Saints and Pilgrims in the Lykos Valley (Asia Minor)

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Saints and Pilgrims in the Lykos Valley (Asia Minor) Francesco D’Andria Στο άρθρο παρουσιάζονται τα πορίσματα των τελευ­ The results of recent archaeological excavations and ταίων αρχαιολογικών ανασκαφών και ερευνών στις surveys in the cities of the valley of Lycus conducted πόλεις της κοιλάδας του Λύκου, που πραγματοποιή­ by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis θηκαν από την Ιταλική Αρχαιολογική Αποστολή στην and by the University of Pamukkale in Laodikeia Ιεράπολη και από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Παμουκαλέ are presented in the article. Investigations in Hierap­ στη Λαοδίκεια. Στην Ιεράπολη οι έρευνες έφεραν στο olis revealed the extramural sanctuary built around φωςSAINTS το εκτός των ANDτειχών ιερό PILGRIMS που οικοδομήθηκε IN THEγύρω LYKOSthe tomb of VALLEY the Apostle Philip(ASIA and MINOR)helped to restore από τον τάφο του αποστόλου Φιλίππου, και βοήθη­ the pilgrim route. Findings in Laodikeia allow a new σαν να αποκατασταθεί η διαδρομή που ο προσκυνη­ reading of the urban development of Byzantine city τής ακολουθούσε για να φτάσει σ’ αυτό. Τα ευρήματα and its monuments, analogous to that of Hierapolis στη Λαοδίκεια επιτρέπουν μια νέα ανάγνωση της πο­ and St. Philip's tomb, which may be connected with λεοδομικής εξέλιξης της πρωτοβυζαντινής πόλης και the city’s bishop Sagaris. των μνημείων της, σε αναλογία με αυτή της Ιεράπολης και του μαρτυρίου του αποστόλου Φιλίππου, η οποία συνδέεται με τον επίσκοπο της πόλης Σάγαρι. Λέξεις κλειδιά Keywords T vilayet Πρωτοβυζαντινή περίοδος, προσκυνήματα, μαρτύριο Αγίου Proto-byzantine period; pilgrimage sanctuary; tomb of the Φιλίππου, ευλογίες, απόστολος Φίλιππος, επίσκοπος Σάγα- Apostle Philip; stamped ampullae; St. Philip; Bishop Sa- ρις, Κοιλάδα του Λύκου, Ιεράπολις, Λαοδικεία. garis; Lykos Valley; Hierapolis; Lao di keia. 1 * Professor, University of Salento. Director of the Italian Archaeo­ logical Mission in Hierapolis, [email protected] ** Thishe valleyarticle isof based the river on the Lykos lecture (indelivered the modern in the frame of nature of the region, which is crossed by the fault of the theof Denizli), 36th Symposium in which of the the cities Christian of Hierapolis, Archaological Laodikeia, Society Maeander. The2 deep fissures in the earth’s crust, caused by 2 (Athens 2016) – special topic: Pilgrimage in the Byzantine world: earthquakes, are the source of numerous thermal springs Colossae and Tripolis on the Maeander all flourished, is a regionarchaeological in Anatolia and historical characterised evidence. by natural phenomena (frequently associated with the emission of toxic gases of extraordinary intensity, arising from the highly seismic such as– CO ), which– in turn– are responsible“ for the fa- mous white travertine cascades in the site of Pamukkale . bibliographical2 references, and lastly Șengül Aydıngün, of the Ko- ΔΧΑΕ caeli Üniversitesi, for promptly informing me of the significant 1 discoveries made in Bathonea, near Istanbul. On the seismic phenomena of the region, which have modelled the current appearance of the ruins in the ancient cities, see H. I would like to thank Piera Caggia for her help in preparing the text Kumsar Ö. Aydan C. Șimșek F. D’Andria, Historical earth- ΔΧΑΕ_38_2_D'Andria.inddand selecting 35 the images, Silvia Pedone for providing important quakes that damaged Hierapolis and Laodikeia antique cities and5/5/2017 10:53:39 μμ ΛΗ΄ (2017), 35-56 35 FRANCESCO D'ANDRIA Αrchaeology and literary sources in the valley of the Lykos In this special geographical contest, located at the cross- roads of important communication routes, Christianity was able to develop vigorously as early as the 1st century AD. This is attested by the writings of the New Testa- ment, particularly Paul’s letter to the Colossians, which refers to the church that met in the house of Nympha in Laodikeia, and the Revelation of John, which cites Laodikeia among the seven cities of Asia. In the early centuries of the Christian era, highly influential figures such as Papias, Appolinarios and Sagaris consti tuted a point of reference that transcended regional boundaries, bringing these communities into direct contact with the main centres of the new religion in Asia and in Rome. Fig. 1. Map showing the cities of the valley of the Lykos. Their prestige was linked to the tradition of the apostle Philip, who was believed to have brought the Gospel to Hierapolis and to have been martyred there. The pres- ence of his tomb in the Phrygian city, associated with that of St. John in Ephesus, is cited as early as the late 2nd century, in the famous letter of Bishop Polycrates to Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Envi­ Pope Victor, regarding the controversy over the correct ronment 3 date on which to celebrate Easter.– The letter comparesLa ricerca geothe­ archeologicanoble origins a Hierapolis of the Church of Asia, foundedNuovo Atlanteby the diApostles Hierapolis John di Frigia. and Philip, Cartografia with archeologica those of Rome, della cittàwhere e delle the relicsnecropoli of the Apostles Peter and Paul were venerated . Over the last decade in particular,4 the cities and ter- their implications for earthquake potential of Denizli basin in ritories of the valley of the Lykos (Fig. 1) have been the western Turkey”, Ploutonion focus of systematic archaeological research, radically im- 75.2 (2016), 519-536. On the geological aspects of the proving our knowledge of the late-Roman and proto-Byz- site of Hierapolis, see S. Marabini G. Scardozzi, 2 “ antine phases. In addition to the activities of the Italian , G. Scardozzi (ed.), History of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Archaeological Mission in Hierapolis, begun by Paolo Toxicology in Antiquity , Istanbul 2015, 227-268. On the emissions of CO , which Verzone in 1957, the last few years have seen the develop- H.e 5Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley in Hierapolis have given rise to myths and cults such as those ment of large-scale excavation and recovery projects, pro- – linked to the cave, considered one of the entrances to the Under2 - 4moted by the University of Pamukkale . TheseC. include the, world, and the , see H. Pfanz – G. Yüce – F. D’Andria 10.excavation Yılında Laodikeia of the Cathedral (2003­2013 in Yılları)Laodikeia and 2014the .colon - – W. D’Alessandro – B. Pfanz – Y. Manetas – G. Papatheodorou, naded street in Tripolis , which brought to light a seriesB. 3 The Ancient Gates to Hell and their Relevance to Geogenic CO ”, “ I P. Wexler (ed.), John, who reclined on the bosom of the Lord, who became a priest , I, Amsterdam 2014, 92-117. with the frontlet, a martyr, and a teacher. He is buried in Ephesus…” Eus., ., 5,24,2-4: “For in Asia, too, great luminaries lie buried. (translation by U. Huttner, ΔΧΑΕ , They will rise on the day of the Lord’s appearance, when he comes Leiden5 Boston 2013). in full glory from the heavens and seek out all the saints: Philip, For a general presentation of the activities, see Șimșek (ed.) one of the twelve apostles, who was buried in Hierapolis, and his , Istanbul two daughters, who grew old as virgins, and his other daughter, On the results of the archaeological research in Tripolis, see ΔΧΑΕ_38_2_D'Andria.inddwho worked 36 in the Holy Spirit and rests in Ephesus. Then also Duman, Son Arkeolojik Araştırmalar ve Yeni Bulgular şığında:5/5/2017 10:53:40 μμ ΛΗ΄ (2017), 35-56 36 SAINTS AND PILGRIMS IN THE LYKOS VALLEY Atlas of Hierapolis Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley of statues of magistrates with inscribed bases, dated to sought the Apostle’s mausoleum inside the Octagon, the 5th century, of extraordinary stylistic quality, com- without success however. parable to the contemporary sculptures of Aphrodisias. Martyrion During the last few years, research has also been Topographical research conducted in this area for the 6 9 conducted into the literary sources and the early his- , whose 52 plates show all the archi- tory of Christianity in this area. Ulrich Huttner’s tectural structures and traces of buildings present in the , represents the most up- site, made it possible to obtain an overview, highlighting to-date summary of these themes . Huttner however was the fabric of settlement . The use of remote sensing im- able to make only partial use of the new data emerging ages had already highlighted new structures, previously 10 from the excavations conducted while the book was al- not taken into consideration, especially in the area of the ready nearing completion. In contrast, the volume on , leading to excavations which have greatly 7 Colossae by A. Cadwallader and Michel Trainor follows contributed to our knowledge of the context in which 11 an approach that is more closely tied to traditional New the Sanctuary of the Apostle Philip developed . This Testament studies and makes only limited use of archae- was one of the most famous pilgrimage sites in the whole ological data . The lack of systematic archaeological re- of the Orient, comparable to that of St. John in Ephesus, search in Colossae means it has not yet been possible to which archaeologists had known of for decades . identify the cave of the first apparition by the Arch- Since 2003, the excavations have revealed the image Theangel pilgrims’ Michael. Itroute was toin thethis Sanctuary area that the of St.cult Philip of the of the Sanctuary in termsPloutonion of its buildings and extraordi- Archangel began, subsequently spreading to the West nary landscape, which must haveplateia represented one of the via Constantinople, reaching Monte Sant’Angelo on the main elements contributing to the pilgrims’ perception Gargano peninsula in Puglia, the monumental Sacra di of the sacred. The impact that the construction of the San Michele in the Alps and the famous sanctuary of sanctuary of Philip had on the urban topography has Mont St. Michel in Normandy. also become clear. Indeed, it involved the creation of a Martyrion route that radically detracted from the focal points of the Hellenistic and Roman city, such as the Sanctuary of Apollo, the famous and the civil Agora, aligned with– the north-south– , Atlantewhich dihad Hierapo been­ Of extraordinary value in contrast are the new discov- builtlis di Frigia.
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