SPRING 2019 SPRING 2019 EnterTenant&Leaseholder Garden Comp 2019 Your communityinaction! **PLAN** your fireescape FREEPHONE0800408 0000VISIT www.cbh.org 1 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 1 02/04/2019 13:50 OurCharity of theyearis… Followingavotefromour employees,we This life changing charityhas ateamof are delightedtoannounce that Suicide dedicated, caring and well trainedstaff Crisis hasbeen overwhelmingly votedour that canprovide thehelp people need Charityofthe Year 2019/20. and hasacentrethat is open 24 hoursa dayfor people at high risk of suicide. SuicideCrisisoffersasafeplace and face to face supportfor people who More information aboutSuicide Crisis have suicidal feelings includingthose canbefound at www.suicidecrisis.co.uk whoare goingthroughacrisis that has been triggeredbyatraumatic experience or experiences. Watchthisspace as in oursummer edition of the newsletter we will be tellingyou howmuch ouremployees raised forthe Maggie’s CheltenhamCentre last year Reading CBHnews If you would like atranslation or would prefer this information in Braille, large print or audio tape, please contact us on 0800 408 0000 or
[email protected] COVER PHOTO: Spring hassprung for ‘TheHappy Potters’ as they plantthe seeds forour excitingnew gardeningscheme(page8) 2 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 2 02/04/2019 13:50 SPRING 2019 Outwiththe old, in with thenew! Thereare someexciting times aheadfor CBH as soon we will be replacing ourcomputer systemswithmoreuptodateand more accessible technology. What does this mean foryou? Theseare just some of theexciting changesthat you • Anew onlineportal anda canlookforward to butpleasebeaware that when mobile appsothat youcan we first make theswitchthere maybesomeinitial access your information, pay delays to ourservicesduringthe first fewweeks. your rent and book your repairs 24/7 whenever andwherever We expect to have thesenew services in place youlike overthe Summer.