JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY VOLUME 30 EDITED BY M. A. HOSKIN SCIENCE HISTORY PUBLICATIONS LTD 1999 Editor: M. A. HOSKIN, Churchill College, Cambridge, England, CB3 0DS (phone: 01223-840284; fax: 01223-565532; e-mail:
[email protected]) Associate Editor and Reviews Editor: OWEN GINGERICH, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Associate Editor: J. A. BENNETT (Oxford) Associate Editor of Archaeoastronomy Supplement: C. L. N. RUGGLES, School of Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester, Leicester, England, LEl 7RH Advisory Editors: DAVID H. DEVORKIN (National Air and Space Museum, Wash- ington), STEPHEN J. DICK (U.S. Naval Observatory), JERZY DOBRZYCKI (Polish Academy of Sciences), DOUGLAS C. HEGGIE (Edinburgh), DAVID A. KING (Frankfurt), JOHN LANKFORD (Kansas State), G. E. R. LLOYD (Cambridge), RAYMOND MERCIER, J. D. NORTH (Groningen), DAV I D PINGREE (Brown), C. L. N. RUGGLES (Leicester), F. RICHARD STEPHENSON (Durham), NOEL M. SWERDLOW (Chicago), ALBERT VAN HELDEN (Rice) Publisher: SCIENCE HISTORY PUBLICATIONS LTD, 16 Rutherford Road, Cambridge, England, CB2 2HH (phone: 01223-565532; fax: 01223-565532; e-mail:
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