46 • RISE AGAIN Clockwise from Up- Per Left: Jim Aitchson, Helen Macdonald, Alexa Mcdonough, John Holm, Darrell Dexter, Mauree
46 • RISE AGAIN Clockwise from up- per left: Jim Aitchson, Helen MacDonald, Alexa McDonough, John Holm, Darrell Dexter, Maureen MacDonald, Robert Ch- isholm, Jeremy Akerman. PART II: LIFE IN OPPOSITION 3 Seems Like Old Times n the caucus meeting room hang photos of all of the provincial leaders, going back to Micki MacDonald in 1953. Then there is Jim Aitchison in 1962, Jeremy Akerman in 1968, Buddy MacEachern in 1980, Alexa McDonough in 1980, John Holm in 1994, Robert Chisholm in 1996, Helen MacDonald in 2000, and then Darrell Dexter in 2001. It has been a long run. While my focus here is on the period I know best, i.e., since 1998, the electoral leap forward that year came with specific Gauche caviar - antecedents, decades of hard work, and many struggles. - is the French phrase; in English, it is “champagne social ist.” The Americans have “limousine liberal.” In other countries and lan guages there are equivalent terms. To some extent it implies hypocrisy, Ithough not always. What it points to is a well-recognized phenomenon that those with ample education are often likely to favour an egalitarian and comfort in the status quo - society, even when they benefit themselves from positions of advantage - . There has always been something of a divi - sion inside the party in Nova Scotia between the university-based mem bership and the mostly Cape Breton working-class unionized member ship. This certainly has evolved over the years, but for a long time was a fact of life for the dynamics of the party. Nor is it confined to Nova Scotia.
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