Congressman Bases Be Transferred to France
00 X ' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' n ' ." ' " j ,'.'. i 'i ' ' ,' i.. ,m , . - v ii- ' ,T. ... j C '! ."..'"' j T'i'jMwr y Evening BulIetinEst IS? 2, No. 69T. 18 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1917. IS PAGES Hawaiian Star. Xo XXV, No. 8017. PRICE FIVE CENTS fnifiniol Vlfl o)(fiW .2: m mm UUUUinl POPE POINTS TO HONOLULU INDIGNANT AT Cable Orders FRENCH HIT KE17 GEfiMflM PtAK TO 'SETTLE Hawaii to Get WOULD SUFFERING LENIENCY SHOWN RODIEK HUN AIRMEN HORED; RUSSIA CHAOS Busy -- on Draft AS MS LESSON W Maioritv nf Comments Indicate Local Men Think "Plotter" HEAVY BLOW PLflVltlG ItlTO TEUTOi IIAflDS Should Have Been Sent to Jail Reported Rodiek is Coming (AuocUUd PrM b j U. 6. XUval Tftreltu.) ROME, Italy, Dec. 24. Pope Ben- & Co.-rConvi-ction Carries 4-- a Back to Reorganize Hackfeld Judging from cable received (AsocUt4d Prcis by U. S. VavU W)r today by Captain F. Green. edict, through the Associated Press f J. 4 today, a message to the Ameri- Loss of Citizenship 4-- officer, Major Gener- - issued draft from 4 can people. It follows: 4 Bobheviki Negotiating With Other Factions, 4 al E. II. Crowder, Washington is 4 PARIS, 24. Dur-- Holy peo- 4 France, Dec. 4 ciDrcssions, of Honolulans heard today are a criterion Intending to "do things" Bhortly 4 "The Father sends to the 4 ing the past three days there 4 While Kaiser's Agents Scheme If - ple of America greetings and by 4- with regard to drafted regis- - 4 cordial 4 have been no less than a hundred 4 the leniency shown Georg Rodiek 4-- - prays that they may take to heart in For Commercial Control Honolulu is indicnant at trants in Hawaii.
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