The Special Operations Forces Nutrition Guide
The Special Operations Forces Nutrition Guide Patricia A. Deuster, PhD, MPH, CNS Teresa Kemmer, PhD, RD Lori Tubbs, MS, RD Stacey Zeno, MS Christiane Minnick, M.Ac i Acknowledgements Many people have contributed to this revised guide, and it is dif- ficult to list all those who have made small contributions. However, we must acknowledge those who have made major contributions. First, we thank LtCol Charity Thomasos, RD, USAF for her comments and sugges- tions on multiple chapters and her efforts on chapters 11 and 12. We thank our primary points for contact at the SOF Commands who arranged and coordinated our site visits, to include LCDR David C. Krulak, MC from MARSOC, MAJ(P) Anthony Littrell, MC, USA from USASOC, LTC Robert Lutz, MC, USA from JSOC, MAJ Keith E. Schlechte, MC, USAF from AFSOC, and CDR Lanny Boswell, MSC, USN from NAVSOC. We offer a very special thanks to LCDR Jim Mucciarone, MC, UMO/DMO, Senior Medical Officer for Naval Special Warfare, who provided invaluable feedback on the chapters. We recognize MAJ Dirk Geers, Special Operations and Personnel Recovery Office in Belgium, who used the previous Navy SEAL Guide and posed many questions before the new guide was begun and provided excel- lent comments based on his use of the information for deployments. We also thank CAPT Roger Herbert, Commander of NSW Training who spent time discussing the importance of nutrition to BUD/S training. Ms. Jennifer Davis is recognized and thanked for her dedication to the Excel spreadsheets that were developed specifically for this effort—she did a wonderful job.
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