Surname Mlambo

First names Alois


Degree/ Qualification Field of study Higher institution Diploma Year BA (Hons.) English and University of Canterbury, Kent, UK 1977 MA African History School of Oriental and African Studies, 1980 , UK MA American History Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA 1982 PhD Latin American History , North Carolina, USA 1989

WORK EXPERIENCE TO DATE Name of employer Capacity and/or type of work Period Bayero University, , Lecturer in History Jan-Aug 1980 University of Lecturer - Associate Jan. 1981- Mar. 2004 Duke University Visiting Lecturer Jan – May 1992/Jan-May 1995 University of North Carolina Visiting Lecturer Jan-May 1992

University of Minnesota Visiting Associate Professor Sept. – Dec. 1999

Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, The

Great Park, UK The first Queen Elizabeth Fellow of the King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Foundation of St. Catherine [Funded to Sept. – Dec. 2002 organise an international conference on human rights]

United States Coast Guard Senior Fulbright Fellow Jan – May 2002 Academy Professor of History Since April 2004 to date



* The African experience in the Diaspora * Introduction to Economic History: Theory and Methodology * Social and Economic History of Latin America and the Caribbean * Social and Economic History of North America * Africa South of the Sahara * Introduction to African History * Africa: From colonialism to Independence * Globalisation, Diversity and Change * History of the United States to 1914 * History of Economic Thought * Comparative Slave Economies * Social and Economic * Themes in African History * World History [Latin America] * Theory and Methodology of History


RESEARCH FIELD: History SPECIALITY: African social and economic History

Select Post-graduate supervision

Degree/Title of dissertation/ thesis and date of completion Honours - The 1945 African Railway Strike (1983) Honours – The History of the Industrial Council for the Clothing Industry (1984) Honours - „A History of the Textile Manufacturing Industry in Zimbabwe 1945-1990‟ (1991) Honours. - „Fresh Produce Markets and Peasant Agricultural Activities: The Case of Mbare Market and Domboshava Producers 1946-1997‟ (1997). Honours – Cross-Border Trade: A Coping Mechanism adopted by Zimbabweans: A Case Study of , 1980-1999 (1999) Honours - Non-Governmental Organisations and the Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women in Post- colonial Zimbabwe (2000). Honours - African Workers in the Textile Industry in , with Reference to David Whitehead and Sons Limited 1945-1979 (1988) Honours - Legislating Forced Labour in Rhodesia: A Case Study of the 1926 Native Juveniles Employment Act (1989) Honours - An Economic History of Industrialisation in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Gwelo, 1940-1979 (2001) Honours – ESAP and Health in Hatcliffe, 1991-1997 (1998)

2 Honours – Urban in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of the Harare Mbare-Musika Squatter Camp 1980- 1991 (1992). Honours – „Ties that Bind‟. The Attempt by SADC to Reduce Transport Dependency on , Successes, contradictions and Failures, 1980-1992 (1994) MA – The Invisible Victims: Child Labour on Gatooma‟s Cotton Plantations, 1890-1980 (1996) MA – Missionary Land Ownership: The Case of the Roman Catholics at Chishawasha (1997) MA - Struggle Continues: African Trade Unions and Workers‟ Response in Rhodesia, 1965-1980 (1998) MA - „The Consumer Council of Zimbabwe: its Formation, Functions and Performance from 1975-1997‟, (1998) MA – The Underdevelopment of Matsai Communal Area before and after the Second Chimurenga (2000) MA – The Balance of Power and the Transition to Democracy in South Africa. (2007) MA – Racism in Novels: A Comparative Study of Brazilian and South African Cultural History MA- Religious Diversity in Post-Colonial Multicultural Nigerian Society (2015) MA- Urban Cultural in Metropolitan City and its Benefits to Economic Growth (2016) PhD –Development and Differentiation: The Case of TILCOR/ARDA Irrigation Activities in Sanyati (Zimbabwe) 1939 to 2000 (2008). PhD - Politics, Ethnicity and Conflict in Post-Independent Acholiland, 1962-2006 (2010)

PhD- State Conservation Policy and the White Agricultural Environment in the Mashonaland Region of Zimbabwe c. 1938 –2000 (2014) PhD-‟s role in the liberation of Zimbabwe, 1964-1979 (2015) PhD-Basotho Business Owners‟ Opportunities and Constraints in ‟s Economy” The Case Study of Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 1976-present (2015) PhD- Living on the Fringes of a Protected Area: Gonarezhou National Park (GNP) and the Indigenous Communities of South East Zimbabwe, 1934 – 2008. (2016) PhD- Constitutional Developments in the Kingdom of Swaziland 1961-2010 (2017)


Articles & chapters

1. Mlambo, A. S. “Prelude to the 1979 Lancaster House Constitutional Conference on Rhodesia: The Role of International Economic Sanctions Reconsidered”, HISTORIA, 50, 1 (May 2005).

2. Mlambo, A. S. "Student Protest and State Reaction in Colonial Rhodesia: The 1973 Chimukwembe Student Demonstration at the University of Rhodesia", in Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, (September, 1995),

3. Mlambo, A. S. “Post-Colonial Higher : The as a Case Study, 1980-2004” in KLEIO, No. 37, (2005)

4. Mlambo, A. S. “Western Social and Africa: The domination and marginalisation of a Continent”, African Sociological Review, 10, 1 (2006).

5. Mlambo, A. S. “The Zimbabwean Crisis and International Response”, Journal for Contemporary History, 31, 2 (September 2006).


6. Mlambo, A. S. “Partly Protected: The Origins and Growth of Colonial Zimbabwe‟s Textile Industry”, Historia, 51, 2 (November, 2006).

7. Mlambo, A. S. “We have blood Relations Over the Border”: South Africa and Rhodesian Sanctions, 1965-1975” in African Historical Review, vol. 40, No. 1 (July 2008),

8. Mlambo, A. S. “This is our land”: The Racialisation of Land in the Context of the Current Zimbabwe Crisis”, Journal of Developing Societies, 26, 1 (March 2010).

9. Mlambo, A. S. “Voci discordanti: l‟Organizzazione dell‟Unita African e la Dichiarazione Unliaterate di Indipendenza, 1965-1979/Discordant Voices: The Organisation of African Unity‟s Response to the Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1965-1979”, Afriche e Orienti, Special Issue 2 (2011), 108-122.

10. Mlambo, A. S. "A History of Civil Aviation in Zimbabwe, 1912 - 1980", Zambezia, xix (ii), (1992),

11. Mlambo, A. S. "The Rich Shall Inherit the Earth: Towards an Analysis of The Role and Impact of IMF Structural Adjustment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa", Zambezia, xx (i), (1993),

12. Mlambo, A. S. "From Dirt Tracks to Modern Highways: Towards a History of Roads and Road Transportation in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1980 to World War II", Zambezia, xxi (ii), (1994),

13. Mlambo, A. S. "A Decade of Civil Aviation in Zimbabwe: Towards a History of Air Zimbabwe Corporation, 1980 - 1990", Zambezia, xxii, (i), (1995),

14. Mlambo, A. S. "The Cold Storage Commission: A Colonial Parastatal, 1938 to 1963", Zambezia, xxiii (i), (1996),

15. Mlambo, A. S. "Building a White Man's Country: Trends in White Immigration into Rhodesia, 1890 1945", Zambezia, (1998), xxv (ii).

16. Mlambo, A. S. " 'Some Are More White Than Others': Racial Chauvinism as a Factor in Rhodesian Immigration Policy, 1890 To 1963", Zambezia, (vol. ii, 2001),

17. Mlambo, A. S. “”, in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century African History (UK, Routledge, 2002),

18. Mlambo, A. S. “Harare” in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century African History (UK, Routledge, 2002),

19. Mlambo, A. S. “Zimbabwe”, in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century African History (UK, Routledge, 2002),

20. Mlambo, A. S. “Conquest and Resistance”, in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century African History (UK: Routledge, 2002),

21. Mlambo, A. S. “Central African Federation” in Routledge Encyclopaedia of Twentieth Century African History (UK: Routledge, 2002),

4 22. Mlambo, A. S. “Peasants/Peasantry” in Maryanne Horowitz (ed.), Dictionary of the History of Ideas (New York: Charles Scribner‟s Sons, 2004),

23. Mlambo, A. S. “ „Land Grab‟ or „Taking Back Stolen Land‟ : The Fast Track Land Reform Process in Zimbabwe in Historical Perspective”, History Compass, 3 (2005).

24. Mlambo, A. S. “Student Activism in a Time of Crisis – Zimbabwe 2000 – 2010: A Tentative Exploration” , Journal for Contemporary History (June, 2013).

25. Mlambo, A. S. “Becoming Zimbabwe or Becoming Zimbabwean: Identity, Nationalism and State-building”, Africa Spectrum 1 (2013)

26. Mlambo, A. S. "Manufacturing in Zimbabwe, 1980 to 1990", in A. S. Mlambo, E. S. Pangeti and I. Phimister, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing, 1890 To 1995, (Harare: UZ Publications, 2 000),

27. Mlambo, A. S. "The Manufacturing Sector under ESAP, 1991 - 1995", in A. S. Mlambo, E. S. Pangeti and I. Phimister, Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing, 1890 to 1995, (Harare: UZ Publications, 2 000),

28. Mlambo, A. S. “Partner or Hegemon” South Africa and Its Neighbours”, in South Africa Institute of International Affairs, South African Yearbook of International Affairs, 2000/01 (Johannesburg: SAIIA, 2000),

29. Mlambo, A. S. & E. S. Pangeti, “Globalisation, Structural Adjustment and the Social Dimensions Dilemma in Zimbabwe, 1990-1999” in Taye Assefa et al (eds.), Globalisation, Democracy, and Development in Africa: Challenges and Prospects (Addis Ababa: OSSREA, 2002,)

30. Mlambo, A. S. “Ambiguities of Independence: Zimbabwe 1980-1990” in Margaret Lee and Karen Colvard (eds.), Unfinished Business: The Land Crisis in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2003),

31. Mlambo, A. S. “Social Costs of the Zimbabwean Crisis, 2000-2002”, in Margaret Lee and Karen Colvard (eds.), Unfinished Business: The Land Crisis in Southern Africa (Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2003).

32. Mlambo, A. S. “The Case for Publishing African Scholarship in Africa” in Alois Mlambo (ed.), African Scholarly Publishing: Essays, (Oxford: African Books Collective Ltd., 2007),

33. Mlambo, A. S. “Writing for the Academic Market: How to Get Started”, in Alois Mlambo (ed.), African Scholarly Publishing: Essays, (Oxford: African Books Collective Ltd., 2007),

34. Mlambo, A. S. “Choosing a Publisher” in Alois Mlambo (ed.), African Scholarly Publishing: Essays, (Oxford: African Books Collective Ltd., 2007),

35. Mlambo, A. S. “Historical Antecedents to ”, in M. Vambe (ed.), The Hidden Dimensions of Operation Murambatsvina in Zimbabwe (Harare: Weaver Press, 2008),


36. Mlambo, A. S. “From World War II to UDI, 1940 – 1965” in B. Raftopoulos and A. S. Mlambo, Becoming Zimbabwe: A History of Zimbabwe from the Pre- colonial Period to 2008, (Harare: Weaver Press, 2010).

37. Mlambo, A. S. “A History of Zimbabwean Migration to 1990”, in Jonathan Crush and Daniel Tevera (eds.), Zimbabwe’s Exodus: Crisis, Migration, Survival, (Cape Town: SAMP/Ottawa: IDRC, 2010).

38. Mlambo, A. S. Becoming Zimbabwean: Nation and State-Building in the Context of Southern Africa” in Sabelo J. Ndlovu and Fenix Ndhlovu, Nationalism and the National Projects in Southern Africa: New Critical Reflections (Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2013).

39. Mlambo, A. S. “Mugabe on Land, Indigenization and Development”, in Sabelo J. Ndlovu- Gatsheni (ed.), Mugabeism? History, Politics, and Power in Zimbabwe (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)


Academic books

40. Mlambo, A. S. The Economic Structural Adjustment Programme: The Zimbabwean Case, 1990 - 1995, (Harare: UZ Publications, 1997),

41. Mlambo, A. S. & E. S. Pangeti, The Political Economy of the Zimbabwean Sugar Industry, 1920 - 1990 (Harare: UZ Publications, 1996),



44. Mlambo, A. S. (ed.), African Scholarly Publishing: Essays, (Oxford: African Books Collective Ltd, 2007.)

45. B. Raftopoulos & Mlambo, A. S. (eds.), Becoming Zimbabwe: A History of Zimbabwe from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008, (Harare: Weaver Press; South Africa: Jacana Press, 2009).

46. Mlambo, A. S. History of Zimbabwe (NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

School textbooks


47. Mlambo, A. S. Focus On History: Book Four, (Harare: College Press, 1995),

48. Mlambo, A. S. Focus On History: An 'O' Level History Revision Guide, Harare: College Press, 1999),

49. Mlambo, A. S. et al Focus on History: Looking into the Past, Grade 12 (Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman, 2007)

50. Mlambo, A. S. Discover History: Grade 10 [Namibian Grade 10 History book], (Windhoek: Heinemann, 2011).

51. Mlambo, A. S. et al Exploring , Form 1 (Gaborone: Heinemann, 2009)

52. Mlambo, A. S. et al Exploring Social Studies, Form 2 (Gaborone: Heinemann, 2010)

53. Mlambo, A. S. et al Exploring Social Studies, Form 3 (Gaborone: Heinemann, 2011).


54. Mlambo, A. S. & A. Jefferies (Compilers), "A Guide to Dissertation Writing in the Faculty of Arts" (University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Arts Handbook, 1995),

55. Mlambo, A. S. Directory of the Faculty of Arts, University of Zimbabwe, 1999, (Faculty of Arts, UZ Publication, 2000).


56. Mlambo, A. S. "Society in Zimbabwe's Liberation War", A Review of N. Bhebe And T. Ranger (Eds.), Soldiers in Zimbabwe's Liberation War (Harare: UZ Publications, 1995), In Zambezia, (1996),

57. Mlambo, A. S. "Wangi Kolia", A Review of I. Phimister, Wangi Kolia, (Harare: Baobab Academic Publishers, 1994), In the Southern African Review of Books (SAROB), Issue 36 (March/April, 1995).

58. Mlambo, A. S. "Confronting The Past", A Review of N. Bhebe and T. Ranger (Eds.), Soldiers in Zimbabwe's Liberation War, (Harare: UZ Publications, 1995) and N. Bhebe and T. Ranger (Eds.), Society in Zimbabwe's Liberation War, (Harare: UZ Publications, 1995), In the Southern African Review of Books (SAROB), Issue 43 (May/June, 1996),

59. Mlambo, A. S. "A Continent Unyielding to Change", A Review of A. O. Olukoshi and L. Ohlgemuth, A Road to Development: Africa In the 21st Century; E. E. Osaghae, Structural Adjustment and Ethnicity In Nigeria; P. Gibbon, Liberalised Development in and C. Legum and G. Mmari, Mwalimu: The Influence of Nyerere, In the Zimbabwean Review, Vol. 2, No.3 (July/ September, 1996),

60. Mlambo, A. S. "Out On A Limb", A Review of Norma Kriger's Zimbabwe's

7 Guerrilla War: Peasant Voices, (Harare: Baobab Academic Book Publishers, 1995), In the Zimbabwe Review, Vol.3, No.1 (January/March, 1997),

61. Mlambo, A. S. "Re-inventing the Nation State", A Review of A. O. Olukoshi and L. Laako (Eds.), Challenges to the Nation State in Africa (Uppsala, 1996), In the Zimbabwe Review, Vol.3, No.1 (January/March, 1997),

62. Mlambo, A. S. Review of Paul T. Zeleza, A Modern Economic History of Africa, Vol. 1: The Nineteenth Century, (Dakar: Codesria, 1993) In Zambezia, xxiii (Ii), (1996),

63. Mlambo, A. S. Review of Paul Jordan, The Sector in Southern Africa (Harare: SAPES Trust, 1994), In Zambezia, xxiii (ii), (1996),

64. Mlambo, A. S. "Cultural Obstacles or Colonial Barriers?" A Review of Volker Wild, Profit Not For Profit's Sake: History And Business Culture of African Entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe (Harare: Baobab, 1997), In the Zimbabwe Review (1997),

65. Mlambo, A. S. Review of B. Raftopolous and I. Phimister, Keep On Knocking (Harare, Baobab, 1998), In Southern African Political and Economic Monthly (SAPEM), Vol. II, No.10 (August/September, 1998).

66. Mlambo, A. S. Review of , Voices from the Rocks: Nature, Culture and History in the Matopos Hills of Zimbabwe, in Journal of African History, Vl. 42, No.1 (2001).

67. Mlambo, A. S. Review of B. Raftopoulos and Tsuneo Yoshikuni, Sites of Struggle: Essays in Zimbabwe’s Urban History (Harare: Weaver Press, 1999), in Zambezia, (ii), (2002).

68. Mlambo, A. S. “Resistance and Resilience in Matebeleland”, Review of Jocelyn Alexander, JoAnn McGregor, and Terence Ranger, Violence and Memory: One Hundred Years in the ‘Dark Forests’ of Matebeleland, in Journal of African History, vol. 43, No. 2 (2002).

69. Mlambo, A. S. Review of Frederick Cooper, Africa Since 1940, in HISTORIA, Vol. 49, No. 2 (November 2004).

70. Mlambo, A. S. Martin Meredith, The State of Africa: A History of fifty Years of Independence , Historia, vol. 50, No. 2 (November 2005).

71. Mlambo, A. S. Norma Kriger, Guerrilla Veterans in Post-War Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Politics, 1980-1987” in Journal of Southern African Studies vol. 32, No. 2 (June 2006).

72. Mlambo, A. S. Jocelyn Alexander, The Unsettled Land: State-Making and the Politics of Land in Zimbabwe, 1893-2003, Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006, in H- SAfrica, (22 Feb 2008).

73. Mlambo, A. S. Tsuneo Yoshikuni. African Urban Experiences in Colonial Zimbabwe: A Social History of Harare before 1925_. Harare: Weaver Press, 2007, in H-SAfrica(February 2008)


74. Mlambo, A. S. Norma Kriger, Guerrilla Veterans in Post-War Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Politics, 1980-1987 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003), in Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, (June 2006).

75. Mlambo, A. S. Molefi Kente Asante, The History of Africa: The Quest for Eternal Harmony, New York and London: Routledge, 2007, in Southern African Historical Review, 2009.

76. Mlambo, A. S. Eric Masinde Aseka, Transformational Leadership in East Africa: Politics, Ideology and Community (Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2005), in South African Historical Journal, 57 (2007).

77. Mlambo, A. S. Timothy Scarnecchia, The Urban Roots of Democracy and Political Violence in Zimbabwe, Harare and Highfield 1940-1964. Rochester, NY, University of Rochester Press, 2008, in Southern African Historical Review, 2009.

Conference papers presented

Mlambo, A. S. "American Policy Towards Cuba, 1989 To 1901". Presented to the Henderson Seminar of the History Department of the University of Zimbabwe, 1984.

Mlambo, A. S. "The Rich Shall Inherit The Earth". Presented to the Staff/ Student Seminar of the Department of Economic History, University of Zimbabwe, 1992.

Mlambo, A. S. "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The IMF and The World Bank in Zimbabwe". Presented to the South African History Conference, Grahamstown, South Africa, July 1995.

Mlambo, A. S. "Racial Inequality in Commercial Agricultural Production and Marketing in Zimbabwe". Presented to the Conference on 'The Historical Dimensions of Human Rights And Democracy in Zimbabwe, History Department, University of Zimbabwe, 1996.

Mlambo, A. S. "Creating a White Man's Country: White Immigrants Into Rhodesia, 1890 – 1970". Presented to the Department of Economic History's International Conference on 'The Zimbabwean Economy, 1930 - 1990', University of Zimbabwe, August 1997.

Mlambo, A. S. "Secondary Manufacturing in Zimbabwe, 1980 - 1995". Presented to the Department of Economic History's International Conference on 'The Zimbabwean Economy, 1930 - 1990', University of Zimbabwe, August 1997.

Mlambo, A. S. "Problems of Writing, Publishing, Distribution of Scholarly Materials: Problems of Access". Presented to the Zimbabwe International Book Fair Indaba, August 1997.

Mlambo, A. S. "Brokering Poverty: The Economic Structural Adjustment Programme In Zimbabwe, 1991 - 1995". Presented to the Centre for African Studies Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, October 1998.


Mlambo, A. S. "Southern Africa after : Problems And Prospects". Presented at the University of Illinois at Normal, Illinois, USA, October 29, 1998 and at Eastern Illinois University, Illinois, USA, November 2, 1998.

Mlambo, A. S., P. Zeleza, M. Ling And M. Diouf, "The Zimbabwe International Book Fair Academic Initiative". A Round-Table Panel Discussion at the 1998 African Studies Association (ASA) Conference, Chicago, USA, 28-30 October 1998.

Mlambo, A. S. “The Writer‟s Role in Promoting Democracy in Zimbabwe”. Presented to the Norwegian Non-Fiction and Translators Association Seminar, Oslo, Norway, March, 1998.

Mlambo, A. S. "African Scholarship at the Zimbabwe International Book Fair: South-North Links in African Studies". Presented at St. Anthony's College, Oxford, England, 27 January 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. "Getting into Print: Issues and Challenges in the Publication of African Scholarship, Some Thoughts". Presented to the African Scholarship At ZIBF Seminar, 1999, 6 August 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. " 'Some Are More White Than Others': Racial Chauvinism as a Factor in Rhodesian Immigration Policy, 1890 to 1963". Presented to the Department of Economic History Staff/ Student Seminar on 23 July 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. "Africa and Africans in the Diaspora in Latin America". Presented to the Colloquium on "Relations Between Africa and the Latin Culture", , Mutare, Zimbabwe, 27-28 May 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. “The Political Economy of Zimbabwe on the Eve of the Millennium”. Presented at Duke University, North Carolina, USA, November 4, 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. “Post-Apartheid South Africa: Problems and Prospects”. Presented at Duke University, North Carolina, USA, November 4, 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. “Brokering Poverty: International Monetary Fund and World Bank Economic Structural Adjustment Programme in Zimbabwe, 1900- 1995”. Presented to the University of Minnesota McArthur Seminar, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, December 1, 1999

Mlambo, A. S. "Whitening Rhodesia: The Dream and the Reality”. Presented to the Queen Elizabeth College Southern Africa Seminar, Oxford, England, January 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. “Keynote Address: Ranger‟s Contribution to Zimbabwean Historiography”. Presented to the two-day Valedictory Seminar in Honour of Professor Terence Ranger, Harare, 28 June, 2001.

Mlambo, A. S. “Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS), Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development in Masvingo, Zimbabwe: The Case of the Association of Zimbabwean Traditional Environmental Conservationists (AZTREC) to 1999”. Presented to the Valedictory Seminar in Honour of Professor Terence Ranger, Harare, 28 June, 2001.


Mlambo, A. S. “The Decline of the Post-Colonial African University: The Case of the University of Zimbabwe, 1980-2004”. Presented to the UNISA Conference on „Celebrating Ten Years of Democracy‟, Pretoria, September 2004.

Mlambo, A. S. “Western Social Sciences and Africa: The Domination and Marginalisation of a Continent”. Presented to a semi-plenary session of the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of , Stockholm, Sweden July 5-9, 2005.

Mlambo, A. S. “South Africa‟s Reaction to the Zimbabwean Crisis”. Presented to the University of South Africa‟s Graduate Seminar, May 29, 2008.

Mlambo, A. S. „This is our land‟: Race and land in Zimbabwe 1890 to 2005. Presented to the Biennial Conference of the Historical Association of South Africa (HASA) at , 7-9 July 2008.

Mlambo, A. S. “Makwerekwere, Go back where you came from: Some Thoughts on Recent Xenophobic Riots in South Africa”, Presented to the University of Sheffield Graduate Seminar, Sheffield, March 2, 2009.

Mlambo, A. S. “When liberators turn into oppressors: Some Thoughts on Zimbabwe‟s Multi- layered Crisis”. Keynote address presented to the „Exploring Hidden Dimensions of the Zimbabwe Crisis‟ Workshop at Wits University, South Africa on July 1-2, 2009.

Mlambo, A. S. & B. Raftopoulos, “The Regional Dimensions of Zimbabwe‟s Multi-layered Crisis: An analysis”. Presented to the “Election Processes, Liberation Movements and Democratic change in Africa” Workshop, Maputo, April 8-11, 2010.

Mlambo, A. S. “South Africa‟s Reaction to the Zimbabwean Crisis in Historical Perspective, with a Focus on the Mbeki Years”. Presented to the Canadian Association of African Studies conference on “Africa Matters”, Ottawa, Canada, 5-7 May 2010.

Mlambo, A. S. “ Zimbabwe is not a South African province”: Historicising South Africa‟s Zimbabwe Policy since the 1960s”. Presented to the „Hegemony and Power‟ Workshop, Pretoria, 4 August, 2010.

Mlambo, A. S. & B. Raftopoulos, “The Regional Dimensions of Zimbabwe‟s Multi-Layered Crisis: An Analysis”. Presented to the “Election Processes, Liberation Movements and Democratic Change in Africa”, Maputo, April 8-11, 2010.

Mlambo, A. S. “Discordant Voices: The Organisation of African Unity‟s Responses to UDI, 1965-1979”. Presented to the conference on “Africa in the 1970s: Crises, Conflicts and Transformation” in Bologna, Italy, 21-22 January 2011.

Mlambo, A. S. “Student Activism in a time of Crisis – Zimbabwe 2000 -2010: A Tentative Historical Exploration”. Presented to the conference on “Activism, Mobilisation and Political Engagement in Western and African Societies”, at Sheffield University on 27-28 June, 2011.

Mlambo, A. S. “From „education and health for all by 2000‟ to the collapse of the social

11 services sector in the Crisis: Zimbabwe‟s health and education services 1980- 2008”. Presented to the History Seminar at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein on 25 September, 2012.

Mlambo, A. S. “Becoming Zimbabwe: Identity, nationalism and state building in the historical context of Southern Africa”. International Symposium on “Reconstructing African History in a Globalizing world” at Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, 17 November 2012. [Forthcoming]

Visits to local and overseas universities or research institutes as guest professor or researcher

a) Visiting lecturer at the , July – August 1995.

b) Visiting Fellow at St Cross College, Oxford (January 1-30, 1999)

c) Visiting Associate Professor, University of Minnesota (Sept-Dec, 1999)

d) Queen Elizabeth Fellow of the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Foundation of St Catharine‟s, The Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, England (Sept-Dec., 2002)

e) Senior Fulbright Fellow, the United States Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, USA, January-May 2003.

Involvement in departmental activities (e.g. administrative functions), faculty (e.g. faculty committees) or other university activities

a) Faculty of Arts Representative to the University of Zimbabwe‟s Staff-Development Committee (1991- 1992).

b) Faculty of Arts Representative to the University of Zimbabwe Senate (1992)

c) Faculty of Arts Representative to the University Postgraduate Degrees Committee, University of Zimbabwe, (1991-1992)

d) Acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Zimbabwe, (August, 1992- August 1993)

e) Chairman of the Department of Economic History, University of Zimbabwe, (1993-1998)

f) Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of Zimbabwe, (1995-1997)

g) Member of the University of Zimbabwe‟s Students Disciplinary Committee (1997-1998)

h) Chairman of the University of Zimbabwe‟s Faculty of Arts Safety Committee (1995- 1997)

i) University of Zimbabwe Public Orator [Writing and delivering citations for honorary degree graduands], (1998, 2000 & 2001)

j) Member of the University of Zimbabwe Sida/Sarec Water-Research Grant Committee (1998-2003)

12 k) Member of the University of Pretoria‟s Faculty of Arts‟ Research Proposal and Ethics Committee (2006 – 2013). l) RIS department coordinator, University of Pretoria, (2004 to present). m) Acting Head of Department, University of Pretoria (October/November 2009) and (September-October 2010). n) Member of the University of Pretoria‟s “Institutional Core Committee on Transformation‟, (September 2009 – 2013) o) Member of the University of Pretoria Reference Group on the Institutional Cultural Study Project (2011 - 2013). p) Head of Department, Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria (January 1, 2012 – December 2015). q) Member of the Twelfth Council of the National University of Lesotho (2013 – 2014). r) Member of the Senior Appointments Council of the University of Pretoria (2013 – ). s) Acting Head of the Core Social Sciences Cluster (August-December 2014). t) Co-Chair of the University of Pretoria‟s Faculty of Humanities Transformation Committee (2013 - ). u) University of Pretoria Mentor for the National Doctoral Mentoring Programme of the National Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) – South African Humanities Deans Association (SAHUDA) (July 2015 - )

Lecturers/papers delivered to professional associations

Mlambo, A. S. "Writing for the Academic Market: Some Hints for the Beginner". Presented to the Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association's Two- Day Workshop, Fairmile Hotel, Gweru, Zimbabwe, December 5 - 6, 1998.

Mlambo, A. S. “The Writer‟s Role in Promoting Democracy in Zimbabwe”. Presented to the Norwegian Non-Fiction and Translators Association Seminar, Oslo, Norway, March, 1998.

Mlambo, A. S. "Writing in Zimbabwe: Problems and Prospects". Presented to the Zimbabwe Writers' Workshop, Harare, 2 August 1999.

Mlambo, A. S. “A National Book Policy for Zimbabwe: Some Thoughts”. Presented to the Mutare Two- Day Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association (ZANA) on 30 January, 2000.

Mlambo, A. S. “Promoting and Defending Intellectual Freedom in Contemporary Africa: Do Libraries Have a Role to Play?” Presented to the Librarians‟ Workshop held at the Zimbabwe International Book Fair (ZIBF) on 9/8/2001.

Mlambo, A. S. “Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association (ZANA): Origins, Organisation Structure, and Development, 1996-2001”. Presented to the International African Non-Fiction Writers Workshop, Harare, August 2, 2001.


Mlambo, A. S. “Book Policy Development in Zimbabwe Revisited: More Thoughts and Strategies for Zimbabwe”. Presented to the Zimbabwe Academic and Non-Fiction Workshop on “Promoting Authorship and Readership”, Harare, 28 January, 2001.

Mlambo, A. S. “The Writer‟s Contribution in a Changing World, With Specific Reference to African Writers”. Presented to the Norsk faglitteraer forfatter-og oversetterforening (Norwegian Non-Fiction and Translators Association” Seminar, Oslo, Norway, 25 March, 2001.

Mlambo, A. S. “Against All Odds: Knowledge Production in an Under-development Country. The Case of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Zimbabwe”. Keynote address delivered on the occasion of the Faculty of Arts Research Day, April 2002.

Mlambo, A. S. “Connecting Communities”: After Dinner Speech Delivered to the “Connecting Communities” Conference at Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, October 29 2002.

Mlambo, A. S. “Zimbabwe International Book Fair Trust: Africa‟s 100 Best Books of the Twentieth Century Project”. Presented to the Africa 100 Best Books Project International Jury at the Cresta Lodge, Harare, August 7, 2001.

Involvement with other universities/scientific institutions (e.g. external examiner, editor of journal, advisory council, CSIR, SA Council for Scientific Professions)

1. National Chairman of the Zimbabwean Academic and Non-Fiction Authors' Association (ZANA), 1997 – July 2003.

2. Member, Advisory Committee to the 1997 And 1998 Zimbabwe Book Development Council‟s Writers Workshop Organisers..

3. Member, Editorial Board, Zimbabwean Review, 1997 - 1998.

4. International Contributing Editor to The Journal of American History (1997-2003)

5. Trustee of the Zimbabwe International Book Fair, 1998 - 2003.

6. Organiser, the First Book Fair Academic Initiative Two- Day Seminar on 'The Condition of the Child In Africa', University of Zimbabwe, July 30 - 31, 1998.

7. Editor, the University of Zimbabwe Humanities Journal, Zambezia, January 2 000-2003.

8. Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of Southern African Studies (JSAS), since November 2003.

9. Member of the editorial board of Historia since April 2004.

10. Consultant to the Zimbabwe International Book Fair‟s “75 Best Books Published by Zimbabweans in the last Century” project, 2003-2004.

11. Member of the Editorial Board of History Compass, January 2005 –


12. Board member of the South African Historical Society, 2006 - 2007.

13. Co-editor of Historia since June 2006.

14. Member of the editorial Board of African Studies, 2007 -

15. Member of the Zimbabwe Committee and the Regional Advisory Committee of the ALUKA „struggles‟ documents digitisation project.

16. External Examiner, History Department, College, University of , 2005 – present.

17. External Examiner, History Department, University of Cape Town, 2004 - 2006

18. External Examiner, History Department, National University of Lesotho, 2006 - 2008

19. External Examiner, History Department, University of Swaziland, 2007 -2009.

20. External Examiner, University of , 2009.

21. External Examiner, History Department, UNISA, 2007 to present.

22. Externally examined MA and PhD theses for the University of Oslo, Norway, , University of South Africa, University of Cape Town, University of Zimbabwe, University of Kwazulu Natal, and .

23. Evaluated applications for promotion to Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Full Professorial levels for the University of North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, University of Botswana, , University of Swaziland and Queens University, Ontario, Canada (2009),

24. Member of the Twelfth Council of the National University of Lesotho (2013 – 2015).

Refereeing duties (e.g. journals, dissertations/theses)

I have and continue to referee articles for the following journals:

a) Journal of Southern African Studies (JSAS), UK;

b) Historia, (RSA);

c) Journal of Contemporary History, (RSA);

d) History Compass (UK)

e) African Studies (RSA)

APSMlambo A. S. Mlambo

University of Pretoria 19/08/2015