon because the con­ individuals and organizations who used to do these things, we used trol of the police in our com­ remain silent and don't speak out to whip them at parties, we used munities would definitely mean and don't have a unity of action to jump on them in the streets, that we control the guns in our with our Party, it's those people we used to jump on them in the communities, and to control the who are the conspirators along with movie shows, we used to whip guns in our communities would in­ the master-minders of the plot for them at school, we used to fight sure the Black Panther Party a genocide, that they're all co-con­ them and we used to let them know voice in the political realm. spirators of the United States go­ that we were dissatisfied with their When we get that kind of intelli­ vernment and they engage in class positions, because we were gence, when our minds have ex­ crimes of agression against black somehow aware that the way that panded and reached that level of people. Because they have to make they existed was quite different consciousness, we're very sure it clear, they have to let the world from the way that we existed, in that there can be no revolution know what their position is because the sense that the communities unless there's some bloodshed be­ the world definitely knows that that they lived in were always cause the pigs are definitely going the Black Panther Party is fighting classified as the'saditty'commun­ to resist the people trying to take for and in the interest of the peo­ ity, that was an expression that their jobs away from them. We ple. we used to use. wouldn't really be taking their jobs And all those who support the As we grew up we sort of so­ away from them; what we would be United States government, who phisticated our minds, our way of doing is civilizing the police, support Nixon's black capitalism talking and our ideas, and we grad­ making the police responsible to program, a black capitalist pro­ uated to the level of consciousness the people, and making the police gram, and all those who befriend so that we can refer to those peo­ responsible for their actions. And and harbor, all those who assoc­ ple as a member of a particular their actions would not be the kind iate themselves with the US or­ class and that class is the black of actions that we're used to wit­ ganization then it's a very clear bourgeoisie. But in those days nessing where we're always on the line drawn between members of those brothers were hard to find in dead end of that action. our Black Panther Party and those our communities, unless they were When I mentioned mind expan­ individuals who fraternise and who coming down trying to find just what sion I'm not talking about getting associate with traitors and puppets it was like really to be a nigger. hung-up off of those barbituates like the US organization. So that They're not so very hard to find that we call red devils (I think the US organization and George now, they can easily be found at the medical name for those pills "Sambo" Sams are people's enemy the end of every deal that is called Seconal). I'm not talking number two. guarantees the oppressive system about your mind becoming blocked So that individuals and organ­ of capitalism. But what they and niggers stumbling and drunk izations that were created pur­ do, they sanctify capitalsim and and slobbering at the mouth and posely to destroy or to create a they think that they legitimatize fighting andkillingoneanother.be- counter-revolution, we cannot capitalism by using a detonator, cause this Is very good for capi­ make any distinction between them a very explosive detonator that still talism, it's become so evident now and the pigs that also maintain the engenders and speeds up a plot for that all we have in the black com­ exploitation and the suffering of genocide against members of our munity is red devils and poverty our communities. Because in Party in particular and concen­ programs. And niggers that are reality they're all pigs, they're tration camps for other organi­ trying to live at the expense of peo­ all enemies to the people and we zations and individuals that demand ple losing their minds other than have to develop the kind of con­ an end to the exploitation of man by gaining their minds, I think that sciousness that would give us the . man. DAVID HILLIARD CHIEF OF STAFF they too should be classified as energy and that would most cer­ Whereas the system of Social­ an enemy against the people. So we tainly give us the courage to with­ ism guarantees full employment members of the oppressed class tinued black suffering. have to be very concerned about all stand and to eliminate those kind for its people, it guarantees better will latch on to the wings of this So these are things that we have those things in the process of trying of forces. Because our Chairman housing conditions, it guarantees vulturistic foul program that to be concerned about, these are to wage an educational program Bobby Seale is a victim of a plot education, education that gives Nixon has concocted and put to­ things that we have to talk about, that would be beneficiary to the for genocide geared towards our full play to the energies of indi­ gether. They would latch on and the only language the only masses of the people. Black Panther Party. Because viduals so that they can cope to this and that this would continue systems that are able to withstand This brings to my mind George that's most certainly what it is, with the scientific system of the system; but it would only change and implement a people's revolu­ Sams. George Sams, I mean that they're talking about charging the . Cultural nationalism faces, the oppressor would no tion, are the systems and the this is the worst kind of enemy, man with crimes of murder, with which is just a euphemism for longer be in our communities but people that relate to Marxism- a traitor, a paid informer and one crimes of kidnap and torture and capitalism, insures and it con­ rather he would control our com­ Leninism, and the scientific way that you can focus in on the the press has animalizedthe Black tinues the exploitation of black munities from outside and this is system of Socialism whereas the kind of people like George Sams Panther Party to the extent, with people by black people who act referred to as neo-colonialism, people have the power. There's is to read books like Harvey Ma­ their vilification of our Party, as the ruling class dictates. They the oppressor would in reality be dictatorship of the people and they tuso, read about the Rosenbergs, they've animalized us to the extent become the best insurance, or they just another black capitalist, the do not have a ruling class mani­ about all these kinds of individ­ that the public or the people would become a hoop around the barrel oppressor and the methods that fest in a high official sometimes uals that were used to lie, to accept that shit because they would of a dying system or a very they would use in order to maintain referred to as Presidents, or as conspire against individuals,these see us as a deadly threat to the rapidly decaying system. They be­ the system of exploitation would be Chairmans or whatever categories people were working against poli­ communities. come the best insurance for the much more horrifying, it would be they put them into, these people tical organizations, and that these So that's the intent of the press system that's on its way out and much more repressive and that I are not dictates but rather the were people that represented poli­ and they've put a blockade on our the only way that, that system think that one experience that we've masses are dictates and these tical points of view that were on Party, they've isolated our Party, can survive would be geared to learned through study, in order to people are able to maintain a sys­ the behalf of the people and that and after the plans came up in creating a vulturistic, back-stab­ assure us not to fall into the tem that would benefit all the peo­ their ideas and their points of Berkeley and the pigs admitted bing program such as the program perfidious, nefarious trap laid out ple in that particular country. So view were not in support of the the plans were plans that they had that Richard Nixon has put together by the plutocrats and the capitalists that the fascist power structure of system. So when you see black drawn up to attack our office and and thrown out for black capi­ of Babylon would be to focus our America, their intentions are to traitors, people who live by treason i to murder and wound (if there was talists to fight and to exterminate attention towards the struggle imprison, to murder, and silence like rat catchers would by poison, any wounded left) anybody that oc­ members of our Black Panther that's now going on in Haiti under the voice of the Party that speaks you see, these are very treacher­ cupied our office. So this is a very Party; that way they maintain high the foulest dictator of all, a man in the idiom of the suffering and ous people and these are people clear indication that they plan economic positions, exploiting by the name of Duvalier "Poppa exploitated masses. that have to be exposed and they genocide on our Party and they're blacks, whites, browns, yellows or Doc". So the struggle on the ideol­ could only be exposed if we're going to start setting that example whatever category or ethnic group So relating to that situation ogical level, it becomes very im­ waging the right kind of educat­ with the people that they have ar­ people happen to fall into. and relating to our situation right portant in order to immortalize the ional programs. So anybody that rested in Connecticut and our So here it should be made very here in Babylon we can begin to revolution and to prepare the peo­ supports this system can live with­ clear that the murders of Black see that the ultimacy of black capi­ ple for the eventuality of the in the framework of this system Panther Party members by the talism could only create op­ seizure of power. And Idon'tmean and they can engage in acts of SEE PAGE 5 black tanton macoute, the US or­ pressors like the oppressor in education in the abstract sense of illegitimacy such as selling those THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 3 XONTRADICTICTIONS BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW'

We, your sons and daughters thers serving and meeting the against the corrupters and not re­ themselves." And parents say all terests at heart. from the ages of 3 to 30 years people's needs, also the sons and late to the systematic way of life. these things about us because we We who are already Panthers ( or should it be said from 1 daughters who want to become Many parents have sons and love the people and the Party. love it and we who want to become to 30 years in some form or anoth­ Panthers and whom their parents daughters who are dropping out of We know it blows the minds of Panthers but our parents won't er?) have been marked by a lot totally reject. high school and;college,theparents our parents when they see us do let us become Panthers love what of our parents and by society as In rejecting what the youth wants, whose sons and daughters are things that they never saw us do the Party is doing and just as trouble makers. This is mainly what we want, parents become very quitting their jobs and the parents before — such as getting up at soon as we can, we are going tö because we have not followed the narrowminded and subjectively who have completely given up on 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning, become Panthers. We know if the red, white and blue pattern laid down by the system or because we do not respond to or accept the things that our parents feel and believe that we should. A large majority of parents feel as though the youth don't relate to suffering peacefully but when we make an honest effort to do something about the existing situation we are called "fools," "crazy" and "trouble makers." Parents must understand that the youth aren't going for what the system is putting down and a large number of things that parents are taking the youth through, the youth doesn't dig either. How could parents expect us to relate to things right now that were hip years ago? Those things play such a small role in our lives today because those aren't the things we want nor believe in. We want freedom; we want the power to de­ termine the destiny of our Black community. Very sharp historical notes have been kept by us and our remem­ brances are filled with cold­ blooded events that have been forced on the people whom we love so much. The will to do some­ thing about it rips at our throats and the truth won't let us turn our backs, knowing that we have to do something about what's going on here in Babylon today. So, historically analysing things and coming up with the sum total of our analyses and digging how out of proportion things are, we make final decisions, dedications and commitments to change this wicked system that these fascist pigs have forced on the people. In making these decisions we AL CARROLL OF HARLEM GIVES CORRECT INFO. TO PARENT IN COMMUNITY know, understand and accept the weight of our decisions. The youth make an analysis and begin to their sons and daughters because going to the breakfast programs, things are put intro practice that understand the reason why there put their subjective analysis into we take no interest in this pro­ serving the youth, going to libera­ it takes to change this fascist is need for complete changeof this practice, instantly creating un­ grammed society. The first thing tion schools set up for the youth, society, then change will come. fascist system — because the sys­ favorable conditions between the we hear coming from our parents: selling Panther papers and passing But as long as we sit around and tem is not meeting the people's youth and themselves. These "These kids must begoingcrazy. out leaflets. To see it and know create conditions to keep us from basic needs. The people as a whole parents are failing to wage any If we had the chances in our day that we enjoy doing these things getting down to business, as long are suffering and we feel the many kind of ideological struggle to see that you all have now we wouldn't and doing them for the people (as as we wait for Jesus to come on sufferings of the people, because just where we are really coming be in the situation that we're in selfish as some of us were). This the set to square things up we'll we come from the people and we're from, failing to find out why we today. If we hadn't been working is what it's all about. be in the same shape people have part of the people and whatever have these revolutionary feelings, or have had to work the least we The Black Panther Party is doing been in for centuries — and we hurts the people hurts us. why they exist in us. would have gotten would have been what we want to see done and that youth ain't hardly going for it. The youth accept the fact that an education." is to show the people the way out This is why we have decided to "where there is a struggle there All of this is very upsetting for This isn't good enough for the of this nonsense that we're in. become revolutionaries and ser­ is sacrifice and death is a common parents, especially when their only youth nowadays, because we want Show the people that we have vants of the people, to break the occurrence." (Mao Tse Tung) concerns are for themselves and education for our people that ex­ not been completely jammed yet old traditional things such as op­ We accept the responsibility of theirs and not the overall interest poses the true nature of this deca­ and if we choose the revolution­ pression and exploitation and stan­ holding ourselves responsible to of the masses. Many parents have dent American society. We want ary path and resist this dog, we'll dard things such as it being people the people in every word and every struggled hard to bring us up in education that teaches us our true bring about just what the Party of color who are oppressed and ex­ act and to serve them wholly, a corrupt society thinking and history and our role in this modern is teaching andshowingby example ploited. resolutely, completely and believing that what they are doing society. and that is change. The task is thoroughly. and the way they are doing it is "These kids just ain't gonna a selfless task and not a selfish All Power to the People And WE means: the sons and right, only to be highly disap­ amount to nothing — they ain't one because we have much more Al Carroll daughters who are already Pan­ pointed when we chose to move gonna make a damn thing out of than just our own personal in- Harlem Branch, B.P.P. OPEN LETTER TO CONCERNED PERSONNEL OF THE TOMBS I've been told that many of exploit us forever, if we allow it pleasure in harassing and bru­ several occasions. I have been this, they have been shown the you are indignant over my choice to. It cannot and will not change talizing our brothers. They are searched before entering a pub­ ugliest reality of America — the of words in a statement that I on its own accord. It is up to filled with hatred, bitterness, con­ lic courtroom. I could go on and hot, overcrowded, rat infested, made concerning my husband's in­ us, the people, to change it. tempt and sheer disregard for on, but I won't — because I can­ stinking prisons, where they are carceration. In the past five months, my human life. They are the ones not allow these personal harass­ being kept under the worst possi­ This is by no means a letter daily visit to the Tombs has brought who, as my husband says, have ments to take priority over the ble conditions and being denied of apoi }gy, because I can never, me into repeated personal con­ "traded their souls for a badge." fact that 21 young men and women, privileges that would be given to wu'i a clear conscience, retract tact with many of you. As a re­ Little do they know, however, that my husband included, are faced animals. There is no need for me anything that I've said. One should sult, I have been able to see you their ugliness is a result of their with the possibility of having to to describe these conditions to not have to apologize for the truth. in two separate roles. As a group, oppression by that very system sacrifice as much as 74 years of you, because you know them bet­ This is. however, an attempt to you are merely the Department that they serve so faithfully. They their lives for a Lie — A Frame ter than I do. You are there and explain, in your terminology, how of Corrections, a cruel and vital have been so programmed, so in­ up — A Hoax, created by a deca­ you help to create them. But af­ I fiel about the penal system. organ of this Fascist System. As doctrinated and have become so dent power structure in its dying ter eight hours, you're able to First of* all, I would like to say individuals, you are all separate much a part of the system that they efforts to suppress the rising fury walk out of the horrible rat hole that my statement was not an at­ and different, ranging from scorn­ must ultimately perish with it. of the people. Many of these young and inhale the clean fresh air, tack on you as individuals but ful to courteous from dim-witted to Many of you feel personally of­ men, whose lives are in your hands, go home to a clean comfortable rattier an attack on an entire sys­ intelligent, from narrow-minded to fended by being referred to as Pigs. could be your sons or brothers. house, a good meal, and a loving tem of which you are all a part. open-minded. Some of you can be Well, I too have been personally Many come from backgrounds family. Our brothers in jail (and It would serve no useful purpose described as truly kind and com­ offended many, many times in the similar to yours. They, too, were many on the streets) can't do for me to attack individuals. In­ passionate human beings, but the past months. I have been sneered at taught to believe and aspire to the this. Try imagining yourselves dividuals do not oppress us. lli






TRANSCRIPT »ASSAULT PLAN (The following is the complete, unaltered text of tne 1 shotf un 137mm & launcher." The words "1 rifle" are 22. One front squad will still remain on roof to cover any attack plan crossed out.) attack from the outside. 12. Assign two man squad in front to launch gas through 23. Call wagon down to pick up prisoners. upper and lower windows. (Handwritten note says, 24. Fire truck called in if needed. 11 Pat "EASY") 25. Back squad go to H of J to book in and question pris­ 2 Sgt a. (Words crossed out say: "One grenade launcher." oners. lLt. Handwritten note says: "1. shotgun & launcher) 26. One front squad go to HMH to guard and question 1. Assign covering officers to the front and rear of the b.(Words crossed out say: "One .37MM gas gun." wounded. building. (Left-hand marginal note says: "ABLE - Handwritten note says: "2. 37 MM Gas Gun") 27. One front squad will remain on roof until we are Sgt & Pat, BAKER - 1 Pat, CHARLIE - Sgt & Pat") 12. (sic) Order upper window shields to be shot out, and clear of area. a. Two to cover the back use 00 buck shot to shoot out all lower windows. Use 28. Assault squad search and confiscate evidence from (6) b. four to cover the front (2 south front, 2 north front). rifle slugs to try and knock open main front door. building. (Interline note says: "ABLE 1 shotgun 1 Reising (This item is either crossed-out or partially under­ a. Call in photographer. (Handwritten note says: "Dig Radio, BAKER 1 shotgun 1 Reising Radio, CHARLIE lined.) up backyard") 1 shotgun 1 Reising Radio." After BAKER, the 13. Notify HMH (Herrick Memorial Hospital) to stand 29. After all others have gone, front squad pull out. This word "launcher" is crossed out. After CHARLIE, the by to receive wounded. may take considerable time. word ".37 mm" is crossed out. ) a. Post shotgun guard at HMH. —Not fourth platoon. 30. Assault squad go to H of J to package evidence, make 2. These six men would hold position to keep offenders 14. Launch in considerable amount of gas and then notes, write reports. sealed inside building. again order offenders out by bull horn or telephone. 31. Back squad at H of J write reports after booking and 3. Evacuate wounded with covering officers laying a. Walk out front with hands up and then lay on side­ questioning. down lire base. walk in front of building. 32. Front squad leave HMH and write reports. 4. Notify Captain of Patrol and Chief of Police, Ranking b. If this fails 33. Remaining front squad leave area come to H of J Officer of 4th (handwritten interline note says, "A B C D E") and write reports. 5. Notify ranking officer of Service Division to secure 15. Front and back guard lay down fire on second floor. 34. Fourth Platoon Lieutenant and Sergeants meet to the H oi J. (Hal I of Justice) Assault squad (three men) armed with sub-machine make sure that all has been covered. * (handwritten) Notify DD (Detective Division) to stand guns approach building from the south. As they ap­ 35. Fourth Platoon Lieutenant and Sergeants brief staff. by for questioning of prisoners & general investiga­ proach all firing cease. Squad' enter building through (the remainder of the plan is handwritten) tion. front broken out windows pr doors. ABLE —COVER BACK 6. Request thaf Wagon. Ambulances and Fire truck to a. First man cover stairs and no firing unless target (2) l:shotgun& launcher stand by in parking lot of Safeway Stores, Russell and is presented. 1 Pat 1-Reising Shattuck. i b. Next two men enter' and move to left and to right 1 Sgt (The words "1-rifle" crossed out) * (handwritten) Notify ACSO (Alameda County Sheriffs center of ground floor. Fire 30 rounds each up through Radio Office) - Request riot tank be sent. second story floor, and reload. 7. Assign traffic posts to divert traffic around scene, c. By now all shutters should be blown off upper floor BAKER - COVER S-FRONT a. Not assigned to fourth platoon. windows. The entire building should be flooded with 2 Pat 1 shot gun 8. Block Shattuck at Prince and at Woolsey with Police tear gas. The entire upper floor should be covered lrifleor Reising Cars. with intense fire. This should have the necessary Radio a. Use no flares and no personnel left In street. effect. 9. Evacuate nearby homes as needed. (Handwritten 16. Order those able to walk down the inside stairs to CHARLIE - COVERN-FRONT notesays: "SquadDOG(2)") the ground floor, covered by the assault squad. Then (3) 1 shotgun& launcher 10. Order offenders to come out of building with hands they will walk out to the sidewalk and lay face down, 2 Pat 1 rifle up and lay on sidewalk in front of building. (This item a. This will be done by bull horn and/or phone. 1 Sgt 1 Reising is circled) 17. Front and rear covering squads remain in position Radio a. Use bull horn or telephone. (This item is crossed until told to move. out) 18. Leave one front covering squad on roof and call the DOG — COVER FRONT AFTER EVACUATION b. If this fails. (This item is crossed out) other one down to cover prisoners. Leave back squad 2 Pat 1 shot gun & launcher * (handwritten) ABLE CEASE FIRE EXCEPT AT DEF­ in position. 137 mm gas gun INITE TARGET. 19. Assault squad will then proceed upstairs and bring 11. Assign two man squad to front with shotgun (solid down the wounded and or dead. ASSAULT — ENTER BUILDING slugs) and armor piercing rifle to blast armour plate 20. Ambulance (s) will be called in from Russell and 4 3 Thompsons off upper windows. (This item is either crossed out Shattuck to pick up wounded and/or dead. 2 Pat or 2 Thompsons & 1 shotgin .00 or partially underlined. Handwritten note says: "DOG 21. Call back squad around to front to assist as needed. 1 Lt. Radio REPRINTED FROM THE BERKELEY TRIBE THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 5

THE OLD DAYS PIG PLANNED GENOCIDE This plan by the Berkeley pig of the kidnapping of our Chair­ Reising - high powered rifle department to attack the National man, Bobby Seale, the Kangaroo ASCO- Alameda County Sheriffs Headquarters of the Black Panther court trial of our leader and co- Office Party Is authentic. It came recent­ founder, Huey P. Newton, the at- , DD - Detective Division ly from the desk of a high ranking tempt to murder our Minister of Launcher - grenade launcher Berkeley pig. It was revealed to Information, Eldridge Cleaver, the will fire any type grenade is man at a timelike this? the Black Panther Party by the murders of many Panthers and (gas, high explosive, inden- Berkeley Tribe. At this stage the the false imprisonments of count­ diary, fragmentation) 35-step genocidal plan is very de­ less Panthers, we would definitely Thompson - 45. caliber sub­ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 tail, Berkeley pig chief Bruce Bak­ say that Berkeley has a "model machine gun er and Capt. Charles Plummer, pig department." 37mm gas gun - for firing tear when shown photo-copies by the ENEMIES WITHIN ENEMIES WITHOUT Although pig chief Plummer says gas- on other types of gas Chairman Bobby Seale right here made their way here. But I'm not press, replied, "This is probably Riot tank - tank (most pig depts. the work of a couple of our ser­ that he requested but never saw in San Francisco. going to exert one atom of my the plans and that he had asked have models similar to ar- geants." They denied having ever more personnel carriers So having that situation to deal energy trying to make distinctions seen the plans themselves. Pig a "couple of sergeants" to draw up such plans, the plans contain now in use in Vietnam) with you can see the importance between a black pig and a white chief Plummer said he had ordered of waging the kind of educational the plans drafted , "a couple of at least four different types of pig, because they're pigs. Because program that we're talking about months ago." He referred to them handwriting. We wonder if a ser­ HMH -HerrickMemorialHosp. they're some stupid, idiotic, insane as "contingency plans" and said geant can have the Berkeley Hall Berkeley when circulating that petition. That boot-licking motherfuckers. I don't they were "good training." When of Justice secured. We ask "can H. of J. - Hall of justice petition is the only means for black care if they're black or white, asked by newsmen the reason for any old pig with three stripes ask Pat. - Patrolman people in America surviving geno­ they're pigs and we're going to call the plan, he mumbled faintly about the Alameda County Sheriffs Of­ Sgt. - Sergeant fice to send a tank over for a cide, because the pigs have been thm pigs until we have wrested police departments throughout the Lt. - Lieutenant conditioned to kill black people, nation "having trouble with Pan­ couple of hours? Can any three- the power of the gun from those Armor plate window shields the don't pick any bones about that, ther Headquarters in their respec­ stripe pig have ambulances and fire . 1/8 inch steel plate shutters people, and we control the actions tive cities." They said they have trucks on stand-by anytime he feels Installed on upper windows they don't hesitate to do it, they do and then maybe we can begin to such attack plans for 40 local or­ like it?" On second thought, later of National Headquarters to it every day.Everytimeyoupickup call them brothers. ganizations. for questions; we know the an­ guard against snipers and as- your papers, you see where some But until that day comes George Pig departments across the swers. We know that pig j. Edgar sasins (Black and white) in Hoover considers us his number black youth has been murdered Sams, the US organization and the United States are fairly uniform Babylon, "the land of the cold-bloodly on the streets of our in their attitudes towards minori­ one target. (We saw that on TV) local pigs that patrol our com­ free." community by some pigs. And the ties, the^poor, and political dis­ We know that the mis-named There exists enough proof of munities by day and night are all senters. It's no suprise to anyone "Justice" Department has long ago pig planned genocide against the pigs are not always white pigs, a bunch of reporbateable, scum nowadays when a Panther office created a task force to wipe out Black Panther Party in particu­ they're black pigs. In Los Angeles sucking enforcers for the op­ is shot up, when Panthers are the Black Panther Party. We know lar and Black people in general. they have some 200 or better black pressive system of capitalism. murdered or jailed for any wide that Tricky Dick Nixon, alleged All that is required of anyone is Cubans they're called Guazanos, it President of the "land of the ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE variety of trumped up reasons. The the moral strength to investigate means worms, these are ex- AND LET'S SEIZE THE TIME! Black Panther Party would agree free" has ordered the Black Pan­ an obviously ugly situation. with the Berkeley pig department's ther Party exterminated. We have patriots, these are counter-rev­ David Hilliard In this society of fascist pig mur­ olutionaries that have stowed away claim that they are truly a"model had it shown to us in a thousand der and brutality, silence must be Chief of Staff police department." In the light and one ways. viewed as endorsement. and have hijacked airplanes and Black Panther Party THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 6 which, when you become a cop, you join if you're white and stay away from if you aren't. Pig O'Brien: "I want to kill a nigger so One of the things that Ehrlich has going for him is that any jury that could conceivably be put together in San Francisco is going to be in awe just because it's the nearly legendary Jake goddamned bad I can taste it!" Ehrlich before the bench. He's not only Sam Benedict; he's Perry Mason, Judd, and the Defenders, all at once. Another thing about Jake is that he will use whatever will HE killed George Basket!. win ; if racism will win, he'll use that. And so he did. He played THE SCENE: San Francisco. Its climate is moderate; tempers do But it was soon clear that sweeping the "accident" under it like a fiddle. not flare; passions are not abraded by the heat. It is renowned the rug was not going to be quite so easy. Word had spread Although almost everyone had assumed that murder is for an easy-going, live-and-let-live attitude. It prides itself on its fast, and an aroused black community was soon denouncing unbailable in , a municipal judge released O'Brien cultural diversity. Cahill's expeditious review of the case as a police department after he was booked. Black leaders were furious, and the "whitewash." On top of this came some exceptional newspaper noise was so loud for a day or so that a second municipal ICHAEL O'BRIEN WAS RETURNING with some friends reporting by two local journalists, Birney Jarvis and Charles judge overruled his colleague and ordered O'Brien back to jail. from a Sunday outing at Lake Berryessa. The Raudebaugh.Thepolice story stank.They knew it and they said Then Ehrlich moved in, going up to Superior Court where double date had not gone well: O'Brien had been so—on the front pages of the San Francisco Chronicle. he obtained a ruling granting $25,000 bail. "This man is not M drinking and was in an unpleasant mood. At one going to run," the judge explained. point, he made his date get out of the car with him and told Half the bail came from a bail bondsman. The other half her to "be a little more affectionate" or walk home. She calmed was put up by Louis Lurie. "If this is a murder case," Ehrlich's him down a little, though, and they got back into the car. friend told a reporter, "I'm the Pope of Rome." On the way across the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, He's not; and Michael O'Brien never was, and never will he suddenly brandished a .38 revolver. After a minute he put be, tried for the murder of George Baskett. the gun away, and a few minutes later they were at Brush Place. The Grand Jury members, as always, were prosperous You'd have to be a pretty determined San Franciscan to middle-class, predominantly white, and predominantly male. know where Brush Place is. About two and a half blocks from They meet in closed session and the district attorney tells them the ugly new Hall of Justice, there's a little dead-end alley pretty much what he wants them to know. off Folsom Street called Hallam Street. Off that alley there's After hearing witnesses, the Grand Jury deliberated for 15 an even smaller alley, also a dead end. That's Brush Place. minutes and indicted Michael O'Brien—not for murder, but O'Brien kept his boat in one of the garages in Brush Place for manslaughter. that are rented out for that purpose. The foreman said that, in the light of the testimony, there Carl Hawkins, a mild-mannered black streetcar motorman, wasn't that much difference between murder and manslaughter seems to have scraped O'Brien's boat trailer with his car. in this case. (Huey Newton, who was ultimately convicted of Hawkins immediately stopped and got out. manslaughter, was indicted for first degree murder by the This is how all the witnesses who were not police described Alameda County Grand Jury across the bay, without benefit what happened next : of eyewitness testimony or a murder weapon.) One thing quickly led to another. O'Brien yelled at Hawkins, The city's black leaders hit the roof. A blistering statement "If you scrape my car, I'll shoot you!" People in the neighbor­ was issued charging that law enforcement agencies had hood, many of them black, came out or looked out their "connived and conspired to thwart justice." windows to see what was happening. Suddenly O'Brien pulled Jake Ehrlich, on the other hand, had the grace to concede out his .38 and shouted, "Get your heads back in, niggers, or that manslaughter is a better rap than murder, though he I'll kill all of you. I'll blow your heads off." Hawkins' wife went still insisted it was justifiable homicide. "But this is one of inside to phone the police; Mike's companion, Willis Garriott, those political footballs," he went on. "Everyone wants to be went out toward Folsom Street on the same errand. heard, and all they're doing is a eating class feelings." As Garriott returned with Special Patrol. Officer Ray­ O'Brien's bail was reduced to $3125. mond Adkins (a private policeman, but one with a uniform and a gun), there was the sound of a shot and confusion in the [THE JUDGE] street ; O'Brien had three black men at gunpoint, their hands against the wall at the end of the alley. O'Brien was getting GEORGE BASKETT, MURDERED nastier by the minute; according to witnesses, he said, "I want By October 1, Cahill was forced to announce a reopening UPERIOR COURT JUDGE JOSEPH KARESH grew up in South to kill a nigger—I want to kill a nigger so goddamned bad of the investigation. On October 9, Michael O'Brien was Carolina, but that does not make him a bigot. In fact, he I can taste it!" arrested and formally charged with murder. I is proud of the fact that his father, a rabbi, taught A black truck driver and neighbor of Hawkins, George In these times of popular backlash against "coddling" of S Hebrew to the local black ministers. Like Jake Ehrlich Baskett—five inches shorter than O'Brien and 75 pounds accused criminals, it is instructive to note.what kind of and Mayor Joseph Alioto, Karesh is a liberal. When a proba­ lighter—picked up a slat out of a chair back, a thin piece of support is available to a rank-and-file policeman with no tion officer was fired for having a beard, Karesh ordered him wood about 23 inches long and about an inch and a half wide, "connections" who has killed a black citizen. First, of course, rehired with back pay. He ruled that the city could have topless and tried to knock the gun away from O'Brien. Garriott and there are his comrades-in-arms, who came through with two joints and ordered the police to allow performances of Michael the special cop had their guns out by now and watched as crucial commodities: money and testimony. McClure's play, "The Beard." O'Brien growled, "Drop the stick, drop it, goddammit." He The accused O'Brien had other help. He did not, for in- He has, however, a couple of minor hang-ups. He doesn't counted in a rapid cadence, "One ... two ... three " There stance, have to resort to the public defender or to penny ante like student dissidents, he loves cops, and he appears to have was a sharp crack. The bullet ripped through Baskett's chest, private counsel. The earliest moves in his case were han- a somewhat racist way of not being a bigot. severing a major artery. As Baskett lay moaning and dying in died by prominent San Francisco attorney Edward Dullea. One local attorney recalls, "In many previous dealings I the street, O'Brien approached him. "Shut up, dammit," he Dullea's brother is president of the prestigious Catholic Uni- had with Karesh, he seemed to have a very strong block against growled, "shut up." He kicked at Baskett's side, turning his versity of San Francisco, whose law school has given the city perceiving that any policeman could be guilty of any mis­ victim over on his back. Baskett's pregnant wife ran out a large proportion of its judges (including Judge Karesh, who conduct. One sure way to arouse his anger would be to suggest toward her husband. "Get out of here, you black bitch," ended up trying the case). The father of the Dullea brothers that the police were guilty of any impropriety. It would sort of O'Brien shouted, forcing her down the street. Then he looked was a former San Francisco chief of police, destroy his world if he thought O'Brien really called those up at the black faces peering down from the windows above But Dullea was soon replaced on the case by his even more people 'niggers' or shot to kill." him. "Get your heads back in niggers," he shouted, "before prominent partner—through whom still other lines of influen- And a local reporter notes that, ". . . in his chambers he'd I biow them off." Within minutes, Baskett, twenty-eight years tial support became available to the humble cop—the fire- old and the father of five children, was dead. Michael O'Brien eating, legendary trial lawyer, Jake Ehrlich, had killed his nigger. The police came, including San Francisco's head-cracking [THE LEGEND OF SAM BENEDICT] Tactical Squad. They immediately began questioning "sus­ pects." They arrested Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawkins, Mrs. Haw­ kins' son Richard Dickerson, and Otis Baskett, on charges of "AKE EHRLICH is THE Best Criminal Lawyer in San Francisco. conspiracy, assault to commit murder, and assault with a That doesn't mean that he is the best criminal lawyer in deadly weapon. Then they helped the dazed O'Brien out of San Francisco; it means that that's his local title, though the alley and away from the angry crowd. J it rests mostly on past laurels—he doesn't have to work much any more. His reputation rests on the fact that, while he 'BRIEN OF COURSE WAS WHITE. And although he had has occasionally compromised on conviction for manslaughter, never said so to anybody in Brush Place, that night he has never had a client convicted of murder—and he's or at any other time, Michael O'Brien was a cop. handled over 50 murder cases. O "If he had only identified himself as a policeman," The reason he doesn't have to work is that he's a member- recalled the soft-spoken Carl Hawkins, a man of fifty, "this possibly even a charter member—of the San Francisco whole business would never have happened." And then—not Establishment. ^ apparently conscious himself of the ironic significance with This has brought him into contact, and ultimately into which his words illuminated the growing chasm between law friendship, with financier Louis Lurie, who juggles local hotels and people in the country as a whole—"People around here as a hobby. According to Ehrlich, Lurie is "the owner of more have a lot of respect for a police officer." real estate than the Department of the Interior." For a couple Within four hours of the shooting of George Baskett in of generations or so, Jake has been putting a buck wherever Brush Place, the official police investigation of the incident Lurie puts ten, and that's been a painless way to amass a had been conducted and concluded. The two officers who sub- sizable bundle. mitted the report admitted in court that it had been rewritten Jake is a liberal. He took on Senator McClellan when he three times on the orders of their superior, Lieutenant Daniel criticized use of the Fifth Amendment. He defended poets Mahoney, who had specifically ordered them not to mention Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti against obscenity any witnesses other than the policemen present. The report charges concerning "Howl." He did a lot of other things that concluded that the killing of Baskett was "justifiable homicide." might have led someone to think that his life would make a It was only after reaching this conclusion that the police great movie. MICHAEL O'BRIEN, THE MURDERER questioned the arrested blacks, who for three hours had It never did, but it did make a television series, starring cut up prosecution witnesses, and talk about how the blacks been kept handcuffed in the paddy wagon outside the Hall Edmond O'Brien. They called it "Sam Benedict," because the are getting away with everything, how juries are afraid to of Justice. Early Monday morning, Chief Thomas Cahill told incipiently portly actor could hardly play tiny, skinny Jake; convict them, how they are arrested one day and walk away reporters that the whole affair was a "sad situation," but besides, Eddie would have had to play a lawyer who by now free the next day." "a man has a right to defend himself." He termed the shooting is over seventy. "accidental" and informed them that his own private inves­ Ehrlich is also, now and for some time past, the attorney for tigation was closed. the Police Officers' Association—a voluntary organization CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 7 PIGS TRY TO STOP BREAKFAST BPP CALLS COMMUNITY MEETING MEETING AT TRINITY CHURCH, believe that Black people should not SATURDAY, 7 p.m., 4837 S. State be forced to fight in the military AUGUST 30th. service to defend a racist govern­ On August 28, Lt. Sam Lax ofthe ment that does not protect us. We Illinois Chapter of the Black Pan­ will not fight and kill other people of ther Party explained to the board of color in the world who like Black the Lutheran Religious Organiza­ people, are being victimized by the tion about the Free Breakfast for white racist government of Ameri­ Children. Sam Lax said that over ca. We will protect ourselves from 1,500 hungry children are being fed the force and violence of the racist at Trinity Church alone and over police and the racist military by ILLINOIS CHAPTER CONTINUES TO FEED THE HUNGRY 3,000 through the city of Chicago, whatever means necessary. and that we are opening more places 8. We want freedom for all Black to feed hungry children and anyone people held inFederal, State, County who is hungry. He explained that we and City prisons and jails. We be­ are opening a Free Medical Health lieve that all Black people should be Care Center on or about the first of released from the many jails and September at 3850 W. 16th Street. prisons because they have NOT re­ The board said that we must leave ceived a fair and impartial trial. the church, but the PEOPLE want us The Black Panther Party says to A LETTER to continue feeding the children and those who disagree with those two LETTER FROM serving the community. The board points or any point of the 10-Point wanted to teach the Lutheran Platform and Program have no Religion but didn't have a preacher understanding of this capitalistic SISTERS and never had one at Trinity Church. system or don't give a damn about TO BOBBY The board overlooked the fact that BLACK PEOPLE. we feed hungry children and serve WE ARE CALLING FOR SUPPORT Charlie W. Powell I livel the oppressed people in the com­ OF THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY Imprisoned in Forsythe The police locked me in my OF THE CONN. 14 munity. The board couldn't relate to AND ALL CONCERNED PEOPLE. County Jail cell all day Wednesday July 30, numbers 6 and 8 of oar 10 Point THERE IS FREEDOM FROM HUN­ and did not give me any food. Platform and Program. GER IN THE BREAKFAST FOR Dear Brother Seale, They made two more men sleep 6. We want all Black men to be ex­ CHILDREN This is a letter that I got from on the floor because they asked my ten year old daughter. I have empt from* military service. We ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE for sheets to sleep on, and I been in jail five months this year know this is wrong! I have writ­ August 20, 1969 on two phony robbery charges. ten to Raleigh but I know they To the people, I have spent more than fifteen didn't mail them. Some people hundred dollars on bond and law­ in America do not know about We heard this morning that our yer fees, and I do not have any some things in America. Some Chairman has been arrested and more money. While my six chil­ people talk about injustice and charged with "unlawful flight to dren and wife are starving, they miscarriage of justice as if they avoid prosecution." We realize have me sitting in jail. And the were justice. But they don't know. that the repressive tactics of the welfare says they can't give her You don't know what miscarriage fascist gestapo troops of America anything because she is working. is until you've had it done to are stepping up, but we cannot af­ She has a job and she makes about you. ford to let them totally destroy half enough, which is two hun­ the Party or its leadership. We You do not have to trouble your­ have to fight "tit for tat". When dred dollars a month. Sitting in selves with me, for I know that jail does not bother me. Even they sharpen their swords, we must you all have enough trouble of doubly sharpen ours. though I am here for nothing, your own. But I want you to know I have been here before. I know that even though I am not a mem­ It is needless to say that the and have known for a long time ber, I am with you all the way people are confused at this point now, that the jails in America to death. as to what the Party's policies are. They are not to threaten or are made for the Black man. I And if you do print this letter am a poor man. But I know the harass the people. The blundering my little girl wrote me I would of the mass media and of the difference between right and be glad. I buy a paper whenever wrong. power structure must not be mis­ I can get one. I wish that I had interpreted. The Party is neither I work for what I get. I have some money to send you 'cause even worked two jobs — night vicious nor dogmatic, but we are I know that you need it. I have fighting for the liberation of op­ and day to make ends meet. And spent all my money in their phony now my family is starving be­ pressed people and the people of courts. And it looks like they are the third world. cause they don't have food to eat. trying to starve me now^ I wish CHARLES BURSEY-POLITICAL PRISONER And if the Welfare would give that I could see a Jet Magazine We know that the fascists have them what the police have taken reporter. But I don't know how no evidence with which to hold from me in the last five years, to get in touch with one! I know Chairman Bobby, so we demand that would be more than enough. that a man is not supposed to his release. We demand the release They have robbed me with their be locked up without food, but of all political prisoners. It is phony court. The last judge that there is nothing I can do about clear that they (the reactionary tried me looked own on me and it right now. And I know there power structure) are trying to re­ LETTER FROM said "I know all about you. " And is no law against the law! move the head of the Party so that that was the first time" he ever There is much I did like to say the body will die. They tried with saw meI H s told me that I was but I know you have trouble of your Huey, Eldridge, and countless some kind of leader for my peo­ own. others, but it won't work. The ple and that was a Black Pan­ Charlie Powell Party will never die because the CHARLES BURSEY ther, which I am sure that you people will never allow that. We know that I am not. I do not mind Dear Daddy, must continue with our programs POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE We are taught that those that and community work. We must have the ability will have to carry being a leader for my people. I will be glad when you get out To all my Revolutionary Com­ I wish that I was. For I know continue to organize around the is­ a heavy load, and those that have of jail. I miss you very much. rades throughout the world who are that they need all the help they I go to summer school June 30th sues that affect us politically and fighting the evils of capitalism, extreme ability will have to carry can get. And I wouldn't mind being and will be back August 8th. economically so that one day the racism and reactionary nationalism an extremly heavy load. And we are a Panther either. The point is Some girls beat up Ann, and people will rise like a mighty storm . . . they will smash all which all in all leads to fascism: like oxen to be ridden by the peo­ I am neither one. But I want you gave she a broken rib. She is okay ple. I can see that we are putting to know that I believe in every­ now. 1 would have given you a the trammels that bind them and thing that the Panthers say and Father's Day gift, but I didn't rush forward along the road to I want to tell you that I love all these teachings into practice. Even liberation. the people who are subjected to though these fascist pigs have my I am with you all the way. I have any money. I still have the these evils. There is no power body I can say as Huey P. Newton don't care who knows it. Even record player you gave me. I though I am in jail now, my home would come down there to see you F THE PIG FASCIST DOGS greater than that of the people. The says, that the prison can never have is open to the Panther Party but Mama said it was too far to They cannot break our spirits; fascist pigs of the ruling class will a victory here for I cannot and will or any Black brother. I live at walk for me. Mama is having a we will win! throw many stumbling blocks in our not participate in its corrupting, 2810 Patterson Ave. Right now, very bad time. path to victory, these pigs know that exploiting system, whether I am in I don't know how long my fami­ Sometimes she cries because Free All Political Prisoners! there is a revolutionary war being prison or in the fields working with ly will last, but they are there she don't have enough money to waged against them, their corrupt the people or my comrades, I now. pay the household bills. I wish Long Live our Revolutionary Cen­ tral Committee! officials, public servants,andboot- would like to say more, on the other I know the reason that I am I knew some way 1 could help in jail is I stood up and faced her. Ricky still has his paper (Our spirits are with you, Chair­ licking lackeys, to end this hideous hand I think of what Eldridge once man Bobby) and murderous system of cap­ said, "Whars there to talk about? "justice" and one man facing "jus­ route and tries to help Mama but that is not enought money. I will italism, racism, reactionary na­ We're still not free." tice" in America is lost. I re­ member Malcolm X. I loved him always love you. Ericka Huggins tionalism and last but not least We will be victorious ! when he was here and I love him Frances Carter imperialism. They also know that more since he is gone, but I Your Loving Daughter, Peggy Hudgins Charles Bursey Rose Smith we will win. Political Prisoner will never forget him as long as Cynthia Powell THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 8

END FOOTNOTE weather. It is a fine day today. Things are cer­ tainly looking beautiful here today, and things ". . . in Oakland the ghetto referred only to of this nature. West Oakland. It did not refer to East Oakland "Or, if the young lady were sitting in a chair generally. and they wanted to comment about her physical appearance, they would say, I see beautiful legs on ". . . The black community in this area is, the chair." definitely does have a particular way of ap­ proaching and dealing with the language, different (on the use of language in the community (R.T. 3342)): from the general community. "First of all there is a great emphasis upon words, a great emphasis upon rhythm, a great ". . .1 first noticed the term T.C.B. being used emphasis upon rhym, you see, and the entire in this area in 1961. At that time I noted people piece then must be looked at in terms of its HUEY'S were using the T.C.B. in the concept, take care rhythm, rhythmic patterns, in terms of its of business with reference to eating. rhyming patterns, and in terms of its substan­ tive meaning with respect to the perceptions "The concept has been expanded and uti­ people have of the community around them." lized in a wide variety of ways. And in the black community what gives the term meaning is not (on the political concept of "accountability" and on some specific term that you can say equates with the irrelevance ofdominantmajoritypoliticallanguage APPEAL T.C.B., but it, the context in which it is uti­ to the ghetto (R.T. 3346-48)): lized, the way in which it is utilized, the way ". . .accountability, that is to say, the idea r- in which it is verbalized. • being manifested in the black community that i EDITOR'S MOTE: I black people must separate themselves from the The following article Is taken I ". . . At a concert in Oakland in July of 1967, major political parties, because they are unres­ i from the appeal prepared by the | which I attended, it was at the Oakland Arena and ponsive to the needs of the black community, i attorneys defending Huey P (the blues singer, Aretha Franklin) sang two and put in their place agents or politicians who i Newton, Minister* of Defense of songs,. . . in which she used the term take care are responsive to the needs, conditions and i :the Black Panther Party. Huey's, of busines . , .(with) a distinct sexual reference situations of the particular community in attorneys have moved to have the; I .... I have heard it used with respect to com­ question. i case reviewed bjl the Court of munity organization. I have heard it used with respect to the utilization of the vote ..." i Appeals of the State of California. ". . . Jamestown was essentially the cradle i The Black Panther News Paper of democracy in this country. But Jamestown wUl print the appeal in part— (on the term "oppression" and its special meaning also was the place where twenty captured i every week to give the people all I i to West Oaklnad (R.T. 3361-62)): Africans were landed to begin the practice which .the facts as to why Huey P.Newton "As to the term, oppression, it is usually ended up in human slavery which brought the i should be set free Immediately, defined in terms of first of all, very high levels vast majority of our ancestors here. L, of unemployment for black men as compared to "Now, this simple fact meant that the rhetoric white men; rather low levels of black family of the democracy and the fact of black ine­ income as compared to white family income; 3. THE WEST OAKLAND GHETTO CONSTITUTES quality were locked in the American pattern of the different problems which black people face thinking right from the start and that ever A DISTINCT IDENTIFIABLE GROUP, WITH ASEPA with respect to welfare agencies, the fact that RATE AND DISTINCT SUB-CULTURE, LANGUAGE; since that time this rhetoric has been irrelevant families have to depend on this kind of source to black people, because Americans have been POLITICAL BEHAVIOR, AND RACIAL AND SOCIO for income, and the fact that welfare agents ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS. able to successfully encapsulate black people very, very frequently act in terms or in ways in other areas of their minds as not being in­ which are not in the best interests, they feel cluded in this democratic rhetoric." During the proceedings had on defendant's motion to of the particular family, and in terms of the quash the venire, on grounds that black persons, poor way the educational system relates to black persons, and persons culturally differing from the Professor Blake gave numerous other detailed ex­ people. amples of the distinct cultural differences of the West dominant majority culture were systematically ex­ "That is to say that the educational system cluded and under represented, the trail court prohibited Oakland sub-culture. The residents of West Oakland is not seen as acting in the best interests of share certain characteristics with those of the black the defense from introducing testimony as to the the community. The education is not seen as separate and significantly identifiable characteristics poor of other areas of Oakland, and of the northern relevant to the conditions and needs of the young and western, and even the southern United States. of West Oakland as a community (R.T. 142-45, attempt people in the community and the teachers are to offer the testimony of Dr. Floyd Hunter). The categories of black poor and West Oakland resi­ not seen as responsive to the particular situ­ dents overlap somewhat, but this overlap is academic The court did have before it Judge Spurgeon Ava- ations of the young people." kian's finding of the culturally distinct characteristics with respect to the representativeness of the jury of West Oakland in his opinion in People v. Craig, herein, because the prosecution totally excluded all supra, at C.T. 140. In Craig, Judge Avakian quashed members of both categories. the master panel of trial jurors in Alameda County because use of an "intelligence" test disproportionate­ ly excluded racial minorities and lower income citi­ 4. THE SELECTION PROCESSES UTILIZED HERE SYS­ zens, thus producing a master panel not represen­ TEMATICALLY PRODUCED TOTAL EXCLUSION OF DE­ tative of the communitv at large. FENDANT'S PEERS, SUBSTANTIAL UNDER-REPRESEN- During the trial, professor Herman Black TATION OF BLACK AND POOR PERSONS, A TRIAL gave expert (and uncontroverted) testimony as to the JURY NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMMUNITY, meanings of the separate and distinct language, poli­ AND THESE PROCESSES AND RESULT DEPRIVED DE­ tical ideology and thought, and cultural behavior and FENDANT OF AN IMPARTIAL JURY AND A FAIR TRIAL. common understanding of the members of the West Oakland community (R.T. 336-75). Professor Blake's a. PROCESSES OCCURING PRIOR TO SEATING IN THE •testimony covered a diverse range of distinct atti­ JURY BOX. tudes and beliefs (R.T. 339-41): ". . .the concept of oppression and the objec­ The presence of 8 Negroes on the original master tive kinds of consequences and the objective panel changed only the name of the constitutional problem — kinds of situations which lead people to think from that of total exclusion to that of systematically deter­ in terms of oppression. mined substantial under-representation. The courts have long since recognized under-represen­ ". . . the only way the oppression is maintained tation as presenting the same constitutional problem and at significantly high levels is through a group effecting the same denial of constitutionally guaranteed of individuals who carry out the orders of the rights as total exclusion of a race or significantly Identi­ larger power structure and that the only way fiable group. Anderson v. Alabama, 366 U.S. 208,-81 S.Ct. that this force can be counter-balanced is to 1050 (1961), rev*g per curiam 270 Ala. 575, 120 So 2d 414 show that the black community is ready and is (1960), and Cassell v. Texas, 339 U.S. 282, 70 S.Ct. 629 willing to defend itself. (1950). In Anderson appellant alleged under-representa­ tion of Negroes on jury venires, and in Cassell, reversing ". . . and that therefore, those agents who on other grounds, the Court said that If the jury commis­ recognize that the people are ready and willing sioners had limited Negroes to one on each (grand) jury, to defend themselves when they are attacked such practice was unconstitutional. will no longer engage in those activities which A large and unexplained disparity between the propor­ before had been looked over as a consequence tion of Negroes on venires and in the population generally of their own legitimate access to violence." is unlikely to result from random selection. When-the dis­ (on the meaning of "the ghetto" (R.T. 3357): parity between Negroes in the adult population and those "In its early formulation by Louis Worth and actually appearing on trial juries becomes so large that the others, the term ghetto was implied to — was HUEY IN THE COMMUNITY prosecution may exclude all or all but one or two Negroes meant to apply to a particular geographical from the trial jury, in an area with a large Negro popu­ location occupied by a distinct ethnic or social (on the community' definition ofthe term "bootlicker* lation, the procedure by which this actuality comes to pass group, and it was characterized by certain (R.T. 3362-63)): must be re-examined whether or not they have previously phenomena, particularly phenomena related to ". . .the term, bootlicker, is used to refer to been sanctioned by law or custom. what we would today call poverty, characterized a person who acts in a very demeaning fashion, The constitutional right to a representative jury, that is, by phenomena of poor health, low education, even though he is in a position of influence with a jury representative of the community, does not mean that high incidence of illness and disease. respect to the black community. every jury shall mirror the community, but only that the "With respect to the black community he has system for selecting juries shall be specifically designed ". . .the kind of general social problems are a lot of influence and power and sometimes to produce juries which are a reasonable cross-section of aggravated, heightened in a particular area oc­ control; with respect to the larger community, its significant elements. See, Kuhn, "JuryDiscrimination: cupied by — or rather in which a particular his behavior and posture is quite often, it is The Next Phase," 41 So. Cal. L. Rev. 235, 245 (1968). In group reside, housing, health, education, in terms of abnegation and prostrating one's this context, the word "selection" denotes the choice of, or generally low income. . ." self before the power structure ... it gen­ the system for choosing which individuals are made eli­ erally arose out of the context in which many gible for jury duty, are called for jury service, and actually FOOTNOTE black youth in early point of their life served sit on juries. The word "discrimination" denotes a process in that position as a shoe shine boy .... which unreasonably includes members of one group or 26 . Professor Blake, a sociologist, teaches at the But, with respect to its generic — its general unreasonably excludes members of another. University of California at Santa Cruz, was a con­ application, it referred to a person who has in­ A defendant is denied a hearing by an impartial tribunal sultant to the federal Office of Economic Opportunity fluence and power in the black community, but if his jury is biased against him, whether from racial (Poverty) program throughout the Western Region, who, in relationship to the general society does prejudice, (28) publicity surrounding the trial, fear or particularly in California; authored an analysis of not manifest the integrity of the community." other reasons. When the bias Is racial, the black defendant the Berkeley poverty program; published numerous runs a greater risk of conviction, of conviction of a higher articles in professional journals on socio-economic (on the concept of "signifyn" (R.T. 3364-65)): degree of crime, andof se veie punishment than do members conditions in the black community; and has studied "The concept . . . called signifyn . . . when of the community's dominant white class. (See, e.g., and written about the Oakland black ghetto (R.T. black people are talking, using one language, Billingsley v. Clayton, 359 F.2d 13,15-16 (5th Cir. 1966); 3017-20). they have completely different ideas in mind, H. Kalven and H. Zeisel, the American Jury, 210-11 so what they are doing is, they are signifyn, (1966); G. Myrdal, An American Dilemma, 550-54 (1962, END FOOTNOTE and it is a way of expressing one's self in one 2d Ed.); J. Greenberg, Race Relations and American language about a completely different phenomena. Law, 334-37 (1959); Broeder, "The Negro In Court," (on identification of the black ghetto of Oakland (27) 1965 Duke L.J. 19, 23; Note, "The 'Blue Ribbon' Jury," (R.T. 3357-59)): "If a group of black youths are standing on 60 Harv. L. Rev. 613-14 (1947).) a street corner and a young lady happens to FOOTNOTE come by and they would like to comment on 27. Even to the jury commissioner (Mr. Schnarr), her appearance without, of course, trying to be the black ghetto was known as "West Oakland" (R.T. insulting in any way, they would not talk about 59). her appearance, they would talk about the THE BLACK PANTHER. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6,1969 PAGE 9 NEWS FROM THE PLAINFIELD JOINT DEFENSE COMMITTEE Plainfield, N.J, - Bobby Lee Wil­ Following his release from the action, and I am asking the court want to know who you saw at the George Mutnick that police had liams, 24, who is scheduled to go hospital for injuries sustained to suppress the use of any such scene with Gleason." come with a warrant for the arrest on trial In Elizabeth on September from Gleason's gun, Williams ini­ testimony by the Prosecutor or Williams replied that he was of Bobby. 15 on charges of inciting a crowd tiated a civil suit against the City any evidence which the Prosecu­ shot by Gleason and taken to the "Since I was then also appearing to murder a white policeman two of Plainfield. In an affidavit filed tor was able to get by use or hospital before the time the po­ on behalf of Bobby Lee Williams years ago, charges he was en­ with today's defense notice, Wil­ reference to such testimony." liceman was reported to have been in a matter In the Domestic Re* trapped Into compromising his liams said he made a deposition On Wednesday, November 14, killed. Then they gave him a list lations Court," said Mutnick, "and constitutional rights. Williams at that time concerning the events 1968, while Gail Madden, George and asked him to check the names. knew of not other court where a filed a civil suit against the City on the night that he was shot. Merritt, and the other defendants When Williams said he couldn't subpoena would have been issued of Plainfield after he was shot "Had I known that I was then un­ were already on trial, two de­ remember, the second detective, for the defendant. I called the by Patrolman John V. Gleason, der Indictment or about to be tectives came to Williams' home who was Black, asked his partner clerk of the court and learned that Jr., who was later killed by a indicted," stated Williams, "I at 936 West Fourth Street in Plain- to leave and attempted to seduce there was no record of such a crowd. Williams into making a statement subpoena or warrant for arrest." Defense attorneys William M. on the basis of racial fraternity. In his affidavit filed with the Kunstler and George G. Mutnick When he refused to submit to defense notice, attorney Mutnick filed today (August 26, 1969) a their demand, Williams was told said he had personally inquired notice of a motion to dismiss the if he didn't sign a statement, he of Detective Patrick McColgan of indictment against Bobby Lee Wil­ would be in jail within 48 hours." the Plainfield Police Department liams. The defense move notified Earlier, Robert D. Carroll, who as to whether he could see the Union County Prosecutor Leo Ka- was representing Williams In the warrant for arrest. "He showed plowitz that counsel for the de­ civil suit against the City of Plain- me the warrant which had been fendant, Williams, will apply to field, informed Bobby's mother issued on October 11, 1968, on the Union County Criminal Court In that the prosecutor wanted Wil­ order of Judge John L. McGuire," Elizabeth on September 12 for dis­ liams to testify as a state wit­ he affirmed. "I learned of no missal on the ground that the in­ ness against Madden, Merritt and satisfactory explanation for the dictment Is unconstitutional and other defendants. Carroll told Mrs. issuance of this warrant or of the prejudicial against the defendant. Leola Williams that the prosecutor tardy attempt at execution of it." Williams was shot and serious­ wanted Bobby to point a finger at Then Mutnick wrote Judge McGuire ly wounded on July 16, 1967, by one or all of the people on trial to request the warrant be recalled. Gleason, Inside the Black com­ for the death of Gleason by saying The defense charges that ex­ munity of Plainfield. Subsequent to he remembered seeing them In cess and prejudicial pre-trial pub­ the unwarranted assault against the vicinity at the time he was licity in the local and metropoli­ Williams, he was rushed to the wounded. Again, Bobby Lee Wil­ tan press has created an atmos-. hospital critically wounded, and an liams refused. phere in which Williams would not enraged crowd of persons killed receive a fair trial. Attorneys Gleason more than a block away. VI believe that the sealed in­ Kunstler and Mutnick have asked In a reign of terror, police dictment was made known to me to receive a list of prospective rounded up twelve Black people and used by the State only after state witnesses and informants • and charged them with the murder I refused to furnish the information against Williams. And the Plain- of Gleason. Bobby Lee Williams, which the detectives wanted me to field Joint Defense Committee himself the victim of the savage do," declared Williams. This in­ charges in Its brochure that the attack by the slain policeman, now dictment was not made known to frame-up of Bobby Lee Williams faces charges of "inciting Williams until one year after It is an attempt to "decapitate numerous and diverse persons" was handed down by the Grand Jury. leadership in the ghetto." to kill Gleason. He also faces "I believe that under these cir­ A rally for the freedom of Bob­ charges of assault with Intent to cumstances," Williams declares by Lee Williams, Gail Madden, and kill, and assault &r.d battery against In his affidavit, "the prosecution George Merritt will be held in the Plainfield police officer. is brought in bad faith and should Plainfield under the auspices of Two young Black people, Gail not be allowed by (the) court if the Plainfield Joint Defense Com­ Madden, 24, a mother of two chil­ my rights under the Constitution mittee on September 5, 1969. The dren, and George Merritt, Jr., of the United States and of the meeting will take place at the Park 25, were convicted in the death of State of New Jersey are to be Hotel Annex, 7th and Arlington Gleason. And on December 23, protected." Avenue. Frank Donner, appeal law­ 1968, Madden and Merritt were would not have agreed to testify field. They told him that they On April 30, 1969, Williams yer for Madden and Merritt, and sentenced to life imprisonment. in the deposition taken of me In were investigating the death of spoke about his case at a meeting William Kunstler, one of William s' An appeal of their conviction is connection with my civil suit. By Gleason and wanted Williams to of the Plainfield Joint Defense defense lawyers, will be among the being prepared by attorney Frank reason of the deposition taken of sign a statement and furnish in­ Committee. The following day, he speakers. Donner. me under such circumstances," formation. was informed by his brothers that said Williams, "I was led into "I never read this statement," Plainfield Joint Defense Com­ If convicted, Bobby Lee Williams the police came to his home looking compromising my constitutional Williams recalled. "I asked what for him. mittee faces a 26 year jail sentence on rights not to testify against myself information they wanted." 218 Watchung Ave. the three-count indictment. On May 1 or 2, Mrs. Leola Wil- with respect to this criminal One of the detectives said, "We liams notified Plainfield attorney Plainfield, N.J. 07061

have become in trying to cover up thousands in the last months and THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY their terroristic acts against the more people are seeing through people. Why would the Panthers the lies put out by the imperialist blow up a place full of people newspapers. So now the hogs are whose children they feed every trying to put The Black Panther UNDER ATTACK morning (Breakfast for Children out of circulation. They are de­ "Historically all reactionary pie to gain their liberation. and when he got there, the people Program) and whom they are de­ stroying dispatches of the paper, forces on the verge of extinction Li'l Bobby Hutton was murdered were already rebelling. fending against pig attacks? intimidating the printers and so invariable conduct a last desperate by the racist cops of Oakland on The real reason for the attack on. But the Black Panther goes One hears daily reports of po­ on educating the people. struggle against the revolutionary April 6, 1968, just a few days lice attacks on Panther head­ against the Panther Party is that forces." MAO TSE TUNG before his 18th birthday. quarters and arrests of Panther the Panthers see the "military- The Black Panther Party real­ The Black Panther Party was Eldridge Cleaver chose exile leaders on trumped-up charges, industrial complex for what it is izes that proletarian internation­ founded by Huey P. Newton in rather than a return to prison. and frame ups. In cities such as —i a fascist dictatorship — and alism can successfully destroy 1966 and since then it has been The Oakland pig dictatorship San Francisco, Sacramento, Los are exposing it to the people and the U.S. fascist ruling circles; continually under attack by the wanted to reimprison Eldridge be­ Angeles, Denver, Detroit, Chicago, opposing it. so it has called upon all pro­ power structure of the United cause he was forcefully exposing Des Moines, New York, New Jer­ The fascist dictatorship is com­ gressive groups to form a United States. Today the pigs are stepping things to the people which aroused sey, etc., etc., the pigs have used posed of greedy businessmen (e.g. Front Against Fascism. In this up their efforts to destroy the van­ them to take steps toward their phony excuses • to raid Panther Rockefeller) who daily exploit the way the people can co-ordinate guard Party. liberation. headquarters, destroy and steal people both in America and a- their activities to attack their com­ Huey P. Newton was thrown into The chairman of the Party.Bob- Panther equipment, especially broad; demagogic politicians (e.g. mon enemy, the monopoly capital­ the concentration camp for no by Seale, has beenindictedonsome guns. In New York, the pigs have Die 'the trick* Nixon) who lie to ist class of the United States, in­ other reason than that he the people daily to cover up their stead of each other. Now, the U.S. a crazy charge of "conspiracy to charged 21 Panthers with con­ organized party incite a riot" at the fascist Demo­ spiracy to blow up a store and exploitation and oppression of the ruling class cannot stand anything that is dedicated to the liberation cratic Party National Convention^ botanical gardens. This charge is people; and the pig cops who car­ that is United Against IT; in fact, ry out their wanton brutality IT sponsors groups to blow on against the people, thus helping the racism and further divide the op­ avaricious businessmen and the pressed and exploited people. So demagogic politicians to suck the when the Black Panther Party blood of the people. comes along and calls for a United As they see fascism for what it Front Against Fascism, the ruling is so the Panthers are exposing class quickly tries to shut up the it to the people. Every morning B.P.P. This is the main reason in many cities throughout the for the intensified terror cam­ Unied States, children who used paign being conducted by the im­ to go to school hungry are being perialists i against the B.P.P^ in fed by the Panthers "Breakfast the last few months. fcrChildren Program." So now the We of the Black Youth organi­ people are beginning to ask "How zation see the attacks on the come the Panthers are feeding us Black Panther Party as a sign when we are hungry and the govern­ of the inner weakness ofthe mono­ ment didn't?" And the answer is poly capitalist class in the United becoming ever more clear — the States. We rejoice in the fact government is not set up to meet that the B.P.P. is not deterred the needs of the people, whereas by these attacks against it, but the Black Panther Party is. It rather is carrying its revolution­ is thus no accident that the pigs ary practice to a higher level and are sent out to attack Panther is proving the truth of what Huey headquarters and destroy food sup­ P. Newton taught: plies for the "Breakfast for Chil­ "When the oppressor makes a dren Program." vicious attack against freedom Another prime target of the fighters because of the way that police is The Black Panther, Black such freedom fighters choose to Community News Service. Every go about their liberation, then we week this paper exposes to the know that we are moving in the people the truth about the ruling direction of our liberation." of all the people and that by his The fact is that Chairman Bobby downright crazy and shows how class of America. Circulation of example he was educating thepeo- was in Chicago for only one day ridiculous the U.S. ruling circles this paper has increased by ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE ;• THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 10

RON KARENGA (PIG) Editorial Acouple of weeks ago another he was aware that the group was get. fashion. Panther was murdered by Ron Ka- armed and to leave them alone. Karenga maintains a total num­ Karenga now has an alliance with renga's US organization. The Pan­ Once during a meeting outside ber of five apartments and two of­ Leroi Joines of Newark, New ther's name was Sylvester Bell a L.A. county courtroom two mem­ fices which comes to an expense Jersey Thay put together a pro­ He worked with the San Diego bers of the Black Panther Party of approximately eight thousand, gram in Newark which was as­ Statement Branch of the Black Panther Par­ were backed against a wall by four four hundred dollars per year.His sisted by Motown through a bene­ ty. Brother Bell was shot down members of US and threatened. standard salary for the members fit. They are promoting Black ca­ in cold blood while handing out At the point that the Panthers be­ (murderers) in his upper organi­ pitalism and racism nationally. a B.P.P. newsletter. Just this past gan to defend themselves, the Los zation on payroll is eighty dollars Karenga himself has been hiding It has become quite evident that May 23rd, John A. Savage, ano­ Angeles Pig Department...which a week, of which there are at since he had John Huggins and Al- most American publications and ther Panther was murdered on a had been witnessing the whole si­ least twelve known to be on this prentice "Bunchy" Carter assas­ news agencies adhere to pub­ San Diego street. These acts of tuation...stepped in and threatened payrol., which would be approxi­ sinated at UCLA. The Grand Jury lication techniques common to murder are part and parcel of the to arrest the members of the Black mately fifty thousand dollars a did not even bring the pig to the newspapers and journals published high level govermented plot to des­ Panther Party for disturbing the year. This does not include the hearings. The official Los Angeles In capitalist societies. troy the Black Panther Party. The peace. organization expenses. Karenga Police Department position on Ron Lies, distortions, intentional number ofPanthers killed by US Black Panther offices are shot feeds members of US into com- Karenga is that his whereabouts omissions, quoting - out - of - has run to four. All four have are unknown. context, and incorrect para­ been in Southern California, the The lying pig press called the phrasing are common techniques last two have been in San Diego, murder of John and Bunchy a strug­ in profit-oriented publications. a known Karenga stronghold. It's gle for control of a Black stu­ The Black Panther Party has been quite obvious that the US organ­ dies program. This is the way the continued victim of journalis­ ization is a special division of the the press tries to smooth over tic "pimping and pandering" since fascist police establishment. Not acts committed against the Black its inception. As a political party one member of US has been con­ Panther Party. "Bunchy" was actively engaged in the survival/ victed of any crime against the sharp enough to see what Karenga liberation struggle of our people Panthers. The pigs did not even was doing on the college campuses we know from direct experience make an arrest in the case of in terms of promoting Black capi­ the harm done by this type of Brother Savage, nor did they in­ talism, racism and irrevaent cul­ "news reporting". Needles to say, vestigate the murder. tural nationa ism. Eldridge Cleav­ after three years as victim of The pig establishment press has er' says, "that in order to control such backward tendencies the aided the fascist American govern­ the body it is necessary to con­ Black Panther Party has no desire ment in keeping information about trol the mind." "Bunchy" knew to become the perpetrator of the Karenga and US undercover away that the concept of Black Power same madness. from the masses of the people. was in the minds of most "Black" The publication and agencies The press has labeled and de­ college students. He also knew guilty of these "sins-against-the- fined every one of these acts of that Ron Karenga was twisting, dis­ people" fit no single category, murder as "a struggle for power torting, and creating a tool out of many are "Black", and many are and control of the Black Com­ that concept that would be designed "White", some claim to be "po­ munity." They print that US and for use by the power structure litical", a couple claim to be "re­ the Panthers are rivals. The peo­ against a people seeking self- ligious", but all are guilty of be­ ple know that the only rivalry that determined education. ing "people pimps". exists between US and the Pan­ The timing, the place and every­ Many events of world-wide im­ thers is the rivalry that exists thing was right for the opportunist portance have been so mis­ between the pigs and the Panthers. pork chops to shoot Bunchy and represented that liberation strug­ It is known and concded that John in the back. Even with the gles have been made to look like Karenga's men are always armed, conditions being the same on the race riots, revolutionary move­ and there is no record of his men streets as they were on the cam­ ments have been made to look like ever being picked up on a con­ pus, these pork chop punks would religious movements, and freedom cealed weapons charge. CULTURAL-NATIONALIST VIPER not live twenty four hours had they fighters have been made to look An incident occurred in Newark, up, broken into, and burned down munity organizations. To do this made their attack in the ghetto. like "bandits" or "fanatics." In New Jersey, while Karenga and a on a nationwide scale. Legal wea­ he has abandoned the custom of John and Bunchy were from the the interest of truth and correct group of ten of his goons were in a pons are stolen by the various having all of his men wear bald streets. Enemies of the people can­ political perspective, the Black motel there. The cleaning maid pig agencies across the nation. heads. They are not forced to wear not live on the streets, they can Community News Service (pub­ found guns in the motel room and To date, no weapons have been bubas at all times now. The women only sit in high level rocks of lished by the Black Panther Party) called the Newark pigs. A call sieged from the US organiation, in the organization are no longer granite and oik at the world, so will attempt to give its readers from Newark to Chief (Thon) Pig though US is carrying weapons a- forced to wear African wraps and the people will wait and they will the views and positions of the Tom Reddin in Los Angeles pro­ round daily. They are also kill­ in fact are now allowed to wear have their day. oppressed people, freedom fight­ duced a statement by Reddin that ing Panthers every chance they miniskirts and dress in the latest ers, and revolutionaries of the world in their own words. We know from our own ex­ perience, that no one can depict a struggle better than those who are actively engaged in that strug­ gle. We know that most people LETTERS (Black or White) who would write about a struggle (while avoiding FASCIST PIGS and direct involvement) could ne­ ver really understand that or any struggle. FROM PRISON As an additional service to our RUN AMUCK IN DENVER readers, we will make every ef­ imately 5:35 p.m., the defendant fort possible to share with you, From: Ali Bey Hassan sources of information that we Pigs create the conditions for are. Bronx House of Detention Branch called the pigs (code 911) and re­ ported that two men had tried to know to be representative of ac­ revolution, this theory was put in­ Let me quote Huey as my To: The Black Panther Party, tual conditions. As they become to practice and was proven cor­ th&People's Party break into his apartment and had exit, "Black people must now threatened his life. At approx­ known to us we will make avail­ rect. Saturday, August 24, a bro­ move, from the grassroots up able to you, addresses, for ob­ ther ran a red light and was pull- All Power to the Oppressed People! imately ten minutes to six of the through the perfumed circles of the same evening, defendant was taining the official organs, news­ ther ran a red light and was Black bourgeoisie, to seize by any letters, and other publications, pulled over by "Elmer Hog" the lo­ E would like to inform the peo­ standing on the front stoop of said means necessary a proportionate building waiting for the arrival of publised by various revolutionary/ cal neighborhood nigga watchers. share of the power vested and ple about just one of the many, liberation movements around the The brother was snatched from his many cases concerning the defen­ the police. The two men who had collected in the structure of previously tried to break into de­ world. Our motive is "duty" and car and manhandled by the hog America. We must organize and dant, Bobby Rogers, who is being our aim is "perspective" and dthe Black brothers and sisters kept in maximum security, 24 fendant's apartment and threatened unite to combat by long resis­ his life returned accompanied by "solidarity". As for "originality" here in Denver hate the pig and tance the brutal force used against hours a day, unless he has a visit and/or "profit", later for It! We fear him not). The brother show­ or has to appear in court. This two more men. At this time an us daily. The power structure de­ assaulting action ensued upon the have no desire to pass off "bits ing no fear of this B.C. cave­ pends upon the use of force with­ article is concerning the Bobby and pieces" of the truth, as fact. man or his club infuriated the beast Rogers Case: defendant with a positive indication in retaliation. This is why they of deadly physical force being per­ Bullshit is no barrier to fascist who then turning even more re­ made it a felony to teach guer­ Over a prolonged period of time genocide. Your suggestions and actionary put the cuffs on the bro­ and on numerous occasions, the petrated. In self defense Bobby rilla warfare. This is why they Rogers reacted and took the weapon criticism will be welcomed. ther, hit him 10 or 15 times till want the people unarmed. defendant has been subjected to they reached a climax and think­ threats on his life, assaults, and away from one of the men. This The racist dog oppressor fears resulted in the death of three of ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE ing that they reached thier holy the armed people. They fear most verbal abuse while being the su­ fascist mission, Hog number one perintendant and a resident of the the men and the wounding of the of all Black people armed with assailant. panting, oinking and grinning felt weapons and the idelogy of the building at 678 East 138th Street, the wrath of a people's brick which Black Panther Party For Self- Bronx, New York. Bobby Rogers The defendant's lawyer entered struck close to his snoot. Neither defense. An unarmed people are has attempted to maintain a a plea of 'not guilty' by telling the Hog stopped to notice while they subject to slavery at any given premise of cleanliness and respec­ defendant he would be better off were brutalizing the brother that moment". tability in a neighborhood contin­ with a plea of 'not guilty' because the people were checking the s—t uously plagued by disreputable of the 14 counts against him. So, CHICAGO FREE The Black warriors rotting in defendant Bobby Rogers wants to out and with the help of the pro­ these fascist Denver pig pens need people, perpetrating assaults, secutor named objective reality, murders, muggings, and per­ demur all charges against him. aid, we must stand behind our He's being railroadedby his lawyer found them guilty of barbarism and fighters wholeheartedly. meated with narcotic users and commenced to carry out the sen­ sellers. While acting in the func­ and the court. MEDICAL tence of death. Send contributions to Free Denver tion of superintendant of said He's charged with first degree Pigs were running amuck, Political Prisoners to: premises Bobby Rogers has been murder and thirteen other counts. bustin' brothers, sisters, - any­ Black Panther Party, forced to eject various charac­ The defendant's present lawyer CARE CENTER body; but the s--t wasn't one­ Denver Chapter ters because of their use of the was appointed by the court, after sided. The people realized that building as a haven for the sale the first lawyer that he paid was 2859 Humboldt St. dismissed from the case. The The people's Free Medical Care the streets belong to the people Denver Colorado of and the use of narcotics as well and that the pigs are foreign troops as the evidence of attempted bur­ present lawyer has not put in any Center located at 3850 W. 16th St. occupying the Black community glaries, etc. The defendant had motions to protect the defendant's will open on or about September with weapons of war, as they do FREE LANDON, RORY, GERALD been threatened with physical harm rights. The defendant needs out­ First. Donations are needed to in­ in Vietnam. The mistake of mobs DIXON AND ALL POLITICAL and even death by thé descendants side help. I request that this be PRISONERS! sure the success of this program: and unorganized groups are stead­ and the man assaulted outside the publicized intheBlackPantherPa- Send all contributions to ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! per in the interest of the people. ily leaving the American set. bar as well as many other indi­ Black Panther Party Black, Brown and Yellow people P.S. The Denver pig dept. has just viduals because of defendant's op­ will let the pigs move on their position to those types of people All Power to the People Illinois Chapter been alloted $58,000 by big bro­ 2350 W. Madison emotions, run amuck, go crazy and ther; fascist face Nixon. It's only frequently being in his building. Ali Bey Hasson die like the mangy rabid dogs they paper, it'll burn... On Julv 11th. 1968 at approx­ Chicago, 111. 60612 THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 11

FRED HAMMERHEAD HAMPTON HANRAHAN, 1$ THE PEOPLE ARE FREE! Fred Hampton, Deputy Chairman HIP TO YOUR GAME of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party was freed from Men­ The people have questions that people will make it miserable for ard Penitentiary August 15. He was must be answered. The people want you in our lives. held without bond or the constitu­ to know what's to this raving maniac Shut your lying mouth Fast-Eddie tional right to an appeal. These il­ Hammerhead Hanrahan. What's to because we're hip to the tactics of legal acts followed his conviction this fool that interrupts our T.V. fascists. You may as well continue of a $71 ice cream truck robbery and radio shows to murder-mouth your frantic arresting ofthe people. by the racist court system and a our youth. Here is a fool who is You may as well do your thing, shout bootlicking, nigger pig judge by trying Hitler tactics on a people your asinine statements about so- the name of Sissy Sidney Jones. who don't intend to be as docile caUed "gangs" ™ "gangs" didn't Fred exposed the true nature of as the unorganized and nearly un­ start that senseless Vietnam war. this decadent capitalist anti-people armed Jews. These fascist-com­ "Gangs" didn't start ADC. And it's society by helping to establish re­ mercials are even more ridiculous for sure "gangs" didn't start sla­ volutionary programs for colonized than the white-knight, andtheyeven very and exploitation. So knowing all black and oppressed people. Free took that non-sense off the air. And of this, your gig is up Hammerhead; Breakfast for Children, Liberation the articles that this clown writes the people are preparing to smash School, Community News Service in the papers, will go down in history your fascists attempts smack-dab- (The Black Panther Paper) and by as being some of the best fiction in-the-middle. We intend to listen donating food, money and medical stories ever to be written. to no more of your stupid oinking. services to the poor and oppressed Although this murderous mouth The Black Panther Party says to the masses here in Babylon. parrots the same old Hitler line, people, "Turn this fool off instead of Fred found food when Daley said the ears of the proletariat are deaf turning in your innocent children. there was no food. to this (D.A.-D.J.)District Attorney Don't lead the people to the GAS He helped the children when Disk-Jockey. The people demand CHAMBERS. We won't sit back idly nigger lackey, Denton Brooks said that more important information while all of the people are there was no help. be placed before them on their T.V. slaughtered by these pigs. He exposed nickle-dime rinky- sets like Jobawake Place, Garfield DARE TO STRUGGLE AND YOU dink Hammerhead Hanrahan's Goose, and most of all Howdy DARE TO WIN scheme to imprison all potential Doody. Get out of the people's DARE NOT TO STRUGGLE AND FRED HAMPTON-DEPUTY CHAIRMAN, revolutionaries (war on gangs). lives, Edward V.D. Hanrahan, you YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WIN. He stood up in the midst of fas­ "kid"-napper, you oppressor head- Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton ILL I NO IS CHAPTER B.P.P. cist gestapo forces and declared, hunter you. And if you don't get Illinois Chapter "I am a REVOLUTIONARY". out of the people's lives, then the Black Panther Party ___ Fred put his faith in the peo­ ple and the Party, the indestruc- table forces that freed him from prison, which goes to show you that "The spirit of the people is SERVING greater than the pigs technology", Rent A Pig Strikes Again

THE On Monday August 25, 1969, AN OPEN Heavyhead Hendricks (Rent-a-pig) who hangs out in the store on the corner of Damen and Jackson com­ mitted another crime against the PEOPLE peoplelll Rent-a-pig Heavyhead Hendricks brutalized Brother Rob­ The Black Panther Party was es- MEDICAL CARE CENTER on 3850 LETTER ert Cain and Brother Leroy Davis tablished to serve the people - to W. 16th St. which will provide meet the basic needs and desires of comprehensive medical service without cause or justification. They the masses. WE ARE NOT A FREE to the people of the com came by and told us they were only GANG!!! WE ARE A REVOLUTION­ munity. in the store shopping when this ARY ORGANIZATION, AN ARMED We hold Political Education and crazy made punk pig came up to POLITICAL PARTY, A BLACK Orientation Classes every Monday, TO PARENTS them and started oinking. They were LIBERATION ARMY. Wednesday and Friday nights at It is a natural instinct for Parents them call us gangs and when the threatened, then brutalized for We realize that the people of the 8:00 at: o stand beside and defend their gangs are wiped out you will have speaking up in their own defense. Black Community are oppressed Church of the Epithany, 201 S. Ash children, on the same hand it is stood by and let the pigs wipe out It's common sense for a man or a and that they are being murdered land unnatural for the system of CAPI­ the BLACK YOUTH! Let the Black woman to defend themselves, we daily by this racist system of cap­ Precious Blood Church on Con­ TALISM to defend and preserve Community deal with the gangs, say these brothers did the right italism and exploitation. People die gress and Western respectively their lives. This evil system of NOT THE PIGS 111 It is an insult to thing. every day from starvation, from Our Minister of Information, El­ CAPITALISM in virtually every as- the Black Community that we should Hendricks pulled out his big conditions which come from in­ dridge Cleaver says "Information pect uses the divide and conquer call our own black youth, "GANGS", .357 magnum like a cowboy from decent delapidated, roach infested is the raw material for new ideas procedures. The capitalist con-iy0uTH MAKES THE REVOLU- the wild wild west. Then he pushed rat holes called houses, from poor and if you get mis-information, trollers set up antagonistic contra- TIONI "The young people are the brother Robert up against the wall health conditions therein. Or people you get funny new ideas." A lot of dictions between brothers and most active and most vital force in where he was cut badly on his arm are shot down on the streets of our people get funny ideas about the sisters (so-called gangs) and the society. They are the most eager to - then both he and brother Leroy community by fascist pigs who call Black Panther Party, and think that brothers and sisters fall for this learn and the least conservative in were arrested and spent the night themselves policemen. we are a bunch of "racist black ex> and they wipe out each other. The their thinking..." Chairman Mao. in jail. Heavyhead Hendricks and The Black Panther Party is trying tremists. To combat the lies told so-called gangs are used as a AS long as the So-Called Gangs his running mate pig Jones and that to show the people how they can gain daily by the power structure's news method of social control, so the killed each other and other Black other crazy gestapo fool pig Brown their freedom - trying to arm the media we print a weekly newspaper FASCIST PIGS' work won't be so People of the community and think they own the neighborhood and people, organize and educate them The Black Panther, Black Com­ hard. Then this punk slimy, slither - starved silently they were good. all the people in itl to what this decadent American so­ munity News Service. brain hammer-head Hanrahan and But when they said no more of this We say that a pig is a pig is a pig, ciety is doing and to teach them their In spite of the vicious attacks that garbage dump Daley have the nerve and became armed political organi­ from pig Daley's piad Gestapo to true role in this present day society. have been staged against the Party, to declare a "war on gangs" farce. zations they became gangs. these simple corner store rent-a- To meet the needs of the people we the brothers and sisters who have "THEY AREN'TDOING ANYTHING Where was the pig establishment pigs. If they come into our com­ have opened up Free Breakfast for given their lives to the people and BUT DECLARING WAR ON THE when it was cold, when our children munities and have no respect for Children Programs and Liberation all of those members who are held YOUTH OF THE BLACK COMMUN­ needed food, clothes? Now they people's rights, brutalize us and Schools all over the nation. The as political prisoners, we continue ITY!" come around defining our black oar families and murder people, Breakfast Is a program designed to serve the people wholeheartedly Parents, where are you? Don't youth as "GANGS" and dividing the then we must deal with them. to feed the hungry kids of the com- OUR DUTY IS TO HOLD OUR- go for this Generation Gap bull- family. You must stand by the men THE RACIST DOG POLICE MUST munity every morning before school SELVES RESPONSIBLE TO THE s—t that the pig news media is and women that you have produced. WITHDRAW THEIR OPPRESSIVE for free, the liberation school fol- PEOPLE, EVERY WORD, EVERY trying to push off on you. The pigs We say mothers and fathers you FORCES, CEASE THEIR WANTON lows, an educational program de- ACT AND EVERY POLICY MUST are trying to draw a wedge between have not failed but you have reached MURDER AND TORTURE OF signed to give the youth révolu- CONFORM TO THE PEOPLE'S IN you and your children. PARENTS, the very pennacle of success. All BLACK PEOPLE OR FACE THE tionary principles. This summer we TERESTS. Chairman Mao Tse Tung YOU HAVE NOT FAILED1I! Are of us appreciated the sacrifices WRATH OF THE ARMED PEOPLE. u oin that you have made. RIGHT ON!II have two locations in the city: ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE y° ë ë to endorse some bull- Minister of Defense, Huey P. New­ LONG LIVE THE INTERNATIONAL Jackson Blvd. Christian Church, FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISON- s—t that you can't relate to? YOU ton PROLETARIAT REVOLUTION Western and Jackson and Holy ERS must not defend a society that makes ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE a murderer of our young brothers ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE OFF THE PIG! Trinity Church, 4837 S. State. PEOPLE OF THE WORLD UNITE Mama Jewell and Babatunde To meet the people's medical Illinois Chapter and sistersv Can't you hear the Illinois Chapter needs we are opening a PEOPLE'S Black Panther Party ries of your offspring? You let Black Panther Party -THE BLACK'PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 12 CLEVELAND BROOKS, ANOTHER PANTHER FRAMED!

In the attempt to destroy the been told by the pigs that they ton?" possession of eight dynamite caps, for our youth). Denise was taken Black Panther Party, the pigs of would get him, they immediately These fascist pigs ripped off which the pigs had put in his apart­ from the Youth Center to testify. the power structure are rail­ attacked him. He was hit in the all of the revolutionary posters of ment that night, and framed him •D.A. Pig Cliffort had told Denise roading more and more revolution­ side, stomach, and back with the Huey Newton, Eldridge, and others. on charges of firing firearms with­ what lies to tell. And being weak ary brothers and sisters everyday. butt of an AR 15. Then one of the Then they took Cleveland, Charles in city limits. The brother is not as she is, she backed up like a The pigs of San Francisco have pigs told him, "Why don't you run Lewis, and the three sisters to guilty of either charge. Cleveland's running lackey and repeated the framed Brother Cleveland Brooks for your gun so I can kill you like the pig station. trial started Wednesday, August lies she was told to tell. Brother of the San Francisco Branch. they killed that nigger Bobby Hut­ They framed Cleveland for the 27th and ended that same day, Cleveland is now facing one to ten Cleveland was framed on the with the verdict of NOT GUILTY years in the pig pen. He was ar­ trumped up charges of: of firing firearms within city rested immediately after the ver­ 1. Firing arms within city limits, and GUILTY of possession dict was given (Wednesday, Au­ limits. of explosives. The pigs who were gust 27, 1969) to be held until 2. Possession of explosives. oinking to the people on the witness his sentence September 17th. On the date of January 19, 1969, stand were pigs Robert Rich, The courts of this country have Cleveland was Officer of the Day Steven Wolfe, nigger pig William no justice. Justice is locked up at the San Francisco Party's of­ Cunningham, Burt J. Bishop, and in the pig pen along with the op­ fice. Cleveland was in the office Pig Sgt. Dennis C. Campbell. Head pressed people. The people are from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m. that of this herd of pigs was Pig Lt. being ruled by the lowest grade evening. After the brother closed John Shine (all from the San Fran­ of animals that exist. The people the office, one of his friends, cisco Pig Department). have been put in the pig pen, and Charles Lewis was waiting outside These pigs and more have con­ the pigs are running the country, the door for him. The two broth­ stantly harassed and threatened stopping, and s—tting on human­ ers arrived at Cleveland's apart­ Cleveland, and when asked incourt ity in the people's name. Pigs ment around 7:15 p.m. When they if they knew the defendant other were meant to be ruled by man, and arrived there were three sisters that the night they arrested him, not man ruled by pigs. Pigs of the at the apartment who all were they oinked, "No". power structure, your oinking is friends of Cleveland's. Cleveland Cleveland's jury had only two getting very weak. The people like the revolutionary brother Blacks, and they were old decrepit realize that you pigs are in the he is, was politically educating the toms. Cleveland's jury was not of house and that they, the people, brother and the sisters, answering his peer group or people from his are in the pigs' slop-yard. The their questions about the Black community. The judge, Robert people are subversive to the turned Panther Party. Cleveland then Drewes is obviously a red-neck ra­ around situation, and the people showed them the 15 minute movie cist. The fat, flat-a—ed pig D.A. will deal with it. The people will "Off the pigs". Afterwards, a- Harry Cliffort is an expert destroy your unjust courts, use­ round 11:00 p.m., Cleveland and "lying motherf—er." Whenever less constitutions, and power-mad Charles Lewis went to the liquor the lies of his pig brothers on power structures and put you in store to get cigarettes. Three or the witness stand were exposed by the pig pen where you belong. The four minutes after they returned Timothy Stoen (Cleveland's attor­ people will have a world-wide bar­ from the store, with no warning, ney), Cliffort objected and the ra­ becue (pig) party. Times are get­ no warrant for arrest, or search cist judge would go alongwith every ting hard for the Black Panther warrant, the San Francisco fas­ objection made. The lies that the Party, but even harder for you. cist pigs kicked the door in and fascist pigs told were that they The people will not tolerate your barged in with drawn guns, and knocked on the door and called placing revolutionary brothers and one of the pigs said to Cleveland, Cleveland's name. The truth ofthe sisters in your pig pens. The armed "Don't move nigger, or I'll blow matter is that without a knock, wrath of the people will rise and your goddamn brains out." In­ or any warning, they kicked the destroy you: In order to take some, stantly, 20 to 25 pigs were in the door in. These pigs told the jury you'll have to bring some. In order apartment with drawn guns on the that the defendant was shooting on to murder our brothers and sis­ brothers and sisters. Without a the balcony, and that the house was ters, be willing to be the bar­ warrant, or statement of why they searched and they found eight dyna­ becue for the world's largest pic­ were there, the pigs handcuffed mite caps. nic! Cleveland, the other brother, and One of the three sisters, Denise the three sisters. Oliver, who was arrested at Since Cleveland is a known Pan­ Cleveland's apartment, was im­ Free CLEVELAND BROOKS ther (especially with the tactical mediately taken to Southern Cali­ All Power To The People squad) and has many times before CLEVE WITH THE YOUTH OF S.F. fornia's Youth Center ( a pig pen Comrade Candi Robinson

A LETTER FROM PANTHERS ONE OF THE CONN. 14 Rose Smith Political Prisoner (Panther 14) or Connecticut 8 Niantic Prison EDUCATE Niantic, Conn. To the people, We as political prisoners have been subjected to the fascist tac­ tics of the Niantic, Connecticut; state prison and its mad dog reac­ tionary paper pigs. THE YOUNG Although we are denied the pri­ ByCharlayne Hunter feed 10,000 youngsters in cities Teacher: "What is a pig?" "That's a good thing. We've got vilege of talking to the other women New York Times throughout the country. Student: "A pig Is a low-down to eliminate male chauvinism. here face to face. We sometimes At the beginning of the summer, person who can be any color who We've oppressed our women more converse through our barred and Early one morning last week, however, a directive went out to beats us up and tells lies." than any of the pigs and we' ve got screen covered windows. But even as women in housecoats sat all chapters from Panther head­ Teacher: "How many types of to make the point now that they are this is soon interrupted by the perched in windows trying to es­ quarters in Oakland, California, pigs are there?" our other half rather than our oinking of the pigs here. cape the heat, and men casually stating that during the summer the Student: "Four kinds." inferior half." We have seen the beating of two gathered on stoops along a decaying breakfast program would be re­ Teacher: "Name them." Other points that Panthers con­ sisters here. There wasn't much , street in the Brownsville section of placed by the Liberation Schools Student: "The avaricious busi­ nected with the Liberation School that we could do except try Brooklyn, the sound of voices came except where both programs could ness man pig ("who maybealand- make Include teaching family unity to spread the word of this act floating out of a church, shattering be run without difficulty. lord or a store owner," the teacher and obedience to party leaders. of fascism around the prison the quiet, idle scene. The Brownsville chapter kept interjected), the police pig, the The children are taught chants like grounds and report it to the head "Power to the People," a young both programs and feeds more president pig and the National "Free Huey" (Huey P. Newton, a reactionaries that work here. After man shouted. youngsters--50 to 60—than it tea­ Guard pig." Panther founder and Minister of the beating, they were both thrown A chorus of young voices re­ ches. All of the students receive Defense now in jail on a man­ into a cold, damp cellar which the plied, "Power to the People." breakfast and lunch. ALSO 'FACELESS PIG* slaughter conviction) and "Free girls call the dungeon. They were "What is the main thing we want panthers are basically Marxist- All Political Prisoners," as well left there without food until the to get rid of?" Shouted the young Leninist and see as their enemy The teacher then says thailhere as the one about the fugitive Pan­ head pigs felt it was time to let man. the capitalistic system and its ex­ is a fifth type of pig--the faceless ther Minister of Information, El­ them out. DOWN WITH FASCISM!! "Pigs," answered a chorus of ponents--known in Panther circles pig. "You see him but you don't dridge Cleaver. The guards have been seen with voices. as "Pigs." know him," he said. "He's theone "Where's Eldridge?" The tea­ shotguns. When we asked one of the "We take them on field trips to who comes into the street and tells cher shouts. fool reactionaries here why the HAVE LIBERATION SCHOOL point out the contradictions," a people to be cool. He gets paid He's free, eating watermelon and sudden change in the system here, Panther guide, Henry Mitchell, ex­ for snooping around." There was the pigs can't touch him," came we were told that they had orders On the second floor of the Good plained to a visitor. mention of a demagogic politician the reply, loudly and in unison. from the head pig D.A. Marckle Shepherd Mission at the corner of "They see streets that are not pig," but no discussion. The two teachers in the class and the Commissioner to step up Hopkinson and Sutter Avenues, two clean and they see fire trucks The curriculum could be de­ dropped out of high school and do on their security. (???) young men stood at the front of a speeding up the streets where they scribed as free-wheeling, provided not plan to return. They say they We will fight fascism by build­ small room, while seventeen boys play but no fires. When there is the teachers remain within the "gave up on the pig's school," ing a united front. It's one thing and girls, ranging in age from four a fire, the Pig Department is sel­ scope of the 10-point Panther pro­ and now attend the "people's to be oppressed, but it's another to fourteen years old, sat at wooden dom around in time to save the pro­ gram. The daughter of a female school"--sessions in political a- to be repressed. All Power to armchair desks. perty or the lives of the people. Panther captain Brenda Hyson, a wareness--held at the Panther of­ the United Front Against Fascism. The two young men, Henry Mc- "We take them out on Prospect pretty 6-year-old named Semele, fice a block away. Intyre and Roscoe Lee, both teen­ Avenue—to a block of delapidated was asked by her teacher to name When asked if they would en­ Take the power from the paper agers, are Black Panthers and the houses—to check out the genocide. one point of the program. Her eyes courage their young summer pu­ pigs anda give it bacDacKk to thtnee ppeople ! children made up the first class We show them exposed lead pipes brightened and faultlessly she re­ pils to give up regular school, ThTkae peoplnonnlt. e arn ^ce risinr.ie.ir.rr g •u •*p« lik1 i Ve ^ an here of students in a new Panther where they can get lead poisoning plied: the Panther guide said, "They'll mighty storm. program—the Liberation School. and TB." "We want freedom and the power be sent to school because there Within the last six months, the The children are shown the to determine our own destinies." are laws. But there'll be a vast RIGHT ON Panthers have been concentrating "contradictions" and are taught OÏ the seventeen youngsters in difference in their ability to Rose Smith of on programs for slum children. about the "Pigs." One portion of the class, 15 are girls. When asked learn." the Connecticut 14 The first of these was a break­ the three-hour class was devoted about the significance of that, the fast program that Panthers say to a discussion of the "Pigs." Panther guide replied: THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6*1969, PAGE 13 THE INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIALIST

The Black Community News Ser­ v! THE PEOPLE vice would like to correct a very A three week wildcat of ILWU just among farm workers but That's what imperialism means serious mistake which appeared in # 6 warehousemen against J.I. among all American workers try­ for Latin Americans. our publication last week, August Case Co. is over. Case had in­ ing to hold their heads above These international investments 23, 1969 (vol. in, No. 18). Page 27 sisted that non-union office water as prices, taxes and are "safeguarded" throughout the carried a story on "Renegades and workers -- mostly women -- do profits rise. world by military dictatorships. Counter-revolutionaries." Includ- inventory work that was supposed The chairman of the board of As people everywhere begin to •d <>n this page was information to be done by union men at union Tenneco is one of the planners rise up against their oppressive ,and a photo of Melvin Johnson scale. They forced women to scab of this International Industrialists conditions, young American work­ ("Jomo Kenyatta") which stated on the men and they took court Conference (IIC). So are two ing people are sent to fight to thai ha had l»'<>n expelled from the action to keep SDS students and former directors of Kern Land protect the bosses' investments. Black P:inthcr Party, Baltimore Blacks from walking on the lines. along with David Rockefeller, Rog­ And not only do American people branch« The guys are bafk at work with er Blough (President of U.S. Steel), pay with their blood, but they also Tin Black Panther Party re­ two fired, two "laid off, and the Clark Beise (a big guy in Bank pay the cost to keep people down tracts th.it •tatament, and wants the inventory issue is still unsettled. of America), and Edwin Carter through higher taxes and inflated Community to know that Melvin Case is an old hand at union (a U.C. Regent and director of prices. That's what imperialism Johnson ("Jomo Kenyatta") is a busting. It is owned by Kern Coun­ Bell Telephone). These guys are means for us. MELVIN JOHNSON member In functional standingwlth ty Land Co. which owns nearly after one thing -- higher profits These bosses are meeting Sep­ th' Party. 2,000,000 acres in California and at home and abroad. To make sure tember 15-20 at the Fairmont Ho­ "JOMO KENYA HA" has led the fight to keep farm those profits keep coming they'll tel in San Francisco. Students, Right On workers from organizing. Kern also be talking about ' ' safeguarding third world groups, and working is in turn owned by Tenneco, the international investments." people are planning demonstra­ 39th largest corporation in the In Latin America, for example, tions to protest imperialist ex­ LWS. international Investments means ploitation at home and abroad. The But while Te/meco and other 1 1/2 billion in profits yearly for biggest demonstrations will be international corporations are U.S. industrialists. They rake in when President Nixon attends the breaking worker's organizations this dough by paying low wages conference, September 18. It's time they are organizing themselves. abroad and draining scarce for­ that we all get together to begin In September 500 leading indus­ eign resources while char ging high to say no to all the corporations trialists, who control the world's prices at home. This robbery of which run this country and exploit largest corporations, will be meet­ Latin America's wealth creates the rest of the world. ing in San Francisco. To use their poverty and misery for the people POWER TO THE PEOPLE own words, they will be "develop­ there. One third of the population Alameda County Solidarity Com­ CRAZY PIG ing feasible alternatives to free is illiterate, 14% of the labor mittee collective bargaining and strikes." force In unemployed, one out of For more information, call 471- That means union busting -- not every 10 babies dies in infancy. 2534 On Thursday, July 31. 1969, the patrolman Flannigan. (Who inci- Jersey City Pig Department once dently digs midnight integration). again moved on the opportunity to Also Brother Leo was handcuffed brutalize and arrest a member of so tightly that bruises were the Jersey City Black Panther developing around his wrist. Be­ Party. cause of pig lies, Leo Wilkerson FASCIST PIGS VAMP AND ONCE AGAIN THIS TIME LEO WILKERSON is being charged with a crime and The incident took place when a $1,000.00 ransom/bail has been the Jersey City Pig Department set on him. REVEAL THEIR RELATION TO THE PEOPLE playing crazy and using gangbuster We say that Leo Wilkerson was tactics, moved on a Black youth arrested because he is a member on the suspicion of car theft. of the Black Panther Party, the All over this decadent American dren. Then the pigs arrived (Pig with his (oppression) stick. It is The chase ended at Pacific Ave. people's Party. And this was anoth­ society, pigs are constantly trying Strange; badge number 4117; Pig worthy to note that there were 6 and Ash Street with numerous peo­ er move to destroy the Black Pan­ to convince the people that what car number 4028; description, or 7 pigs on the set. After bust­ ple witnessing the fascist pigs in ther Party because the pigs know is being said about them (the pigs) blond curly hair, freckles, height ing her in the head, Pig Strange full display of arrogance and that the B.P.P. is subversive to is untrue, and that they are the about 6'6" blue eyes). said, "this is the way we have to racism. During the pursuit the pigs the exploitation and oppression of peoples' servants and here to pro­ treat you people", and drug her opened fire without any regards all people in general and Black tect and defend the people. She came out of the house and into the pig wagon. She has a court for the number of Black children people in particular. Under the Here in Fascist Philly, the pig found out it was the people across date coming up woon and has to who were playing in the streets. conditions we are forced to live Commissioner Rizzo appears in the street with whom she had a answer to the charges, of resisting While the pigs were perpetuating in, we say that, the racist dog pictures with oppressed people to previous dispute that were throw­ arrest. all this madness, BrotherLeoWil- oppressors have no rights which show he is a good guy. What he ing the bottles. The pig did not Fascism is here in Philly; it' kerson lefttheBlackPantherParty the oppressed are bound to respect. fails to realize is that the people attempt to stop the people from in New York; it's all over this office to see what was takingplace. And so long as the fascist power have the ability to filter bullshit throwing bottles, nor did he at­ country. Matter of fact, it's run­ On arriving at the scene of the structure inflicts pain and bru­ and jive that doesn't adhere to their tempt to protect her when the peo­ ning rampant. It shot Jimmy Con­ arrest, Brother Leo was inquiring tality upon people (whom we love welfare and well being. ple attacked her. In defending her­ ner last week, and busted Vivian from the arrestedBlack youth what so much) we have no other alter­ self, she sent her daughter in the Cooper in the head this week. It's the youth's name was. On asking native but to arm ourselves for Mrs. Vivian- Cooper learned house to get a knife, since the oth­ been time to intensify, and now is this, the pigs vamped on him and self defense. We call upon the through practice what the pigs' er people were armed with similar the time to intensify even more. arrested him for interferring with people to start understanding this true colors are. On the 18th of weapons. The pig» was just stand­ As Papa says, "It is the duty of the arrest (which is jive). and to move againstpigoppression. August at approximately3:00p.m., ing there. Anyway, the pig watched every man, woman, and child Between the scene of Leo's ar­ The sole purpose of theBlackPan- Vivian called the pigs to inves­ sister Vivian fight two sisters and across the country to run them­ rest and the 4th Precinct on Com- ther Party is to stand firmly with tigate a disturbance occurring at did not intervene until other pigs selves to death to avert inevitable munipaw Ave., Brother Leogothis the Black andoppressedpeople and her front door. In her own words, arrived on the scene. Then he took catastrophe." head punched in by the fascist, to serve them wholeheartedly. she told sister Seale and myself the knife from her. The other peo­ racist pigs, one of them being this Free All Political Prisoners that "she had heard bottles busting ple did not stop fighting, they con­ Do something nigger sick, racist cracker, buffoon, pig All Pc wer to the People on her doorsteps." She toldusthat tinued to come at her. She, at this To all pigs - Keep you Fascist she called the pigs because she time, broke away from the pig, hoofs off Bobby Seale was afraid and the noise of the since he wasn't going to protect Rene Johnson (Field-nigger) PEOPLE bottles breaking scared her chil­ her, and he busted her in the head Philadelphia Branch, B.P.P. HELP PAY ELD RIDGE'S RANSOM A LETTER SAN FRANCISCO (LNS) --In the come from all over. Many are In months since Eldridge Cleaver left Canadian currency -- from other TO OUR CHAIRMAN BOBBY the shores of Babylon (his favorite Americans who have been forced name for the United States), hun­ to leave Babylon. «One former Bobby, the pigs may have taken dridge have taught us, and we will we are fighting back. The armed dreds of Americans have helped Washington State National you away from us physically, but lead the people. We will constant­ wrath of the people will rise against pay his ransom. Guardsman sent in ten Canadian you're forever within the spirit of ly work with the people on the De­ this pig, and thoroughly and com­ dollars and a poem: the people. And the spirit of the centralization of Police, for or­ pletely destroy him. So we say About $26,000 of his $50,000 people is within you. So we are forfeited bail came through contri­ so man, I write this from ganizing revolutionary action a- f—k the pigs. The pigs have taken Canada's Golden Shore not separated, the pigs have not mong the people. you, but you belong to the people butions. The rest was paid by taken you from us. several prominent citizens who Hope you don't see those cops We're moving in unity to raise and the people will bring forth signed Cleaver's bond in the first no more. A revolutionary can never be the consciousness ofthe people. As many, many more Bobby Seales place. Letters and donations are Arthur Ashe, the tennis champion, separated from the people. And the you said at the United Front A- and Huey Newtons. As long as there still arriving (and still welcome) was one of several celebrities to prison bars can never hold down gainst Fascism Conference: are oppressed people, there will at the office of Cleaver's lawyer .contribute. He sent a note: the spirit of a revolutionary, nor "We're going to melt this son of be the Black Panther Party. (341 Market St., ". . .Being black, we must keep the people's liberation struggle. a gun; we're going to put some San Francisco, Calif.), the San pushing, though frequently along We will harass the oppressor until new fire under the pot, and we're All Power to the Powerful People Francisco Chronicle reported re­ different roads. Yours In the his doom. The oppressor will have going to melt it into an Ameri­ Comrade Candi Robinson cently. Most are smaH con­ struggle. . ." no peace by night or day. We will can Liberation Front in America." tributions of $1 to $10, and they constantly study and put into prac­ Chairman, the oppressor is hiting tice all that you, Huey, and El- the Party harder every day, but 'HE BLACK PANTHER THE LOCAL- Pl€> FORCES WERE MCKEV5 FASCIST /Vv^CHINE OF WAR TOPAy, THE ÔAOREO QPOÜtJt> IS FIRST TO A\OVE ON THE »ENEMY RUMBLED INTO BÉRKELCy LIKE A A PARKING» «3T A SIL.E70T HELD TERRiTORy" , TURNING» ROAR OF THUN&ER, TRIBUTE TO THE ARTftS & MI©HT OF FASCIST THEIR ©DNS ON THE RETREATirvJ© YD COMPLETE. THE ©TREET PEOPLE, WHO HAP FAILEP jfcKEPVER., WITH AM THE CWflneWMe» R3WER STRUCTURE FVNNIES TO ARM IN SELF PEF-EtsVsE AERIAL 0AS ATTACK AMP 6/VTTALIofJS PRESENTS: '—B THE DISNEYLAND ATTONAL. <3>UARC> ïimi«$E»j^tw


Regarding the massive repression of the fmmmmmmmmmmmmmm inn immnmnmmmmuum» , „,„„„„„„ ,„„„„i„„„ , , , , , Hm„„ L On the A / level the McClellan Com­ happened without the unanimous consent of the Black Panther Party culminating with the ar- i i—m * « i ham 1 muée launched '/ mther Party members. which occurred before \he apprehension of Party was arrested by a massive squad of Even a sp» rce made up of FBI Bobby Seale, the past ana, mutual problems FBI agents on August 19th outside ofthe State Agents from différant departments has been the Party has had with th\^ former Prime Church in Berkeley, while returning from a created to cor


INTERNATIONAL NEWS THE POWER OF ARMS From Tri continental May - June 1969 by Amilcar Cabrai Secretary-General PAIGC GUINEA AND CAPE VERDE were not able to end officially these times, through his need to dominate and in these lt didn't go beyond a people. This was a very important among the first colonies esta­ so-called wars of pacification un­ almost always « a great lack of certain petty b< which had moment which characterizes the blished by the Europeans in Africa, til 1917, though actually it wasn't respect, of consideration for the contacts with the world Ind which struggle against Portuguese co­ Guinea being the first. After the until 1936 that they managed to African personality, the African felt directly humtllttod, 'Lilly hu­ lonialism -- that is, the fight of Berlin Conference, in which Africa deceive the last resisting Bijagos, culture. It is enough to see, for miliated by the ; of Portu­ each one of the peoples against was partitioned among the powers who did not give up their weapons, example, how Europe (principally guese colonialism, nul ••Mil -- and Portuguese colonialism. of that time, there was concern but were betrayed by people who France. England, and Belgium) we say this consciously --thepro­ Another important factor was with the so-called effective oc­ were close to them. filled up with works _of African blem of nationalism wan't raised. that those people worked together cupation of African territories. This tradition of resistance art; it opened the way to the uni­ Throughout the greater part of our and were able to return to their Portugal was already present in marked our national liberation versal knowledge of the abilities country, especially in Guinea, we lands after having completed their our land, in Cape Verde, as colo­ struggle. Beginning in the '30s, of the African; of African cul­ continued maintaining tribal char­ studies. And in their own colonial- nists who came mainly from Por­ Portugal — where fascism had al­ ture in general; of their religions, acteristics; and thoueh the tribes ized countries — above all- I am tugal and Guinea; and in the latter of their philosophic conceptions. were being broken up economically ready been established — began by the Portuguese, at the same time speaking of my country — there by creating commercial centers on to . set up its administration in In other words, the way in which were groups of young people who the coast and attempting to pene­ Guinea with greater ease. The fact an African confronts the reality of the Portuguese rulers tried to were also becoming conscious of trate inland. that Portuguese policy is carried the world with cosmic reality. In maintain the tribal superstructure the need to change. After the Berlin Conference, out by a fascist dictatorship at Portugal no such thing occurred. in order to better dominate our Before initiating armed struggle Portugal decided to effectively oc­ a time when our people really be­ Either because generally the co­ people. We can say that it is in­ we decided to create African or­ cupy Guinea. This provoked an Im­ gin to be administered by Portu­ lonial who was sent to our terri­ side colonialism's atmosphere, in ganizations. In 1954 we began to mediate reaction on the part of the gal, characterizes the political si­ tories was ignorant, or because the the addition of new relations and create recreational organizations, people. First those on the coast: tuation in our country as it ex­ intellectuals were never in­ of new phenomena that colonial­ because at that time it was impos­ the Manjakos, particularly the Pa isted before the national liberation terested, the Portuguese did not ism brought to our lands (par­ sible to give them a political char­ peis, in the zone that today is made struggle. know the African even though they ticularly the circulation of money, acter. This was important, not be­ up by the island of Bissau; the Another important aspect of co­ came from the European coun­ a more intensive trade, the re­ cause of the idea of creating an Balantas, a little further inland; lonization in our country, and in try with the most colonies in settling of people), that a national organization, but because the co­ the Fulahs; the Mandingas — and other Portuguese colonies as well, Africa. environment began to be created lonialists would not permit it, practically all the peoples of our is Portugal's underdevelopment; This fact also had to do with in our land. It is important to keep which showed our youth, who had country resisted the Portuguese the economic, social, and cultural our struggle, because in our con­ Ihis in mind in order to have an become enthusiastic with the idea, occupation, resistance the Portu­ backwardness of Portugal, which frontation with the Portuguese they Idea of the difficulties of our strug­ that everything was prohibited to guese later called the "wars of also means a backwardness in the became convinced that we were gle, of the concrete conditions of the Africans under the Portuguese. pacification,'' and which lasted for economic development of our coun­ not what they had supposed, and our country. That gave us more strength for new a period of a half-century in which, try, a backwardness in the cul­ there they discovered a new An important moment in our actions, to contrive new ideas, and according to Teixeira da Mota, tural development of our people, African they had never imagined. struggle, or rather, in the situation to carry the struggle forward. 1956 almost no day Went by without a and which creates specific con­ This was, speaking in general of our country before the armed was the most important moment confrontation between our people ditions in the political develop­ terms of our struggle, another sur­ struggle, was the ending of hefore the struggle became fully and the Potuguese. ment that afterwards took nlace in prise the enemy received from us. World War II. That external fac­ developed — that is, before It took We all knowthe Portuguese used our country. I am not going to In our_ country (in Cape Verde tor brought hope to the world, the armed form. division in order to dominate the mention the other aspects of Por­ as well as in Guinea) there have and our petty bourgeoisie were not That year, during a visit to my different tribes one by one. They tuguese colonization, but I want to always been attempts at resisting, exempt from this. During the same family (I was in exile then), we made use of all the tribal con­ point out that if, on the one hand, politically, Portuguese colonial­ epoch a group of young persons decided to secretly create our Par­ tradictions, even practicing acts the character of Portuguese un­ ism, ever since the period that I came to Portugal from the various ty. That is to say that our cli­ that we would consider irrational, derdevelopment permitted the Eu­ have mentioned. With this in mind, Portuguese colonies and became matic moment before the armed and they alw' i 'md one or ano­ ropean and the African to live to­ groups, trade unions, social or­ conscious of the need to unite in struggle is when we arrived at ther Infi1- ...ai African who would gether (something that did not take ganizations, etc. were created order to face the same oppressor. the conviction that it was not pos­ serv ..en' cause. place, for example, in the En­ which had nationalistic tendencies. These youths obtained the means sible to work unless it was under­ jut the truth has not only been glish colonies), on the other hand, But it is important that we have which enabled them to dedicate ground. recorded in our history but also th Portuguese colonial, including no illusions, that we be realistic, themselves to the study, in com­ engraved in the spirit of our peo­ the overseer, always showed — because if there was something mon, of their lands and then be­ ple. Because of our great capacity through ignorance many times, of a nationalistic character, it gan to think together about a com­ for resistance the Portuguese were through misinformation at other didn't go beyond the urban centers. mon way in which to serve their CONTINUED NEXT WEEK BRITISH TREACHERY IN RHODESIA

The tragic approch to the Rhodesian Lobengula (resident in Bulawayo) In 1896 - situation has been the widely held allowing British mining adventures Fearing a military rout, Rhodes belief that Britain is the arbiter bet-; in his Kingdom. pleaded for peace with the military ween the Africans and the settlers The Promise: commanders of Lobengula's army at in Rhodesia. Alongside this is the Matopo mountains and once again: persistent hope in certain quarters A provision in the document promi­ that Britain only needs some con­ sed large payments to the King in The Promise: stant persuasion for her to act in the form of rifles, gold and regular Rhodes promised to honour the in­ order to bring about the required monthly tax payments of £ 100 tegrity pf the Zimbabwe people and settlement in Rhodesia. In her poli­ Result — their state. He and his people were tical game Britain has perfected her The document was a frame-up and going to carry out trade and mining confidence tricks in order to nurse a completely inaccurate reflection of for a maximum of forty years wit­ and allow this false belief to con­ the facilities the King had offered. hout interfering and then withdraw. tinue. The British did not fulfil any of their Result — The fact of the matter that British own promises. Instead: In the meanwhile the British Queen policy has always been for a British- In 1890 - settler dominated Rhodesia and a in England was granting a Charter direct suppression of African Britain stealthily, behind King Lo- to Rhodes and his British South attempts to take control of power. bengula's back and without the per­ Africa Company to establish govern­ An enumeration of a few major mission of any African ruler throug­ ment on Zimbabwe soil. Unforgiv­ historical events involving the sett­ hout Zimbabwe, infiltrated a column able impertinence! lers defines clearly the record and of troops to pitch up a British flat persistence of the dishonest conduct at Harare — (Salisbury). of British policy against the Africans of Zimbabwe. The false peace Settler entrenchement Alarmed by the dishonesty and im­ In 1923 - The fradulent Document pudence of these British intruders, Britain felt she had sent a sufficient In 1888 - the African rulers all over Zimbabwe number of settlers to warrant dele­ Cecil John Rhodes sent a Mr. Rudd launched armies to rid the country gating them more power under a with an already drawn up document of these offending strangers. These purporting to be the form of agree­ James Chikerema Vice President ZAPU are the wars of the decade (1890- C0NTD. ON NEXT PG„ ment to be secured with King 1900).

V THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 17 FROM LAST PAGE NEWS new constitution. The political arran­ counter to the African demand for gements were carried out in exclu­ a clear democratic one based on the sive discussions between the settler one man one vote principle. The leader, at the time a Mr. Coghclan, 1961 constitution was meant to reas­ and the colonial office, then held by sert British settler control of the BRIEFS Winston Churchill. The Africans territory. were neither invited nor involved, even in the subsequent referendum The promise: to settle the controversy among the settlers whether their regime should Under the 1961 constitution flften be part of South or hot. The 1923 seats were offered supposedly for Letters Patent was then the new the Africans with the pseudo-gua­ BLACK GI'S FIGHT OFF FASCIST British-Settler Constitution. . rantee that African scats would in­ crease after some time underlined by British retention of ultimate The Promise: powers. PORTUGUESE OFFICERS While delegating more power to its Result — settlers, Britain under a provision in the Letters Patent, reserved .to The British started to use the 1961 BEFORE itself in London, power to protect constitution as a basis for granting "African rights" if she felt these independence to the settlers, with (Reprinted from The Bond, July Navy personnel) in a nearby bar­ rights were being trampled by the. the alternative strategy of encoura­ 22, 1969) racks loudly shouted racist settler exercise of power. Of course ging the settlers to declare UDI LAJES FIELD, AZORES, PORTU­ threats. But when Glassburner was the whole constitution and the should the Africans and Internatio­ GAL — Seven members of the asked about this, he said, "Ididn't Afro-American Culture Society hear anything." manner in which it was brought into nal opinion be Impossible to per­ were attacked here Friday, May being was a denail and deprivation suade toward- n« settler In­ The seven black airmen, AIC 30 by 12 Portuguese military of­ John Phillips, Sgt. James Bolden, of African rights and there was, dependence ui illstlc preten­ ficers and two white Americans AIC Willie Woodson, AIC Henry therefore, nothing to protect under sions. who serve as their "advisors." Rodgers, Amn. Cleveland Robin­ the reserved powers. The attack occurred after the son, and AIC Stephen Jordan are Portuguese officers refused to now being threatened with having The fearless sell-out Result — leave a local bar that had been to pay for the damage, being In 1968 reserved by the Afro-Americans transferred back to the U.S. and The settlers entrenched themselves; for a private party. other punitive actions. apartheid in land distribution and On I n« British Govern- The two white American ad­ Portugal is a fascist-run coun­ settlements, both rural and urban, e so-called Fearless visors provoked the Portuguese try; its present leaders are coun­ was effected under the Land Appor­ »Ian Independence officers into attacking; they told terparts of Franco, Hitler and tionment Act; starvation was impo­ the officers that they did not have Mussolini. It is also a racist coun­ sed on the Africans through desto- to leave. Under these terms the British sett- try. It is now actively militarily cking of their cattle and reduction One Portuguese officer smashed • •»lu are granted inde- suppressing the freedom struggles of their plough-lands — all this undi-r a bottle over a table while others •' and absolute control of of African countries (Angola, the Land Husbandry Act. All these wielded chairs and pocket knives Mozambique, Guinea). The govern­ ver. measures were to undermine throughout the attack. Although ment sponsored racism is ex­ independence of the Zimbabwe the seven black airmen were out­ hibited flagrantly to the black people and force them to surrender The Promise: numbered by the 12 Portuguese Americans stationed there by U.S. officers and their two advisors, their labour in the : >-r Indus­ reserved clausscs' and British authorities who are constantly the black GIs suffered only minor buddy-buddying with their Portu­ tries, where, (as If it(h pres­ retention of so-called ultimate po- injuries while seven of the 12 sure had been applied), low wages guese counterparts. The U.S. mili­ ., tin' iifw term used is "SAFE­ officers required hospital care. tary base here is being nego­ were paid to retain a continuous GUARDS" of African rights. Two hours after the attack a need for work on the part of the tiated for renewal. U.S. Brass Portuguese colonel arrived at the frown upon and harass any organi­ African. Result — bar demanding the airmen be re­ zations that might offend the dic­ Britain never used the socalled, re­ funded the money paid for the res­ tator of Portugal — especially the Impressed by British unswerving ervations and that they be banned Afro-American Society. served powers'. stand for retention of power by the from the premises. At the bar­ U.S. bases here are open sup­ settlers in Rhodesia, Ian Smith, the racks the airmen were met by port by the U.S. government of British chief agent there, has devi­ Colonel Glassburner, commander Hitler-type fascism and South Af­ African nationalism sed an open 'Apartheid constitution' of the 1605 Air Base Group. He rican type racism. Members of by which he believes power will was accompanied by another the Afro-American Society in the There was a doifble consequence to now remain permanently in hands officer from the Office of Poli­ these settler political measures; first­ Azores ask that you write your of the settlers. tical Relations, and shortly after Congressmen and demand an in­ ly, the settlers regarded themselves their arrival four carloads of air vestigation of this incident and expansionism — hence the Federation police arrived. The two officers the racial injustice here. of Rhodesia and Nyasaland; secondly interrogated the men for an hour, Constant trickery and during this time whites (U.S. the Africans realised the sharpening threat to their lives and rights with What this brief historical reference the result that the pace of natio­ to the conduct of the British over nalism quickened. Rhodesia establishes is that there AFTER was never any time when Whitehall policy ever stood for the realisation (Reprinted from hhe Bond, August 30 days In correctional custody, of African interests. Whether the 25, 1969) and a general discharge with hon­ The ill-fated federation terms used were 'protection of Afri­ orable conditions. can rights', 'reserved powers', 'part­ Last month the BOND reported Sgt. James Bolden, a2ndtermer, In 1953 nership', 'multiracialism', 'reserved how Black U.S. airmen in the received a $100 fine, loss of 1 As she felt about adequacy of her seats' or today's 'safeguards' (from Azores (owned by fascist Portugal) stripe, 30 days, and an honorable settler community for Rhodesia, so 1923 to 1969) they are all a variation successfully resisted an attack by discharge. of a constant deceptive device, — a Portuguese officers who, egged on Amn. Cleveland Robinson re­ did she feel about her community by White U.S. advisors," tried to for Central Afriva. In the same coat of sugar round constitutional ceived a $100 fine, loss of 1 stripe, poison to the Africans. invade a bar the GIs had reserved 30 days, and re-assignment. pattern as in the delegation of more for a private meeting. The Black powers to the settlers in Rhodesia, John Phillips, Willie Woodson, No credence whatever must be atta­ GIs, members of the Afro- Henry Rodgers, and Stephen Jordan Britain by herself decided with the ched to British pretensions that they American Culture Society, were each received $50 fines, 15 days, settlers to impose the Federation of are trying to protect African rights. suspended busts and re-assign­ Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the face It is as much of a lie today under the then charged by U.S. brass-hats ment. of total opposition from the Afrivans term 'safeguards' as it was in 1923 who ignored overt racism involved. It is interesting to note that of Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. under the term 'reserved powers'. The following is a report of the Westbrook and Bolden, the only Who can believe the kind of man results of the courts-martial. two getting discharged, are the The promise: who always says he is locking the President and Vice-President, re­ BY A BLACK AIRMAN spectively, of the Afro-American The terms partnership and multi- stable 'firmly' to protect the horse when he has already driven it out of Culture Society. Whether the Brass racialism were hatched from White­ We've got the Brass scared. hopes to intimidate the Society by hall — interpreted to mean an era of the stable? Here is the outcome of the inci­ this action or whatever, they have harmonious racial relations. Bodies dent that happened here in the failed because now they are the like Capricorn Africa Society were From "Zimbabwe Review" Azores. models of future action and by fostered from Britain to blow propa­ A 1/c Emmanuel Westbrook re­ copying them, other airmen will ganda on these terms in order to official organ of ZAPU ceived a $100 fine, loss of 1 stripe, hope to get out by this means. hoodwink the type of African sus­ ceptible to deception.

Result: "Where the choice is set between cowardice and Lord Malvern, the first Prime Mi­ violence I would advise violence. I praise and nister of the British Federation of Rhodesia-Nyasaland, came out with 'jiitimniiiMiiiiuiHHmnimmmiiiHHiiiuiiimmiiiiimitiiniiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiü: extol the serene courage of dying without killing. the secret to the open. He disclosed Yet I desire that those who have not this courage that the partnership between the settlers and the Africans was meant INT'L GLOSSARY should rather cultivate the art of killing and being to be one like between the rider killed, than basely to avoid the danger. This is and the horse. Further, the succee­ bantustan - South African name for ding Prime Minister, Sir Roy We- "reservation" because he who runs away commits mental vio­ lensky, began to demand indepen­ reservation - American name for lence; he has not the courage of facing death dence for a settler controlled Fede­ concentration camp ration. He threatened a unilateral O.A.U. - Organization for African by killing. I would a thousand times prefer vio­ declaration of independence of a Unity lence than the emasculation of a whole race. I Boston Tea Party fashion in 1962. Sechaba -"The nation" official or­ gan A.N.C. prefer to use arms in defence of honour rather ZAPU - Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (Rhodesia) than remain the vile witness of dishonour." PAIGE - African Party for the in­ The 1961 constitutional Fraud dependence of Guinea and Cape -: Declaration on question of Verde the use of violence in defence of rights. In 1961 - Zimbabwe Review - Official organ (Published Guardian 16. 12.38) Britain imposed a new constitution ZAPU for Rhodesia which ran directly" ^illlllllMIIIIMHIIIIHHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIilltlllMIIIMIIIHNItllilllllllllllllllltllHIIMtllHHMIIIIMlfr THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6,1969 PAGE 18 FASCIST JUDGE KIPNAPS PANTHERS U.S.FASCIST & FRIEND OF BOBBY SEALE stood and showed signs of their to the people,' he stated. Then he OPPRESSION OF high spirit to Bobby, by raising pointed us out and threw us in a clutched fist and saying, "All the pig pen. Two hours later he Power to the People." At this called us out and ran down the point that scum, the fascist judge charges and then appointed us to PEOPLE pig O'Kane who undoubtedly by his "get some time attorneys" (pub­ actions must have been sc raped off lic defenders). He then gave us all The U.S. involvement in the fas­ "rickets" on the upsurge in the the d—k of a Richard Milhouse two minutes alone to admit guilt cist oppression of colonized peo­ U.S talk of welfare cuts by Nixon, jumped to his feet shout­ or innocent. We had no choice ples around the world becomes politicians, enforcedslâvelaborby ing, "Contempt of court, contempt of chance of getting our own coun­ more obvious everyday. Instead of parents of welfare children for the of court, and I will not have it. cil or hardly a chance to talk to trying to find out which act of right to remain on "welfare" Arrest those two.*' (Jymbo and the shyster pigs he appointed us. banditry, rape, murder or genocide moon successes and earth failures Upon entering, the Pig Punk the U.S. is involved in, it might be U.S. Police Department pigs Judge had the nerve to ask us to easier to approach the question murder more Blacks (law and apologize. We refused; conse­ from the other side and ask, order equal justifiable homicide) quently, he gave us 5 tlays in the ".Which piece of the action have the U.S. advisors with with South county jail and a $500.00 fine. While imperialist pigs somehow over­ African and Portuguese fascists in we were in jail all privileges were looked?" No matter how you ap­ Angola Chase Manhattan Bank taken away from us: no com­ proach the question, the results over 1,200 offices in Middle and missary, no shower, not even a rag will be enlightening as bits and Southern Africa Over 10,000 to wipe an a-s- with. But we have pieces begin to fit into place. political prisoners in South Africa, since been set free to be with the Repression of dissent, sup­ (see B.P. August 30. 1969) 180 people once again. And we are pression of free speech, support day preventive detention law under working for the day when the jails of racism, bootlickers, toms, South African Apartheid 90 day JYMBO SUDAN and prisons will be taken over by and traitors used against libera­ the people. And I personally want preventive detention law under U.S. tion "fighters..., Neg'-j Green Be­ democracy tanks in U.S.Black to be the jailer, because I have rets teaching the fine art of a plan to convert all the jails ghettos strategic hamlets in On Thursday, August 22, 1969, mayhem/murder/genocide in Hai­ Agola Bantustans in South Af­ the Chairman of the Black Panther into a hole to throw all the cor­ ti (see B.P. August 23, 1969, Page rupt officials in, and pour pigs' rica napalm in Vietnam Party, Bobby Seale, went before 20) Black Airmen in Portugal Green Beret "Négritude" in Haiti fascist Judge O'Kane. O'Kane was piss on their a—es so that they subjected to fascist attacks by Por­ will drown in the scum of their Land? Bread? Housing? Educa- busy earring out his usual job of tuguese andAmericanofficers(see cation? Clothing? Justice? Peace? committing fascist acts against the own kind. this issue) Army brass instiga­ people. From the outstart I had ob­ ting race riots, troops instigating served the process of his tacti­ stockade rebellions the disease All Power to the People cal squad in (so-called) "pro­ All Power to the People tecting" the people when they jab­ Free Huey, Bobby, Charles, Lan­ bed our Minister of Culture, Emory don and Rory and All Political Douglas, and held him for assault Prisoners. Bring Eldridge homel on a police officer. After the RGEN DRAGSDAHL hearing had started and had ended Jörgen Dragsdahl). "I saw them Jymbo, Black Panther Party in a lengthy 10 minutes, the people raise their hand and say, 'Power ELL'S REFUSING POLITICAL PRISONERS TO OINK LIE

The "credibility gap" hasn't The fight for freedom of speech, shrunk under "Tricky Dick" Nix­ racial justice, freedom of press, INCARCERATION AND MURDER on, but has grown tremendously. and freedom of political associa­ lilack, Brown, Red, Yellow and trol through money. We call the pigs without his consent with the intent Luckily the light shed on the Viet­ tion can never be more urgent or White are the colors of political sadistic? You're Godd—ed right; to do bodily harm). Bobby Seale, nam fiasco grows brighter with necessary than in a life or death prisoners — the Connecticut 8, the because they enjoy murdering and Landon Williams, Rory Hithe, and the growth of newspapers published situation. With the exception of N.Y. 21, Chicago 16, Landon and butchering oppressed peoples. the Connecticut 8 are all charged by the G.I.'s themselves. The pigs America's Black colonial subjects, Rory, Sus an Parker, Charles, Bur­ They derive a sense of perverted with the torture murder of our of the pentagon are making it hard the only people in America today sey, Gerald Dixon, Los Siete de pleasure from sadism. comrade in arms Alex Rackley. on those who dare speak out; but in such a situation are the G.I.'s. la Raza, Chairman Bobby Seale All political prisoners must be The pigs will stop at no crime word "from the horse's mouth" The same troops ordered to and Minister of Defense Huey P. set free from the clutches of the against the people to .try to pre­ is the only way for the American maim, murder, and obey orders Newton of the Black Panther Par­ criminals of this present society, serve this decadent establishment, public to tell "combat news "from blindly in Vietnam, have carried ty, etc., etc., are all political and these criminals must bewiped even to the extent of killing Broth­ bulls—t. If you care about out similar orders in Harlem, prisoners because they stand in off the very face of the earth. er Alex Rackley and blaming it on "TRUTH", it can be had. One Watts, Berkeley, Detroit, Chicago, opposition to this fascist andsadis- Political prisoners not only face the leadership of different chapters recommendation would be to buy Santo Domingo, and Washington tic power structure here in Baby­ incarceration for long periods of and branches of the Black Panther and read THE BOND (lOcents), D.C. Those who would be people lon (United States of America). time. They face cold-blooded pre­ Party. published by: and not olive-drab, government- They and all revolutionaries here meditated murder, murder on It is up to us, the abused, the The American Servicemen's issue PIGS, need the support of in Babylon and all over the world trumped up charges such as con­ exploited people to stop this geno- Union ALL the people. stand in direct opposition to the spiracy to murder, conspiracy to cidal war on oppressed peoples by Rm. 538, 156 Fift Avenue demagogic politicians, like Elvin kidnap, assault with a deadly the fascist pig power structure. N.Y., New York 10010 All Power to the People Caldwell of Denver and Mayor Ali­ weapon and so on. We must do this by any means oto of San Francisco, lying and Recently it has been clearly necessary. We must not pin our deceiving the people, making the shown that the demagogic, avari­ hopes for liberation on the big buck, sitting on their greedy, cious businessmen and the fascist sensibleness of the U.S. and her aiimimitmii iimtiitiiiiimimiiimiinmimi i n,u imimiiiini m, , ,,„.iiiiiimimtiiiiiiimiiiimtmimiHHumimi l slimy oinking pig a—es. We stand pigs cops are attempting to wipe lackeys. We must not let the pigs in direct opposition to the avari­ out the leadership of the Black pick our battleground; but we must cious, capitalist businessmen, like Panther Party, is the attempted wait until the time is favorable to the Kennedy's the Duponts and, railroading of Chief of Staff of destroy them on our own terms, closer to home, the neighborhood the Black Panther Party, David at our own time, and our own bat­ HELP CONTRIBUTE grocer who charges fantastically Hilliard, on charges of assault with tlefield. We the people must outrageous prices for one of the a deadly weapon (2 counts) and at­ choose. basic necessities for survival — tempted murder (2 counts) stem­ We are all political prisoners food. The fascist pig cop won't ming from the April 6th 1968 shoot­ and we're all in prison here in let us forget him, not under any out in Oakland California in which Babylon, but Papa is FREE, and TO THE DEFENSE circumstances. Hebrutalizesusby Lil' Bobby Hutton was murdered, we too will be free when we defeat clubbing us over our heads over and Warren Wells and Eldridge the U.S. running dogs and her lack­ traffic violations, for telling the Cleaver were shot. The charges on eys. truth about the three levels of fas­ David Hilliard were dropped but the PEOPLE OF DENVER — UNITE! cism (demagogic politicians, ava­ D.A. has succeeded in getting him ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ricious businessmen, fascist pig OF POLITICAL indicted. FREE CHAIRMAN BOBBY! cops) and for nothing at all; for just Last week Chairman Bobby Seale LAND AND RORY! being alive. The fascist sadistic was vamped on by super pigs FREE GERALD DLXON! pig cops have been murdering and (F.B.I, and the Berkeley pig de­ FREE ALL POLITICAL PRIS­ butchering oppressed peoples for partment.) They have charged him ONERS! PRISONERS centuries. They are financed by the with murder, conspiracy to mur­ tax payers and those with the power der, kidnapping, conspiracy to kid­ Denver Chapter of finance capital, those who con­ nap and binding (holding a person Black Panther Party BOBBY HUTTON MEMORIAL WHEN Y00 SHOP FREE HEALTH CLINIC The Kansas City Chapter of the some difficulties. The open house to 2:00 p.m. The clinic is being Black Panther Party has waged the was not well attended by the people equipped at a slow pace. However, struggle to open the BOBBY HUT­ of the community. Many people do if necessary emergency operations AT CO-OP, TON MEMORIAL FREE HEALTH not really believe that the FREE could be performed with the equip­ CLINIC. Last week, the Black HEALTH CLINIC is really free. ment we have, RIGHT ON! Panther Party held an open house The solicitation for doctors, for the people in the community nurses and other medical tech­ to inspect the work done by the nicians is getting a lack of re­ We are steadily working to see vanguard of the fight for libera­ sponse. With the doctors and that the clinic functions in the tion against medical fascism. nurses that have already com­ best interests of the people. USE N0.34956 The move to open the FREE mitted themselves, we can keep HEALTH CLINIC has met with the clinic open from 10:00a.m. lltlllMlllltllilllllllllHIIIIIIIIMIIIIllllll H.j THE 'BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 19

clean-up exercise and maintain order. Before the meal is served, a team of Panthers circulate through the rows of tables, greet­ ing the children and spreading the Panther program. "Power to the People!" the Panther shouts. "Power to the People — " the children's chorus responds. "What is point number six of the 10-point program of the Black Panther Party?" the young Pan­ ther asked a six-year-old girl. "What do we want?" "We want all black men to be exempt from military service," she replied. "And what is our point number Teresa Patterson, age 9 V4 seven?" the Panther said to the boy across from her. "We want an immediate end to was jailed by police in the Pan­ police brutality and murder of ther 21 case. |= black people," snapped the little The reporter asked Teresa what :« boy. she thought of the Black Panthers. Teresa Patterson is nine ("I'm '/'They're good for black people," nine-and-a-half," she said. "I'll she beamed. be ten on October 22.") and her "Why?" HARLEM DREAKFAST step-father. Ali Bey Hassan, 28, "Because they're nice to child­ ren..." she paused. "Do you know why the police are after the Panthers?" "Yes," she answered quietly, FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN "because the Panthers are chang­ Reprinted from the In the basement, sausage is storm of the ghetto. ers." frying on the grill. A young wom­ The children are seated accord­ "Pigs hate black people," said Daily World an mixes a great bowl of eggs to ing to their ages: five-year-olds Hillary Dandridge, 11, when I Saturday, August 23 be scrambled with melted cheese. together, eight- and nine-year-olds moved over to his table. A Panther is pouring orange juice together, etc. Janet Cyril, who "They hate us because they don't want us to have power," he NEW YORK, Aug. 22 - into one line of paper cups and administers the Harlem breakfast milk into the next row. program, explained that this seat­ went on. "And the Panthers are Eight o'clock in the morn­ A small group of five-year-olds ing arrangement allowed for na­ helping the people," he said. ing... And as you enter the seated at one table emit the laugh­ tural conversation among ^the Someone had brought his plate side door of All Saints Cath­ ter and cries which can only come young people. of eggs, sausage, and grits. And olic Church at 130 Street from joyful children. "The children often help us in I moved out of the way so that he and Madison Avenue, your Gradually, this kindergarten at­ serving the tables," she said, "and could have his breakfast in peace. mosphere changes as some of they are responsible for cleaning nose leads you directly to the older children arrive. But the up after the meal also." the free-breakfast program predominant mood in this Harlem Breakfast plus learning for children of the Black church basement remains one of A section leader at each table —Dally World. Panther Party in Harlem. a pleasant oasis within the raging is delegated to supervise this Hillary Dandridge, age 11 HARLEM BROOKLYN Richmond BRANCH PANTHERS Fascist Pigs Attack FREE OVER PIG CLOTHING Black Family PROGRAM August 25, 1969 to hit James. Frazier grabbed the The most recent racist pig ac­ stick and Brother Graves split. TO THE BUSINESSMEN INSTITUTIONS tion on the people of Richmond went Since it was obvious to the pigs down yesterday evening, August that Graves knew Brother Fra­ Dear Sirs: Recently a mother named Aretha is $150.00 a month. They moved 25, 1969 at about 6:30. zier' s mother and her house was Carter came to the Free Break­ to the new apartment in July 2, James Graves and two other right there, they (the pigs) went to As you may already know, the fast Program being held at Good 1969. The avaricious (greedy) Pig brothers (Clarence Frazier and her door. Mrs. Frazier, knowing lying politicians in Albany have Shepherd Mission at 564 Hopkln- Gas Company was supposed to Geral Gallon) were riding near her "democratic rights" tole the voted to cut back money to wel­ son Ave in Brownsville, Brooklyn. turn the gas on July 3, 1969, but the vicinity of 7th and Virginia pig that they couldn't come In. fare recipients. These demagogic She came requesting food for her has not done so yet. Pig Con Edi­ Streets when they noticed that The pigs kicked the door down, politicians can allocate billions family of 111 people, who were home son Electric Co. was supposed to there were "officers of the law" pushed Mrs. Frazier aside, and and billions of dollars to send hungry. Without the usual rhetoric turn the electricity on, but they following them. Brother James entered the house with guns drawn! monkeys and astronauts to the (talk) that you receive from the haven't gotten there yet and pulled his car over on 7th and (there were little children present moon but when it comes to the Pig's Institutions when requesting probably will never get there. Virginia and let the other two at the time). The four storm- basic needs of the people -- food, help, the Panthers prepared meals The Pig Welfare Department has brothers out. When he pulled away troopers that had gained illegal clothing and shelter — all the lying and took them over to the Carter's shown no concern for the Carters the racist pig followed him down entrance drug Brother James out­ politicians can come up with are home. While at the Carter's home, although on Saturday there was a the street. At no time had the pigs side. empty words. And welfare mothers the Panthers noticed that more than fire In their building, then the next put their cherry flasher or air­ The two brothers, Clarence Fra­ don't even have enough money to food was needed there, so they day, another fire. Yet the Pig Wel­ raid sirens on. After about a zier and Gerald Gallon were still buy clothing a supplies to send asked that the situation be looked fare Department has not given them block or so Brother James was outside. When they realized what their children to school. into further. Immediately a Pan­ a return telephone call after the told by the pig to pull over. was going on (fascist pig brutality), The Black Panther Party has ther Investigator was sent out and Carters reported the fires. The As James stopped, the storm they started to walk away. proven with the Free Breakfast the following is a statement of Pig Welfare also refuses to give troopers jumped out of their mobile The fact that the pigs had one Program, the Liberation Schools what was found out from Mrs. Mrs. Carter money for a bed pig pens and ordered the brother brother in custody wasn't enough. and the Free Lunch Program that Aretha Carter. after seeing that her old bed was to produce identification. Before The pigs jumped Brother Gerald the racist U.S. - Government is The Carters had been waiting for broken down. They also refuse to the brother could reach the glove- from behind. (Four pigs had to not interested in meeting the needs the Pig Welfare Department to give her money for kitchen fur­ compartment for his identification jump one brother behind. Dig it?) of the Black community, and we find them an apartment since De­ niture ( she has none). the pigs had jerked him out of the They twisted his arm, choked him, are going to once against to meet cember, 1968. They wanted to move The actions of the Pig Welfare car and were literally choking handcuffed him and threw him in the the needs of the people by starting because most of the children are Department show that It does not him. car. The four goons of the Rich­ a FREE CLOTHING FOR CHIL­ very young and the house was over­ care about the people. If it did With all the madness and man­ mond Pig Department said to the DREN PROGRAM run with rats, mice, and roaches. care, people would not live in rat ner In which the pigs were treating brother left, ' ' Do you wanna fight?' ' We are demanding that all mer­ And she was afraid that one of infested apartments, without the brothers, Clarence Frazier's This Is just another reason why chants who rob and exploit our her children would be bitten by kitchen furniture, beds, gas and mother heard it and had come out­ the Black Panther Party, together community, return some of the a rat. The pig landlord of this electricity. These bloodsuckers side to Investigate (the scene was with other revolutionary organiza­ profits that they take from our hellhole was only seen on days are living off the misery and suf­ In front of her house). When Broth­ tions are calling for decentraliza­ community by donating clothing and when the rent was due. He was fering of others. They are holding er Frazier's mother saw what tion of police (community control of supplies so our children will be asked by Mrs. Carter to make a deaf ear to the agonizing cries was going on, she stepped up to police) in communities throughout prepared to go to school. some repairs, but none were ever of the poor people. A loud shotgun verify what James was saying. the nation. The people of the Black The oppressed communities made. used on the heads connected to The pigs told her to get the hell communities in particular and all welcome your cooperation. We After waiting 7 months with no some of these DEAF EARS would away from there "cause she ain't other oppressed communities in would like to set up an appointment results from the Pig Welfare De­ clear up a lot of this deafness. got a damned thing to do with it" general, can no longer be with you to discuss the details of partment, they found an apartment and "shut up". controlled by these trigger happy your donation. Please call or write on their own. The new apartment Lt. of Information By this time, Brother Frazier fascist dogs. to us at your earliest convenience. is only 3 or 4 rats cleaner than Sonny Evans and Brother Gallon had arrived the old apartment, and is still not Brooklyn Branch, Black Panther from 7th and Virginia. The racist, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! fit for the shelter of a human Party fascist pig-cop had raised his OFF THE PIG! For further. Information Call: being . The rent for this rathole "arm of justice" in an attempt 864-8951 or 666-3603 THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 20

October 1966 3. We want an end to the robbery by the CAPITALIST of our Black Community. Black Panther Party We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of- forty acres and two mules. Forty acres Platform and Program and two mules was promised 100 years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of black, people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people. The Ger­ mans murdered six million Jews. The American racist has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million black people; therefore, we feel that this What We Want is a modest demand that we make. 4.'We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings. What We Believe We believe that if the white landlords will not give decent housing to our black community, then the housing and the land should be made into cooperatives so that our community, with government aid, can build and make decent housing for its people.

5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present-day society. We believe in an educational system that will give to our people a knowl­ edge of self. If a man does not have knowledge of himself and his position in society and the world, then he has little chance to relate to anything else. 6. We want all black men to be exempt from military service. We believe that Black people should not be forced to fight in the mili­ tary service to defend a racist government that does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like bla*ck people, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, by whatever means necessary.

7. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of black people. We believe we can end police brutality in our black community by or­ ganizing black self-defense groups that are dedicated to defending our black community from racist police oppression and brutality. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives a right to bear arms. We therefore believe that all black people should arm themselves for self-defense.

8. We want freedom for all black men held in federal,'state, county and city prisons and jails. We believe that all black people should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial. 9. We want all black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their black communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States. We believe that the courts should follow the United States Constitution so that black people will receive fair trials. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives a man a right to be tried by his peer group. A peer is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, en­ vironmental, historical and racial background. To do this the court will be forced to select a jury from the black community from which the black defendant came. We have been, and are being tried by all-white juries that have no understanding of the "average reasoning man" of the black community.

10. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our major political objective, a United Nations-supervised plebis­ cite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of black people as to their national destiny.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and FREE HUEY equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a Minister of Defense. Black Panther Party decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Wt hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; 1. We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to Black Community. secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their We believe that black people will not be free until we are able to deter­ Just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right ofthe people mine our destinv. to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Pru­ 2. We want full employment for our people. dence, indeed, will dictate that governments long estai .ied should not be changed for light and transient causes; and. accordingly, all experience We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are give every man employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they the white American businessmen will not give full employment, then the are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and unsurpations, pur­ means $£ production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in suing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under ab­ the community so that the.people ofthe community can organize and em­ solute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such govern­ ploy all of its people and give a high standard of living. ment, and to provide new guards for their future security. BASTA YA! SABADÖ 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.8 EDUCATIONAL TV. AND LA RAZA

This discussion between Marty and Archie of Los Siete and some members of Newsreel was taped before and Marty: There's no feeling of love and the real things of after watching the T.V. program "Cancfon de la Raza". life. It's bad that they* re showing what the Chicano already The soap opera was filmed in L.A and was sponsored knows--how he beats up on his brothers and how he is by the Ford Foundation. lower than anyone else. Everyone else thinks thatway too: they see a Chicano and say he's dumb because he's a Marty: The first program was about a high school where Chicano, and that's just not true. a kid got beat up by the cops and so his friend gave him some reds. He went home and laid down on the floor. Mike: What's the difference between the way Roberto or His sister tried to explain to his mother that he had Roger talk to you about school and the way the brother in gotten beaten up, but the mother wouldn't listen. She Cancion talks to his younger brother? would just start praying and turning away. The father didn't say anything. It presented the main problems--dope Marty: Berto and Roger say there's got tobe a change and and school. you're either against what's happening or for it. You either try and help all the. people or turn your back and Archie: But I don't think anyone watches the program. look the other way— Their posters are around but I don't think people look "OF COURSE THE TREATY OF GUADALUPE at them. Archie: Some Chicanos get knocked in the head by the man and they just won't see what's going on. Roger has learned HIDALGO IS IN THERE... GIVE ME THAT BOOK.. Marty: I never watch television because I don't believe what's really happening,,and he's trying to educate the people. He's not pushing us. He's just telling us that we HERE IT IS, THIS SENTENCE TELLS THE WHOLE in it. have to educate others to what's happening. When every­ body knows that, then you can change things. You can walk STORY!" Archie: It's an idiot box. up to the principal in high school, with ALL your people Marty: Television destroys your mind. Those commer­ and demand changes. cials are just too much. You know, you just stand there like an idiot--Duhhh. Robert: To get back to the Fold Foundation. By sponsoring an "educational" program like Cancfon de la Raza, they LibfcV*ÔTio* make themselves look like friends of the poor Chicanos. ,Archie: For me TV is a waste of time. I have better things to do than watch TV. At last we have our own program, one that shows how kids shouldn't strike or quit school. Because you need the Dâ-Y Marty: Have you ever watched someone watching TV? system's education in order to get a good job. Ford has a Wow! They're just like zombies. Like my little brother. big stake in education. They have billions of dollars and There can be kids playing and yelling outside, but he when they give this money to a-TV station or university to produce an experimental program, they're doing this be­ Fo» La. ft doesn't hear anything but that TV. And if anything goes wrong he runs up and starts fixing it—turning the dials. cause they know that education is one of the most power­ It's too much! ful tools for gaining control of the minds of people, espec­ ially young people. Mike: What do your parents think about you working for Your textbooks are written by professors in the big private universities. They depend on big foundations like Schools Los Siete? Ford to finance research and experiments in new teaching Why is it that a middle class Archie: When I first started working with Los Siete in methods and materials. The universities must compete for school (schools in middle class the community, my mother thought that all this was com- Ford's money. So Ford can pick and choose among them areas) have such an outstanding munisjiy-just like a lot of other parents. She said that and it always chooses those that support capitalism and record while a practically Third the people we were working with and who were trying to are against communism and people thinking just for them­ World school (Black,Red, Yellow, help us educate ourselves, would help at first and then would selves. Brown, and White, poor people of act like dictators and try to control our lives. My bro­ They control education just through the power of their the world) have such a miserable ther and I rapped off to my mother what was really hap­ money. one?--Such as Mission High-— pening. She is all for it now. She understands what's Why is it that poor peoples' going on, but is too busy to get involved directly. Archie: The Ford Foundation wants to keep everybody is­ schools the students don't have any olated and just worrying about themselves. That's why they say so in the running of the sch­ Marty: My mother talks to all kinds of people and she's pay for a program like Cancfôn de la Raza. So the people ools and if they to try to.they like half for it and half against it. But she knows what won't unite with organizations with Los Siete and La Raza. get kicked out? l'm doing is good. But In America, it's not going to work out like they say, Is it because Third World peo­ because there are too many people who are poor and ple are ignorant. NO! It is on need help. And that's why these organizations are there to purpose! It is no accident; the rich Louise: Where do you think your parents get their ideas serve the .peorrte. in power want it that way. The about communism? rich need laborers to do their work, any they know that college Marty: From television! (Laughter) You know, I try to learn graduates don't pick up trash. They about communism. At school I asked 10 people, "What want us to be kept ignorant of our situation. When their consciences is communism?" And they couldn't give a straight defin­ hurt the rich can simply say, "we ition, because they didn't know what it is. They just say, are too 'ignorant"'. "Oh, its bad." What's bad about it? I don't care whether The day must come when all can It's bad or good, I just want to know what it is. Like this be taught to help themselves and class we have in Latin American History, our teacher their brothers. Ignorance must be isn't telling us the United States is bad. He's telling us overpowered by the people. The the real story, the one you never hear, becuuse they don't people learn to help themselves and want you to hear it. help their brothers and not work for one man that does not help We turned on the TV and watched the program. After­ him but keeps him down. Students wards we talked some more.) must learn to ask for what we want and help in getting things Mike: What the show does is to put the blame on one bad done. Stop falling into the trap of person, Chuy. (In the episode'we watched, Chuy the pusher the tracking system. Force the rich had gotten David involved In an attempted robbery.) Is to give us back what they so long that real? have stolen from us! We must find out about ourselves, stop fighting Marty: No. When guys do things, they do it together. And with each other and fight the man there isn't one guy pushing the dope in the community. that has kept us apart and down. What the show does is bad, because it's not true. The 16th of September was the day of Mexican national liberation. Mike: Do you know who Is sponsoring the program? Let the 16th of September be the liberation of the oppressive school Marty: The Ford Foundation put up the money. What is system In the United States. Bro­ their thing? Are they like Safeway and the rest of them? thers and Sisters unite. Come or call Los Siete if you want to see Mike: Why would Ford Foundation sponsor it? things happen for your people. No matter who you are, if you want Marty: I think they' re playing a game, like Safeway. Safe­ to help, we're at 2680 York St., way has these TV commercials for Food Stamps. In the mfeantime they sell grapes. Safeway is fighting the boycott through radio and TV, and they have the money to do it. Archie: When we were boycotting Safeway we saw the brother of the cat that owns Safeway. We all said, "Boy­ cott Safeway", and he gave us the finger and said,"Fuck you" just like that. That's how they really feel about the people.

Marty: Those jr.V commercials where they tell the poor people they're really good guys because they take Food Stamps, Is very important. Because people believe anything they hear on the radio and TV. It's always on, always there, easy to get to and easy to accept. Mike: To get back to the program, what's your general opinion of it? BASTA YA! SABADO G DE SEPTIEMBRE 19G9 p.7 were "Kim Phiar" (the fire bird god) and that this god was punishing the tribes people for being so disobedient because they wouldn't sell their lands or crops. The tribes people believed this until the N. L. F. (NationalLiberation Front) cadres shot a few fire birds (planes) and the people found U.S. or Diemist (Vietnamese vendidos) pilots inside of them. The majority of the tribes-people supported the "Vict Minh" and now the N.L.F. all the way. Their slogan is "Anti-Puppet, Anti-imperialist" and this the tribes support with all tiieir hearts. In the war against the French, quite a bit of land was taken away from the rich absentee landlords and given to the landless campesinos. When Diem got in power, he and the U.S. made many plans and schemes to get this land back. After they got it, they wanted the people who had been living on the land to pay them back rents. People refused to put their thumbprints on their land documents. When they refused to pay backrents and put their thumbprints on these documents, the police and army units went to the people's houses to harass them. Finally the people got so tired of the debts and so discouraged that they ran away to the jungle in order to make new villages and a new life where they couldn't be bothered. Don't all these tactics sound familiar to you? The way the U.S. Government robbed our ancestors of their land? The forests were ours once, too. And what are they doing with it now? Making billions N.L.F. FREEDOM FIGHTERS of dollars with the wood and minerals and ski resorts from OUR forests. These tactics sound so familiar to me, especially how they would cheat our .ancestors into signing an X (not a thumbprint) on would have voted for Ho Chi Minh —the supposedly terrible their documents and make them believe they were signing for a Communist leader in the North. So—no elections. crop of beans or credit in a store. It just makes me realize that these Ho Chi Minh was the people's leader against the French. He helped train many boys and girls for the resistance fight. They were books are great and that they really have the facts. I realize that if picked from strong, tough campesino families with stomachs and this government can cheat and deceive its own people, it makes sense nerves and revolutionary ways as strong as steel. that they could do it in other countries too. As Burchett tells us, they were all prepared to go and live with the We cannot exactly separate when the Vietnamese fought against tribal people, if necessary for the rest of their lives. They were called the French and when they began fighting the U.S., since in so many Vietnamese or "Viet Minh" cadres. ways the war is the same except that the people fought against two There are many tribal people in Vietnam. They live somewhat in different countries--but alway for the same reason. We can't even say the way the Indian here lives. To name a few tribes: the Rhade, exactly how the U.S. got so deeply into the war. M'nong, and the Tarai. These people didn't trust anybody, not even We do know that after the French (helped by the U.S.) were other tribes. One of the reasons was that they were always thought beaten, the U.S. was still sending in a few thousand so-called of as savages and mistreated. It was the same as here in the U.S., "advisors," who were really military and C.I.A. police agents. They where the Indians were treated as savages and the culture and the helped the Vietnamese vendidos organize their army and police to' land have been grabbed from the people to make money with now. wipe out the people working for a better government. But the Diem In movies Indians are always called savages. government was so bad that more and more people started protesting against it and fighting it. Meanwhile, up in the north, the society The "Viet Minh" were trained to respect the people's points of built by Ho Chi Minh was growing stronger and better all the time. view, customs and ways of life. If the tribe would file their teeth The U.S. sent in troops, and more troops, to help the vendidos in the down to their gums, the cadres had to do that also. If they South, until today there are about half a million. worshipped stone idols or prayed at the table, the cadres did this too. We have to ask: Why do our boys go to fight in Vietnam? Why do The tribal people grew to like and trust the cadres as if they were all they go into the armed forces at all? The people they are sent to in the same family. It was because for the first time in all their lives fight are poor people, just like us. Why go to fight people who are in they were treated as equals by outsiders. The Vietnamese cadres were an even worse situation than we are? Is that what you want to disciplined never to criticize them in a bad way, but when the time become, a tool to kill and rob poor people? The rich have always was right they were to teach them and show them the wrong in their used the Divide and Conquer method. They are using it now. They ways of life. The cadres were taught many good things too, such as are using the poor people of this nation to go and fight with the poor the use of weapons and traps. in Vietnam and other countries. Burchett gives examples of showing the tribes the wrong in their lives. In one of the villages after the growing season, every thing was And it could get even worse. Someday you might be sent to kill eaten after a feast and then the tax collector would come and collect people even more like yourself-people who speak Spanish and eat for back rents, etc. The tribal people believed that the gods wanted tortillas and love their families. Even if you don't get sent to kill the them to be slaves and wanted them to be unhappy. They would say, Vietnamese, you may be sent to kill other poor people. "It is the will of God that we are this way." The cadres would explain to them that it wasn't the will of God, but that it was the will first of the French, and then the U.S. Diemists. And that it was tiie French and the United States who made them pay all the results of their labor in taxes. At first it took a long time to convince the people of this. As time passed, the people came back and began to ask a lot of questions. Then they went back and taught about what the cadres said some more. Finally the day came when they went back to the cadres and said, "It's true, it's true, what you say is true." They cried at first and then got angry and said: "Our forest is full of elephants, our land is good, our soil is rich, we wear old torn loincloths, we could live better." Then they said, "Look how they cheat us for a month's work. The French give us an old shirt or worn out pair of pants. For a brass gong we must give them an elephant or buffalos. The U.S. Diemists give us a bottle of perfume or bar of soap fer a hard dV/'s work and they give our women a few bead^ or bits c.f cloth in return for so many pigs and buffalo." The tribes people are a very beautiful people (as the N.L.F. cadres said). Once they give their word they would rather die or suffer the worst tortures than break it. They are so straight and pure in their thinking, they are honest and generous. They would die before betraying a friend. Another example of the cadres was after the U.S. Diemists dropped napalm on villages from planes. Napalm is a jellied gas which is thrown from a plane (like spraying D.D.T.) and once it hits you it cannot be taken off. The more you scratch it the worse it gets. It burns through the skin like acid and either kills" people or leaves them permanently crippled. When napalm hits, the skin on your body melts like candle wax. The local agents would say that the planes EVEN THE OLD ARE MISTREATED BY THE YANQUI INVADERS ' BASTA YA!. SABADO C DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.6 Hermanos: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

por VALENTINA DE EL GRITO DEL NORTE ESPANOLA, NEW MEXICO I didn't know anything about this war. People would say the "Vietnam War" and it was just another word; they would say "undeclared war" and I didn't even know what it meant, but I did know that all kinds of people I knew were going to fight this war. I didn't know anything about this war except what they told us about fighting Communism. Then I read a really interesting book called Vietnam: The Inside Story of the Guerilla War by Wilfred Burchett, and another, Vietnam, Vietnam: by Felix Greene. These two books gave me facts about the Vietnam War. Now when I hear that a boy of our Raza, a poor boy, a boy who doesn't know .anything about the Vietnam War, has been drafted or enlists, it burns me, I feel terrible. I say to myself: why, why are you going to fight in this war? Is it because that's the only way you can find to make a living? Or is it because you're tired of your little home town and parents and you want to "see the world"? Or maybe because you want to impress the girls with your uniform? Or because you're afraid to have your buddies and girl friends call you chicken? And is it also because you don't know anything about the war? When writing his book Burchett spent 10 months with the N.L.F. guerrilla fighters, misnamed by the government and press here the "Viet Cong Vietnamese Communists." His life was endangered many times but when a reporter wants the people to know the truth his life isn't important. It's like a person who gives his life to the Causa. He doesn't care whether he gets killed if this means in the end he will get justice and liberation and the trutii to the people. How and why did we get involved in this unjust war? All of a sudden we wake up and here we are all involved in a war. They are sending our brothers and cousins to a war that we don't know PEASANT WOMAN MOURNS THE DESTRUCTION OF HER VILLAGE anything about. Let's see what Burchett and Greene have to tell us. BY YANQUI TROOPS For a long time the Vietnamese have been fighting against oppression and irnperialsim. (Imperialism is when a large country, like the United States, exploits the people and natural resources of a These were the three main points of .the agreement: smaller country.) Before fighting this war against the U.S., they were 1) Everybody agreed that the separation of Vietnam into two fighting against the French imperialists and before that, the Japanese. parts—north and south—was not a final arrangement. (This division The U.S. people's tax money paid 80% of the cost of France's war, was supposedly to allow the French troops to regroup in the South Why did this country do that? In a 1953 speech in Seattle, President and leave the country, and it was accepted in good faith by the ' Eisenhower said that 400 million dollars to help the French was not Vietnamese who had fought against the French.) a giveaway program; it was just the cheapest way to prevent 2) Elections would be held within 2 years to make sure that the something terrible happening to the U.S. security, and its power and country would be re-unified. ability to get certain things (like tin and tungsten) from the riches of 3) In the meantime, neither the North nor the South would make Southeast Asia. So this is the reason why we got into Vietnam in the any international alliances or receive military help from the outside. first place. Naturally the French wanted to try to keep some influence in Then the Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu, and Vietnam, and the U.S. wanted to make sure that the government the French pulled out all their troops and agreed to have a peace stayed under control. So without any consultation with the conference in Geneva, Switzerland. All the big powers signed the Vietnamese people, the U.S. saw to it that a rich landowner, then Geneva Agreement in 1954—except the U.S. and the Vietnamese living in the U.S., became President. His name was Ngo Dinh Diem. rulers who were vendidos to the French. But they did promise not to Diem soon proved himself to be the worst of dictators, savagely violate the agreement by force or threat of force. repressing any opposition. Just 12 days after the Geneva Agreement was signed, an event happened in Saigon. The people had a huge demonstration mainly to celebrate the signing of the agreement, with lots of cheering. They also presented demands for the release of political prisoners from the war against the French. Diem was against that, because he knew those prisoners wanted a better government than his. His reply to the people's demands came in a volley of rifle fire. A pregnant woman was shot through ihe stomach and people were killed. That showed people the nature of the Diem regime. Diem's army forces would surround villages, then search, raid, arrest, torture and kill anyone at all who was against the ricli people in power. Many people who had done absolutely nothing were also victimized. Diem wanted to erase any thought or experience of tiie first resistance against the French. At one point lie wanted t<> mak list of thepeople.who had taken part in the resistance, but it was impossible because almost every ablebodied man, wem.m and child took part—from an old man to a child big enough to i.irry a message or a parcel. Diem started a "Denounce Communists campaign." If a wife had taken part in the resistance, the couple 1 to divorce and remarry in order to prove they were sintere. Some husbands went to jail without any hope of coming out again. Some people had tiieir families taken to jail and these people were never heard from again. They weren't even given a trial. Thousands and tiiousands were killed this way. 1956 came and went and there were no elections, as had been promised to the Vietnamese people. President Eisenhower said that if VIETNAMESE SISTER DEALING WITH IMPERIALISTS there would have been eleu ions, possibly 80% of the population (continued on next page) BASTA YA! SABADO 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.5 NLLSQN

Nelson Rodriquez, one of the seven wrote this letter to one of the sisters in Los Siete.

9 de Agosto 1969 Mi hermana,

Writing in a foreign language is a bring down, but when you want to express all the love and gratitude you hold for your people you just have to do with what you have. Which isn't much we have in here, but I know I have more than e- nough, the love and support of our people, which is all we want and need to keep going. It is hard to say all the things I would like to say in 2 pieces of paper that we are allowed to write in, but I can say this, it comes from the bottom of m y heart, as for our ninos they are getting lessons in life, thanks to hard working bro­ thers and sisters like the people that have come forward to our de­ fence, but our people must also learn that we are not the only Political Prisoners in this jail. All Third World Brothers here have committed the crime of "being hungry". So the modern day slave driver classifys them as SocctR WAR ? - oa- a menace to society...they must be liberated, also our people must also come to their defense. They must not be forgotten. I have to close now that I have LAN\M-ORDS'V\A used up the two pages I'm al­ In July newspapers were filled united front of reform-minded lowed to write. Please thank all with stories about the so-called workers, students and priests tried my Brothers and Sisters. Give "soccer war" between El Salvador to topple the government. The only them all my love and gratitude. and Honduras. The two countries result of their attempt was a pro­ Recibe el amor de tu Hermano wen t to war after rioting broke mise of land re-distribution, which out durfng a soccer series between of course never happened. In order Nelson Hondurans and Salvadoreans. At to prevent another attempt by the least that's what the newspapers people to over throw his regime, said. As with rioting in this coun­ Hernandez used newspapers and try there is always more behind the the. radio to spread stories of "a- story than the newspapers print. trocities" against Salvadoreans in Many people in the Mission are Honduras. Salvadoreans, and some are Hon­ By the time the soccer series durans, and they know better than got under way the landowners and anyone else that their people would the governments of both countries not go to war because of a soccer had used all the tricks they knew game. They know that the people to set the poor peopl e of both of both countries have all the frus­ countries against each other. As trations and problems of people long as the poor fight among them­ who are kept poor and hungry by selves, the rich will stay on top, a handful of rich families who own owning all the land, controlling the all the land, and are kept from government and the newspapers. taking what should be theirs by It's easy to see the same thing a repressive dictatorship that here in this country. The poor serves only the rich. They also whites, are told every day in the know that behind the rich families newspapers and by people in gov­ and the military dictatorships of ernment that things would be bet­ their countries stands the U.S. gov­ ter for them if the blacks amd ernment and the giant corporations Latin people weren' t around. High of this country. taxes are blamed on Welfare and Here are a few facts about the not on tax-exempt corporations and the two countries--the kind of facts the high cost of killing in Vietnam. the Chronicle or the Examiner They even try to set the black would never give. One(l) percent of and brown people against each o- El Salvador's population owns 40% ther, blaming one for the other's of the land. Most of the arable, poverty. And all the peopl e of coffee producing region is owned this country are told that every­ by a notorious elite of 14 families. thing would be all right, there Seeking employment and land over would be peace and plenty for all, 300,000 Salvadoreans (out of a if only it wasn't for the Chinese, •The End ofthe World, "an illustration by theMexicaq engraver Jose, Guadalupe Posada population of 3.4 million) have left or the Russians, or the Cubans, their country to settle In neigh­ or the Vietnamese, or the Koreans. boring Honduras where most of It is only a matter of time be­ them have become squatters. fore the Honduran and Salvadorean Meanwhile in Honduras, the sit­ people realize who their real en­ uation was not much better. Again emies are and unite against them. a combination of rich families and Die same is true for the rest of repressive dictators have owned or Latin America, and the same is controlled most of the land. When true here in the United States. the poor Hondurans demanded land The people are beginning to see reform, the rich landowners blam­ We of Los Siete are working to ,_AAss wwee saisaidd onconcee beforbeforee sistersisterss I who's lying and who's telling the ,)„*„„,] „„ i J.1 j _* should understand the strugglcti-no-n-ieo ft^o ed the Salvadorean immigrants for truth, and when the people over­ defend seven brothers accused of the shortage of land, claiming there defending themselves against an help all the oppressed people of throw the liars who rule here and the community. In order to suc­ would be enough for the Hondurans in Latin America so that they can armed assalt by plainclothes po­ if the Salvadoreans would leave. licemen. ceed, we need all the sisters and rule themselves there will be no brothers united! In El Salvador, the military- rich and no poor, no bosses and no Sisters don't understand that backed regime of Fidel Sanchez they should struggle as well as Los Siete is working together slave wage laborers, no brutal Hernandez has been on shak^ police and no victims of repres­ men, because brothers treat them with the Breakfast for Children ground since last year when a in an inferior way that makes them Program but so far only a few sion. feel like their not capable of doing sisters have shown up to help. thinking jobs. There are a lot of hungry child­ We the sisters should play an e- ren t o feed so we could use more qual role in^the whole organization sisters' help. of Los Siete, because we are the Los Siete needs the ideas and mans other half, not better, not help of all the sisters and bro­ worse, but equal! thers in the community because The guns spell money's ultimate I suggest the brothers and the united we will work to conquer all reason ; sisters get along better so that the problems of the community and In letters of lead on the Spring they can get together and con­ the people. hillside. tribute ideas to help the third But the boy lying dead under the world people and Los Siete. FREE LOS SIETE olive trees BROTHERS AND SISTERS UNITED Was too young and too silly To have been notable to their important eye. He was a better target for a kiss. —(the Spanish Civil War) BASTA YA! SABADO 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.4 LA R. MA HlLDfttM

By JUAN LOPEZ SAN FRANCISCO - In the early morning haze of a warm day to come, the first children passed the sign reading "La Raza Breakfast Program," as they trickled into the Cabaret, a movement restaurant on Va­ lencia and 14th streets. Across the street Latino wom­ en were pouring into a garment factory. Once inside the younger chil­ dren sat at the tables, their heads still sagging with sleep, as the older teenagers helped the cooks and servers, relatives of the children and community workers. The bananas got sliced in two, the eggs slapped on the grill, as the toast popped from the toasters and the bacon sizzled. "Somebody serve me!" yelled a youngster as another one just finished dropping on the floor a couple of half-bananas on a paper plate. The program, sponsored by La Raza Breakfast Program and People's Breakfast Pro­ gram, a white radical group, came to life June 16 at the Ca­ baret and a week later at St. Peter's Church at 1249 Alabama. Members of the defense com­ mittee for "Los Siete de la Raza ("The Seven of the Race" who were charged with the mur­ der of a San Francisco police­ man) took the initiative for the Jeffrey Blankfort photo program. Martinet added, "Reagan in bullshit. Token contributions." get donations, the kids see the equally represented as to ethnic the future is going to put a Several of the food industries system at work. He added that group, staff members occasion­ PROGRAM GROWS freeze on the welfare check, have cooperated with the pro­ the purpose of the program is to ally get an education in ethnic I visited the program at the which means the people are gram, but not Safeway. It has first feed the kids and in the culture in odd ways. church three days after its in­ really going to be hurt. More refused to donate the $100 a process to raise the level of so­ A Latino kid suddenly sprang ception; and despite the adverse hurt than they have been." month asked by the breakfast cial consciousness in the com­ from the table, darted across spread the day before in the The most common method program. Members of the pro­ munity. the path of a young Anglo man, capitalist press about the "kill used to raise the funds and food gram continue to go back for As soon as the children gob­ reached across the counter for the pig" coloring book supposed­ for the program is donations food and money, but as soon as bled their food, they rushed something. When he didn't find ly given to kids in the Black from merchants and businesses they get more personnel they from their chairs to play on the what he was looking for, he Panther breakfast program, the in the Mission district and intend to join in with the farm stage or in the open space of turned towards the young man number of children in La Raza's throughout the city. workers and the Panthers to the auditorium. Unlike the Pan­ and said: breakfast increased from SO on "We go with community peo­ form a larger base for the boy­ thers, La Raza program makes "Can I have some chili?" the first day to 115 on the third. ple, mostly kids, and we go to cott of Safeway. no attempt to hold any formal "What?" At the Cabaret it had in­ the big manufacturers," Marti­ Marinet, 28, who never lost a educaiton at its breakfasts. "Chili!" creased from 20 to 65, and more net said. "The purpose is for chance to demonstrate his af­ "We're not organized to do "Oh! you mean that hot were expected. us to go and ask for contribu­ fection for the children, talked anything about it yet," Martinet sauce?" Nobody could have «at idly if tions from the man who's been impatiently, with an eye on the explained. Contributions may be made to they had wanted to. There was making money off our commun­ breakfast scene. At the church, the staff is all c/o Linda Perez, Horizons Un­ too much to be done. ity and ask him to put some of Now his arm being tugged by Latinos. At the Cabaret where limited, 1249 Alabama. The teenagers were needed to that money back. The response a young boy, Martinet explained the staff is predominantly white Breakfast is served from 8:30 help the cooks and servers, the is typical. We get the liberal that by taking the kids along to and the children more or less through 10. older children to keep the younger ones seated until they finished their meals, and the young ones, in one case any­ way, to wipe the snot running from her baby sister's nose. BlAû&BzkïTÏÏff'fi B USTO) "I'M HUNGRY" The majority of the kids were Sal Candelaria, militant organizer of mony on the racist insults that provoked the Latino, some black and a few East San Jose's Black Berets, has been incident. Anglo. Some wore what were taken to the Vacaville Medical Facility for Following his conviction, Sal was re­ obviously hand-me-downs and examination prior to his sentencing on char­ leased on bail pending sentencing. Then at others the latest in children's ges stemming from an incident on February the demonstration against the Fiesta de las clothes. 16 at the University of Santa Clara. (See Rosas on June 14, he was picked up again, For a while I joined a couple, Observer, Feb. 26). On the night of Feb­ this time on a charge of disturbing the peace. Carmen and her younger broth­ ruary 16, Sal and two other Black Berets He was whisked out of his holding cell at the er. "How come you're here to jail and taken to'Agnews Hospital for observa­ eat?" I asked. were on their way to a party at the Mexican- Roy, 6, replied, "Because I'm American Student Confederation Office at the tion—on the pretext that he had been shout­ hungry. Because I'm very hun­ University of Santa Clara. (See Observer. ing incoherently in Spanish and English dur­ gry. You know why I came here, Feb. 26). As they walked by a men's ing the demonstration. Actually, he had because I don't want to waste dormitory, some students leaned out of the been shouting to people to "cool it" in order my mother's food." windows, threw garbage and water at them, to prevent violence by the police. His re­ Few kids are starving. And and shouted insults. The Chicanos challenged moval to Agnews was simply a way of sepa­ yet there are a lot of kids who the Gringo students to come down and fight. rating him from the rest of the demonstra­ need food, I was assured by tors. The plan back-fired, however. A Albert Martinet, an organizer A large crowd poured out of the dormitory. for the breakfast program. For self-defense, one of the Chicanos got doctor talked to him the morning following As we sat over a newsprint a . 22 from the trunk of his car. The police his arrest, saw that he was obviously sane, mantled table, Martinet ex­ were called, and the students retreated to and ordered his immediate release. plained that the program pro­ the safety of their dormitory. Sal was then sent to Vacaville for ex­ vides the greatest help for fa­ The police promptly arrested Sal and amination so that Judge Longinotti could milies on welfare, many with­ his companions. Sal was tried in mid-May set the sentence in light of the entire social, out a father at home, who are political and psychological context of the relieved of putting together one by former corporation lawyer Judge John meal a day. "We may already Longinotti. He was found innocent on a charge case. Longinotti may consider Sal's com­ be helping with money for rent, of burglary of a car, but guilty on charges munity activities as a mitigating factor. Or said Martinet of resisting arrest, possession of a loaded he could consider them as a threat to the firearm on a public street in an incorporated class that Longinotti represents. In any city, and assault with a deadly weapon. The case, Sal will be out of the action for a while, latter charge is a felony. In the course of and the Black Berets will have to develop the trial, Longinotti refused to hear testi­ new leadership. FROM THE MIDPENINSULA OBSERVER BASTA YA! SABADO 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.3 % %omde ~* LOS SIETE

The San Francisco Chronicle's Then on May 2 appeared the first ly, not by the communitytheywere coverage of Los Siete actually be­ of the Chronicle's articles on Los supposedly serving. gan the week before Joe Brod- Siete de la Raza, that is, the six The article described some of nik's death. On April 25 there ap­ boys presently in jail and charged the accomplishments of the Mis­ peared a front page article by Bir- with Brodnik's murder, and the one sion Eleven. They distributed leaf­ ney Jar vis, with the subdued head­ wanted for murder, but still at lets to residents of the Twin Pe­ line, "A Gang's Terror in the Mis­ large. Immediately their guilt aks area warning them of the times sion". Jarvis' story began, "A was assumed. The banner head be­ of greatest burglary threat to loose knit gang of idlers and hood­ gan, "Gangescapes siege..." and homes and requesting that they re­ lums are slowly closing a fist oi and the story read, "One of San port suspicious people in the neigh­ fear around the business life of a Francisco's most highly decorated borhood... As a team, the two of­ once bustling Mission District police officers met sudden death ficers arrested a prominent Meth­ neighborhood. at the hands of at least three young odist minister in a Mission district "So pervasive has the fear be­ hoodlums..."The italics are mine. steam room, where, they testified come , it is a virtual act of her­ It Is needless to say that an equal­ later, he made homosexual advan­ oism for merchants to complain to ly, if not more, objective account ces to them." police. Most storeowners in the .of the killing would have been, Birney Jarvis had his say again flags were ordered flown at half from the shooting. The man who area flatly refuse to talk to out­ "One of San Francisco's most dis­ in the May 2 Chronicle. He wrote mast. Acting Mayor Ron Pelosi, in lives there "said he had no idea siders about the situation. gusting pigs died during an en­ up a bedside interview with Mc - a eulogy to Brodnik, contributed the gun was in the hedge beside "It would still be a skeleton In counter (the details of which are Goran and his words, as usual, to the already overflowing slop: his home." in the neighborhood closet--to be unknown) with at least three young were loaded: "on a sunlit street not far from Jose Rios, Mario and Tony Mar­ whispered about when no stran­ students who are well known and "McGoran, speaking painfully thr­ his home, (Brodnik) offered his tinez, Nelson Rodriquez, Danilo gers are around--if it weren't for respected in their community." ough swaths of bandages, said from life again. And lost it." Once more Melendez and Gary Lescallet are a small lady with dark frightened The article quoted a police in­ his hospital bed yesterday that the generalizations were made without in jail, charged with murder and at­ eyes." spector as saying there was "suf­ gang that killed his partner turn­ evidence, for there was nothing to tempted murder. The Chronicle's This rubbish set the style of ficient evidence to show that the ed the smoking gun on him and em­ indicate that Brodnik had offered two weeks of smear were suc- melodrama, sensationalism, snide gang was responsible for numerous ptied it at point blank range..In- his life. He simply lost it. cesful, for the majority of San generalization, vague and unsub­ thefts during the past months." and ,credibly, the heavy slugs from the The sickening spectacle went on Franciscans consider at least one stantiated facts, and just plain in­ pursued the matter no further. It .41 magnum re vol ver., missed the and on. Chronicle of May 6, front of them guilty, and don't much care sults that characterized Chronicle assumed from the start that the beaten, bloodied officer as he tried page:" Rites for an Idealist Cop". which one. Yet real evidence is coverage of the Mission for the tv and stereo the boys were tak­ to crawl to safety" ( my italics). "Officer Joe Brodnik, killed by Noe obviously lacking. The police have next two weeks. Jarvis wrote later ing from a car into the Rios house When the revolver was found, it Valley thieves..." put the six in a cell together in in the same article, "Busin­ were stolen; and by implication, reportedly had four slugs left in it. "It was Officer McGoran's gun hopes of overhearing incriminating essmen... complain of almost daily that this was one of a series of Apparrently the police forgot that tht th hoodlums grbbed to kill chased numerous finks out of their harrassment and intimidation." He robberies committed by the it was emptied at McGoran. Officer Brodnik. No one blamed cell and have ripped hidden micro- , never said which businessmen or "gang". Nowhere, in thisorfuture This was only one of the many McGoran--but the deep lines on his phones from the ceiling. They un­ what percentage of businessmen. articles, were the theft charges contradictions in the scanty ser­ badly bruised face as he limped derstand the police are trying to Two mitigating articles fol­ corroborated. ving up of facts. At first, Mc- up the church steps yesterday gave scare them. Thus, Nelson Rod­ lowed. In the first, Jarvis quoted Not until the end of May 2 Gorn "positively identified" Nel- . evidence that he was still wonder­ riquez is charged with murder al­ some poverty workers who took ex­ article did the reader learn that son Rodriquez (along with Jose ing: "What if...". though Attorney Jack Berman said ception to the tone of his orig­ Mc Goran and Brodnik were not Rios) as being at the scene. But Archbishop McGucken paused be- the police told him they know Nel­ inal article because it made all in uniform, but informal dress; when the boys were caught, it was side'tlie hearse to try, withwords, son wasn't there. Clearly, the cops, Latin kids sound like hoodlums. He they were not driving a police car Jose, Mario, and Gary who were to dry daughter Colleen's tears. hope Nelson will fink out. And they referred to the poverty workers as but a battered old vehicle. The art­ arraigned first. It became increas- It almost worked." also hope that the "real" killer "Idealistic young men and women icle never suggested that the of­ inly clear that Nelson, "positively Chronicle of May 8, front page: will confess to get his innocent who are trying to help Mexican- ficers might have threatened or identified" by McGoran a few days "photos identified: Cop Killing E- friends off the hbok. American youth in San Francisco." bullied the boys. There was a scuf­ earlier, wasn't even there. vidence". The photos in question Meanwhile, the news media have Clearly, his implication was that fle and then Brodnik was dead-- On May 3, that 150 man "crime- were not taken at the scene of become strangely silent about the they were not only Idealistic hujt killed, as it later turned out, with busting " detail was the featured the killing, as the headline im­ case. A tiny article buried in the foolish to try to help such worth­ McGoran's gun. Since the incident item, having just completed its plied. They were simply photos back of the Chronicle one day sai less characters. was obviously unpremeditated, it is first night in action. "Most of from which McGoran identified the that Charlie Garry was taking the In the second article, a group of at least as feasible that Brodnik their job," the Chronicle said, boys. There was, incidently, no case. And occasionally an utter­ local merchants themselves denied was shot accidentally by his part­ " centers around stopping suspic­ question that he knew all the boys ance of Brodnik's widow is re­ the charges and apologized to Nel­ ner as by one of the "hoodlums". ious characters and making sure before May 1. He said in his bed­ ported, as on June 30, when she son Rodriquez, as one of the kids Not being in uniform, McGoran they are not involved in illegal side interview with Jarvis that he said at a Sons of Italy brunch, who had been slandered. But, as the probably had his gun hidden. He activity."In other words stop a kid that he knew them as "police char­ "We voted for capital punishment defense committee says in its must have produced it before it kid and see what you can bust him acters".They already had clashed in California; please see that it's newspaper, Basta Ya! ("Enough!") could have been taken from in. In for. with McGoran and Brodnik in the carried out", or on July 17, when "It makes no difference that the a violent situation, it could have Underneath the article on the new rebellions at San Francisco State she turned up in the state assem­ lie was exposed. The rulers u- gone off while still in his hand. cop patrol was the headline, and Mission High. bly, testifying in favor of a bill sed the story to turn the rest of The May 2 Chronicle also car­ "Huge Search for Killers of Pol­ The only concrete piece of evi­ that would impose a mandatory the city against us, and Mayor ried a feature on Brodnik and Mc­ iceman". Again, guilt was ass­ dence, McGoran's gun, was, the death sentence for a policeman's Alioto announced the formation of Goran who were known as the Mis­ umed. Described in the early ed­ Chronicle said on May 10, "found murder. a new 160 man squad of police to sion Eleven." They "were among ition as "Latin types,"the near murder site". An "anony­ deal with these 'punks'. The police the most respected law enforce­ suspects were in the final edition mous telephone tip" led police to This article was reprinted from now had a blank check for terror ment teams in San Francisco," simply "Latin types". The follow­ the gun, hidden under a hedge on dock of the bay, and was in our community." it says, though it does not say by ing Monday (Brodnik's funeral) was Jersey Street, about eight blocks written by Marjorie Heins. whom they were respected. Clear­ declared a day of mourning and Rcys Vfitnp <*> fiED BROTHERS

Every Saturday night, around even have to plead guilty. So they midnight, they would arrive. Tw­ ended up in the jails, losing their enty five men and two paddy jobs, money and self respect. wagons. They would pull up in the Yet change is coming. A few alleys near the American Indian young Indians, some from S.F center, on 16th and Mission, State, formed the Movement of Am­ and wait for their victims to come erican Native Youth. They forced out from the Center and the near­ the cops to end their weekly arrest by bars. Then they would move sweeps by letting them know they out, pushing, cursing, arresting all were going to defend themselves. they could reach and beating those They saw clearly that the police that resisted. Anyone who looked and the courts were not there to Indian, drunk or not, was swept serve the people, but were the op­ up into the wagons, taken downtown pressive arm of the racist power and booked. Thli went on every structure. They saw how Indians weekend in the Mission. were being forced off their reser­ Young Indians from all over the vations so that land speculators Bay Area come to the Indian Cen- could move in. Acikiinl, tobewtthotli.i They are now beginning to put Indians, to di ink, tu dIBM -md re­ together a program to serve the lieve the tensions of the till Indian people. The first priority ties and factories. Most wet Is Legal Defense. They want to use off the reservations, where money from the Friday night dan­ were the poor but proud owner« of ces to set up a ball and lawyer the land. They came for the job fund for the brothers in the Jails. and school opportunities promised Along with this they plan to start by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. legal and poUttet] education so th.it They trusted in the BIA; and their their people ca deal with the trtM trust got them menial low-paying nature of this exploitative society. jobs, roach infested high rent a- This is the beginning of a program partments, lousy trade schools and that will include a future alcoh­ the police, who in the words of a olics' clinic and a newspaper. They Mission Police Captain consid­ want the Indian people to start mov­ ered them "grown up children". ing to gain their right to self- They were not prepared for the determination. hypocrisyof American "Justice" They didn't know that they didn't RIGHT ON! have to talk; that they had a right POWER TO THE PEOPLE! to a lawyer; and that they didn't BASTA YA! SABADO 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE 1969 p.2

l^F^f^^T^EM—d TO

BASTA YA! is published by Los LOS SIETE BROTHERS Siete de La Raza. It comes out four times a month—twice as BASTA YA! --in English and Spa­ nish—and twice with the Black Pan­ Danilo 'BeBe' Melendez Jose Mario Martinez ther Paper. I Nelson Rodriguez Rodolfo 'Tony' Martinez BASTA YA! is a newspaper deal­ Jose Rios Gary Lescallet ing with La Raza all over Aztlan and the rest of the Americas. It is dedicated to the freedom of our seven brothers—Los Siete— î leaders in the Brown Liberation (nfllLTo: Room 70O. 850 BFO/RNT STREET Movement. Our thanks to the Black Panther 1 Party for making this publication possible. ü Comments and ft stiele s LOS SIETE DE LMUVBK fov pvmF Vna.y be sewf" to :

FROM THE JAILS P-O-Box lzii7 j AND PRISONS SftM FRflN as Co , CRLi FOHN I ft OF AMERICA • FREE* Hello, brothers and sisters. My name is Panch o Agila and We, that are captured through I am a prisoner of the present U.S. out the jails and prisons of Amer­ regime, the greatest enemy of ica, are essentially colonial dark- BOBBY SEALE! mankind. Let me run down to you skinned subjects living outside the why I believe this to be true. capitalist-imperialist government Whenever I look throughout this by reason of racism or white bro­ jail I see mostly dark-skinned bro­ thers by reason of class exploit­ thers and the few white brothers ation by the ruling class and the that have rebelled against the soc­ white middle class that unknow­ ial order. When we see beneath ingly or knowingly share the pro­ Danilo Melendez (Bebe) one of the the surface, the obvious fact Is that fits of exploitation. seven wrote this letter to one of so called crime involves the theft We of the dark skin are in es­ the sisters in Los Siete. of property or associated with pro­ sence the colonial revolution within perty. This wave, this vangard of the heartland of this imperialistic August 5, 1969 liberation, is on the rise, needing empire. We find that we must in­ TO FREE to be controlled and fashioned as a creasingly ally ourselves with the I guess you know as well as I spearhead of people's revolution. oppressed light skinned peoples of do what went down in court to­ Check these statistics out: the land in our march for power, day. I don't feel down about It be­ San Francisco, 1968 riches and freedom. We are a can­ Robbery 1184 cause I know my people are be­ cer that has begun to grow in hind us all the way. That is why OUR 7 Burglary 4150 breadth and power. The jails and Larceny 1269 I'm so proud I was born BROWN, prisons, that are, in fact, the con­ Because La Raza always sticks to San Francisco 1969 centration camps, areoverspilling Robbery 1771 gether because she cannot lose one Burglary 4783 and the agents of the revolt ex- of her sons or daughters. In a way Larceny 1432 caping to freedom and spreading and all the way we need La Raza BROTHERS the gospel of this unity. and La Raza needs us. We are here because of our am­ We must unite for the time is Well, we have to wait another 2 bition and need for wealth and the not far when the final solution to months in the Bastille waiting to recognition and understanding of so called crime (in actuality the go to court. I can righteously say experience in acquiring this liberation of goods or money pro­ now how Brother Eldridge felt when wealth. We believe in no more jive perty from the social order des­ he wrote "Soul on Ice". promises! No more lies are we igned to exclude us) will "be the ex­ I am glad that we have sisters going to believe! We are not going termination of us the exploited like yourself, you sister, Donna, to take It! We" know the power colonial people of dark skins or Corrine and many others, because structure is constructed to keep us oppressed of light skins that have the female sex is the backbone of in poverty or servile subjugation the courage to fight and take what the struggle, a struggle that has earning money solely to survive. is ours. We shall have justice to Can you dig it! to be victorious! Without the sis­ the people! ters to help the brothers, we wouldj These brothers are out to get the Not only is our plight to be un­ be weak. I'm so glad that you are wealth by any means necessary so derstood by economic exploitation, that's what we are all doing, fight­ SE MP DONATIONS TO: we have expressed by our actions. but by political oppression also. ing for our rights. And we have We will not settle for the life of We are sent under pain of prison such good looking sisters. invisible men, lost among the. thr­ to fight and suppress the colonial So I'll close now saying keep the CHARLES GARRY ongs of humanity. We are here, revolutionary movement of Africa, Brotherhood and the Sisterhood un­ and see what is here and will have asia, and Latin America, which is ited with faith! •31-1 MARKET ST. what is here to the maximum. one and the same with our own There is one predominately felt revolutionary movement. We are Love, thing running rampant through this used to destroy their struggle to Uno de Los Siete SAN FRANCISCO, world of ambition and need, that I help the strangling and sucking gold Bebe must comment upon. We are too of U.S. imperialists company In Danilo Melendez quick to turn upon one another in conspiracy with their national rul­ CALIFORNIA our fight for survival. We must ing class that keeps them in hun­ realize that we are all of the dis­ ger and poverty. We who fight these possessed sector of society andean brothers are suckers twice. We never overcome our condition by are used to kill the colonial peo­ remaining at each other's throats ple in revolt and are killed on the In our fight for the goods of the battle line ourselves, yet it is society.' the same enemy responsible for We must begin to understand that both our condition. We are chumps we are kept in our condition be­ in a double cross played on us cause of this capitalist pyramidal- by this U.S. ruling class and the economic structure where the pow­ government that protects them. erful few at the top hoard the We must not fight our brothers wealth at any, and all, cost of In the colonial world but remain us at the bottom. This ruling class to fight at home for our life, that strongly supports "Law and liberty and the pursuit of happin­ flcascvncui Vr\y 3QSTO Yftl Sobsorfpttowlb: Order" has the awareness that the ess. These are our undeniable revolutionary masses are increas­ rights and not privileges. We will ingly reaching realization and re­ he ^^ volutionary consciousness, that have one day a world where all they are the ones guilty of crimes the powers, riches, and freedom against humanity. shall be equally shared and enjoy­ ed by all. This is the world that's A4dr«S5 We must no longer rob and steal coming! The only world that must from one another but unite toget­ come! The watch word Is unity her in one fight against the great­ now! est of all criminals. This being Cit Sfcte. the ruling class hoarding such un­ VENCEREMOS! Kv * - ' believable wealth they could never possibly use and their "Law and Pancho Agila PlcOSe VY\fÀv\ ChecX CV- VnôweM OV*te>r (xM Sn.\ûSOaçf»

Dia de Liberacion p.ô