News of the Golf World in Brief

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News of the Golf World in Brief NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF Seattle (Wash.) City Em- schoiarships to outstanding ployees' Suggestion Dept. rec- scholars . Scholarships ommends that Pierre "Pete" awarded have value of approxi- Masterson, Park Dept. golf di- mately $100,000 ... Since Chick rector, get $100 award for Evans founded the scholarship rubber cushion cup 6 in. diame- more than 250 of them have ter to fit around sprinkler been awarded . The disease valves and prevent loss of balls plagues that have made course in soggy depressions . An- maintenance hell this summer other one of Bob Hudson's gala hit Tam 0'Shanter just at the parties given at Portland (Ore.) start of the big Tam chamion- GC for contestants in Women's m pionships . Seven afflicted National, USGA officials, other HERB GRAFFIS greens were dyed. golf notables and reporters Carolina pros say 19-year-old Don Smith Evidence of the great training young- of Greensboro, N. C., is due to become one sters are getting in the junior champion- of the great amateurs . The lad recently ships was disclosed by A1 Mengerfs per- won Greensboro's junior championship 3 formance as runner-up in the National times .. He won his first tournament when Amateur . Al, now 23 and recently thru he was 11 . Vinnie Richards, Jr., 21-year- with a hitch in the Army air force, was old son of head of Dunlop Rubber sports winner of the first two U. S. Junior Cham- dept., capt. elect of Fordham university ber of Commerce national junior national tennis team . His Pop is still playing championships in 1946 and 1947 . Men- good tennis and getting to be tough golf gert now has the shortest backswing for competition. full shots we've ever seen in recent major Idlewild CC (Chicago dist.) gives A1 championship contestants except, possibly Naylor big day Aug. 20 . A1 retires on that of Charley Bassler of Baltimore . nice pension after 44 years as Idlewild's Mengerfs hands seldom get shoulder high pro . Club gives A1 an automobile and on backswing but he finishes with hands purse in addition to the pension . One of high and bangs the ball out a goodly dis- the grandest letters we ever read about a tance . Maybe he figures the short pro was that Charley Schrager, Idlewild backswing gives him a little better control pres., and Max Berkenfield aiul Saul Miller . Tourney yips ruined Mengerfs chances of the committee, wrote to members about against the experienced, serene and Naylor and tlie plan to make him one of smooth- swinging Westland. the very few pros of long and faithful service retired on a good income as long High Point Inn, new name of Mount as he breathes. Pleasant Inn, resort with course at Mt. Pocono, Pa. Joe Paletti and Don Gretti, Monroe (Wis.) CC in new clubhouse . pro-supt. team of Sunset Kidge CC (Chi- Don Howe is mgr. H. "Wally" Womel- cago dist.), won 5th annual Midwest Golf dorf, formerly mgr., Medinah'CC (Chicago Course Supts. Assn. Pro-Supt. tournament dist.) now mgr., Westbrook CC, Mansfield, with 68-4—64 . Event played at Wood- O. Gerald V. Marlatt from Meadow- ridge GC. brook CC, Tulsa, Okla., to manage Calumet CC (Chicago dist.). Harvey Raynor, Tour- Dale Andreason, pro at Hinsdale GC nament Supervisor for PGA, issuing help- (Chicago dist.) issues printed monthly bul- ful bulletin for players on the circuit . letin titled "Sweet Swingers" for the club's Raynor doing excellent job in keeping junior golfers . Pinehurst (N.C.) com- tourney players reminded of their responsi- pleting new building for its golf shop . bilities. Old building will be used for club storage Eugene Lovejoy, 79, mgr.-pro, Lincoln . Hillside in front of George Howard's Park muny course, Grand Forks, N. D., pro shop at Broadmoor GC, Seattle, Wash., died July 19 following a 2 weeks' illness to be partially excavated with upper level . His widow, Mayme, who has assisted to be a terrace and beneath will be storage her husband, will «11 his position for the space for bag carts . Pros still trying to remainder of 1952 .. Gene was born in devise satisfactory system for securing and New York City and came to N. D. in child- ^releasing bags from carts and for storing hood . He had been at Lincoln Park for rarts. 19 years and served the community very Western Golf Assn. awards 44 Evans well as an inspiring player, an excellent instructor and as a fine example of a genial gentleman sportsman. Ray Gafford, pro at Northwood Club, Dallas, showed visiting pros some new items in women's golf wear . Ray's got two fine assistants in Charley Tims and Bill Shelton . The shop strives to show new sportswear for women even before Niemann-Marcus, famous Dallas women's store gets it. That's really a job . Ray scored in getting a new golf hat for women that other pros have ordered for their clubs . It's good for golf . Most women wear the godawfulest golf headwear. Sports Turf Research Institute of Great Britain (formerly the Board of Greenkeep- ing Kesearch) holds its annual course maintenance equipment exhibition and demonstration at its St. Ives Research sta- tion. USGA Golf House fund is $24,500 short of the $110,000 cost of building and furnish- ing . $85,500 thus far received has come from 4,750 sources ... If you haven't kicked in send your check to USGA, 40 E. 38th, New York 16 . City of Sebring, Fla. re- conditioning another 9 of its 18 and will have entire 18 in play Jan. 1, 1953 ... 9 being reopened was closed for past 10 years . Ted Robinson is pro at Sebring's course vvhich is in play year around. Garfield L. Iverson, mgr., Everett 'pCUKGUd NEW PROCESS , LEWIS MPR0V6D VIGORO GOLF BALL goes 7/3 further—supplies all the nu- trients needed for best playing turf! W A S H E R It's easy to keep a course in good condition LOW COST! with Vigoro. It's good business too, because tip-top greens and fairways mean satisfied BEAUTIFVL! EFFICIENT! golfers. Nevv process Yigoro supplies in ample amounts NEW RUBBER CUSHION arrange- all the vital food elements any grass must get ment in bottom of washer absorbs from any soil — to grow and thrive best. Even ihocka, adds to life of cleaner. half-starved soils can be brought up to par with NEW TYPE riNISH includes third Vigoro! Order Vigoro coat of clear plastic. Withstands today—feed it regularly •eason after season in any climate. for thick, deep-rooted, play-attracting turf. EASY TO USE - just pull up pad- dle, insert ball. A few quick strokes •Vigoro is the frade-mork for leaves ball shining clean, ready for Swift & Company's complete, bal- play . .. and fewer lost balls I anced plant food. Better Courses Provide SWIFT & COMPANY LEWIS WASHERS at every tee Plant Food Division Order from your dealer now! U. $. Yards. Chicago 9, III. G. B. LEWIS CO. Watertown • Wisconsin (Wash.) G&CC elected pres., Evergreen chapter, Club Managers' Assn. of America . Club Managers' national association now has 1,043 members in its 36 active local chapters . Kelly J. Cook, for 16 years supt., Willow Wood CC, Bellepoint, W. Va., until 16 months ago when illness forced his retirement, now regaining his health. Second annual James "Sonny" Fraser memorial tournament at Atlantic City CC, Northfield, N. J., Sept. 19, 20, 21 . Sonny was one of the most promising young golf- ers and grandast fellows in the game . Women's Western Golf Assn. scored again You may have a grass with beautiful and informative program dilemma, a particular for 52 WWGA Amateur championship at situation peculiar to Los Angeles CC . Among program fea- your area. Here at Woodruffs. we welcome ture pages vvas one on Vic Dalberto, 32 inquiries about any usual or unusual grass years pro at LA CC and one on Bill Beres- condition. ford, 25 years supt. at the club . In ad- For more than a quarter of a century. we dition to" doing great job of course main- have been testing different analyses of tenance Beresford has won between 600 lawn seed in northern, southern, eastern and 700 avvards at horticultural exhibits and western sections of the country. and for flovvers f rom the LA CC greenhouse and have acquired a unique knowledge of seed gardens. habits and their adaptation. This may be In the 26 years of GOLFDOM we don't of great help to you. Send us your inquiries for analyses and quotations. You will hear recall one in which weather has been worse from us with dispatch. Without hesitation — for golf course maintenance in many parts of the US . Floods, drought, humidity Ask Woodruffl have been nightmares . Several great F. H. WOODRUFF & SOHS, INC supts. with long records of success are Millartf. Cono Tdeda. Ohio lilltrou, LI. Atlnti Sicramiito quitting the business after this season to "FLEXI-C0MB" for fairway mowers Reduce thatch Smoother cut Overcome weeds Begin Flexi-combing early in the season. Comb out accumulated plant material to provide better growing conditions. A thatch layer sheds water, prevents fertil- izer from getting down to the soil. Reduction of thatch by Flexi- combing promotes healthier grow- ing conditions — reduces disease. Use Flexi-combs on mowers to overcome existing thatch and pre- ient its reoccurrence. Flexi-combs fit Toro and Worthington mowers . Combs are mounted permanently on mowers — easily locked out of operating position when their use is not required ... Improved design provides easier depth adjustment. TjJeat Point PioducU frifrorutfio* TVett Pout. 7><z. <Q 1952 by West Point Produtts Corporation 6 take other jobs .
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