Evening Star. (Washington, DC). 1939-08-22 [P A-9]
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Grid Giants Muster Powerful Squad for Drive to Second Pro Title in Row ■> <> From the New York's Seasoned Gallagher Comeback Better Recreational Program Press Box Football Talent Is Fails to Impress For D. C., Despite Fund Cut, Ambers Is Favored Loop's Youngest Old Rival No Dream With Barrett To Beat Brown, Armstrong For a man facing the sizable task and equipment to do things he was By JOHN LARDNER, Owen Looks to All-Star Ready to Battle Marty, of carving $35,000 from the com- unable to do before. By that I mean Special Correspondent of The Star. bined Playground Department-Com- hell have gyms that formerly were NEW YORK. Aug. 21 (N.A.N.A.).— Games for True Line Who Shows New Tricks munity Center budget without de- tied up by the Community Center The other night Lou Ambers sang On His 46 creasing their activities Lewis R. Department, and I know he can ar- a chorus of “Put on Your Old Gray Charges In Beating Robinson Barrett is surprisingly optimistic. range a schedule that will prove Bonnet” and recited “That Old He tells you it can be done and talks satisfactory all around.” (This is the second of a series Gang of Mine” while Henry Arm- Marty Gallagher's checkered box- so convincingly you believe him. But Barrett, puffing serenely on on of National Football strong listened. Then Mr. Arm- prospects ing career was off on a new and But from behind a highly polished his pipe, announced that he will not League teams for the 1939 sea- the strong read a couple of his serious pleasant tangent today and pon- mahogany desk this morning the be satisfied merely to improve on son..) poems while Ambers cupped his ear derous, deadly serious Foggy Bot- new co-ordinator of the two depart- the old order, but wants to intro- With a show of keen interest. tom favorite faced the future with ments admitted there were obstacles duce several innovations By the Associated Press. that are When the last trochee had faded a feeling bordering on downright in his pathway and serious bound to meet with SUPERIOR, Wis., Aug. 22 —Hav- problems public ap- on the breeze Mr. Ambers applauded. exuberance. He also faced an ear- to be ironed out before the program proval. Right now, for Instance, ing established one National Foot- “You’re a great poet, Henry,” he splitting challenge from that ancient could go ahead. he's trying to figure ways of ball League precedent by being the getting said. gladiator, Natle Brown, who scoffed "For one thing,” he pointed out more baseball diamonds for the first team to win the Thorp me- “You’re a great singer, Lou,” said derisively as the rugged Irishman between puffs on an old brair pipe, sandlotters. and more tennis courts morial trophy twice, the New York Armstrong handsomely. pounded his way to a decisive 10- "we’ve got to have more ground for racquet enthusiasts. Where they Giants hope to set another this The boys did not kiss on the spot round triumph over angular Jim for our activities, and we want to will come from he isn't sure, but year by becoming the flrst team to because the interview took place Robinson last night at the ball park. improve the equipment. Sounds he’s determined to get them. win the prize, and the professional by radio and they were some hun- It wasn’t the old Gallagher that funny for me to be sitting here tell- “Yes, and we hope to improve championship, two years in suc- dred miles apart. But you got some 2,200 fans saw capture all but ing you we can save money by pur- swimming facilities and arouse more cession. the idea that they loved each other two rounds on The Star’s score- chasing equipment and adding interest in water sports,” he con- In training at State Teachers’ like brothers. You also got the idea sheet, but a new and more energetic ground to the system, but it’s true, tinued. "There's no reason in the College since August 10 under Coach the life that the fight, if any, would take heavyweight who took all and when w’e get things under way world, for instance, why there Steve Owen, the Giants are driving place between their managers, Mr. out of his younger opponent with you’ll see what I mean.” shouldn’t be more canoeing and sail- for two of im- Fat Edward Mead and Mr. Alphonse objectives—a pair a persistent two-fisted attack. A Barrett, a husky, sandy-haired ing around here. And if we ever get “Weskit” Weill, who have been ex- portant pre-season engagements, ring of blubber around the midriff gentleman with an infectious smile, an armory or any other suitable and defense of their title. The haling pure brimstone for nearly pre- betrayed Martin's 30 years and did not disclose his ideas fdr saving place I’d like to sponsor indoor ten- season are with the college a week now. games hinted at his lengthy absence from money, but he was emphatic about nis. I think it'll not only pay its all-stars at 30, and Chicago August the ring, but his attack deviated plans for providing more recreation own way but show a profit and help Grim with the Eastern all-stars Warnings Exchanged college enough from the old pattern to off- for young Washingtonians up to carry the rest of the program.” at New York SeDtember 7. this By Rival Managers. set surplus avordupols. their late 20s. To Utilize Canal. Seasoned at Hand. Marty Has New Repertoire. now to “Let Weill beware of putting the Squad "Right we're trying per- As for canoeing, Barrett to We’re not to tell that hopes customary iron ‘gimmick’ in Amber’s These engagements should give trying you fect our office setup before moving utilize the picturesque waterway of Owen a definite line of what Marty shook off a lifetime habit of to our new in the Force glove,” bawled Mr. Mead a couple very quarters the old C. & O. Canal, small tribu- has at his at close leaning School of days ago, “or I will tear him sort of personnel he mauling quarters, Building. After that we’ll taries of the Potomac and the river on the and from limb to limb!” command. At the moment, there opposition generally go to work in earnest on the autumn itself. He thinks the most timid are 46 men on the “letter roughing it up; but you’ll have to and winter a man- “Let Mead have a care,” hollered squad—27 program. It's soul would venture forth on the seasoned one or more take our word for it that he used sized but well it over and Mr. Weill. "If he pulls any of his men,” by job, put canal, whereas they might be a little seasons of several a couple of tricks new to him that it can be done.” famous dirty stuff in this fight I league warfare; prove wary' of the open river. Moreover, of the farm astounded his supporters. Frequently Will shave his ears off.” graduates Jersey City Tennyson Right Bower. he wants to have a small yacht basin and 19 men. he stepped back from clinches and “Weill is up to something!” shouted team, first-year Barrett’s right bower in the new for amateur yachtsmen where TV UM.1 bill 1 ••**« Mead. Adding to Owens’ confidence is U system will be Dick Tennyson, anchorage fees will not be prohibi- left hooks, and frequently he landed. "Mead is pulling strings!” yelled the fact that, while his squad is BUT, HE CAN TAKE IT—This Is how a guy looks who has been walloped on the whiskers with a veteran playground executive, who tive. it still is At least twice he shook Master Rob- Weill. experienced, the youngest had Jim will be intrusted with the athletic That will come later, of course. hefty right. The camera shutter clicked just after Marty Gallagher been clipped by inson to the heels of his scarlet “Weill consorts with gamblers!’ ever to lead the league. Eighteen part of the plan. Dick will have Currently the affable co-ordinator of his Robinson in the feature bout at Griffith Stadium last night. Despite this telling tap, the so- socks—which reached half way to hissed Mead. holdovers have been in the ample opportunity to apply his ex- is concentrating on more grounds one or —Star Staff Photo. his knees—with such punches. “Let Mead repeat those remarks in league only two years. These, called Pride of Foggy Bottom earned a unanimous decision, perience and organizing genius, and and more equipment. Sounds in- Robinson fought exactly as Galla- the ring,” said Mr. Weill, scratching together w'ith such veterans as Mel Barrett indicated that he expects to congruous, doesn’t it? He was still gher wanted him to, walking in close the egg off his weskit with fury Hein, most valuable player of 1938; get good results from this source. puffing on the old briar pipe when enough to be grabbed in an iron-like “and I will pull his nose.” Ed Danowski, ace passer, and Ed "If certain changes can be made,” we left, dreaming, planning and vice and painfully pounded at close All that prevents the two managers Widseth, star tackle, give the Giants he said, “Dick will have the space scheming for the future. Backf ield Main Seattle Aims to Lure Redskins instead of standing off and from replacing their boys in battle unusual balance and make it pos- Light quarters the sullen Celt with his left.