Ram Eleven Ends Greatest Season Since 1937

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Ram Eleven Ends Greatest Season Since 1937 THE Vol. 30 Ram Eleven Ends Greatest Season Since 1937; Record Recalls Seven Blocks of Granite Days 1 By NED CURRAN Gaels Offer Hatful! Sodality Day of R«coll«iion Not since The Seven Blocks of Granite ruled the gridirons of the East A Day of Recollection, spon- 'Who's Who Accept! in 1937 have the football forces of Rose Hill enjoyed so successful a season toreil by the Parthenian Sodality, as they have in 1950. A 21-14 loss to Yale is the only blot on an otherwise Of Gaiety for 75c 26 Fordhamites spotless record. The 1937 team won seven, lost none, and tied one. They will be held on January 2, 1951, were probably a better team, beating better opposition and having only A seventy-five cent date, six bits at Inisfada, Manhasset, L. I. Rev. All twenty-six students and one ol 16 points scored against them. But it is certain that they weren't a more for a full evening's entertainment Philip S. Hurley, S.J., moderator the two alternates nominated by the College Student Council were ac- {or you and your girl friend, is of- of the Sodality, stated that old and new members as well as can- cepted by "Who's Who Among Stu- fered tomorrow night by the Arch; dents in American Universities and bishop Hughes Gaelic Society. A didates are invited. Details will Colleges" for publication in that book one-act play, a variety show, and be posted as. soon as possible, he next summer. Each of the twenty- said. seven accepted students will submi dancing to a professional orchestra his own biographical material. is included in the one price. • The nominations for the book were The evening will begin at 7:15 made at the Nov. 2 meeting of the o'clock with a presentation in Col- Student Council. They were then lins Auditorium of a one-act play Mass Saturdayaccepted by the college authorities and submitted. by Lady Gregory, one of the bright- Each member will receive a cer- est lights in the Irish Renaissance. For War Dead tificate of recognition and a writeup Entitled "The Rising of the Moon," of his college and personal record in the play tells a story of suspense the current publication. He is also A solemn military Mass for the built around the Irish Rebellion. eligible to use the services of the This will be followed with a series intention of former students who Student Placement Service of the or- of variety acts by Tom Cipolla made the supreme sacrifice in the ganization. (songs), David Wilson (sensation of Last year's edition of "Who's Who last war will be offered in the Uni- Among Students" represented thirty- the freshman banquet), Ed Costigan versity Church-at 10 a.m. this Sat- and Chris Sweeny (featured in last three colleges from New York State year's Junior Minstrel), and Thomas urday, Dec. 9. and listed 611 outstanding students Gilshannon (champion figure skater The parents, relatives and friends from New York, which had the larg- of the West Coast, and a star of A est number. of the deceased are invited to attend The following juniors and seniors Twenty-two of the twenty-five seniors who ended their vanity careen Trip to Chinatown, with his rhythm Saturday, kneel together for the last time at practice Friday. First row: routine, "Frenchie"). the service, a custom which was will be listed in the 1950-51 edition of the1 book: Robert Beusse, Edward (1. to r.) Dolan, O'Connell, Delli Santi, McAllister, Saba, Lukac, DIMmrio, After this, the audience will be started in 1943. A reception in Dealy Underwood. Second row: (1. to r.) Kailaiukas, White, Erickson, Schlnnerer, Hall Lounge will follow the Mass| Boyle.l Peter Brady, Robert Brendel, escorted to the lounge of the cam- Anthony Coggi, Leo Connelly, Paul Pfeifer, Boyle, Mareikl, Ludwiciak. Third row: (1. to r.) Doheny, Appell, pus Business School by a bag-piping The Mass will be celebrated by Connolly, John M. Conroy, Edward Meuser, Murrin, Wolfe, Newcombe. Sweeny, Westenberger, and Higgins honor guard. There, an orchestra will Costigan, Richard Doheny, Thomas are missing from the picture. play American and Irish dance tunes Father Rector, the Rev. Joseph A. O'Connor, S.J., will be the deacon, Egan, Sergio Esperdy, Arthur Fal- for the remainder of the evening. coner, Jr., Harold Havekotte, Wil- 'colorful or exciting aggregation than And during the dance, refreshments and the Rev. Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., liam K. Hayes, John Intorcia, Ed- the 1950 Rams. will be served. will be the sub-deacon. ward Karst, Richard Leahy, Andrew Highly touted at the start of this Christmas Ballseason on the strength of their 1949. Tickets for this full program may Rev. Alfred J. Barrett, S.J., an Lukac, Louis T. Mitchell, William be purchased at the ticket booth in Mulvey, Robert Philbrick, Theodore reawakening, the Fordham football Keating Cafeteria from 12-2 p.m. to- army chaplain in the last war, will St. Antoine, Philip Smith, Chris- OnDecember15team stumbled and almost fell in the day and tomorrow. The price for deliver the sermon, and the Glee topher Sweeny, Ben Thompson beginning of this year's schedule. each couple is $.75. Club will sing the Mass. and James E. Ward. They had a big, talented squad, re- Set by Sophs plete with a senior nucleus of proven ability, and some interesting sopho- mores, who gave bright promise. Ev- On Friday evening, Dec. 15, Santa erything pointed to a golden year for Storm Tosses Trees About laus will make a premature visit the golden Rams. to Fordham at the Christmas Ball, And it was these'same seniors who An estimated damage of $4,000 coast Saturday, Nov. 25. casualty was the roof of the Gym- the sophomore class yuletide present almost caused the Maroon to collapse The damage, considering the loca- nasium Building, part of which was to the University's students. before it ever got started. Whether was suffered by Fordham as a result tion and vulnerability o£ the Rose ripped off by the fierce wind. A it was complacency, apathy, over- of the storm that battered the east Hill campus, was slight. The major small portion of the R.O.T.C. garage The informal dance will be held confidence, or just plain "senioritis" roof was damaged in the same man- under the general chairmanship of is a moot question. But when they ner. Bill Kearney, sophomore class presi- met Lafayette at Easton, Pa., in the About a dozen trees on the cam- dent, who announces that the sweet first game, somehow, pre-season pus were knocked down. The loss music of the "new" band of Boyd predictions and hopes weren't seeing of windows was less than might be fruition. A lethargic Ram team just expected, the toll set about a half Raeburn will fill the Gymnasium, managed to get by, 20-19, on the dozen. Students have reported that where the dance will be held. Rae- strength of Dick Doheny's coolness the front door of Silk Hall was an- burn's band and feature vocalist, under fire and Jack Hyatt's elusive other victim of the storm, as was Ginnie Powell, come to Fordham speed. The squad was definitely not part of the dugout on the baseball preceding a return engagement at "up" and everybody had a question mark on his face. diamond. the N. Y. Paramount. Pat Di Machali, general superin- Return to Big Time tendent of the Central Cement Fin- The decorations committee is un- Then came the long awaited Yale ishing Company, has informed The der the leadership of Vince D'Amore game. The game that had been a Ram that construction of the new '53, who announces that the merry year in coming. The game that had been postponed by a polio epidemic a dormitory on the west campus was theme of Christmas will be originally set back about three days, and an year ago. The game that was to see estimated $500 due to the storm. The ortrayed. A fully decorated and il- (Continued on page 7) greatest damage was to the hoist, lumined evergreen will grace the which was twisted by the strong center of the Gym, and the sur- wind. rounding sides will be covered with Mr. Di Machali added that the holly, miniature "Santas" and tradi- Fr. Murray Speaks hoist probably would have suffered tional decor. a much worse fate, except for one Joe McGranaghan, who is finance On Church & State guy-line secured to a little flimsy chairman, appropriate to his office tree. "That tree," he said, "deserves as Soph Treasurer, and Dave Lun- Rev. John Courtney Murray, S.J., a medal." Other damage to the con- ney, publicity director, state that of Woodstock will speak next Mon- struction was limited to some torn bids, costing $3.00, are now on sale day on the subject of "The Church canvas and several wooden columns to the entire student body in the and the State" in the main lecture This tree smashed several headstones in the burial plot behind Collins. thrown out of line. Keating cafeteria. hall in Keating at 2 p. m. Fr. Murray is editor of Theologi- cal Studies and an outstanding au- thority on the problem of Church- State relations. Monday's lecture is open to all Tragic 'Faustus Opens in Arena Tonight who wish to attend, announced Mr. James R. Brown, chairman of the Fordham University Theatre's pro- Dr. Faustus and his evil friends en- the College, and the author of one Patricia Crawford, both of whom American Civilization Department.
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