Species List February 20 ‒ 28, 2019 | Written by Bob Meinke
Southern Belize: Birding & Nature | Species List February 20 ‒ 28, 2019 | Written by Bob Meinke Guide Bob Meinke, with expert local lodge naturalists Marvin and Steven, and 9 participants: Kelly, Isaac, Lenore, Harold, Cindy, Richelle, Beth, Nancy, and Joe SUMMARY We enjoyed a scenic and productive trip, starting with the vast freshwater wetlands at Crooked Tree Lagoon, transitioning on to the montane woodlands of the Mountain Pine Ridge, and ending our tour in the broadleaf forests and mangroves of Toledo District at the southern tip of Belize. Working our way down the length of the country increased our exposure to a wide range of habitats, and with it came a nice assortment of resident and migrant bird species as well as other wildlife. Highlights among the resident species included King Vulture, Bare-crowned Antbird, Black-and-white Owl, Yucatan Jay, White-winged Becard, Ruddy Woodcreeper, Eye-ringed Flatbill, Violet Sabrewing, three species of Trogon, and five species of Kingfisher (with multiple, close-in views of American Pygmy a surprising bonus). And while not unexpected, Keel-billed Toucan, Collared Aracari, Bare-throated Tiger Heron, Montezuma Oropendola, Golden -headed Tanager, Barred Antshrike, and Squirrel Cuckoo were all exquisite reminders of the rich colors and morphological diversity that characterize the avifauna of the Neotropics. North American migrants were also plentiful during our visit, and among the many warblers encountered, Blue-winged, Worm-eating, and Prothonotary stood out among the 21 overwintering species we recorded, most of which were just entering full breeding plumage as they readied for their journey north to the U.S.
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