Name of Deceased
01 Date before which ^4 Name of Deceased Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given O Address, description and date of death of Deceased notices of claim 00 (Surname first) and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given HANSFORD, Jocelyn Pinewood, Hawthorn Road, Bognor Regis, Sussex, Staffurth & Bray, York Road Chambers, Bognor Regis, Solicitors. (Reginald Davies 21st August 1965 Reginald. Outfitter (Retired). 24th May 1965. Bray, Richard Dennis Pearce and Edith May Hansford.) (479) BROWN, James Benjamin " St. Michaels," Rectory Lane, Ashtead, Surrey, Lloyd & Davey, 50 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey, Solicitors. (Westminster Bank Limited) 21st August 1965 Retired Haulage Contractor. 14th May 1965. (480) McHENRY, Gladys May 6 Oastler Street, Keighley, Yorkshire, Married. 25th Turner & Wall, Arcade Chambers, Keighley, Yorkshire, Solicitors. (Roy Barton Grainger 24th August 1965 May 1965. and Nancy Briggs.) (481) JACKSON, William 9 Dashwood Road, Banbury, Oxon. Retired Baker. Fairfax Barfield & Blincowe, Banbury, Oxon, Solicitors. (Percy Frederick Jackson 20th August 1965 Thomas. 9th April 1958. and Harold Richard Sanderson.) (482) ALLEN, Albert Edward... 16 Millfleet Terrace, King's Lynn, Norfolk, Boot Bantoft Broadley & Ward, 15 Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn, Norfolk, Solicitors. 18th August 1965 Repairer. On or about 17th May 1965. (Lucy Edith Clarke.) (483) MOORHOUSE, Walter ... 43A Taylor Hill Road, Lockwood, Huddersfield, John Sykes & Co., Permanent House, 1 Dundas Street, Huddersfield, Solicitors. (Jack 23rd August 1965 § Retired Pattern Maker. 9th March 1965. Firth and George Townsend.) (484) KNIGHT, Lily 10 Beech Avenue, Dal ton, Huddersfield, Widow. 7th John Sykes & Co., Permanent House, 1 Dundas Street, Huddersfield, Solicitors.
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