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tk ~2.JQi!..r.e~ ~eAiClooJC!)..,~d ~wCl6~F"'li9r1~ rL0rpd~Ci3 q;jJ;~ c:;;:lq;jDrI~ ec::SJc:...,d5trl.w ~~o e~5.)JrI~ U\)e;joo~5_.,e;:)~rI~ccdJ eb~~'Oll'\t3.

5ctt3 e;,Q.. OOJc::S ":'2jj'Olli ltJ. w. '5'1)~.),)~~ 5... Al ~!lcd~~6(;)~o:l:> ~9"nd o;:$:>J,,:)t:tJcp d::> ~on~Ji)d.:I-560 024 WolM &~... 13 ~~~tPQ ."I;io;)::> .100;) ~ot5i)~6d::> ~~~ojJmJ~ i::r~e~"iL)~ ~~~~~~ t..~o.)EE3

<:!;t.3 ;tj~t» 3o;i)Q,) r.,~cJ

2 18 em:!_, en r; em~en~ 3 27 candatus caudatus 7 4 Amsactor Amsactar

15 33 ~o;;!oJii:li!! ~;:;l... ii:l::V ~l!b;::j 1113 ~~,);::j /l1rjGi 17 4 a 28 15 curuma curcuma 32 30 Lab-lab puspurcus Lab-lab puspurcus 34 26 Ecologicalniche Ecological niche

42 19 &o:l:lo::l,);)if. t.oo:l~o:lJ: if. 45 2 de ii:lF"13 i! deo::!F"13 i!!r.Jd& 45 19 s aggers staggers

48 14 ~ii:l",ritJ~ ~~",t'OltJ~

4H 30 c::!Ofid71fD1 ;3;)o~5~71Q tJr;15 O:;Oud71fDl/ ~o~I!~71fDl r.:fDlif

96 9 o:l~OQ Wi)eJJ o:l~dd Wi)eJ,) lOS 8 I'QGe;pl) 0"e. I'Ql3fijli)O"e, ~o:lF"(5ri ~~~ A

Abatement 5'Ci~;;)o:j~rl\)~8, ~lZ\)rn~8 Aberrant eo::litlO:!l Aberration eo::l;!:jo£'O) Abiotic e~t.I~5 Abiotic environment ~&!t.Iq:)~ edO~d Abnormal ~:tstlcOl~~5, e;!;i~~C;;6 2..:C~, ~..Rt5;;) , ~;;;d\l~ ~~fj;;) Abort Q Abrasive ~~F"5 Abrus precatorius roe.niota Abscission ~~O~ Abscission layer e:~~~ o::lod Abscission of spikelet e~o;;) ~,fc)~,fc)oza~ ~~O~ eo::i ~ :!l~£'O)F" __ -1 Absolute w ,~ '. ~Wte) Absolute accuracy O!lO~£'O)F" Niitlvt)et~ Absolute growth rate No~e a ~fjQ;:;~ii' ~e i1 Absolute juice No<:e::~OtJ ditl, No~ea ditl Absolute water requirement No~e ~ NeO;;) eli~6 ~ Absorbance &eO\l~ n,)£'O) Absorbed water &~08o:jJC:o Neoo Ab~orbent &eO,)5 Absorption &eo\)~6 Absorption coefficient &eOd rl;;)~ Absorption loss &eOi! C:::~W Absorption radiation &e O~ q:)!O£'O) A'bullock work unit t..,cd;;) ~~~ 5CloiJF"0jY~5 ~Ii ej Acacia catechu {\ Acaricide ~,)~Cir.)i!J5 Accelerated erosion ~~~,fc)e;!~v~F"1i,fc)~.!Jcl '6..Rztt"$ Accelerator ~e~e:!lv~n 2

Accentu ltion c3o:)~~~e,?;!j~,w~, ~~o;:!_)~Je)E;,'l;!j~.w:a Acceptability .!Jcl5"O"'i:6F'~ • .!J.,;je5;)o~ Accessory cell ;!;)a;woj;f5l ee('ej~Je)e~. e;,cSJOlIOl'l'el t3eO;:;5~('~ Accessory pigments t't;J5 o:::l~F~o::l,l)~;) Access road ~~~~ O;:!~liF' Accidental error e;,5.!Je,t1 d~e~ Acclimation a::~~~cS ~OO~ AcclimatIzation ~~~~cS:&..r ~~CO~~~~y.w~ Accretion ~clio:::le)0Q Accumulate ;!;)CZ5~~;!j~. ;tlo~&';!j~ Accumulated or cumulative infiltration Accuracy oj~~<:q:lFa. N~e)~~' ~td:5$ Acentric ~~OOjoj~e::;~d. ~oC6d&;3 &i~ ~o~ i~eo~o;:! ~e~ Achene 1.":1 Achras sapota t!'5~-o-' ;t,lo::l.F~ l:, Achyranthes aspera ero:5_" 0:;, ~ Acid anhydride eo;:!~ ~(iJ.!d... "Fo;:!;tl~ Acid base catalysis e;,O;:!~cj..;a;)6o;:!~ ;;jelio::lQFcSt~~ Acid base pair e;,O;:!~e::l";~6~M ~,j,)~~ Acid base titration e;,o;:!~~~6c3~ O!l..;o:::l.j,;~ O;:!~e::lN eo;:!~ .wd;) 0 ~ e~ Acid electrolyte M 6CZM (, e;,o;i) ~ ~ t;T.);&,eOoj~ Acidfast bacteria M ql ,,'" e~ O:;;::d;Jli.:J.w5 Acid fermentation M Acid forming e;;j,,~,,~3;)o.Jd5 d;!jM2J!.J0 Acid humus ~~ OS~ O;:;J;lJ~ M " ~.w~ t10~~e3 Acidifying M ~;j~ o;me::li! Acidimeter M eo;:j:> li~ 2J.!Joj~~iJ'S Acid mine drainage M e~ o;:j:>(1 c;~ t3ejoj;);)e3 '5~11~~ Acidophiles (": ~ M Acid Acid scarification 3

~~ ~ro:l Acid soil "" til ~~~ oi:> Acidic M Acidity ~~~.., OJ\)$ Acorn moth ~56'~\)dt:! o:l:!on Acorus calamus tJ~ Acre .w~O Acre inch Q;)50-~On\)~ Acre inch of water .w5t3-~On\)~ N~d\l Acropetal ~Q~F"ilQr Actinomorphic ~~6;t;lil\)~~ Action potential toj~ ;!;W;;j\)~6r Action spectrum toj~~E'Olr e:l~e,) toj~~~~ C'QO e,)\) Activated carbon Q toj~~~~ !!~~ Activated sludge ::.J Activation o:lJ&!,r.,~ct3 Active ingredient ~oj~*E'OlF" ~J<:~o~, toj~~E'OlF" v;Y~e Acute ~~~ Acute and chronic ~~~ ~\)i!~ OeGjr.lFQjQe Acute deficiency ~~~8,r.,c~ Adaptability i:E~om~'8 Adaptation ~c:$v;t;ld!:"$, ~t,;I~C3'! Adaptive radiation ;t;looir.l~~i! ~!dE'Ol Additive silage i:Ezat, C;:;O d;::;~e~ Adduct e~5ili!F"E'Ol, ~~5.!!.1r;::;\) ~ M~eti Adiabatic cP til Adiantum candatus n~flE'Olr Adnate . t'o~l§,r.,o~ ~\'Ioj~~ Adopt ec:.:!v;t;lo;t;l\) Adoption behaviour t'c:.:!\);t;lCE'Ol ~~F"t3 18 ';ont,;lO flWrJQ::)~ tJc\)~ fit.)\) Adsali sugarcane M i.) Adsorption ej~~~e.tl ~\)odn~r.p8 Adult ilJ"t~.. ~oi:>;r:lv 4

Adulticide ~._.)~2Zec:)t\l" !$tI Advance curve (irrigation) ~~OJ ~5~ ~'t0~~ (~~O<>C:::O) ~lio~J'6 ~eOJ, ~'6:tJ zj~O;) Adventitious root e-'6 c::: ~O'6 :tJ ~ Adverse condition Il ~ al Aegle marmelos r!l~~t r!le;!;l;)m~ ~e~O:tJ~~~::l Aeolian or loess (wind) deposit r<: Aerate li.) ~o:!~ti::l ~~ ~o ~e:3o:!~'C5~c:)'8 Aeration ~ M C:::Jrn ~o ~oj ;3~cr!lt::i '6~~oliej;) Aeration porosity ~ M Aeration (storage) tj.)~~~~ ~ej::lnej~oiJC::: 05e:3 ~~,)'~;)o:l::l ~JO)oj;)~3 ,0 ~e~ ~~:tJi!~ejJ oj ~5

Agriculture !l,;~' 'Z.5emOO;), O::S£c::5;l;W~;) '6eJ&.l-te~~~~ Agroecology 5eJlw o:;lo;tJOl!I.l~ Agroclimatic regions tleJ&.l a3~c::5~~ c::5eJ~rle.;l;) Agroclimatology tit) &.l al~~~l!I.l~ Agro-industry 5eJl.l- ~Oll~ Agrology 5eJ&.l i!'J~~ Agrometstation fitJo!.l a3Wclc::5.E(S;ti-Rt! :&eodJ Agronomy de;l;W ~l!I.l ~ Agromyzid fly ~f'Jel-.)~;)", te~ c:SJelro Agro-silvi-pastoral system 5eJl.l ~droll a3;)~pTr.l~eJ;) iOd~! Agrotechnical 5eJl.l ~0-t5, ~e;l;W~J ~Oi5 A-horizon ~-e;:leJ~J Airborne disease Tr.l~m1'l;! dJelerl p.~~, ;tj;)cjJZj:LFdO e;:l;)~ ~OdJej Air capacity of soil _'-' Z) M raM a3~~ ~~ro Air channel Tr.l~ ~JeleJ~· Air-curing Ti~~/o:'Jd~JJ ~o~vo~ Air current Tid~ /a3'O~/"tJ~~ Air meter Wcl~;)~~.r.i05 Air picnometer Ti;;~3;)O~O O::i)~£11~ nd~~.r.i05 Air ~~.we~J ~;tillrleJ') Air space ~~,j,)~de!l Akhiochi soils e~~Jel~~d~£'QJ£IIrleJ,)(iO-.)o:'J'C)t:o;! eji)ro~rleJ;» Albuminous ~e~~t Alcohol ~dll;l;WO Alder fly ~~O6' cS~ro Aleurodis ~~ cS~·ro Aleurone layer ~eJJellldJele~ ~J~e~ iOoo Alfalfa 5,)d,)d~;tjCl~ ;t3.,r.)~oJ' 5,)d,)tS~,)o$ Alfalfa weevil 'd,)d,)d~,);l;W~ ~~')eJ') Alfisols tJ~dJrlOzj,) ~Jee3e.d~eJ~;) e;:l;)toocarleJ;) 6

Algae ~.:cj~ Algicide Q:J.,taN<:l!lt'i Alkaline E.Cloe~;) Alkaline soil ~'d e::);)t'O)t-. (7.0 i\O\5 eE;Jtl pH (a<'0) e::);)t'O);)C\)) Alkaloidal reagent ;!j;!j6aCl 'd ii!l._;.!.~})jJOi'ir.)dtl Alleviation e.'Uii!l!l~;)c::i. ~~~;) @JOi~;)O:::i§ Alley farming C:9c:.!''''~lle~6 r.5e;!:jCl~;) Allium cepa ~d;)~... Allium sativum (Garlic) ~fQ!;)... e;"" Alluvial plain ~~v~ ~;)elw Ameliorate ero3... e::);)n~r;.;!j~ Amel ioration ~e.)';;' ~~ ~j'il~6 ~~ot.;;tlCrn Amendments o:3v~C\) 2;l.r.;rj;)['9 ;!j;:;Q.,'d~rlfj:l (~'?.!.~-O

;!;l"c;:lroF"~t3 Amorphophallus campanulatus Q Ampeloeissus tomentosa i;.) ~ 0;,..; A Amsactor albistriga 'l!o~::!~ 50~~ a;:"e,;!" Anaerobic orgatlism ~c;:l1., t:lC:S5 ~t:'~~ A~~G:) Analgesic ~,,~~~f,?'eI. ~..JC)e~ GtlcWo)oe ~d ~ Analogous i!) G:)~ e~Nl Analysis M Anamorphous ~~ljh)t:'ro O.r.G:Jf)oi:to Anamirta cocculus ~ 5e3JOl O. 'De) -a~\JO) ~oJ~tt ;:Jl!i.) ej;iJ Anaphase ~ Cll Anatomy ecrlo~~~~~. t3e~oza~~;tJ" Androecium ~o~e;!;ld Angiosperm ~eje.li:t~et:l Angoumois grain moth ~~d eJ'\.Q~c:3J d::>oc Animal unit Q:r.)..;~ QjY~5 Anion :):Jroe:oj~C\i6'. ro"roG:)C\)6:!<).;j&eero Anise VOltZ" ~~ Anisogamete ~;!;l~~rt,_5 Annona squamosa ~e:!<) o;le.l Annual W

Anthesis ~Jd~d~ ir.)ooJO)1i;)~ ~03 Anthocephalus cadamba e~05d ~;)d, e~m~ Anthrax, Anthracnose c5d~dr.>~1i Antibiosis ~_;.!.~oj~ei5, ~.!.2Z~~ ero~oJi:lea Antibiotic Q!l'""~tetl~tl Anticoagulant Q!l.)! ~~oJir.)dtI Anti·friction C1:I.)'; o;l'~F"5 Antitranspiration ~.!. m~oJ~;tStSF"c5 Aphid, Aphis ~C~\) Aphis craccivora ~~t3 ~~~;) Apical dominance b~~F" Q!l,",,~c:l Apocarpous pistil ~~~a ~el!e;tSOdo1i Appendage e~\)2.)oQ Apple hawk moth ~{~~ ~ee ~~o1i Apple leaf roller :ilftJ;).wcl ~d;)~~de Application 1) e1:oo\), .2) ~tI;);J'8 Applied botany t'~tI ;tS;tSIl~~ Applied control ec:i~OO\)i5... ~~~~~ Appropriate technology ;tS"..,~ i!ClO~/~$ Aq uaculture tS~tIt)cl1.l Aquatic lDsect t::e.;~d-ae~ Aquatic plant uOeoo;) ;tS'~6 Aquatic root t::\~~~OJ Aquatic weed tSOeoo':) tie; Aqueous t::\e,)cj;) 00.:: Aquifer 2j:l,,'O)~o~1iri t::\~~~~o~lT.d, t::\~cjt)~ Aquiferous tSe)~oj;)tI Arable crop ~,,~~OO;) oir.l~~ t.el\,~ Arable farming ;!:J<::Kvc;:j~ ~~~,) Arable land e::l.,~;tj'i)00v ~~e1i6 2j:l~tJ.::, ~jt~~ ~e1i6~tJ~ Arachis hypogea ;t'J~o1i, t~1itZ~ 9

Arboriculture Arc Areca catechu e~'8 Areole ~~Oc~~1ie.-I ~~J~rn ~de~ Argemone mexicana (Dattu ra) d~~'Ci fiZ~~ ~J;'! i!!!J~ Arid o:::j·o;m.oo~ , '6- Arid climate ~,Jc:;lv ~~e::mCiS Aridity ~J~3 Arid land ~~ ~Q:J~~c:SJ Arid region t"rn cO....,t5e

Atmospheric pressure ~~C;::C:~ 2.,,~_.(j Atomizer sprayer ::bo~;)d~ cj~o~..; ,!voii1:i05 Attitude ii1:i..;o::leJ~_' Auger (soil) c:3e.l~dCti ~ t:) t:l Augmentation tl Q etlo Augmentation cropping ~~,);::c ~~ o:::lQnl. ~{'m~ Australian lady bird beetle e~'oise~ojJ;:d ~~~ d;)c~, r\,)e.lrio~ a3;:.Ej~ Autocatalysis ~~ ojvo Q;$~rtJe)e;5,s. ~F"~ Autoclave 2.,,~~ t5~~, eroM;;)CljC)t Autolysis F!.i o:.;)ce;cj.)~, ;!;lo:icj.)ote~ ~ra ;t'j~oj.:;o ~\~Q6~e~ ~~ c:3 Auto-reseeding ",," ;.0 Autotroph ~~c..~ Auto trophic ;!;lc;j~{'~~ Auxanometer ;::SAl", d 2Z~~~t:c:l;)c:3~ ee:oj~~ o::ls-ii1:itl Auxins ;!;lAl" ii1:i_;t3..r.Jeddr;EjJ Available moisture e.l~6 ~eQ;J<) od Available· nitrogen ~2jl6 ;tj<)o~~tI Available uutrient ~~6 ~eol!5

B Bacterial stal W<.6t~eoj.J.) M~~~J'O)~:j..t.l\?1i Back radiation &.o~-ad~ Bad land tie,;l~ '4-'\r.l<:J;) ti~,c:3 ,!,J~ Bagasse c"'" ",; Bait station tse~Fti ts~dc::lN (:i;)c::l ~ f,.~ "I. '" Bajra ~~:; Balance Alc::l:l~,."<:WC::: Balanced fertilizer Balanced ration Ball bearing Balloon fly ero2J'L C;:..t.l r;: Band placement .e;l~ ,oj;:,!) co.lo;:).;::.i! '" M ....,.... e..v~-'.... -.!<~ .",-, ~ Band seed ing ,...;~ ~~C'J, c,.,.:~W~C'..J Banker tJc(:io::J.l f,.'1'i

Bast fibre z...e,;lMli~ ~dJ Bat fly U"o::~o ~.Rro Bauhinia acuminata t:~tlc~;)~e,;l, 2!(,o;::l.)o~o Beaded root e;:;;)E'J~O~O;$a5 ~~o;) Q3ro:l ~t3Joj ~O Bearing tree r; Bed Bed planting ~;;arie,;l~ Cir.l~C;;:JO:t3;)e:..=8 Bed rock ~9tJcti! Beef production t::l~d e;:l~c~e~oJo:5 Beetle ~~oJ -a~~, U~d;)ct$, d;)c~ Begonia e;,~&:J mJ "" Bermuda grass (bahama grass)

Berry t!C6m~J[';) Berseem tJ'!')no Beta vulgaris ~etJ6'O~~6" Betelnut (Arecanut) ~~6 BetelviDc bug ~ef,,~d~ tJ~oJ ~iiro$ B-horizon t!l-oje,)~ Biennial r:S.;jel~~F5 Bihar hairy caterpillar ~.Ree~i)9,::, =5~oJ~ej tiCt.l~i:t\)9i) t:l ~ b F=5 ~=5;:tj., oj;) a Bilateral monopoly ~.z .;l;!l Bilocule 0.;j'5i)a50 Bimodal pattern o.;j~~ ~~t:lO Bin tir'O)~. ~JO)tJeJ Binder ~\~ ~~... C,!,) ~oa'iH·3i:leJoj ~i)o-t Binding site tJotel'd ~..)~eo Binomial nomenclature 13

Bioassay '$.,... ~-e ~O~ <~.. Biochem ical ~~o::ldNeloj~C:Jtf Bioclimatics ~oJ,w! a5c:J.) o::SJ<:C::

Bioconversion ~~c:s Alod5~w. Bioenergy ree)~-e 1!3t re ..w! 11J

Biotechnology· ~~q;:i :5<)0~.. )~~ Biotic ~~~5 Biotic adaptation ~rJ.w5 ~Je)oOO)rn~ Biotic factor ~ol~'d ~'eJ5/~c'l$ Biotic potential ~rJ~5 N~~~F;5 Bird7 s eye spot O;:-o-v 5E'@~Ci! ~J~v Bird rearer ~';-6 ~dOJ ;thlQc::l e;l2)o:;:l;t;cp Bisexual ~ocn o 001'\ ::!1\~ Bisexual flower ~ '"'" OJ Bitter gourd m.,l"'1~ lr.)~ Bivoltine ~;::;lo;s~ Black alka) i 5~oJ~O Black band disease 5~oJ~~M~1i Black cotton soil ':;0 "tl~~\). '5~oJ ~..r.:~ Black gram eruoQc::l tjer,!! Black rot disease '5~GJ~..r.l~o~e1i Black scale 5~oJ i!l~v Bladed hal row ;$01"'1.) a::~\)~ Blanching 2!l~t&~..r.:ft;lJo,Je;:;ca ojJO)12J~~. OO).._;ojE'O) iZd~;) Blanket application C'Iltae 3r~)d ;j;:,e6 '!"c~O;¢)~6 Blast ~o-o-o,,"'eil Blastogenesis Ci!;:35['O) ero't~. ~~~5E'O) ~~~rl ~~~;j ~l2JQ:J~. tJt'@ ;!nC)j~Q;J'B Bleaching tI: Blend ~o.g, ~J.~;5~Ii;:~d;) Blind cultivation ~3.d~~ 5~N~t:'t'O) i;O)~Fu!Ol'lli (~~... ;:3 ;::;l,!., ~..r.:~~~ ~~ol 6.l~~~Jo,loj 5~ c:J~"\r.)Fe>C::oji)O~ ~oi."";)F~d~) Blister beetle ~..r.l2.'l~d;:,ot:l Blister mite ~~~~~J'!" Blood meal O'DOl.... WClO Blossom thrips ~;;'i.J~i)O~D fi:J.._;~..... (t.-odJ tJl'ioj~ d;::;l&>edJe::l -&e 'eJ) 15

~,,-;,~,~ Blotch <. Blown·out land rr.: ~~~ ~'-= ~oj~o 2;i.r.JQ;;,;) .... '''~, _,....; W oR-! Blue green algae tV, v wAJ"u;) <:Ie) we,) Blue leaf beetle ~et!) iJOo,:::c2!l BI ue leaf hopper C:-J~ID i;)O ef'l05.)Q') Blumea lacera DC IT.; CQC:D f'I~, ~c2;J.)-..;rs'l fl1Z Blue beetle ~ee:l'2.do7JoJ~ d;)c~ tv'"Cl71' e:S.J£'O).) Bog soil rg Boll worm. Pod borer tROlJ ~,JOJO~ ~O~2...).. i;)~o:Zi 0:3;)0, ~Ole,) Bombax malabaricum :;:o;:.ri. e,0 Bombyxmori &~.._;~eo~ Oe~05;);l.::: Bonded labour ~eid t5\,'1.::: Bone manure o:3.Ml~~7tR2...)w 0 Bone-meal :o::i;),,';)fj~~ e~o ~i:JF'5 ~ 0:.);:.i0 30-(.::: .... 03r 6' ""...I ~~.'i Bonus crop • .._; [) ... '--' ...., eo.J",,~,WT Boom sprayer ~av <:ilF' ,!,)o~oe Boot stage ~,JOJ~2.)o;:.o;:; c:J;).Jc..a~ ;::J;::Ji>~ ~~EjcjMJ1 i:5c3 Borax ~""eth)oe... e,)~E'@ Border 2JQ, dc~, cod;) ec:j~~~, ~e~ l2...)o.)te~ Border crop • Border irrigation t'o~.::: ~eOOl0:30 Border row eo~.:::me,).J Border strip ~o~"c:l~w Border strip irrigation eo~.);;;:;~ ~~OOle$O 'Z.l!~1"i<:(!)~O ~~3.)cj ~~OCl~O 2...)3 Boro paddy (rice) M ;JI Botanical pesticide ~;tJi>0:3Me,) c!tletic:s<:l~e BottJe·gourd ~~tj~~,) Boulder t..o~:l~~p Bouyoucos 2J

Bracteole Bran Brassica crops Brassica juncea Brassica oleracea .:>~g-r.>~~;) Bread fruit o,l~o ~~;!:l.). t:3J;)~eJ~m~ Breakthrough ';C~~ Breathing roots em'!': i:T.lttJ~ ~~CiJ1i\{;) Breeder's seed ;;~ ~~e;:lf)tJQ ~2:;$. 3'O'mcc ~~~ Bristled ears 'l!lo;)m~ ~~r)~;) Bristly hair ~d;:)1'I.R~O;:) Brittle ~d;:)o Brix t:l,.. }i~ ;!;)'Bvd e.O"",e:mro Brix hydrometer ~"",~Ci~ e;:l~QU5 Broad based terra:=e 8:i~e,,)~~d 2:;$1i~ Broad bed & furro w e1ie,,)e;:l,J~-~e,,);) G:l~ ';(~~F;!J<)e.,~ ~r9 ~~oj;) ~~~q;Srn:('O) c:ld .:.) ~ M Q Broadcasting ~dt5,J t:3~mojiJ (5f)~ c:105dl'iejc:d;)~ 2:;$ci:JJe~~~ ~ota ~dt:t-~t§) Broad leaf .~I'ie3~ (t:l,zd~ ~;t;l6 ~d1'l\{oG3. 1'IO~~~d ;t;l;rJ61'1eo1iJ) Bromelia ananus ~CJ.)~Af. e:t~~eJ6' Brown hay ~~./'1 z.,('O)f\~d ~J~p Brown soils 'BcdJ ~J('O);) n\{J ~ Bruf::hus O.;jde.;! ~~6d a~w Bruise BryophyUum pinnatum ~('O)n.:e2:;$ ;rJ;t;l Bryophyte G Buck wheat t.l56'~~~ Bud 5roJ~. ~~1'1~ (~Ji) t31'i;)CJ) 5roJ w"5iJ~8 Budding ta Budgl afting 5~ ~~ ~~ti;:)8:i=8 Buffer stock 17

i;<)~;5t8 o::le3 ~~ ~f,,~oj,J.):JiJ Buffer strip cropping eo ~od, 7l~ • e>!b~ Bulb ~ e;.~N 7112 t5f,,~nt,;l.) Bulb crops ~ Bullock drawn . cW~-~O~ Buncby top ~J'e)C~ex; oe!OO;) ~.)t::l tJC.), ~ta,) Bund ~ Bund-former tJo.)'ifCld'el Bunding tJO,)N~F"ro Bunga tJond~~n Bunker silo 05ii~~ Bunt tJO~M~n Burrowing activities ;!"",~r:5.)~ ~~~~iJnt,;l.) By-bot gas ~,!,J ~Ne> ~~i) By-pass canal ~'5'il~~ By-product ero~ ero:!c:.I ~'" c Caducous· ~~ eroOi)d.:lC:S Calamity :J~;!~ ;!;l,l£'O) OOi)i)~ Calcareous til

Calcipbyte ';!;li)m<>til i!3e ~,....'" -r.';!;l 6 Calender of operations 5e).!!.l ~oj~~dA O~t50 Calibration t~o5 NroF"oji) Calyx ~o:tirr.lt Cambium ~ljJF"~ ;!;l.... d Camellia sinensis ~~ w~, t5wil~~c:.I Campanulate no~~d Canal Ir.)~~. ~e3 Canal irrigation '5'O:e>.)oj-NetTela;::!o rz<)eJt.)oiJ. Sle>~.::l3 Canarium strictum a Cane sugar ;Jt'ifJ'e)../~ ~ Cannabis sativa 1IcJO~ 18

Canning ct~w~tld~ Canopy ~tWo>~2fld;i. cj,)e~~~cJd. oj.)~~~ e;,o;:ldrn Canvas dam Cc>l!)cveQ;J.);!;jE' ~~d,) Noj;)O~~ ;5d~z;lc;:! Canyon tlo;:l.:;O, <;6e,;!..... tlootl Capacity factor ;:;wo;:l;) til., F,!) o!l Capillary ~~eo;:l.)Cir.le,;!oj~;);5 Capillary conductivity ruec::l;)Cir.lQ ;tlo~mtl;; ~~~~ C::-~~e':l~ ~02J<)c3d Capillary fringe ow 0 Capillary porosity ru~o;:l.)(wf"i ;tl2.de,J~;; Capillary water ~~I'~NC)~ Ned,) Capital starved t.loc::iiW;'~ ~~d~oi) Capsule *t3t!~~. ~~~tI~~'5 CaralIia eco~Cir.)o\) rl'cZ Carathamus tinctorius tI~;!;l:l~ Carbohydrate !ltlrocitJ~,.... Carbonation toqom~~tlo~ Carbon cycle r:107'i

Cat-ion ;;l;:l:Jc:l,j6~cZ&e5rn. Qr;:! ~~~~,j Cattle d~5d,j Cattle fodder dr;:!li~ ~e~ Cattle grid c~li\'l 3z323~g!~eJ ~~')WCld\) ;=:.lQ;$\)& Cattle population iJ Cauliflower (s;l,Jd'!,Jde ~ Cave cricket $.r.lect::l ~~d\)Cz3 Ceiling Jaw c:Jojvo~..)rn 'a.l Qj~ Cell ,!JO)e~ Cell plasma l!.Jt)e~d.)~6 tJCQ3 ~rnv Cemented soil ra Centre of origin ~,j~&Jd/ojv.Jt)~d/~Ii~ ;!;k)Qlr;:! Centrifugal ~eoO

Chemical tT.lmQj;)(:J~ Chemical control c;)mQj~~~ NQj;)O~rn Chemical decomposition OCl~ClQj~~5 ~~~~ Chemical fallow ~t3t~:JcJ~Ji)~~Qj;:)~ OO>;!;j"Qj~(i)t1 5fJ i:tl~JO){'~ thImQj~(i)t1 ]1Ji)2.),O Chemical fertiJ izer AJ Chemical properties o<)N' Co.'! ~ r; Chick pea t!~. ~oJ5tte3, 5

Cicer arietinum 5t3e3, v3cv,<_ Cinchona ~A;~. ?Zoj~e:;li:E'

Clay mineral ~etM)N~ Clay pan t!{~dO Cleavage ~~~i), t..a5J Cleistogamic flower ~d~d c5.r.l Clean cultivation ~dQ ;tr.)r.~e;:l~(~Q6o~d ~~~~O:-\jOt:$ e;,~~{\ 5~5;tj ~ttd) Climate ~~1iv£'O), a5~~~~ Climatic index a5jj;J.)e;:l~c::l ;tj.r.l~5 Climatology Wjj;J.)~~~~ Climber c52,l)r.l tJ~", ~t!d~tJ~o,l Clinging root !o~~~\!~ocZ\) ~~~e;:l ~~OJ, ~tZd~d~d\j Clinical taa~N~e.5 Clod ~£'O)\jC; ~C~ Clod crusher c::l6li9i) Coarse texture t..dUl ~d~~ Coastal alluvium c::lOe~~od ~5ve,)i) Coastal tracks o!ed Ql:!..,)dN!lli~\) Coated e:5ell:5 d;tj~tJr.l tSli~\) Coaxial ~ir.la5 Cobworm ~~i)~\) Cocoon ~e~e.M~ Cockcbaffer beetle "i):g6'~apce d\)o~ Cocking ;;3\)t3a:wff;:;~ Cocos nucifera ~oro 22

Codiacum veriegatium I!JOlJe ~N6' Co-efficient of variation ~6i!2z\;!;)rj rn~o~ Coffea arabica ~~ Cohesion ;!;)O;!;)t$ Cold hardiness ~(3e:lod nGMlliJc:J'8 CoJd store ~"3;!;)CQ;~ Cold test ~~~C) o:::lDe g_ (~~~'! N<>~~lP,}" 50~\) ~~~~~ QljO~ a) Cold wave ~e~ml\? Coleoptera te~dvo~ o:3l'1F'. ~JO)l!)oj~.$J~d Coleoptile ~~;:;:.~o~. ~e;~~o~ Collar ~JO)dt,;! ~li ;!;)~C>'J<)~..,F" ~"!'~~oj\)li~\) Collateral hosts Co> Collation t~t.lq, ~~ec5~ Colloid i1e':~c::l~lPF' Colloidal behaviour ~I!)~ ~3F'c;) Colloidal clay 50!!) re~~ Colocasia ~;!;)~ Colorimeter tJE'Ol~(j "!'e~ao:l;;c::", ~cd\)\)~ o:l:Jc~J' ~~F"~~o:::l~ c:3~tZ ~.;;;m E'Qz:j r::~ Colossal Joss .;0'-" OJ Columnar ~o~~d Combined tilJage ;!;jo~~~~i$ erorj.:~.:; -zj~ '!JOl~~ 'Il ~ Cembine harvester- M~ thresher t!.r.:5,. ~~ooj:Jo~ Command area F.I~O

Common vetch U';I ~NII' ~tsII', i5~ Community contact ,;lo:;:)~~oj;) ,;loe:::li5F" Community ,;lo:;:)~C;:ojJ development worker Q;:)U';I~ 'B

Competitive enterprises ,;loc::l~,,~e; ilu*e~ eroo6e;5,)1ie.;l,) Complementary enterprises ;:je~o~ eroO;!jii:Ji'iVil Complete parasite ~('O)F" ~~o=e;c~ Compliance ~~;),;lcr:$ Component crops ~a$ ~9i'iVil Compositae ~o6~£'O)F" ~ot Composition ~o~~e~c:3 Composite sample ,;lCoj~5... O:;:)~OD iSf,{3tl,r.,~tJ0' 'B

Consumer goods IT'~~tI ~d5;)1i;li) ~onsumption 1) 2Jtl'8, 2) 7"ifl..;'Zz;:3 Consumption loan 2J9~ N.)e:i Consumptive irrigation requirement ~;!;iei2J9~ C\l~O

Contamination ~Oc::l;:;, ~\:~~otl,jii~',jI.:l\; Q:)i! Contingency cropping eo::Je:icr:Jd/e;;cj,jct-.or.tI tjej z.~fj~,jW~ Continuity equation e~ttc::lol. ~~tldE'Ol Continuous cropping ;::i3Z tje.'l C";(t3.)Q:)i! Con tour ;::ie;:),)Qlj

Conveyor ;::j.,f'I~~o;:j ~y~ Conveyance efficiency ;::J<:;~/'1-lc~O::c; Aiv~~elF" (c:J~c"o::lO) Co-operative better farming ~~o e,'U~~~ z:.::~;:;J<)a:lJ Co-operative farming ~iZ~O ~~mCJJ Co-operative joint farming ;!;)r6'BVO ~C~ tj~N.l~:' Co-operative organisation ~1r.lO ~o~q., Co-operative tenant farming '1-l~ii'~O t.~r? ~eAi.,QjJ Co-ordination ~~C::S.;la:lJ ~cj;) ,0 c::.e C

Cost indices Cotton boll 05~.... 1r.l~ Cotton ginning w~~o'O z:J~2;;;$ 371a:lJJ~J Cotyledon e05Jd 09, ~et::,oEJ Cover crop ~"r..o~ ~~ ~c::;O;:t ~~llt. ~~. o-Reli Covered smut cereal disease <) Cowpea ee>~ot::: Crab caterpillar ~ jj02.J~alJf,,~J 26

Crane ~d ~~~ii3 oj;)O~..) Credit ~~. ~~~ Credit worthiness AA)~' ~~Fa Creeper 2.)~<) Cribwork ~'i.:~t:k~W~, U:;05WlJ Cricket tdO;:;;)e,cta ~cOrl eo~d Critical difference Q Critical period (water) ~co1 e;,e:lt;; (NtC

Crop residue zj~ ~"\)~i! ~H:;jdLj:lF" (i!~oj~oc:$o~d ~~vd~ ~'\)~oj;:);:)e:S C\lctl~oo;:);:)'t d;:;J~) Crop residue management ~ej ero~'6 ~t:J"Lj:lF'Ii~ c:J~F'03~ Cropping system ~ej O!ld ..; Cropping scheme ~ej ~~o:b:l';:'~ o~..r.;~~~ (lioc;;j~ ~~;:)qjomn)'" Crop resid ue ~ej eroe,(g Crop rotation ~e.' c:$.~)F"~,~ Crop sanitation e,.. "{J Crop season ero3.... ~;) ~fJ.:.~On ;!;)~5-" o;;~f)e:S.Je)c::i Crop technology r:se.' 3;'O";..ia~ ~ej ;!;)::O~ 3 Crop tolerance ("0 Crop water use efficiency cAd.;) ~~~ Ai"~ZPF"1I) Crop year ~ej qj;;;:F" Crop yield iudex ~ej ~~;:)~o ;!;).r.~'5 Cross fertilization c::jd c::jcdli;!;)c..l~F" ~t:3 2..~~~om.;:Ji! Cross inoculation w Cross pollination ~d/ec::i~ c::jcf)Ii;!;)c..l~F" Cross section et:3"" 5.r.OO~ Crow bar wOld, 1it3f)U Crown qj);:)a, ~;:):l5;:)~ Cr own-grafting ~..;.... 5~ ~Jd1:3:l.wi! Cruciferous ;:;w~cj /g..r.;~;!;);:) 1i;:)O~c::i t::l_)~edli~;:), '5J"'t;~~.,';,jw e~ 5~ (ilf)OJ Crude fibre ed 5~;' ;!;)Aif)dt;lc::i~ Crude protein ed ;!);)0'f) 1'l;!;):l, ~;);:)d;:)~diJ Crumple v Crumb structure e:S;);:)d.;)ir.>5e,) ..; ~5 ~=8 ~ii!l\ Crust "0' '!I ~wJ ~\~ dl!c~/1iiJo::l ~\.!1.l 1i~;:) Cryptogams __, w _,,- W ;!;);!;)II) Cucumber Ai~~~~iJ CucurbJt ~~5f)O:>iJ Ii~~ Cucurbita maxima 5;)O'-JfJ 28

Cultivar Cu 1t iva t ion ;I;;';)ri;:.ejQ • ~e;l;jdcj;) Cultivator 1) ~~mc3.J7ido. ~dii;:.ej~TidO. 2) ~dii;:.ejQ ~d~t:S Cultural control (pests) ·s.:~ta ;-J~r<:t(C) ~Olii;:.q;jf,( O::dQ.!ii~;:. Cultural practices ~Olri,)ejf,( a:::ld",.!iifo?') Culture ;l;;0l'5~ Culture treatment Culvert Cumin (Cuminum) cyminum ~~vn Cumulative run off ;OF"o:t oejQoj.,J~ i:5ud,JiE.r.~d - ?,;W;:., C\)~ucd a:::l Q3J"''£o) .., ~ Ci';)~, ~t,S.~. m~ Cumulus e.J t.a Cup-feed drill (')w,});:' c!.r. On Curative method ~.g;!<"J 5 o':Jl:jj~cd Curuma Tonga e;,O~~ Curing ~o~oe;!;bo':JiJ, ~o~vd~ e:;5'il~(')f,( , e: ~d(.)~ Cuscuta rejiexa 'r <) Cusec 5,r.,i,,;!3ce (2..cd;:. ~~o~rl 2..cdJ e....,6~'f6' e~oj.,Jc~ ~uojwvj C\)~Ocd ~~) Custard·apple ~e;:;d0j3~ Cuticle ~a:::lte;j;:'F", e;S;:.ee)o.ldd Cut off time (irrigation) t::;~dv¢CltJ~ N~~vj e:;ejQ (~~~e,tJ c:J~m;jeo:l.)~) Cut worm 5~_.O~;j ~~;) Cyclic ~teo:l~ Cyclone ~O.J7idQ Cyclonic storm e:;QjiF" teott;:;1.ho');;, ~OL:t"Tidf,(. 2Zd;:.ffi,~ Cymose type Qj,Jl:jjilI)002tl <:5.r.~.r.or.ae)~ Cyst ei:lr.a iJ.r.e;!$, ~'!iJ.r.ez! Cytokinin ~.r.e;;o':J~z;;;cd!idoe ;j;fj,)_., Cytology ~.r.e!S~~ Cytophagy ~~e!S ~!~ 29

~ ... ~~d ,~_, zt(~d ~_ Cytoplasm ....., :;.. J t. Cytotaxonomy ~~e~ qj(\F'e~drs~~

D Dairy iio.lNdT'i'dO Dairy farming ~.~mOg " Dam e~5~::>.... Damage a:iClN Damping off Damsel bug Dapog method 13;:j,~(~ o:lQ";)C: Date palm ~~""F'O Daughter-sucker ~,)050d::> Day cusec t:!:,_C:.~ e.... ~::.'l~ (24 ilc~liej~ ffiooo,J:)e::!

c.;~uc,; ;;;;:;.._. ~Rro: - 5$tJ _~~li9G) M Day length Dead furrow ~).;zm~.) Dead-heart ;tJ::>~ Cj'd~ 'WEOlrl;)o:l~ Dead soil ~)eJ ~el)EOl~ Dead-wood elJe)&mo.) vj ),J~'OI!).) li.)i: Debris <~ el.)ti c.Jo~ COl ~.c:J.)o o"z&r.F~e~6' M.'~Oi~ De calcification C': ::,.. ,...~ Deciduous Q;)doo.J::>d.)e;Q~ Decompose ti~c:l.)~d.), ~otHJ;!:j~d), o:l'Z;J~~d.) Decomposed rock wo;HJi5 eJct:$ Decomposition ~otH.3r3, 6~oj,J.JC:Ji3, w~~ Decorticator .lJc:3c.) ;!:j.)Ooo.)vj mQ~ Decumbent $~ ~~~" &J';)l'Id, iS~ ~~g,s. 2.>01'10 Deep percolation loss t:;~-~e~vj~Ood e;,9g,s. (:Jed::> ~~li:)o~dOot::i'drl.)~ til~oJ Deep placement C,:59i311' ~{'~~ e;,f,;! ;:.t)EOlJ Deep sOIl rz 30

Deep-Tooted Deep ti Ilage Deep water rice ~9 N~U~ ~~o:b~q;j ~~..... (51 ~o.,::J~!'. ~oo 5. 6 c:J:>~. w3..J:O N03 N~O~~) De ferred grazing t;j:>:;oo..r.t2d ~~~;t:';)':5 Deficiency diseases t.,;.~;;;;e"c~ :&.r.o~ o.r.~1irlr.';~ Deflocculation ~.r. O;! ~~Al.J.w'8 Defoliation iJ~ ~d.Jd.J.:,5 e;,d~.N'iJd Deforestation :. Deformed Q;Jo.r.~~ Degenerated e!q;jc::'~;i.r.c~ bliJe,)~.r.to!.J ~'8, e;;:!c::,:) Degradation '\-- Degree day r,:t; WO!;i"r<;0zi e1i36;! ;:;!.r.te5 Dehiscent ~~c;:l .!J~. /~.r. ~, ~e;,OO.J;)w5 DehuIJing ... , '" Dehydration N::;::F' O~50~, ::;::~~~;s, ;Jet:3F'rt;s, t.,rnl'l;t:'v.w5 Delta ~o~ ~~~ ~.r. c:.'~ 2...oi::SJ ~9i1 e1i3 wo,);;:! N~d.J ~Ej Delta (water) G

Deltaic area o;:j,~:.; q;, ~'1.r.~-.- O!l;:; t:S~d Demand t.S~~~ Demonstration ~~;!~~;a Demucilaging ~..r.: ~ ~cjJ<'riodJ.w~ Denitrification N'OlOC;Jc:$5 et;;s Dense growing d~cJi;);:;1'I t.S~oj.J,)ii:5 Density N;)O~~ .w'OlOojJ

Deployment ~rodQ N,,~~cd e1i~N"Oi1 i;Eo~~'~~ , e2tl;Jo;S.r.~~c:3 Deposit iJ~~o~ Depot '8~~i:) Depth of irrigation N~(i,,;:10 ~eJ 31

Depletion Depreciation zri.J Depression . II Desalination ::J~F~~1:50rc Desert ~.)O.J~J!.w~ Desert locust (j.)O,)Zj:l":;~') ~,)r.::l;S Desiccation 'Z."rsrl~,)o:.t' Desiccator ,,",rsn~ 00,)03.... Desilting u:;~~,)~ncJ')')o:J~, 2..,0~ an~,)':'5 Desuckering (tobacco) <:3~I:~.)ri~c:i:l~. aflc::;~o:.5 0 -') ... .,...... '-' ~,... ..J-' -.~" ...... ~ .... -'",0"'''' ~~,,-,- ... ~~ D e t asse 1Ing w ",.-v",r:J~j """ .. ,,"'W W'O'I.NJ ,",N r:J"":""~ ... , IW""""c.JO" Deterrant eCj:l'5O;;;F"~. o:'~7i.~,);..~ Detoxification Detritus Developmental process Devitalismg process Dew Dew point Dbaincha (Sesbania cannabina) Y,;ct: w_~0i;35~;::jOo w_;::joO;:"'5~;::jd DJade1pbous stamen ._ w Diamond back moth ~~;'(jN.... c:3 o;;:j$cT'i Diapause ~iI~~o:;;w "1..J:./rJ'"Jt:.; Dibbler 1"i,)1,(O.£J Dicotyledons CJ.:;cj~ Q;)cj::, ~~.;rifJ~ Die back z;)W c..,rsri,)~t::l,) Diffuse o:J;!;lDZ Diffusion resistance Digging eticjJJ~o,) Dihybrid D.z;!;lo50 Dilute O,)2.)F"~ Dimension e~~ Dimorphism Q


Discolouration ~rsl~ rt~~w5 Disc plough ~;;::; c::S~j)~~, ~~.,;c:3alC;) "d -;:1.<"1 ~"",,"" •• .....: • .,""...1..) - ~. -' .....: .... or. .!.,..;" D ISC TI ger ~~",;N\II""''''

Drying t.~ 1\;=;l~c:Ji! Duck-foot harrow t:Ol2!;)i!~e~ OOlO~ c3e1\~~ ~:l~~O{"$ Dune l'l ~ Dung ;=;lK~ Dust Q~fJ:l, ~~ Dust mulch ~~~~05 Duster ~fJ5, ~fJ~. ~oe::l~e Duty (water) t!~o~ (~fJ e;,~ooj~~ 5~~~g6' C:)~O~od C\l~mjijD~":'OlZ B.e~) Dwarfing gene e:ltiJf'I~C6 5"d5 ~O~G:lOl&. Dwarf virus IilZ... c:$o~~1i l\~ Meo;:s~ Dwarf wheat variety Q

E Ear cutting or climbing worm $~ 5'3-" -C;'!bqj i:EjfJ~ Ear emergence ;s~ ~~tkz;)c:Ji! Earhead bug ~c3 ~1i~ Earhead midge ~c3 ~;)~tI Early maturity !I~o;i'v t.lOo;i);)Q:Ji3 Early shoot borer ~e~~O'do~i!.r.:d~ Earthing-up ~.)~~rn e:>O~c:J~ c'::lO 03~~~. qj;,~ c:$ ~~.) Earth worm (" Ecdysis *O~t!ri! Ecesis ~~A: ~il~';)qjd~i!,; ~1\(\ iJ~fJ.)""wi! Bco-friendly farming e::lDA:d ~oc. el;o ~~~cj.) ~~Q;;) ~o~d A: f.,1 Ecologicalniche al Ecologically feasible crop ~O;t;ld ~5i. ~9

Ecology ~O;t;ldl!i"::S~ Economic importance e:5tpF''6 c:I~~~2)'; Economic survey e;,~F'5 ::Sc:J~~... JS

Economic yield ~~F"5 ~~~ijjO ('Z..Cz:j~ ~~6 ~~~e 'Z..OOJ C::),5;;::$~r3 o::i;~e~op' eJ\);:i"'oJO~~'ilO 'Z..~tJ 'Z..~ ~Al~~r3~ ~qJF"5~'il1l ~r.)ii::l~t~d,);j ~'illi) ii::lO~d d di'3 Ecosystem 6 (i) Ecotype ;::lO~d 2Jn Ectoparasite t;j'ilc;51l g::j~~e;::l~ec;:) dJr05 c:j Edaphic ra Edible oil ~06 ~de,) Eelworm ~e;,6' ~ej~ Effective irrigation t::iON'ild;)5'ilO NeO'OldD Effective t::iO~'ild;)n"'O 2Z~OJ ~~d (:5ej (~~F" ~~d ;::J;!;l.. ~;J ~';)~ e5d~~ d;)r05 Nod rooting depth " OJ 'It l";) 2,.)~~~e ;,~~ &.~O~..r.,ej~.., ,;j ~r05ra ~ e:!iej) Effervescence ~d~d Eff) orescence m.r.;jdej~;Ji! Egg plant (Brinjal) 2Jd~ n~ C::>d,)6C6' C::>!!..., eG:il Electrolyte 6 Element d~~e,) ;j~~ Elensine coracana O'il" Elevation 0;);3... 0 tf';t;l i~nej~. eJ\);3 G:il ;3t,tliej~ Elite varieties ~ 'Oe) iJ Ellipticle leaves ~ota'il5..,dd o;)~liej;:) Elytra 1it:3J~ c3g'Ct Embryo ~.r.J,_)'fQ Em bryoculture ~.r.J,_)~ N'il5~ Embryonic shoot ~.ttrno ;::l_;5'ilO~ Emerged weeds ~da3.r.:WJe.d 5~liej;:) Emergent plants Neoct.allc;3 ~J~d ~eJ~;j Ned;) ~~i"ej;:) Emulsion (5i)~~O~ 1ft)~d d,_)d Enation et\.Qz;!o;j F"dz;!F"c:j Enclosure 1) e;,dd~. 2) e;,t3~ Encrustation ~5,s t,td ~~IIIJC::>d 36

Endocarp e;,o~gcpe.>Q~-". t::l~~i5~~~d t.>9*d Endogenous e;,O~Z5,;)F"~. e;,o;SQ6'Z3d~eoj.) Endoparasite t,.,'_-!i::lCOl~e.>Ot::l

Endoplasm eO:!Q6'd";~6' t.>9d,.;dh Endosperm ~J"!)rn~'f)~~5. t::l~t3,;)O:!~';)N d Endospore e;,o:!Q6' t::l~~5rn Energy ~t. Energy farming ~otjS~i!lt,*d5 ~~ ~~i!JO)o::!.) (!>eotL t3~cmJd ~oQ~~~d<) '8 ~~~ N~~qj ;.j;.jdQS:JrJr.9 t5~~';)oj.» Enrichment ~~~QF"c:3. ~,;)~~i;';)O!l ~~O~tli5 Ensilage mrte~ ~.)~~ Enterprise erod6~:J Entomology (S~t3~~ Eotomopbagous ttl.)~!~ 6e~ Environment i::!o;.jd Enviornmental factors i::!OAlO~cm e;,o!ln9.) Enviornmental index i::!O~d ~.r.tj Environmental pollution i::!O~d qj~~~h~ Environmental resistance i::lO~Oeo::!.) i::!,.;':'d.r.eQsi! Epiblast ~.r.-~r'§';)~dF@d ~o*o Epicarp t::l~~~.r.e~d ii:.red~~d Epicotyl ~~~d9n9 ~.)~O~ ~,,'t;rn2tldn J!opidermis ~.redt5~JF" EpiJ!ynous ero~e:! ~t3.,~o::!.) Epilachna n.)e.>noES ~9.) Epipetalous i::!Od9 ~.aet!r$ e;,~\ ;.j;.j Epipbyte -oJ iI Epiphytic root e~oJt3em Equipment eroi::l5Orn Eradication N~.).re F'e.>c:3 Ergot 37

Erodibility ~"'~c;!1.3~ (:J~~~y5$ ~~.)~5F' Erosion ~;;$5t,;l, '8~'t31.3 ~ Erosion permitting crop '8~,t5:.: ~rt e;,~~'Oli!$:J~oj~;;$ t5" Erosion resistant crop i§~ta1.3~ (:Jd~~Q~ t5" Erosion, sheet w';)~ I!~ta1.3 r>$ Erosion, splash ~(3;3 1!~'t31.3 t"$ Erosivity ~,j'_'oj,j 'i!.r.ta1.3~ ~~,j~6F" Essential oil e;,n;36 ~tl eJ Esturine et,;l~ Etiolation ~t,;lt5,jrt~o~~:J'8, ~t!'8 Eugenia caryophyllata eJ~on Evaluation principle ~~e)6~J&;::jc:S ;3;!c:! Evaporation e:5:J~5drn. tJ'Ol~~5drn Evaporimeter ~c:>~~drn d~e Evapotranspi ration ~c:> l~atC:>~?t,F"c:S ~~;tjOl;3,J~ ;::jO~d d"d~ Evolutionary ecosystem "'" ., a> Excretion ~;lj6 C:>;Ij?t,F'c:3 Excretory pore :J;Ij~F'Nol doQ..., Exotic ~~d"(:Jod i5od,j ;::jfO!"~d. :Jd~!l i5t,;l ~...,~~~nood ~od f'QfO!,j~o, ;::jO~~';) Experimental yield ~ 6~cd ,nfO!O ~";!(lnfO! f'QeJ~~O d,j~ - "" iJ Experimentation ~...,~~n ;:jO~ S Exploitation ~~e~t"$ Export d~ Extension education :J;Ij_.oo !la~ Extension leader C:>;Ij...,tirn ~t:J.)fO!,j Extension worker ~;Ij...,drn 5~F"~;3F" Extensive deforesation !~;t e;,mocv'Oli!l. ;:jOCl~,;)~ o.±l ero~ i!nfO!,j Extreme temperatures • 1'0 38

Face value ~J~ ~e3. ~~.).ttd", ~d Factor ~~ff Fallow land ~~f,;I"'~~eJ ~.r.:Q:)", Fallow system ~'(j/'tJ~f,;I"''tJmQj ~d", ~ Fallow valley ~ef,;l"'~~eJ 5r9~ False smut ~.'!Jj;~~i1 d.r.: ~ ii Family 5J~"'02J Famine t.:d71~~, ti~.... cj;) Fan spray 'tJ~~~nO~~ .'!JO~~ Farm OjJ~o5'e.' &'mcj( Farm budgeting ~"o5'e e:5oj,)~,;oj,) ;!oj~O~ Farm enterprise OjJ'ilo5'~ erod:cj,) Farm forestry OjJ~oe e;,d~ . C!J.)~--, ~ 2.1 o;;i<' Farm house ~.r.:~wd gl",::3, ~.r.~d gl",;e Farming 5o.l.tl ~e;l;j'''oj.) Farming practice ~e~~odJ ~dQ.!. ~~~~oj", Q::ld ~ii~J Farming systems <;. Farm machinery ;;;~oS'o!::... oj,)o~.r..\.)eQ::l5drn Farm management <;i~05'e. (i)QjF"c3t"£ Farm planning <;i~oee. ~.r.:e~~ Farm pond <;l~O5'... ~.r.:o~ Farm receipts OJ:l~oeb e;,modJiifJJ Farm sector 5~~ ~?t1~rt. 5e)l.ldo71 Farm size &'~cj971.,;3\.), OjJi)oS'e. 7l~~ Farm yard manure 1!.r.:tJwi1 i1.JL2Je,: d Fatty acids '8.r.~zJ e;,~~iif,;l.) Feather mite iiO~b Feed ~ve~ Feeder road e..r.:m d~-, Feeding line Aldz.;OO)~", ;:mKF" /N~~ 39

Felling ;j~d 5~o':Jt! Fencing 2.5e e) w;)'e;~~t! ;tio~ Fennel t3.ro:t3c.a Fenugreek Fermentation ~d~rb~~ Fern ~e~l'It3 ~~ ,~",o!l ~;j~,d ;j~roJ~ Ferrugenous soil ;:.,; ... c;;. [-;: ;~o;;:iu~,)O d~rl..r.t.l,d ::r.~d '8 M 1.J "'1::1" oJ Fertile valley o;J~';j;:5~d 5rn~ vj,)~ c;l o;l~';ja.$ Fertility (soil) r; - Fertilization d~n~tJlJd ~~ddi! Fertilizer d~rt..r.t.lz.:d Fertilizer drill d;tin.r.t.lz.ld ~.r.:ort Fertilizer mixture d~n..r.~d ~~..;ro Fertilizer ratio o~n..r.tJw d a:j..;;j~ro d;tin.r.:t.l dd ~lia $ Fertilizer requirement tJ :5 Fibre mdv, aoa~ Fibroin d~~e, ~o~ Fibrous ~c;!')d..r.;rl, m~;j~~ ::to;!,)2.5~dv. ~02.5~dv Fibrous root M ~~'d.d,)o, d~;j '5 Ficus bengalensis tJ"-I Ficus carica ~o~d r-:;o~~~ OtJ ~ l'It3 Ficus elastica i.J Ficus pumila C'\io~~~ ~~~ Field application !~~-~c;l.;j~=e; ;tJ~;j~~F"6' ~~~, Q;)N~~1i ;tJ'C');j,)~"" efficiency ~ J ~r6 Field bean ~do Field capacity !~~ ;tJ.,d')~F"G Field crop ~.r.:e)d ~~ Field efficiency ~kdt'5Cl ! ~ ~ ;tJ'C');j,)~F"IS Field irrigation efficiency !~~-.I N~Ci)~e ;tJ'C');;j~~F"6 40

Field moisture deficiency ~~~ $~~ob~ ~oz Flat beaded borer t.et::loJ~3~ 5,.dti . Flat-land tjO!l<-l ~ ~.:; o::N Flatulence ~.r.:~..; ~"\)~2Jd, ef\J~D5 Flavouring agent ~::>l1cy'B;)d~ N~':; ~ 1'1 Flax or linseed el1~ t5t! W o')c'i! Flea beetle v Floating plants $e~.) ;!;l;!;l 119; " Floating weeds Flood c:::l,_;w"Cla:; Flood hazard O!l,_; e::l'Cla;! ~otJl·"s Flood irrigation w'Cl~.) N('u;)~D, c:::l...)~'Cl", N~u'ClQ;jO Flood resistant variety c:::l,_;~.,,~ No.r.:eQt! ;5~ Flora ;!;l~s.!::" ;!;l;!;le,Q;jl1r Floral induction ~~c:-j~do~t~.) 41

Floret Flour mite &.~J..., ,c3J~ Flowering season c;E~~~JQj 'O'Ole> Flower parasite Fluctuation wu;;a:. ~.!J d~ ""I"'{,..." T?c-' d~ 1Ir'._~"";''"' Flue.cured ~~~I""'J ,:"J; (.:::. ~4J:..C',J (u!Je7i~~~~) 5~,c::l o:: .... ~.::c~~\) Fluft w Flume V::~e.? ~DojJ:l~..;Cd~Qj t!Qj;,u Fodder ~~~~ Fodder crops w~ ~:J~J C:::;:J~c:J~ ~~rI\'J ~c; wCj";) :rl. 0:::3 ,wC\i";) ~ Foliage :;.. ._. :; Foliar application ~C;K~ ojJ~6 ~Jco:::drt FoJiar diagnosis Foliar nematode Follicle 't,-; ~;:.,~, 'O,)~O Food corporation of India t.;l'Old.b~C:J ev:;';)o ~rlijjJ t5w";)O y'Olc::i rleoiJ Food grains :- Food poisoning oi:i:.'Old wo;;)c:::i;JrlJw5 Food rationing 0;::';:;";)0 ~:j:Jc~~ e'Ol~J iiJQj eU5'OlO Food reserve ..... Foot and mouth disease ti'";)e.\j'W~~J ~~~r1, u'Ol~:J~:,'''~:J ~~c::l Foot rot or Bakanae Foot sprayer Forage crop, Forage edr;) Forage forestry O:::;J~~ e. mO=! Forage quality ~;"!;'wc::l i'iJ£'@ii;:bw,... Forced maturity tI

Formulation ;!;l .... ~jed~

Fortyfying r;::;-r;:~e.: 50l0~ it!ta~:::., ;t~il ~~'i':lF\C"~'::-1't'('" r. ... ~ Fossils ~"'~~f,(gli~~ Foundation seed d~.re~ 'Z!l~~ Foundation stock ;;b.re~ ~~OO Fowl pest (New castle disease) 5~5~,,~ ~~~ Frame ridger ~~~oottloOld~ Free ground water ~.::~'d.... ~~?Z~ Freezing point ;;:"N~5d£'O) ~ci:i~ Frequency e=~$F"(3 ;!;J~~~~0l" ~~~~.T'iZ5 O;S~, g:;d~~~.r.9 ~~ Friable '0 ~ ~- Friability ~~1i~5 Friction Frit fly Frond ~~"F"cli &~J, C'Q2J N Frost tJ Frost day &~d 0(3 Frost free season "- ~'::C:b'::5.... cEcT'iOl~~ Frost damage z...d'::Q~WClIi~ WOlN Frost injury ",d~WCWClIi~;j T'i0l~~

Fruit cracking :;:C~~~,', ~Cc;j.:::~3!, ~rn~rc: ~~~'8 Fruit cr"p remra ~ ~'" Fruit drop ~rn~ erod~U5 "'" re~Ol 1i~';:'5 Fruit setting ra z.:re,::;!~5 .::lG,;) O::.r.~d9~;j ~ ~Qi) ;!;l;!;l Full bloom ~ c.p::) Full ground cover ~rnF" ~.Jf) e;,Qje~ Fulgorid bug it!.Jf)"'~Qj i!1i~ FuJl scale pest management Fumigant QJ&v:le Fumigation QJL~~ Fumigatorium ~J&~~ :&JL~l'$ 43

Fungal disease bej~cy_; o~~li Fungi imperfecti ~~-:::rsr be)~OY..... ;7'\9;) Fungus bO~oy~ Furrow t.5~\?d;)N"~;) Furrow irrigation N~~;) N~O"~O Furrow-planting ~~~d;)N~~;) N;)~ Fusiform 5[JufJ""C'~d, 5c)dJd.r.~ Fuzz liJo:;:';)

G Gad flies ~.r.('92!1'I9;) Gall bladder .;,;3....o'8~~~ Gall fly tI {'$~.r. ('9 Gall mite 1'Ic~;)~;::2. Gall or silver shoot ~~ ~;:;:i<:::i~ e~~.:; O'Z.JJ~':; rs ~JJ1'I_ ~. 2;::Co::!.b Gamete ""- Gamopetalous flower AloojJJ'5....:d~d iE.;.~ Gamosepalous ;<;o~JJtI...: t::i~.}~;.:t Gangrene w~~Jrsq,. e01'lg,ooJ Garden agriculture ~,,3~~e.;. c:iJc:SojJ01'l~d ~.r.\?~1J.)D~ Garden chaffer niZ l:13...;i)~~ OO)O~/;rj;)y~ eroc.,"~ ~~ Garden crop :;) Gene c;io i!!lc:J.)&' Generas W"~1'I~J 3~\?OOJ i!!lJd $ Genetic purity Q Genetics ~",~~ Genetic variabiJity ;;", v;:!:l3il;:;;t;; Genomic clasificatioD v;:!oi!!lo;:l

Geomorphology ~..se;;l-=d.t&o::! dt5(ih)~'t)~ Geotropism 1i;)O')3't»)~~F-r~ ~ ,~O~ te~r3 OJ ~ Germ ec~,)d, ~..se ~'5 Germicide ~~'t)D5 Germinability ~..se9g Dt/;!:j't)~.)rpf Germination oj,:e rJQj;>v<:,=S 1iQ't)F';;ol~ eii:"JQ Gestation period c:> ;;olJ:Jc:3 tj Getting moving "< Ginning ojJo~tJod O:;~.... ~~~ ;!rtQj.).)C::=S Girth 'O''t)Ct50 ;;l.)3..o 9;!, i;'t)0I30 o::!oQ Gizzard o:::lAQj) o:ldlZ~~ ~t:$d, ·5;;l.)~~d Glabrous ~.r.ci:;~d, ~~;J~~d, ~~.)~ ~;;olJn;j &.;;ol.)1i~c:3 Glacial M Glacial-dri ft ;J~ liF'W mt\a GJeization n ~ ;;ol,)l'§'t) li.)w=s M ~ Global radiation 'l5Clrl.!.5 eJ6dm Glume ~.st'~cJ' ~t5E,) Glutinous c:;,o~li,jrn 'ZZrn~.;bt~;). N~;!:jE'~C~ Gneiss M Gobar gas plant ;;lrlrn eN~ ;!:j't) ;;old ~ Goitre ~"o~oj:l~ rtc~,j en..~;!. 1i~rlolZ Gossipium edrJ. <;6,;.... Graded bund c-q~,)5~ ~d.)' Grades and standards O~F' ~:>~ O::!,-,;jJdrn7i~,j Grading dt:!F'~'Cloo eJo7il3ti Grain Ghlc:$6' 5''Cl~.) 5''Cl~.) ~o Grain cleaner .;. 5 Grain drying 0" Q,j U'Q t\;;l,jQ;)i! Grain grader 5't)9') o~F'5"t)de Qj.)o~ Grain legume ~erJ5"t)Q.) rlo~~eOc:3 ~rJ Grain processing 5.,9.:> ;;lc;;ludt"lS Grain-ripening period 5.,e;,j e::l5.;j~'Clrl.)i,;1 e;;olQ Grain separator 0';)9~ ~~~F"O~ Grain shattering ~~~) ~~d~i:tlcJ~~~~, ~9cJ~ ~,)~C ~:::;~:lod t;';)9,)~~~ri9 ~;;:;i ...: Gram i:I(jo 0';) 9') Graminaceous Gram pod borer Granary Grand growth z!~~e~~Z) i10~... :J5~~d e-~~. Granite 7'i~~.;~6' '5~J Granular fertilizers O::O~,;)\7';)dd O,;)j:j';)®cv5/n.r. t.l::,: dri9::' Granulation 5,;)9~fi~~1J~w~, O:d9~ri,)w~. o,;)9;)ri,):'~ Granular herbicide cZ047;)iE!CO ~J... "i ~N';)lJ~ t::;?; .wu;?;')_ it:.r.cwd:cj ~~ ojJ;)5,;)O~ ~u~dr\9') Granum ._ - t"-: w;).8 t.l~. Grape vine ~w. ~ Grassed water way ~~~J"" ~~._ d N~C~~~KF" c6.J~J7'i;Qj~',) Grassland M Gra.;sland farming O::,)~~mQj!:,~ ~em® Grass s'aggers g~~;:l3ctM9') Grassy shoot g~Oi'i o~.. ~ri Gravel 505j, lid~,) Gravitational water li;)d~3;).;:;t1O:;;F"~ ~J~d.J Grazing land cj,)~oj,)~Qj ~o':J,)~~v Great group ~')iEdc;i6' li,)o~ Green house ;t!m;;md, c:5~,)~~c:3 Green leaf hopper 03~cb ~(\c6.J9,) Green leaf manure c:5~d~ rt.r.t.lw d Green manure ~~oo Net.lwd ~ e;~!! e ~eJd~ Qj~M rt ~I:o~d Green manure in situ ~ ~ ~ c:5~cb rt..'Lt.lw d Green manuring ~~jcb rt.r.:~;d <:J~~.r.:eli Green revolution belt ~~d.Jir.l,.... ,o~~,) Qj~:::b Gregarious phase li~o~ t;j;)9j~ gc:3: 46

Grey weevil ~jjJ ~~i'E.:l~;) Grinding mill &~eJc:$ t\Or'8 cj~F"dC v;t;!.:l ~9 o::l ~~z$ (2..0t3~ o::l d~z$dO Gros'i cropped ~ ~ ~ .::; M area QjO:::F d~ 3 ~9 ~90dw ~ e;, o::l..;d~iv;:l~.:l5. C\l!1l';)N5 Growth rir:.g ~t,;!d~fi e;uoli.:lc Guard crop t3eO ~~ Guard cropping "'C)~eJ.:l (t3eO) t3~ t3~~~ Guinea grass f\t;) ~~i) deN.)o:!J""~ o:::li)OQil.A;!! !l~. !"...,,~ 47 f",.,; Gully erosion Gundhi bug Guttation .;..~~~~ 3~t:J~,)od C:j~OJ t..~Og c:n t,j~~;!j;!:j. Gymnosperm "1. ::, Gynoecium Gypsopbyte

H Habitat Hail Hailstorm Halophyte Hand·hoe 5./1;)ct, eJ Handle ~;; e~o. z.oC;i! Hand-picking i!,;c:I;)od c~e.;l;)~~ Hand weeding ~;~.)cd 5'" 6~e.;l;)~5 Haploid Q;)51i,)r@;S Hard bast de)~ $.seli~ Ii~ .c;jdd, 50rn ~ d Hard pan ... ;;.0 Hard seed et:c:: ~~~ (11~~.) 5jij~cj;):l3 ~~;:Z) Hard water lit::l~ c:J~d,) ~~:l , ~doz;!l'i)~,):l Harness 2;! Harrow 5;)Otj, &:~~~ ~l\, i!~~ Harvest (I M ~,)l\ I~~o:i,),) ~t55 Harvest index (\ M Haulm (plant stalk) 3ile.;l,) , ~e)03. 'lJilOt3 Haustoria '" ~ OJ ;So;!,)1i 9') Hawk moth iEil'IJ6' c:::l301i t..rn ~~,) Hay M 'Wrn 05')~,) ;Solr.lu~ Hay making M Head exertion $c:3 ii~d:.a,,~c:..i! Heading ~il~&3~~~:lcd ~z;loJrl;)u!r,l ii.r..ddr.~v5 48

Head load 3~~.r.O '8~od,", o;,oj~F";!;j';) ;$ Head quarters c;:> Head smut $~5'';)a,tI Heat capacity ero~"'\l/ti"~ ;tj;:;;$~q:lf Heat radiation ~o Herbivores ~;tj<>,w<>Oli9') " Heredity ~c::'~~O~5$. v;SO~~<>a;;5~ Hermaphrodite ~~oj,JOot'l. o_zOOt'l 'Heterotroph 2tlc:3-<*e~o

Hibernating borer b&d NW<>._, v;S~Ql oj,) "'.:;d~a;;~9,) Hidden hunger ~03~cP 'f3.:.d~ (O!i~l.IoJti<>o~) , High analysis fertilizers Wc:J,,3 Q.;)~,...,~~rn d~tI.r.2,J;:Jdli9,) Hybrid ~,",q:lv;S,) ;!;)O~d3~ Hybrid vigour ;!;)o~d t);!;),)~ High inputs ~Q,)NO 5e)&l ~O'5dliE,jl ~<>c-t~$lit,,~ 2,J9g Highland ~'"'~'P~.r.Q.;),). c::J3_,dd ~.r.Q.;),) High-yielding variety e~~ ~9~v;SO 3~ Hill-agriculture ~WoJe::l,",d~~li9 5e)l.l. li')iZ,/',;)lZ.J t:~;tj._oj,) 49

Hill bunt ~~,}~ ~o~~o.r.erl Hill dropping t-"OOJ ~ii ~e'Z:::: ~3"",c;3 ~y.,cd (~~~lie;~J... C:.)~ ~ eo~olifje) ~~":>.!J ~iJ ~""} u M ~ 'tJ ~~ 0 ;jJE'OlJ Hi11 soil t..i L'e) Hilum ~e~ N.)~ Hind limb &:0iT.)~

Hispa beetle ~JJ9J\( t!~W cd 0"'0"'"w w Histology er.. J;'~~z;,;)~ Histolysis er... ~i5 c:!!>.!J'8 Hitching ;t.r. t3~JO~~J;)~OJ &~ liJdO Hoe Q Hoeing ~~~JO~ w"o:lJ~dJ Ho1dinl! capacity ~~~t3Jej N".:bq:t F". Y"C:rolN.,~tj:$, F' ~ u Home demonstrator li,}5c:J'L~,A~T'i"o Homestead-tenancy ~.r. ~iiJJ~ liJ~-,,~ Homogenous ~;jJO..r.O!l Hopper ~1\~;)fjJ Hopper burn ~1\~ru -a.!.~. ;j;)rolJ jije...-mJ Horizon ~ C'ti Horizontal shaft et3 ~.,~tI dOt3 ;::J,I:L ~9;jr9~'" t!..r. ~d5 Hormone 2> Horn fly ~.r.o~c;3.r.E'Ol Horn tail ;jJ05E'Olt:S Horse-gram ~JO;)":>i)';)9J ~.!l-a Horsepower e <,;l '"" Horticulture ;t~e~T'i,;)o~ Hose pipe ~.,liJN.,fj. N~ rt.r. F'fj~ Host e;tjo, e~Zj3{7ojJ ;tj;tjs Hot-air oven ~,lJm(loj~ li..r. t3;) t..d House' fly e:J~ ~.r.E'Ol ~de ~~oj,JO e~,05 3~\!)N5 ecdJ~.r. e,);tojJJfj. ~~ Hubcrop M ~ ~ Hull '!"~o.I' ~Oi! 50

Huller Humid e;,d,.. ;f·. ~~~ Humidity ~e~o~. e;,d,... l·~ Humidity index e;,d._)F"atl~.reUSi1 Humid tropics e;,r:;S_,F"' w~vj~~ ;:;I._)~e~lieol~ Humus a5.r.:i)~;);!;i6' ('II9;! Ntl~~~ ;:;IOtltj:lF"') Husbandry methods ~o~.r.:e;:;lC:Sd c;J!:jjtltSlifj~ Husk ~~cJ' U\..,.,~. ~q:3oJ Hybrid ~otlo Hybrid sterllity ~O'5d t.lo?d~~ Hydathode ;:;I~._)c:st>.,;! ;!~ocm Ned.re~05 oOQ; Hydraulic ram ;ey.-lOO;)Ot;!OlO;! ~~Ntl~;)~F"'t d iJ~OO~O;!._) Hydrograph ~~de~tl t!;5._) Hydrology ~~c;J23~~ C!!ltl~ Hydrolysis ~~~~"",eo:;l~ Hydrometer ~e..l~~;:;15 Hydrophyte ~e..1~~6 Hygroscopic e;,dj'~dd~F"'5 Hygroscopic co-efficient edj"~Old~F"'5 ;r:l~ n~r:;)5 Hygroscopic water eQ;F"'~tl~~ Hypersensitive ~e~._) ;r:lo~eO Hypertrophy ~~Qje)o~ Hypocotyl ;:;I'3~d~'6;)ot3. '8'<)ot3-~em ;!;lo~~e~5 Q';)li Hypogeal germination t:)e~d9n.,;!;) ~.r.:c;J~ooJ~Me • eJ\)O~~ ~.re~i3 t.ln Hypogynous

I tx;~tlt:! Ice glacier '" Ideotype vjSrldOntZ Igneous rock ~nol.~d III drained ;!;lOo:lSrln tJ~d 51

1m bibition Imbibitional water weC'8ojJ;)o ~~d;) Immature soil ea:::lOa:::l5.;j ijj;)£'Q~ Immigrant labourer ijj~~ 2.)00 5~t!) e;,Q;) Immunisation ~~e05,) d~f'! Immunity o~eri NO~~Q5~. o~erid3.~ Imperceptible ri..;&.;!;lml1d Impermeable (seed) eo:)',,;;;;Do' ec::l..;q:3eF" <':(~~e ~~oJ ON.,qj~1i~~ plant ~~~~;=:jli Indian privet i't:~eoo~ Indian rape ~o~ ~"

Inoculate r.-.~~~O~ Inoculum level ~..aeoe,)~~O~ ii3,)~cJ Inorganic pesticide Noi:loiJ;$ 1l~~N';)l!$5 Input a:lOeo Insect control -a~~ a3$..ae~ Insecticide -ae~Nell!$e Insectivorous plants Insect pest -a~~lle~ In service training er.)t::I~6 m';);jt;loo,)~ ad~e~ Insidious disease ~rt..aetad o..aeli a3d~'8 ~O ;l;l ~od e In situ Q

Intermediate plants mJer.:113~ijj ~~.1iej~ ~ Intermediate product ijj~Q:!oZd eroz""~-t Interna! combustion e;,C~06' diE~ Internal tension I;SO;!05 ec:;lF"rol Internodal region ec~nF"rn~1'\) c::lvt3e~ Internode ec~nF'f'@~: Inter planting e;,OZQ6' N"~ Inter row cultivation ~~ ;tjOl~;:)iiej ~~e:3 5~ arloo~).;:J~ Inter tilled crop ;tj;)~:>1ie;l ~~oj eo~d 'Z:leNOlOO;> ;;m~d ozj~ Intra specific hybridization eo~o6' c::l._;~~d ~o5drn

IntrazonaI soil eozo6' ijj~~ GS~f'@~r'Z Invagination e;,~'{,~~:>o'::l5 Tn vert s ugar c::l._;~~~~~')Q;5d1it.l~ ~5dO Investment '-J013Q;5Olej a3~Q.'8 J nvolucre of bract ~;)Z~ 05,,~ ~~t! o;J~(I;S~eJ~) Ipomoea hispida ijj');)~~;'-J~>I' ~~J'~ Irradiation o'::lOdrSe5drn, o'::laO£'C)3 J rregular t!iijj.)oOo~ Irrigable area N~v';)do ;tj;)Q::; c::l....;oe~ Trri ga ble land c:J~O;)~U N;)Q::; gr~..;j'?::.o'::l~~e='J Irrigation c:Jeo't)ijjO Irrigation efficiency N{'OOlGSO ;tj'O)~;:)rp"f' Irrigation interval N~OOl~O eo~o Irrigation land c:Jm;,;;jO '?::.;J;:)e~~ Irrigation practices N~C.,QjO c::ld... ~1iej~

Irrigation requirement Nm't)~O eiizi 3 Iso bar ;tl~:~b~~2jJ.)d O~~ Isolation c::leJ~5... d~, o:L~:5~'da ~;::h:'''~o~.xJ, ~~~ec:;l ~Clo~~ Isotherm to 55

J Japonica rice ~~eNtI ;!f,( z,,);!.... ;;SJOn Jasminum sambac M Jet spray ~I'l, .!JO~o~. t.Q;;SJJe, .!J0~0t"S ~~;;S.Je ~ 9';)030 ~eAj""ojJ(z,,)OI'tdt,;! Jbum cultivation ~ . e~';)Mo1it,;!~) Jowar stalk ~~et,;!d dO~J Jujube .w~t!. ~.r.eo Jussiaea repeens N~dJW';)~ ~~ii' N~dJCC~ ~~6 Jute ~~ZJJ Juvenile phase w~oj~ ~Aj''',,01i t:3t,;!;;::lro:n <:60;! (&I <:60;!C~ iE~ ~iZ;:);;sc;! c:j_;~~~e~~';)1i~e~)

K Keel e~1i~cJ Keel petal t3.r.ern ct,;! Kernel .;OOt,;!::> Khaira ~a';) o~e1i }< parif Q3J;:)Ol"i';)OJ Khari f crops ;;SJJcmd.) ~~1it,;!J Knap sack sprayer ~N

L Labour c;:)~~ Lab to land programme "0,;;50 ;;SJc:3 t1ClI"IOli eo)Jl.l"5"ClojJF''t~J Laceifer lacca ~Cl03C eol"l~ -ae~ Lacerate ~.r.~t5J g.r.emc Lacewing bug ~On 31i~

Lactic acid c::>mCOl ;;S,)M Lacustrine ~d .... ~;::$dd Lag z.oo~e';:~ Lamellate OIldd d..-;o:j Lance nematode ~~o:OO;!m ~O~o3.:lfj.:l Lanceolate ~~~~~5'c:~fj."d~ Land ~~.:l~~.:l Land assessment ~~,)~~ te~ 5~o.J~d,) Land avenue Q~ i;1JO)IiF" Land capability ~~ ;!:j~Qj,)qtF", Z;;>~,)~~,) ~eJ~ mQjJ~.F" ~ ~ Land clearing ~~M:;::l... ~ (~"JeJ;)ojJ:'i jij.r.d~v) Land drain Q~ t:edc~ (C\)~ro ~.lJo::l;)~':') Land drainage ~~,)~C\)Nod ~')J5...:: t:.~Qj~,)...;. ~.r.du:;,,5:J~~ Land grading ~~ Qj:J~o.J)!J-c5 Land holding ~~ &~cj~ Land levelling ~~ ~J~o.J"'~ ~Ji)~~d,) Landlord z.j~JO)c::',)~"d Land pests ~.r.:, ~~t3lifj.) Land reclamation ~.r.: ;::$;)r@') ~,)Q;)d~ ~ Landslide, slip erosion ~ ...., 5')"'3, w'O)rog.r.t3:"A! Land tenure ~.r.~" ;::$,). C;:! " Land type ~:'~,) ~fI Land use ~~ ~eJ=a Land utilisation statistics ~.r.: ~o.:joj.:l::>5.}~ ~o6 ~o;;:$Ii~.:l Large plots d..r.t3.;. i!'e)5')lieJ')('1Anco0'IAnii'&,}06' n';)~.... d~) Larva cj')ua:;)fj,) Larvicide cj;:,{)

Leaching efficiency Leaf area Leaf axil Leaf base w~c:;.) 5~~~ "'-1Ji:3, wd3.:eW.~... WJi:3 Leaf blade ~d lTio eC!..'Ti.) Leaf curl w~ ~iX.~ Leaf eating caterpillar .w d .b cjJ_. Qj 05.J~J Leaf lamina wE!) ~~e Leaflet e;~ .;..~ Leaf miner o:,i:3 ~Ndclld ~,J~.) Leaf mould w~2.J~~. "" Leaf roller li(,~N~~;;j 05.J~.)

Lethal gene ;j~05 ;joWeJ Level terrace ;!j;j.:l;:t~'O),};~ t:\7i~ Lichen, 5~.:lc5.r.~ Life cycle ~~;j~ t5t Life saving irrigation" ~~;j0a5 N~O'O);jO Light intensity ~9-ac:S ~~it$ Light soil c57ii)O ;j:l~i) ~ Light transmission ratio ~e.;!5J ;!jci3c5c:S ~;j~ Lignin 01'l.:;j N'O)Qc:S

Lithophytes h~'O);!j;!j67i9J Litter 5;!j. dc:S'dOJ7i(lli w'O);t$,:;;j c5JOc:S 39W'O);!ji) M Li\e-hedge ;!j~~;j~~O Live stock W'O)~q;J'O)dJ Live stock management W'O)~i:)'O)OJ N;jF"<:6~ 59

Live storage ~eJ;,,,oj;)dO ZJeco6'QjJO)1iF"6 03 C"""':' t7 cj.:l~e:; ;!;lOfi...;c5o;:l:>d ~~~ Loam rt,:~~~:> Loamy rt~('ct:>oj;);)~ (el:>d9;)rtJe~ct:>, ~('~n~~~;). z...,oc;:> rt~('ct:> C'Q~"}J) ;!;l ~e/eC;$D5 c5~..: - ~Je~~ ~d Lopped off Q Lopping u~-~i1 Louse ~~c:3J Low inputs CjJO)~o~ e~;)c:J5 u"iol ;;:lOuO ZJ9~ C'Q~O~~:& Low land Low land rice Low-lying area Low soil moisture Lubrication ~;)e,j dJ~'d~~ tW~"S 05"

M Maceration c:3~o~ ~~~')c:.J';)ri~w~ ~ c536'ii;:b~ Macro-level ~ w Macro nutrient ~,;~36' ~;).r.;e,) ~~o:;!5C)C~ Maggot tS..;.~o ~Q~9;), ~ot:SJOr;) Maize ~,)~;)-a-~ ~.r. ~ ~ Maize sheller C;:;:m;l,)-o~ ~.r.:,ejo O',;)ej;) ~~~c;:; Ai,;)~~ Major oj J seeds ~._,Q';)~ w~ro ~~Z;:jriejJ Major project ~.),)~;; ::J~u"~D c:J~cj.r.fZ;:j~ (10,000 ~i! ~vr; ::J~d,)~~;)C;:;~. ~.r.z.d;: ) (irrigation) ~ w - c... ri 0 ttl ~.r. ri') Male bud 1"\ Male-sterile ~o~c~, ric~;)~O~ Malnutrition ~,j.I6~~'dfo:;!~ Malpractices eo,;)oj;)F"riej,) Mammals ;:;:~-=NriejJ Management practices ;>C;:;F"~f'"oi,;) ~d ~riejJ 502£0;;£,).:) .:l~,..'" c-;:i Mandarin orange " ~' """"'''''~t't\'_ Man day of labourer ~<) N5 c:::is;:r::c;:; d;)~~~(eej,) Ot.d~ 8 rictj Aiu,;);!;JD ~JeJc;:3~a5Jodd ~e,);fj) Manhole ~ej;)nJoG. Manometer eN~ z.,z-,I:! C;:;JeJ

Marshy low-land ~"';)rt:> ;!r!:>1\ ~Q;JJ Mars ilea ~-a ~ ~.r.~ .' lir8~&. ~.r.~ .• Ci)~dJ ~~ o~dt! ~~. ~ ~ l\latrix c::l,mt'8. '8':;f~e;SJ'i);$e)'& Maturation '-J~C:::>:lo:,'8, e;SJe)liJ.:J'& Maximum available water lioo:;l", ~~:,NfOO Maximum cropping z.,ci:l:l w~e;S~~ ti;)~ Qj:li~ o::j.._;~~~i:l~ ~~cj')~:l ;l:j";)Q_ o:,d;:.Qj e~_. Q'd . " ~".)3~}:lN (~t;!:..:: ~u1irnc:So:,,)~tS) Maximum tiltering stage rlu~ a:o~cir.do:l'):lo:,g <:io~ '" Meadow ojJ~JmQj!),) Mealy bug ~~ z1i~ Meanderine &.o.:.~ c::l:;JOO~i1"'C1(j ~JC~O Mean sea level q;:b~~;rJ", ;t:;c::lJ:lo.._; c::lJwe.j Measure c::lJ<.~~ Mechanical analysis cj~~~ .:J~..,t'~~ Mechanic~l operation C:J<.c~'d u;)ojJ'i)F'2.5d~ o:JJe)cb.o C::l~J c:3.r.OJ c::ls.·m<:.'S Mechanical shattering '-" ~ Mechanisation oj,J..o~e~dtol cjJO)Ob ,~~ ;$ rje;tjO)ojJ Mechanised farming ~ .,; Median valve QjJQ_ 5Q;J.)~ " Melia azadirach ti;)~:l ~~~ Mellon soil ~,);$J ~:><:)o"JQj:lrn~",<,

Meteorology 03iW'ClQj~~ ~'Cl~." Method demonstration o:JQ'Clc:3 o::j'~.);5"Ag. ~Q;)O;5 3'ClO~-..)tJ~ i!ld ~li9 c::lV~.:;p':g Q Mexican boll weevil ~6"'J";~ U::~-"ti~;) Q;:!~,r.~~e.;l~ Microbial insecticide ~ .... a~ ~~e;)~oj,) o~~N'ClDtJ Microclimate ~.r. a.... iW..,cm~1i~£O) Micro environment ~.r.~.-'" o:::jO~d Microfauna ~sE~..c::sV~e::IKF .... ,....1 _, .... ~..I Microflora tV ... E. ~ AltV,:; q.lIIF ~,... 'd. 03iW'Cle::1J;)c:3~'Cl~-" Micro meteorology "'-I~ ""' Micron utrien ts *,!,o;;ll5'';)o~lif,.~~. e~~~.r.~ *~~o",o~1if,,~~ Micro-organism ~.r.: ae,2Z~<:J ~.r. 'd . do"-'! . Micro pore Wa:;, '1-'...... Micro-propagation ~.r.a"" ~"P..; Micropyle ~~~N'Cl2j:l, ~~~deQ-..) Microsltes oo~ ~.r.: a", ~d7i'\;l::l 09'Cl,~, e:t~i:;:L~.!F Middleman ':: I ~ Midge il:)t!~ t3J"- (0) Midland d.JQ;:;<::l.... }~~~ Midrib Q;:!::lQ,:,O Cota) ;;S::lQ.O;!O iZ01"i';)~::l Mid-season correction :;. CiJiiJF"a5f'@ o:::jo.., ~ Milch animal 5C';)e;)~ c::l~r8 5';)~c30 w'Cl~::l~02J,)~ iZo~ Milk grain stage <"" ~~ ~aooJJ9, <::l~oK, e;).J~CI5' o::l~cli Miller moth \" M Milling recovery I'Idrc5oj,)~ ZJO::ld e6v (l'Idrc5oj~~ ZJ3.... Oed ~~eJ ~tld e&:led d.r.:t5oj::l::ld e6,,) Millingtonia ~e~ ~d~e:t~d Mineral ~CiJ~ Mineral composition ~CiJ~ ;J;looir.:ez.sc;3 Minel al compound ~N~ ~ooj,),)~ 63

Mineral matter ~N~ ~,,;b.... ~N~ ~~rn~ Mil,leral soil i'Ol Minimum thermometer 'elN~ ~~ ~~'d loi) ~ MiDlmum tillage 5N~ eroe,;l')e;:3) "' Mmor eleme nts e~..... ~-.)~J,)E'O)!::l ~.),:; e.J ~,,;b_J"ie,;l~ Minor insects e~-.)y,,~ &~~iie,;lJ Minor millet -amr;j'''~i.i 2000 ;:C5 Juii~ 5r2;;j~ c::l.(j~z5~ N~~rS;!::bQj Minor project .... ~ v 0::;'<) ..... (i rri Ila t ion) Ai~<;.:bm.F"~\e,;l.T;:.. -~ I:.. i:J;:c"~D ::.; ~ e~c3 lio~~.r..':JC\l f\rZ. ;:t:lo~c;:be)~ Mirabilis jalapa M Mist ~::lo~Ii.':J~J Mite· c:'::lb, c::~~ Mitigation ~ti)~~ .... ~~.:J5 Mitosis ~).'!j..r.~~ .:;~(.;;>c3 Mixed cropping .:J~;::i.._; o;:rOlC6'i.> ~~Ai~OO~ (2!l~ ~c::'~~"m 'fb5~.g~ Ai"5~ ~b-.)3) Mixed farming system ;:t:l~)Ii~ o:J.:lon6' c:::idCi) ~ Mixed fertilizer ~~-.) d;:t:ln.r. ~J d Mixed inter cropping cW~~-.) e03ce ~9 ~ejoj~~ Mobile Q;::h:~~ti~~iie,;l tae.Jc3 (;:t:l;:t:l;5 ~Oedd~) Mobilization ~Ai,;)" oiilie,;l~ z...od:l 2;l';)IiOcd ~~~J"':..cod:> ~';)Ii~... ~;).r.~c:i,,;b.... lie,;l~. *e~'fj';)o~. N~m <":l~"" Olie,;l ta~c3) Modern chemica1 attractant eQ::lN5 C';)Ai';)OO';)i:J5 e;,5~F'5 Mod ification 0 f roots 2!ledJ.lie,;l ~Dc:i3F'~ Moisture avai1abi1ity index ~2j:l5 ;!{'Q;h)O!$ ~ta'if ~:>rn ~ ~~W";)O!l Moisture content soil l~ Moisture deficiency index ;!~Wd jjj,,~ .:JNd. ~ Mottling ~ :. Mould o::>d5 ~ .... ~~e ~.r.:~taef' e~ ~d c:3~1'Ie;."l ~ould-board iron plough '" z,; - ~ouU ;i0 e",oj".).:J~, neerodJ~~~ Mowing OOJo~t:lod ei!-"O~d;, Muck soil ilJe" jjjJ~J ~ 65

Mulberry &,;;~",,~~d~ Mulberry silk industry ~~,}~ed~ ~~~I::- ~d,,~::> Mulch ~t:)l! Mulch farming ~.l~C'5 ~~;::;"2I~;:) (7:i"2liScj;:)~ ~'6li~~;)-c. Q~;JJC:.:eeoln eroeolo w;tj6' Multiple cropping w~ ~rJ ~rJOO;:);:)~l! Multiple cross w~ ~o5d~ Multiple nutrient fertiliser Multiplication Multipurpose Multipurpose project Multistory cropping w~Q ":';;..=00 ~rJ ~rJoj~~ Multi-tined W~~~O;S Muscle ;tjO)... OO~ Musk-melon '65.qC'i! a:::f'O)~ Mustard saw fly ;tjO)~;)oj lidli~c ~.r.f'O) Mutagen ~\)3"" CiS3i="t:S'Cddoe 1\.1utation ero~:t) C~ :tF"~ Mutation breeding ero~oJO;j~F"~ ;!~ ~2j:)~e)t:)Cil Mycelia ~~5~e,) Mycotoxicosus DO~CQvZ;:;~~ ~~OmdJ o.r.:en

N NARP ;:; 5e)&..l ~cl3.:w:;:c:s.> Q:J.)...;C:~ e2t.c3 Narcotic properties c:Jm...;~~5 1i.::>~lieolJ. ~coj~dc:s.> ~1:5~ li.::>rnlieJ;) National average O'il~ ~oo.::> ~C'Cl~C National demonstration COl £.llob ~oj.::> Q:J.)..;;! 6 A5 Natural selection ~tl;!jflF"5 (jo..~o 66

<:r.> ~ ~e ~~;r:l ~ ;r:l;r:l. ;r:loQ:j3,) Natural vegetation ve; "",' 2) :.& Neck rot 'fi~~... n i!~~ O-r.~1i Necrosis eru;)~5 aodJ Neem ~~~ Nematicide ~03,)N.lzj~ Nematode fauna ~O~~9~ ~._;~Qj1iF' NQj 9 ~o-, Net energy .;;:: - Net income NQj,z 9 e;,~o::l.:l Net productivity N~.9 ero~.05~ ::.. - Net radiation NQj~9 ~8drn$ '" Net return t:)Q;jo;;;fDl e;,~OOJ (~~Ncloj.;:,O ~taJF' 5f,.~OJ) Nettle ~dJ~ Net vein Ni)9 ;r:lQ;j~~OOJ ~~;r:l qjJrn::> Neutral soil I.f:l ~ Nicotine N~.r.MC\)6' Niger iE.:lt!::,o ~J" Night soil or poudrette Q;j~~Q;j qjJ~~J.r. ~ n-r. Z.l;:J d Nitrification ';!;iC)d'Z:.~-a~edrn Nitrogen Ncld~C::;5 Nitrogen assim itation Ncld~~ij i::S~o;;1i~~1iJo':)i! Nitrogen cycle ;!;iilO::Zc:35 Qje) ~... ~d~~5 '6.r.d~ md;:;J~5 i!.J o~tidrn Nitrogen fixation

Non-agricultural use 5eJ cilw~~;5d 2J~i! ~.mO. ~"",O,~~t:$ Non-edible 2)' tI M i!,a ta !."$d&;. ~ Non-erosi ve II:! Non-homogenous e;:;iQj;)d.r. en Non-parasitic <::ld.r.:~o::t~~o:.JOO;)~~O Non-spiny Qj;);)~;)\Jdoo~ Non-symbiotic ;:;Ji:E~~o:.J~~~d Normal ploughing ;:!r.)i:jJ.ldrn ~~~~ (plough soil depth) (15 ~o. o:.J.:)~. e;,t;oQjofi) wt,jl~qj~~~o rS~div.lEJ No tillage planting M Nourishment *~o:;j!."$ Noxious weed ~o::tt:6o:.J 59 Nucleus seed ;:t!,}zjz:;jc=-i5 ?~(~, geeo,_,)5 ~~t:I Nurse crop ~'deo:;j~ 2,jQ Nursery ef'l~~. ;:;J.tJQj.::~ Nursery-bed ef'l0;5,)~ a:::";)~ Nutmeg Wdo::J,)~.,o::J,) Nutrient value ~~&tir.lO~ ~:l~~6 ~~&l i5'd~ ~s.£'O)lie,;l,) Nymph ee:l..-Jo 0;:;0;50 -aH3 o Obligate parasite o::l~e,)5 G:lo,t~~G:l~~o:.J Obnoxious eNo:;j.}~d. W'Bd.,. ~oOd. ;:;Jo:.J;;e'Bd.,.~QjJ Obsonoidal :&!~iklmo. ~05')~CiS'f)5eJ ~ Official seed sample eQ5eJ;5 ~~t:lc:mdO e;,do~t3~, ;:;J£'O) 5;)~ Offset ro Off type a;)~o::J~~o ;:;J.!Jrlt,jI,), o:;)~ &c~ Oil cake [';) Oil seed .wt"$[';)~~t:I 68

Olericu)ture iSo5C)O ~e;tjOl~ On farm research & ~o):5d ~JO)~Kt,;l~ ~j:!c3JO)~c:3 j§"J~JO)~Jo,J~ development ~o~~eQc:3 ijj~i§~ e2j:lii:le)0c,;; Open pan evaporation ~c3o i$~eJ t:5~e6d~ d~~~ Open pollination ~o ~o~oj;) j Organic farming j.!:Re:lOOJQ;S 5e)~' ilu ;fj1'\F"'d tSeN<>OO;) Organic insecticide ;t£ ijjoj, ijj ae~::r.l ~5 Organic manure N; e;;oo,)ijj n.r.: 2J:.) d Organic matter N~ijjo:S;)~ e:l;:;~ NClqjoj;)QJ ~ro;) Organic soil ('<: Organo phosphorous compounds m~o:bQ;j do~'d ~ooi:J;)~""KQ;) Orifice 5C{2, Osmosis e~;fjd(Q) Osmotic effect ;l;IN<> h 2j:)~dro ZJ~ Osmotrophic e;,2j:)~dro ~~e &la Ostia dOQ.) Outer crop ~~D~fJ, 2JOJWc:S ~;)ee3 ~~e:l ~fJ Out cross ~~d ~o5d(Q) Oullet channel ~~dNOlI'\=eI NCld ~KF" (~O.,~cm j§c3 ~;:b;:)oa;Olo~K~oo) ero;i~ Output i;.J .... 69

Oval ~Ol:F.l5eJ .!I Ovary ~o~";)~oo;:) Ovate ~om5";)d Oven i'i~~~~ Overgrazing ~.!IojJ;)f'\ ~Jecm;tbG::l'8 Over irrigation ~.:. c:J~o";)ejO (e;,li~ll~l'Io::5 ~~I.:t) Over seeding 1:5t5;)1.:1 2:)3.... ~ ~Sel~G::l'6 Oviparous ~odt:lc:J;! Ovule ~~ ~omt'Ol;) Oxalis corniculata ~9yo~dJt!. ~cI!loJ~;tJ.r.:~oJ Oxidation ~~-a~F'r'! Oxisol ~-a..,j~";)d' ~;)t'Ol;)ro ~~~~5 Oxygen M e"t;J5 ~~.) ~.)t'Ol;) ;1j&~ ;!;l;1j"li9J Oxylophytes M ra rc.t ~

p Paddy caseworm 2.)3... d '8.r.:~~d ~9,) Paddy gall fly 2.)3.... d lio~~.r.:ro Paddy-huller 2.J;!... 2:)~;tb~ 00;)03..) Paddy jassid 2.J~d 2f,1'1~9.) Paddy root weevil 2.J~.... d ~eO~ ;j.J.r.:e~'.)W Paddy she lIer ZJ~d ~.r.:~;)eJ ~nOO;);)~ ~";)Qc;:l Paddy skipper 2.)~-"d 2f,f'\2.8~r.J Paddy weeder 2.Ja-"d~ 5~ ~rtOOJ')c;i ~o~ (~.)Q.!i0~d ~e~";)oj.)d~ iS~ ~~cmJ~ ~";)Q~)

Padzol soil 0!l";)~15't3;)e;,15' ii:.:bt'Ol;)ell Paired row plants ~~~~~~ ;!;l~6nw Palatable d.Jt!iSd. &~tid Palmate leaf liOOOJOl5";)dd w~. ~~Ol-,,5";)dd w~ Palmately compound leaf c5;tj;)... ~dd ;:::lc~\)5... w~ Pan ~d.~dd Panicle ;:::loaet'OlF'~~oJ rot5r,l' :;))t~~oJ~oz;:o 70

Panicle initiation stage ;t')c-oe('@F' ~~,)n;:t5e,) t'o5.:l0rn ~C3 Pappus d.ae~1iJr.a . Para grass C!jCJ6~,)~.:l, ~~",a;',)~. Nect:05.J~~, eo; ;jJC)e~;l;j6' 05Je,),) M Parametre Parasite ~Ci.l;j~o~, ~t3~ee::l~eo':) Parboil(paddy} e!lt35.:l0;t').:l, ~e~~ (c;3c:3~ ~t!~~.!J~) Parchment coffee M;~c.lCf).:lod 5~l2d U;)4>e ~~~ Parent material ~Cf).:lo:::l;l;j,j.... (iiZ,)('@~ o:T.)zl,/'" de)~6d~o:l.:l .. .!J" ;j~o:l,) Parshall flume o:T.)~F'~ ~"c::!o6' (Ned,) iXl~ ~5~v;:$JC)~J;j ;tJ.)Q~) Parthenocarpy NOF'en ~~~. t:l~~OZlo;5 ~~~e3"wdCi3 Parthenogenesis NCF'on ~~~, e!lN~{'5 ~~~ Particle density 5rn~odv;:g Pasture, meadow 05.:l~l"i

Pea hulmn 5iZ~ .!J~oJ P~ak supply period noOll", ~~ct:2.Jf,;l~ ~~doo.l~ ~<=iO

Pearl millet or bajra ;::lt3t<: Pearling ~

Peninsular zone o::loo~F"~~{,o::l eje.x>j.) Per capita income :3~ C:SCClOO') Percent germination ~~5to.l ~~~i!~.r.lt300.).)G:.JiJ Percolation iJ~~~~l'\ ~~eMJ~G:.JiJ f'l!.t$.)n.:>G:.JiJ Perennial 2J~Q;j.)l.lF"e Perfumed oil ~i:)1io~:3~tl ~ o::lOd~~o'Z:S. ~~ ~O~ Perianth OJ Pericarp otl~ ?tl~... Perishabil ity ~"~Q;J'O)1i~ 1i~ Permeability d_);j/'Neoo Q;j.)i>o::l~~ Permeability co-efficient e;:i"i> o::l;5i!" ~(£1ii:)rn5 ;::w ~.)~ ~~ zj~~G:.JiJ o::ld ~ Permanent cropping system c;, Q Permanently absorbed water i!1t)~~ae;,:)'i)l'\ Co~oiJnJeot! 'Neoo "" Permanent pasture ~,,~~ ~~me:S~') Permanent wilting point ~~c;i:3 tJ'i)t!.:l~od.:l Permeability Q;J'O)i.o::l6~ Permea meter Q;:j"t>o::ll!ii!'i)~i:5~0l:l5 Pernicious weed ~~05 5"'. wo>'N'ir.105 5~ Perspective ~(£6$ Pest J!.:~t3 Petiole o::l:3._;ilt)o:3, cW~$..r.~i:)rJ Petrographic technique ~~or.a~:30~ Petrophyte ~~1i~ oji:)e~ ~"'00.:l2J~ ~~6' ~~;!;l~6 pH J!.:cW'Z.55", O~;lWO, 'ir.l<4 ~ Phanerogamic parasite ~~~~~o::lc,,;;j~o~ Phase (£oi! Phased planting (£oi! i:50i!e;,:)'i)l'\ ~~ ;j~t!.:lG:.Ji! Phased programme i:5c:3rt~e,(.!Jd 'ir.lOO.:lF"tii:i.) Phosphorous deficiency oo'Z:Se"o~ iJ~da Photo chemical reaction d.)6~CO>;tj"OO.)'N5 o::l._;~t~ Photo insensiti ve d;::6~-j!jo~{'d~dCo~ 72

Photo- period ~~6N ~~~. o.::l...)t7

rbo~ ~c~ dN Pit-curing 1: Pit or trench silo ii~o~ e~<:::i<: ~crj5 05~~~ Plan o:5':

Plant protection Plant residue Plant tissue test Plasticity Plastic mulch J Ploughing ~~,,;3J Plough role placement ~~J\e.x> ri;,e;.o ~Q7'I dAlfl.:;~;:.; d W

Point gourd ~.r.:id2,;.,d ~.r.:~OUOl~.) Polarimeter de.;!6id (;)OF"iiIl,oJC)edaoo';) O::S.R::(c;j~,;) ~~~,;)c;j ;1;l~aof'! '" - .. Policy ~.r.:fdf'! Policy making 'Q.r.:eo~ c;JO.r.a::l~ Policy measure ~~of$ t~ PoJishing ~taJ ;!~i::,;) r$OO,;)11.r.:E,(5 (~D-'t>o:l,;)oc 3~~ ~ndJ ~,)~~~~~W5) Pollination O!3O'J ~._,~e Q;jde;;!:lo~) Pores (meso) doQ._,IiEai';) (30 000 100 ~eJO~Ne Q;j.,o;!ild~) Pores (micro) Mae-doQ..) (3 DcC 30 ~,;)eJB~Ne w"eI;1;lc~) Pore space dOQ_)t3d~

Porasity ;1;ltd,~~eo; Post emergence NdMor$oSO, ~.r.e.;!:gOO';)~o3d Post emergence treatment 5tJ-~'" ~~~r$030d eIU0!3teOi! Post flowering z6.R OOeJ~cSd 5.r.:~ r$oadd ~9~~ Post harvest [iJJage M Post monsoon ~~ffil~dr$c;:5d Potassium *U;)Il~OO;)O Potassium deficiency *U;)Il~~O 'i!.r.o~ $t.3'Ol ~ ~ Potassium fixation IS 4lOe:aoro Potential eO;!jl;j",,;!.;j 75

Potential ~~ <"q9,);;:!O ;l;j"'c;b~"F".oJ (F:lots~~r<~'+':::.; ~~od 1i90 M crop yield e~50~ &,;elTio c:J~::5~;lornd~ t3~o~ ~9 ~9~O) Potential evaporation e03~'P ~o':)~50rn (t:j~~~50rn) Potential evapotranspiration eO~~::l m~}'5dt'Ol Poten tia lity eClag;l;j';);j')q$€rF" Poultry ~.r.:~f,? ;l;j';)ti~

Poultry manure 5.:e~f,?rl.r.:r.J::.J d Poverty adjustment 5~da ;l~-" eo~1i9 ~oc';)rn5 Powdery mildew 'W.r.O O..... ~1i

Powdery scab 2J.r.:Otizz::0 o.;.~li Power-moved ~o... t5';)Oa Power-operated ~d')_35't5';)O;el " Power spray~r oj')o~t5;)oa ~oo:::ld5 Power-take-off-dri ve ~~w..,e'8 m~~ ~-&- t.j;)Od w9,)c;5Jojx:~· O!l;;:!CS' U~c5' Power tiller ;..c :.I' M Practice C!:ld~ Pragmatism Oj3~O!l,)i~JC)rnd lW;)d'" Prairie ~~,)m;l~') g5,)~;:)m~~J ~;)rn;) Prairie soil M £\l ;~~ ;; ~3-,c5 (~Q;jF"c:Jb 3 ~9 ~b~ dodO Precion drilling .... : l~ ~ M (seed) t::l~::z1i9~-< ~tid.r.o:::l~;)f'l mOc:3~ ~3J-,~dJ) Predacious mite 13.r.e.; :~,)~, o:::lo~ a5~'!J Predator o:::ld2j3ti5, ~.r.:~ ~o "'" '" Predecessor ~o':)F"'5 Predomina.nt oj,)e~t1• .l' eOti NCl~ ~t;)c;:IF"dO Pre-emergence M ~ t:lcZ;:)e;:j e;:j,)Jc:3. Preftowering « Pre-germinated seed ~7~F" c;5.r.:95 2JO~d t:l3_.,c5. ~3-,~ ~~... ~.a~~d t:l~~ Premature 2JOoj~ vjJ;:)~",. e;)d EJUd,)OJo':)i! ;::j5.;jc;Jc)K~ ;l.)Jc::i vjJdl'l~o':)5 Premature ripening ol Premium 503,) 76

Preparatory tillage ~~...:>~ ~C;;F' ero<;;l')<;3') 5'.,c::JJe)F't5d~rit.. b Preplanting treatment Nd~/~zJ~ ~e:jF' Qj,)~~~ ~~Q::'Jted~ Preservative ~Od~5 Press mud 5t:lwc::l i!J0:3-.,Jcj,) ~~oJ~ 'Ztl~ITelCZ; Preventive measure NWdO~d~~,) Price policy ~~ c:J~~. ~~ Q.r.~oli

~ '-'--'",., Prill w,)~r"C'J .;,:_"'" Primary growth c:r.'0~o'::N'5 ~~;jr;'n Primary tillage o:J~~~5 ero~);j;, z.:O;:Z ii.... n~.r.~ .:Je5ri~ ~.r.c::J~ Priming ... ~ Primitive o:Jt-t5~c::l. eOo"njLj Principle of t!:lOo':l')":'5";)o5' ~OtJNc::J,)o:::.,)/~;;;.z limiting factor (e:;~~n6'c::I o.:30~";5";)05 c:Jc::J,)c::i;,) Process ~.._;~cQ Processing ~O;!:$ u~.:..~ '" Production ero;::;;~~;:3 Production complex U'03';):;,Jcjc:$ ;;;w<;l c::l ~Oo~ro;F' Production credit eru3~cjNd ;tj';)~ Production supplies U'03';).,_;cj'N';) ~d~OOl~rie;,) Production target et\)a~ OCild ri.:.o Productivity et\)ad:;,Jd5'3 Productivity gains wa~o53 ~';)Qri~~

Profile o:J';)tJ~F't5;$OJ ~ '. ~o~t:Z;;.; Progeny ~~f,in, ~oa~ Progeny testing ;:;:0;$"; Q::'JO~5 "'" Programme planning 5";)cj;)F'{_Qj,) oj~~2:;::r3 Progressive ~ri";~o Project e:J.).)oj .... ~~~ Pr~liferating ~C~d~ t:3~OO,),:;.;::'5 Prop e;rJd, eN'8 Primordial stage [~d;> ~~~ (ec'5~o('Q) mo~ $~)] 17

Propagation ~'Ar,,}~;;:$QF"~ Properties liJt'@y~JF"li9J Prop roots ~c~~~roli~J, ~;!;loej~roliw Protective tariff d~~Ol~J<;) '" '0' Protein ~md~c3c!, ~';))~~~ Proterozoic era e~ ~~(j o::l~li Protoplasm ~~~d.Jtj. " Protoplast f,;~~jQb..;o::lJC:~.5d '8ae~t;i;)li Protozoa e;)o;)~::l~~;J Pruning ~~,)d~;J~ Psamophyte t;jJd~;:::3;tjz, (t;jJdf,(r:~ ~e.'!~Q;j :::IAl) Pseudostem ~i:jj"'.;o"o~ Psychrometer ~el5~;C::::'~~u6', 3~Q;j- ~.~o;;;", :i~~~JO)c::l~ :iJ~~~~~Jd 2.JdAl&.om AlAl. Psychro xerophyte r

Puddled soil '8Altb lidc;;, Puddler '8;:;ldv ;;;:!JO)~;;;:! ;tldQ~ Puddling of soil ~:m~ -a;:;lu"li;;)~03 (jJO)~~dJ Pulper .!.dJ~,;)311o::l~Q;j o::l.;)c~ Pulping ..;dJ9J ;Mo::l~':'~ Pulse crops t:3~ e."C'O)fo1J t:3~lifo1J Pulses ej~;'i1.)~Jli~J Pulse seeds ~~;'O;)~J 2!le~liw Pulverizing ~~~~ti Pungency Cjr.l~Jo:::J.)AlN .5..ie~:iOlii:l~ :o'lt':lo~ ..~.;) Pupa

5~ (i$ oAld Purity coefficient of ::J sugarcane JUIce Z!$Jd. ;!ojJ ~a:::1iJ~~ 0'5 "" Pustu1e iiJPJ",. ~.re~,., iic~ Pycnospore &l'BJt'ct 2!le'ZZ'd£'CJ PyriJia iiO~JJ~vj em

Q Quadruple cropping ;:;d~t ~ ~fe~OOJJo:J~ (vj~F"d() i1.::~vjJW. C\)o:l.;):);$ r~ Quality control :".. ~ Quarantine ;!;loo:::l'5f" N~{'yt<:b Quince stock c~N"",vj.;)dd o'OlC'Ct

R. Rabi tx-CT'i~~J Rabi crops &cmdJ z::;~iir,,~J Rabi season &omdJ a:::om~:;bJ Raceme a3 .... ~..r.cte~J Racemose ec~;;, dc2t; cE..r. n..r. o~t).;) Rack-curing ZJr3J ~o;!;l-ad~ Radiation o:J-adrn Radical measure ~~vj...;~~.;) Radicle ;:b.... ~~O~JO, ijj.;)..r.~O~Jd ~ed.;) Rainfall cjJtJ 2!l~~.;).:Ji! Rain-fed land ~J~b...;;i5 ~..r.W.:> Rain-fed-farming cjJ~~;!;lc5 ~~;rwojJ Rainy day ~~.;)~~ Rainy season vj.;)~me) Raised bed c:JdJ;;:t~ Raising ~~~~~dJ. ~~~dJ Ramified root 5vj~.r.~d ~~dJ Ranching a::l~G::r.)e)c:3 Rancid dJw'dF";:;lc:3 79

rut3,bo:::l 0 Raphidiphora co OJ Rationalization ~6f"Alo;S.)

Ravine area e~d6~.) o;:Uje<'.l. 5a;:bo o:::l,_;~e~ e':.:;;) o;SAlJ Raw material :.: ~ Reaper ~... oj.)~, o::i.)c~ Raclamation (land) ~.:e ;:;).)l:jhIdl"$ Residual in festation 'C.)<,f'8 oe!;3tzOl41, ~~5 .Jl.:~tZ~ Reconnai .. sance survey ~C::;US'~~~5drol ;:;)~.)~a Recoverable sugar 5~;Jcd o;jtaoj')~~Jmd Al5,;c5 Recuperation ~J~-" 2.3e~M~e.~~ w~, ~~C6' t5eaU).J5..r..~~, 0'::)'8 Recurring type ~~;:L3F'c:3 til;:;j·J .... c:S ~rt Red loam go~rt.r.etZJ Red rot disease ~c~i5.r.~ d .... eri '500::;' ijjJ~') Red soil " r:

Relay cropping u~~ ~e.' ~~~:lc:J~

Relief ::':-.- .. '0) c::3J~~t. oJ ~ "",'5"0) Remedial action c:::lOWdO tv;i~ Remunerative price ~02jjCle;$Nr.l ~o Reniform ~~,-,,~OlJCl~~d Reorganisation ~r:US' ~.~"J zT':,af,?;t$.:l,;;:iS " c;l Replenishing ~~O6' ~~F'~!z;)~'! Replication ~~O .. i33F;:5 Reproduction ;::JC3,;)~~~~.:~-.!l ~~o~ ~~~ ~":u:~ ~~,)1'Idi.;k;:: Reseeding grassland - M Reserve holdings c:JJO)~~.:l &.t:5~e;::~ril{:l Residual ~~,,:,~ Residual fertilizer ~.)~g d;t$t!.:e~}~ Resilience ~~il'& 'Resistance ~j..r.:~yt!;:! Resistant CJOw'!~~~ Resource allocation ;!;lo~~~.. ,y O::O~";)G~ Result demonstration ~~~dOC!'$ c::l~)iG~ S,'S Ridge former OO!Z;)tidC'5 Retailing t5~O ~JO)O~t.:. Retentive yt)d~C!'$ZY,.~fj 1 - ~ Retting cSrSWd'5':>c:J=& Return ~diSJOl~. o:::l;~Qtlt. ~WClOj,:). 50m~. eroa ~ Revenue F';rj..., cS~n~.:> Rhizome c:L~c(j [ri~o:::l-"tidOt:5]. ~~~tidcii Rhizophora ~~~tidCl:3 Rhizosphere ~e~e;::~c::~ Rhomboidal ;;12Z~i1eJ ':'oj~o':'d:G;j Rice bean ~d~~~~ Rice hispa tJ~d tel.loJ~ g5,:>~,:> idce mealy bug 2.)i3... d ~~cJ i3rirS 81

Rice milling ZJ3... l'\O~rl Q5il'6;:),wg Rice root aphid ZJ3... d ~~Oc:$ i:5~(\);:) Rice stem nematode ZJ;s..,Ld if"O~~O~ Rice weevil ZJi_.<:::l ;;:JOlrjQ5;:)eJ;:), ZJ3... d i:::b.~~~eol;:) Ridge gourd &J~c350l~;:) Ridge planting ':.)d;:)/O;;:-'W,}ieol~ c:so>~ i:i~~~g Ridger OOt:5v50>0'6, 2Jd.J50l0'6 Ridge terrace t)or3;)~Ii':' Rigid-tined ~d.J~~eol;:)~t.., d.J~ Og.:; u! r!! Rill erosion "" Rind ~.a litj/ ~~;.J Rind disease ,9vil<.Jo..r.~ri Ripening stage Ql~Ii~d a:!ot River delta ~O~ d;:);:)~~~..r.~;:) Riverine alluvium c:$t)~ ~~od ~~11- e)J River valley project c:$t)~ ~~cj Q:J~~.a~~c:3 Rocker sprayer 3.... l"'iO>~~e;:j ,9voi!lo~ Rock lattice ~~;:PWil,",ilOQ.), 'd~wil~od.) Rock phosphate ~~ oo~~ Rodent control doC!$'d ~;:)o~("O) Rodenticide doC!$~c:sil~~ ~c:sildC!$ ;t;l;t;l Rogue 6 e II Roguing t5C:Sild~6~ l'\lZlieJ~", -a~... ~rt~e:Jg Root ~~d.J Root aphid ~~Oc:$ ~~~.;) Root cap ~~dJ tj.a~atl Root crops ~~O~ ~~1i9;:) ~eOc:$ i:i;:)O~eJ';), rt.JLt"$ ~9;) Root grub ~ Root knot ~~Oc:$ lio~.;) Root nodules ~~d.JlioW.;)lieol;) Root parasite ~~d.:> i!lo.r.:~c::!~~~ Root primordia ~~d.J ;j.:>..r.~05,;)O 82

Root stock ~ ~ d.:l ffilOcZ Root stock nursery ~~dJ~od;) eli~J{3 Root stock weevil ~em 5C)Ot$ ~~';~~J Root sucker Root-zone ~~mc::l~cm Rosetting n~o:..e~ ~3J_.cWg Rotary slasher ~J3~.bd::>Ti::>~ 53..... 0~~ cmO;:3_) Rotation ;fjdo Rotational cropping ~dCl ~." 2.5~~cW'8 Rotation of crop ~~ ;!:joe> Rot disease ~.r..~ o..r.eTi Roughage t...rn ~::>~~ Rough rice c:3~p (~~tJ ~~~d z.J;:3....,) Row crop ;!;jd~::> 2Ze: Row inter cropping ;!;j~o~~ ~0;:306' ~~ ~~'!o;:)::>Jc:':Jg Ruellie prostrata 2tl{'~;)~ ;tJ~OG,; Rugose ~5J-6 ~Od..,O Ruminants ~J~~J t!~~o Q:Jd_;r91i9J Runner 03ui:i;)t$::>c::l 'WQ,' o;;z.JlJ (\t;!. $~t1::>z.JI\{~. ffilOt;! Run off' o;;ud::>ii:~~Ti::>wi! [~~CjJcm ~~~] Rural compost ITel.)~::>i> 5C*~;t1'~ Rural deveJopment ~c:J;){'rn ~2tl~.}J... ITel_; e:3.r. ~ 0 ~J Rural industry " ~;):a::> Rust "C' R. value fIj~. c::l~~iI (o::J;)~F"5 o::i;fj::>~ Salad crops 03",ru;:3d5e)O ~~ri9;) ~9;:). ~,O~~J Saline alkali soil .... l':l 83

Saline soil WleJ~Jro.) e;:1.)r@ Nod ~2.! ~ e)~I:'§'Clo~lieJ~; Saline soil fO) 14 ... reclamation ~rtOOJ.)~ ~~.) Saline water ~w Ned.:> Salinization -..a"'V~'~~dro. ~Jrslr:~~ e)Q;;I~o~ ;::;jo7i_)~r:io:m7i~tJ ~" w~ Salt balance e.'U~c.J ;::;j~:>~~ee)~ Sample ~J'CldO

Sandstone v;;l.)'deJ~Iie).)M Sand ~deJJ Sandy clay e;:1,)d9.)~~ weta Sandy clay loam e:::1.)deJ~~ weta~eG;i Sandy loam ~.)dWoj.),)~ rt~et5J Sanitary inspector c::i,;e;1,)f"e):j e::lD~3,Ci. c:So.l~Jf"e)6 ~O~~e)~ San jose scale ~9'1l~ ft~7ieJ :!:!e)-6 Sapling ~~oj.) vjda/ft~/;::;j~ Saprophyte ~~fjz ;::;j;::;j",v;;l;::;lJ..::7i9 ~ed 2.::i~~Q;;I ;!;l~jJ;)",o!>ro,)~eG:l Saturated air ;::;jo~<:)~~ ~~ Saturated soil ~e);::;jo~e)~ ~.:>ro~"

Scab of potato ~e).r.7it!'" 5~Z Scaly leaf ~~O ~O Scaly leg mite ~e>vec:$,) tfO)e,),) ~~ Scarification ~e~d ~.)ed ftetB.)G:l~ [11i:3;::;lJ ~e~] Schist we~ddli~, ~dd~d Scientific name ~o.lW?r.N5 ~;!;loo Scion ~~iMot5 Sciophytes cSdeJJ ;::;j00~"'

Sclerotium rlz3~03\M Scorching ~~'8 Scouring or pearling(rice) e;,O-u ~~ $~oj~c:Ji! Scraping i!t3oj~c:J:& Screw-worm ~oo~ ~~~~tjJ Scutellum ~~Q6Q~03~. ~=&.r.eRi'Clti'Cldd o;le,)=5 Seamless a:jt:ldd2D3, ;!j_,ddoo$ Season roJ~J. ~Oi'J.)~~ Seasonal ~07'i'Clc:':JJc3, ro~;5Jc:Jc:3 Seasonal consumptive 030mc:J:l@, N~dJ ZJtj'3(~~ ~eJ~r1n use e~QojJ~ ZJ9.!J~.r.:0t3 NeOO) ~om~J:l/"JSJ~J;:;c30 ZJOO~ 'WOnde,) Seasonal drought , M Seasonal variation roJ3..J~JO)~ o:J~;5, ~07'i'Cle;f~ o:J~$ o_~~ojJe ~~~o:;i'O"O~ojJJ;5 d;!ji1.r.:t..l d Secondary fertilizer ow 2J elements ~J.r.:e,) ;:1~rltjJ O~~eoj~5 ;!;l;!j, 7.l';Ieo;;lli'"o~rltjJ Secondary plant nutrients ~ ;.) 1titI9()~ Secondary root ~c;;j~~dJ. 0 &eojJ ~edJ t)_~~03J'" ~tjJ~J Secondary tillage w Sedge cl~t1J, ~OZJJ Sedentary ~~c:3~~d. ~z3, e.!J~c::i Sedimentary rock ~J~ bd " Seed 2::)~~. ~3-"c:3 Seed bed 'Z,..,~M QJ;l'Cl~, ;!;l"J;:1J~ S~ed borne disease 2::)~~mo;l5 i:3.r.:~rl ~~~ ~,~Jod ~~=& le;)dtjJc:Ji! Seed broadcasting '" M / Seed certification 2::)~~ ~~J.)ra1e5d£'Q 2::)e~ i\)ojJ03,.. }'~ ti'ClojJF 5 ~J Seed-control programme -.; Seed cum fertilizer drill ~e~ d~n~ZJ,}~ 5.r.O~ ojJO~ Seed dressing ~e~ C'O);t:i'Cloj:>N5 ~a:jt.:!dr'$ Seed dressing machine 2::)~....:c:3 taa~J ojJO;5._) Seed-drill 5~on ~JtS ~O t::l~~ e;'\I;,Oi! Aid~~ Seeder cr, M -r 85

Seed hardening ~ez;:; rlrj;tJ';)rl.)~~ Seedling .:;)~~ ~~J, c'.)~;!;lAJ Seedling blight ~AJ e:!Icrlv:mo !:3.r. erl Seedling stump ~,!" Q;3.r.e~ Seed parasite ~e~ e::lc~iil~ot:) Seed-rate ~e~d e::l,-,iil~('Q Seepage ~cihrl.:lci:lg Selection breeding ~o...~..I. ~~ e;,~~ 0 " '" Co) ~oj;:) 5~ ~oa.('Q Selective weed control Q "_ , Selectivity ~ o::!.J~ li.)('Q Self fertilization ~~O~~d('Q ;:j_cj;:)c~\:~OM.r.9.:l iil iil~.:l Self-mulching soil ~ ~ ~ ~ -e::lc';)rl~ l!$F" Se If pollination .z W Semi arid e;,!:3l!$.:le:;!-a oo-~e:;! ;::$ ~'"l!$ Semi-arid region V v W \. Semi-concentrated spray e,,;:;IF"ZJ~qjQF"5 .l.Ioe::ld~ e:!Id n~ Semi-dwarf w SemiJooper i3.r.~O ~9.:l Senescence ~O~Ii.:lGJ~ Sens!tive ~o~eo U;.r..:;)~, ~e:;! e::l;:t .d9 Sepal 0.; ..... Sequential cropping ~do ~~ ~~~GJg Sericulture industry de~e, erod~~ Series ~,-,e~ Sesbania grandiflora e:!Ili~ ~..r.U ,e;d, ~.r.e3.:l d&a Sessile ~M e.J Settled agriculture c:3drt.r.ct:5 iilt,qj;tJt:J~/.l.I1:J d i:!.. qj;tJ';)~ Sett root ~e~~eru Sett rot (pineapple disease) eNO)~~ d.r.erl tedo~ o.... ~ c£.:e~;3 Sewage sick to 86

Sewage sludge ~do~ C~~ lid Sex pheromone OOTi;)~o:;IF"~ . Sexual ~eJOI'\~ Sexual reproduction ~elO1'\5 ;t:lo~.,~ead,}~CS Shade-curing CSd~\)-~o;t:l d~ " Shade trees CS~\)Ne~~ ~\)dli~\) Shale ~e~ddli~,p Shallow rooted ~~oJ ~ed\) ~oOd Shade trees e3d~\) ;:f\)dli~J Share e3el'\eA> IiJ~ Sheath blight evju! eoliijjJO)C Sheath root .w~evjU! '6~fJo~eli ,,~~ ~ Sbeet erosion ('5'0)'" td Shelling ;¢)OOOJ\)w'6, ?:J~~/~~,_J?Jq:3j~'6 Shelter be It Ti;)~ ~t3~~... . Sheep rearing eJO mel'! Shield budding IiJOOl~ e?JvjJO)~i! ~ 9Oloi!d IiJ"'e ~e~ Shifting cultivation ~ Shingle ijjJd~ou!J, e3~d~li~ Shingles dd~o~eli Shoot e\)~. ~,-"o.1013 Shoot fly ;¢)~ '&~d5 , ;¢)~ c:3.r.rn Shoot roots ClLe;)ota ~edJli~J Shot hole borer ~ddJO~ Short day length ee.J.)oJvjQ ~~l\r3 etd Short day plants et3~J ~~eJ evjQOOJO ~?:Jt3Jvj ~~.Ii~J M ~ Shredder i!J('@\)eJvjJO)~ OOJOilb, ~~dJ ~~dJ vjJO)t3Jvj QjJc ilb Shrivel ~JdJ~ , ~5J.Ii~.. c.J' ero~IiJ Shrub ~'dO Sby-tillering ;t:lCoj~l\ ~ot!0:3.r.t3o::lJd Sickle 5Jt3J~~e~ 87

Ai.,ej~ o::l~ dO ;!jAl.c ~3 li~2.J d m;,~~g Side dres'sing 'tI' M ~ ~ iJ Sieving ~.r. ~C~Q;J'S. , ~d~~~ci:I~ Sifter section M~~ ~~~dr=$ 2,J.l1i Sifting ~~~9Al.:lQ;J'S , ~d~o:lJd~g Sigmoid growth S ~5dd~ o:lSc>~r:J.)od.r.oOJ curve ~e.'o:lJ t3~~ Silage Q5n~~ ~~~, d~cS:l~~ Silage crop a5n~~ ~~~ ~e.' Silage-making a5n~~ c:5J~~ ;5o:lJdO'S Silage preservative Q5n~~ ~odl1~ o::lCOltPF" Silk-fibre OeoXl",(il:;,dJ Silo a5n~~ Silt t...OlZ.:l Silting t...o 1ZJ1i.r.1ZJQ;Ji! Silt loam t...o~ li.r.{'1ZJ Silt root ~t\~edJ Silt trap t."OIZJ ~dta. t...o~ 3r;! Silty clay loam t...otiJ ~~tan.r.elZJ Silk-reeling t3e~c::3.r.~J ~ml3 ~~ Silkworm grainage O~oXI",a5J9J 5rn~ Silkworm rearing d~oXI",a5.)9J Aid5r=$ Silviculture ~drnii 50)&1 edrn~ a5J~Ttd~~ o::lo ~ SHvi pastural system "M COl

Silvipasture edrn6

Slit-budding i4~t,;I~tI~~... ~tI~i! Slow release (i)Q

Slurry ~lif\ i:3 Small holdings ~"a (x;~;:,~~lit,;l~ Small-millet ~~!<. amQ;''\) Soaking c:3c:3W'Ol=5J, ~o~. CV

Sod a5.::e:.::c:3~M Sodding ~~ i:5~oJ c!.r.O~.:lg Soft bast qj,)e,)0':: ~.r.Ii~ qj;)('@J Soil n ~~.:: ~o~6 Soil adhesion ('0la55 t3.s0elili9j ~E'Ol':: 5~~li9.) Soil colloids ta 89

Soil compaction ~;)~.... e;,t5drt~~;¢)~~ vj;)£'Q);) ;!;jo5~£'Q)f" Soil complex rn SoiJ conditioning vj;)rQ.;)c. 05c:lrt~~;¢)~~ Soil conservation d)£'Q)~ ;!;jooIi~ ~;)~ ~ ~~ , (~,~ oo::lOO) Soil crust n t...: vj.)~ ed~~ Soil degradation r:a r;lJf'>l) ~.:; t5 f'i~O~119J Soil erodibility factor t: t.i Qj~;) ~e:d3 ~ Soil ferti lity rn ;.0 Qj)£'Q);) Nd,~F"£'Q) Soil formation rn Soil genesis d)~c.c:3 e.ro~oJ~'" dxtrt ~fje.roe;~ o';)m~Nd vj;¢) Soil .. :. , :.J) incorporation ~~"60 ~~C;¢)~~ Soil management ~.;)ro:~ NdF"05!."£ Soil microorganism dm~ ;!;jJiIie;z.ee~ \::!X~;;) ~~~dO~ i!..r.O~ Soil moisture deficit ~ Soil moisture stress ~J£o)~ ~~e;5dCi!!l 2.>3... t5 Soil moisture tension ~JrQ~~ ~~IW';)O~ tfz;iF"!."£ Soil morphology ~;;)£'Q)~ OJie::lOt5Ml~~ QjJ('§ til ;::,j"QjojJvj vj~ 119,;) Soil organic matter £~ :..c dJrol til ~"o::l.~ Soil permeabilities r; 2) i:.t Soil porosity dx~ ~ ;tJ~\o.~ (~ ~ '>.wI Soil productivity d::>r9 til e.ro~~ ,de~ to! - Qj;;)ro) til o::ld~ ~F"~ i!!I., qj)ro) til ~otJt.&a Soil profile ~ "" eJ., C'9 v Soil resource d:>qo cd ;!;joe::ltil~", ~ Q;l;;)~ til vj~dO Soil sample ra ~)£'Q)J ;!;joo:am 5~, (i3.r.oeOrl et5 ~f\ Soil saving ~ ~ ~ a dam w"Olad 'd~.) Q;lJrQ;;) ~WOl cd So.il science ~ ~ Soil scoop ~ro)ra ciS rt"udJ~lJ d;;)['9) 00119') Soil separates to Soil sickness c3Jt~11 &l~e2,3/'5eJo'd dJ£'Q)Ora ~.;)t1 ~ ot;lc:$ Soil structure ra 90

c:j.::l£Ol.::l ~;J.:. 5 ~ Soil survey ::'Ol ... Soil testing qjJrn.::l~ c::iuf B c:j.::l~ ~ ~~d.r.o:::l Soi I texture ~ w Soil thermometer ~£O)J ~~ o~ o;;:m,o::l~ ::-:l i:'1l Soil tilth w~.... ~.::l£Ol~;) Soil treatment ~£Ol~ eroo::l~croS Soil type ;;.:b~-;: (.In ~.::lr

Spike ~od;) 05.r.:rt~otae,),j Spikelet ~a::lIi~2.5e,) Spillman's equation .!JoJ~~~~~~ iil~'dc£'O) SpHlways ~..r.;ealir.i,) Spind1e 'dOd.;) Spiral chute ~d.;)~ojSel'a.)cd, roq~ffi)~;)c;3 Spire disease ~Z!l::.:~ ~~tid..r.;eli Splitter chute .1J~ eol') roq~Tril~Ji:3 Spoke ~o(cS5_,d ~~c:.), eOii;)e;l,j Sponge gourd ~eOe3;)~ 'a.)cm Sporadic pest q:)ceol c!Jet! Spore ~e"",'B£'O) Spot blotch ~.;)~i!.1 ru~~ Spotted bollworm 'a.l~J~..r.;C5. 2.5;:,~u o5.:leolJ Spray .!Joa::l~iiJ,j Sprayer .!Joc:li3~ ::e~~,);)eolJ \~;! Spring tined ~ Sprinkler irrigation tCGl;),)'5;) ~~C;)~o Sprout o;3.r.r.ii! ~J'.)o::::o;:!a;)iil~;:t ~OQ.j~oru~ ~~ ~~Ii,) Square - "r.:,a~ ~ 1\ 5Jd~~d~O Stab1e-waste Q Stack ~rj ;;:j0l OOJe 'elCC'Ol Stagnation .:;:. Stake n..r.;~, d.!J, ~iildrtJi)ee,):l Staking ~~on..r.;ew ~..r.;~q:)~ Stale seed ~a;...:cen ~;)J~"" !l9Iieolc:3,)ot ~ej.!J e.".)~,)<::3,) ~Sele3 i!3eO~t& bed technique Gl;)r3t'U c:3D..., Stallfed dairy rl~o~t\i~ c;;;Je~r@Nd iIlo~n.,c Stamen i!e~d Staminode ~o5.:l:&e ;t;;d Standardizing ~JO)c:3!1rt..r.;~~~iJ Staple food c:::l..)~;);)~ e;,iIiOld 92 ~~mojJ~~ ~u2j:!i)&!f !It.l_ ~~~el:J w

o:l~ efuO Staple-length OJ Starch crops ~c:;loJ0 ~~Keo!~ Starter ~~~~~~')ii:i~K 2.3~aQg1Te)f'I 2.J~~ej solution <:::~_;dc~5 d~ n.r..2.J~dKeo!J c::l Steel slag uoo17 c~oJ StelJate C:::g~oOldd Stem bleedIng OOlC~ ~QO:jwo::.5 Stem borer O~C~ ~.r..ocm~o:..g oi)OiZ e~ \3", ~K Stem canker ~ Stem crack ~C~ ~Q~~:S Stem inter node 5i)O~ ~o30etif8~~. Stem parasite 'O,;)o~ O!ld .... ee:Jzz ~.;:; Stem rust (Black rust) ~C~ ~~.)" [5~cJ ;:t.)~.)l7J ~O~ t:~ Stem tuber .~ Steppe ~~}::j';)c3, ~cm~,)o::!,;r:(" Sterile 2.JOz3, N<:;;<,J~ Stevenson screen ~L~il~e~~6' c::let:! Sticky ~li,)~, ~o~d Stigma i!l1'.J'tl5';)11) Stimulant o:::l)~.r.ed5 Stimulate o:::l,-,2£.r. ~t.J;:J,) Stink bug li2.J.)~ ~r.ro$ Stipule e~o:::l~r, ileJ0~ c::lrcr Stock culture ;r,wr1~ Stocking rate ~oli_)a5m dd Stock-scion incompatibility 3'i(3JO~ ~~~d.r.O::;$ Stolon c5e;oo~, ~ .... e~, i!ej9Jo';)C~ tJ.>~.... ~ ~;:;:;~c.: t vj;;rn N~d.J Storage 'T';J' ~ r:e'JM capacity c...{;<'cw.)cJ-e.r..e.;!.)yej ~;;tq;t.F" Stomata ;::l~do~..; Stomoxys e.i·d~t:i c5.:.. ~ Storage 93

Storage roots ~U7.ld ;!j0rL~m ~e~rlej;) Straggling herb '!'J~.;).wlf Strip grazing Ow Strip tillage ~~,... ~ejrl!,;l c3~:J~r;: e.'Uej;)~) tr.l~F' Stubble Stump Stump rot 2.J.;)c::3~,,:;:~ Stylet adJ~~lf Sub-basin eroc::!-tz;)~ Sub group eroc::! rlJO~ Sub·humid eo-t5~,..f" ero~d1' Su b-irri ga tion t.. ejr;>e tJ,)ejO ej;)Jej;)rI~oj,J.)d Submerged r;':,­ ...... ; .'\ Submersible f :;. ....• ; . ~,i(~.: , ~ej;)l'IdJe.;1 Subsidy ;. ?,. ;l;jWd~~(:$ ~~~N

"-~ i d. ;r; .. ' •••. I... " ...... 94

z:3~~CiJ.)Qdd '5t;)o:ii ~~;tjdQjJ Subsistance ® cropping ~\'I ~\'Icm~g ~~~;)rcl;) Sub-soil :':> Substitution cropping ~~eJ ~\'I ~\'Io:mw:& Substratum i!~~_,d Subterranean insect ~.R eC:$IiF";S 8N.3 er.)e::leroo:ii ~~'o::J Sub-tropical co Successive horizon eci:lte:::b OTic;s Succulage d~~03 ~;)~~ ~r.J0v~J~ ~edJ ~9Ti~;) Succulent o~2;lo:$ Sucker c3.R~;t;l;), 5C~;) Suckering C!Jd~..::F"5a-"Oi! 500J ~noj;);)w5 Suction t:oeog. ~eo:ii~ Suction pressure t:oe06 ~:$-,,~ Sugarcane crusher 5~ o~ t:oot!J~ cmo;s.) Sugarcane setts 5~w ~ ;:tJot!JTi~J (CiJ.)~T'idl) 5~,~ ~rclIiOTi~;) Sugarcane trash ~J ~=5 jm.'\ ~~o:l;);)c;:l ~\'IIi~J ~(~~6') Sugar crops ...... (fhJJiJ, ""... Sugary disease ~.r.et;) o..rwi Sulpbur lioQ'5 Sulphur deficiency TiOy5 6.r.d~ Sulphur fungicide TiOy5 ~OeoQ.._ .Ciid~5 Summer fallow ~e.lJn ~e~Jr.::l~w5 ~.tJ~ ~o~ 0;:5 ~£C)~e);) Sun-cured 'If M ' r.::l,l.,On wd8~ ~~e;;) hay M 2!l.lJex> ~o~ or"$ Sun-curing '0 Sun-hemp ee::l,,"ro:2.J.:) Sun scorch 2!l.lJOc:$ 3';)e::lOcO ~!z';)~6 Sun shine hours ~QjJF"cj ~~a~ e~Q Sun shine recorder ~.RQjJF"~ ~~5J e~Q ~~ ;tjLlycj Sun-spot-cycle 2!lNOc:$ ee~..)~ 5~dJ ~dJ;j e~Q Superior etUt5z.1 i!~;) 95

Super phosphate ~.r. O!l cYi' ;:;;".,.. ~.,; ~ ~6' Supplemental irrigation ~r;)d'5 C\lecilqjD Supplementary enterprises ~d5 ~.)d,qj,)Ke.;!,) " Supply ;tJdtJCil~ Surface incrustation 0!l"3~ ~~0'5~;,)o..;o:J5

Surface irrigation r::,,)~t;j,,,, oj /0!l?J3e: Nec~;;:$D Surface sample 0!l?J3e.t ;;:$J;co ;;::::,)~~ ts,) (~j.r.:w.:lcj,)rD t:o Surface .::,. t:'- M 12-20 ~ • o:J we.,"• soil ee:d;;:$of\r3 Gl,)£'Q'1) ~,)~d , we.;!,)~,) Surface tillage c;.,':J Surging er.)~,;~~o:J~ ;tJ~e~ Survey ~ Suscept ibility ~WClK,)o:J~ Suspension ~e~r;: ~'!Jd5 dl.! Sustainable agriculture c;l tJ Sustained use ;;:l,)~t. d 2Je.;!~(2;i.r.:~) Swabbing Aj'il~CJ~, ~.r.:5.~ qj~~o:,~ " Swamp areas g.r.e.;!~ o::l,_;Q~~1ie:,) Swampy ~e.;!.:lt::;~,~rI,) Sward g;;)v,)~,) ,wilr3 M " Swarming caterpillar ~,),)~~;;:$ 502J~~e:,) ~Jwj,),) o;;?J-8d,)qj ~V,) Swath ...:0 M Sweet orange, malta, Mozambique ;!;jil~~a, cj.r.e;tJc~ Sweet potato n£'Q;tJ,) Sword sucker ~";....:;50d.:l~e.;!,) Symbiosis ;;:l~~~qj~ Symbiotic nitrogen ;!:i~~~elr30od ;!;j.,d~r35 ~ De500 fixation .:;l Symptom ~a£'Q, ~~.. ;tJol!! edl.!;tJ,) Synthesize M Systemic fungicide .o:,w'i)O~IiF"~ lJO~oQ.. i:l"~5 96

Systemiz ~VnJ~c~rir-:5 o~~lS~. insecticide Oea3ilc$rir-3I oe~cvil<'::l5

T Table land Tile end land Tannin Tank silt Tapping ~Jcd wilOJ ~'It~t:~ Tap root system 3ilo=l~ ~~O~ ~';),:, as 5~~J , Ii.r.o~, i1~dJ;!J ~t3, Tassel ~ ~ .. 3~cm '5 .;.-~m/~r:lf$.r.~oQ ~rj ~ Taungya system :.J ";.J ~ I ...,.J Taxonomy iSf'\neo£'Q)Z:;il~ ~e ~.refj. Tea mosquito v Technical innovation 3ilC~'5 cj~~50~ Technique 3C:Z)

Technological advances 3ilO,:,..... ,5 ~:./ .i1~i1~J Tegnina rit3~ci!.t Temperate zone !l~iiS~c:'J Temperature ~Ollil.." c~ 3il3il 05 t;jilUi! Temporary wilting 17 Tenacity zeKJ~ KJr;') Tenancy KJ':'_./i , ~.reei1~,,' /i(r-j -.!~ .. Tendency ~,-,GtJtJ ~...JI 5J~ wf,t Tendril ~\ Tensiometer ~$_.t3 /5~F"~v;j~~5 Tension ~i1~, 5~r~ Tenure e;,.tJ~m5,:>'It, ~N~&t3.:;jj9 Tenurial reforms rt~~;ti02..lcQ ~~ilCrii1t;'J Terminal market ~O~~ ;S~d)5~tJ Termite J1dQ~~ 97

Terrace t:;nd Terracing t:;nd No::J.)F~o::J.g Terrain ~~o.::!,.}jei!5, 3.e~ Terrestrial insect Q..r.uld ·0e!:J Terrestrial weed ~..r.5~ Tertiary root ZtJ~eoj.J5 ~ed.J Testa 2!)~ t:;O ~.r. dtijijte Test weight o.::!oe'C'""<4 Z~5 (c:$.r.:d.) 'C''C)fj.:lnfj Z~5, iI:~~o ~9nfj~ 100 2!)e~ 3~'d) Tetragonous N'C)~efO).)fjy, t3Z.:l~')Ft:;~fjv Tetraplo.id teZ.:ln.:lFr;l3 ~td~c:j Texture w Thalamus ~~~AJ~J Thermal conductivity ~'\)aj~ ;:;lCc:::i'C)o:lti~ Thermal death point eroOllc-.0oO ;tj'C)oo.):d ~£d a:::!.:lW,j2!)CO.:l

Thermograph ero~r-; oe~ Thinning ~fj.:lrt.r.:~~o::J~ Thorny shrub t!0~~~t5 Thread worm ZO3.)to::J.j, ~""do i5.:lfj.:l Threshing oz.,tI.)v~o.)

Tick ero~

eq:S)~ZJ9 Tino spora ~ ;J Tirak (premature opening U;';...cOOJJ ZJO~J~05 " of the bolls) e;:::lJJot5ZwOlf\~J~ ed~Jo:J5 Tissue e.'\..r;)Z\1 Tissue analysis e.r\..!;,Z5 o:J~,_,~o:;;~ Tissue borer e.'\.:;,Z5 5 ..... d'd Tissue culture Tissue testing e,'\..';,Z5 ;;::jO~ B,!:'$ Title t-,,~3c3. o::lON.)e;:::lJ . a:~J" Tobacco beetle aO~;:)'tl5:J dJc~ Toddy ~c~ Tolerance ;t$z.,.,.o:;;) ~ ~ Tolerant Toothed cultivator ~o~ . 5JO~ Top-dressing ~J~~2.5Old. cS~n~o

Tractormounted ~';)J ,}Lu6'n .z..r. e&~d trenching machine 50d'6 C\l~JO)F'~a::j~o~ Training centre ;;dtee~ ~~cd) Trampling ~;; Transpiration t:jv~ o:,~~FC::; Transpiration t:j;>~ c:J~~F'rS ~o:;; 1i~8;;(2..od~ ~~ii 1 !.m,.. p coefficient t.,,8~~~ lUU~;>vJeJ~e.;~ ~fti;)K:J~ CIl~uC::: i::l_;Q;j,1o'ro:) Transpiration t:J.)o;;lvJ ':>~c;:\F'~cflJot;:::rO)1i~~ pu 11 ~.... ~ ~JO)N;>9iji:iln~ " at- ,,-':'"!""T'i' -~n...'_....,) ~ ~~t'\o""\ .,....1 _'.....J.....J Tran SpI r Jon w .. .;.),.; o.)t"J"",~ CJ "'_;o...IJ~'"'' (wow:J o;)to...ls.,CJ ratio ~~~...: ~;')::1i~ ,drS t:j~~,.;::J~~F~rl.:;:eol~ ~ (;)~UC::: g::j .Q;js.,rn) - - ~ ~ Transplant N~e.3 ~JO)tZ~ Transplanter NVe.3 cj:Jo~ Transplant shock N'O)~ C:5o;Yv3 Transported ~Q;j'O)v;jJO)~ (71'0);(, CIleoo <":l~'O)i)~) soil ~oj:Jcfl~cd ;l:j.,1i!:'$n.r.otZ ~~m~: Trapa natans C\l~oo e~~..)~w~ Trap crop ~~i:ilF'e ~~ '6~~~ ;;d1i~ Trash c.' Tree canopy ~;:bdd t:3~...o. ~.J:J5~W2tl-;)ii Trench '6ode. 'B'O)~~ Trench planting 50do N'O)~e:iJO)~.;::J~ Trial i::lO~a~ Trickle irrigation ~,:a.3~,.., ~J~t:ne;10 Triploid Tripple cropping e;1J..r.~9 ~d~ ~j~ Tristeza ~~eJ~ o..r.~ii ~ o:il e;1e.;oj:J Tropical :-;> eJ'..;o:il v;je.;oj:J i::l.t::le

Truncated i!~tez=~~;)od ~jW'Ol:..l~ 3~"'d~~~d soil ~~r'Ol~ (o::l';)~c,;jF"doJ~,;d~) Tuber rli2v. Tuber crop rl~a' 5dOt3~~OO ~'" Tuber form rl~ ee!.~ " OJ Alr'Ol no~, Alr'Ol rl~ Tuberole r.:: {~LC:: Tuberose ;tj;)noyu'Ol~ Tube-well =s~~~ tJ'Ol~ Tubular ~.:<~~o:m~o Tubular silvery galls c::l9=Scd.r;,~od ~~ riOW;)rl~;) (silver shoots) i,,' Tumescent ~~y;;d~ t:S~...;C;:i'

time ~~~M ",oO~ ~9=S.:<~~;)M- oj~3;)_ oj~Cl~ 2J9 cv~~ t.!);::i,_;<3 c:;~ojr'Ol ir.leJ-;::~Q) Tussock caterpillar Twi~ Ooz.::: Twocoultered drill wom e~nC\i '5.1< 011 Type 2.Jii Typical soil ojndu c;j~rs:~~ u ;!jv;lrii:i'Ol -~53 Ubiquitous ~ enJ~d;)tJ~-" oj;)3"~ 5~ Udbatti disease o.reerl , c...t d.reOi Umbel ~~-.ioj~C305 ~g:;l... e:l~O~u, e;j{~;)C~U 101

Under nourished e~~£JtJ;3. rSt.G.:~*~~;; Undernutrition ~"~,,c:3~~o:;lro$ zdct\;i 059 tJ~ Undulating I,l [:l Unicellular w5~..r.;{'D~C:b Unimodal .::.J5;::b~£~~·dO Unisexual ~5rDoT\ OiH.35 oj2,5 Unit cost ~ Univoltine ~5;:;lo~~ e;!Jo;!J_ 03 ~dca c..r.;~ Untreated sewage w ~ Unweathered rock O::<>J~~~c::l "«LooJn.aeosn'Olno 2.)O~ Upland w~-"do ~..r.;eJJ Ti\j:j u;"Ti~ 5ciC:;; C:::e:l:::>_~'Ol Upper & lower ~ ~ ~ plastic limit o;j(;eJ~"; (;:l~~~) cj~~:!) oi::5 :Z~~c:3~Ci) ~ .t:3\?!l .. Upper ~ J ' ;jJ~~ ct:! e'l.5J 5~. ~ t3{'~ catchment area v.J ~ r...l::::; c:3rid 'B'OlC~~;!;j1l' Urban compost IJ Urbanisation c:3nC~5d~ Urea OOJ..r.;ooo~ U redaspore OOJ.aOi2.r. 2Zl\?~'5-~

~~~. Value 2> Valve t1o;r.)~ Vanda testellata ZJONi! ;j.3,;:;l.3, 2.;om;:l~ Variation ~ ~- Variety ;i~ o..r.;~ a..r.:~, ~\?O!j"'~J Vat ~ "" Vector ~.r.eC5J ;!;j()ofl5 , ~.r.~0t1,Je;:i~O:;5 2...COJ ~..)d~"t::i~d~;j ~;::J_ ijjrlF" Vegetation ~ ;:.. ;:;l;::J_O:;..r.:a~ Vegetative cover ~ Vegetative stage g3~~m;j ;j,JJotd~ ~~oo,J ~9~rnn O:;C;5 Velocity jijeri 102

Velvet bean ~~c:jW6' g;l,)d.JI:' Vegetative propagation ;!:$~6 ;!:$oQ;1rj:lr-tS ~~o, t!l3,).t5 ~od,), c:3.!. Vertex 2.,l t:t ;..;: Vertical 5~w 2j:l,,~~;)Q.i)~ e~~o~ eveo:> mulching ;!:100~~d ~Qdi o"::IC; ~,,~~;), 5~ , ;j,)[O'l c:$ ~-(.r; ~ Vertisol . w t'tl "tJ Vesicular mass 1i,)~;oj,) d...;;jz;Cd~ Vessels c:J.)~1i~,) Vetivera, Khas Khas. ~';)Q;10t1!. ~"lJe ~"lJe m;;~,) Khus grass "'" Viability ~~;jO.!.5 N~;j.)q:l, r- Viability of seeds ~~t;S1ie.1 ~~5m ~u.~~ N~e3,)~~r­ ~t5;) tJ"il~5 <":ld\J;j ~~~ Vjable seed z.; Vibration 50o::l~ Vigna unguculata e~;;;loQ Vigour 5~v~ Village community n~c:J)~rn ~c::l;!:1ijj~mo:b ~Ol ,R2.J~ Vine '-'~ ~ ~Ol ,a 2.J~ ,00,)030:: Viny ...... " Virgin soil e:J5e) o;;1e.l ;j;)('@~ Virus ~.: o~ 1;j:JJ0;'ri, Virus disease ~'" O"lJeI ;j:JJO,:,tZ OJ; e ri Viscum articulaturn Ilt:5Q=5... Visual aid de)~ "lJOlQf. a:::bm3"d ~';) ijj:JJ~ a Vital importance """ ...., i:J ~~ijj,,~, ~,3t\i Vitality '" t. Vitamin ~e;;j~;Bj ... "" Viviparous ~e~~N3, ~COloj,))~ VoJatile C:'e;)OOJ

Volunteer plants 3~;;:;;)f\ tS~d ~~Q:k&3 ~~ IifJ,j '" ~ Vulnerable stage ;~~d:; QS03, d,j2.)F'~ 0503

Wage e".O Warehouse moth e::l,j9n o::li:toli Warehousing corporation t:i~;;;:j'~.,~;) e::l,j9n ~lie::l;) ;tl,j~.r.~o:;l rj~ Warm season crop to Waste Nd:lo;joj;),j~... Waste land cj~ctl..r.ef\ ~o:J;)~ci!,j Water balance "NedJ ~J$.r. wtS Water conservation ~~'~od.B.~, (;)~d,) ~odS~ Water conveyance w~ ~oe::l03~ /lJeJn~ efficiency lJ~e::l,jq::F' c Water culture solution w~lJv:j~ t:i~.Q;jrol Water (;)~dJ 5JeO~ (e::lx"U:; 3~0;3"O~ g~~ Ar;e::l.)r;:l,F"~ ._ "'" '" 'C" deficit ~;;j~~o;J,);1~ e;;ji5~o:Jd:.e::l "Nl:ec:J;)o~ i.:;d$) Water distribution efficiency we,)-.:J30~ ;;;j'e>e::l.)til~F" t;:.~~.r.ul ~ Water ero!-ion z.: Water furrow (;)~ d,) lJOl~,j

Water gate rJ~d,j CJc:);)03.f':)'-' lJ-n ~{'ceJd N{'O~ e;,n3.::5 '" Water retentive ~~Q.,d~ Water seeded (:3(52.)3...: ~z_"c:3("N{'Oc::i~ c:3c:3"Jd 2.J3_.d rice ~{'~~3..oc:3) 104

Watershed .,.. -_ .... -''''..J .... -' "-',...-' _.... _ r,~ Watershed based W;:_I:Jr"WwrJ 't'\I.c:,J.JW~CJ e:5yOlu.:;:i ~e;l;j';)oo~~d ~ farming system .." Watershed management ~D";)~~J~ c:::l..JI::3(~d C:Je::IF"U;;~ ;'~dv:e2.JJ Water shoot =.j n.Je.;~ ... ~ ~ Water table W ..... ~.: Water use efficiency ;j~dJ ZJQ'8 ;l;j.,c;:IJq:j_ F'" Waterway ~~/";~~dJ e::I.r;;l1F'" Water yield w";)~F'~O;:j'.,n i:Zvd,)~.:; ~d ~WJ, ; .. {CJ '" Weather U:;:;;::,Ol~.r;;~ Weathered parent ~w';)~J;)cJ~C:J~Jcd bQ!;..~~," c~ material ...... W",",,,,l!!,-,,Ne.;CW..J'.!_; ""...,..., ...... '" i:i:lc::iOl~J;)~O ,cj,J bF.\e.>w";)Ii~C:5 Weathering ~ • 't' w";)OOJ,J,gJ .b~ 'Z.vli d Weather proof I.P.I (. Wedge ~~ Weed 5~ Weed control iN (:JojJcz.... f:) .?~ -''';: ... -. 9/~,,..~-c-' M .... --' Weed Control 'O"'tt' OJ~"'~ \~ ':.J\o,/W'W .:'~c.:.. ;:;';)c:,J~4J.::. r Efficiency (WeE) (~~N"~~O~) Weed destruction 5~N"~n..r. ~~~'5 Weedicide ~~JrL ~~~~.r. ~ W Weed index ~~ c-qdJ~ ;!:$.:; t: Weeding ~9 ~~ojJJc:,5 Weed spectrum '5~~rif' /~~~ er=i~~, 'Z.vGJ Weir c.J' I,.~ Well-drained ~N"..J'\ ZJNO ~~e::I ~dJrj eroc:ii";) c~ Wet bulb temperature r. Wet land ~O~ ~~J~~J Wet planting ;!~e::I N.,)~ Wet season ii~~ ~J~OO' roJ2'J Wettable powder ~~~,~., , edliJe::I ~,~'" Wheat stubble rt~eQ ~.;.~ 105

Wheel-hoe z35._, .-5~Ii;)O w 0 Whip-tail 'ZZ;)~cj;)C;:;:05 ~tl::; White stemborer Whole farm analysis ~~~ ~~u:-(:.. ~~_~~'"";) ~Q~c:) Wholesaling ~liw~ ~j;)O;)W Whorl maggot ;::S.:)<,;:t:5.r. r9 Whole farm approach <-:;a~ otl~06'." Wilt ;t; ... dri;~",~1i , ~;)~o..:;~1i Wilting co-efficient 5;;:;:,C:. ;:::;iimG5 , t,;;;)ti;) ~cLli:'G5 Wilting point ~;)~;)~OO:l Wind me,{ Wind break me,{ a.r.te ~ Wind erosion 2d Wind mill m<,;:c::l:lo~ Wind rower Wind speed m~ ~~Ii r.~.~~I~ n... • n".~"~"""";; Wind strip cropping • h., .. ~""""::..... W~ w'1t'""",~tJ Winnower ;;~.d;)oj c:J;)03_) Winnowing ~..r.:d.)~O;) ;:;:O~ ~d 3~. Wire gaze tray w Wireworm Wood ash Qj;)d~..:;CJ Woodiness moo3c::l Woodland soil Wood lice o;:bd~~~ Working day 8 r10~ri9 ~~;:;jd eQjQoj,) oc::l x Xanthophyll a:ezQjGF'5 (=BO.r.~6' ~rslr5) Xerophytic plant ~:lOO~..r.:~ ~~l!i Xerophytism

Xylem ~~O;:;ClW (\lOl~ii~.:l Xy)ophyte w;)C.:l;tj;tjc

y Yeast O::>.:l~;l;j6'dc6:l0.:li\.:l ~~o:J) YelJow dwarf i:Ee,;lO i'\t! d.:wi '" tl~eQOOJ tE~O 3.:l5.:l t5..r.~ii Yellow rust of wheat . ~ Yellow stem borer i:Ee,;loo;)ot!~.r. 05 Yield ~e.;l.:le.iO Yield component ~~.:l~O eo~ii~.:l (N!:§0lf'o:lJ5) iiuo:;l ~e,;l::le.iO 5 c:I'.l ojej ~ii9J Yield maximization

z Zero tiHage Zinc Zinc deficiency ;tj;;.:lo:Jc:S i!.r. da e.i ~o:l.:l e;l.:lm.:l Zonal soil ~ Zoospore ta~~ewOlro::> Zygote ~~1l tim, o:l.:l.:llit:,. ti

., '.J., 01:;.' "'..i nf\ "~

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