The Free Press Vol. 38, Issue 1, 09-11-2006

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The Free Press Vol. 38, Issue 1, 09-11-2006 University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons Free Press, The, 1971- Student Newspapers 9-11-2006 The Free Press Vol. 38, Issue 1, 09-11-2006 Angelique Carson University of Southern Maine Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Carson, Angelique, "The Free Press Vol. 38, Issue 1, 09-11-2006" (2006). Free Press, The, 1971-. 34. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Free Press, The, 1971- by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact New grub hits Portland The jelly donut series: A Student responds to Good vibrations: The Shins’ campus PAGE 2 close look at Cuba PAGE 3 Manning controversy PAGE 3 must-hear album PAGE 6 Volume 38, Issue 1 September 11, 2006 USM closes cop killer’s exhibit Organizers voice disapproval of USM president’s decision JOEL C. THERIAULT have become misunderstood and like we’re entering into a police needlessly divisive.” state and entering into censorship CONTRIBUTING WRITER Levasseur is a political ac- of artists and of people’s free ex- tivist and Manning’s associate pression.” After seven days on display, during the l970’s and ‘80’s. Several members of a Woodbury Center art exhibit of During the press conference, Portland’s Victory Garden Project paintings by Thomas Manning, a Pattenaude said, “I do this with and at least one of the student art- convicted killer and bank robber, deep regret and disappointment,” ists whose work was displayed was shut down on Friday by order and, “This touched nerves and with Manning’s, Marie Follayttar, of University President Richard pain far, far beyond what anyone appeared at the press conference. L. Pattenaude. understood. There is not an ad- The Victory Garden Project in Law enforcement agencies equate historical buffer between Portland organized the exhibit to from as far away as New Jersey criminal events that occurred and raise awareness of the 150 felons objected to the public display of today, such that you can use it in a incarcerated federally who claim Manning’s paintings. The paint- symbolic way.” to be “political prisoners” and ings depict portraits of politi- Earlier in the week, lawLaw are not recognized by the United cal prisoners and the oppressed enforcement officers from New States as being such. According to people he fought for and with. Hampshire, Vermont, and New Fertig, other projects sponsored Manning is serving a 133-year Jersey, along with Maine State by VGP include growing and sentence in a West Virginia feder- and local police complained, in distributing organic food to the al facility for a string of bank rob- statements to the media that the poor and educating area females beries in the 1970s and ‘80s, and University initially had labeled on growing and using medicinal the slaying of a New Jersey state Manning as a political prisoner- herbs. trooper in 1981 that Manning without quotation marks--in Several law enforcement of- continues to maintain was com- written materials describing the ficers were present at the press mitted in self-defense. Manning exhibit. After the complaints, the conference, including South is in solitary confinement; outside university revised the materials, Portland Officer Jim Fahey. “I PHOTOS BY JEN FELDMAN phone calls are not permitted [did adding quotation marks around would hope the debate doesn’t go (Top) “Where’s Liberty?” by Thomas Manning. we ask? the phrase. away,” said Fahey. “How can you (Above) Jonah Fertig protests during Pattenaude’s press In a prepared statement read The university president throw away social conscience? A conference. aloud by Pattenaude at a Friday said “We sent out material that healthy debate is just that, healthy afternoon press conference, he re- appeared to conclude that Mr. for everybody. Two sides to every and discussion has been hijacked tributed by USM students will be affirmed USM’s policy in support Manning was a political prison- argument, two sides to every story, by people who want to attribute displayed again at a later date in a of free speech to the fullest, and er....we, unfortunately, expressed sometimes you agree to disagree inappropriate motives to the different format, said Pattenaude. said that the University will con- to a large number of people in- and you go your separate ways. I University.” Woods added that When a Free Press reporter tinue “to serve as a neutral forum herently that was our conclusion got to give the University kudos, USM remains committed to being asked Pattenaude what conse- for the expression and discussion before we began (a) dialogue....” though, because they did spark an institution for free expression. quences he expected as a result of ideas.” As Pattenaude fielded ques- debate, no doubt about that.” University employees re- of his decision, he said, “(It’s) In the press release, tions, Jonah Fertig of Portland’s A USM student, Cornell moved and packaged the paint- hard to think of what the specific Pattenaude says that “it has Victory Garden Project made sev- Welch, said, “People that are ings Friday evening. Levasseur consequences would be, other become increasingly clear that eral attempts to speak, at times in- forced to live by a certain set of attempted to transport them, but than rising disruption and inabil- any reasoned discussion of ideas terrupting Pattenaude’s responses standards are left in a state of waited until Saturday afternoon ity for this institution to function, has been overshadowed com- to reporters’ questions. “Whether blindness to what’s important... after Joseph Austin, Dean of rising tension, rising sense of loss pletely by Mr. Manning’s and you consider him [Manning] a A crime committed is an act of Student Life, had asked him to of security. I would suspect that Mr. [Raymond Luc] Levasseur’s political prisoner or not,” Fertig disobedience to society; art is a return the next day. we’re going to hear strong reac- criminal acts, and the pain and said, “it’s censoring his art and contribution.” As part of his announce- tions and conversations about the suffering they caused...their back- when the police are starting to Joe Wood, USM’s Provost ment, Pattenaude said that a sym- free speech the end of grounds have impacted the exhib- control our universities and start- and Vice President for Academic posium planned for October 4 the day, one makes a decision that ◆ it to the point where the exhibit ing to control the art that is able Affairs, told The Free Press, about political prisoners and do- one thinks is best.” itself, and the purpose behind it, to be displayed in our galleries at “Unfortunately, an issue of dis- mestic terrorism will continue as universities, that, to me, seems playing art to spark conversation planned. Additionally, the art con- Kathryn Lasky: Brilliant mind, spicy humor ANGELIQUE CARSON “She was a great mix of her as a visionary. She wanted periences than any other job that I “In her not being here,” said a brilliant mind and this spicy the learning process to extend was paid to do.” DeSwarte, “it allows us to reflect. EXECUTIVE EDITOR sense of humor,” said DeSwarte. outside of her classroom, and Lasky started at USM in Are we being as happy, as joyful, “She knew how to connect with created a program called the 1987 and was later instrumen- as caring as we should be? And When Beth DeSwarte walked her students really well.” She was “Service Learning Practicum,” tal in the creation of the Media can we do more to fill that hole into Professor Kathryn Lasky’s great at keeping her students in which marries media studies Studies program, advocating and that she has left?” ◆ class on film appreciation, she the moment and moving beyond curriculum with the non-profit then implementing its start in had no idea that she was heading having them memorize facts or world. Students are required to 1997. She taught a wide range of into a career move. Years later, as dates. select a non-profit organization classes including film genre and the president of the HART shel- DeSwarte remembers a spe- that interests them and commit production. ter, a homeless animal shelter in cific example of Lasky’s class- themselves to using their expe- “She was a person that when Cumberland, Maine, DeSwarte room humor during a film class rience and knowledge in media you talked to her she gave you realized the impact of Lasky’s in 2000: studies to positively impact their all of her attention,” said Gail passion for using classroom skills “Can you believe that he did selected organization. Worster, former student. “She to help local businesses and orga- that in the movie?” Lasky told the “I fell in love with the work wasn’t waiting for what she had nizations. class. “I would rather stick a fork that I did there,” said DeSwarte to say next. Even though she was DeSwarte is one of many in my head then do what he did in who became close friends with smarter than most people intellec- USM constituents feeling the ab- that movie!” Lasky. “And I really learned that tually, she still learned from other sence of Lasky on campus for the Lasky lived a dynamic and from her. I actually learned more people.” first time last week. She died of authentic life, and challenged skills both professionally and per- She is remembered by stu- OF OF DEPARTMENT PHOTO COURTESY AND MEDIA STUDIES COMMUNICATION cancer last month at her Peak’s her students to do the same.
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