Dateline. Multi-Billion Dollar Into a Single Bill in an Effort to the Chairman of the Senate Budget They Expressed Hope a Compromise WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three U.S

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Dateline. Multi-Billion Dollar Into a Single Bill in an Effort to the Chairman of the Senate Budget They Expressed Hope a Compromise WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three U.S U. S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Wednesday, March 22, 1978 Vol. 33 No. 55 The Navy'l only hoJe-baed dadly Three in one farm bill passed WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- The Senate package would add at least $100 a Even Senate sponsors of the bill Tuesday combined three separate year to the average three-person say some of the approved measures farm aid plans family's food bill. are contradictory. Dateline. multi-billion dollar into a single bill in an effort to The chairman of the Senate Budget They expressed hope a compromise WASHINGTON (AP) -- Three U.S. get relief to distressed grain and Committee, Edmond Muskie, D-Me., can be reached in conference with Marines were killed Monday night cotton farmers before the end of the opposed the amendment as inflation- the House Agriculture Committee and nine were injured when a heli- spring planting season. ary and budget-busting. this evening. copter from the USS Guam crashed Marking the start of a so-called . Despite warnings of overloading the He claims it could cost almost into the sea near Almeria in udget, the measure was passed by a $2 billion and drive up meat and nationwide "plow down," striking Southeastern Spain. vote of 67 to 26. food prices. farmers in Baca County Colorado, Military sources say the cause The White House apparently feels The proposal, sponsored by Senator Tuesday plowed under 2,000 acres of of the crash is still under in- lukewarm about the farm relief bill. George McGovern, is an amendment to wheat to protest low farm prices. vestigation. Agriculture Secretary Bergland an emergency farm bill which would A spokesman for the American Agri- know of anyone in order the agriculture department to culture movement said striking farm- said he doesn't NAIROBI, KENYA (AP) -- Somali who thinks it's pay farmers for idling cropland. ers have started plowing under their the administration guerrillas say they've inflicted The measure would hike price sup- crops in Colorado and Georgia and a good bill. heavy losses on Soviet and Cuban his comments as he ports and income guarantees for will expand the plow-down this week Bergland made supported forces in Ethiopia. with President grain and cotton farmers by about 20 to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nebras- emerged from a meeting It's the first report of fight- advisers. percent. ka, Minnesota, North Dakota and Carter and his economic ing from the disputed Ogaden Re- It now goes to the House. South Dakota. Government economists say the gion since an Ethiopian offensive led by Cuban troops routed regular Somali forces earlier this month. Guerrilla leaders vowed Tuesday to continue the hit and run war to end Ethiopian rule in the border U.N. council picks peacekeepers ANNAPOLIS, MD. (AP) -- Officials at the U.S. Naval Academy say 125 midshipmen have been treated for during the past (AP) -- The United Nations Security The two leaders met Tuesday at small area around Tyre, which the German Measles Council has decided that French, the White House and again at a pri- Israelis decided not to occupy. week. from the academy Norwegian and Nepalese troops will vate dinner in the evening. The city is the chief Palestinian A statement outbreak appears to have make up about half of the 4,000 mem- In public statements, Begin re- supply port, 12 miles north of the said the ber peacekeeping force for South called last week's Palestinian at- Lebanese-Israeli border. peaked. Lebanon. tack on Israel and vowed, "We A spokesman for Yasser Arafat's Palestinian command said the Israeli The meeting was held behind closed shall overcome." PARIS (AP) -- A UNESCO conference that unilateral cease-fire declaration doors Tuesday. President Carter suggested on racism has drafted a resolu- Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim is Israel is secure enough to give is not enough. tion that would define racist however, to say continuing negotiations to enlist ground to the Arabs. He declined, policies of governments as viola- the Palestinians will honor the remaining troops. Both leaders agreed that the whether tions of international law. A United Nations spokesman in New peace initiative begun by Egyptian the cease-fire. It will be considered by the said what's York said last night an advance de- President Anwar Sadat last year has The PLO spokesman 137-member General Conference at total tail of peacekeeping troops was on slowed down. needed is an unconditional, its meeting next October here. prospects withdrawal by Israel from all of its way to South Lebanon and was ex- Carter commented that The resolution is reported to pected to take up positions today. for a peace settlement "have now South Lebanon. be based on the belief that The troops have been taken from been clouded over." racism is a crime against humanity spokesman for a radi- 150 Iranian soldiers in the U.N. And Begin told Carter that, "These Meanwhile, a and seriously threatens interna- of the guerrilla force patrolling the Golan Heights, are times of trial" for Israel and cal Marxist wing tional security. between Israel and Syria. the Mideast. movement clearly dismissed the Is- The initial force will maintain a Observers in Southern Lebanon, raeli cease-fire declaration. Ameri- symbolic U.N. presence until the meanwhile, report that the cease- The spokesman for Dr. George Ha- JACKSONVILLE, FLA. (AP) Six 4,000-member force can be drawn to- fire declared Tuesday by Israel bash's Popular Front for the Libera- cans imprisoned for up to eight hi- gether. seems to be holding, except for an tion of Palestine called the Israel years in Cuba after allegedly A Western member of the U.N. Se- isolated report of machine-gun fire decision "absolutely ridiculous." jacking U.S. airliners have been each curity Council added that French near the coast. He vowed that his group will wage ordered held in $250,000 bail until and Norwegian battalions would also The Palestine Liberation Organi- a relentless war of attrition by a federal judge here. kicked Jacksonville be sent to Lebanon "within several zation said it wants, in addition "the last Israeli invader is The six arrived in foot. hours." to the cease-fire, a total Israeli out of South Labanon. Tuesday shackled hand and group Meanwhile, President Jimmy Carter pullout from the area. He also suggested that his They were aboard a chartered they and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem The Israeli army claims to con- would not let U.N. peacekeeping plane from Jamaica, where of more Cuban officials. Begin continue their exchange of trol all of Southern Lebanon up to forces stand in the way had been flown by views today in Washington. the Litani River, except for a raids on Israeli positions. BONN, W. GER. (AP) -- West Ger- many's largest newspaper reported Tuesday that kidnapped Italian politician Aldo Moro may be under sedation in a so-called people's I sent memos prison. Mitchell, Kissinger that a The paper speculates German doctor convicted of helping Mitchell said he told Albert, and criminals may be drugging Moro to WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Documents was too sensitive. sub- the speaker said he did not see a gain government secrets. disclosed Tuesday reveal that in Mitchell testified before the serious problem. 1971, the FBI told then Attorney committee in his first appearance jailed Subcommittee Chairman Donald General John Mitchell and National on Capitol Hill since he was cover Fraser of Minnesota said Kissinger SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- City super- Security Adviser Henry Kissinger for his part in the Watergate agreed to testify later. visors have agreed to ban dis- it had been informed that rice up. had prison At the time of the memo, he was crimination against homosexuals in dealer Tongsun Park was lobbying Mitchell, now on leave from head of the National Security Coun- employment, housing and public on Capitol Hill at the direction of for medical treatment, appeared he told cil. accommodations. the Korean CIA. gaunt but spoke firmly as one However, General Alexander Haig, The ten to one vote added San Mitchell said Tuesday he does not the committee he only remembered in the once a top aide to Henry Kissinger, Francisco to the list of more remember most of it. of three FBI memos mentioned said Tuesday it would be very in- than 40 cities which now have ap- The House Subcommittee on Interna- summary. congres- appropriate for him to comment on proved such bans. tional Relations released a summary That one said that two connected whether he knew of Korean payoffs of classified documents showing sional staff aides were one of them to congressmen. that the FBI told Mitchell and Kis- with the Korean CIA, speaker He said he would leave such com- singer it could not investigate be- apparently an aide of House ments to Kissinger. cause the source of the information Carl Albert. Wednesday, March 22, 1978 Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette JUNE RITTSCHER, who provides income THE ANNUAL COMMUNITY SUNRISE tax services aboard the base, will SERVICE will be held at McCalla be unavailable until April 1 due to Hill on Easter Sunday, March 26, medical reasons. 7:00 a.m. Breakfast ($1.50) will be served at the Blue Caribe at 7:45. Reservations can be made by calling 8669 or 8115. ofthree weekarOfie7ahn rena , chodenar ad incided in1aldaycaadanection duria the aek of ofavailedable se nwillybe pamu te wlbulmied tobie mtonhly iaingis parhiMtd althougnwannon e thnan ummevn. entsComercial.adv forusie s of hie reuirng and aprovalttmy YESTERDAY'S WATER STATUS NATIONAL be required to provide proof of letterr of authority. Adwhich discrimte on the basis of race, sex, creed, color, or national origin KIDNEY FOUNDATION will not beStaff accepted.
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