UE DI IPV DIUTUED 25 r :~" NIS THt BUM rANIntn cents Black Community News Service VOL. III NO. 20 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PUBLISHED MINISTRY OF INFORMATION THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY BOX 2967, CUSTOM HOUSE WEEKLY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94126 THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1969 PAGE 2 ENEMIES "WITHIN" ENEMIES Cultural nationalism is a trick ganization, this is also a part of Haiti, and that the oppressor is long rapping and standing on the barbituates to the young people in used by the black bourgeoisie and the plan of the continuation of very shrewd in that manner be­ corner and waving our hands and our community, they can survive in the children of the bourgeoisie. Nixon's program referred to as cause racism, black racism, cul­ swaying and trying to style, I this system by joining certain or­ They tell brothers to love every­ black capitalism. The cultural na­ tural nationalism, black capitalism don't mean that kind of education, ganizations that come under the po­ thing black and to have an undying tionalists take the position that all these things are just the in­ I mean the kind of education that litical standards of the system like love for blacks, while they jockey capitalism isn't bad, it was only bad gredients, just the kind of ingred­ has put America up against the the US organization, the N.A for positions, executive positions because blacks never had a chance ients that's necessary to create a wall the kind of education that was A.C.P., the Black Muslims all of on Richard Nixon's black capi­ to excel or that they never had a Haiti within the black communities exemplified by the two courageous these organizations that's not talist program. It is our duty as chance to reap the benefit of their of America, and this would not and the two most respected mem­ talking about destroying the pre­ revolutionaries, as members of labor, which is only a euphemism, hinder the system as it is,.this bers of our Party, our Chairman sent structure. the lumpen proletariat (field which are only very sharp words, would not hinder the system of Bobby Seale, and our Minister of ! So when they trump up charges niggers). We. have to detour our words used to dissuade and to con­ capitalism because capitalism Defense Huey P. Newton. And their and pull members of our Party off brothers from the corner of re­ fuse people so that .people like would be allowed to exist and it education was education by ex­ the street, when they kidnap us off actionary nationalsim. members of our Party people like would exist at the expense of con- ample, and we have to continue to the streets, lock us in their peni­ This means we have to out- educate by example. tentiaries and put astronomical talk the insanity that's propagated The work that we have cut out bails on us which is really ransom, by the cultural nationalists, we for us in our police petition, to then it becomes very clear to us have to out-organize them, even if control the pigs in our commun­ that its not the Black Panther it means returning to kicking their ity we know that this is a very Party at all that's conspiring to asses, knocking them in the head or powerful weapon. This is a very commit criminal acts, it's all those physically eliminating them. We powerful weapon because the con­ individuals and organizations who used to do these things, we used trol of the police in our com­ remain silent and don't speak out to whip them at parties, we used munities would definitely mean and don't have a unity of action to jump on them in the streets, that we control the guns in our with our Party, it's those people we used to jump on them in the communities, and to control the who are the conspirators along with movie shows, we used to whip guns in our communities would in­ the master-minders of the plot for them at school, we used to fight sure the Black Panther Party a genocide, that they're all co-con­ them and we used to let them know voice in the political realm. spirators of the United States go­ that we were dissatisfied with their When we get that kind of intelli­ vernment and they engage in class positions, because we were gence, when our minds have ex­ crimes of agression against black somehow aware that the way that panded and reached that level of people. Because they have to make they existed was quite different consciousness, we're very sure it clear, they have to let the world from the way that we existed, in that there can be no revolution know what their position is because the sense that the communities unless there's some bloodshed be­ the world definitely knows that that they lived in were always cause the pigs are definitely going the Black Panther Party is fighting classified as the'saditty'commun­ to resist the people trying to take for and in the interest of the peo­ ity, that was an expression that their jobs away from them. We ple. we used to use. wouldn't really be taking their jobs And all those who support the As we grew up we sort of so­ away from them; what we would be United States government, who phisticated our minds, our way of doing is civilizing the police, support Nixon's black capitalism talking and our ideas, and we grad­ making the police responsible to program, a black capitalist pro­ uated to the level of consciousness the people, and making the police gram, and all those who befriend so that we can refer to those peo­ responsible for their actions. And and harbor, all those who assoc­ ple as a member of a particular their actions would not be the kind iate themselves with the US or­ class and that class is the black of actions that we're used to wit­ ganization then it's a very clear bourgeoisie. But in those days nessing where we're always on the line drawn between members of those brothers were hard to find in dead end of that action. our Black Panther Party and those our communities, unless they were When I mentioned mind expan­ individuals who fraternise and who coming down trying to find just what sion I'm not talking about getting associate with traitors and puppets it was like really to be a nigger. hung-up off of those barbituates like the US organization. So that They're not so very hard to find that we call red devils (I think the US organization and George now, they can easily be found at the medical name for those pills "Sambo" Sams are people's enemy the end of every deal that is called Seconal). I'm not talking number two. guarantees the oppressive system about your mind becoming blocked So that individuals and organ­ of capitalism. But what they and niggers stumbling and drunk izations that were created pur­ do, they sanctify capitalsim and and slobbering at the mouth and posely to destroy or to create a they think that they legitimatize fighting andkillingoneanother.be- counter-revolution, we cannot capitalism by using a detonator, cause this Is very good for capi­ make any distinction between them a very explosive detonator that still talism, it's become so evident now and the pigs that also maintain the engenders and speeds up a plot for that all we have in the black com­ exploitation and the suffering of genocide against members of our munity is red devils and poverty our communities. Because in Party in particular and concen­ programs. And niggers that are reality they're all pigs, they're tration camps for other organi­ trying to live at the expense of peo­ all enemies to the people and we zations and individuals that demand ple losing their minds other than have to develop the kind of con­ an end to the exploitation of man by gaining their minds, I think that sciousness that would give us the . man. DAVID HILLIARD CHIEF OF STAFF they too should be classified as energy and that would most cer­ Whereas the system of Social­ an enemy against the people. So we tainly give us the courage to with­ ism guarantees full employment members of the oppressed class tinued black suffering. have to be very concerned about all stand and to eliminate those kind for its people, it guarantees better will latch on to the wings of this So these are things that we have those things in the process of trying of forces. Because our Chairman housing conditions, it guarantees vulturistic foul program that to be concerned about, these are to wage an educational program Bobby Seale is a victim of a plot education, education that gives Nixon has concocted and put to­ things that we have to talk about, that would be beneficiary to the for genocide geared towards our full play to the energies of indi­ gether. They would latch on and the only language the only masses of the people. Black Panther Party. Because viduals so that they can cope to this and that this would continue systems that are able to withstand This brings to my mind George that's most certainly what it is, with the scientific system of the system; but it would only change and implement a people's revolu­ Sams.
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