Volumcb 5, Number 28 July 11. 1995 7% t GST Trash fl.ood haza ckendale residents tell council By Ron Enns which paid for half of the flood would have to pay a few thou- Brennan queried, as she province -should be "trashed" hazard study and has the final sand dollars, which is non- addressed council at its meeting because of the negative implica- The Squamish flood hazard say on subdivision approval - refundable, to apply for a rezon- last week. Mayor Corinne tions it will have on the commu- nanagement study should be has said the area where her ing to subdivide the land. But LonsdaIe said Brennan would nity She said the plan is estheti- icrapped, says a Brackendale seven hectares is located at the she said she is "100 per cent have to go about applying for cally undesirable and will lower andowner who likely cannot west end of Judd Road should sure" the ' Ministry of rezoning for a subdivision the property values, *eceivepermission to subdivide not bi rezoned to allow a subdi- Environment will not allow a usual way. Brennan said the three metres ier land. - vision. subdivision and doesn't want to Brennan said the recently com- of fill required for the Harris Kathleen Brennan said she is To receive a definitive answer waste her money. pleted flood hazard manage- Road subdivision currently 'caught in limbo" because the on whether or not the land "Isn't there some other way to ment study - prepared by a under construction in dinistry of Environment - could be subdivided, Brennan deal with this situation?" consultant for the district and Brackendale is an "abomina- tion. "In our area, it would be an armed revolt ...Is this .what you envision happening to the municipality?" Brennan ques- tioned, referring to new houses being built substantially above neighboring existing houses to comply with flood construction levels identified in the plan. Drennan said she does not accept the Ministry of Environment's claims that it is trying to save lives through the use of the flood hazard manage- ment plan. 'There are already 1,000 peo- ' ple, in our area whose lives are in jeopardy.'' She said it has been recog- nized that dikes in the area are not safe, and that they should be brought up to standard rather than limiting residential infilling in Brackendale. Lonsdale said she also has a lot of concerns about the flood hazard plan, which council has vet to adopt. ubdivision ~ Unlikely - Brackendale land owner Kathleen concerned that zoning and flood hazard management recornmen- * "We're tiying to work with the rennan, pictured here with her daughter Emma at their home, is dations will prevent subdivision of her property. Ross Wahlphoto Please tun1 to Page 2 Rock crashes through truck windshield on H The rock came from a slope that was last scaled by The area in which the rock fell is called the argilite cut, rockwork crews in 1987. Part of the area where the rock just south of the Deeks Lake trail parking lot, which is 4 B.C.Rail employee is lucky to be alive after a falling came down has been shotcreted, using concrete to sta- about three kilometres south of Pofieau Cove. Portions 1. 1 0 . ... Ck kom a czff dGfig hy.99 crashed thugn NS Duze loose rocks. of the highway in the area were built in the 1960s. indshield. - Swales said the rock work engineers examining the Today rock cuts are cleared much farther back. An The B.C. Rail vehicle was travelling north on-Hwy. 99 site last week narrowed down the area from which the example of recent rock cut practices is at Brohm Ridge, ar the Deeks Lake trail parking lot July 4 at about 8:30 rock fell to an area of 30 lineal metres. The rock may where work was done in the 1990s. n. when a rock the size of a watermelon went have fallen from as high as 100 metres. The bluff where The rock scaling done along Hwy. 99 is done in areas rough the windshield, hit the dashboard, broke the the rock fell is about 150-200 metres high with several determined to be the most dangerous, such as the !ering column and hit the man's leg. benches. It was a singular rock that fell, which is unusu- Porteau Cove area, Swales said. Millions of dollars are

"I would call it a freak," Swales said.

Squarnish volleyball relocation attempt Squamish woman by winning‘$20 After a day at work, there are showed him the ticket. We The windfall will allow the 49- all kinds of ways to relax. When checked each of the numbers to year-old to pay bills and her car Da make sure I was right. And I loan. A trip to Reno is also a rai! Buying and Selling Land Squamish resident Georgie bec Noble gets home, she makes it a was!” possibility. Residential and Commercial Financing 1 rail practice to sit down with a cup nit“ Buying and Selling Businesses of coffee and two Instant Keno nig Commercial Contracts lottery tickets. Late’last month, niz Negotiating and Assigning Commercial Leases her ‘way to unwind‘ earned her rea $20‘000. Incorporations and Reorganizations ter. “I got home from work, made Ti Wills and Estates some coffee, sat down in the liv- ing room by myself and to I Squamish net scratched my tickets,” said fivt 201-1365 Pemberton Ave. Noble. By the time the provin- 902-5254 niZ cial court clerk got to the game of five portion of her Instant Keno, things were looking good. To die win with the $2 game, players Chi must match the numbers on the SeF look Twicel ‘game’ portions of the ticket to ber the numbers on the winning TI It’s Motorcycle Season numbers portion. Tali “I scratched five numbers, Th then six, then seven,‘’- she said. eo The winning numbers kept an matching the numbers on game Pro five. imI “After I scratched nine of the 1 aPF 10 numbers, I called out to my daughter, who lives upstairs, ‘I won $5,000!’ After I scratched the 10th number, I jumped and ran all the way up to tell her I’d .w won $20,000.” Mit By then, her common-law hus- All In A Day’s Work - Georgie Noble admires the $20,000 his band was home. “Tom was cheque she won in the Instant Keno lottery. adc coming up the back stairs, so I Ithis

Fill ’Er Up -This picture shows the amount of fill necessary to meet flood hazard standards at a new c1 subdivision on Harris Road. There is almost one complete story of the house now in place below the level at which new homes will have to be built. Ross Wahl photo $ Ii -I Fellowes calls for compromise Continued jhrn Puge 1 told council he bought his land more than 30 Ministry of Environment. But if they don’t agree, years ago and that according to the Squamish it doesn’t matter how much we fight for a change. official community plan the area is intended to be They are the official (subdivision) approving developed. agency,” Lonsdale said. “It’s high-handed to come in with a study that Coun. Meg Fellowes said there is a need for may or may not be valid ...Don’t consider a flood compromises SO that “it’s not quite left up to the plain management bylaw at all,” he told council. Ministry of Environment what’s happening in “To quote a former Ministry of Environment this community.” employee, they got rid of the people who do Brennan, however, said council should not sub- things and created a ministry of philosophers.” mit to the demands of the Ministry of Lonsdale said whether or not the district adopts Environment. the plan does not matter. ,’‘I feel’ like the municipality is acting like the She said the province will still consider the Ministry of Environment’s agent instead of for flood hazard management plan when asked to the people of Squamish. It’s about time council approve subdivisions. stood up and remembered they are our elected District administrator Bob Miles said a report on officials and not agents of the Ministry of the flood hazard management plan is being pre- Environment,” pared for the planning committee’s August meet- Nick Candy, another Brackendale landowner, ing. I THE SQUAhIISI.1 CHIEF JULY 11, 1995 S- 3 NEWS TIPS7 CALl US (604) 892-9161 - OR FAX (604) 892-8483

I . Benefit bash raises money for needy kids Cat Lake Bash organizers say the Canadz Day -weekend concert near Brohm Ridgc raised more than $1,000. The bash, which ha: become an annual event which unofficiallj raises money for a needy child in the commu. nity, ’was marred by troublemakers Saturdaj night, but on the whole was a success, an orga- nizer said. “The Forest Service people were really great in helping us deal with the mat- ter.” Two years ago the proceeds of the event wen! to help three-year-old Sydney Tutor, who has neuro-blastoma, a type of cancer. Sydney, now five, is 95 per cent cured, said one of the orga- nizers. This year the benefit was held in honor of the organizers’ friend Daryl Hedin, who died in a motor vehicle accident in the Cheakamus Canyon area of Hwy. 99 last September. The donated money was raised to benefit Hedin’s two-year-old son Dustin. This year’s venue featured Gro House, Big Tall Garden, Funk Yard, Funny Thing About That, Hurling Plaid and Freezer Burn. booking For A Home -Youth Pastor Jose Mendoza, left, and members of the Calvary Community Church currently 5 Organizers hope to make next year’s event worship in the daycare centre at the Brennan Park Leisure Centre. The church’s application to temporarily occupy space an official benefit concert by going through the in the industrial park was rejected council. Ross Wahl photo proper funding channels. They also plan to by implement measures that will prevent bad apples from disturbing the event. Church kept out of industrial Darkm Mitchell’s calendar bill Margaret Thornton. supported by all parties There are also churches in industrial areas in Abbotsford A proposal by a Squamish church to use some space in and Maple Ridge. . West Vancouver-Garibaldi MLA David the industrial park during the area’s quiet time - Coun. Ted Craddock said he could understand Brown’s Mitchell received all-party support Friday for Sundays and evenings - has been rejected by Squamish frustration. But he said some businesses which have want- his private member’s bill which proposes the council. ed to move into the industrial park have been denied the adoption of a parliamentary calendar. Under Pastor Joe Brown of the Calvary Community Church opportunity under current zoning. this plan the legislature would abandon the appeared before counci: last week to request a tempojary “A church would not be an intrusion, but with the zon- current ad hoc approach to sitting and have rezoning so the church could occupy a bay of the ing bylaw we couldn‘t allow it,”, Craddock said. two planned sessions with fixed dates each Diamond Head Plumbing building. District administrator Bob Miles said institutions, year. Mitchell said his proposed system would Brown said the church has doubled its attendance in the including churches, do not qualiiy for a temporary use eliminate bills being backed up near the end of past five months and has outgrown its home at the permit for the industrial park. a session, which often forces late night and ’Brennan Park Leisure Centre. However, the church is not Miles said to allow a church to use the industrial park weekend sittings. The bill has not formally yet big enough to be able to afford the land for a new would require an amendment to the official community been passed into law yet, but Mitchell said he church building. Brown said the church was seeking a plan and the zoning bylaw. is gratified by the support shown by the NDP, two-year temporary use permit for the industrial paTk Brown said council should consider the benefits Calvary Liberals, Reform and Progressive Democratic location, after which the church, with continued growth, Community Church provides to the community, includ- Alliance. may be able to afford to build its own home. ing developing healthier young people and stronger, hap- k‘’q Summer programs funded ”Look forward, be progressive, give us a try,“ Brown pier families. said to council. He added that some councils in the Lower Brown said the church had permission from neighboring The Squamish Public Library has received Mainland have allowed such uses, recognizing limitations businesses to use the space as a church. He also said park- funding for two students through the to churches because of the high price of land. ing would not be a problem. Challenge ’95 program to coordinate the The building in which the church was seeking to relocate Coun. Tom Bruusgaard was the only member of council library’s summer programs for children. is zoned Industrial-7, and !a church is not considered a who voted in favor of allowing the church to use the space Library membership increased by 162 in permitted use, according to a report from district planner in the industrial park. May, bringing the total to 4,520 members. And two donations were received last month for the building fund, a $1,000 bequest and $50 L. -- . LIO~une of ihe storytime mothers. By Ron Enns Monaghan said the provincial gov- UBCM. Mitchell said the challenge is ernment is considering the new legis- now up to the UBCM to quickly meet ,T -Quote of the Week Legislation that could cut in half the lation because Canadian National with the government, which has said amount of taxation the District of and Canadian Pacific railways have it will pass the legidation before the ewhe , i‘lhey got rid of the peo Squamish was expecting to receive made the case that they are paying end of this legislative session, which once B.C. Rail starts paying property too much property tax in B.C., mak- ends sometime this week. ple who do things and taxes will be passed by the provincial ing their operations uneconomic. Mitchell said it is good news that the created a ministry of government this week. This, together with the elimination of government is ensuring through the philosophers,9’ ~ The district was expecting more subsidies announced in the federal legislation that BCR will finally pay d3 than, $1 million a year in property budget, has made the provincial gov- taxes, or grants-in-lieu of taxes, on its - NICK CAND): ON THE FlOOD HAZARD taxes collected from B.C. Rail after the ernment agree to reduce railways’ properties to municipalities. “But -Iprovincial government announced property tax burden by an estimated they’re changing the way they’re MANAGEMENT PLAN I earlier this year the Crown corpora- $20 million a year out of a total taxed to pay less - a lot less than tion would begin paying taxes - or provincial/ municipal railway tax most municipalities were expecting. grants in-lieu of taxes - in 1996. But levy of about $45 million a year. “The autonomy of municipalities to ’new legislation, which was intro- West Vancouver-Garibaldi MLA establish their own tax rates is impor- duced in the House Wednesday, will David Mitchell said the provincial tan t.” alter the manner in which railway government is attempting to allow District treasurer Kim Anema said if properties are assessed and taxed, Canadian railways to be more com- the municipality does receive a grant- according to a letter from Union of petitive with railways in the United in-lieu of taxes from B.C. Rail on its B.C. Municipalities president Joanne States, where there has been deregu- properties within the municipality, it Mbnaghan to all UBCM members, lation in the industry. will likely be reduced. Cloudy ’ Mu of sun Continued Sunny. including the District of Squamish. Mitchell said that last week in a Council passed a motion to follow :he with sunny and cloud. Zero per eriods. Chance of chance “The result of the assessment debate in the legislature with Premier Monaghan’s suggestion to immedi- to. Ehanceof morning of rain. changes, coupled with limitation on Mike Harcourt, he received a commit- ately call on the government to aban- showers. showers High 26. don the proposed legislation until its High 23. taxing power, will effectively reduce ment from Harcourt that the govern- on 1 High 22. rail property taxes by nearly one half ment would not make any changes to effects in iailway and non-railway re- over the next four years,” Monaghan the way railways are taxed without a communities can be assessed by the et- said in her letter. final round of consultation with the full UBCM membership. L 4 81 JULY 11,1995 THE SQUAMI§H CHIEF - NEWS - Expert opinions heard in- J Prompt, professional legal services at Afte a reasonable cost. witne - -- Family Law death of a SauamishI lomuu opinic By Julie Andenson When asked if any of the 12 physicians at the lookir #204 - 1055 MILLAR CREEK RD. . hospital had current ATLS certification, and who Squar PH: (604 I) 938- 1763 CaldM FAX: (604) 938-1764 WHISTLER, VON 1 BO Expert opinions on what should have occurred is in charge of the emergency department, Martin in attempts to save the life of a Squamish logger said she did not know who was certified and said lowin were heard during the final two days of a coro- the hospital is too small for department heads. 4 Ar ner‘s inquest into the death of Donald Caldwell. Squamish physicians formed a medical adviso- einerg ROBCAT Caldwell, 29, was seriously injured when hit by ry committee for the Squamish hospital, and on a Squan StzRVBCES a grapple and thrown 10 feet April 27,1994 while rotating ba>is take their turn at being in charge of perf01 No Job Too Small working at a logging site near mile 13 of the the emergency department, Martin said. This a MacMilIan Bloedei road in the Mamquam River The rotation system evolved by consensus of the pita1 s 0 5 YARD DUMP TRUCK * SWEEPER valley. ‘doctors. “It sort of takes care of itself now, in a protoc AI BACKHOE 0 GRAPPLE BUCKET * The inquest, held at the Sea to Sky Hotel, with way,” she said. presiding regional coroner Larry Campbell and a The decision to transport Caldwell b jquan Preliminary Landscaping Top Soil Sand 8 Gravel four-person jury, heard witness accounts June 28- ambulance to Lions Gate Hospital xquir Bark Mulch LL Nuggets 29 of their involvement in the rescue and treat- Vancouver rather than by air was ma rraun FREE ESTIMATES - RADIO DISPATCHED . ment of Caldwell. B.C. Ambulance Service provincial dispatc 4dvar :ertific CALL ROB LEMCKE - 892-9575 The purpose of the inquest is for the jury to Martin said she did not question this d,e, . determine how, where and by what means because it is not up to her to make*those,.de+ 4 All Caldwell came to his death, and make recorn- sions, and from her experience, road travellis ‘oom mendations that will help prevent similar deaths faster than by air because of the time it takes to Sener, in the future, CampbeIl said. prepare for the flight. idvar “No fingers are to be pointed at anyone,” insist- Manager of the provincial air ambulance ind bc ed Campbell. “No one is on trial or stands Gordon Bates said Tuesday at the inquest, a ite, ad accused of any crime.” request for transportation from the Squamish na cai Dr. Louise Martin treated Caldwell at Squamish d at about 5:02 p.m. l .w General Hospital, and under oath Tuesday gave e thought it practical to have lures detailed information about his treatment at the arranged for transportation immediately upon nainti hospital after being flown in by helicopter from recognizing Caldweli’s condition, Martin said: “It houlc the accident site. ‘doesn’t sound like a practical suggestion to me. I ,ine 1- “I got a phone call, I believe from the hospital, don’t know if he will need a helicopter five min- Sq1 NowaOpen saying that someone (a patient) was coming in,” utes from now because he may not be alive.” e eqi said Martin, who was the first doctor on call. Bates said the dispatcher recommended the’ adio. Specializing in Because there was no information regarding the ambulance over the helicopter becrruse he was1 Th seriousness of the injury, Martin said she would under the impression the patient was ready for Gourmet Take Out Food not EO to the hospital until she received more . immediate transportation. Gourmet Sandwiches Hard Ice Cream infoiina tion. “We didn’t know there was going to be a 45- D “I would have come up immediately if I under- minute delay,” said Bates. if they knew Caldwell Open 7 days a week stood the severity of the injuries,” said Martin,. was not prepared to leave immediately, the time Mon-Thurs gam-7pm who started treatment on Caldwell at about 430 required to prepare the helicopter would have Fri-Sun 9aM-8pm p.m., approximately 15 minutes after he had been meant nothing, he said. in hospital. CaldwelI’s condition was extremely shous, Squamish General Hospital head nurse Hazel said Martin, and after a lot of work, he was stabi- a Located beside Highlands Mall 898-3032 1 Giese testified lune 29 that it is common for doc- lized and ready for transportation. tors on call to iequest injury details before going Dr. Warren Mayo, specialist of internal medicrne ’- to the hospital. ai t Lions Gate Hospital, testified Tuesday that Contin Giese said, because she had no further contact C‘ddwell was brought in to Lions Gate at 6:42 exceed ,,you,v

with the first aid attendant treating Caldwell at p .m. and died shortly after. LL _I_ the accident site, or with the person who tele- mere phcned to tell nurses he was coming in, she was unprepared for the extent of CaldweU’s injuries. Martin said she used her advanced trauma life support skills (ATLS), which she acquired in 1985, IRetirement Planning, RSP’s to the best of her ability-in treating Caldwell. Stocks, Mutual Funds It is recommended by the American College of Surgeons that physicians working in an emergen- p GIC’s, Government Bonds cy ward take a refresher course every four years, said Martin. omex When asked bjj corcrner’s counse: Robert aid. “Squa Call Today for Your Kennedy why her ATLS certification had not been updated, Martin said “trauma is the least signifi- hat i cant part of my medical practice. It is the smallest part of what I see.” 1-800-263-8637 Local 490

:*... . 1.’ ...... lak, SPOnTs... lave h eea COMIN ON FAST Pole Position luring Two cars were involved in an accident on Government Road in the North Yards area of Squamish or uxUrY lurrS;MS” Id 892-9161 Sunday afternoon. RCMP and 8.C.Ambulance Service responded. There were no injuries, and thehose si OM - W are still investigating the incident. goss Wahlphob iampbl HIEF RCMP -


1 * NEWS -I ..

1I Jury recommends changes After four days of listening to Squamish General Hospital, following a serious accident to lama Chart& Financial Plannerandamember p witness accounts and expert review the possibility of hiring dispatch EMA I1 personnel, opinions, .the coroner's jury a full-time emergency room whenever possible, to the acci- of the B.C Association of Financial Planners. )looking into the death of physiciah. dent site. As an iwhentadisor in the Squamish area the for the past 9 years, I hmtaught retirement rho Squamish logger Donald Ail workers in'the loggi& A standard emergency fre- .tin Caldwell agreed upon the fol, industry be required to wear quency be put in use for the Sea planning seminars for Capilano College and Howe aid 1 lowing 12 recommendations: high visibility clothing and this to Sky corridor. Sound Teacher's Association, An independent audit of the should be an enforced regula- These recommendations are One of my specialties is porftblio evaluation. so- einergency procedures at tion. being forwarded 'to the chief If you are interested, I would like the opportunily to na 1 Squamish General Hospital be A review of evacuation pro- coroner of British Columbia for evaluate your porffolo at no cost or ob/@ation. ! of 1 performed as soon as possible. cedures in terms of training and distribution to the appropriate I look Jolward to rneetng with pu, ; This audit should include hos- methods to be used, i.e. long person or agency. SincerelK the pital staffing levels and trauma line and mountain rescue tech- Presiding regional coroner I. Me1 Diamond, 8. Comrn., CFP na protocols. niques be conducted by Larry Campbell said following Me' Chartered Finonciol Plonner All emergency physicians at Workers' Compensation Board the inquest these are recom- rad Squarnish General Hospital and other appropriate agencies. mendations and carry no power rth acquire and maintain Advanced Workers' Compensation of enforcement. Generally, the Trauma Life Support and Board require'all first aid atten- about 80 per cent of inquest rec- Advanced Cardiac Life Support dants bmplete the patient ommendations are followed, ionf. certification. assessment'form and pass it on Campbell said. >&- -- All nurses in an emerg;ency to the next level of care. When asked if he believed "iclroom setting at Sauimish 0 All work sites must have Sauamish General Hosuital ,A" t0)General Hos6tal be cirrent in direct contact with the first aid duld follow the recomminda- Advanced Cardiac Life Support attendant at all times. tions, campbell said, "1 don't (fIBI1VlIE IIIIUYJIIII ice and be provided with appropri- Logging companies should see why not, after all it is 892,,Tlp , a ate, additional training in trau- contact Emergency Health Squamish residents suggesting__ ish Ima care. Services dispatch immediately the recommendations." e Written policy and proce- dures manuals be in place and ion maintained, and that they "It should include the Trauma Hot e. I Line 1-800 number. in- Squamish General Hospital be equipped with a two-way :he radio. ras The board'of directors of €or 45- Doctor says

've got to get them out of

sees trauma patients every There are clear deficiencies d in the handling of GOLDEN DELICIOUS well right from the

uamish is an example of is pervasive throughout imince. We see a tremen- s variation in the level of n-physicians do not see or serious trauma patients often, the tendency for

WERESERVE WE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES coroner, in closing notes, HOME SERVICE - CALL 892-8433 everyone involved in OR FAX US YOUR ORDER 892-8455 pts to save the life of 11 utilized all their MON, - THURS: 8 AM 7 PM, FRI.: 8 AM - 9 PM, SAT.: 8 AM - 6 PM, SUN.: 10 AM - 6 PM LADIES eL GENTS GET READY TO SHOW OFF YOUR BEST. ENTER OUR TIMBER FOODS COUNTRY FESTIVAL g in a court room today GREAT APPLE PIE BAKE OFF. easy to look back and rec- FOR YOUR CBWNIEEQCE WENOWHAVE Imw THE SQUAMISH CHIEF c - 6 P JULY 11,1995 - THE SQUA MlSH CHIEF Is published every luesday by Whlstler Prlntlng & Publlshlng, Box 3500,38I 13 Second Avenue, Squamlsh BC VON 360 ility needled ne of the unfortunate byproducts of a set of municipal zon- ing bylaws is their inflexibility. The same can occasionally 0be said for bureaucracies and the councils they serve. Put the three factors together and often the first thing to fall by the wayside is common sense. Such is the case with the request by Pastor Joe Brown of Calvary Community Church to use an empty bay of the Diamond Head Plumbing building in the Squamish industrial park as a temporary church site. Brown explained to council that the curch has doubled its membership in the last five months and has outgrown its home at the Pat Brennan Leisure Centre. Purshasing its own property is out of the question. That would involve at least three lots to accommodate the church and parking, which in this community at the moment would mean upwards of $500,000. No small but growing church has that sort of cash. Brown said the temporary church would be in use for ‘only two years, and members would be attending Sundays and some evenings, not exactly booming times in the industrial park. Sure, the request doesn’t fit in with the zoning. But the industrial park doesn’t seem to have a master plan anyway. It is a mix of ser- vice, industrial and retail, and council certainly didn’t have any problem approving Norm Barr’s proposal for a fast food outlet .Few industrial parks in this province can afford the luxury of restricting themselves to industry. Like ours in Squamish, they are a mix of businesses, some even including such things as dance schools... and churches.

Whether we subscribe to any church’s particular philosophy or ., . not, a growing congregation should be encouraged.It is likely a bit more evening and weekend traffic in the industrial park would cut down on the frequency of vandalism in the area, and is not likely New costs will beBassed on to be the catalyst for a rush of churches wanting to relocate to the II industrial park. ith comparatively newest ones, are bulging at the cle on the subject by ‘Ow( On this issue, council and staff could afford to be a bit flexible. short spring (and seams. Somebody has to pay, Lippert, senior policy analyst And it might be a pleasant change for them to be remembered Wsometimes fall) sit- but the new homeowners will the Fraser Institute. fondly in the prayers of an entire congregation... for il change. tings, the provincial govern- be hit twice, on their annual Most often called a “righ ment has a tendency to pass so taxes and in the purchase price wing think tank, the Fras much legislation the impact of of their homes. Institute nonetheless comes L Clayoquot decision could its bills gets lost in the volume. With property taxes already with some intriguing altern With the accompanying flurry considered by many to be far tive -analyses of governme: of paperwork, some bills don’t too high, people get less of a policies. And just as no gover, have greater impact receive the scrutiny and public debate they deserve. ogging companies and their employees throughout the Bill 43, the School Site province must be even more nervous about their future, if Acquisition Statutes Amend- L that is possible, after the provincial government announced it ment, recently passed in has accepted all 127 recommendations from its own scientific panel Victoria, is a classic example. It on sustainable forest practices in Clayoquot Sound. It is highly will have a major impact on doubtful this new concept of experimental logging will be restrict- new housing prices, a virtually ed to the Vancouver Island hot spot. hidden tax which developers In its desperate attempt to find a popular platform for re-election, will be forced to pass on to pur- the NDP government has decided to go green. Its recent string of chasers. In a soft real estate mar- parks creation announcements in the Lower Mainland has played ket, the impact of this bill will well with the media and the general public. With approximately be that much greater. half the province’s voters living in Vancouver and the Lower In a nutshell, Bill 43 allows feeling of property ownership ment can always be right, n Mainland, it doesn‘t take a rocket scientist to figure out why this municipalities to require devel- than rental. think tank can always t direction has been chosen. opers to surrender five per cent There can be little doubt that wrong. The NDP mandate as government still has a year to run before an of their land or the cash’equiva- Bill 43 is a cash grab. Few devel- While Lippert’s comment tha election must be called. After announcing a “balanced land use lent for new school sites, with opments are of such a size that “Bill 43 is one more drip in tk decision for Clayoquot Sound on April 13, 1993, the premier has no compensation. This is in the five per cent allocation for Chinese water torture ( greased the skids for the annual allowable cut in Clayoquot to addition to the five per cent (in schools would actually accom- expanding government at tl &-inkfrom 900,000 cubic metres to about 200,000 cubic metres. At land or cash in lieu) municipali- modate a school building, let same time as diminishing i the time of his 1993 announcement there were 1,400 workers sup- ties already require for parks alone playing fields and park- accountability” is a bit oversta ported by logging in Clayoquot Sound. Now there are 220. and other social amenities, and ing areas. And we can only sur- ed, it is hard to disagree wit You can do the simple math yourself and figure out what effect the two per cent Property mise that the five per cent. the sentiment. those 127 scientific panel recommendations would have in Transfer Tax the provincial gov- school requirement, if taken in The NDP may gain politicall Squamish. It appears the NDP is preparing to sacrifice itsrural base ernment levies. land instead of cash, would be by sticking it to all developer for urban support. The name of the game is to get re-elected any Add to this the taxes develop- the prime, flat terrain best suit- but in the end, once again, it : way you can. Loggers and their communities be damned. ers pay on whatever profits they ed for keeping construction the average consumers an make, and the case can easily be costs down. first-time home buyers who wi made they are paying a dispro- Here at the Chief we get so be doing all the bleeding. An THE SOUAMISH CHIEF portionate share. In total, devel- many faxed government and the ripples will be felt a Publisher Ad Representatives Accountant opers contemplating new sub- opposition press releases we through the economic chain i Shari Bishop Linda Gamer Kathryn Cosgrove divisions can expect to lose 12 tend to ignore most of them, so every community where nei Editor Dianne Colledge Admlnistratlve Asslstant AI Price Janice MacLean Rita Bowes per cent right off the top and I didn’t even know about Bill 43 development takes place, mear Reporters more off the bottom line. That until I received a copy of an arti- ing every community in B.C. Ran Enns Production Manager Clrculatlon Manager extra expense will be passed on Patricia Heintzman Lyle Stachoski Henry Lamix Photographer Circulation to buyers. Ross Wahl Graphic Design Jill Smith It is difficult in the best of Group Publisher Michelle Matthews Receptlonlst jeanneke Van Hattem Kama Woods times to engender sympathy for Rustilla Swam developers. The S uamish Chief is published weekly b Whistler Printin S, Publishing They have been tagged with [I 984 Co. Ltd. President: Robert W. DoulyVice-President:ieith Bennett an image almost as socially unacceptable as... well, politi- cians. Perhaps misery does indeed love company. It can also be said that any Published Tuesdays. Telephone: [604] 892-9161 Fax: (604 892-8483.Yearly new developments add pres- subsrriptim: Home delivery Squamish area] $30; Cana ian mail delivery $55; US. [secund c ass] $65 Cdn; overseas $1 15A Cdn. . sure to the school system. Most r developments are family orient- Re roduction of an material contained in this publication is expressly ed, meaning new homes add hidden withou! the prior consent of the publisher. Canada Post publication mail sales product a reement No. 251828. new kids to the school system, President, CPC Greater Vancouver BJ: Box 3500.381 13 Second Avenue, 8quamish, B.C.VON 3G0 \ and most schools, even the - - - THE SQUAMISH CHIEF JULY 11,1995 B 7 hln -' 3( tlh I

alive and well 1 DOZEN about their institution, I will sweeping claims. REID ROSES continye to champion the rights Common sense too often oble art of of individuals to be heard on means agreeing with someone's Cash8rCanyW decisions that affect their lives. I opinion, and to quote Harold Squamish - 1347A Rmberton Ave. West Mcouver - 1529 Marine Dr. make no apology for this stance, MacMillan: ",When a line of Ph892-9082 Fa:892-9083. Ph 9253177 Fax: 92Ml77 Contrary to the assertion that I action is said to be supported by 1 as com- am unaware of Bill McNeney's all responsible men, it is nearly connection with the Word Cup always dangerous or foolish." Feeling I should keep with the downhill, having worked for We fought a couple of wars to Parks Day Celebratioi period and pick up my quill many years as a lift mainte- establish the individual's right at Alice Lake Prsvineiai Park North Beach (my computer has had to suf- nance mechanic on Whistler to hold and express differing fice) and blowing a raspberry to Mountain and being subject to opinions. political correctness, I offer the periodic requests to borrow Democracy is about your com- following thoughts. equipment to aid in race prepa- mon sense coming in conflict

The points that I chose to raise rations, the Iidea of my not with my common sense and in a very public forum had knowing Bill McNeney's abili- resolving the difference fairly nothing to do with the ability or ties ds the chief of course I find and peacefully. integrity of Rill NcNeney but quitefunny. On a lighter note, when con- everything to do with the elec- Not so amusing, in fact rather sidering formal usages it is torate having confidence that sad, is the silly notion that hold- tough to decide on a closing: GAMES, RACES, CROQUET, PRIZES indeed they have the right, ing managerial positions for 20 perhaps "to another arrogance" 1-4PM rn when their livelihood is threat- years is an assurance of having for ."your arrogance" (the pot ened, to be heard by the deci- acquired "common sense.'' calling the kettle black), or from Saturday, July 15 sion makers. Having worked with high Oscar Wilde, "on an occasion of I . It makes no difference if it is a powered university academics, this kind it becomes more than a Everyone Welcome. It's Free! logger or' a supermarket many of whom lack the com- moral duty to speak one's mind. employee concerned. about. "-.- their,_ mon sense to nail a sheet of ply- It becomes a pleasure." job, or for that matter the8--wood over a broken window, Meg Fellowes n Legion members concerned makes one cynical about such Squamish WC st gh *as1 St lrnr ner 'err -

Ili Helmet laws infringe on freedoms rn Editor, give us the facts regarding those you (the government) are inter- b Two comments regarding last eight? ested in saving lives. This hel- week's editorial and the police Would wearing a helmet have met law is just another mind tha blotter. saved their lives or protected boggling exercise in futility by I th This cyclist helmet thing just their heads to save death? I very those cretins in power. Just 0 goes to show the continuing, much'doubt it. another tax gathering exercise, I th irifringement on personal free- All motorists should be forced would say. ; it doms. to ride a bicycle for at least a The government of B.C. would stal You mention 2,000 accidents year before obtaining a drivers save more money by just pick- Nit1 in.rolving cyclists in B.C. in licence. Only then can the dan- ing up the people with all those 1933. You did not mention who gers be appreciated by both false claims on their car insur- :all was at fault. How many car cyclists and motorists. ance. Freedom has just suffered ieri accidents were there? A final comment on the fatali- another blow (and a $100 fine to it i The 10 unfortunate cyclists ties within our community. boot). IT'S anc who died are really quite a More people drown in swim- In a lighter vein, the police wil small number considering the ming accidents, more loggers blotter. Here we have our Anc number of cyclists we have. die in the woods, and more Disneyland's finest wanting a1 You also said eight of the 10 pedestrians die just walking on more information regarding HOLIDAY n ii did not have helmets on at the the sidewalks. While I am on a cocaine; pushers in this town. nev time of their accidents. Why not roll, why not ban smoking if Then further along in the same ean little item they know who they ..1 '(the pushers) are. Not being TIME! Golfers .help the disabled Sherlock Holmes, I had to ask Editor, the neighbor's two-year-old son the meaning of the police state- On July 15, golfers throughout B.C. including some at the Squamish Valley Golf and Country Club will be participating in ment. Charity Swing for children with disabilities. They will have "If you know who they are, Is Your Vehicle Safe & Ready? how is it they are not arrested?" chances to win some v2ry impressive prizes. To participate, golfers make a pledge per stroke before their round and then make a On Canada Day 1995, a sad BRAKES e MUFFLERS e SHOCKS donation to the Lions Society of B.C. equal reflection on how this country is to their pledge multi- fast rushing into Third World FREE INSPECTION - NO OBLIGATION plied by their score. No pre-registration is necessary as this can all GREAT STOCK OF CAR, TRUCK OR VAN TIRES aa- be done right at the pro shop.. status. With a cycling helmet, of )er course. For details please call me at 873-1865. P.W. Hance GARIBALBB EXCEL TIRE SERVICES LTD. "g Darren Soy he Lions Society of B.C. Squamish A SQUAMISH WHISTLER PEMBERTON ler -fer


R.V. TRAll.fR & 5TH WHEEL with a private partner - WING

4x4 QFF ROAD RECOVERY The District of Squamish will right through the paint. did not at the council meetixq be developing a proposal call for Tones said with the addition of direct Thornton to go ahead wit1 a private/public partnership for another corporal and constable studving the area. Rather, distric SERVING ‘WESQWMISH L WHIS’ILEA AREA -1 the provision of a new space for staff’wiii prepare a status repor the Squamish Public Library. on projects to present to a counci The effort is being made after a at an upcoming “shirt sleeve: LC. OKANAGAN meeting between the Squamish session,’’ which is, closed to tht Public Library Board and district Council public. FRUIT ON SALE NOW staff to discuss such a venture. Thornton said the downtowr The City of Richmond has indi- * south issue has been on her lis Peaches 0 Plums Cherries cated it has been successful with Briefs for quite a while, but added shc Apricots Apples 0 Honey private/public partnerships has not yet been able to address related to cost effective and time- - as approved by council dur- it. 10% SENIORS DISCOUNT ly projects. ing budget deliberations this Lonsdale said some time maj HOURS: 18 a.m. - 8 p.m. A referendum for a lease will be spring - a new shift system will be freed up after the adoption oj Government Rd. & Garibaldi Way required if the lease will be for a be implemented. Jones said at the new zoning bylaw, which is duration of 10 years or more. bar-closing time - about 2 am. expected to take place in August A referendum to borrow $3.2 - there will be seven members I million for the construction of a on shift to combat problems at The Squamish Civic Centre ha: new library was barely passed various locations throughout a new name. It is now called the by Squamish voters in 1993, but Squamish. Jones added that Brennan Park Leisure Centre, Come Meet Michael Yates did not go ahead with the project RCMP members, a provincial after cound adopted a recom- because of the closeness of the liquor inspector and a Squamish mendation by the parks and Local Author of the book vote. Fire Rescue member have been recreation advisory planning Library board chair Muff checking some hotel bars. He commission. ”LINE SCREWff Hackett has identified six possi- said some notices were issued by I ble sites for a library project: the liquor inspector. Coun. Meg Fellowes made a expanded municipal hall proper- The Squamish detachment notice that she will be bringing Book Signing ty, the leisure centre, lot R (on received 1,140 complaints in forward a motion at next week’s Wed. July 12 thm Sat. July 15 Pemberton Avenue), private land May, an average of 76 complaints council meeting that council on the south side of Main Street for each of the 15 general duty allow TedPatterson to address Moon - 2pm between Second and Third members. There are 557 files council beginning the first regu- avenues, lot 19 (beside the cham- under investigation with 306 still lar council meeting in August. Michael, a resident of Squamish ber of commerce building) and a under investigation, 194 before Council, last fall, passed a has done many things in his life site owned by B.C. Rail. The old the courts and 57 open for motion to not allow Patterson to - University professor, logger, RCfl building site is still con- exhibits. address council until he publicly sidered a possibility barring any I apolo&es for remarks he made pet, novelist and an executive at other use by the municipality, Council has been approached at a council meeting about the CBC Vancouver. The best job he Hackett said in her letter to the on several occasions regarding deputy treasurer and deputy had - that of a prison guard! mayor. the uniqueness of the downtown planner. crew is his toqh, chilling and 111 south Industrial-2 zone (the area E Squamish RCMP Staff Sgt. Ken south of Main Street). Mayor Coun. Meg Fellowes said the NOW half price funny account of prison lqe. Jones, in his report to council, Corinne Lonsdale requested district has been promised an said in Map there was an couiid consideration of the pri- increase in bus service. increase in incidents of property ority that the community plan- “Hopefully they’ll deliver in damage resulting in less than ner should assign to studying the November,” she said. $5,000 damage. There were sev- area. Coun. Don Ross said the youth eral cases of people breaking Planner Margaret Thornton advisory commission should be T K windows downtown and of said the actual study of the area congratulated for their efforts to \ CLEVELAND AWE. 892-3912 / people scraping keys along the should not take more than three try to convince B.C. Transit to 38012 . length of vehicles, scratching months. Councillors, however, increase bus service in Squamish.

W it 11 t 11 e 11 u rc h a sc of’ I9 full coiour portraits for only $ 9-96your child, ilgcd 3-30 111orlths, will autonintically be cligiblc to win our beil~~tif~l i3aby Scarch. ‘I’hc bahy sclcctecl Sitting Fec $3.96 per subject Our Hcrutiful Hahp 1995 \Vinnrr **IIOI induclrd in .dvrrtiwcl price” Shannon Steffan ;IS thc NiltioIlill Wirincr will rcceivc $1,000 in cash nnd Portdt hiliapincludcs: 1-$dO’,LWs’ and bc our official I6 hillfoldr(l.j”sl.75’~~’hrtrdil hrhgtoffcr I996 Poster Child. availdie tn all aga.

Thur., July 20 18:30 - 8:OO Fri., July 21 1O:OO - 8:OO Sat., July 22 1O:QO - 5:OO Highway Recycling Call for appointment 892-3691 I Road crews were resurfacing ‘sections of Hwy. 99 around 38247 CLEVELAND NE., SQUAMISH Squamish last week. The equipment scrapes up old asphalt, grinds it and lays it back down on the road in one pass. Russ WM/phutu - THE SQUAMISII CHIEF ..

Biking, body care, book, cameras, chocolates,

cosmetics9 department stores, drug stores,

good coffee, gifts, e nteirtai home

I fu rn_- ish ings, ice-latte, jewellery, 9

I tottery, I men9s fashions, optical,

public market, restaurants, 9 SkrOE?S,

stereos, sporting goods... e can w .NEWS ’ ’

PFwlnce ~f Mlnistry of British Columbia Forests Drunk pelts limo NOTICE OF PRE-HARVEST SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTION * OR SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTION with’ beer bottle. The following area has a proposed prescription that will apply if approval is obtained Drunk individuals acting in Drive at Hwy, 99 JUG5 at 6 p.m from the Ministry of Forests. The proposed prescriptions will be available for viewing an obnoxious manner became Two Squamish people werc until August 24, 1995, at the location noted below, during regular working hours. involved in a confrontation drivers of the vehicles involved with the driver and occupants One driver sustained minoi To ensure consideration, any written comments must be made to the District Manager, of a limousine stopped at injuries. Charges are pending. Barnejs Petro-Canada on the a Squamish Forest District, 42000 Loggers Lane, Squamish, B.C., VON 3G0 way to Whistler July 1at 3.a.m. An RCMP member noticec While at Barney’s, an unidenti- three young people in posses Form of Licence No. Cutting Cut Block Location Area (ha) Amendment fied man threw a beer bottle at sion of cigarettes July 4 and Agreement Permit No. NO. (Approx’ ate Yes or No the limo. The beer bottle hit the learned where the cigarettes hood of the limo causing minor were allegedly purchased ..J ., Geogt&ic 1F Lma tion) damage. The man got into a car Charges are pending against a and left. The licence number of Squamish merchant for selling

TSL A46691 I - Birkenhead 21.4 NO the car was obtained and police cigarettes to a minor. River are investigating. I I A Vancouver driver lost con- trol of a car southbound on Hwy. 99 at Furry Creek and Police went-into the ditch July 4 at about 7 a.m. There were no :Law Enforcement injuries and damage was minor. Blotter The driver was brought back to Squamish for a breathalyzer test. Charges are pending. I rn The Surrey driver of a car thal Two commercial river rafts was involved in a single-vehicle Torch Run for accident june 25 at a.m. flipped at the elbows rapids on 450 on the Elaho River. Guides righted Hwy. 99 at Tunnel Point was the boats and the trip contin- taken to hospital by ambulance ued. There were no injuries. The Damage to the car was $7,800< incident was reported to police Charges are pending. June 29. Such incidents are I Thank you again, Squamish! reported to police under the Tools from a toolbox were province’s Commercial River stolen during the break-in of a Safety Aci. There have been trail& at the Capilano Highway With yiur help $4,500g00has three river rafting accidents Services yard the night of June been raised in Squamish for reported to the Squamish 28-29. Entry was gained by cut- the §pzecialOlympics. If is RCMP detachment this sum- ting padlocks. because of the generosity ~f mer. eople and or anizations II The face plate of a car stereo t A Vancouver motorcyclist was stolen June 30 from a vehi- Rat events suc3, as this will whose motorcycle rear-ended a cle parked on Diamond Head continke to be a success in car driven by a Mt. Currie resi- Road. qur community. dent was ejected from his a .I motorcycle and received minor Stereo equipment, a TV and a SPEChL THANKS TO injuries. The accident occurred VCR, worth a total of $2,600, TH€ FQLLOWING: June 29 at about 5 p,m. near were stolen from a Cleveland Furry Creek in an area where Avenue residence. The break-in traffichad stopped for road clo- was reported July 3. Squamish Valley Golf John Hunter Co. 1 Garibaldi Communications sures. I & Coclntrv C!uD Cardinal Conciete Save on Foods 6 A Sony Discman and $800 in The Pair free Highlands Mall Community Futures ; Brackendale General Store A Squamish man was arrested cash was stolen from a Chief The Pair 3ee Chieftain Centre August Jack Motor Inn Mountain FM and taken into custody July 4 View residence July 2. W Whistle Sto Boutique , Chieftain Hotel i Lordco after allegedly assaulting i another person that night near Two juvenile males were Mr. 1 Hour Bry Cleaners OK Tire Store ? Super Valu b the Chieftain Hotel. apprehended by police after . CRB Logging Co. J Highland Video Garibaldi Nurseryland Phillip Robert Billy appeared being seen pluwling around a Eagle Run Fitness - - Em ire Lo ging . . Westward Sales in Squamish provincial court car in the area of the Westway Empire Fitness Centre of BH11 Rail roducts - Home Hardware July 5 on the charge of assault apartments in Valleycliffe. North Vancouver Ronnie McCartney Morris’ More Than Workwear causing bodily harm. The youth were released Squamish Credit Union Chevron Canada Color burWorld The victim in the incident was without charges. Residents are Club Flex Cliffside Ventures ltd. IDA Pharmacy taken to hospital, held reminded to keep their vehicles , Diamond Head hmaha overnight and released. locked and valuables out of c Hi hland Glass rn sight. A white VW Rabbit was van- I < _I_ i; Scuba Sports .$ dS 8, dalized at Cat Lake July 5. The Twenty-three windows in Auto Marine Electric roof was slashed, the front grill Stawamus Elementary School d Pharmasave kicked in and the shifter box were broken during the Canada Squamish Jewelles Billie’s Bouquet * was tampered with. Day long weekend. Total damage was about Stylezone . ‘ . . , , Ralph8 Rentals . Garibal i Graphics Mohawk Kentucky Fried Chick0 j Precision Optical There was an accident involv- $1,800. Police do not have any 24-hour Video Loggers Inn Garden Cafe ing a minor injury on Clark suspects yet. Squamish Petfoods Crime PreventionNictim Services Quinn’s Workwear World GoodBearSofCanada(Maestat0n) Barney’s Petro Can Brown’s Video Frame Shop” Rail & Sea Squamish Game Players Fields / 7-Eleven Squamish Chief Systems Hair Group Alfreds Diamond Mead Motors Corsa Cycles Sea to Sky Hotel Laurie Vanzella True Value Hardware Larry’s Coffee Break Karen Vanzella Prints in Minutes Chevron Town Pantry Gus Decook & Sons Half Time Sports McDonald’s Restaurant If you have information about a cripole, Elliott Insurance Connections/Aaron Cabs Mountain Burger House telephone Crimestopper&af 892-TIPS (8477). Miow call [s ffee, you don’t have to give your Again a heartfelt thanks on behalf ofthe Committee for name and you may qualify for a reward the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics A I


COMMERCIAL * District to get tough CONTRACTORS Rostoiations with water restrictions t By Ron Ems shut-off device. Stage four is the same as stage Welocated to Squdsh three, except lawn sprinklingis prohibited. Garden from Vancouver in 1994. Residentialwater supply will not be cut off if peo- watering is permitted by handheld hose or water Quality Roofing ple do not comply with new water conservation can. The district is currently in stage one. For 25 measures, as had first been suggested by the Under the water conservation response plan, a Years of Squamish public works director, District first infraction will result in a friendly reminder Repairs * Reroof 0 New Council reviewed Mike Darbyshire's report at last and provision of the restridion schedule. For a sec- week's council meeting and decided convictions ond infraction, a homeowner will receive a written Squamish FREE ES'IIMATES would be sought for repeat offenders, but residen- reminder advising of restrictions and advising of 832-5582 898-4661 tial water supplies would not bedfeded. the potential for the seeking of a conviction. After 2020 Pam Rd., Squamish "Personally I am not comfortable with discon- the third infraction, the district will seek conviction. necting anyone's water supply. It raises some In Darbyshie's original report to council, discon- health and safety spectres," Darbyshire said to necting water supply would be the result of a third council. conviction and seeking conviction would come Council adopted a four-stage water conservation after a fourth infraction. response plan June 6. During hot spells this sum- mer - including the heat wave two weeks ago - the water.licence for the Stawamus River intake has been exceeded. The Stawamus River supplies all of Squamish - except for Garibaldi Highlands, I UNBEUEVAslY PRICED.". I which gets its water from the Mashiter Creekintake - with its water. There are no restrictions in the first stage, which includes a public information :ampaign to raise awareness of the need to con- serve water and a request to voluntarily reduce water use. In stages two to four, however, there are restric- ions on lawn sprinkling. In stage two, sprinkling is illowed 4-3 a.m. and 7-10 p.m. Saturday aiid Wednesday for even addresses and Sunday and rhursday for. odd addresses. Stage three is the ame as stage two except no weekend sprinkling, )ut does not apply to vegetable and flower gar- lens. Hosing of ouidoor surfaces is proiii'oiteci and dl hoses must be equipped with a spring-loaded Leisure Centre Procrrams Sarah Orlowski, right, explains how indigenous wild herbs such as plantain and nettles can be Jsed to treat common ailments during the Herbal iome Remedy Chest Workshop Saturday and 12-year-old Dave Pongracm, below, stick handles 1 I luring Sunday afternoon drop-in roller hockey at I he Brennan Park Leisure Centre. Ross Wahl I 2hotos I I f I 1

&by In And Check Our Ever Changing ssortment Of Great Metchandise At 'ohe


A wide range of cedar lumber Jack’s Trail succumbs 1x6, 4x4, finished decking, etc. Direct from Sawmill to you Attempted relocation of trail linking Garibaldi located in Cheekeye. Wednesday thru Saturday Highlands and Alice Lake ends in disaster 898=5611 ‘ ByRonlEnns winter windstorm has ensured that a popular A hiking and cycling trail linking Garibaldi Highlands and Alice Lake will not be re- established. The extreme ends of Jack‘s Trail -with trailheads just off Perth Drive and at Alice Lake Provincial Park - still exist, but a new trail to join the two is a tangle of virtually impass- able blown down trees. The original trail - which passed through private land owned by Merrill& Ring, a Port Angeles, Wash. forestry company - became part of a clear cut last year. Merrill& Ring did make a commitment to the communi- ty to replace Jack‘s Trail and went as far as maintaining a leave strip, or buffer, of trees Good Management - Merrill 8 Ring did demonstrate sound fo along a creek and ravine est practices where this culvert carries a creek - located in th through the clear cut and . gulley in which Jack’s Trail was to be relocated - under a loggin building a new trail inside the road. Ron Ennsphoto leave strip last fall. DE Cszson, Merrill& Ring “The winds were hellacious ”We’re very disappointed ,vice-president of planning and this winter,” Corson said, in about it as well.” development, said the compa- explanation of the blow down Corson said the company hy ny is trying to do everything area. had extensive experience wi h “by the book” in terms of forest “It’s a real question mark leave strips and tries to lea,d e practices, including the way, every time you create leave trees for buffers with inte&ity the leave strip was designed. strips.

QUALITY WORK AT Baumann said, WWSQWLE during a wa% through the PRICES Merrill & Ring property in the blowdown area, FREE ESTIMATES that the buffer would comply FAST EFFICIENT with the province’ S ERVl CE new forest prac- tices code. Call Bob Qstergard 1585 Pemberton Avenue However, Baumann said thal at Thrifty Muffler Squamish 892-3022 Closed For Good - Jack’s Trail was closed more than one year ago and swal- if the intent of the lowed into this clear cut. A new trail was to be built along a creek with a buffer of buffer was to pro- trees, but the trail is now laced with blown down trees. Ron Enns photo vide a scenic trail, then the edges of 7 the leave sfrip would hive to be made windfirm, by possibl! making the leave strip bigger Catch of the Week and feathering its edges. Ocean Jewel talk ti MeftuM ”The bottom line 120s Frozen is buffer strips 5guaAk.h must be

windfirm e ” tven easieE.. - Frank Baiimann Call my new toll free number 1-800-475-7976 “The bottom line is buffer strips must be windfirm. In some cases you want to leave T more, in some cases less.” Accounting and tax services come right to your door- The creek running through with flexible appointments to meet your busy schedule/ the leave strip area is not a hieftain Centa class A fish-bearing creek, so the area of the buffer could have potentially been logged, Baumann said. In this case, however, - The Institute of Chartered Accounrants of British Columbia - - THE SQUhNIISH CHIEF JULY 11,1995 I13 NEWS

~ IS to failed forest manage Baumann said he believes the were lost as well." get the blown down-trees out. future development. Id area was inappropriately man- Corson said the company has Corson said the company is "It's too bad public apathy aged. not yet determined what it will still committed to allowing and allowed it to happen,'' Miller "It's a lose-lose situation. The do about the blown down trees maintaining access through its said of the loss of Jack's Trail. ?r company loses the value of the in the leave strip. He said the . property to Alice Lake. As well, The 154 hectares Menill & timber that was left behind and timber may be salvaged, Merrill& Ring will be building Ring owns in Garibaldi

the esthetics of the leave strip although it may be difficult to I a new hiking trail along a Highlands on district lot 510 ravine in the were made part of the area to a water- province's forest land reserve fall. But Jack's last year. The land is also iden- Trail - in the tified in the Squamish official form it once community plan for residential was - will development. About 40 never be again, hectares of the land was clear he said. A log- cut last year. Merrill& Ring ging road will was planning to harvest anoth- now be used as er 40 hectares this year, but a the link declining timber market has between the put harvesting on hold for two ends of the now, Corson said. original Jack's Trail. "The property "It's too bad is in significant public apathy transition," Corson said. allowed it Squamish Off- to happen." Road Cycling Association - CliflMiller id fo president Cliff in th Miller said As well, the provincial gov- iggin Merrill & Ring ernment has indicated private is not being a managed forest land - the W IN DO W COVE RIN GS - good corporate classification under which the i citizen of the Merrill & Ring land falls - community. may become subject to the for: "They told the est practices code. people of . Corson said operating under Squamish they the forest practices code would (rity would build a not be a "big deal'' for Merrill good trail. It's & Ring. just a shame "Most of those regulations (in , that we lost a the forest practices code) we

I trail." are following on our own lands mersaid he in the U.S.,"Corson said. !O- is disappointed Baumann, on the walk er that one of through the Merrillk Ring lUStr Squamish's land, noted the company has ;ul- best trails - been exceeding the require- the original ments of the forest practices 1, Jack's Trail - code in some areas. has been forev- He pointed out an example of er lost. excellent management with a 5 "The moun- large culvert passing under a e tain biking, hik- road lined with coarse rock to :a, ing and eques- lead a small creek through the e trian communi- area to minimize sedimenta- I ties have to get tion, a critical factor for fish ince' involved in habitat. iC- Inappropriate Management - Frank Baumann, negotiating the blowdown along the aborted Jack's Trail rebuild, says the leave DO YOU NEED A UNION? Itha stip through which the tr@l runs was inadequate. Because the Do you have a fair conbact d employment? ' the buffer was not windfirm, timber values were left behind and desired Does your employer pay you a fair wage? pro- esthetics were not achieved. Ron Enns photo Do ypu have mem to speak for you rail, when you have a dispute with your employe i of Do yw have a Health Care Ran and a Pension Man? h to Does your employer encourage you and siblj help you to work safely? ?P Do you have access to training and upgradii? - LOCAL 115 CAN HELP Do You More Both & Out? Load 115 offers its members the prdecSon d a cdlective agrement and ne Need Space, inside access to the services of experienced labwr lawyers, &odd a dispute t i Then look no further, this home is ais between you and ywr emplayer. Local 115 maintains and opemtes its own-HqIth and Welfare Phn and mul Ran. Members of Local 115 are eligible to participate in training and upgmding provided by the Opetab'ng Engineers Joint Apprenticeship and Training Man. - Local la provides its members with experienced tepwsentafon m WCB 1 workshop for all the tinkering. 2nd UIC appeals. "-'*?.I"Located at 40227 Diamond Head WHO ARE WE? Local 115, International Union of Opetab'ng Engineers, represents mer lop00 workers in the Province d British Cohmbia. Call Ronnie McCartney Members of local 115 work in conskuclion, mdbuldmg, mmq, and in the to see this one soon! industrial sector. They work as heavy equipment operators, mechanics, welders, cmne operators and various other fields d employment They can 'A top penbrmhg member of the prestlglous PresldeneL also be found throughout the Province working in fabrication shops, Club for the conswutlvo 91t, year' mecfianical repair shops, waste management opentiom and equipment MASTEA__ Ental sfiops BLACKTUSKREALTY LIVE BETTER vw Affiliated with Royal LePage 38235 Cleveland Am. WORK UNION 10%~ 892-3335 (24 hr), 898 5941 (horn@) 832-5924 & all us at 291-8831 ext, 6188 01 11, -, -, 14 JIJLY 1995 THE SQUAMXSH CHIEF NEWS Duffey Lake Read to be paved completely By Cris Prystay Xit'olacw subdivision and With these agreement:

I school, said the ministry's pro- secured, band members votec After months of negotiations, ject manager, Don Wharf. 96 to seven in favor of tht the Mount Currie band and the The province also confirmed paving project at a meeting Junt Highways Ministry have reach- the paving project would not 28. ed an agreement to pave the 10- prejudice future questions 'It's a good decision," saic kilometre section of the Duffey about ownership of the land. Stager, who has worked towarc Lake Road that runs through Until now, band members have the paving project since he was the Mount Currie reserve. . opposed the project because elected chief in February. As part of the deal, the ihey felt.if the province paved "FOPmany years the physica Ministry of Transportation and the 10-kilometre stretch of road, condition of the road has posed Highways secured federal fund- it would then lay claim to both safety and health concerns fol ing to pave a number of other the road and the land it lies on, our people," Stager said. gravel roads in the reserve, said Mount Currie Chief Allen There have been a lot of acci. including the road to the Stager. dents on the road, and a num- ber of cars have even gone of1 B the road into the Lillooet River, he said. The dust raised off the reserve's dirt roads also poses serious health problems, and 1 Stager notes there is a very high M rate of asthma within the coin- a munity. HOW DO YOU GET THE RIGHT Stager said the stretch of B Duffey Lake Road that cuts 0 through the reserve will be F TRAININL; FOR TODAY'S JOB MARKET? upgraded and blacktopped as it C is, and will not be straightened B or widened. J1 About 60 old cottonwood trees l. A that pose a hazard, however, St will be removed. He also said the project will provide jobs for c a number of Mount Currie resi- el dents. fc The controversial road had been the site of two native ti blockades, and has been a K source of tension between the fI band and the government, and C( within the community itself, for tl a number of years. L The first blockade went up in tY 1975 to protest the extension of the Duffey Lake Road through F the reserve. Natives said the b Highways Ministry had not tl: asked their consent, and 0' blocked traffic for a month. d Police arrested 53 people vihen nl ASK A PANEL OF EIPEIITS, they finally took down the blockade. Ci In 1990, a group of Mount fc Currie residents who called 'The biggest question in 13.C. tothy is about jobs: And ;it Chinadim Woodworks, a wood manufac- w themselves the Lil'wat People's e7 Iiow do you find one; how do you gct the right turing pbnt in Prince George, Tony Zwiers and his Movement set up another Y' tmining. ;ind how do yo11 keep one? employees received the necessary upgrading in blockade to show solidarity W with Mohawks involved in a tmining to improve their productivity and compete ir It's not easy to ;inswer, but Chrissic, I'ani, standoff at Oka, Que. The :I Eugene, Anita anti Tony li;ive found one solution. It's in the global market. group, which was acting with- out support of the band cguncil, M called Skills Now. 11program that's working with It's a progrm that's making a difference in B.C. also issued demands that the business, local communities ;ind education to train by providing the training to create a more skilled federal government recognize people to get into and stay in totlay's job ni;irket. workforce, to help people get off welfare and to their aboriginal title to tradi- tional Lil'wat land. For high school students like Chrissic Hipwell, better prepare B.C. students for tlie job market. After a four-month standoff, Skills Now the I~re-:ipprenticcshiptmining It's worked for hundreds of British Columbians, police dismantled the blockade B provides and arrested 63 people. - to get her foot in the door of her chosen career. ;ind it can work for you. For t1nit;i Davis, it iiie;int tlie ttxining to go from For more information call 1-800-63-SKILL. Ronald EllioR ;I I being tlic receptionist to certified dental assist;int 11 n in New Aipansh, I%.(:. to stand trial LY LE And to help retrain workers like Eugene Sog;~, in murder case .J techuicd training is ;ivail;iblc to get a better job in '0 Ronald James Elliott, charged their liclcl. :0 with second-degree murder :v Skills Now ;ilso offers opportunities like after the death of Frederick $€ Dan Miller. Charles (Chuck) Elliott last Oct. 1 h;incls-ori cnrpcntq training for peupk like 1';1111. Minister, Ministry of 14 in Squamish, has been ii ;I single moni ;incl socinl assist;incc rccipient with Skills. Training ordered to stand trial. 5' two young chilclren. and Labour A preliminary inquiry into the 3; case began May 14 was con- e cluded Wednesday in Squamish provincial court. A date for the trial will be set I Investing In Our Future. I Aug. 16 in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver. There is a court order tem- porarily banning publication of the proceedings and evidence taken at the preliminary inquiry.


I -

m Y ?nt! )tee thc unc aic arc Ma! ica sec f0l cci. !m. Putting one’s craft under the micros ofj By Patricia Heintzman of the play through pattern.” and McConchie, who directed each other in their lat- jer, “He says he works with a script for at least three est venture. the issecting one’s dramatic work can be an intim- months before he starts using actors,” continues The duo hopes to bring Theatre B.C. directing ses idated experience: the smallest of movement Daniels. “He believes in the importance of physically workshops to Squamish and North Vancouver in late nd D analyzed, a slight intonation justified. But scoring a play, where the emotions of a play flow like September or early October to provide aspiring arna- igh with every suggestion comes introspection as thespi- teur directors a forum in which to learn the crafts of in- ans mold their craft. directing live theatre. Mark McConchie and Kathy Daniels of Squamish’s Daniels says that John Cooper, who adjudicated the of Between Shifts Theatre Company had the unique North Shore Zone Festival of Plays, is excited to Llts opportunity of putting their production of Visitor work with their theatre company. be From New York, the final scene in Neil Simon’s “We’re looking at creating more of a learning envi- s it California Suite, under the microscope at the Theatre ronment in the future,” says Daniels. ked B,C. Festival of Plays in Kamloops the last week in June. Between Shifts was chosen at the Theatre B.C. he future is what Daniels and McConchie are ?es North Shore Zone Festival in May to participate in a excited about as the completion of the new ‘er, scene development workshop’in Kamloops. THowe Sound Secondary School addition, which kid “The whole experience was wonderful,” says includes a 180-seat theatre, inches towards becoming For Daniels, her aptitude for the theatre emphasizing her a reality. si- enthusiasm. “We were just submerged in theatre for They are holding a general audition for Between four days. We talk drama, ate drama, drank drama.’’ Shifts, which until this point consistcd of only the ad Some of this years’ the best amateur theatre produc- two of them, July 18 at 730 p.m. at the Sea to Sky ve tions from across the province were.involved in the Community Services office on Second Avenue in a Kamloops festival, which featured performances downtown Squamish. Interest and aspiring actors arc he from the winners of each zone festival, workshops, asked to bring whatever they like to read to the audi- nd coffee critiques and social events where theatre was tion. ‘or the hottest and only topic of conversation. The Deer The general auditions will provide Daniels and Lake Players wasthe overall winner for its perfor- McConchie an idea of the talent in the corridor when in mance of Lips Closed, Teeth Open. they have auditions for the troupe’s next production, of As for the Between Shifts production of Visitor Canadian playwright David French‘s Leaving Hotne. 5h From’ “It‘s about a family living in Toronto,” says Daniels. New York under the scrutiny of Dave Edwards, ’ he who has a doctorate in theatre arts and established ”There are seven roles, and several of them are for ot :he four-year theatre program at University College young people, and it dealswith a variety of family id If the Cariboo, Daniels and McConchie say it is a far and societal issues. This is a great drama with its h. Merent production now than the production wit- poignant nomefits but ii also has a loi ui laughs. This en iessed at the zone festival. is a fire-in-the-belly play. I’ve wanted to do this one he “We worked on breaking down the scene into logi- Thespians At Play - Kathy Daniels and Mark for a long time.” :a1 workable unitsl” explains Daniels. “We picked McConchie of Between Shifts Theatre Company share Between Shifts is also holding a playwright compe- nt ’our segments to work on and videotaped the scenes a laugh while rehearsing for Visitor From New York in tition in conjunction with Community Cable IO. .d Nhile we performed them. He (Edwards) analyzed May. Chief file photo ”The idea is to encourage community involvement,’’ !‘S ?very little thing. Why did you move that eye lid? Do says McConchie, “and to give people the experience er YOU know you are holding yourself this way? We a symphony. We had the basics of the play down of working in front of the camera because the win- t Y Mere accountable for everything we did. The droop- pretty well before, but he put some beautiful stuff on ning play will be produced on Cable 10.” a ng of a shoulder or the tilt of a head can completely top. I really noticed how much I miss working with a The writing competition is limited to one-act plays ie :hange who the character is.’‘ director.’’ 15 - 30 minutes in length. Submissions can be sent h- ”He really worked on physically scoring the play,” Experienced directors are a missing ingredient in c/o Between Shifts, to Box 5121, Squamish, B.C., VON il, vicConchie interjects, “establishing the composition the Squamish area amateur theatre scene, say Daniels 1GO. le ze li- Brackendale artist featured in Whistler art show ff, ie 3y Gis Plystay development projects. He paints only one area at a time, cover- on display during the upcoming art Jones has now turned his talents to the ing the rest of the canvass with adhe- show, including Upper Callaghan Lake, or a full-on infusion of warm, canvass and produces warm, colorful sive vinyl, called masking. Callaghan High Country, Mt. Sedgewick bright colors and Sea to Sky land- paintings of the region’s mountains, “I work on one area for a long while, and Helm Creek Meadows. Fscapes, check out the Robert Jones glaciers, lakes then take off Freestyle Framing and Art Gallery irt show at Freestyle Framing and Art and alpine the masking. owner Terry Vincent said Jones is tenta- 3allery.. in Whistler‘s Marketplace, July meadows. ”I’m just totally in love If it doesn’t tively scheduled to be at the art show relate to the from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m on July 15 and July a 5 - 31. # Jones, who hails from Brackendale, is a rest of the 16, to meet local art enthusiasts and talk ormer Vancouver architectural illustra- painting, I have about his work. Id or who fled the hectic urban lifestyle tos of the area to go back and Jones has exhibited in numerous !r wo years ago to seek his true calling in and later paint from the photos,” says keep working on that one spot,” he shows in Washington State, Vancouver :k lea to Sky country. Jones, a self-described avid outdoors- says. “It‘s very time consuming.’’ and Ontario. In July, 1993, his painting :t. While an illustrator, Jones developed man. “I’m just totally in love with the Jones says his approach is to break entitled Brandywine Meadows was in lis artistry skills using an airbrush and alpine.’’ down scenes to their basics, simplifying selected as the best in the landscape cat- ;ouache, a specialized watercolor paint. Jones says it takes between 20 and 140 nature into graphic shapes without los- egory and Publisher’s Choice in the sec- le lack then, he earned his bread and but- hours to complete one painting using ing the detail of the subject. ond annual National Fine Art i- er making illustrations of homes and the airbrush and watercolor technique. Ten of Jones’ latest paintings will be Competition in Toronto. h

2t rt

1- If :e Y -16 S JULY 11, I995 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF LEGION MEMBERS & GUESTS 1 are invited to egjoy the music of It's never too late not to grow up1 I I hen are you going tc gy is used by children the the leaves. No longer is it just a grow up? It's a ques- world over in their quest for tree: it is a complex composite Wtion I heard more than discovery. of its many components, each several times from my parents I now have the opportunity to of which are worth looking at as they were attempting to daily see a child learning more closely for their own spe- Friday, July 14th & somehow get me grow up over everything for the first time. cial qualities. the years. But for me, it seemed Every piece of art she sees is The physical energy of a child Saturday, July 15th to be more of a question of "if" fascinating to her and invdri- is as incessari) as the inquisi- I grow up. I guess if I haven't ably makes her laugh. New tiveness. Watch children at a 898-3233 grown up -whatever that foods - and their new tastes beach building sand castles, really means -by this stage in my life, I probably won't. However, not having grown up is not necessarily a negative thing. It is a frame of mind. Just because one reaches a cer- Appearing this week,,, : tain age or embark on a cer- tain career does not mean one must act "grown up." To me, grown up means putting aside the aspects of life associated with youth, and even child- hood: And in my books, those - elicit interesting facial burying each other so only things should never be cast expressions. Her eyes move their heads and toes are stick- aside. everywhere on hikes along ing out from he sand. Then intc3 rivers and on trails. In the the water they run to wash off But neither does not being I grown up mean one is imma- truck, she stares out the win- the sand and back onto the ture or irresponsible. It rather dow at the rapidly passing beach they play some more. means having an inquisitive trees and mountains above her. The action is non-stop, I T, -&..--- h,..,:,, ,L--vmA n LA-mh mnn-bl.. A -A Wed. to Sat. mind, a sense of adventure and 111 ~LU~CJ,iicaiiii8 vulLc3 UUJ~LVCU Q ucaut iccciriry. nuu entails looking at the simplest around her, she ,talks incessantt-,! again, the seemingly simple July 12th - 15th parts of life and nature as fasci- ly. The colorful array.ofhemtd;jh~ngfiprovide endless activity. nating and complex. It means on the shelves are.an attraction ' . (Of course, parents require seeing everything as new, for her roving eyes. Nothing, almost as much energy: they rather than overlooking what absolutely nothing is taken fo are constantly called upon for has become obvious and com- granted; By being around this advice or to pull a rubber rhft monplace. new person vixfyally all the * out of the watey, or just about


Noon - 5 p.m.; 7-9 p.m. Thurs. 10 a.m. - 5 p.,m.; 7-9 p.m. Sat. Noon - 4 p.m.

swing but you can still register at the library. You will receive a booklet to record the books that you read and be eligible to win prizes.


West-Barr Dry Land Sort

LANGDALE ORYlAND SORT FOR MORE INFORMATlQM PLEASE CALL: Pastoral Setting A deer pauses last week alongside the road leading to the Diamond Head area of Garibaldi Provincial . CEL: 892-7955% Park. Patricia Heintzman photo - - THE SQUAMISH CHIEF JULY 11,1995R I7

8:OO 8:30 9:OO 9:30 1O:OO 10:30 ll~~~ll:3012:00112:30 1:00 1 1:30 2:OO I 2:30 3:OO 3:30 SQUAMISH Q CBUT CBC Morning News Earth Playgmd. Theodore Dressup Sesame Street All My Children [ID One Life to Live U Midday Coronatn Urban P CABLE TV LISTINGS (TJ KOMO Good Morning Regis & Kathie Mike & Maty [ID. Edition Loving [Io All My Children [ID One Life to Live [Io General Hospital Ell Northwesl Afternoo CBC Vancouver 2 CBUT ABC Seattle 4 KOMO Q KING Today Cont'd Days of Our Lives Other Side Sally News [ID IEvening Leeza Gordon Elliott Donahue [Io NBC Seattle 5 KING , 0 CHEK Canada A.M. Cont'd Regis & Kathle Price Is Right Northem Exposure News Chek Movie Shirley [Io Another World CTV Victoria 6 CHEK a KlRO 7 Live Cont'd Maury Povich El Ricki Lake HardCpy Entertain. News Highway to Heaven Rockford Files Maury Povich Ell CBS Seattle 7 KlRO CTV Vancouver 8 BCTV P... t.7.; BCTV Canada A.M. Cont'd Body Live It Up Another World l5l Shirley @I News @I Leeza Dini IBI Ricki Lake 1. 1 I I I PBS Seattle 9 KCTS Sesame Street El Puzzle (Dudley Couch Gerbert ]Reading Ilma- INewtons IShelly ISesame Street [Io (Barney IPuzzle Information IO KNOW Vancouver 11 KNOW Liftoff Join In1 PolkaDot Open Learning Varied Programs nto KVOS Bcllingham 12 ,ff Q KVOS Duck- Tale Spin Matlock l5l Remington Steele Maury Povich BIi HardCpy Paid Duck- Bonkers CKVU Vancouver 13 ~ CBC Montreal (fr) 23 CBC 100 Huntley Street It's a New Day Act Money Robin H. Babarml Entertain Danger General Hospital [Io Donahue UIJ Q CKVU Iris Gadget KSTW Tacoma 24 IND. Sportsds- IVaried PF0 grams KCPQ Tacoma 25 IND.

, Houseof id , AIE Remington Steele Police Story Rockford Files L(0 Vaned Programs Remington Steeie Lou Grant Police Story Commons 26 * TNN VideoMorning Crafts Cratts Ralph Emery VideoPM Wildhorse Saloon Dance Spare 36 '' ClTV 100 Huntley Street Regis & ithie ' Dave Rutherford News [Io [Money Days of Our Lives Company 1 Act General d,pital[Io YoungRr!less Extended Basic WDlV Jenny Jones News (Powter Days of Our Lives Another World W Sally Monte1Williams News News (News The Sports Network 14 Arts i3 Entertainment 15 Nashville 16 ClTV Edmonton 17 NBC Detroit 18

Pay TV ' - 8:OO 8:30 9:OO 9:30 1O:OO 10:30 1l:OO 11:30 12:OO 12:301 P:QO 1 130 2:OO I2:30 3:OO 3:30 . Super Channel 22 1- Q CBUT Sesa- Pennets Cents Cycle1 Home Gardener Personal Busy Coleslaw Equestrian: Chrysler CI. Auto Racing Cottage Milk td; a KOMO Planet Gldiatrs. Bump Fudge Bugs & Bugs 8, Cro , Weekend Rainbow Edition Streets of S.F. Senior PGA Golf Isports ' -< - ' 0 hNG News News Watch1 Kids. Adven- NBA LPGA Golf: US. Women's Open Championship --Third Round lVolleyball .-,!I Q I CHEK IHobo ISecret 1Can.A.M. . IApniBoli IWorld Vision IGardener ]Gold ICHEK Around IFishin' ITrax IFigure Skating I KlRO NewsCont'd Home Paid Paid Paid Movie: "It Came From Hollywood Ent. Tonight Movie: "Magic" ::?: BCTV NewsCont'd Canada Movie Can. A.M. News Figure Skating: Challenge of Champions WWF Wrestling WANTED TO BUV: Good Quality Sawlogs 8 KCTS Play Kidsongs Reading Ima- Deci- Hannah Revolu- Vision .Journal Firing- Medal-Honor Yan- Grilling Delia S. Cooking Peelers a 0% in Fir, Spruce, Balsam, Pine, Blnh or Aspn For a competitive price and further information contact: Iln Search 20th Century ' Investigative Reports Movie: "First Family" Movie: "King of the Gypsies" 'Fishing In-Fish IFishin' BillDance loutdoors INHRA (Racing Truckin' Ispeed ]Rodeo: Bull Riding VideoPM [Video Session IStardom Darnell McCurdy ~ ~ ~-- - 256-5213 - office Mermaid IBugs & !Bugs & IBabar !Bears IBeetkjc IT.Ruxpinbeas-Tharky IGdget lovide JBonkers IShnook. IAladdin ]Gar- 256-5250 - fax Gldiatrs. NBA Paid Paid Sports Volleyball LPGA'Goll: U.S. Women's Open Championship -- Third Round News News 256-7359 - home

" Cont'd Movie: "Trading Mom" Movie: "Double Edge" Movie: "Rich in Love" Movie: "The Meteor Man" Jardins Univers inconnus My- Mon- 1Vac- IPerfecto Sports: Championnats d'athlhtisme 100 ans de cinema Journal Country I111 I KS~IAladdin ITurtles IGarfield ]Garfield /Wild- ~ IWaniors ]Beakman IStorybrk. IHunter lSporls Show IKung Fu: Legend [ I {@) I KCpQ IEekl ]Batman ISpider ]Tick IX-Men Isandiego lHuey IBIinky Bili(Baywatch ISimp- ISimp- I McCioud IUntouch. I

11 I Q I.CBUT Iconage IGardener [Coronation Street IAuto Racing: IndyCar -- idolson lndy Toronto IRodeo: Calgary Stampede /Meeting Place I IDavid Brinkley IJ'pardy ]Auto Racing: IndyCar -- Toronto ]Senior PGA G~II I 0 KING News WallSt Paid Volleyball LPGA Golf: U.S. Women's Open Championship -- Final Round Beach Volleyball Q CHEK Ernest Angley Punjabi Winter Raunaq Mela Popoff World Vision Nation Sunday Edition Magnum, P.I. Extra - a NRO Bill Nye IWondr- Real Est. Pruden- Living (Golf Club Paid Paid IPaid Baseball Mariner ]Major League Baseball: Blue Jays at Mariners ::?; BCTV Copeland Wrinen Van lmpe Hour 01 Power Robison Canada Cooking Sunday Edition Winter Nation Per- Up and... Fortune J'pardy KCTS Barney Mr Bus Newtons Ghos- New Explorers Birth of Europe Reflec- Group Editors Sewing Quilting Painting Garden

~ KNOW Eric Dudley Kidzone Prss Quilting Sewing Design Medical Anthro Mod. Art Literature Can. Theatre French French

, WOS ,Dis- , Robison ,Hour of Power ,Paid ,Paid ,Paid /Paid ,Paid IPaid ,Paid ,Paid ,Paid (Paid , Eek! ,Tick ,

~~ yil I I CKVU I FreeWilly IBeetlejc ISharky IBears ]Sonic I Fang IDog City IWizard IKidsBeat IKids I Danger (Angler IWilder- ]Ready ICompany ILife I

Y TSN Golf Sportsds- Toronto lndy Gala Baseball Major League Baseball: PhiladelphiaPhillies at Montreal Expos Major League Baseball: Blue Jays at Manners r': - A&E Movie: "Night Passage" Movie: "Road Games" Movie: "The Happening" Time Machine In Search In Search TNN Racing Raceday In-Fish BillDance Bass- Buckmstr Racing Win! Trucks Truckin' American Sports Cavalcade IMechanic Mechanic NHRA CITY Tribal Tr. Written Natives Dominion Ukrainian Gardener Automag Angler Fish'n Fishing Energy Rush /Beverly Hills, 90210 Day to Care

WDlV Home Meet the Press Paid Lifestyles , Volleyball LPGA Golf: US. Women's Open Championship -- Final Round News News

31 -~ sup So I Married Movie: "Cooperstown" ' Reel Ent. Outer Limits Movie: "My Girl 2 ' Movie: "8 Seconds" @ CBn \Visions d'ici La Semaine verte Regard En liberle Movie: "Naufrages" Pour lout I'art D' Avonlea Decouverte I- - Q KSTW SunMorn Nation In Touch Scott Children Paid Movie: "Going in Style" Sports Show High Tide

....a:7$ KCPQ Hour of Power Paid Brain NotNews Travel National Geo. IMovie: "Alex: The Life of a Child' . IGilligan ISiskel "Middle Age Crazy" I 18 r% JULY 11,1995 THE SQUAMISI-I CHIEF COMMUNITY HOROSCOPE By C.C. Clark Alice Lake concert free tonight- There was a story in last are Don and Ruth Wilson of 898-3604. July 9 through July 15,1995 week's issue of the Chief on the Squamish, and also celebrating I Aries (March 21 - April 20) four-day Summer Pops Youth are all David and Joan's family A little footnote to last week's It's time to get out in the world and make some- Orchestra workshop being held and friends in B.C. and item about Rev. Charles Balfour thing happen for yourself. The first step toward in Squamish this week. You Ontario. Deb Ashworth and and family moving to Maple success is the hardest. will have a chance to see these Karl Wilson are the proud god- Ridge. He wanted to thank the . young people in concert when parents. Special thanks are Squamish Chief and the com- Taurus (April 21 - May 20) they perform at Alice Lake extended to the medical staff at munity for the support given Someone will help you make an important deci- sion concerning your finances. A new challenge Provincial Park tonight, July '11 Lions Gate and Squamish hos- him and his family while at St. will be presented, and you should accept it. at 7 p.m. A second concert is pitals. John's Church. Rev. Balfour planned at the Squamish Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Pavilion at approximately 12:30 There is an opportunity you may be overlooking p.m. on Thursday, July 13, because of self-doubt. This is no time to begin sec- when the Royal Hudson ond-guessing. Trust your instincts. arrives. The Squamish connec- tion includes brothers Duncan Cancer (June 21 -July 22) and Fraser Mousseau and About Town A love relationship may seem in turmoil, but David Brewster. everything has a way of working out in the end. It is important to express your desires to a loved one. I i Is your club, community orga- By Maureen Gilmour Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) nization, business or individu- There are a great many decisions to make, and you als interested in taking part in do-not have much time. Sit down and put it all on the Squamish Days Loggers ' paper. It may be easier to deal with that way. Sports Parade on Sunday, I was also the Legion padre dur- August 6? You are asked to Tot soccer summer camp for ing his stay in Squamish. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) contact the parade chairman, four- and five-year-olds begins I A party or some type of celebration will be more Jim Lang at (604) 896-2471 or July 17-21 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 STORK STORY - WILWN- fun than you expected. Go out and buy yourself send your application to PO. a.m. Sea to Sky summer adven- SON - Ross and Tammy that new book or CD you have been wanting. tures for five- to 12-year-olds Wilkinson and sister Baylee of Box 368, Brackendale, VON Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) 1HO. also begins July 17-21. Aldergrove announce with A wish could,cbme true for you or someone close I Activities will include fun pride and pleasure the birth of to you. This is a busy time. Make a list of impor- Another two nights are avail- games, crafts and theme days Dustin Connor, born on June 22 'tant duties and delegate whenever possible. able for those wishing to regis- at the adventure tent. To enroll in Richmond General Hospital, ter for Howe Sound Youth your child phone 898-3604. weighing 8 Ib. 8 oz. Dustin Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) Soccer for the coming season. I shares the same birthday as his Think twice about making any risky investments at Registrations will be accepted STORK STORY - CALD- mom. Proud grandparents are this time. A young person may need some special this week, July 12 and July 13 WELL - Stop the presses, she's Gwen and Dennis Friesen of attention. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Pat arrived ! Brad, Brenda, Taylor Squamish, Jim and Anne Brennan Leisure Centre lobby. and Jacob are proud to Northey of Delta and great Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) The world is a crazy place, and that fact is more I announce the arrival of their grandparents, Jim and Tidy evident than ever to you. Hold tight; things will get Across the province, ICBC is beautiful five-star addition. Northey of Richmond and better soon. - holding the second annual food Hannah Grace was born at 422 Alice Mitchell in England. donation campaign, called p.m. on June 15 in Lions Gate Uncle Doug iil Squamish is Capricorn (Dec. 22 -Jan. 19) FEED BC and it is on all this Hospital, weighing 8 lb. 1 02. reaily thrilled with his There is a good chance you will be traveling some- week. As there is no food bank She is also welcomed by nephew's arrival. time soon, or you may be making a move to a new in Squamish, you are asked to pleased grandparents Bob and I residence. make donations for the Yvonne Stefanson of Congratulations to Real and Squamish Soup Kitchen. Drop Coquitlam, Gerry and Lila Evelyn Lapointe who celebrate Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. IS) off non-perishable food items Caldwell of Maple Ridge and their 40th wedding anniversary A new job opportunity is on the way, but it is important you go into it with your eyes open. at the ICBC claim center. many family members and this weekend. They were mar- Expect the unexpected. I friends. Brenda and Brad send ried in Montreal on July 16, First birthday wishes this a special thank you to Dr. Guy 1955. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) week to Richard Steer and Morum for his ever caring pre- II Keeping secrets isn't a good idea most of the time, Sandrine Robinson. natal care throughout. The Sea to Sky Summer Choir but this could be the exception. Weigh your op- I Camp is in full swing this week tions and choose what is best for those involved. The Howe Sound Home Boys and girls seven years with eight students from Support Services Society will and up will have an interesting Squamish attending. Director Born this week: hold its annual general meeting time in the drama works pro- Colleen Koop invites residents July 9 -Jimmy Slits. Kelly McGillis, CherylLadd , in the Squamish General gram at the civic center this. to travel to Whistler o~Friday, . FredSavage Juli 13 - Hanison Ford, Jack Kemp July IO -David Brinkley July 14 -Polly Bergen. Dale Robertson Hospital boardroom on week of July 17-21. Included in July 14 for a 2 p.m. concert at July i 1 -Leon Spinks. Tab Hunter Jdy 15 -Linda Ronstadt, Jan-Michael Monday, July 17 at 7 p.m.. the sessions are pantomime,'. the Mountain Square or at 7 . July 12 -Rill Cosby, Kristi Yamaguchi, Vincent E puppetry, dramatic games, p.m. in Myrtle Philip c Stork Story - WILSON (nee improvisation, clowning and Elementary School. The I Our chequing accoun 6.75%. * Does your Daffern) - Kimberly would like commercials. There are also Squamish students include: to announce the arrival of baby classes for eight years and up Gareth and Lisa Davies, Aaron Mark Emst, Financial Advisor mLANDwALm brother, Luke Alexander in modeling and self-improve- Purdie, Matthew Rutishauser, 1-800-567-8014 BLUE CHIP THINKING Douglas on June 14, weighing 8 ment. Tammy Swartz, Camille Clarke BLUE CHIP THINKING is a trademark of Midland Walwyn Capital Inc. Ib. 5 0%.The proud parents are For more information on this and her cousin Sarah Bellamy Member-CanadianInvestor Protection Fund. Rate as of July 7/95, subject to change. I David and Joan Wilson and the program (July 17-21) or any and former resident Christina extreinely proud grandparents other, phone the civic center at Smit. '

Draw Date Calendar Name Address j Dollars

St. John's Anglican Service: 10 a.m. Everyone Sunday School at IO a.m. Church welcome. from July 2 to Sept. 3. Kcv. Charles Balfour, SYS- 186 July5 327 Kelly Fallis Squamish $30 5 100. Sunday services S St. Joseph's Catholic Squarnish Pentctostal 187 July6 993 Carolyne Lipsey Squamish $30 im. ;IMI IO ;i.rn. Church Church C himh SChOOl SillIda) ;It 10 i1.171. Father Angclo Dc Pompa. Piislor: Rcv. Jeff Beckmyer, 188 July7 780 Art Allen Burnaby $30 S!)S.435. hlnss: Sarurday at SYZ-3GSO. Morning Squainidi IJnited Church 4:30 p.111.. Suiiday ;it Y a.m. 13'orship and Sunday 189 July8 901 Brad Smith Squamish $30 M inistcr: Ikv. Clairc ilnd 11 ;i.m. Conl'cssiori: Scliool. IO i1.m. Sunday I3o\vcfs. 597-5727, SUl1d;ly Saturday ;if 4 pm. or by cwning service at 6 p.m. 190 July9 282 George Drew N. Vancouver $30 \Vorstiip Ilo!ir hcgins at Io iIpp4ntnicnl ;cnytimc. 3.111. Iiit;iiit Nurscry provid- C'ntcchisni (0):gr;idcs Church of Jesus Christ of 191 July10 520 Pat Cawley Squamish $30 ctl. Suiiihy School is hcld K-H oii 'lhursdays. b:30 Latter Day Silints at IO mi. p.m.-7: 30 pin.. imy rcgis- Donald MacKay, Branch 192 July 11 911 Squamish Tire Squamish $30 tcr anytime. Presidunt. 42081 Ross Rd., \'alleycliffe Christian Brackendale. 898-3535. Fellowship Squimish Baptist Church Pastor tlcinz liatzlaff, 892- Pastor: John Crozier, 898- 5023. Sunday Worship 3737. Sunday Worship and - 1 !f !f I - -CBUT Twist Fam. Mat. ,Simpsons (Fresh Pr. (CBC News On Road Market PI. Witness Man Alive Empty Nest CBC Prime Time News CRC News Golden Gii I News Major League Baseball: All-Star Game Jeopardy! Movie: "Blue Thunder" News Nightline le- -KING 'Oprah Winfrev News INBC News INews \Evening IAm.Journa1 IWings Pride & Joy Frasier ILarroquette (Dateline News Tonight ird -CHEK 1 Performers 1Am.Journal Cheers News News Edition Extra Rescue 91 1 Thunder Movie: "Millennium" CTVNews News KlRO Ricki Lake News News H. Patrol Ent. Tonight Hard Copy Legend Marker News News H. Patrol BCTV Oprah Winlrev Malor Leaque Baseball: All-Star Game - (Thunder Movie: "87th Precinct" CTVNews News ci- 0 @) KCTS C. Sandiego Ghostwriter Mr Rogers Business MacNeiVLehrerNewshour Bill Nye Asia Now Nova Nova Language 01 Life MayDec. Wait God

(D KNOW Teaching Two Voices Statistically French ' Survey of Western Art Earth Earth Supersense Nature Wild India Shine on, Harvey Moon World at War Q KVOS Saved-Bell Full House M'A'S'H Dear John Star Trek Next Gener. To Serve and Protect Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Movie: "Dead of Wintei" ng g~ m CKVU ]Days of Our Lives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Wings Get Serious Frasier Coach NYPD Blue SportsPg News :C- TSM In. Sports Superbouts: Ali vs. Norton Boxing: Tommy Morrison vs. Donovan "Razor" Ruddock Sportsdesk In. Sports Speed Splash Golf Sportsdesk In. Sports @ A&E Rockford Files IBiography /Touch of Frost . Law & Order Biography Touch of Frost TNN IClub Dance ]News IMarty Party II :IMusic City Tonight News /Club Dance IMarty Party II Music City Tonight jut I[@ I I I I , It ClTV Star Trek Next Gener. News News Star Trek Voyager Grace IFrasier Northern Exposure. News Sports Night Movie Show Married... Commish le. Eli) WDlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Wings Pride &Joy Frasier ILarroquette Dateline News Tonight Show Jenny Jones The Judge Later Other Side @J SUP Outer Limits Movie: "Trading Mom" Movie: "La Florida" Movie: "A.P.E.X." 1 Movie: "Geronimo: An American Legend" ou @ CBFT IEnfer-autres Invitation Le Baseball: Le Match des etoiles ' ITelejournal (Le Point ILe Sport ILa Television d'ailleurs /Sign-off on I@I I I I ' Q KSTW Roseanne Murphy Cheers CBSNews News Roseanne Married... Extra Rescue 91 1 Movie: "Steel Magnolias" News Late Show 33; KCPQ Animaniecs Rangers Doogie t4. M'A'S'H Rescue 91 1 Cur. Affair Cops Simpsons Movie: "Deadly Vows" Star Trek: Next Gener, M'A'S'H Rush L. >re elf 4:OO 4:30 500 530 6:OO 1 6:30 7:OO 7:30 8:OO I 8:30 I 9:OO I 9:30 1O:OO I lO:30 11:OO 11:3O

0 Q CBUT Twist Fam. Mat. Simpsons Fresh Pr..- . ,~ CBC News Peter Rabbit Nanny Movie: "X-Rated'' CBC Prime Time News CBC News Golden Girl .. . ~ .. . Ilk .. . )se Jeopardy1 .' Edition !I ..a9rNevSs':--.. ' : 5 . ..' ABC News.. News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Home Imp IEllen Grace I Roseanne Primetime Live News Nightline Df- Oprah.Winfrey ' News ' :. NBCMews News Evening Am.Joumal High Sierra Rescue Dateline Law & Order News Tonight Performers 1meers INews . (News -Fdition -[Extra -1 Unsolved Mysteries ILonesome Dove-Series ILaw & Order ICTV News /News -- Ricki Lake News : News H. Patrol Ent. Tonight Hard Copy Movie: "Hardware" News News H. Patrol , at ial 0 BCTV Oprah Winfrey News News ' News,, . Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Full House Ellen Grace Coach Primetime Live CTVNews News 1 I ,: Q @J KCTS C. Sandiego /Ghostwriter Mr Rogers Business : : MacNdULehrer Newshour Bill Nye Travel Mag. New Explorers Nova May-Dec. Wait God

IbDhassroom lClasGm IAbnoGal Psvcholoav; . JDestinos IDestinos ~ kmoke-Fie ]French [Bevond the News I Phoenix IIn Searcti of Utopia ire Q @IKVOS Saved-Bell Full House M'A'S'l-l IDear John Star Trek: Next Gener. To Serve and Protect Sightings: Movie: "Blue Collar" M'A'S'H Twilight Z Jet I (D m CKVU Daysof OurLives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Beverly Hills, 90210 Party of Five Sliders SportsPg News TSN Sportsdesk /Major League Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Montreal Expos Baseball Sportsdesk , Sports ]American Gladiators Motoring '95 Sportsdesk Sports

~ I ~- ie- -1 Rockford Files . lEa&hv ' /American Justice [20th Centutv ILaw & Order (Bioclraphy , 1 American Justice 120tti Century

..i . EW Sam's Place '::: : iiusic City Tonight News Club Dance Sam's Place Music City Tonight News

CITY Star Trek Next Gener. News News ' Beverly Hills, 90210 Neon Rider Primetime Live News Sports Night Movie Show Married... Wright

WDlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! ' High Sierra Rescue . Dateline LaVd !A Order News Tonight Show Jenny Jones Paid PIoy. Later Other Side is I

. I . Mov@:.'Bhe Program" Outer Limits Dream On Movie: "Orlando" Movie: "Fist of Honor" :n. SUP Movie: "Bordertown Cafe" .I ... . ., ,: .. >'. CBFT Enfer-autres Movie: "La Cible" -:I..:: . ... Telejournal Le Point Le Sport ILa Television d'ailleurs ISign-off KSTW Roseanne Murphy B. Cheers CBS News News - Roseanne Married... Extra Christy Northern Exposure Under Suspicion News Late Show ne, KCPQ Animaniacs Rangers , Doogie H. , M'A'S'H : Rescue 91 1 Cur. Affair Cops Simpsons Beverly Hills, 90210 . Party of Five Star Trek: Next Gener. M'A'S'H Rush L. 'P -

in I

Apollo 15 landed on the moon on July 30,1971. David Scott and James Irwin became the first astronauts to drive on the moon. They drove over 17 miles (27 kilometers) in a battery-powered "lunar rover." MOON MYSTERY Astronaut Alfie Alligator is exploring the surface of the moon. "Lunar" is o word used to describe things relating to the moon. Hiding in the picture ore the letters M, 0, 0, N, ond- the letters I, U, N, A, R. Though the moon may shine brightly in the night sky, the Can you find all nine letters? noon is not really a direct source of light. The moon only icts as a reflector, reflecting light from another source. In 3ther words, the moon acts as a giant mirror. To discover he source of light which is reflected by the moon, darken wch area in the figure that contains a dot.

uns :SIN THE SQUAMISH CHIEF L_ 20 8p JULY 11,1995 -

-~ c An ocean full of daffodils - FOR the ladies and gentlemen of t FREE Squamish Elks for their su FINANXU ADVICE nort, help and kindness duri ihe passing of our friend. Darts & I Call Tom Murray - 892-5981 A big new playground full ye' daffodils to everyone w1 a.m Dafodils helped raise funds f call Stawamus Elementary Schoo We' operation playground. Than Frld SCU Insurance Services Ltd I 38085 2nd Avenue to you all, the -playground -- h We' Wanttosay thanksandmake &&inn the Cat Lake benefit been ordered and will 199 v sure eve yone knows why? Or coricert a success. installed this summer. Spec] 30 ( maybe offer a little construc- It's wicked.to see people in thanks to the Squamish Ell We' this community pull together SCU Insurance, Squami Jun tive criticism without con- the Credit Union, KOI frontation? Send your Dart or and work hard at something acc they believe in. Also many Investments, Whistler Couri Daffodil to The. Editor, The and Freight and especially tl Squamish Chiefi Box 3500, thanks to all the bands and all those who made donations to Squamish Lions Club. 1 Squanrish, B.C. VON 3G0 or the Dustin Hedin trust fund. I drop it of at our office at 38113 You guys are all awesome.' Blasting darts to all the lose c Second Avenue, between 9 a.m. 0 who thought they were ever I and 5 p.m. Monday through . pool full of golden daffodils cool in starting fights at the C A dw Friday. You can also fax your to the participants at the Lake benefit concert. Grow 1 message to us at 892-8483. Tuesday, Thursday and and have some respect. YE This b fools seem to have forgotten tl mlnul 0 Saturdav aauafit classes. Your otters A nest full of daffodils to all dedicat{on (0 your health and point behind the concert was the cat owners who have put funjs evident by the stronger come together in peace ar bells on their cats' collars. The muscles and smiling faces. YOU remember all of our frien( Natural History Society says are special and very inspiring. A we've recently lost in the la that domestic cats are one of the special thank you to Angela, year. Also raging darts to tl main threats to migratory song- whose courage has helped nw idiot from California, vvf bird populations. to take a summer break: You'll . thought it was a blast tag@ I 0, be peat! See you all in everything in sight. You shod Rocking daffodils to Donovan September, Happy splashes. have to pay for everything t and everyone who put all their Anne. get repaired. Better yet, just hard work and dedication into 'I appear off the face of the plane

HOME MAKEOVER PLAN 4 An in-home consultation for a total look; including flooring, wail colours, countertops $! cabinets * The design fee of $150.00 is fully refundable with qualifying purchase from United Carpet.

Death and the Maiden Thriller 0 Slam Dunk Ernest Comedy The Last Seduction Thriller Drima Driima

umish Rentals 892.3816, Sales & Service 892-3004Pemlsgrton 894-68 - THE SQUMISI-I CHIEF JUIS 11, 1995 8 21 - - We're FREE at nlght. From 6 p,m. every evenlng untll7 MOUNTAl N a.m. the next day, Freedom offers free unllmlted local calllng. We're FREE on weekends. Every weekend from 6 p.m: BIKE SALE Frldav to 7 a.m. Monday local alrtlme Is free. WE'REMOVING TO A RETAIL LOCATION... CLEARING OUT We're FREE for the flrst 30 days. Slgn up before June 30th. THE '95 BIKES TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE '96 BIKE 1995 and you get all of your local calllng free for the flrst S! 30 days. We're FREE fo start wm. Slgn up for Freedom before Reg. Price Sale Price June 30,1995 and BC TEL Moblllty wlll wake both the activation fee and your flrst year's system - Boulder $369 $296 access fee, a comblned saving of $108. - Rincon $450 $395 S-2 - hkon I $525 $468 - Iguana $610 $495 -SOUND 8 CELLULAR - IguanaSE $735 $646 - Sedona $780 $675 tract. Regular rates of 6% a taxes are extra. Freedom olx, THE Next evening Loonie Race Is at Brohm Ridge (Cat-Lake) 8th at 6:3Qprn. BIKE SMUBP I Look Twice. It's Motorcycle Seasan. I-- I--

4:OO 4:30 500 §:30 6:OO I 6:30 7:OO 7:30 8:OO I 8:30 9:OO I 9:30 1O:OO 1 10:30 11:OO 11:30 0 Q CBUT Twist Fam. Mat. Simpsons Fresh Pr. CBC News Health 22 Minutes Nature of Things North of 60 CBC Prime Time News CEC News Golden Girl 0 @ KOMO Jeopardy! Edition News AEC Nsws INews Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Matlock McKenna Day One News Nightline 10 10 I KING IOprah Winfrey . ]News - ,e INBCNews INews Evening Ani.Joumal Mad-You IHopeGlori ISeinfeld IFriends ER News Tonight Q Q CHEK Performers Am.Journa1 Cheers News News Edition Extra HopeGlori HopeGlori New York Undercover ER CTV News News 0 0 KlRO Ricki Lake News News H. Patrol Major League Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Seattle Mariners News News (H Patrol 0 BCW Oprah Winfrey News News News' Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Due South Lonesome Dove-Series ER CTV News 1 NewJ

0,@I I KCTS ,C. Sandiego IGhostwriter nMrRogers ,Business ,MacNeiVLehrer Newshour ,Bill Nye ,Time Goes aSwissRail Journeys ,Mystery! , Poldark , May-Dec. I Wail God

~~ 1 IKNOW IMaraaret Laurence ITakinn Lead ITakinn Lead ITelecourse ITelecourse (Kidzone (Psvcholosv IMidas Touch: Shanqhai IDeath: Trip of a Lifetime [Good Sex Guide IWorld at War @ @I KVOS Saved-Bell Full House M'A'S'H Dear John Star Trek: Next Gener. To Serve and Protect Legend Viewer's Choice M'A'S'H /Twilight Z -. Q Q CKVU Daysof OurLives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Mad-You Simpsons Seinfeld Friends Destiny Ridge sports Pg I Nev:., _.. TSN CFL Football: Calgary Stampeders at Ottawa Rough Riders Major League Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Seattle Mariners Basebal! IGolf Today Sportsdesk j Soor!; a - _.- . (D A&E Rockford Files ' IBiography IA&E in Concert ILaw & Order IBiography A&E in Conceit rn .TNN ClubDance News Willie Nelson & Friends Music City Tonight News . ClubDance Willie Nelson & Friends 1 Music City Toniglir /New (D ClTV Star Trek: Next Gener. News News Movie: "Falcon's Gold" Mad-You HopeGlori News Sports Night Movie Show /Married... /Day 3r:e ~. WDlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Mad-You HopeGlori Seinfeld Friends ER News Tonight Show Jenny Jones The Judge l.Laler+' IOlher SI::; @ SUP Movie: "My Girl 2" Movie: "The Breakthrough" IReel Entert Movie: "Bitter Harvest" 1 Movie: "ColdSviea:" -rU=-- 8 @ CBFT Enfer-autres RBO hebdo Pignons verts Passeport Telejournal Le Point Le Sport La Television d'ailieurs I Sign-off -~.--- 3 Q KSTW Roseanne Murphy Cheers CBSNews News Roseanne Married... Extra Burke's Law Eye to Eye 48 Hours News 1 Late StlSj,.. 8 ilji KCPQ Animaniacs Rangers Doogie H. M'A'S'H Rescue 91 1 Cur. Affair Cops Simpsons Martin ISingle New York Undercover Star Trek: Next Gener. ,M'A'S'H

Q' Q CKVU Days of Our Lives Young and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons Neon Rider X-Files 12or2i) sports Pg Nws (D TSN Sportsdesk In. Sports Bloopers CFL Football: Saskatchewan Roughriders at Memphis Mad Dogs Sportsdesk Boxing: Nunn vs. William Sportsdesk in. Sports (D A&E Rockford Files Biography Investigative Reports Law & Order Biography Investigative Reports .m, , TNN ,Club Dance /News ,Championship Rodeo ,Music City Tonight [News , Club Dance ,Championship Rodeo ,Music City Tonight CITY Star Trek: Next Gener. News News Star Trek: Deep Space 9 X-Files Homicide: Life Nevis Sports Night Child Is Wailing Simpsons WDlV Wh. Fortune Jeopardy! Unsolved Mysteries Dateline Homicide: Life News Tonight Show Jenny Jones Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Friday Nigl SUP Movie: "Ice Pawn" Movie: "Baby's Day Out" Movie: "Bitter Moon" Movie: "Critters 4" CBfT Ami a vie Baseball: Le$ Phillies de Philadelphie contre les Expos a Montreal Telejournal Le Point Le Sport La Television d'ailleurs Sign-Off Q KSTW ,Roseanne ,Mumhv B. ICheers ICBS News (News IRoseanne IMarried... ,Extra ,Diaqnosis Murder ,Very Best of Ed Sullivan II (News ,Late Show - -~ ~ -Q I KCPQ IAnimaniacs [Ranaers IDooaie H. IM'A'S'H IRescue 911 ICur. Affair (COPS ISimpsons crypt Tales brypt Tales IX-Files 1 Star Trek: Next Gener. 1 M'A'S'H I Rush L. 22 #JULY 11,1995 THE SQUAbiISH CHIEF

Eye Mountain Beauty One of the most beautiful hikir spots in the Squamish area Lake Lovely Water, with Mou Niobe, left, and Lydia Mounta in the background. This phol by Patricia Heintzman shovt Lovely Water creek leaving th lake to cascade down to th Squamish River. Photographers Wanted We welcome submissions ti the Eagle's Eye from anyone any age - and you don't havc to be a professional photogra pher either. Mail to Tht Squamish Chief, Box 3500 Squamish, BC VON 3G0, o drop it off at 38113 Seconc Avenue.

Those who are published wlll receive a FRK 5x7 enhrgement (from 35 mm neg).

TO receive your FREE print take the published print

copy plus phota to:,.: _I

- IN MINUTES Downtown merchants planning for severai new special events Downtown retailers are gear- Women can compete as well popular event. Dig out your ing up for some new special in the women's open class. best apple pie recipe and enter events which will take place Entry fee is $10, proceeds to the apple pie contest. Entry during Squamish Days Logger Squamish Days Logger Sports forms are available at Timber Sports. Association. Foods. On Friday, From 6 p.m,-9 These pies will be auctioned Aug. 4 in p.m., don your off, a la mode, for charity front of chamber cowboy gear and (maybe we will get to eojoy Morris' More head on down to Cathie Price's talents too, Al!) Than the first of what There will be discounts for Workwear, a Nms is hoped will those dressed the part. wrist . become the Watch for a special feature in wrestling annual Timber The Chief's Squamish Days The identity of the featured performer is found within the championship will take place Foods Country Festival, which Loggers Sports supplement answers in the puzzle. To take the TV Challenge, between 3 p.m. and 5:30 pm. will take place in front of which will be published in the unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. Men's right handed weight Timber Foods. paper Aug. 1. ACROSS DOWN classes are: featherweight, 0- Country music, a dance floor, These two events are in addi- 1. Star of Women of lhe 1. Chips' accompaniment 150 lb.; middleweight, 151-180 barbeque, Pepsi taste challenge, tion to the annual events which House (2) 2. I Dream of Jeannie star Ib.; lightweight, 181-200 lb.; line dancing, give-aways and also take place on Friday dur- 9. What- You Do in ihe 3. Peter I or Nicholas I1 War, Daddy? ; '66 film 4. Dealh - Love House ; and heavy weight 201 lb. and guaranteed fun is planned for ing Squamish Days Logger 10. Word in the title of ... . . '76 R. Waoner- N over. what is sure to become a most Snorts! NlmOy'S series movie 11. Insect 5. Collegian's goal, for 13. Rigoletto or Falslaff short 15. - Brooks 6. Encourage 17. Start of the title of a 7. Actor Richard - series aboul a doctor 8. Suffix for coexist or 18. Initials for comic Turpin 20. Chrysler rival, for short consist 9. Pastorelli's series (2) 21. Mr. Ayres 12. Jeff Fahey's series (2) 23. Woolly cry 14. Lowe or Reiner 24. Are going the wrong 16. You -There '53-'57 way? : Cronkite documentary 25. Goof 19. With 20 Down, Good 26. George M. Cohan's state Advice actress (2) of birth: abbr. 20. See 19 Down 29. Q-T connection 22. Frasiersetting: abbr. 30. Actor on Lois & Clark (2) 23. Don't- Afraid ofthe 34. Use foul language Dark ; 1973 movie 36. -Garb0 N 27. Arthur, for one 38. Possesses 28. The Up There ; '94 39. Word in the title of Kevin Bacon film Perry Mason movies 30. Ricardo's portrayer 42. Allen or Gibson 31. Part of the foot 43. Jill's portrayer on Home 32. Over the hill imDrovemen1 33. Fictional captain . 35. A - of Children ; 1972 IntoThe Country Festival Spirit - Getting into the country spirit are, left to right, Rob Proudfoot and N movie Todd Carrat of Timber Foods and Gary Morris of Morris' More Than Workwear, who are organizing 37. Number of seasons for some special events in the downtown area in conjunction with Squamish Days Loggers Spofls. Your Hi Parade 40. Banery size 41. Jr.h pop THE SQUAMISH CHIEF JULY 11,1995 Ig$i 23

4:OO 4:30 500 1 530 6:OO I 6:30 I 7:OO 7:3Q 8:OO I 8:3O 9:OO I 9:30 I 1O:OO I 10:30 l1:OI) 11:30 0 CBUT Wonderlnd TEA To Be Announced To Bo Announced Air Farce Rita and Friends Movie: "Sleepwalkers" CBC News Star Treh @ KOMO Wide World of Sports News ABC News News Wh. Fortune Front Run. Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced News 1 Renegade 0 KING Emer. Call ITraurna Flews NBCNews News Hawkeye Movie: "Curly Sue" /When Stars Were Kids News IAlmost Live' 0 Q CHEK Figureskating Nbnaimo News News Fashion TV Videos OurOwn Forces Movie: "Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman" 0 @IKlRO Movie: "Magic" Cont'd News The Biz Living Travel Taste NW Lonesome Dove-Series Star Trek: Voyager News 0 ::j:: BCTV Siskel IOnginals Travel Mag. /Travel News Kung Fu: The Legend Medicine Woman Movie: "Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman" CTVNews /News 10 I @II KeTS IGourmet IKerr's (Cucina IKitchen ILawrence Welk Show INature IWild Am. IEyewitness INat'l. Geo. on Assignment ]Austin City Limits IRedGreen 1P.O.V. I KNOW Home Psychology Runaway Street Cents Turning Six. Kidzone Chefs Vintage Heartbeat Master of the Moor Reel Africa: Saaraba 8 @I KVOS Renegade Hawkeye Dear John M'A'S'H Cops cops Movie: "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" Twilight Z. Hunte: Q7) (D CKVU Sister, Sis. IBugs & T. Bugs & T. IYour Town News Ready-Not Madison Nations IProducer IMovie: "The Girl From Mars" lm I ( TSN (Sportsdesk /Baseball (CFL Football: Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Birmingham Barracudas (Major League Baseball: Toronto &e Jays at Seattle Mariners ISportsdesk /Boxing I 0 ALE Home Again Home Again Movie: "Road Games" Best of Comic Relief Evening at the lmprov Movie: "Road Games" Best of Comic Relief (lil TNN Talent Roiindup OPV Grand Opry Statler Bros. Yesteryear OPV Grand Opry Statler Bros. Stardom VideoPM Talent Roundup 18 ClTV Maple Leaf Wrestling News Alberta World Vision Kung Fu: The Legend Movie: "Rapture" Get Serious Forces Movie: "Lethal Weapon 3' (D WDlV Wh. Fortune I Lottery IMovie: "Curly Sue" When Stars Were Kids News Saturday Night Live Sightings Paid Prog. Paid Prog. @ SUP Movie: "Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit" Movie: "Wyatt Eatp" Movie: "Being Human" Mother's (i7J CBFT Taquinonsl Hist. fant. Baseball: Les Phillies de Philadelphiecontre les Expos a Montreal Telejournal Le Sport Movie: "L'Amour avec des gants" Sign-off @ Q KSTW Babylon5 Cheers ICBSNews INews ICoach IExtra Medicine Woman Touched by an Angel IWalker. Texas Ranger News @jI cj3: I KCPQ IMovie: 'The Untouchables" Cont'd IStar Trek Next Gener. IStar Trek Deep Space 9 ICops Ceps . America's MosLWanted Sighlings Crypt Tales Crypt Tales

4:OO 4:30 500 538 6:OO I 6:30 7:OO I 7:30 8:OQ I 8:a I 9:60 I 9:30 1O:OO 10:30 1l:W 11:30. 8 Q CBU HymnSing Land&Sea 50Up Alive Movie: "Freaky Friday" Road to Avonlea Rodeo: Calgary Stampede Sunday R. Venture CBC News Auto Racing Q I@I I KOYO (Senior PGA Golf (News IABC News (Town Meeting (Videos IVideos- 1BeiGar.s/Movie: "Blaze"

0 @J KING SummerStuntmasters News L, NBC News Compton Lost Civilizations Seaquest DSV Movie: "A Matter of Justice" 0 0 CHEK Babylon5 Nanaimo IWeekend News Coach ISeaquest DSV I Movie: "Blaze" 0 10 I KlRO (Baseball (Baseball (News (Summer (Movie: "Earthquake" BCTV Movie: "The Young Visiters" News Videos OurOwn Grace Movie: "Blaze" CTVNews News KCTS Travel Mag. Workshop Old House Hometime 1'11 Fly Away All Creatures Nature Masterpiece Theatre Joking Apart May-Dec. Mystery! KNOW Telecourse Economics Betty's Willows Bedclothes (African In Freezer (Monkeys They Will Play Pablo Casals II Musici Soulh

ED I 0I KVOS IPaid Prog. IFishing I Pointman IRoseanne /Murphy B. ITo Sewe and Protect IIn the Line of Duty ~ 1Movie:'They Shall Have Music" IM*A'S'H IMovieTV I SliI (D CKVU GlobalNewsweek EntertainmentTonight News 60 Minutes Murder, She Wrote Married... Simpsons Jalna Sports Pg Bradbury @ TSN Baseball Sportsdesk Brickyard PGA Golf: Anheuser-Busch Classic -- Final Round Sportsdesk Auto Racing Rugby Golf Sportsdesk Brickyard B ME Ancient Mysteries Blue Angels: Around the World at the Speed of Sound Civil War Journal Caroline's Comedy Hour Blue Angels: Around the World at the Speed of Sound Civil War Journal Lli) TNN Raceday IPro-Celebrity Rodeo I Fishin' IFishing Bassmastr. IOutdoors Road Test ITruckin' American Sports Cavalcade ITrucks Rodeo

~ iD I I ClTV IMovie Show (Health (News (Sprts Nite ' (Energy Rush (Movie: "Shadows of Desire" (Paid Prog. (Paid Prog. I , WDlV Lost Civilizations Seaquest DSV Movie: "A Matter of Justice" (News /Sports Final IComedy Showcase Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Olher Side I SUP Movie: "Where the Rivers Flow North" IMovie: "What's Love Got to Do With It" Movie: "Wolf" Movie: "Bitter Harvest" CBFT Juste pour rire Movie: "Nelligan" Telejournal Le Sporl Movie: "Regain" Sign-off KSTW Pointman Cheers ICBS News ]News 60 Minutes Murder, She Wrote IMovie: "The War of the Roses" News

&I.... KCPQ 1"Middle Aqe Crazv" /Movie: "The Color of Monev" ISliders ISimDsons ]The Critic IMarried... ICarlin \Northern Exposure INW FOCUS ISiskel I

-' 4:QO 4:3O 5:OO 5:30 6:OO I 6:30 7:OO 7:3O 8:OO 8:30 9:OO 9:30 I 1O:OO I 10:30 CBUT Twist Fam. Mat. Simpsons Fresh Pr. CBC News Talkback Odyssey Fresh Pr. Nanny Liberly Laughs /CBC Prinie Time NQWS

~ KOMO Jeopardy! Edition News ABC News News Wh. Fcrtune Jeopardy! MajorLeague Baseball: Teams to Be Announced ______-_- . KING Oprah Winfrey News NBC News (News Evening Am.Journal /Fresh PI __-, - + ~- CHEK Performers . Am.Journal Cheers News News 1 Edition Extra Cybil! IC1'J fw;!!. !:;<;;;: ~ _-__r._____-____.___._. t.. .. - .. . .~... KlRO Ricki Lake News News , [H, Patrol IEnt. Tonight ,Hard Copy /Star Trek: Voyager !Pig Sly /Pla[ypus [hews - ~. .. - BCTV Oprah Winfrey News News News ICTV iJi?::..> :! I .-..- -

KCTS C. Sandiego Ghoslwriter Mr Rogers Business MacNeillLehrer Newshour Bill Nye Health Talk Torvill and Dean ~ \'J:lii r,,, __ - ___- -. .__ ..... __.... KNOW Children U.K. Todav Commun. Beowull Destinos IDestinos Material and,Form Martha Graham M'A'S'H IDear John (Star Trek: Next Gener. To Serve and Pro!ec: Star Trek. Voyager Viewer's Choice ______c__-______.. - - . Yocng and the Restless News Ent. Tonight Simpsons To Be Announced Northern Exoosuri- lCi'i~10Hape lSrj:lfls PC 'ri.:;, . -.-.-J--L..-T-___ i 2 .. isponsaesic in.bporisYriKamr0 i~uioRacing ~bpartl~shiri~II~porisiSbt, in Major League Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays a! Minnesota Twins s;i:,i:< I A&E IRockford File; IBiograph y Sherlock Holmes :Love joy !Lzw h Order Biography j Stierlock Ilolines j Lcvejo< I,'I;;S:?:I[Y MyslerirkS . .- . 1 1 1 , 1 ______~ _-_ _. TNN ClubDance News At the Ryman Music City Tonight I Club Game AI Ihe Rymari Ildiistn Cily Tonigl-1: ,::;..a .$S. ___ ---r __l...... ClTV Star Trek: Next Gener. NZs- Simpsons The Critic Chicago Hope /CoachlFriends News Forts Night1Morie Sriovi ltdarii?!i . lElt?,i:::'; ti 11' D I I WDlV IWh. Fortune 1 JeoDardv! I Fresh Pr. I In House I Movie: "A Matter of Justice" I News /Toniqht Show 1 Jenny Jones SUP' Movie: "The Meteor Man" Movie: "Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit" Movie: "Samurai Cowboy" Movie: "Mother's Boys" D II ____^ D Q CBFT Enfer-autres Jardins Baseball: Les Cardinals de St-Louis conlre les Expos a Montreal Telejournal Le Point Le Sport Courses d'auto: Gr. Pr. Anglelerre Sign.Off B 0 KS$ Roseanne Muyhy 8. Cheers CBSNews News Roseanne Married... Extra Nanny Dave's Murphy-+ 8. Cybill Chicago Hope News Late Show D :I$ KCPQ ,Mimaniacs Rangers Doogie H. M'A'S'H Rescue 91 1 Cur. Affair Cops Simpsons Encounters: Hidden Truth Great Defender Star Trek: Deep Space 9 M'A'S'H Rush L. 24 a JULY 11,1995 THE SQUAhiISH CHlEF

I I - . '+ ._- I

EVENING 1200 a@ **%"Ride'emCowboy" (1942, EVENING 930 8 t%"Being Human" (1994) Robin 11:35'Q 0 tt "The Night Before" (198f Comedy) Bud Abbott, Lou Costeilo. Two fiilliams, John Turturro. Five historical Comedy) Keanu Reeves, Lori Loughlin. ! 6:OO @ **% "La Florida" (1993) Rerny salesmen-tumed-cowpokesgel mixed up vignettes center around a man named Girard, Pauline LaPointe. A Canadian fa- 6:OO tt "Baby's Day Out" (1994) Joe dream date turns into a comic nightmar with Indians and rodeo riders when they Manlegna, Lara Flynn Boyle. A kidnapped Hector. 'PG-13' (2 hrs., 5 rnin.) when two prom-bound teens end up in a mily opens a motet in the Sunshine State. landjobsat a popularduderanch. (1 hr., 45 11:OO (D tf* "Lethal Weapon 3" (1992, (Subtitled) (In Stereo) 'NR'(1 hr., 51 min.) infant leads his captors on a wild chase. inner-city ghetto. (2 hrs.) min.) 'PG (1 hr.. 38 rnin.) Drama) Me1 Gibson, Danny Glover. An I 8:00@ ** "A.P.E.X."( 1994)RichardKeats, +*H "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" internal affairsinvestigatorjoinsforces with 12:Ol ~Qt++"PoslcardsFromthe Edge Mitchell Cox. Killer robots hunt humans in gj 8:OO @ t* "Bitter Moon" (1992) Peter (1941,Musical)DonAmeche,MaryMartin. Coyote, Emmanuello Seigner. Flashbacks Riggs and Murtaugh to shut down an ex- (1990, Comedy-Drama) Meryl Streel an altered fulure. 'R' (1 hr., 43 min.) A young lady tries to land a role as the recount a couple's tumultuous relation- cop's guns-for-gangs operation. (2 hrs., 30 Shirley MacLaine. A recovering addic @I:Id: "Dead!y Vows" (1994, Drama) (PA) leading lady in a new musical show arld min.) struggles to maintain her sobriety and he Gerald McRaney, Josie Bissett. A ship. 'R' (2 hrs., 19 min.) becomes involved with the director. (2 hrs.) 9:OOQ::j:i"Murderor Memory? A Moment of 11:30 @2 *% "Mother's Boys" (1994) Jamie sanity while living with her flamboyar f charming but dangerous manipulator en- Truth Movie" (1994, Drama) Leigh Taylor- Lee Curtis, Peter Gallagher. A manipula- mother. (2 hrs.) snares his unsuspecting lover in a plot to tive mom returns to the family she aban- 1230 @ ttt "Untamed Heart" (199: murder his wife. (In Stereo) a(2hrs.) 12:05~@+~!4"TimetoKill"(1990,Drama) Young, Michael Brandon. A mother faces Nicolas Cage, Giancarlo Giannini. An Il- an uphill battle to prove her son's innoc- doned. 'R' (f hr., 35 rnin.) Christian Stater, Marisa Tomei. A waitres 8:3O a (TJl **t "Sfeel Magnolias" (1989, ence after he confesses to murder while 1135 Q "Outland" (1981, Science and a shy busboy begin an unlikely row , alian soldier stationedinAlrica embarkson *** L Comedy-Drama) Sally Field, Dolly Parton. under hypnosis. (2 hrs.) Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. A ance. (In Stereo) 'PG-13' (1 hr., 42 min.) Based on the play about six Soulhem a disturbing quest to uncover Ihe truth (D @ttt*'The BigChill"( 1983, Drama) veteran space marshal investigates a rash I women who become close friends despite about the native woman he accidenlally killed. (2 hrs., 15 min.) Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, Reunitedala of suspicious deaths at a mining colony on I their occentricities and complicated lives. funeral, a group of college friends looks one of Jupiter's moons. (1 hr., 55 min.) (In Stereo) (Io (2 hrs., 30 min.) 1:OO [D s'h "C.I.A. Codename: Alexa" (1992) Lorenzo Lamas, O.J. Simpson. A back at how their lives have changed since -12:00EDi#;tt% "Rock'n' RollHighSchool" 9:OO 0 0 **H "Blue Thunder" (1983, (1979, Comedy) P.J. Soles, Vincent Van EVENING Adventure) Roy Scheider, Malcolm CIA agent tries to get a lerrorist to betray Ihe turbulent 1960s. (2 hrs.) her boss. (In Stereo) 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) 9:30 0 @Ittf "Silent Running'' (1971, . Patten. A budding songwriter at Vince McDowelt. A Los Angeles helicopter pa- Lombardi High tries to get the Ramones to (D **%"A Matter of Justice" (1993 trolman hijacks ari experimental super- 2:OO Q) @ ft+"The Real Glory" (1939, Science Fiction) Bruse Dem, Cliff Pons. A 600 Drama) Gary Cooper, David Niven. ARer botanist in charge of sustaining Earth's record her music while her friend pursues Drama) (Part 2 of 2) Patty Duke, Martir copter supposedly planned for civilian the school hunk. (2 hrs.) Sheen. Mary gets custdy of her grand crowd control. (2 hrs.) the Spanish-American War, an Army remaining plant life in space rebels when doctor conquers the plague and then be- ordered to deslroy the vegetation and re- 1:00 8 .I.+"King oi the Gypsies" (1978, daughter, but her victory is short-livec Q @I** "Millennium" (1989, Science Drama) Judd Hirsch, Eric Roberts. A man when Dusty kidnaps the girl and flees tht L Fiction) Kris Kristoffenon. Cheryl Ladd. An gins the self-government of the Bhilip- turn home. (1 hr., 30 min.) 1030 @ tt "Critters 4" (1992) Don Opper, creates conflict within his New York City state. (In Stereo) @I(2 hrs.) air-crash investigator and a physicist learn pines. (2 hrs.)- [ @3 **%"Along Came a Spider" (1969, Paul Whitthome. Space colonists battle a gypsy family when he attempts to break @ t* "Sister Act 2 Back in the Habit' lhaltime travelenare linked tothe mystery new wave of carnivorous urchins. 'PG-13' away from his clan's lifestyle. (2 hrs.) (1993) Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy surrounding a downed jet. (2 hrs.) Suspense) Susanne Pleshette. EdNelson. A young widow goes to incredible lengths (1 hr., 34 rnin.) 1:30 @ 0 * "Escape 2000" (1983, Sci- Deloris and friends must save a schoa 2 0 i:?:i "87th Precinct" (1995, Mystery) 12:OO 0 Q *tt "The Soft Skin" (1964, ence Fiction) MarkGregory, Henry Silva. In from closure. (In Stereo) 'PG' IlU (1 hr., 4( Randy Quaid. Alex McArthur. Two homi- to prove lhat a professorwas responsible for her scientist-husbandsdeath. (2 hrs.) Drama) Francoise Dorleac, Jean Desallv. the 21st century, inhabitants 01 the last min.) c cide detectives play cat-and-mousewith a A middle-class businessman's marriage American ghetto fight fortheir lives against 800 (D *t% "Samurai Cowboy" (1994 1 psychotic serial killer who sends them collapses when he becomes involved in a ruthless dealh squads. (2 hm.) Hiromi Go, Robert Conrad. A Japanest mementos of his brutal crimes. (2 hrs.) 2:05Qi:t:i++t"Mr. North"(1988,Comedy) fatefulliaisonwithanairlinestewardess.(2 Q*"CabinBoy"(1994)ChrisElliott,Ritch executive pursues a dream of becoming f (D 0 **% "Dead of Winter" (1986, Sus- Anthony Edwards, Robert Mitchum. A hrs., 25 min.) Brinkley. A high-class snob mistakenly cowboy. 'NR' (1 hr,, 46 rnin.) 1 pense) Mary Steenburgen, Roddy novel by Thomton Wilder inspired this tale boards a slovenly schooner. (In Stereo) of a man who charms 1926 Newport with (DO'7heManWithThreeWives"(l993, 900gQ**% "AMatterofJustice"(1993 McDowall. A shot at a movie role sends a Drama) Beau Bridges, Pgm Dawber. 'PG-lY[ID(l hr., 20 min.) Drama) (Part 2 of 2) Patty Duke, Martir L struggling actress to a remote mansion for his gentle ways and personality. (2 hrs.) Based on the true story 01 a prominent 1:35 a rtrt "Plain Clothes" (1988, Co- Sheen. Mary gets custody of her grand I what proves to be a most unusualaudition. 2:50 Q @ ttt "Best of the Best" (1989, physician who wasmarried simultaneously medy) Arliss Howard, Suzy Amis. A sus- daughter, but her victory is short-livec (2 hrs.) Drama) Eric Roberts, James Earl Jones. to three different women. (2 hrs.) pended police officer goes under cover to when Dusty kidnaps the girl and flees thf L 1000 @ *ir* "Geronimo: An American Le- Five Amorican martial artists prepare to 12:05 Q tt "Dream Machine" (1991, clear his brother of the murder of a high- [Io gend' (1993) Jason Palric, Gene battle the South Korean champs in the 0 state. (In Stereo) (2 hrs.) i Comedy) Corey Haim, Evan Richards. A school teacher. (2 hrs., 15 rnin.) 0 (13) t* "Something About Love" (1988 Hackman. An Armvlieutenantisorderedto 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics. (2 hrs., 15 collegian's excitement over his dream car 0 !:tittt "U2 Rattle and Hum" (1988, Drama) Stefan Wodoslawsky, Jan Rubes E capture the Apaihhe leader. (In Stereo) min.) Documentary) U2, King. The Irish 'PG-13' m(1hr., 55 min.) isseverelycurtailedwhen he discovers the 6.6. When he learns that his father has AI 5 3:OO @ "he Man in the Attic" (1994) Anne supergroup visits Graceland and performs I 12:OO 0 0 "The Lone Hand" (1954, Archer, Neil Patrick Hams. A manipulative trunk's macabre contents. (2 hrs.) zheimer's disease, an LA. TV produce t **E 1230 (D "Murder or Memory? A Moment of with B.B. King in this chronicle of their 1987 returns to Nova Scotia to rekindle thei Westem) Joel McCrea, Barbara Hale. A woman hides her adoring lover in the attic. American tour. (2 hrs., 15 min.) man devotes himself to apprehending gold (In Stereo) (1 hr., 36 rnin.) Truth Movie" (1994, Drama) Leigh Taylor- relationshlp. (2 hrs.) k El 3:Qo @ +% "Being Human" (1994) Robin t%"Mother's Boys" (1994) Jamif thieves even though it means making ijj; t% "Beyond the Door" (1974, Young, Michael Brandon. A mother faces 1000 f fD an uphill battle to prove her son's innoc- Williams, John Turturro. Five historical Lee,Curtis, Peter Gallagher. A manipula heavy personal sacrifices. (1 hr., 40 min.) Horror) Juliet Mills, Richard Johnson. vignettes center around a man named 1 Terror invades suburbia when a pregnant .ence after he confesses to murder while tive mom retums to the family she aban 4DOt*+"LuckyJordan"(1942, Drama) under hypnosis. (2 hrs.) Hector. 'PG-13' (2 hrs., 5 min.) Alan Ladd, Helen Walker. A military de- woman evolves into a demonic beast. (2 doned. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 1 t "Naughty Nymphs" (1974) Sybil 330 (D Q tt "Shadow Play" (1986, Sus- 11:45 @*t"Deception" (1993) Andie Mac serter redeems himself by exposing a hrs.) Danning, ClarkTinney.A bevy of beauties pense) Dee Wallace Stone, Cloris Dowell, Liam Neeson. A woman jumps b group of Nazi agents. (2 hrs.) seduces numerous young men. (Dubbed) Leachman. A playwright is haunted by continents in search of her missing mate C 12:05 Q 0 * "Night Creature" (1973. Ad- 'R' [; hr., 22 min.) apparitions of her dead lover when she venlure) Donald Pleasence, Nancy Kwan. (In Stereo) 'PG-13' [ID (1 hr., 31 min.) 2:OO 8 @I**% "Lily In Love" (1985, Co- retums tothe remoteislandwhere he fell to 12:OO 0 Q ttt "Invitation to Happiness' 'I A hunter is joined by his children in a quest medy) Christopher Plummer, Maggie his death. (2 hrs.) (1939, Drama) Fred MacMurray,. lrenf to deslroy the man-eating panther that Smith. Anactorposesasan Italianmatinee Dunne. A socialite marries a prizefightei once attacked him. (2 hrs.) idol after beingpassed over for the lead role whose drivina ambition is to becomc 12:30 @ **%'The Getaway" (1994) Alec in a movie written by his wife. (2 hn.) Baldwin, Kim Basinger. Husband-and-wife champ. (2 hrs:) 1 205 Q !:Ti *t%"Another Woman" (1988, (D 0 tt'h "Mississippi" (1935, Comedy: thioves flee after a gangster's betrayal. (In EVENING I. Drama) Gena Rowlands, Mia Farrow. Bing Crosby, W.C. Fields. A Northemet: I Stereo) 'R' (Io (1 hr., 55 min.) Woody Allen directed this portrait of a EVENING ' romantic complications aboard a Missis t; 2:OO (D @a **% "Peacemaker" (1990, Sci- 6:OO (D t* "Falcon's Gold" (1982, Adven- 50-year-oldphilosophy professor coming ence Fiction) Robert Forster, Lance Ed- ture) John Marley. Simon MacCorkindale. sippigambllngboat lead to a face-off with e to terms with her emotional inadequacies. 600 0 0 +s% "Freaky Friday" (1995, jealous Southern rival. (1 hr., 30 min.) C wards. A doctor is caught in the crossfire A scoophungry journalist follows an ar- Comedy) (Part2 of 2) Shelley Long, Gaby when lwo aliens arrive on Earth, each chaeologist and his daughter in search of (2 hrs.) 12:05 Q Q ttt "Whatk Up, Tiger Lily?' 1 235 Q @J t*%"Permanent Record" Hoffmann. The magic of two identical an- (1966, Comedy) Woody Allen, Tatsuye claiming that the other is an escaped killer. legendary Mexican gold. (2 hrs.) tique necklaces allows a mother to switch 1 (2 hrs.) @ *+"The Breakthrough" (1994) Donald (1988, Drama) Alan Boyce, Keanu Mihashi. The hunt for a valuable egg salac Reeves. Suburban high-school students bodies with herteen-agedaughter. (1 hr.) recipe is at the center of this Japanese sp) .I CD **%"They Made Me a Criminal" Sutherland. Mimi Kuzyk. Ascientist seeks 0 At "Earthquake" (1974, Drama) (1939. Drama) John Garfield, Gloria to captu:e !he essence of a dying human. are forced to face their own insecurities a film re-edited and daffily dubbed into En after one of their classmates commits sui- (Part 1 of2)CharltonHeston,AvaGardner. 1, Dickson. A champion prizefighter takes it (In Stereo) (Io (1 hr., 36 min.) glish by Woody Allen. (2 hrs.) cide. (2 hrs., 15 min.) Oscar-winningspecial effects highlight this 1% 0 t* "Critters 4" (1992) Don Opper, on the lam after he's led to believe he 8:OO @ t% "Bitter Harvest'' (1993) Patsy account of acataclysmic California quake. rnurderedamaninadrunkenbrawL(2hrs.) Kensit. Slephen Baldwin. Two sexy sirens 3:OO Q) ** "Bitter Moon" (1992) Peter Paul Whitthome. Space colonists battle s Coyote, Emmanuelle Seigner. Flashbacks (1 hr., 30 min.) new wave of carnivorous urchins. 'PG-13 I 2:05 0 03 *** "Mystic Pizza" (1988, sink their claws into a naive farmer. 'R' (1 (D t+%"A Matter of Justice" (1993, hr., 38 rnin.) recount a couple's tumultuous relation- (1 hr.. 34 min.1 Comedy-Drama) Annabeth Gish, Julia ship. 'R' (2 hrs., 19 min.) Drama) (Part 1 of 2) Patty Duke, Martin Roberts. As summer draws to a close, 1O:OO +H "Cold Sweat" (1993) Shannon Sheen. A grieving mother embarks on a Tweed, BenCross.A hit man ishauntedby @ :.j$tt "Beyond and Back',' (1978, three Connecticut pizza waitresses cope Documentary) A re-creation of reports by personal mission to avenge her son's with the trials and tribulations of modem the ghost of one of his victims. (In Stereo) murder and gain custody of her grandchild. 'R' (Io (1 hr., 33 min.) people whohavehadwhattheybelieveare romance. (2 hrs., 15 min.) life-afterdeath experiences. (2 hrs.) (In Stereo) U.4 (2 hrs.) 2:35 0 i:?; *** "Madame Sousatzka" 11:45 Q) ttt "Untamed Heart" (1993) @ *t*"What's Love Got to Do With It" Chrislian Stater, Marisa Tomei. A waitress 3:07 @ Q tt%"Uncommon Valor" (1983, (1988, Drama) Shirley MacLaine, Navin Drama) Gene Hackman, Robert Stack. A (1993) Angela Bassett, Laurence Fish- Chowdhty. A portrait of an eccentric Rus- and a shy busboy begin an unlikely rom- bume. Based on singer-actress Tina Tur- ance. (In Stereo) 'PG-13' (1 hr., 42 min.) career military man gathers five Marine sian piano teacher and her relalionship buddies lor a rald to lind his son who was nets aulobiography. (hStereo) 'R' [111 (1 with a gifted young music student iri Eng- 12:OO Q 0 tt% "The Disappearance" listedas missing in Vietnam. (1 hr., 53 min.) hr., 58 min.) land. (2 hrs., 30 min.) (1977, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, 7:30~Qt+"Earthquake"(l974, Drama) 3:00@ **"A.P.E.X."(1994) RichardKeats, David Hemmings. An assassin's wife mys- (Part2 of 2) Charlton Heston,Ava Gardner, Mitchell Cox. Killer robots hunt humans in teriously vanishes, and the kilter-for-hire Oscar-winningspecial effects highlight this an altered future. 'R' (Ihr.. 43 rnin.) finds his friends are more dangerous than account of a cataclysmic California quake. @DiI: tt "TheFallof IheHouseof Usher" his enemies. f 1 hr.. 40 min.) (1 hr., 30 rnin.) (1982, Horror) Martin Landau, Robert (D~t+++*"TheHeiress"~l949,Drama) EVENING 000 **%"Wolf" (1994) Jack Nicholson, Ohia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift. Solution Hays. An engineer encounters madness Michelle Pfeiffer. Awolf bite givesan editor Madonna , and the supernatural when he visits his Based on Henry James' "Washington 6:OO [D **%"Wyatt (1994) ~~~i~ a horrific new leash on life. 'R' (2 hrs., 5 childhood friends crumbling estate. (2 Square." A handsome hunter Costner, Dennis Quaid. The frontier mar- min.) hrs.) chases an unattractive but wealthy girl. (2 shal brings law and order to the Old West. 8:15 Q t*t "Regain" (1937, Comedie- hrs., 30 min.) 'PG-13' (3 hrs., 11 min.) Drame) Garbiel Gabrio, Femandel. Une 1:30 @ *%"Private Wars" (1993) Steven 8:oo 0 Q "curlySue" (1991, c0- chanteuse de cabaret, un artisan et un Railsback. Michael Champion. An WCOP medy) James Belushi, Alisan Porter. An chasseurse retrouventparhasarddansun leads a revolt against a corrupt land de- orphaned street urchin and her mentor- village abandonne et developpent des veloper. (In Stereo) IB (1 hr., min.) guardian con theirwayinto a lawyer's heart EVENIN G 'R' 34 liens. (2 hrs.. 20 min.) 2:OO (D @ tt "The Next One" (1982, and home. (In Stereo) [II] (2 hrs.) 8:30 Q Q Q Q Q !:I::ttt "Blaze" (1 989, Science Fiction) Keir Dullea. Adrienne (D 0 "Gunfight at the O.K. corral" 6:OO @ "The Program" (1993) James *** Drama) Paul Newman, Lolita Davidovich. ** Barbeau. Natives of the Greek island My- (1957, Westem) Burt Lancasler, Kirk Based on the late 1950s affair between Caan, Hatle Berry. The experiences of conos believe the Messiah-likecastaway ~~~~l~~,E~,,, and D~~ Holliday players on a college football team. (In wYaR New Orleans stripper Blaze Starr and lhat washed ashore is none other than meet the Clantons in a shootout in Tornb- Louisiana Gov. Earl Long. (In Stereo) Stereo) 'R' [Io (1 hr., 53 min.) K. Jesus Christ. (2 hrs.) stone, Ark, in 1881. (2 hrs., 30 rnin.) (2 hrs., 30 rnin.) 8:OO Q a "X-Rated' (1994, Comedy) (D *t* "The Second Woman" (1951, Gordon Michael Woolvett. Stacie Mis- (D "Rapture" (1992, Suspense) Michael 9:00 0 Q t*%"A Matter of Justice" (1993, . The Most Famous Basket in the World Mystery)Robert Young*Betsy Drake. An Ontkean, Karen Allen. A computer whiz's Drama) (Part 1 of 2) Patty Duke, Martin tysyn. An unemployed yuppie is drawn into architect is tormented by guilt after his obsession with his now-manied high. I the strange world of the residents inha- Sheen. A grieving mother embarks on a fiancee is killed in a suspicious accident on school crush leads to a deadly scheme to personal mission to avenge her son's THIS A bitinghis parents'apartmenlbuilding. (Io (2 the eve of their wedding. (2 hrs.) win her back. (2 hrs.) IS hrs.) murder and gain custody of her grandchild. 2:05 0 ::7:: ***%"The Tenant'' (1976, 850 0 *+y2 ~~~A~~~~ des gants~~ (In Stereo) 19) (2 hrs.) I 8 *** "Hardware" (1990. Science Horror) Roman Polanski, Isabelle Adjani. (19g1, Comedie) ~~~~l~Finocchiaro, pa- 1 Fiction) Dylan McDermot!, Stacey Travis. (D @ tt%"The$ Shall Have Music" Roman Polanski's morbid study of a frigh- trizio Roversi. Un homme decouvre qu'il (1939, Drama) Joel McCrea, Jascha Hei- A post-apocalyptic trooper arid his girlf- tened man's mental deterioration after estatteintd'unemaladiemysterieusequile riend are terrorized by a regenerated killer fetz. Agroupof young musiciansgathersat moving into a suicide victim's vacant transforme peu a peu en de a settlement house to pool theirtalents. (2 robot. (2 hrs.) apartment. (2 hrs., 45 rnin.) 9:OO~(~~+**'"BlueCotlar"(1978,Drama) dessins animes. (2 hrs., 5 min.) hrs.) 250 B @It "Gas" (1981, Comedy) Donald 9:oo 0 +y2 "Sleepwalkers" (1992, (D "Shadows of Desire" (1994, Drama) Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel. Frustrated Sutherland, Susan AnsPach. A radio DJ COMMUNITY Detroit auto workers band together against Horror) Brian Krause, Madchen Ami&, Nicollette Sheridan, Joe Lando. A woman and a reporter try to expose an oil mag- Mother-and-son monsters who thrive on cannot decide between the new love she their insensitive employers and corrupt nale's plot lo drive up gas prices by con- union. (2 hrs.) the life force of women take their eerie feelsforone manandtherenewedpassion triving an oil shortage. (2 hrs., 15 min.) appetites to small-town Indiana. [Io (2 hrs.) she feels for his brother. (2 hrs.) NEW IN TQWN? 3:OO *%"Bitter Harvest" (1993) Patsy 0 0 0 ;:7:: ftt,z "Attack of the 50 F~, m@+*r "TheWaroltheRoses"(1989, @ "Orlando" (1992) Tilda NEW BABY? 9:30 *** Kensit. Stephen Baldwin. Two sexy sirens ~~~~~op(1993, science~i~~i~~) D~,~I Comedy-Drama) Michael Douglas, Kath- Swin!on, Billy Zane. An ageless character sink their claws into a naive farmer. 'R' (1 Hannah, D~~~~IBaldbyin.A grows leen Tumer. Acouple unable to resolve the GElTING MARRIED? experiences lifensa rnanandawoman.(in hr., 38 min.) to monstrous proportions after an en- terms of their divorce resorts to uncivilized Storoo) 'PG-13'm (1 hr.. 33 min.) d i:fX *** "The TWO Worlds Of Jennie counterwith space aliens in this remake of behavior and outright violence. (In Stereo) 11:15 @ *%"Fist 01 Honor" (1993) Sam Logan" (1979, Mystery) Lindsay Wagner, the 1958 cult classic. &.I (2 hrs.) [To (2 hrs.. 26 min.) Jones, Joey House. A street fighlerand his Marc Singer. A young wife is transported (D 0 ** "The ~irlF~~~ Mars" (1991, 10:30 *% "Bitter Harvesl" (1993) Patsy PHONE: wile ara caught in a mob war. 'R' (1 hr.. 40 into the past IOsave the life 01 a former Comedy-Drama) Sarah Sawatsky, Eddie min.) Kensit, Stephen Baldwin, Two sexy sirens inhabitantofherVictorianmansion.(2 hrs.) Albert. A bright decides to end her sink their claws into a naive farmer. 'R' (1 Kim Aydon: 898-8299 I neighbors' teasing by convincing them that hr.. 38 rnin.) \ she is from another planet. (2 hrs.) I - - THE SQUAh4ISI-I CHIEF JULY 11, 1995 Bi$ 2S - coM1MIuNl['Fy OIKANAG.4N hbJOR LEAGUE rn8EMLL GAHP Oliver, British Columbia BSS students honored July - August .--.J Where young men have learned to play the Brackendale Secondary School honored its top Urszula Naszynska, Alena Ofstie, Kathleen proofessional way since 1960 tudents in a ceremony at the school June 22. Paradis, Cassidy Pepper, Heyley Petryshen, Lisa ... I Subject Awards Puchniayr Kirstin Richmond, Nicole Romano, (191 Wally Backman (1986 World ghlin French: Grade 8 - Melissa Honey, Michelle Sotirios Sifniotis, Maggie Sims, Julia Smith, Jenica 5995 TRAINING Ihtrn: Ialldorson, Urszula Naszynska, Maggie Sims; Sorban, Tobias Spitzer, Trevor St. James, Amberly Champion New York Mets) CAMP DATES ip in Perry Lychak (Blue Jays) kade 9 Erin Kavaliunas; Grade 10 Marianne St. Laurent, Scott Stachoski, Taniara Stirman, - - Gordon Piadson (htros) Prague; Cuisine francaise - Katrin Rutishauser, Leanna Swerdfeger, Lisa Tanner, Bailey Te teris, 1. July 16 - July 22 0 9-13 yrs. Edg Larry Walker (Rockies) 2. July 23 July 29 0 12-15 yrs Strec 1arrie.Aseltine; Sciences Humaines 9/10 - Devin Peter Teteris, Angelique Tetrault, Ben Thompson, add Larry Kissock (Catcher, 3. July 30 - Aug 05 13 15-1 8 yrs md h iln, Natasha Slik, Barbara DeCook, Allison Jennifer Turner, Janet Vanderhor, Aaron Weiss, Milwaukee Brewers) lboya Irozier, Brooke Smith, Katrin Rutishauser; Michael Wiger, Ian Wishnevski, Krystle Zimmer. -- pecial Award Certificate of Achievement Grade 9: Jesse Adams, Dale Addis, Megan (199 - - €or further infoniiation call 538-6088 or fax 533-1420 taitre arbara Decook. Balfour, Angelica Balinowski, Monica ly 'PI I min. Science: Grade 8 - Dale Keightley, Lisa Barrington-Foote, Ryan Biln, Caroline Bradley, 'uchmayr; Grade 9 - Ryan Biln, Allison Crozier, Allison Crozier, Amy Fast, Amy Fenton, Morgen rin Kavaliunas; Grade 10 - Scott Acorn, John Germyn, J.D.. Graham, Ariane Hiidden, Jessica Ilorrison, Katrin Rutishauser. Harron, Vanessa Hawryluk, Landon Helfrich, Math: Recognition Award'- Allison Crozier. Brian Hoff, Andrea Hoyrup, Katie Jones, Erin (199: English: Grade 8 - Alena Ofstie, Lisa Puchmayr; Kavaliunas, Kirsty Keyes, Derek Lam, Mitzi Marti hade 9 - Allison Crozier, Erin Kavaliunas; Grade Lyne, Sarah Madsen, Megan McDonald, Bradley To those who have helped me granc 0 - Natasha Slik, Katrin Rutishauser. McGillivray, Heather Puchmayr, Cameron ii-live achieve my goal of making the tes th Music: Grade 10 Music Award -John Morrison, Rattray, Ian Ray, Alison .Ritchie, Peter Ritchie, Habit Jicole Lavoie, Carrie Aseltine. Kylie Rois, Kimberley Rose, Brooke Smith, Sean Canadian National Vollegball Team - lajirn) Art: Option 8 - Cory Friesen, Anthony Sumner, Sarah Webb, Derek Webber. schoc [ughson; Grade 9 - Mike Edmonson; Grade 10 Grade 10: Scott Acorn, Carrie Aseltine, Devin hr., 4( - Rotary Club Dunwoody laryann-Kym, Sara Price, John Morrison, Kyla , Biln, David Cannell, Bradley Coe, Barbara BDO (1994 anesc heffield, Carolyn Kelly-Smith. DeCook, Christine Durig, Kevin Edwards, Sarah squarnbh Funeral Chapel 3quamish bblls ning I Drama: Grade 9 - KevinSchellenberg; Grade 10 - Fox, Jeff Hume, David Jones, Glen Kavaliunas, ._ Kiwanic Club heresa Bukowsky, Sara Friberg; Most Carolyn Kelly-Smith, Maryann Kym, Matthew $5 (1993 Doug Race rllurl~llA Martir Enfertaining Drama Student .- Gregory Coates, Lafreniere, Nicole Lavoie, Julie MacKinnon, grand Practical Arts: Home Economics &Technology 8 Rebecca Marsh, Tyler McIntosh, Amanda 1-livec 8s thf Alena Ofstie, Dale Keightley; Foods and Middleton, Trevor Midgley John Morrison, Mari - Ross Bahd Amy Fenton, Caroline Bradley, Nakata, Sara Price, Katrin Rutishauser, Kyla (1988 lubes arah Madsen; Ariane Hadden, Andrea Hoyrup, Sheffield, Natasha Slik, Dallas Smith, Marianne as AI. IrdiKeyes, Sarah Webb; Clothing and Textiles - Sprague, Michael Weiss, Laura Wilkinson, Jar1 ducel i theii kdde ,9 - Erin Kavaliunas, Grade 10 - Mark Willing. .- likata, Katrin Rutishauser; Woodwork 9/10 - Service Awards /. Jamie #.ImportantNotice iipula- eter' Arnaoutaglu; Woodwork 10B - Glen Grade 8 - Kelly Aseltine, Jodi Booth Darcie 1L aban- avaliunas. Brandreth, Allison Crozier, Tanya Helfrich, Tanya 1. Fluctuation2, 8 in Cheakamus River Physical Education: Grade 8 - Jennifer Turner, Lyons, Cassidy Pepper, Jenica Sorban,; I Tamara Mac- .', t 'I lumps bale Keightley; Grade 9 - Allison Crozier, Peter Stirman, Angela Tomlin. , ,!, ,.I < water lev& mate. itchie; Grade 10 - Katrin Rutishauser, Matthew 1 Grand 9 - Amy Fast, Morgen Germyn, Amanda 1.1 iness" afrqnier; ..Most : Improved - Keily Luck;';' 'Gray, Kerri-Lynn Gray, Michael -Harilstad, Due to spring run-off and to manage Daisy Lake water Irene ndurance Run Award - Michael O'Brennan. Andrea Hoyrup, Kimberley Rose, Brooke Smith,' .lt~elS,B.C::Hydt6 will p&'riodically releasc excess water Academic Awards I Sarah Webb. ,fhmthe lake into the Cheakamus River. 3ade 8: Kelly Aseltine, Jodie Booth, Darcie Grade 10 - Judy Corba, Barbara DeCook, qandreth, Emily Bullen, Dana Carmichael; Danica Derouin, Kevin Edwards, Sarah Fox; Sara From now till the end of July watch €or shlee Chikowski, Leslie Fowler,. Kathry Fox, Friberg, Jennifer Hurford, Jennifer Hills, Kristy fluctuations in the river's water levels downsbeam of ichelle Halldorson, Rachelle Hamonic, Tanya Kinshela, Maryann Kym, Nicole Lavoie, Rebecca Daisy Dam. elfrich, Melissa Honey, Timothy Jones, Jasmine Marsh, Jennifer McCulloch, Richard Misiurka, rider Raveen Kaila, Dale Keightley, Kelly Sara Price, Gary Sims, Dallas Smith, Nadia If you are planning any activities near the irkham, Aimee Larivee, Margo Liechti, Tyler Sorban, Marianne Sprague, Ronalda Tobin, Laura Cheakamus River pIease take extra care for water levels agee, Marisa McLennan, Nicholas Miller, Please turn to Page 27 can increase significantly without warning. For information call (604) 898-7362. Paint Swap & Drop!

I. 1. 'Return that leftover paint you've been storing . . . _.*. . or pick up some FIEE paint dropped off by your neighbours.

SQUAMISH late Creations Saturday, July 15 1O:OO am to 4:OO pm Is Proud to Announce Its Latest Creation In - Brennan Leisure Centre gio Civic Centre Parking Lot. KEVIN CHRISTOPHER YOUNG 8 lbs 15 02. Born: June 30/95 e 3:13 p.m. We can only accept leftover household paint: no marine paint, industrial paint, or aerosol cans please! A limit of 10 cans per vehicle would be appreciated. Limited amounts of returned paint will lie available on a "first-come first-served Imsis". ri Proud parents are Annette & David Young and Ea,%, Brothers Eric and Jeffrey. la Mi For more information call: 1-800-505-0139 Kevin is the granson of proud Grandparent Margaret Cole and the late Gerald Cole who re- Funded by the: cently passed away. B.C. Paint Association Care Special thanks to Dr. Guy Morum and the Ikpresenting over 90%)of 13.C.'~paint inclustq. nursing staff at the Squamish General Hospital. -



Parents and Tot Drop-in is E held at the Coast-Garibaldi Health Unit every Thursday from orttini . lilkin: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Athle For information, call 892-3585. dina I The Summer Pops Youth Notices for non-profit organizations run free in the Squamish Chief. Please phone 892-9161 or drop a copy 13: Howe Sound Breast Feeding ullen, lrchestra Is presentlng two off at our off ices before 5 a,m, the Fridav prior to Dubhation. Support Group come join our armic )pen air concerts in monthly meeting. Call Beth at eslie I jquamish, on Tuesday, July 11 898-9299. lagee. it 7 p.m. at Alice Lake Provinci, Squamish Birthright offers lichol >ark, and Thursday, July 13 at confidential and non-judgmental icGill ipproximately 1230 p.m. near just needing someone to talk to. Trained phone volun help to any woman distressed Iaszyi he Squamish Pavilion to coin- leers available Thursday-Saturday from 5 p.m. - I I by an unplanned pregnancy. isa attraj :ide with the arrival of the Roya Come in between 10 a.m. and 1 orban iudson. scheduled seven days a week. Call. m Overeaters Anonymous: If you have a problem p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, oi obyn I Howe Sound Youth Soccer 7-9 p.m. Thursday ,rin Mi egistratlon takes place at the For more information phone Supe Xvic Centre in the lobby from C 892-9329. Lseltir i.m.-8 p.m. July 12 and July 13 1-688-1716. A non-smoking group has formed a Singles TOPS -Take Off Pounds oote, Ind again Aug. 9 and Aug. 10. The Attention Deficit Disorder Support Friendship Club for 40s-pius recreational and social Sensibly meets Wednesday at sdi B lo registrations will be accepte Association meets the first Thursday of every month gatherings. Meetings are held every Thursday at 8 6:15 p.m. at the Squamish isor ,fier Aug. 10. at 7:30 p.m. at the Health Centre in Squamish. p.m. at Midway Restaurant in the Sea to Sky Hotel. United Church. For details call zoo I What would you do if your Narcotics Anonymous: Got a drug problem? New members welcome, for details call Tom at 898- 898-5260. war hild was choking or had Want to change? Narcotics Anonymous meets every 5847 or Bonnie at 898-9667. IThe Hearty Lifestyles Group 3har topped breathing? There will Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the library on the is working toward a healthier :he1 lfric e a baby CPR and choking Stawamus Reserve. EmaM lifestyle in Squamish. ourse on Tuesday, July 13 from ney, I The Howe Sound Women's Centre offers infor- B.C. Special Olympics (Squamish local) needs For more information contact min :30 p.m.-9:30 pm. Cost $30 pt mation and ieferrals by telephone or on a drop-in volunteers and athletes. Call Sherry at 892-2224. coordinator Dana Simpson at valii erson. Pre-register by July 6, fi basis Monday through Friday, between noon and 4 Squamish Duplicate Bridge Club meets Monday 098-571 1. le etails contact Margo Jarvis at p.m. There is also a lending library that is focussed nights at 7:[email protected]. at the Masonic Hall on Cleveland INew Hope for adult children hen 98-4365. around issues concerning women. Phone 892-5748. Avenue. For information call Kathy at 892-9823 or from alcoholic or dysfunction- .ah I The Howe Sound Home a Legal Aid is a free service provided in family and Lorraine at 892-3308. al families meets at Squamish ddlc upport Services Society is criminal legal matters under qualifying circum- Cribbage Night at the Diamond Head Branch, Baptist Church Tuesday I kat: olding its annual general stances. Proof of income must be shown. Apply on Royal Canadian Legion, for members and guest, 8 svenings. 2na ieeting in the Squamish the second floor at 38141 Second Avenue, p.m. each Wednesday. For details call Heather at 892- atht ieneral Hospital boardroom on Squamish. Phone 892-51 14. Squamish Weavers and Spinners Guild meets 3457 or JoAnne at 898-5488. chm ura londay, July 17 at 7 p.m. Women in Difficult Relationships - A confidential once a month. For info call 898-471 5. IThere is a Healthy Sexuality counselling group for women in or out of an abusive The Squamish Valley Equestrian Association Wednesdays from 3 p.m.- mbe m Zlinic tish relationship. Call Lise at 892-5796. meets the las?Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in p.m. at the Coast-Garibaldi 3okc II Women's Emergency Shelter Call 892-571 1. the senior lounge at the Civic Centre. For details call iealth Uni!. This is your oppor- nbei Volunteers available to listen to and support women Mary-Ann at 898-4252. unity to discuss sexuality mne experiencing abuse. Shelter can accommodate seven M The Squamish Archery Club meets every Wed. ssues, STDs or be tested for mer, women and children. night at 7 p.m. at the Squamish Valley Rod and Gun ilV. ?bb, IYoung Moms Support Group Anyone interested Club. For more information contact Van at 898-3875. Make an appointment by calling 'ear\: in forming a support group for young mothers, please We are also looking for donations of archery equip- he health unit at 892-3585.All rbar call George-Ann at 892-5796. ment so that first timers can try the sport out. nformation is confidential. irrie Parents Offering Support and Education E The Alano Club bingo runs every Sunday at rah 1 (POSE),supporting families which are raising chil- 37978 Third Ave. at Victoria St. It's a family affair. voie 6:en with physical, mental i)r emotional challenges, Come out and enjoy a fun evening. CCUl ,ura meets the first and third Tuesdays of the month at Sea to Sky Summer Choir Camp, July 10-14 in itudt Sea to Sky Community Services office. For details Whistler, inviting students 7-18 years from Squamish, illas call Bev at 898-5052 or Susan at 898-4212. registration $30, call Colleen Koop at 898-5981, 'rag u Canadian Cancer Society meets the second Deadline is May 15. 'rinc Monday of the month in the hospital boardroom at 7 i- Sea to Sky Family Tree Tracers meet on the third kitia p.m. For volunteer info call Katy McIntosh at 898- 1. Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Castle ason .- i 3399. For info on Canadian Cancer Society services Rock complex, 381 00 6th Avenue, For information call 1-800-663-4242. call 898-2386. khai iberl The Squamish Days 10k rac am01 artin 2lng held Sunday, Aug. 6 a Squamish Hospice Society volunteers provides volunteer adults to work on a one- concerned with safety in the community. 2eds volunteers for course rrack meet the third Monday each month at 7:30 to-one basis with children from single par. For more information contact Liz Shepherd iys - arshalling and/or water sta- p.m. To become a volunteerlmember phone ent families. For details call 892-3125. at 898-9766 or the Squamish RCMP. irls - Ins. Any groups or individuals 898-9854 for more information. m Welcome Wagon hostess brings gifts m Kiwanis Club of Squamlsh meets the DYS ho can help please call Liz Royal Canadian Legion Ladies and greetings whether you're new in town, first, second and forth Tuesday of each weni iepherd at 898-9776. Auxiliary meets at the Legion Hall last have a new baby, getting married or know a month at 7 p.m. at the Tantalus Seniors mior The Western Canada Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. couple who is. Call Kim, 898-8299, Centre. For more information call Stew Cros: lilderness Committee is invit Executive meeting every second to last Junior Forest Wardens program is a McLeod at 898-3594. eter I ig everyone to a three-day Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. challenging and regarding outdoor-oriented Squamish Lions Club meetings are lame1 ampout Aug. 5-7 at the gate- Contact Mrs. Amy Poole at 858-5714. experience. Call Kathy Babuin at 898-3077 held the first and third Thursdays of'the yler P ay to the proposed Randy Squamish Royal Canadian Legion or Paul Kuster at 898-21 00. month at 7 p.m. at the Easter Seal Camp Villinl toltmann Wilderness Area nort needs all Legion members! Please plan to Tantalus Senior Centre at 1471 rec room. New members or guests wel- outs Lthlet 1 Squamish in the Elaho Valley. attend our next general meeting. Pemberton Ave. is open Monday to Friday, come, phone Raj Kahlon at 892-501 l. dale I get a campout guide phone Kinsmen Club of Squamish meets on p.m. p.m. 1 - 4 The Howe Sound Arts Council is a vol- Iutst: CWC at 683-8220. the second and fourth Thursday evenings Drop in and enjoy smoke-free .social and unteer organization created to encourage of each month. If you are between the ages refreshments. Crib and cards, pool, darts and assist in development of the arts in our I To list you community of 19 and 45 and interested in a community and music every day. Call 892-1 066 for infor- community. Monthly meetings are held the events in Seven Days, club that stresses service and fellowship, mation. fourth Wednesday of the month. For details Re please call the Call Don Burroughs at 892-2020 days or . IP The Royal Purple of Squamisli meets call Kathleen at 898-5951. Squamish Chief at evenings at 898-3526. the second Tuesday of each month at 8 m Squamish RCMP Victim Services is in Y' E Squamish Emergency Program offers p.m. If you are free to do volunteer work or need of volunteers. This is a police-based 892-9161 or emergency social services and search and help with the new alcohol and drug aware- victim assistance program established to fax 892-0433 rescue. Meetings are held the second ness program call Terry at 892-5731.To provide support, information and appropri- before 5 p.m. Tuesday of every month at the Civic Centre become a new member call 892-5731. ate referrals to victims of crime. If you are 4 the Friday prior mezzanine at 7:30 p.m. for information call Squamish Block Parents'are in need interested in becoming a volunteer, please to publication. Cathy at 898-9783. of new Block Parents throughout the area. call 898-1572. Big BrotherdBig Sisters of Squamish You need not be a parent, just someone Training provided. -I

m - THE SQUtWSI-1 CHIEF JULY 11, 1995 M 27 Okanagan Waterfront Resort Lifestyle ~ w Within Reac

i ontinued from Page 25 Jones { from tiikinson. Margaret Marchant Award: thletic Awards: Dale’ Addis, Jennifer Hills, Nadia Sorban. Great Trek Award: Sarah Fox, Barbara DeCook, Rebecca Marsh. wler, Katie Jones, Tyler Brackendale Secondary , Rebecca Marsh, School, Trimester 3, Honor Roll Grade 8 - Kelly Aseltine, Jodi Booth, Sarah Boyd, Darcie Brandreth, Emily Bullen, Dana Carmichael, Ashlee Chikowski, Jennifer Clark, Leslie Fowler, Letitia Gibb, Michelle E-Ialldorson, Melissa Honey, Time Jones, Raveen Kaila, Dale Monica Barrington- Keightly Kelly Kirkham, Aimee evin Biln, Ryan Biln, Larivee, Ricky Lasher, Margot Booth, Caroline Bradley, Liechti, Tyler, Magee, Carol on . Crozier, Barbara Mazzotti, Marisa McLennan, ok, Christine Durlg, Kevin Nicholas Miller, Urszula rds, Amy Fast, J.D. Naszynska, Alena Ofstie, Kathleen Paradis, Cassidy Halldorson, Landon Petter, Marc Pigeau, Lisa Puchmayr, Sotirios Sifniotis, Maggie Sims, Brad Smith, Julia Smith, Jenica Sorban, Tobias Spitzer, Trevor St. James, tion on how to own your luxury yet-a-way. St. You must hurry as these condominiums are R6(Mpi#“’ Amberly Laurent, Scott one of the fastest selling properties in the Stachoski, Leanna Swerdfeger, Okanagan. Cantact Len Fox or John PenllctonReaity @ Sam Szczesiak, Lisa Tanner, Partinaton 1-800-652-6246.(604) 492-2266 101-315 Skaha Lakc Rd. Bailey Teteris, Peter Teteris, Angelique Tetrault, Jennifer Turner, Janet Vanderhor, Michael Wiger, Arin Willing, Ian Windsor PZpwood Wishnevski, Krystle Zimmer. Grade 9 - Denise Acorn, Jesse SO MUCH MORE THA Adams, Dale Addis, Megan Balfour, Monica Barrington- i Smith, Julia Smith, Foote, Ryan Biln, Caroline or- Bradley, Heather Brumpton, PLYWOOD STO Allison Crozier, Tony Dao, Amy ’vPRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL JULY 15, 1995 OR WHILE QUANTITES LAST! u r Fast, Amy Fenton, Morgen Germyn , J.D. Graham, Ariane Hadden, Jessica Harron, MELAMPME KITCHEN$&BATH ling Award: Nadia GENERAL PAINT A hiah Qualitv urethane MOISTURE RESISTANT SEMI-GLOSS LATEX =- 411 nourable Mention: Vanessa Hawryluk, Landon It is designed to withstand Helfrich, Brian Hoff, Andrea reinforced low odour alkyd. ~ Carrie Aseltine, Barb DeCook, Provides a durable, scrubb- I moisture, heat, humidity that Sarah Fox, Jennifer Hills, Nicole Hoyrup, Jasmine Juniper, Yumi occur in kitchens and baths. able, stain resistant, Lavoie, Rebecca Marsh, Jennifer Kato, Erin Kavaliunas, Kirsty Provides a washable, scrubb- McCulloch, Dallas Smith, I

. 'l'hursdav, lulv 13 bne 8 p.m. fhe Cieature From the Friday, July 14 LAND DlSPOS1TION Bog and Other Slimy Stories. 10 a.m. Seashore, Scra Help create the mythical crea- (Jews Rangers l'roud Play In Land Recordin District of the Lower Mainland, and situated in Upper Cheakamus B.C. Take notice that ioia tryin, Yoga Teacher, Vancouver, B.C. and Gail Moyle, Biologist, Vancouver, B.C. ture from the Bog and meet A fun-filled hour of intends to make 8application tom the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Re ional Office, Lower other fabulous real bog help YOU learn about Mainland to extend the boundaries of existing residential lease No. 233273 locate8 In the Cheakamus dwellers. At the amphitheatre. tures on the beach-.. Valley, and more specifically described as: Commencin at a post planted at the S.E. corner of block B Fridav, Tulv they eat! Meet at the District Lot 7180; thence 40 metres south; thence 8B metres west; thence 42 metres North West; 14 thence 94.88 metres East and containing .35 ha more or less. 2 p.m.. ?hi Green Team. atre. iis g The purpose for which the disposition is required is for legislation of a structu:e encrouching onto loin in the fun with B.C.'5 well 8 P.m. the Moose Bin8and Crown Land. &own environmental educa- SO You think YOU Comments concernin this application may be made to John Gerbrandt at #401-4603 Kingswayi Burnaby, tors as they present an after- I'orteau Cove? we' B.C. V5H 4M4. Be aJ vised any response to advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact FOI Advisor, 6.C. Lands, Lower Mainland Region at 660-5500,File 2406394. noon of interactive learning for game to test Your the whole family. 8 p.m. Jeopartree. Let's learn about the park in this version of the popular tele- vision game show. At the amphitheatre. Saturday July 15 Parks Day! paigting, croquet and Join in the celebration at Alice 730 P.m. Old fashi Lake Provincial Park, 1 p.m.4 fnu5iC- Join in p.m. Old-fashion fun in the Just enjoy So park with games, races, face- ~wwS! All events painting, croquet and prizes. WelCome! 730 p.m. Old-fashion fiddle Sunday, July 16 music. Join in the dancing or 1 P.m. SNP just enjoy some toe-tappin' MS. tunes! AII events are free. From basket Everyone welcome! Sunday, July 16 1 p.m. Snippets at Shannon Falls. From basket trees and humming- birds, to barley BC Transit and the Provincial Government are proud to announce brews and . moose antlers. funding for enhanced transit service in the Squamish area. There are things to dis- cover on The plan has been developed with the District of Squamish. Sunday after- noon in the Beginning in November: picnic area at Shannon Falls Provincial Park. * More transit service for Woodfibre commuters 8 p.m. Forest akernoon of intj Factory. active learning f T * More transit service for students and seniors What better way to learn about trees than to become one? Slurp up sap and rustle your For further information on the Squamish Transit leaves in this hour of activities. At the amphitheatre. the main character in th System, contact the Eittrict of Squamish. BuildlIlgBC. and meet some of t for the Monday July 17 21st Century 10 a.m. Micro-Parks (Jerry's stars of the beach theat Rangers-Nature Nut). amphi thea tre. Join us for a fun filled hour of activity that will help you learn about why we have parks. Kids under eight please bring an Government of British Columbia adult. Meet at the north beach information shelter. 8 p.m. Fabulous Forest Bingo. Bingo with a natural twist. A fun way to learn about Alice the amphitheatre. SANDRINE HQWdid it happen? 1Di.sease: ansther name for stress' You're Already One. chronic stresses such as t&er- told, with each telling a type of U ty or racism are more suscepti- healing takes place. ps hid Happy Birthday! ble to new stresses. That is, if when you think friends and bots of Love & Kisses e at me from sev- you're having trouble paying relatives think or have said Mommy, Daddy .I the rent and putting food on they're tired of hearing about the table, &flat tire, or sick . it, that it's time to get past it Grandpa & Grandma baby can be the thing that and move on. But their time is & Uncle Jim pushes you over the edge. And not your time, and only you if you're called names because know when that is. of your race, or followed In the TV program, someone 7--

Between the . than others. I know one Lis

By Mary Billy ir nee - Downtown

around stores because staff mentioned the song The Living think you're more liable to Years by Mike and the steal, then the threat of being Mechanics, and I remember o do with predictability. laid off work can be unbear- that being a song that meant a erent people have different able. lot to me at one time. Another 1s of needing to know what Bad things happen to all of connection. us, Almost everyone has suf- They went on to say that deal- fered from either divorce, ing with death by accident or death, illness, or car or other : the suicide of a relative is one accidents, but the more pro- of the hardest, or loss of a on them'to keep everythihg in longed or heightened the loved one through alcoholism. stress;-the more serious can be Loved ones wonder what they Funerd and Memorid Sewices Striking a happy balance the depression. We become could have done to help or seems to be the best or most tearful, dejected, lose interest, save them. There are 10 (or Providing Professimal and Dignified more) survivors of every death, !ose the ability to interact with 0 Traditional Church Services Unexpected chznges, such as others and become depressed. but suicide is the worst for 0 Memorial Services a feeling of unpredictable The worst thing that can hap- those left to grieve. Friends are pen is for these symptoms to be also survivors. Simple Cremations ignored, We need to pay atten- They recommended support Worldwide Sh rvices tion to it and deal with it groups, peer counselling and because a long healing time healing circles for all kinds of may be required. mental and emotional distress. But often friends and loved Talk, talk, talk, retelling it and responsibilities to recharge and ones feel you should be "get- retelling it, finding the places Arrangements can be made in our business office ting over it by now." Renewal to do that. Having no one who f or your home for any type of funeral or memorial service. and recovery don't always hap- will listen to you adds to the ... pen according to schedule. stress, so there is a very real We Honour Any Pre-arranged Contract. Sometimes unresolved things need to find the right place from a whole lifetime of denial where you can do that. No 38121 2ND AVE. LYLE D. HINDS can arrive on the doorstep at matter how bad it feels now, it Funeral Director the same time. Or it's just that can feel better down the line. one more major thing that breaks the spirit, and so it's not just about that one thing any- more. Talking seems. to be the best way to recover. No matter how NOTICE TO MOTORISTS People exposed to daily many times the story has to be Sea to Sky Highway 99 ."111 L1 ' Furry Creek to Squamish Depot Road envwjW More trips planned Traffic Delays Walking Club News Tantalus Seniors July 5 - July 28 As I will be away for a few Centre News weeks, will you make a note of Open Monday to Friday, 10 The Ministry of Transportation and Highways advises that there will be minor a.m. - 4 pm., closed ;weekends traffic delays on the Sea to Sky Highway 99 from Furry Creek to Squamish July 13,' will be and holidays. Monday - crafts, Depot Road. The delays are needed for resurfacing work andwill be in effect a trip to the Lonsdale Quay and Tuesday - crib, Wednesday - as follows: Meet at Civic games and cards, Thursday - video day, MONDAY to THURSDAY 'Those traveling Friday - line 6:OO a.m. to 7:OO p.m. in the van, the dancing. cost is $14 each. the The crafts FRIDAYS club has lots of July 20, is an over 6:OO a.lp\a BO 200 p.01~. estuary walk. wool if anyone Meet at the Hill could do some SATURDAYS Chieftain Mall knitting for our 8:QO a.m. to 4:OO Pam; lwee at IO a.m. By Kay Wirachowsky fall bazaar - July' 27, 'is a sweaters, Note: Daily start and completion times may vary, but will be maintained within weed wind-up picnic socks, toques, the times listed above. ' the at Lost Lake in etc. Check on' Monday with Rose, Isobel or Motorists are advised to obey the construction speed zone signing. the civic center at 9 Margaret. Condolences to the a.m. to pool rides. The van family of Tom Clarke, who The Ministry thanks motorists for their patience and cooperation. accommodates 11 passengers, passed away last week. Branch #70 News Province of Elaine's bus trip to Whistler British Columbia for a picnic is on Friday, July 21. For any information on this trip Ministry of Transportation will you please phone Elaine at and Highways for information on this. 898-5463. PRQGRESS!VE l?ME&R SALES LIMnTTtb ‘WEBUY LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER” *All Species *Top Prices Paid *Weekly Payment Schedule Logs Delivered to G.B.A. Sort #2 (Site #73-C),Squamish, B.C. CALL TQNY KURUCZ 1’ Phone/Fax: (604) 581 -0172 Cell: (604) 341 -6776

friends for sharing my Birthday and to the Legion stanfor your caring help. . and greasy spoon offers a vari- ety of indifferent pies, enticing legions of perfect pie hunters. But it’s a fruitless search. I 1 Mom’s proverbial home-made pie is afways a bite away. More than a decade ago a

SAE ENERGY OME’LY, tradition. It’s a tradition bound to Our Carrier heat pump can save you up to 40% on energy bills. Plus, you get baking contest to be held at the added advantage of quiet comfortable Timber Foods’ Country Fair in ing a soggy crust. The fat must Or mix grated old cheddar conjunction with Squamish be well chilled so it cuts into cheese into the scraps and ro summer cooling. The value through & Days Loggers Sports. So exer- the flour without melting and out. Cut into strips and bake through, call your Carrier “Inside Guys”. cise those pastry fingers and going greasy. think about perfecting your The water must be cold to entry. At other country-fairs keep the dough chilled. The I’ve been to where pie baking contests are held, the entries are auctioned off following judging so everyone has a ...... s # * ,8mm much water makes a soggy tent than salted butter) e *

e *+ e ..

gives the flour a chance to


and sour cream. Mix lightly into the flour mixture. Press into a ball. Wrap and chill for . even after it warms up. A half 30 minutes. .. hour chilling works fine. I L I couldn’t roll out pastry Pearl’s Place Transition House would like a- -8 . to thank the residents of Squamish, Saue-On-Foods ad m- m. Rita of Saw-On-Foodsfor their generous support at the Auction in need of donations[!: W . garage sale held on Sunday, June 25,1995. Also, thank a- The Variety Club Auction takes place from 10 a.m. to .. Sunday, Oct. 1 at the Enterprise Hall on the Plaza of Nati you to the Bourd and the staffof the Damition House, s E. Pacific Boulevard South in Vancouver. The 14th annual m. Elsie, Marie, Shari, Constance, and Dianne ing event for B.C.’s children with special needs will ha L theme for 1995, in memory of Syd Donovan, a gr who assisted the event. E9 .E siast and staunch supporter of Variety Club for . Jack Cunningham, chair of the Variety Club auction c 8. -8 Pearl’s Place would also like to thank seeking acquisitions for the auction. “We would love to get some exciting sports-related ite L the Homebased Business Associationfor their support and ,’ ing with our auction theme, but we could sure use some ot a* ram at their Mini Dade Fak A special thanks to Mary e ticket items such as furniture, electrical appliance, computer e * BiUy who volunteered her time on behayof the Women’s ment, and weekend getaways as well.“ . Cunningham has a fund-raising target of $50,000. I‘ O. *e Centre and the lFansition &use at this event. e for new items only, and tax receipts will be issue -4 ** donated.” For more information, ticket reservation -.e‘IE181SMEl. a .** donation, contact Carole Wilkinson at the Variety o ...... o years ago, Canadian onal Volleyball Team head h Clement Lemieux first

attend the B team try-

Success continued to fol- Howe Sound Secondary graduate as he complet- fifth and final season for the University of olumbia Thunderbirds year. He captained the derbirds to a conference all-star team and was an emic all-Canadian.

The top three teams in the Volleyball High - Squamish's Ross Ballard won a spot on the Canadian National Volley Team after tournament earn a berth at the tryouts at fhe national training camp in Calgary the last week of June. he would react," says World Championships in Tokyo . "We sort of made our and Osaka, japan Nov. 17-jO. team~h~ top world three championship teams at the tour- 12- Gardner GM is world series bound nament qualify fir the Oiympic By Hehm ify for the tournament playoffs. Games. "After that first loss we had to win four games The United States and Cuba, It didn't happen the ws;y the Greg Gardner GM in a row to make it to the quarter-finals," said rankedthird fourth in the men's fastball team wanted it to, but the Stuart. "Had we won that first game we wouldn't worldrespectively,willprovide Squamish team is on its way to the North have had to play so many games in the humidity G~nadawith its biggest chd- American Fastball Association World Series of and heat." lenge in NORCECA. Fastball in Salt Lake City, Utah August 24-28. Gardner GM redeemed its earlier loss to s' dedication and attitude Please €urn to page 32 Greg Gardner GM was supposed to play in the Williams Lake by beating the home team 7-2 in at sets him apart," B.C, NAFA qualifying toGnament at 'Softball the quarter-finals. But Gardner GM had its eye on City in Surrey July 8-9. The top four teams at that the finals and didn't concentrate on the task at tournament would qualify for the Salt Lake City hand. "We were looking forward to playing the world series. But the tournament was cancelled. Thunderbirds (a team that Stuart and pitcher "We've got an automatic berth to Salt Lake Doug Allin played for in the past) in the final," City," said team manager and short stop John Stuart said. "We weren't mentally prepared to Stuart. "There weren't enough teams that wanted win our semi-final game. You could tell the guys to go from this area so we get to go automatical- were getting really tired. We just weren't on top ly. It would have been nice to to earn it but at of our game." least we know we're going for sure." Gardner GM lost to a Terrace Junior A squad 15- The team will participate in a number of fastball 9 in the semi-final and ended up with third place ell. If he has a weakness tournaments in the next six weeks leading up to in the tournament. The Vancouver Thunderbirds the tournament with the hopes of fine tuning went on to win the championship final against their mental game. And it was the mental aspect Terrace and remained undefeated in the tourna- working really hard to of the game that Stuart feels let the team down at ment. Greg Gardner GM now looks ahead to its the Williams Lake Stampede Men's Fastball next tournament, a 12-team affair in Whistler July Tournament July 1-3. Gardner GM lost a close 15-16. opening round game against the Williams Lake "Everything we do now is in preparation for the Junior A team 3-2, which forced the Squamish world series," said Stuart. 213Iisn't one ofthose guys-- who Ross Ballard squad to play a few extra games in order to qual- Please turn to Page 32 I bound JULY 12 -Wednesday Continued from Page 30 13-Thursday Canada is ranked ninth in t world and third in N But Puerto Rico, th AUGUST 9 - Wednesd 20th ranked team, a 10 - TAursday could mount a challenge to top three count Lemieux. .NOM~VLOUT mm7HIs YEAR e "If we play the way Absolutwfy 6.(0 registration will be accepted should play, we should WI after Au~ust10th. against Puerto Rico an Mexico. But they have ver good volleyball progra Perfect Bunt there so we'll have to be at th See the light. A Smillies Hammers batter is safe after laying down a perfect bunt. top of our game to beat them. The Hammers beat M&M vending 17-14 at the annual Elks slo- EuropeThe national in October team andwill ma Look Twice. it's Motorcycle Season. EiEa Pitch Tournament at Centennial Field July 8-9. A/ Price photo - play three matches Argentina in November idt"

c E I THE SQUAMISN CHIEF JULY 11,1995 SPI 33 SPORTS I GUITAR LESSQNS I 7 8 years experience. Will teach beginners to advanced. If Music theor8 technique and improvisation. $10 per lesson. Rick Hoyrup 8984514 1

SQUAMlSH SLO-PITCH 1995 athe -John Morrison swam to a fourth-place finish in the 100-metre breaststroke in boys division Standings as of June 30 unday at the aquatic centre. Patricia Heintzman photo iDivision WON LOST TIE PCT PF AWG PA AVG GBL YW M&M Vending 14 2 0 ,875 13.8 7.9 - Squamish Elks 15 3 0 .833 12.4 6.5 - Hunter's Dwellers 11 4 0 .733 10.7 7.6 2.5 '21ver Pirates host swim meet Blue Devils 12 6 0 ,684 10.1 6.8 2.5 MBS Predators 7 8 0 .467 8.6 10.3 6.5 lights as the team's assistant 8th in 50m breast, 7th in 50m fly, Carney's Crushers 7 9 1 .441 9.5 12.2 7.0 coach, was a strong second in 9th in 100m IM; Erica Stevenson ?air Tree 7 11 0 .389 8.8 10.8 8.0 his age group. He won the 100- - 14th in 50m free, 14th in Zoco Loco Slammers 6 12 0 .333 8.9 10.4 9.0 metre freestyle, placed second lOOm free, 12th in 50m back. 3ushrats 3 13 1 .206 9.3 12.2 11.0 in 50-metre freestyle, took third Boys division 3: Ian iunter's Rebels 1 16 0 .OS9 7.1 14.2 13.5 in 50-metre butterfly and came Wishnevski - 6th in lOOm free, 3 Division fourth in 200-metre individual 3rd in 50m breast, 7th in 50m iquamish Wild Ones 13 h,, 1. ,794 14.0 8.8 - ers of the Squamish medley to finish with 19 points fly, 3rd in lOOm IM. nterfor Highballers 14 5 We'' .737 14.3 11.4 0.5 Club Pirates compet- and second place in the aggre- Girls division 4: Erin 3uncan Autobody 11 7 1. ,604 10.9 8.7 3.0 e fourth regional meet gate standings. MacNamara - 9th in 50m free, 3rew Jays 9 7 1 ,559 9.2 10.4 . 4.0 The rest of the Squamish 5th in 100m free, 6th in 100m lagle Run MTW Race&Co. 9 9 0 SO0 10.8 9.8 5.0 Pirates results are as follows: breast, 4th in 50m fly. iquarnish Legion Errors 7 8 1 .469 11.1 12.6 5.5 I.G.T. WidowMakers 7 11 1 ,395 , 11.3 11.8 7.0 Boys division 1: Chris Girls division 5: Emma Carrico. iquamish Stallions 6 10 1 .382 11.5 12.1 7.0 Brockington- 15th in 50m free, - 11th in 50m free, 4th in lOOm ;lo-Pokes 4 12 0 ,250 9.9 14.5 9.0 12th in 50m back; Skai Edwards back, 9th in lOOm breast; Erin 3cean Port Party Polars 4 12 0 .250 10.4 14.5 9.0 - 9th in 50m free, 10th in 50m Malone - 8th in 50m free, 5th C Division back, 5th in 50m breast; Tyson in lOOm free, 7th in 100m breast, Edwards - 18th in 50m free, 6th in 50m fly. ,millies Hammers 17 0 1 ,972 15.9 7.1 - 9th in 50m back, 7th in 50m Boys division 6: John Morrison I9 Transporters 14 3 1 .806 13.6 8.4 3.0 :lassy Cats 11 7 0 .611 12.2 13.0 6.5 breast; Ryan Shea - 17th in - 7th in 50m free, 3rd in 100m lack Tusk Realty 10 7 0 .588 12.1 10.5 7.0 50m free, 13th in 50m back; free, 4th in 100m breast; Shea quamish Ford Rangers 10 10 0 .SO0 13.3 13.0 8.5 Peter Stevenson - 16th in 50m Wynne - 3rd'in 50 free, 2nd in quarnish Nations Eagles 9 9 0 SO0 9.2 10.7 8.5 free, 8th in 50m back. 200m IM. Laron Cabs 8 10 0 .444 9.4 10.7 9.5 Girls division 2 Lindsey Braun Relay team results: entry Mini-storage 7 12 0 ,368 8.4 10.1 11.0 - 13th in 50m free, 9th in 50m Girls division 4 - 5th in 200m ail 'N' Sea 4 15 0 .211 ' 8.8 11.7 14.0 back, 8th in 50m breast, 6th in IM; girls division 5 -'2nd in :hieftain Loungers 1 18 0 ,053 7.8 14.7 17.0 lOOm IM; Aryn Lewis - 19th in 200m IM; boys division 6 -2nd 1 Division in 200m IM. 50m free, 15th in 50m back, 13th ?a to Sky Hotel 16 4 0 .800 10.6 7.7 - in 50m breast, 8th in ZOOm IM; The Squamish Pirates are loodriver Highleaders 12 4 0 .750 13.3 9.0 2.0 d was third in 100-metre Tamara Loney - 16th in 50m gearing up for a North Shore rictors 12 5 1 .694 12.0 9.6 2.5 roke. Liz Carrico was hot free, 16th in 50m back, 6th in Winter Club swim meet July 15- nning 13 7 0 ,650 11.5 9.8 3.0 50m breast, 7th in 100m IM; 16. The regional swim meet is ~lpBusters 11 7 0 .611 11.4 9.6 4.0 Stephanie Sellers - 12th on set for August 12-13, at which liffside Muggers 8 9 0 .471 10.4 9.6 6.5 50m free, 14th in 50m back, 15th competitors in the zone will bat- ,itannia Bat Breakers 6 12 1 .342 10.2 13.1 9.0 'e Fighters 5 14 0 .263 9.2 12.2 10.5 in 50m breast. ' tle it out to qualify for the C.M.P. 3 12 2 .235 9.2 13.2 10.5 Boys division 2.Andrew Wood provincials Aug. 17-20. Several iton Heat 3 15 0 .167 6.6 10.5 12.0 - 3rd in 50m free, 7th in 50m Pirates have an extremely good reaststroke to round out back, 9th in 50m breast. chance of placing in the top I HOWE SOUND MEN'S FASTBALL Girls division 3: Stephanie three at the regionals and there- Standings as of July 10 Braun - 15th in 50m free, 11th fore win a trip to the provin- EAM WON LOST TIE PTS GBL in 50m back; Barb Dworak - cials, says Harker. lexx Pub Bulls 11 3 1 21 - lountain Building Builders 9 5 1 19 2.0 lhistler Subway Sox 7 6 0 14 3.5 oast Valley Contracting Diggers 7 10 0 14 5.5 quamish Raiders 4 12 0 8 8.0 )p 10 batters as of June 23 TEAM AB RUNS HITS AVG.

II Harvey sox 28 15 16 ,571 rrry Woodard Bulls 26 11 14 .538 3vis Moyle Bulls 38 13 18 .474 hn Stuart Bulls 31 9 13 ,419 !vin Horth Raiders 36 15 15 ,417 isty Skiffington Diggers 24 7 10 ,417 lne Romano Bulls 24 7 10 ,417 ,aham Newell Raiders 34 9 14 ,412 urray Thrower Builders 33 11 13 ,394 en Antosh Raiders 38 7 14 ,368

!xt week's games: y 11 - Raiders vs. Bulls: July 12 - Whistler vs. Bulls (in Whistler): July 13 - ilders vs. Raiders; July 14 - CVC vs. Whistler: July 17 -Bulls vs. Raiders. lmes start at 6:45 pm. weekdays at the Men's fastball diamond at Centennial Id. HBWE SOUND LADIES FASTBALL LEAGUE Standings as of July 6 :AM GP WON LOST TIE PTS GBL langer Loading 14 8 5 1 17 - histler 16 8 7 1 17 1.0 leir SI Pirates - Aryn Lewis, front, and Stephanie Sellers battle it out in the girls division 2 50-metre est Coast Spars 17 8 8 1 17 1.5 lckstroke competition. Patricia Heintzman photo Duntain Builders 17 6 10 1 13 3.5 , i - 34 E# JULY 11,1995


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932-0888 898-4022 898-5488 EAGLE RUN Whistler FaX Squamish MOTOR S rmo cwa* .I FULL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Local Internet Access Carwash 38144 Cleveland Avenue, Squamish Propane BTOKESJCRANE CO. LTD. 892-9556 . Full Serve & Self Serve pumps I

A Division of Twitallis Technologies Inc. ~ 28T Grove RT 50T GrGve TMS 4751 I acintosh & PC Sales, Networlting, Training 120'Reach . . __ 142' Reach I L - THE SQUAMISH CHIEF

ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list of acceptable ADVERTISING abbreviatipns. Please use these POLICY abbreviations only. Not only does it Special classifieds $8.95 per column inch. FAX OR PH give our paper some continui The Squamish Chief does makes it easier for the rea! ersbut to it A minimum charge Of $8,95 for 1 COlUmn no1 guarantee the insertion xi” advertisement. Deadline Friday 5 p.m. of a Particular advertise- ment on a specified date, or r classified, special classifieds or display classifieds although every effort w ie made to meet the Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. .. PIT, ea., etc. int:, ext., exp.,.refs., loss Or caused’ byai word t h e reaft er. No bord e r s ava iI a ble, ’_ IL- Deadline is Friday 12:OO noon req,, exc., f/p, hrs., wks., info., I_ error or inaccuracy in IIIC‘ r placement in the upcoming issue, [=IF]min., max., misc., obo., days of dline Friday noon. printiw of an advertisment - week, months of year, cities, I bevoidthe amount paid for BY FAX MACHINE DIAL: 892-8483 ace actual1 occu ied ’ portion o?lhe alw- IN PERSON OR BY MAIL: Box 3500, themerit in which the error I Audio-visual - $1 4.00 Photo Class $1 5.00 . 113 -2nd Avenue, Squamish, B.C. VON 3G0 TEACHING VACANCIES 96/06/30. Involves rovision of SMALL Cottage industry hat mak- HYDRAULIC Crane operator SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 support for a First rsations Lan- er, looking for people to assist in wanted for coiist. project in (HOWESOUND) guage Program, with preference felt making of hats. Also hand Squamish area. Experience is nec- given to those ap licants who are stitching for finishing of hats. essary. PIS. call’for a pointinent or The following TEMPORARY of First Nations Bescent. Prepara- Piecework, would suit a home fax resume to Tom dcClain. Phone teaching vacancy is currently tion time will be provided beyond maker. Call 896-2322.29 898-3361/fax: 898-3946.28 N 3GO.24TFN available for the 1995/96 school the assignment. -_--___---_--_------______I___ _-___--_--___-_--____._1______11__ Ocean Port is acce ting year at Pemberton Secondary The successful applicant for this WHISTLER Courier is accepting THE Hotel School, which is located in the position must possess a valid B.C. applications for cook with 2 - gyrs. applications for owner/operators exp. Apply at 37991 2nd. Ave. 28 beautiful Pemberton Valley and Teaching Certificate; university with knowledge of the Whistler ---___-_____--____---_------x 3500 Squamish, B.C. VON will be occupying a brand new fa- training, or its equivalent, relevant cility. area. Call Jeannie @ 898-9878 or 0.27TFN to the position(s) being applied 932-1873.29 (Pemberton, B.C. is north of for; and, must provide proof of Squamish, B.C. and enjoys close successful teaching experience in FREE Seminar. Own your own proximity to the recreational op- the related subject area@). WE‘RE BUSY! money making 900# business. Free ortunities offered b the Resort Individuals interested in receiving Barb‘s Beehive requires f/time Seminar in Vancouver on July 20th hunicipality of WistYer, B.c.). consideration for this position are hairdresser with minimum 5 yrs.. (7:30 p.m.) & Jul 22nd (10 a.m.). Associated osting details are as requested to submit a detailed re- exp. All inquiries welcome. 898- For reservation 1-l 00-558-2346.3OA follows - * A97 - .2822 F.T.E., First sume by no later than 400 p.m. on 5421.29 ---______-_-_----_------ds, B.C. VON 1TO. 28 Nations Lan uage Program ...... BUSINESSMAN or builder, be- (Ucwalmicwts) to 12,96/02/05 - Wednesday, July 12th, 1995 to: t Kathryn Kukkonen, Personnel KLAHANIE Restaurant is now ac- come steel building dealer. Poten- Manager,. School District #48 cepting applications for the fol- tial big profits from sales and con- lowing positions: grill cook, struction. Beat High Lumber costs, (Howe Sound), P.O. Box 250 buy factory direct from National Squamish, B.C. VON 3G0. Tele- servers and d/washer. No phone calls pls. Drop off resume or appli- Manufacturer. Some arcas taken. phone: (604)892-5228/ Fax: 303-759-3200, ext 2100.29 (604)892-1038.28 cations to rest. Hwy. 99, Darrell Bay. 29

+ WESTPARK APARTMENTS The BIackcomb and Mountainside Lodges have - “The Self-Employment Assistance Grant Program (SEA) offers alternatives S acious 1bdrm., $480,2 bdrm., an immediate vacancy for the position of: - $585 and large 3 bdrm., $595. Suites to people looking for employment. If you are collecting unemployment in- incl. heat, hot water, uiet location, e- surance or social assistance, you may be interested in receiving more in- close to schools. 38 61 Buckley --_- - about the SEA Grant and becoming self-employed. Contact 1 FRONT OFFICE MANAGER - formation Ave. N/P. Res. manager 892-3616. 892-5467 to register for our free “Business Start-up”Workshopl” Applicants must have the following qualifications TFN --l_l-___---___-__-_------$5- 6r experience: - -- - GARIBALDI GARDEN COURT Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar or FURR,~&&REEK 1 And 2 bdrm, a artments from -- supervisory position -h @FCNIR&/r Ckb $500 - $58g/monlh. = Excellent communication, organization, leadership Y Heat, water and arking included. dr training skills Please call 89i-9882.19TFN --;8 _r--____--______------LINE COOK -- 0 Hands on experience in group, wholesale & association bookings Furry Creek Golf and Country Club, situated 20 minutes north of Horseshoe Bay. requires DENTVILLE Bachelor suite - - the services of a tine Cook - duties to commence immediately. This is a full-time $400/mo. includes heat & cable. -v - A good team player seasonal position. Applicants must have a minimum of 1 to 2 years experience in a Phone 8984681 after 6 p.m. or a e -- quality dining setting. thru Connections 892-3335.19?*I§ F -? _---______---_------”------Deadline for receipt of applications is July 17, 1995. Please mail or fax applications to: 1 BDRh4. t in Garibaldi Hi -- Please drop your resume at the front desk Personnel Co-ordinator of Blackcomb Lodge, attn: Lyn Oakley ovcrlooking the Sound, N fjhlands1P, N/S. * Furry Creek Golf and Country Club Avail. Jul 1, $675/mo. includes P.O. Box 1000, Lions Bay, B.C. VON 2E0 heat. Call Lnc 892-919O.24TFN Fax: (604) 896-2327 BIG ACCOUNTING MANAGER Shirt House Rumpleshirtskins Holey Shirts The Whistler Resort Association actively markets the four season The Brick world class resort of Whistlcr, promoting its recreation and leisure The Biiest Little ShW House in Whistler activities, business meetings and conferences, festivals and events. We are currently recruiting for the position of Accounting Manager. 5s recruitittg for a Reporting to the Vice President, Finance and Administration,this indi- vidual will direct and manage an Accounting department staff of seven. I Responsibilities will include preparation of year-end financial state- ments, preparation of various financial reports and analysis, develop- Warehouse Manager ment and implementation of financial controls, management of the budgetary cycle (both operating and capital), and coordinalion of inter- nal audits. iis full-time, sear-round position, Thk a As Manager, you will have previous management or supervisory expe- rience in a computerized, spreadsheet accounting or finance depart- ment and a professional accounting designation. You possess exceilcnt communication and organizational skills, and will be a positivc sclf- motivated team player. If you are interested in this challenging position in Whistler, please send your resume, in confidence, to: Personnel Administrator Whistler Resort Association 4010 Whistler Way Whistler, B.C. VON 1B4 .. ,. . 36 I JULY 11,1995 THE SQUMISH CHIEF TANTALUS MANOR 3 BDRM. Duplex, free'cable, 'w/d, 1098 Wikor. Crescent. f/s, fenced yard. Ref's. re d. N/I? Res. Manager 882-9058. Bach. - Rent $700/mo.898-5002. &, $415,1 bdrm. - $515,2 bdrm, - PROP RTY MANAGEMENTIlARNELL c------_-_.-----_--____I______$575.3 bdrm. - $675, Incl. heat, hot SERVICES LTD. 2 BDRM, Du lex, f/s, w/d, fenced water, parking & cable. Close to ard. Rent $s 85 incl. cable, h dro, school & town. No pets. 25TFN, DIAMOND HEAD PLACE geat. Ref's. req'd. N/l? 898-50cy 2.28 _----_------1 t 2 Bdrm. a artments _---_-L--_------_--______I___^____ 1 BDRM. Bachelor suite for quiet, Avail. JUG1st. 3 BDRM. Tlhouse for rent, Wilson mature, employed M/F, &J/S, . Cres., small fenced yard, w/d, N/P. Avail. immed. or July 15 or WESTWAY VILLAGB N/P, uiet family com lex. Avail. Aug. 1st. 892-3439. ~~CCW . Avail. Ju$ 1st Aug. ?st or 15th, $740pmo. reduc- ---_-_--_-_--_-----_------2,2 t Den drms. tion w/lease. 892-5204.28TFN VERY Large, beautiful 2 bdrm, With f/p available. I--___I-___------_------bsmt. suite in Vallevcliffe. Avail. 'Starting at $550/mo. 3 BDRM. Du lex 5 a pls on1 4 Aug. lst, $550/mo. Q/P. Call 892- old, big {accyarrf fo:$SOl2 9851 after 6 p.m. 28 , VIKING RIDGE drm. Condo, incl. f/s, swim- _------_---_--___---l__l______3 Bdrm. T/house min weight/rm., $550/mo. Call VALLEYCLIFFE Apt., lrg., quiet, 2 Avail. July 'st 898-f416.28 year ago. $195,500. C bdrm., new carpets and aint, am- waitin list al;ailable for he ----__------_c------19TFN le storage. Avail. lug. lst, folB owing properties: DIAMOND Head Place - 2 bdrm., [510/mo. t util's. 987-5012.28 * HIGHLAND GLEN 5 a Is., great view. 1mmac.-cond., ------__----___I------Nh? Avail. Au lst, $725/mo. 1992 Escort Wagon ESTATES auto, NC, cass.,one owner. 3 BDRM. Suite for rent, near High- * MOUNTAIN VIEW Shannon 898-3661:30 Reg. $9,800. Sale $8,m lands Mall. Avail. Au . lst, ,MANOR ----___---_------l___l______l $650/mo. N/P. Call 898-4f42 be- * EMERALD PLACE #16 - 41449 GOVERNMENT Rd., tween 12 - 3 p.m. 28 1 1/2year old T/house, 3 bdrm., ----I---____--_----_------ALSO 1 1/2 baths., f/ , huge crawl 2 BDRM. Suite. Avail. immed., See our ad under Apartment & space...... Call 898-404g. 28 $700/mo. incl. util's t cable. N/S, House Rentals N/P. Call 892-5264 ask for Rob. 28 WE SPECIALIZE IN STRATA QUIET, beautifull located --____-_---___-_____------.------AND RENTAL MANAGEMENT T/house in Brackenda r e. 3 Bdrms., LARGE, bright, ground level 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION all appls., f/p w/insert. lots of bdrm. suite. Avail. immed., CALL 892-9190.19TFN s ace. Avail. Au . lst, $850/mo...... &one 892-9060.28 $550/mo. incl. util's. Call 261-0872 -----L--_----I---_-I_I______--I____---_-----_------990 Lincoln Continental (Vancouver). 28 3 BDRM. Duplex in Brackendale. T/HOUSE - 3 Bdrm. Emer Ful loaded. Over $4O,OOO new - -_-__--_----__---_-______I______------Avail. Aug. lst, $850/mo. Call Place - $149,500. T/house NEW 1 Bdrm. ground level suite, 898-5981 or in Vancouver 921- $1 3,m Under warranty. 7315.28 bdrm., Mountain View Man bright & s acious, Irg. fenced NORTHYARDS - 1 bdrm. house $139,500. Call 898-8286 no ag b/yard. Ca Ele, heat & electricity -" - - - - with fenced yard, handyman s e- incl., shared laundry, N/S, cats vail., cial, needs 1.L.C., $600/mo. all ---_l---__-l-_------______I___ info. P ,o.: k;..' $550/mo. 892-8286.28 Jane 892-9190.26TFN. FOR rent or sale, 3 b -_--__-_--___--_-_-_------_---____--____--______l_l______----- T/house, f/s, w/d, g/d 2 BD&. Suite for rent in Gari. Es------3 BDRM. House, Hospital Hill. t 2 BDRM., 1 1/2 bath,T/house at Close to all amenities. tales. Close to school & shoppin . Avail. Aug. lst, $975/mo. t util's. Nice neighborhood, $650/mo. Ca9 1 Viking Ridge - 5 a Is., gara e, N/P. Phone 876-6272 or 665-3244. mountain view, $850/mo. t 898-4468.28 atio, N/S, N/P, &h/mo. &n 898-3099/892-5772.28 f;73-6092/938-9080.27TFN 30 --_____-__----______1988 Dodge Shadow EXECUTIVE STYLE HOME - in FOR Sale - Condo in the Cotto auto, one owner. $5,W Garibaldi Estates, $1,50O/mo. - all woods 2 bdrm. t den, ne/ appls. Call RONNIE McCART- kitchen, bath, appls. & built- Id&, Black Tusk Realty Ltd., 892- vac. Eagle View condo - 3 bdrm.I 5924 or 898-5941.28 3 bath. For appt. call 898-3450.30

-----_--___---_-___-______I_^_ HOUSE in quiet area, all appls., GARIBALDI Estates - newly rem cable t.v. Young erson preferred, vated 4 bdrm., 2400 sq.ft, hom to share with otR er voune work- Features new kitchen & bat1 ents. 'Avail. iAmedYPhone hardwood floor, Irglbackyard I995 F150 89'"f-0 060.28 tree house for kids. 2070 Diamon purchase over mos, Rd. $230,000. For appt.,,call 891 80 LUXURY House in Gari. Estates - 9872.29 $1,000 down plus taxes close to shoppin & school, with 832-3673 f/s. Avail. imme Call 898-4468. 1581 Pemberton Ave. % . S x S Duplex - 1333 & 35 Zenit Souamish SQUAHISH FORD e 892-3673 28 Rd. Close to school, store & o! office. 3 Bdrm. each side (f 00 Sq.ft.) $330,000.898-2816.33 ------rr------i-r----- PRIVATE entrance, self-contained, bdrm., bath, storage area, new. Tourists/ Workers. Reasonable, LARGE Dbl/wide - very clean, uiet. Dail /weekly bdrm., Irg/kitchen, 6 ap Is., ne\ rates,parkink...... B B avail. 898-44Y 2.28 car et & lino, beautifu P ensuit Project Co-ordinator EcomChallenge'96 wit R Jacuzzi tub, blinds & drape incl. Just move in. $56,500.00. 89f Community Futures Development Corporation in conjunction with the Sea to 9424.29 Sky Economic Development Commission is seeking an energetic and 1 BDRM. avail. in 2 bdrm. Duplex, organized recreationist for the position of local co-ordinator for the Eco- $300/mo. everything incl. t w/d, BRAND New Mobile 14 x 70 i Challenge '96. su er channel. To view come see Spiral Trailer Court, Ready t @ !757 Chiefview Rd., next to bus move in, on reallv nice lot. 892 depot. 29 9027 or 892-5090. 2kTFN Eco-Challenge is an international expedition competition for teams of five adventurers who will race 450 km non-stop to the finish line using only non- motorized transportation, such as canoes, mountain bikes, horses and their feet that will be held in the Sea to Sky Corridor during June of 1996, The position being created is part-time for six months and full time for the final IolUETONTRUCK STUCCO six months leading up to race day. Reporting jointly to the Community I FOR HIRE New .!lOld Homes Futures Development Corporation and the Sea to Sky Economic Garages, Additions, etc. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Development Commission, through a project committee, the position will be - - BOBS PLASTERING - FURNITURE MOVING - & STUCCO responsible for assisting in identifying potential routing for the race, -TREE TRIMMING - DUMP RUNS - orgcnizing of related events before and after the race including public BRIAN: 892-1552 CEL: 8924234 a 898-5324 information meetings, establishing a volunteer program for the event and liason with local government. SATELLITE The successful applicant will be a self-starter and possess tremendous SERVICES organizational skills, knowledge of the backcountry in the region and have some experience in event management. Guiding experience will be 1898,1589 considered an asset. 9 Interested applicants should respond in writing stating their specific interest in the position along with a resume and expectation of salary. All submissions must be recieved by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 17, 1995 and submitted to: DOG BOOK YOUR OBEDIENCE Community Futures Development Corporation of Howe Sound SPECIAL Box 2539 Squamish, B.C. Beginner classes Sunday 6pm VON 360 to 9pm July 24 to Sept 4 for dogs 6 mos. & older. CLASSIFIED Fax: 892-5227 AD HERE For further information please contact Mr, Robert Fine, Sea to Sky Economic Development Commission at 892-5531, CALL 8!l2-9161 MOTORCYCLE Trailer, holds '87 F350 CREWCAB, 4 x 4, 351 three motorcycles - $600. Call 898- auto, comes with 5th wheel hitch. W2836.28av 1990 VW Cabriolet - lO0,OOa kms. Asking $12,700.8984232.30 Askin $ll,O00 obo. Call 938-9129. _-_---l__l-__---- WfimmiuU 2OTFP$ DRY suite for sale, average size, 1987 SUNBURST - 4 c I 5 s d., 4 1985 YAMAHA Maxim X 750, REGENCY red w/blue, $450 obo. Call %eve dr., arn/fm radio. dniy 1!5,00 PLYMOUTH CMIKYSLER INC. black & chrome, 23,000 kms. Mint 11 77 Mnn'ne Dn'vc. North \'nnColclnr @ 892-3277 or lve/msg. 29 kms. First $3,400 obo. 898-4248.29 cond., $2,900. 1986 Yamaha lT225, __"_____-_-_-____--______I______4-stroke dirt bike, runs perfect1 980-8501 UTILITY Trailer - $150 obo. Good 1980 CHEVY Citation. Bod in headli hts & odometer, $1,50l CALL COLLECT very good cond., no rust. Jery 892-541.. 28 for hauling firewood, etc. Call stron motor. Runs great, lots of 892-3264 after 6 p.m. 29 workaas been done. $1,500 obo. 1989 OKANAGAN 5th Wheel ------iC------_----- ~ - 898-0705. It's worth seeing. Been sleeps 6, air, micro, stereo, hidden Going TOPLESS this summer? * air cared. 28 hydraulic 'acks, big fridge, tinted Cover up at up to 50% off selected _-__-_----__---___--_-_-_------*- windows. t ois of storage, $14,500 sun,.aerobic & swim wear sam- 1980 VOLVO - green, new tires, obo. 898-5575.29 ples. Suits U open house, every new brakes, very clean, runs great...... Also, Pioneer stereo, wicked 14' ALUM. Boat, 9.9 Evenrude, life Wednesday. 2344 Argyll Cr. - 898- sound. To view come see at 1757 4311. Private appt's. available. 28 'ackets, trailor, $1,6.50 obo. 898- Chiefview Rd., next to bus depot. k575.29 29 -"_------___-_-______^______------

I PROX. 950 s .ft. suitable for _-_____--______--______I__- - 1993 PALOMINO MXL tent trailer I ail store or o4 ce, 38123 Second 1953 PONTIAC Chieftain street e., 892-3910.29 - solid walls, windows & screen. . rod, 327, 4 spd., 10 bolt rear end, Deluxe model w/lots of extras t , ____-_-___-_---_---__I___ black interior. Great pro'ect car. 3rd room. S otless, used 6 times. I {@ 'b Must sell! $3,000 firm. 84 8-5898. Worth $12,OfO new, asking $8,500. 29A-. - Call Darlene 898-5301.28 WANTED: -____--_---I--_-__-______l_l______--- EXPERIENCED FURNITURE '91 30' DUTCHMAN 5th wheel - We buy, sell and consign quality full rear kitchen, full bath, front used furniture; china, tools and 88 FORD F250,4 x 4,117,000 kms. walk around bdrm., am/fm cas. appls. Call Kost-Les Interiors. 892- Pro ane powered. $8,500. 898- stereo, TV hook-up, oak cabinets, 9199.24TFN 353f 28 slee s 6. Exc. cond., asking $17,&0.898-4232.30 '79 BRONCO XLT Ranger - 400 WANTED - Silica Sand - minus cu.in., auto C6, p/b, p/s, a/c, dual 1/4", must assay 85% Silica - less batteries, hitch & more. Exc. than 0.5% sodium. Call (604)643- shape., $5,900 obo. Call 898-4998. 5000 or (604)351-8294 Ivejmsg. 28 29

__-____---__--_-__--______I___ --_-__--_____---___--_------_----

eo BCYCNA eRmsti ANOWKON These ads appear in more than 100 community newspapers in B.C. and Yukon words COLUMBt4 Nd $25o4t2: COMMUNIN and reach more lhan 3 million readers. $5 00 each addilional NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION TO PLACE AN AD CALL THIS PAPER OR THE BCYCNA AT (604)669-9222. word

KITCHENCABINET5 PERSONAL ' . EDUCATION ' AUTO BUSINESS - OPPORTUNITIES BEA Successful Writer... and CABINETS IN Stock. HU, THIS word or song con- BOND MECHANICAL Ltd. ne& lo our spirilual rools next special occasion, Engines hom$995-6 monlhs ESTABLISHEDPAWNBRO- write for money and pieasure counlertopsNanilies also. us Kitchen Craft Fadoh oullel. where experiences with, cake b phone 892- lo pay, 6 year 20,000 war- KERS steady growlh, large while learning how. You gel high profile hiway localion indhrldual lullion from profes- Cash 8 Carry Cabinel Ware- Dreams, Soul and Near- same cyay service. 28 ranly. BuiMingengines for28 sional writers on all aspects Dealh are underslood. For years.872-0641,8-8,7Days. Duncan Vancouver Island. houses: "4278 Lougheed, Offers to 5100,000. Llving of writing - romances. short Bumaby 298-9277 "19700 informalion and a free book stories, radio and TV scripts, Bypass, Langley 534-7273 call Eckankar 1-800-667- quarters attached. Novendor artidesandchildren'sslones. CANADA ENGINES. Lld. financing. Mr. Slubbs. Busi- "800CloverdaieAve., Viclo- 2990. Quality remanufactured en- Write, call or fax loday for our ria4751159"561-11 IhAve., ness 1(604)746-9810, 748- Free Book, 'How To Be A gines 6 cy1 from $1,045. V8 6008 eves. Campbell River 287-8787 MEET THE Love of your Life from $1,165.6yr 120,000km Successful Writer'. Toil-free "1868 Spall Rd.. Kelowna 1-800-267-1829. Fax: Now. Or develop a lasting limited warranty. 580-105Oor 860-6638"2580 Bowen Rd.. friendship. Call 1-900-451- 1-800-665-3570. 12345-114 FRAGRANCE SALES Con- 1(613)749-9551. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Ave. Nanaimo 756-9229. "121 11. 3534ext.268.AduHsWonly. Ave., Surrey. BCAA Ap- sultants required. No prevl- Bridgeport, Richmond 279- ous fragrance sales experi- SuHe2351, Ottawa, ON. K1L $1.98 per min. Marcom proved. 6R2. 9691. "3566Massey, Prince 1(613)239-4526. ence necessary. Send George 561-2240. __ resume lo: Toscana Inlerna- EaUlPMENT JEEP GRAND Cherokee tional Fragranceslnc.,20207- MACHINERY A MODERN Kind Of Love. A Sale. 16 choose from. to 5 Ave. S.W.. Edmonton, AB, book about love, caring and Limileds, Laredos, YJ's. FOR SALE: J.D. 440 Skidder T5P 487. GOOD TANDEM log trailers. happiness10change your life. Lease or purchase. Trades and Parts (604)832-5189. Equippedwilhworkingscales. Send S.A.S.E. for more info. welcome. Full financing. ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS- FOR SALE MISC. B.C. Certified. Call: 845-2212 AilernativeAttitudes. 161-98- D#5504 Dan0 889-0637 or Ownerretiring. Induslrialsup- - or 845-7857 (Henry). 1150 Terminal Avenue, 488-4744 ply sales, welding 8 machine Tim collect. STEEL BUILDINGS: Nanaimo, B.C. VBS 5T8. shop with fenced yard. Will 'Cheaper Than Wood'. MOBILE HOMES WDGERAMDiesel4~4sab. sell complete or separaloly 13 lo choose from. Lease or Quonset-Slralghlwall with or wiuloul land 8 build- quonset. Structural Sleel FACTORY DIRECT.'The UI- PSYCHIC MASTERS. Live purchase. Trades welcome, ings. Inquire: P.O. Box 799, full financing. AIIDodges avail- Buiidlngs. B.C. Company, we halein Modular and Single personal readings by Cana- Houston, VOJ 1ZO. Phone: won't undersold. Service Ndes'. Trades welcomed. da's most gilled, caring able. D#5584 Tim 4884744 (604)645-2498 or (604)645- be or Dano 8894637 co$ct. and salisfactionguaranleed! Quality ManufaduredHomes psychics. Romance, Wealth, 7419. Western Sleel Buildings 1- 1-800-667-1533. Career, Live 8 Personal. 1- 900.451-3778. Innervision 800-565-9800. IT'S TIME lo move up, way LEASE REPOS. Returns, BUSINESS PERSONALS CrystalConneclion24Hours. up. Unique storey Cape 4x4's, Diesels, Trucks, Vans, 'NEED A TRAILER" Horse, two 18+, $2.99/min. Luxury Cars, Gas Savers, THREE PRETTY Room- stock, llama, car haulers, Cod slyle homes now avail- Caravans,Jimmys.Take oyer males have excitingpersonal equlpmenlandcargolrailen. able. Explorethe possibililies. REALESTATE lease GMC Club, Cab diesel pholosloshare!Freedisueet Callus: 1800-3206248.AuIo Trades welcome! Noble 4x4. Marty Xozak 464-3941, Info. Call Toll-free: 1-800- MileTrailerSalesLld.Vemon, Homes, call collect YOUR OWN RV lo1 on 525-0408. 93KAREN or write: Box E C. 1(403)447-2333. ShuswapLake fromS24900. 67068, Kelowna, B.C. VIY Deeded land, sandy beach BOATS 7PZ. Adults only1 STEEL OF A Deal. PERSONAL and cily services. Call ~~~~ hVELIN COMFORT ~~ 75Wx3WLx2OH sleel open 1(604)679-3323. i Rent this deluxe 28 ft. WPA001EBQAT EDUCATION wall roof system. Customer HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An- - 8Rw29Rx10in. drafl - 3%. cannot completeorder. Build- swers. Call your psychic motorhome, '93 Ford Chassis, 0.a. clwlraller. Liveaboardlo A NEW Career? Trained ing is complele end ready for Irlends. 1-900-451-3783Live NOW SELLING! Cleanvaler Eslates. Clearwaler B.C.'s fin- fully equipped with ah, fridge, -25c. Picturesque, nostalgic, aparlmenl/condominium delivery. May bedlvidod. Call 1 on 1 24 hours. $2.99 per wooden cabln, sled hull managersneeded-all areas. 1-800-565-9800. minute 18t. %Her Living esl residential community. stove, microwave, NNCR (with $27,000. Salmon Arm We can Iraln you rlghl now1 Through Awareness'. Friends Manufactured homes, serv- Free job placemenl assist- of 1,ooo'S. iced residential 101s. Live, amily videos supplied), dishes & (604)832-3036. SPAS1 SPAS! Spas! Cana- - work, relire a1 Wells Gray an=. For informalionlbro- da's largest wholesale corn. NORTHAMERICA'SPsychic BUSINESS FOR SALE chure call 681-5456, 1-800- Park's enlrance. Call Toll-free cutlery incl. $950/wk +16$/km - pany now offen unbeatable source. why wait when we 1(604)918-1488. first 1400 kilometres FREE. 6654339. prkes direct lo you. Complete hade the answers you need ESiABLlSHEDAUTORepair &person Spa $2,699. Over now. Go direct lo the source SALES HELP WANTED PH 898-3491 or 892-5855 Shop in Regina. Newer build- COUNSELLOR TRAINING 5OSpasavailable.Csll1800- and speak live lo the lop lng and equipment. Sales Instilute of Vancouver offers 998-6312. psychics in the country! Call SALESPEOPLE NEEDED lo $1,000,000. Excelienlprofils, correspondenw courses for KARAOKE- MR. Entertain- 1-800-626-4343 less than sell toys, gifls. home decor low cost living. Owner relir- lhe certificateof Counselling pO/min. Visa, Mastercard. for C 6 M Gifls. Two fullcolour ing. Cali Rlchard: Days menl. Canada's largest Studies lo begin July 31 For karaoke dealer, has Ihe larg- catalogues. Exclusive ilerns, (306)522-7685. Eves. a brochure phoneTall-free1- PRE'IM GIRLS will talk lo low pcices, noinvestmenl.Call (306)543-5932. est seiecllon of singalong you. Exciting and personal. 800-665-7044. laps and relaled karaoke 1(519)258-7905, Fax: FOR LEASE Major cards accepled. Only 1(519)258-0707. BUSINESS WESTERN CANADIAN products.Callnowforourhee $29.95 per call. 18+ yrs. 1- -- OPPORTUNITIES SchoolofAudioneering.Next catalogues 1-800-661-7464. 800-390-8339.4p.m.lil2a.m. SERVICES 1400 sq. ft. A prime course July 31hug. 12195. KWlK KERB -Own your own For a free brochure call HELP WANTED TAROT, NUMEROLOGY, Auras, Clairvoyance. Live, business. P/l or F/l. inslall- 1(403)777-9388 or 1-800- WE TAKE The Fear Oul of location main shop- EDITORS: FOR Weekly 6 personal psychlcs. As seen ing on-site, continuous con- 252-3313 or write lo: 8315 ICBC. Major ICBC injury - Daily Newspapers. Slerling on TV. Look into your future. ping area downtown crete, landscape edging, lo- 40SI.,S,E..Calgary,AB,T2C claims. Joel A. Wener, lrial lalequipment.provensyslem, 2P1. Newspapers Lld. Sollcils 18t$3.99/Min. 1-900-870- - resumes from experiencod- lawyer for 25 years. Call free training. 1-800-667- Squamish. seniorreportersandCommu- 2778_---...- 1-800-665-1138. Conlin- KERB(5372). BE AN interior nity Newspaper Editors IO RARE GIFTED Psychics will gency fees. Simon, Wener & Great for prof. off ices, Decorolor... with our great meet forthcoming vacancies. guide you in all aspects of Adier. love, money, diffc GOVERNMENT ASSIST- home-study course. Call for a Contact: N.E. Harinaford,Re- success. VACATION SPOTS restaurants or ANCE Programs. Govern- Free Book. 1-800-267-1829. gional Viw-Presldenl, Sler- cult decisions. Take control menl aid, assistance, grants The Shemeld School, 1005- ling Newspapers Lld., 1827 of your destiny! 18+. $3.99/ min. Call now! 1-900-870- commercial. Good and loans money available. 38 McArthur Ave., Ollawa, W. 51hAve.,Vancouver, B.C. PENDER ISLAND in Ihe 2778. For now orexisling business. ON. K1L 6R2. V6J lP5 - beaulifulGulf Islands B.C. A exposure, high traffic. Call 1-800-505-8866. INDEPENDENT AGENT re- 100aue famofferssecluded CRUISE VACATIONS Fran- MAKE A Dflerenwl Train, quiredlo selladspawlobusi- ADOPTED& NATURAL Par- collageswilhlroullake, crops, Reasonable rent. chise and cruise sales agent upgrade, relire in a powerful ness Owners in small corn snts, regisler with our meadows, forests and wild. opportunitiesavailable. Traln new profession. Become a munities. Eslablished com- Canada-We Hope Registry life. Gel pampered with old Call Phil at Sussex at sea. Uniquefullyaufomated Certified Masler HypnolisU pany. Fanlaslic commission. 1-000-871-8477. Searching? fashioned meals and charm. franchisesyrtem.hrgeteni- Hypnolherapkt.Free infoma- Contact: Mr. Gater, Need Help? Our Family As- Floal plane and boa1 dock. Realty 892-5961 tories, financing available. lion package. Alandel School Brentwood Screenprinl, B.C. ilslancc Program can asskl Priced from $120/person in- Gordon Froese (604)731- 6 Clinic. 1-800-681-2099 Phone colbd (604)270-6292 you, Family Finders 1-800- cluding mals. Reservalioni 5546, 1400865-1882. Ex+ 250 or Fax: (604)270-3432. 071.8477. 1-800-826.5955. 1 38 Rl JULY 11,1395 THE SQUAMISH CHIEF BRACKENDALE N/S mother. FOUND Irg. set of keys at comer y, .and' by daug 1 Does your child 1 & up), like to of Ma le & Guilford. To identify Leanne Garcia, cousin Sonja Lei G.A. Enterprises FRIENDLY GIANT Daycare be outdoors? I have one s ace call89!-9508.28A and many nieces, ne hev Bookkce ing and Payroll A licensed rou daycare operat- avail. (f/ t or p/ t). 898-9183.22 cousins and other reP ativi gervices ing since 9rI ov. 988 at the Civic I---__-_--___-_------Prayers were offered Tuesda JI Computerized Centre. A es: 18 mos to 5 years - A Mother of two offers loving care 4th at 730 .m. in St. Paul's idi * Confidential Offer: ECE & First Aid Qualified in her home for one or two chil- &,CLARKE Tom Church, rsorth Vancouver. F Gwen 898-4883. OlTFN Staff dren, M - F. Part or f/time. N/S, lowed by Funeral Mass Wednl _---_------_-__----______I--- * Structured Program Kinder- receipts, Ref's. 898-9179.28 ' aged 83 ears' day, July 5th at 10 a.m, Intermf - * passed awa CARDENINC/Landscapin ' - garten pickup from local schools in Squamish, B.C. e is survived1995 Wai Father Wai Dennis Kum ReserveA,exander Cemete O.N Spring time, clean your yard. fub- Swim Program t access to other x ' by hls wife of 55 ears, Grace, and bish removal, Power-raking, Trim- recreational rograms. his children ancy their families - Memorialcelebrant. Hinds Funeral ming, Complete yard services. * Full-timefiart-time - * Drop-in MATURE, reliable individual to ROY and Lavona Clarke, Jennifer in care of Call today. Lawn installed, Flower (3-5 years only) Care for 2 children ages 3 & 5 in and Jason (Rebekah), all of yel- rangements.28 bed ready for lantin New yards Call 898-2399. TFN my Valleycliffe home, 4 days/wk., lowknife, NWT; Ian Clarke of Van- ---~------~~~--~-~~---~- or old. Call 89g5942. fkTFN _____---__-____-__--______I______-from AW7 31. Ref's Please~892- couver, B.C., Joanie and Bill -__----__-__-__-----______I_ - TINY FLOWER CHILDREN'S DELUXE Aromatherapy Massage. 9325-__I-.._-__I__------eves. 28 Brown. Amv and Kvle of CENTER Che*d, B.C. Also by hrs great- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In my home or ours. Evening Licensed Quality Daycare 0 =I grandson, Devon. Tom was an in- Est,ate of ' the decease appt's. avail. 268- T770 pager. 28A Preschool rrm. -__-__----_----_-______I______volved member in a numbm of. GOFENKO: GARY THOMA * Has openin s /time & OBEDIENCE DOG TRAINING community organizations LATE OF Basement Suite, 397 p/ time/ rop in. Puppy and Adult. Certified by Ca-. throughout his lifetime. His enthu- Government Road, (Box 51! Kindergarten Drop-off and Pick- nadian Institute of Professional siasm, inte ty and generosity of Squamish, BC SQUAMISH VETERINARY UP. Do Training. Private and Classes. spirit will e sadly,missed by ev- Cryditors and others havii SERVICES * E.C.E. & First Aid qualified staff. Ca8 Carolynn @ 898-9424 after 8 eryone his I? life has touched. A claims against the said estate1 38131 Second Avc., Squamish 38357 Buckle Ave. p.m. 26TFN memorial service was held on Sat- are required to send full partic * Scrving the community 892-5566. JFN _-______---_-_--__---.----_--I-----___---urday, July 8th at 1:OO p.m. at the lars of such claims dul verified for over 20 yrs. S uimish-Funeral Chapel. In lieu the PUBLIC TRUSTEE! #600 - 8 ' Full service facility SIERRA -9o flowers the family asks that West Hastings Street, .Vancouvl * Boarding available Quality Licensed Daycare. Tom be remembered by donations BC, V6C 3L3, on or before the 10 Garibaldi Highlands area. FOR Rent - new 23' Xoga Class-C * We do house calls Motorhome. Deluxe with all ex- to the charity of our choice - and day of August 1995, after whit * Pick up & drop off Full or Part time. remembered a ways with his date the estate's assets will be d Call Monica at 898-4510. TFN tras, sleeps 6. Off season rates all Y in the Squamish area. summer, $800/week or $115/day. smile. 28 tributed, having regard only to t -_------_-_----______I______----- Dr. Stein Hoff LveJmsg. @ 898-5301.35 _---__-__----___----______L______------claims that have been received. 892-9391.25TFN ...... GARCIA, Deborah. On June 28th, PUBLIC TRUSTEE. 29 TEXADA Isle. Retreat Resort. 1995 6f North Vancouver, age 30 I<.D.iM. Veterinary Hos ital BRACKENDALE area, N/S, EX~. Clean, comfortable kitchen units, ears. Predeceased by her mother 40375 Tantalus Way (bet: ind High- location, good family home, park, beach, sunset & view, trails. Keith geverly Horich, grandparents !ands Mall) 898-9089. Full service fenced yard, crafts, outings. Mon - 486-7360.29A Joseph & Adelaine Moody and ital. Dr. K. McCallum. PLEASE,NOTEToo late to clas2 110s Fri, call 898-3705.28 reat grandparents Napolean & fy ads are accepted only aft1 Dr. DeWith. 25TFN . - ,- ----rc------;------& k. -, . kora Moody and Bertha Moses 1200 p.m. and before 5 p.m. FI -__--_-I-----_____--______---"-- FRIENDLY Family environment. Billy, also by cousin Vanessa LVHITE Standard Poodle pups. day at the rate of $7.00 for : Excellent care, small group to ro- LOST - Indian, ear shaped pen- Moody Survived and'will be sad- words or less, and .25c for eat Parents CKC Champion. Excellent vide quality care. Call 892-21 75. ly missed by her former husband tcimil dogs that do not shed. 898- dant, gold on siP ver, around/or in additional word. They are acce Very ood ref's. avail. NIS house- Logger's Inn Reward. 892-5088. Michael, father Horst Horich, ed on a come first served 15447898-5253.29ccw - brothers Eugene and Samuel, sis- first i ...... hold, %quamish. 28 28A sis, and are printed only if s a1 ters Yvonne Brekke and Lila permits. The Squamish C R ic cannot be responsible for err0 or omissions as these ads may nl I be proof read because of tin 1 constraint I I I I FOR RENT - 3 Bdrm. Hour I dowgtown Squamish. Avail. Au I I 1st. $750/mo. t util's. Ref's rea'( I CIassified Ad Form I Long term preferred. Call 94: I 1286.28 1 Category I I I 72 8 1/2' FRONTIER CamDer I f/s, fu.rnace, hyd/jacks. $f,50l I I 898-3220.28 I : I I I I i I I I I I I I I I21 123 124 I I 1 I I I I 1 31 j 32 ' 133 34 36 I I I I 37 138 139 40 41 42 I ADVERTISE I I I 43 i 44 145 46 47 48 I I I I IN THE I $7.00 minimum for 20 words or less. 25g per word thereafter. Deadline Friday noon. No exceptions. I I PHQTB CLASSIFIED $15 AUQIONISUAL CLASSIFIED (Chief & Mtn FMJ $14 I I SQUAMISH I No. of Inserts VlSA NO. I I Name * M.C. NO. I I CHIEF I Address Expiry date I I Phone Cash Sale I I 1 Address Invoice Ne. CALL I I Bate Ree'd Taken by I I 892191 61 I 38113 2nd Ave., Box 3500 Squamish B.C., VON 3G0 Telphbne: (604) 892-9161 FAX: (604) 892-8483

NOTICE AND BICYCLES There appears to be some misunderstanding regarding pedestrian 1995 BWINESS LICENCE FEES lanes and where bicycles are to be ridden. ARE NOW PAST DUE Article 3.7 of District of Squamish Traffic Regulation Bylaw No. The District of Squamish Business Licence Bylaw stipulates : 779, 1981 allows Council to designate the location of Pedestrian possession of a valid business licence as a condition of operating a Lanes for pedestrian use on any paved streets. business in the District of Squamish. The Traffic Regulation Bylaw and the British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act state that a person operating a bicycle has the same 1995 Business Licence fees were due on or before January 1, 1995. If rights and duties as the driver of a motor vehicle, plus they shall ride you have not paid your fees or have not received an invoice, you should as near.as practicable to thedght side of the roadway and shall not contact Municipal Hall - Business Licence Department immediately, ride abreast of another person operating a bicycle. 37955 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 2110, Squamish, BC (8924217). THE SQUAMISH CHIEF JULY 11,199s in 39

#I in SALES, Squamish, 1994! #l in PRICE! #l inVALUE! #1 in LMNGABILITY! #l in LOCATION & MOUNTAIN VIEWS!

112 acre in Garibaldi Estates IlighlandsC~l&SC large 4 '179,900 "198,900 4 Bedrwm home with new kdrcnim with large fenced kitchen, new windows. 2gas yard kryclean ssking ' (ONLY 10% DOWN NEEDED!) fireplaces, RV parking. Rill. RtlIUCED S38,W finhhed bascmmt. Cull Don Cuucll PRICE REDUCED Cull Dun Carsel&

AFFORDABLE 1650sq. b. Duplet in I3raiL- LUXURIOUS TOWNIIOME enddle I)ouhlc garage. d11 3 bdrm., end unit, 2 fireplaces, rpplidnces. hlinds. six appliances, great view CullJawn 5172,000. from hot tub. 5155,000 Call Judy

CLASSICCHALET style 4011)?SKYI.INE DRIVE house, 3 bdrm, 2 hath, view GW31 view, prrv3cy. and mow property in Highlands. Mdny new renovation\ 4 Call Jason Mrm, 2 In bath$ large deck VmHomes, Peaceful Neighborhood, Majestic Mountain Wews! g: double caaprt -. $259,000 Cull Dan Caucll

Nice 3 hcdroum,

Which home is right~ for you? ' HIGHLAND GLEN I In bath tnwnhoux. 44 m2Ready to build lot ONLY $98,900 F/P, 5 applirncc. Executive Townhouse, 6 appl., $149,900 2yeursnrn' 200 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms plus family room, single garage, ONLY $179,900 1 yr. new, 2 1/2 baths, fantastic. Cull Jason. 500 Sq. Ft., 3 bedrooms plus family rm, dbl. garage, 8400 Sq. Ft. lot! 558 Sq. Ft., 2 bedrodmi plus denbdrm &family rm, dbl garage, ONLY $198,900 FEATUKES Vaulted Ceilings, large picture windows, walk-in-closets, natural gas PROPERTY. fireplace, spacious rooms, eficient naturalgas heating and thermal indows. Own your own land, no strata fees, 60' x 100' lots or larger! 5 YEAK HOME WARRANTY AVAILABLE! DEIDRE VERNON OR GEORGE MEARCE Sales Ofice and Displuy Homes OPEN DAILY 1 - 4 PM. (Except FW 1016 Edgewater Crescent, Squunaish I

Business Hours: Same as always: Anylime you are interested in Real Eslale. OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday July 45 & 16 1-3 p.m. 38252 Juniper

TO ADVERTISE YOUR LISTINGS AND OfEN HOUSE --WOW! What a Bu I 11 I Don't miss this well maintaine21 home in a very desirable street in Upper Val- LISTINGS.... CALL 892-9 16 1 leyeliffe. This home features 3 bdrms upstairs, 1 bdrm downstairs and large . family room. It has a 2 year new roof, a Ilarae new deck. new furnace and new ,= 1;;~~R~;i38235 Cleveland Ave. 892-5924 1