SBthe sephardi bulletin Picture courtesy of Artist Bettina Caro the magazine of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews’ Congregation Sept 2014 Vol 69 No 4 the sephardi bulletin 2 Ashworth Road, London W9 1JY tel: 020 7289 2573 fax: 020 7289 2709
[email protected] editor Alison Rosen advertising Al Goncalves tel: 020 7432 1303 contributions Any submissions for inclusion in the bulletin should be sent to the editor at
[email protected]. Text should be typed and sent as a Microsoft Word document. Photographs or illustrations should be sent as either tiff or jpeg files, and should be emailed or sent on CD. Only high resolution images can be used. The next issue will be published shortly before Chunukah and will cover the period up to shortly before Pesach. The deadline for submissions is 24 October 2014 environmental policy The paper used in the printing of the Sephardi Bulletin is made from pulp manufactured using timber from sustainable forests. This timber is treated as a crop and is managed by replanting programmes which exceed the quantity of felled trees. The pulp is bleached without the use of chlorine gas, carries the Forest Stewardship Council trademark, and also has an iso 14001 accreditation — an international voluntary standard for environmental management, the aim of which is to support environmental protection and prevention of pollution in balance with socioeconomic needs. To find out how you can respect the environment in line with Jewish laws and teachings, visit Message from Rabbi Joseph Dweck Rosh HaShana 5775: Today the World Was Conceived “What day is it?” “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.