Volume (1) Issue 1 - Jan./Feb./ Mar. 2007 The 7th Anniversary for ElEl----KoshehKosheh (2nd Jan 2000)

1-Adel Ghatas Fahmy DOB 8-Alamir Halim Fahmi DOB 15-Abdel-Meseeh Mahroos Eskan- 12/7/77 9/1/85 dar DOB22/5/45 2-Maison Ghatas Fahmy DOB 9-Tadross Lawendi Tadross 76y 16-Samia Abdel-Meseeh Mahroos 20/8/88 10-Nasser Tadross Lawendi 21 y 3-Gaber Sidrak Saeed 85y DOB12/12/74 17-Wael El-Dab'ea Mikhaeel 4-Refaat Zaghlok Gaber Sidrak 11-Mohran Labib Shenouda DOB2/8/83 DOB 15/7/73 DOB 13/3/56 5-Halim Fahmi Makar DOB 1 8 - Amdan Zarif Kedes 1/2/39 12-Bona El-Komos Gobraeel 50y DOB12/12/75 6-Zakaria Halim Fahmi DOB 13-Mamdouh Noshi Sadek 19-Moawad Shenouda Moawad 50y 25/11/71 DOB8/8/68 20-Wahib Girgis Hana 4/.7/49 7- Ashraf Halim Fahmi 22y 14-Atef Ezzat Zaki 24y 21-Refat Faiez Awad 1/9/85

United Coptic of Great Britain

A message from the Baroness Cox of Queensbury

Dear I would like to congratulate you on the production of the first issueof your magazine "United Copts Quarterly". I hope it will raise political awareness amongst Copts and help to increase involvement with and assistance for your community in . I am very much aware of your situation, which I follow closely and speak about when the opportunity arises. For example, last year I asked a question in the House of Lords following events in . Standing up for the weak and the oppressed, becoming a voice for the voiceless, witnessing for the truth and endeavoring to avert injustice are very much at the core of the Christian val- ues. I am sure these will be at the heart of your publication. I appreciate the fact that the Copts' experience is virtually unique. You are a substantial Christian minority in the Middle East. You have experienced and at the hands of Radical Islamists which could have served as an early warning for the other parts of the world if the West had taken notice. You also share the same language – Arabic – of many Islamic countries in the Middle East. This gives you great knowledge of and insight into all things Islamic including Radical . Your experience should therefore be invalu- able in helping us all to understand and to withstand Radical Islam. I am sure your magazine "United Copts Quarterly" is going to serve a very important func- tion and I wish you every success. With my warmest regards to your community and the assurance of my prayers,

Who are we the United Copts GB Aims of the United Copts GB

We are a group of the sons 1)To raise the profile of the discrimination/ and daughters of the Coptic persecution of Copts in their home land. community in UK. 2)To provide moral, legal, financial support or any We are busy professional other form of legitimate support to the Copts who people not politicians. suffer discrimination, and/or persecution as We have been aggrieved by the deemed necessary. injustice befallen on our Cop- 3) To disseminate information to individuals, govern- tic people in our Motherland ments agencies, Human Rights organisations Egypt, we vowed not to remain and any other interested legitimate parties as need silent but to stand by what we arises. feel is right for our people 4) To co operate with other Coptic, non-Coptic and good for Egypt. Human Rights and Christian and non Chris- tian organisations to help achieve the above aims. Out of our concern and love 5) To provide moral, legal financial or otherwise we grouped ourselves to help support to Copts refugees in UK and asylum our people in the Motherland seekers in UK. Egypt our methods only em- 6) To achieve all above aims by peaceful means and ploy legitimate and peaceful the Christian moral code is the guide to our con- mean. duct.

United Coptic of Great Britain 2

Meekness Adapted from His Holiness Pope Shenounda III lecture

stead weakness of character and a mis- mitted to obstruct the other virtues. understanding of meekness, and also We have here another example of becomes a misunderstanding of spiri- mixing meekness with noble- tuality generally. Spirituality does not mindedness and generosity. It is the consist of adhering to one virtue, with boy David in his fight with the giant all the other virtues being nullified. Goliath. There is no doubt that David Instead, spirituality consists of all the was meek, as he was a quiet shepherd "Is meekness incompatible with virtues operating together in a ho- who was good at playing the lute. bravery and noble-mindedness?" mogenous and cooperative way in an When this young men went to the bat- atmosphere of integration. tlefield to find out whether his broth- Meekness is kindness, gentleness Our best example of this is the ers were safe, he heard about the giant and calmness, as we mentioned previ- Lord Jesus himself. Goliath attacking the whole army, ously. But the problem is that some He was meek and humble-hearted with everyone being afraid of him. people may misunderstand meekness, (Matthew 11:29). "He will not snap Holy zeal possessed David. He said, as if a meek person was someone who off the broken reed, nor snuff out the with all bravery and strength of faith, remains without any personality or smouldering wick" (Matthew 12: 20). that he volunteered to go and fight effectiveness, and as if he was a quies- However, when the Lord Jesus saw Goliath. He said to Goliath: "The Lord cent body which is not active. Such a the Jews defiling the Temple by buy- will put you into my power this day; I meek person may become a laughing- ing and selling in it, he drove them all will kill you." (1 Samuel 17:46) stock of whom people make fun. out of the Temple and said to them: Here, meekness was mingled with Then that meek person is trans- "My house shall be called a house of strength, bravery and faith. Meekness formed into a languid individual who prayer, but you are making it a rob- therefore does not prevent the strength does not intervene in anything. bers' cave." (Matthew 21:13). of the personality or the strength of But no. This is a misunderstanding Was it possible for the Lord Jesus, influence. The Lord Jesus was meek, of what meekness is, and is not com- acting in the name of meekness, to but at the same time had a strong per- patible with the teachings of the Bible, leave them so that they could turn the sonality and a strong influence on oth- or with the life stories of the Fathers house of God the Father into a house ers. But I want to give an example at a and Prophets. A meek person is in fact of commerce? Or did he mix meek- human level. It is St. Paul the Apostle, a kind and quiet person, but this is ness with holy zeal, as he did? whose meekness we have explained only half of the reality. Meekness is a great virtue, but above. The other half of the reality is that here we see it linked with holy zeal The book of the Acts of the Apos- meekness is not incompatible with and with bearing witness to the truth. tles speaks of St. Paul when he was a noble-mindedness, bravery and gener- Our example for this is Him- prisoner and was speaking of right- osity. "For every activity under heaven self. eousness, self-restraint and future its time" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Does meekness prevent the bearing judgement. Felix the ruler was Yes, this is what the Bible says. of witness to the truth? It certainly alarmed and said: "Go away for the St. Father Antonius was asked does not. We have the example of St. present; when I find it convenient I whether the best virtues are prayer, Paul the Apostle. We see him in his will send for you again." (Acts 24:25) fasting, silence, or something else. He attitude towards St. Peter as regards At a time of necessity, meekness is replied that the most important virtue eating with Gentiles in a way which not incompatible with defending the is wisdom in action, or discernment as St. Paul the Apostle regarded as hypo- truth. This is revealed in the story of regards what is to be done. critical behaviour. St. Paul the Apostle Paul the Apostle and Claudius Lysias, Thus, kindness is the prevailing said: "I opposed him to his face be- when the latter ordered that Paul be characteristic of a meek person. But cause he stood condemned. I said to interrogated to the accompaniment of when the situation calls upon him to Peter before the multitude: "If you, a beatings, in order to find out why the act in a noble-minded and brave way Jew born and bred, live like a Gentile Jews were screaming at him. The Bi- or to bear witness to the truth, he is and not like a Jew, how can you insist ble says that he was whipped. Paul not permitted to refrain from doing that Gentiles must live like said to the centurion: "Do you have that on the grounds of meekness, be- Jews?" (Galatians 2:14). the right to whip a Roman who has not cause if he does so and refrains from Here he was mixing meekness yet been sentenced?" When the centu- acting bravely, then his meekness is with bearing witness to the truth. rion heard this, he told his superior of not real meekness, but becomes in- The virtue of meekness is not per- it.

United Coptic of Great Britain 3

The superior came and inquired with person. If one day they hear him utter- Some people may ask: "Is it possible Paul about the situation. They re- ing a harsh word, then they will under- for a meek person to condemn any- frained from whipping him when they stand within themselves that there was one? Are there any examples of this in discovered that he was a Roman (Acts a strong reason which compelled him the Bible?" 24:22-29). to do it. The word will produce an We have here the example of the Lord Meekness does not prevent a meek impression and an influence upon their Jesus who is "gentle and humble- person from warning a sinner in order minds. hearted" (Matthew 11:29). He said to save him from wrongdoing or dan- Do you think that a meek person is that God the Father did not send His ger. exempted from the following saying Son to condemn the world, but to save If you see a friend or relative who is of the Lord to His disciples: "You will the world (John 3:17). Jesus said to about to conclude an unlawful mar- bear witness for me." (Acts 1:8)? the woman who had been caught com- riage to a relative whom he is not al- There is no doubt that this is certainly mitting adultery: "Neither do I con- lowed to marry, or if this happens af- not so. When it is necessary for a demn you: go, and sin no more." (John ter a non-Church divorce or by chang- meek person to bear witness to the 8:11.) On many occasions He con- ing the denomination, or if the friend truth, he must do so without fail. demned many people, such as the or relative is about to conclude a civil If he is given an opportunity to save a scribes and the Pharisees (Matthew or common-law marriage or some- victimized person, will he not do so in 23). He condemned the priests of the thing similar, would you then, in the the name of meekness? Jews (Matthew 21:13). He condemned name of meekness, refrain from warn- Is it reasonable for him to say: "What His disciple Peter when the latter ing him that what he intends to do is does that have to do with me?" or: "I sinned. wrong? Certainly not. Instead, it is shall mind my own business." Or There are situations in which a meek your duty to advise him and to warn should he rather, in an act of decency, person finds himself compelled to him calmly and not in a haughty or meekly save the victimized person? speak and cannot remain silent. disparaging way. If you are silent, The Lord Jesus saved a woman, who There are persons who have the right your silence will be a wrong attitude. had been caught committing adultery, to condemn, or rather whose duty it is Meekness does not mean living as a from being stoned, and said to those to condemn. quiescent, motionless body in society. who wished to stone her: "He that is Their condemnation is not incompati- You should have your personality, but without sin among you, let him first ble with meekness. Examples of such you should have it in a meek manner, cast a stone at her." (John 8:7) He did persons are parents, a spiritual father, even by uttering one single word. this in meekness without announcing a teacher acting towards his pupils, People have become accustomed to their sins. But he was writing on the and a leader acting towards his subor- not hearing a harsh work from a meek ground with his finger. dinates.■

A message from Engineer Adli Abadir Youssef President of Copts united , Switzerland

My sons and daughters, the Copts of Great Brit- responsibility of standing up 12 million Copts at ain. home and provide example of vigor and activity Greetings to all of you with the beginning of the new for 1.5 million Copts abroad. I hope your voice year and congratulation on the first issue of your can reach the British Politics and Media strong magazine United Copts Quarterly, hoping that year and clear, the Council of Ministers and the House 2007 to be the end of injustice and the persecution of Commons and the House of Lords and religious inflicted on the our Copts folks in Egypt also the end schools, radio and television, newspapers and men of dictatorship in Egypt. of the decision-making in England, the British has Let us get the role of the Muslim Brothers (I call politicians and Media has a greater credibility than them the crows) and agencies from the Egyptian government any other place in the world. in participating and colluding in the persecution and the hu- I am confident that the full cooperation amongst yourselves miliation of the Copts under the influence of the Wahabis will achieve the success of the magazine to become a source agents in the Egyptian government. History tell us what of spiritual, religious, moral and political enlightenment to happened in in El-Zawia El-Hamra 1972, Samalot 2004, the Copts to demand their rights stolen (and no right is lost Udysaat 2006 and Alexandria 2006 and other incidents of so long as someone demands it), and not to accept the hu- the killing of Copts and the kidnapping of minor girls for miliating status quoi (as second-class citizens) and the en- conversion using all inhumane and devious ways to pursue thusiasm and determination to boost the Copts abroad to their aims and other acts of persecution which is mainly in- follow in your footsteps and God with you all. tended to humiliate the Copts. Let it be the motto no one deserved life if he lived only for I take the opportunity of the issuance of the first issue of itself. The best Mirror to view yourself is your work your magazine to congratulate your dedication to the service (Chinese proverb). The real service is not by tongue and talk and to your love to one another for your strive to lift oppres- but by work and truth. sion on our folks in Egypt and for taking the burden and Greetings to all of you all and my Lord bless you.

United Coptic of Great Britain 4

Copts and the Second Article of the Egyptian Constitution

The Egyptian Constitution second article states “Islam Egyptian Constitution is the religion of the state and Arabic its official lan- more guage, Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of “contemporary”, legislation” (1). The position of the article and its or- Copts got disappoint- der being the second amongst two hundred and eleven ment as the notorious articles indicates its importance and hierarchal power Article “2” remained to the legislator. This becomes apparent in courts untouched. when other articles of the Egyptian Law are made sub- Fathi Sourour the ordinate to the Islamic Sharia law, which severely cur- Head of the Egyptian Parliament said in a lecture Uni- tails the principle of equality. versity, Economics and Political Science College ear- It is noteworthy that the Egyptian Constitution pro- lier that “The Egyptian Constitution has articles which vides for Equality between all :- Article 40 are above the Constitution”, inferring to Article “2” states “All citizens are equal before the law. They and to his believe that the religion of the State is Islam have equal public rights and duties without discrimi- and Islamic Jurisprudence are the sources of legisla- nation between them due to race, ethnic origin, lan- tion, but never referred to Freedom, Equality and de- guage, religion or creed.” (1) mocracy, Sourour has definitely got things in the Article 46 also guarantees the Freedom of belief; “The wrong order, the Constitution is to provide equality State shall guarantee the freedom of belief and the and Freedom as basis of citizenship rather than a con- freedom of practice of religious rites.”(1) The arti- stitution to serve a certain religion in preference to cles 40 and 46 are in agreement with article 18. Uni- other. versal Declaration of Human Rights:- “Everyone has For decades, the agents of the Egyptian government the right to freedom of thought, conscience and relig- invented new vocabulary to serve their need such as ion; this right includes freedom to change his religion “thawabet Alummah” = Nation’s Fundamentals, Islam or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community is one of them, as Salah Eissa the Chief Editor of Al- with others and in public or private, to manifest his Qahira News Paper put it, there are no Nation’s Fun- religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and damentals but there are Nation’s Common Interests. observance.” (2) As the Egyptian Constitution has identified itself with Furthermore; the Egyptian Constitution considers any a religion, i.e. Islam, which has its own set of rules International Law or Treaty ratified by the Egyptian and laws, it has become mandatory to look, in an ob- government to be part of the Egyptian Law. Article jective manner, into how basic human rights and spe- 151 stipulates that "The President of the Republic cifically the freedom of other beliefs and religions un- shall conclude treaties and communicate them to the der Islamic Sharia Law could be possibly adversely People's Assembly, ratified with suitable clarifica- affected. The areas which are severely adversely af- tions. They shall have the force of law after their con- fected could be identified as follows: clusion, ratification and publication according to the - Apostasy from Islam. established procedure." However, by attaching a - Restriction on building and repairing Christian qualification to the adoption of International Laws and places of worship. Treaties which states “taking into consideration the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and the fact that they - Appointing or Promoting non-Muslim to a position do not conflict with the text annexed to the instrument, of leadership. we accept, support and ratify it.” This has rendered - Inheritance when Apostasy from Islam happen or the adoption of the international law useless. A simi- when a member of the family “for example the father lar qualification was also made to the adoption of in- when wife and children do not follow”. ternational law in Egypt on ratification of the - Non-Muslim witness in court is not counted. “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” which was signed by Egypt in 1982. Appointment of a non-Muslim in a high rank (one In a speech by the Egyptian president governor appointed only recently out of 26, not a sin- on 25 December 2006, he announced his proposal to gle head police, army division, bank, head of univer- introduce adjustments and alteration to the Egyptian sity or even a head of a college, not a single position constitution 1971 with the subsequent adjustments in the High National Councils of the Army, Police, made 1981 to address current issues and to make the Radio and TV …etc)

United Coptic of Great Britain 5

Justice in court for example the killing of Non-Muslim lamic Sharia Law has diminished the ratification of does not lead to the same punishment as killing a Mus- international laws and treaties. lim under Sharia law (as happened in hundreds of mur- der cases, the most notorious of them was El-Kosheh Various Islamic jurisprudence schools vary in their 2000). judgments how to treat Dhimmies (Jews and Chris- tians) however all agree that they must have fewer For more details on the above issues please look up ” rights than and generally agree that Muslims STUDY OF THE PRESENT EGYPTIAN CONSTITU- must have dominance over non-Muslims. TION AND THE LAW ARTICLES THAT CONFLICT WITH MINORITY RIGHTS” The state duty is to defend people’s “right” rather than http://www.ohchr.org/english/issues/ people’s “good”, for the State to assume any moral or minorities/docs/11/Al-Kalema-3A.pdf religious stand based on the majority’s belief would Conclusion : immediately encroach on minority’s rights and casts The subordination of Egyptian legislation to the Is- great doubt on the state as neutral body.


marks the consecration of the . Cross Church at Jerusalem on y We Christians strongly sup- 27` ' September (19th Toot). port Nadia Eiwada in her quest British Airway (BA) denied for religious freedom and ask BA the role of the Cross in the Chris- to re-instate Nadia immediately tian faith by preventing one of its leaving her to wear her Cross on employees, Nadia Eiwada, from a chain around her neck in full wearing her Cross at work. Nadia view at her check-in desk and to refused to sacrifice her Christian compensate her for the suffering beliefs even after she was sus- she experienced in the last few pended without pay. Nadia would months. Also we urge BA to con- not compromise. sider an urgent review of the pol- She insisted on being allowed icy, so that Christian employees to wear the Cross on a chain might be able to wear a Cross around her neck in full public where it is visible. view at her check-in desk at Lon- At the very least, BA policy don's Heathrow airport. She re- should accord equal treatment to fused to accept a BA offer to all religious . They should work behind the scenes in another not adopt a policy which dis- job away from the public eye. criminates against Christians. Strangely enough, BA's Sikh If this policy is not reversed Nadia Eiwada employees are allowed to wear immediately, then I ask every turbans and female Muslim staff Christian or rather every passen- We Christians celebrate the cover their hair with the hijab ger to boycott BA. We have no feast of the Cross three times a (veil). BA said the Cross is not a alternative but to fight back year. The most important one is symbol of Christianity. How igno- peacefully in defence of our faith. the celebration which com- rant they are? The Cross in fact a memorates the day Our Lord Jesus central symbol of our salvation Christ carried the Cross and was through the sacrifice of the body "But whosoever shall deny Me crucified. The second celebration and blood of our Lord. What hap- before men, him will I also deny commemorates the discovery of pened to religious freedom and before My Father who is in our Lord's crucifix on Jerusalem human rights? This reflects a Heaven": by Empress Helena on 19 t" March shameful double standard and is (Math ew 10-33) (10 '' Bramhat) and the third one very offensive to millions of

United Coptic of Great Britain 6

Absolute Democracy v Liberal Democracy

Arab Media, sym- ily, then the Muslim society leading to the Muslim pathetic to the state and the United Islamic state which will over- Islamists, relent- come the “infidels” and impose the Holy Islamic lessly pushing hard, Sharia’a on the whole world by coercion and force to implant in every- (not by democracy), and eventually Mastering the one’s mind espe- world with Islam (1). cially following the Muslim Brothers MPs in the Egyptian Parliament Muslim Brother- represent the opposition with a lot of sympathisers in hood success in the ruling National Democratic Party. The MB do not securing 88 seat of believe Democracy, Equality, Freedom of Though, the 454 seats in the Egyptian Parliament, that the Freedom of Religion nor in multiple parties but be- “Absolute Democracy” choice is the legitimate one, lieve in one party, Allah party and the application of and it is for the majority to decide the future of the Shari’a Laws, which renders Christians “Dhimmies” Minority in the country. We Copts get silenced by as clearly stated their previous Murshid “Guide” of this misleading concept. MB Mostafa Mashhoor, Christians should be treated A quick glance at the recent history tells us that Ger- as Dhimmi second class citizens and should pay many changed in 1933 to Nazi through the “Ballot Jeyziah (humiliating tax used to be levied on non- Box”…. so is Democracy just a “Ballot Box”? Muslims and was lifted in1856) so if the majority We see non democratic regimes reach power through Egyptians choose Muslim Brothers as majority part democratic process only to spit democracy out after- what will happen to Christians in Egypt? wards, as one of the leaders of the Muslim Brothers The circulation of the idea that the majority decides movements in Egypt said, that the MB will use de- for the minority is a myth. Democracy is a “culture” mocracy as “slippers” to reach power, following that which allows for co-existence to all and not to annihi- they will get rid of democracy, Islamists in Birming- late the opponents and is not reduced to a mere ham area were chanting “Democracy is hypocracy” “Ballot Box”. following the arrest of 9 Islamists on 31th Jan 2007. There are boundaries for the majority which will It is ironic that the Muslim Brothers advocate democ- never transgress in any respectable democracy in any racy while they do not believe in democracy them- part of the world; the boundaries are the Fundamen- selves (but believe in theocracy, a Khalifa who will tal, Elemental Right of any individual. rule the Islamic State by Quran and Islamic Shri’a, Islamic Law). The name of the democracy practised in the civilised Even worse, Muslim Brothers believe and promote world is called “LIBERAL DEMOCACY” which the principle of “Muslim Nationhood” a concept preserves every individual right to freedom of coined and promoted by the Brotherhood movement thought, believes, expressions, and movement equal- most famous ideologist Sayed Kotb, “who was ity in political rights dignity and justice. (2) hanged in 1955 in Egypt”, in his book “Ma’alem fel ————— Tarik in Arabic = Signs on the way”. The building 1- Manifesto. unit being the Muslim person, then the Muslim fam- 2-International Declaration of Human Rights

To Join and support UCGB To Join the United Copts of Great Britain Write to : E-mail: [email protected] Or log on http://www.unitedcopts.org/content/view/391/118/ And fill the form Or speak to Tel: 07976710729 To Support United Copts of Great Britain: You can fill in the Standing Order attached or log on http://www.unitedcopts.org/images/stories/pdf/ucgb%20standing%20order.pdf

United Coptic of Great Britain 7

The Origin of “Radical Islam”

When we speak of radical Islam, we are referring to a Islamic state comprised of all Muslim countries, ruled number of organizations that have engraved on their by an Islamic government, based on shari'a, the reli- banner their intent to implement the rule of Islam gious law of the Koran. within their country, and also to impose Islam on the Another disturbing characteristic of the Muslim Broth- world at large. At first this involved the Muslim erhood is its xenophobic nature, which translates into Brotherhood, and later the jihadists separated off from anti-Semitism and anti-Christian preaching and activ- the Brotherhood. ity. The basic ideology of political Islam - which was later In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood soon became in- adopted by all radical groups - finds its origin within volved in politics and turned to violence. During the Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was 1940s it established a special apparatus - al-Tanzim al- founded in 1928 by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna in the Has - that initiated a campaign of terror against the city of Ismailia, on the banks of Suez Canal. It began government and assassinated a number of political per- as a kind of youth club where the Sheikh used to sonalities, among them two prime ministers. It soon preach about the need to introduce moral and social became the most powerful extra-political force in reform into Egypt and the Arab world. Basically, it Egypt, threatening the regime and wrecking havoc in was a reaction to British occupation and the penetra- the country. tion of Western values into Arab society. This campaign of terror is considered one of the impor- The larger background was the collapse of the Otto- tant factors that led to the Free Officers revolution in man Empire - the last Muslim empire - a few years 1952, thus putting an end to the only liberal experience before, and the abolition of the caliphate by Mustafa in Egypt's history, initiated by the Wafd party. Later Kemal Ataturk in 1922, who sought to build a secular the Muslim Brotherhood became disappointed in Nas- state on the ruins of the empire. ser's socialist and secular policy; it turned against him In the beginning, al-Banna's brand of Islam seemed and tried to kill him in 1954 but failed. Nasser's reac- peaceful. However, this did not last long since at the tion was brutal, declaring the organization illegal, ar- core of his belief stood the universality of Islam and resting 60,000 people and putting them into camps. Its its inclusiveness: religion and state are one. This re- leaders were tried and condemned to death, thus end- quired restoration of the caliphate - the creation of an ing the first chapter of radical Islam in Egypt.

United Coptic of Great Britain 8

A Window on His- tory From Maqrizi Book written by a Muslim scholar in the thirteen century


\]QXYZ : اQRSTUV ص Apologise for the translation which was done word for word” 10“

United Coptic of Great Britain 9

A Window on History From Maqrizi Book written by a Muslim scholar in the thirteen century


“Apologise for the translation which was done word for word”

And when he (The Patriarch) died, his seat was empty for 74 days, Copts saw hardships never seen before as many of them were employed by the State and became equal to ministers, be- came wealthy as they acquired more wealth and money and be- came strong and more harmful and wickedness therefore the kha- lief Al-Hakem Beamr Ellah became angry, he was unable to con- trol himself when angry, he then arrested Eissa Ibn Nastorous the Christian who was of a rank equal to a minister and struck his neck with the sword then arrested Fahd Ibn Ibrahim the Christian the clerk of Mr Bergwan and struck his neck too. He (khalief Al-Hakem Beamr Ellah ) got firmer on Christians and made them wear one certain colour of cloth with a belt on their waist (to make them distict) and stopped them from cerebrating Palm Sunday and the Feast of the Cross and stopped them from getting together in their cerebrations and from socialising and confis- cated what inside their churches and monasteries and wrote to his Heads of different districts and burned several maney crosses and stopped Christians from buying slaves and demolished the churches around the Rashidat at the back of Cairo and vandalised “Maks” churches outside Cairo and made it to be looted by the Muslims who took too much and demolished “Alkasir” monastery and allowed the Muslims to loot it and stopped Christians from cerebrating Epiphany on the Nile and stopped gathering and gaming to cerebrate it, and ordered Christians to hang a five pound in weight crosses on the their necks and stopped them from riding horses and allowed them to rid only donkeys and mules without saddles with decorations of gold and silver but only allowed black leather and ordered boats owners not to allow Christians on their boats he also ordered Christians to wear dark black cloth and ordered Jews to wear rounded pieces of wood weighing five pounds to be clear on top of their cloth, and he carried on demolishing churches allowing Muslims to loot them and they were looted till nothing was left and built mosques on top of churches and called for prayers from Shenouda church and sieged the Hanging Church and when people asked him to deal with the church properties in different parts of the country he allowed whoever asked to what ever he asked for so the contents of the churches were sold in the markets all over Egypt including gold, silver, and others also a lot of money was found in Shenouda church a lot of money which was seized and in the Hanging Church a lot of jewellery and expensive clothing and he then wrote to the “Wallies” in different districts to let Muslims demolish churches which continued from years 403 to 405 more than 30,000 churches.

Woman in the past Woman today Woman tomorrow

United Coptic of Great Britain 10

Trial of Egyptian Blogger Expands Realm of ws Ne Repression

Amnesty International today called for the immediate and national standards, stipu- unconditional release of Karim Amer, the first Egyptian lates prison sentences for blogger to be tried for writing blogs criticizing Egypt'sal- the mere exercise of the Azhar religious authorities, President Husni Mubarak and rights of freedom of expression, thought, conscience and relig- Islam. ion. Karim Amer, a former al-Azhar University student and blog- "Amnesty International considers Karim Amer to be a prisoner ger, is facing up to 10 years in prison for his writings in a of conscience who is being prosecuted on account of the trial that resumes today. Charges against him include peaceful expression of his views about Islam and the al-Azhar "spreading information disruptive of public order and dam- religious authorities. We are calling for his immediate and aging to the country's reputation," "incitement to hate Islam" unconditional release," Smart added. and "defaming the President of the Republic." Background : Karim Amer was first detained by the Egyptian "Karim Amer's trial appears intended as a warning by the authorities for 12 daysin October 2005 because of his writings authorities to other bloggers who dare criticize the govern- on his blog (karam903.blogspot.com)about Islam and the sec- ment or use their blogs to spread information considered tarian riots which took place in the same month in Alexandria's harmful to Egypt's reputation," said Malcolm Smart, director Maharram Bek district. These riots followed reports that the of the Middle East and North Africa Program. "This is par- video of a play believed to be anti-Islam was being screened in ticularly worrying as bloggers have increasingly been post- a Coptic church in the district. ing information about human rights abuses in Egypt, includ- After he was charged and released, disciplinary measures were ing torture and police violence against peaceful protest- taken against him and he was dismissed from al-Azhar Univer- ers." sity in March 2006.The university's disciplinary board found The trial opened on Jan. 18, 2007 before Maharram Bek him guilty of blaspheming Islam. Court in Alexandria. Karim Amer was charged under Arti- He was summoned to appear before the office of the Public cles 102, 176 and 179 of Egypt's Penal Code. Amnesty Inter- Prosecutor in Maharram Bek district of the city of Alexandria national has been urging the Egyptian authorities to review on 7 November 2006following a complaint made against him or abolish this and other legislation that, in violation of inter- by al-Azhar University.

Muslim fury over arrests in Birmingham

BIRMINGHAM, England: Wasim Raja, 25, and Imran recently and given protection. Khan, 19, are leaning on the grills of a general store in Alum "It was going to be a beheading and this was going to be Rock, Birmingham, watching the police activity on Jackson posted on the Internet via a homemade video," a security Road opposite with interest. source said. "I think it would be somebody significant inside "Every time they're coming into Muslim areas, blasting open the Muslim community." their doors ... They wouldn't like it if they dragged their mum Eight of the arrests, the result of a six-month investigation, and dad out of bed in the middle of the night. took place in dawn raids in parts of the city, where yellow- They're scum," says Khan, spitting on the pavement. Raja is vested police sealed off a number of streets for much of the more conciliatory, although, like many here, he doubts the day. In fast-moving events, a ninth suspect was arrested later man arrested in a dawn raid yesterday on suspicion of in- in the day on a motorway in the Birmingham area. Home volvement in a terror plot was guilty of anything. Secretary John Reid declined to go into detail about the al- "I've known him since I was little... He's not that type of per- leged plotters, but underlined the "real and serious nature" of son. If they've got a proper lead, then OK. But you've got to the terrorist threat Britain faces. be 100 per cent. The arrests are causing concern in Alum Rock, not least be- Maybe it's wrong information." Police arrested nine mostly cause of perceived heavy-handedness on the part of the po- Pakistani-origin suspects yesterday, to foil an alleged "Iraq- lice. Allah Dittah, a local clothing retailer who co-founded style" kidnap and beheading plot aimed at bringing a dreaded the centre, said: "These high-profile raids damage the com- new form of terror to Britain. In what officials called a "very, munity, the area and the relationship between the communi- very major operation," the alleged plotters were said to be ties itself. People don't want terrorism. This is our home. planning to post video of the execution on the Internet, as has Nobody wants this country to be damaged... but we need a happened to Western hostages in Iraq. balance: no high-profile raids. It creates fear, especially the The alleged victim had already been identified by the plotters lack of information as a Muslim soldier in his 20s, who was alerted by detectives Gulf News

United Coptic of Great Britain 11

ws Muslim urged to shun 'unholy' vaccines * Ne and diphtheria in Muslim communities. He argued that leading “Islamically Katme, a psychiatrist who has healthy lives” would be enough to ward worked in the National Health Service off illnesses and diseases. for 15 years, wields influence as the “You see, God created us perfect head of one of only two national Is- and with a very strong defence system. lamic medical organisations as well as If you breast-feed your child for two being a member of the Muslim Council years — as the Koran says — and you of Britain. Moderate Muslims are con- eat Koranic food like olives and black cerned at the potential impact because seed, and you do ablution each time A other Islamic doctors will have to con- you pray, then you will have a strong MUSLIM doctors’ leader has provoked firm vaccines are derived from animal defence system,” he said. an outcry by urging British Muslims and human products. “Many vaccines, especially those not to vaccinate their children against There is already evidence of lower given to children, are full of haram diseases such as measles, mumps and than average vaccination rates in Mus- substances — human parts, gelatine rubella because it is “un-Islamic”. lim areas, reducing the prospect of the from pork, alcohol, animal/monkey Dr Abdul Majid Katme, head of the “herd immunity” needed to curb infec- parts, all coming from the West who do Islamic Medical Association, is telling tious diseases such as measles, mumps not have knowledge of halal or haram. Muslims that almost all vaccines con- and rubella. It is forbidden in Islam to have any of tain products derived from animal and Katme’s appeal reflects a global these haram substances in our bodies.” human tissue, which make them movement by some hardline Islamic Katme singled out vaccines such as “haram”, or unlawful for Muslims to leaders who are telling followers tore- MMR as ones to avoid, despite doctors take. fuse vaccines from the West. saying that they are essential to keep a Islam permits only the consumption In Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan baby healthy. Others included those for of halal products, where the animal has and parts of India, Muslims have re- diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis had its throat cut and bled to death fused to be immunised against polio and meningitis. while God’s name is invoked. after being told that the vaccines con- Dr Shuja Shafi, a spokesman for the Islam also forbids the eating of any tain products that the West has deliber- health and medical committee of the pig meat, which Katme says is another ately added to make the recipients in- Muslim Council of Britain, said: “In reason why vaccines should be fertile. terms of ingredients in vaccines, there avoided, as some contain or have been Katme said he was bringing the are so many things that are probably made using pork-based gelatine. message to Britain after analysing the haram, but in the absence of an alterna- His warning has been criticised by products used for the manufacture of tive we are allowed to take it for the the Department of Health and the Brit- the vaccines. He claimed that Muslims sake of our health.” ish Medical Association, who said must allow their children to develop Katme risked increasing infections their own immune system naturally * The Sunday Times – January 28, 2007 ranging from flu and measles to polio rather than rely on vaccines.

Egypt's top cleric rules Islam bars women from presidency

Islam bars women from be- "Women can stand as candidates for parliament or the coming head of state, Egypt's consultative council, in so far as they can reconcile their top Muslim cleric or mufti, duties with the rights that their husbands and children Sheikh Ali Gomaa, ruled in have over them. an official fatwa or religious edict published. " But the mufti said that women's conduct of their politi- cal rights must not infringe "the ethical laws of Islam" "Under Islamic sharia and that they should not therefore "take off the head- (religious law), a woman can- scarf, deck themselves in fine clothes or be alone with not be head of state because it is one of the duties of the men who are not their husbands or close relatives. position to lead Muslims in prayer and that role can only be carried out by men," said the fatwa carried by " Egypt was the first Arab country to give women the leading state daily Al-Ahram. franchise in 1956. But in a country where the Muslim Brotherhood is the main opposition group, social pres- "If by political rights, we mean the right to vote, stand sures still limit women's political role as candidate or assume public office, then the sharia has no objection to women enjoying them, but a woman can- AFP - January 27, 2007: not serve as head of state.

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