E Enterprise Way, North Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 8YQ. Tel: 01733 331433. Email:
[email protected] Date: Monday 5th November 2018 Principal News letter We have just completed our Year 7 Induction feedback questionnaire, which will be followed up by a Year 7 Parents evening (including Year 11 following their Mock Exams) from 2.45pm to 4.45pm on Thursday 29th No- vember 2018 at Iqra Academy. Students said; “My overall learning experience at the Academy is positive.” 95% Agree. “I feel safe at School.” 95% Agree and “I have been set Homework, which supports my Studies.” 90% Agree. “I receive feedback on my work and it helps me to improve.” 90% Agree. What are we doing well? Good Lessons (8); Good Teachers (5); Learning (4); PE (3); Homework; Clubs. What could we do better? More time at Lunch (4); Lockers (2); Swimming (2); Improve the Building and equipment; Keep doors and gates locked. Directly following the Students feedback, we will also be ensuring that all Year 7 students have a 1:1 Tutorial and complete an Individual Learning Plan. That they all participating in some kind of Enrichment Activity and that they all meet with our Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Zafar. We will also be looking to reintroduce Swimming sessions for the School. Our new weekly Qirat Club is now running every Monday and Tuesday lunch time, hosted by Qari Muneer, to encourage our students to recite tilawat. We are looking to enter our students into local Qur’an competitions. We have welcomed Qari Muneer from Faizan-e-Madina to Iqra Academy as a staff member.