CROPS Prayer Diary- Weeks beginning- Please see the prayer pointers for a week at a time.

24th November – 30th November-

This week is set to be a very busy week for all of the CROPS team, so we would love it if you could pray for God’s strength to energise us and his peace to help us throughout the week as we deliver and attend different projects, meetings and clubs throughout the week! - 24th Nov- Chris will be delivering a talk on our mentoring project at Wellspring Community Church.

- 25th Nov- Matt is delivering the morning assembly at The Kings School, looking at “Christ the King” and focussing on advent.

- 25th Nov- Mentoring Meet Up- Chris will be meeting with our mentors to discuss and pray about the future of the project.

- 26th-28th Nov- the Walk through the Bible Training Days are happening at Bretton Baptist Church. These are for all the local presenters of ‘Walk Through’ including Rachel and Richard from our Primary Schools Team. Any who would like to become presenters are also able to attend.

- 26th Nov- Breathe: Matt and Ezra will be delivering Breathe lessons to Year 8 students at Hampton Gardens. Breathe is a resource which explore 12 big questions about life, with Christian perspectives. (click “Breathe” for more info above)

- Please pray for our Mentors and the Mentoring of students in Ken Stimpson Community School, Arthur Mellows Village College, Queen Katherine and The Deepings School

- We’d love it if you could pray for the weekly lunch clubs delivered by our secondary schools teams in The King’s School (Thurs), Ormiston Bushfield Academy (Wed) and Regional College (Tues).

1st December – 7th December-

- 3rd Dec- Rachel & Richard are delivering ongoing Old Testament lessons in William Law Primary, please pray as she continues to look at key stories from the Old Testament with the students.

- 6th Dec- Matt and Peter will be delivering Alternative Worship at The King’s School. An opportunity for students to engage in an interactive worship time as one of the CROPS team unpacks a certain theme.

- Pray for the new weekly lunch club at Arthur Mellows Village College on Tuesdays, which CROPS has helped to set up with other Churches and Youth Workers.

- Please pray for our Mentors and the Mentoring of students in The King’s School, City of Peterborough Academy, GPUTC and St John Fisher Catholic High School.

- We’d love it if you could pray for the weekly lunch clubs delivered by our secondary schools teams in The King’s School, Ormiston Bushfield Academy and Peterborough Regional College. 8th December – 14th December-

- 10th Dec- Rachel will be delivering an assembly on the Old Testament to the William Law students.

- 13th Dec- Lily Jo Schools Tour visits Arthur Mellows Village College with CROPS to deliver a session on mental health and share testimonies with year 10 and 11 students.

- 14th Dec- The Point- Please pray for Ezra Upton our guest speaker as he prepares his talk for The Point. Please also pray for all those involved and the young people, that they will hear from God what they need to hear and have a encounters with him

- Please pray for our Mentors and the Mentoring of students at , Jack Hunt School and Ormiston Bushfield Academy.

- We’d love it if you could pray for the weekly lunch clubs delivered by our secondary schools teams in The King’s School, Ormiston Bushfield Academy and Peterborough Regional College. 15th December – 21st December-

- First of all please pray for the CROPS team and all the students we meet with and that they will have a safe and relaxing Christmas.

- 31st Dec- HOPE for Peterborough, New Year’s Eve service at the Cathedral. CROPS have been asked to deliver a short talk and also the CROPS band have been asked to lead the worship.

- Please pray for our Mentors and the Mentoring of students at Nene Park Academy, Jack Hunt School and Ormiston Bushfield Academy.

- We’d love it if you could pray for the weekly lunch clubs delivered by our secondary schools teams in The King’s School, Ormiston Bushfield Academy and Peterborough Regional College.