RSPO NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED NEW PLANTING This notification shall be on the RSPO website f`or 30 days as required by the RSPO procedures for new plantings ( It has also been posted on local on-site notice boards. Date of notification: Tick whichever is appropriate √ This is a completely new development and stakeholders may submit comments. This is part of an ongoing planting and is meant for notification only. Location of proposed new Tarjuowon District, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia planting: Company Name Golden Veroleum (Liberia) Inc. Address 17th Street, Villa Samantha ( Beach Side), Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia Phone +44 7780- 662 800 Contact David Rothschild (Director) E-mail Contact Matt Karinen (Director) E-mail RSPO Membership No.: 1-0102-11-000-00 Ordinary member Approved 29/08/2011, 1 Figure 1: Location Map of project Area in Tarjuowon District, Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia Figure 2: Location of the proposed Tarjuowon development area and protected areas in Liberia 2 Figure 3: Map of concession showing towns and villages and HCV set-asides in the area 3 1.0 Summary from SEI Assessments In 2010 an oil palm plantation concession agreement was signed between the Government of Liberia and GOLDEN VEROLEUM (LIBERIA) covering five (5) counties in Liberia: Grand Kru, Sinoe, Maryland, Rivercess and Grand Kru for a period of 65 years with an option for renewal. This agreement covers a total of approximately 500,000 acres (220,000 hectares). The concession agreement amongst other things provides for the implementation of a social and community development program, which includes the creation of about 35,000 jobs in 5 counties within a 15 year period, construction of employee housing, education, medical care, a Liberian smallholder program and the construction of about 16 mills and 2 sea ports within 15 years.
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