Bakgrund Till Det Vi Ska Besöka
Bakgrund till det vi ska besö ka I det följande finns beskrivningar, på engelska, dels av ICE‐trafiken (höghastighetståg)i Tyskland, dels de stationer vi ska besöka. Materialet är hämtat från Wikipedia och sammanställt av undertecknad. Artikeln om ICE‐trafiken behandlar inledningsvis fordonen som används och övergår sedan i en beskrivning av trafiken och de banor som byggts ut sedan 1980‐talet i Tyskland. Artiklarna om stationerna beskriver stationens historia från den öppnades till idag, detta innebär att de stationer som fanns före ICE‐trafiken har en i vissa fall mycket lång historia. Trevlig läsning önskar PG Andersson, Trivector Traffic, 8 maj 2015 High-speed rail in Europe High-speed rail is emerging in Europe as an increas- ingly popular and efficient means of transport. The first high-speed rail lines in Europe, built in the 1980s and 1990s, improved travel times on intra-national corridors. Since then, several countries have built extensive high- speed networks, and there are now several cross-border high-speed rail links. Railway operators frequently run international services, and tracks are continuously be- ing built and upgraded to international standards on the emerging European high-speed rail network. In 2007, a consortium of European railway operators, Railteam, emerged to co-ordinate and boost cross-border high- speed rail travel. Developing a Trans-European high- speed rail network is a stated goal of the European Union, and most cross-border railway lines receive EU fund- Networks of Major High Speed Rail Operators in Europe, 2015. ing. Several countries — France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia and the United Kingdom — are connected to a cross-border 1 Early national high-speed rail high-speed railway network.
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