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(2) opinion testimony of radio station account exec- utives constituted inadmissible hearsay evidence; District Court of Appeal of , (3) radio station failed to provide competent sub- Fourth District. stantial evidence linking advertising losses to JAMES CRYSTAL LICENSES, LLC, James Crys- former employee violating non-compete agreement; tal Holdings, Inc., and James Crystal Enterprises, (4) evidence was insufficient to support claim for LLC, Elena Whitby a/k/a Jennifer Ross, Appellants, punitive damages against radio station; v. (5) while evidence was sufficient to support a find- INFINITY RADIO INC., a Delaware corporation, ing of tortious interference, it did not rise to requis- f/k/a CBS Radio Inc., Appellee. ite level of gross and flagrant behavior sufficient to No. 4D08-3504. support $2,300,000 punitive damages award; (6) punitive damages award of $2,300,000 was dis- May 19, 2010. proportionate to the harm, and thus failed to bear Rehearing Denied Oct. 5, 2010. reasonable relationship required by Due Process Background: Radio station brought action against clause. former employee and competitor that hired her, Reversed and remanded. seeking injunctive relief and alleging breach of contract and tortious interference with contract. De- West Headnotes fendants filed counterclaim for wrongful injunction damages. The Circuit Court, Palm Beach County, [1] Appeal and Error 30 893(1) Lucy Chernow Brown, J., denied radio station's motion for a temporary injunction. Radio station 30 Appeal and Error appealed. The District Court of Appeal, 780 So.2d 30XVI Review 248, reversed and remanded. On remand, and after 30XVI(F) Trial De Novo injunction was entered, the Circuit Court, Fifteenth 30k892 Trial De Novo Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County, Diana Lewis, 30k893 Cases Triable in Appellate J., granted partial summary judgment on issue of Court enforceability of non-compete covenant, struck 30k893(1) k. In general. Most Cited counterclaim for wrongful injunction, and entered Cases judgment on jury verdict against former employee The District Court of Appeal has de novo review of on breach of contract claim, and against competitor the court's failure to direct a verdict on damages. on tortious interference claim. Parties appealed. [2] Damages 115 140 The District Court of Appeal, 951 So.2d 890, Hazouri, J., reversed and remanded. Following a 115 Damages jury trial, the Circuit Court entered judgment in the 115VII Amount Awarded amount of $126,511.48 in compensatory damages, 115VII(D) Breach of Contract and $2,300,000 in punitive damages, and defend- 115k140 k. Particular cases. Most Cited ants appealed. Cases Evidence of loss or reduction in advertising receiv- Holdings: The District Court of Appeal, May, J., ables after former radio broadcaster departed radio held that: station was insufficient to support jury award of (1) evidence was insufficient to support jury award $126,511.48 in compensatory damages at trial on of $126,511.48 in compensatory damages; breach of non-compete agreement, in the absence of

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any evidence that loss was due to broadcaster's vi- [5] Damages 115 117 olation of agreement, or competitor's affirmative steps to secure broadcaster for its radio show, and 115 Damages no proof that lost profits were not the result of more 115VI Measure of Damages competitive advertising costs at competitor, level of 115VI(C) Breach of Contract competence of broadcaster's replacement, or intro- 115k117 k. Mode of estimating damages duction of a new morning team of broadcasters at a in general. Most Cited Cases different radio station. Requiring a deduction of a share of fixed costs re- lated to the performance of a contract allows for a [3] Evidence 157 501(9) true measurement of the amount the non-breaching party would have earned on the contract had there 157 Evidence been no breach, which is the proper measure of 157XII Opinion Evidence damages. 157XII(A) Conclusions and Opinions of Wit- nesses in General [6] Damages 115 189.5 157k499 Examination of Witnesses 157k501 Facts Forming Basis of Opin- 115 Damages ion 115IX Evidence 115k183 Weight and Sufficiency 157k501(9) k. Cause and effect. Most Cited Cases 115k189.5 k. Punitive damages. Most Radio station account executives' opinion testimony Cited Cases on reason advertising accounts were lost was inad- Evidence was insufficient to support a claim for missible in radio station's action for breach of non- punitive damages against radio station's competitor compete agreement and tortious interference on the for allegedly tortiously interfering with station's ground that the testimony was based on hearsay; business relationship with former employee, where, executives testified they either believed that advert- since no economic damage to radio station as a res- ising accounts were lost due to radio broadcaster's ult of alleged interference was shown, station's tor- departure from radio station, or were told so by ad- tious interference claim against competitor could vertiser's agent. West's F.S.A. § 90.701. not stand.

[4] Damages 115 190 [7] Appeal and Error 30 893(1)

115 Damages 30 Appeal and Error 115IX Evidence 30XVI Review 115k183 Weight and Sufficiency 30XVI(F) Trial De Novo 30k892 Trial De Novo 115k190 k. Loss of profits. Most Cited Cases 30k893 Cases Triable in Appellate Radio station failed to provide competent substan- Court tial evidence that lost profits related to advertising 30k893(1) k. In general. Most Cited losses were directly linked to radio broadcaster vi- Cases olating non-compete agreement, even though sta- The District Court of Appeal has de novo review of tion deducted sales commission and talent fees in whether a punitive damages award exceeds the its damages calculation, where it did not deduct boundaries of due process as guaranteed by the general overhead expenses in making its lost profits United States Constitution. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. calculation. 14.

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[8] Torts 379 211 In evaluating reprehensibility with regard to a claim for punitive damages, the District Court of Appeal 379 Torts must consider whether: the harm caused was phys- 379III Tortious Interference ical as opposed to economic; the tortious conduct 379III(B) Business or Contractual Relations evinced an indifference to or a reckless disregard of 379III(B)1 In General the health or safety of others; the target of the con- 379k211 k. Business relations or eco- duct had financial vulnerability; the conduct in- nomic advantage, in general. Most Cited Cases volved repeated actions or was an isolated incident; A claim for tortious interference with a business re- and the harm was the result of intentional malice, lationship requires proof of the following elements: trickery, or deceit, or mere accident. (1) the existence of a business relationship, not ne- cessarily evidenced by an enforceable contract, un- [11] Damages 115 94.10(1) der which the plaintiff has legal rights; (2) the de- fendant's knowledge of the relationship; (3) an in- 115 Damages tentional and unjustified interference with the rela- 115V Exemplary Damages tionship by the defendant; and (4) damage to the 115k94 Measure and Amount of Exemplary plaintiff as a result of the interference. Damages 115k94.10 Amount Awarded in Particular [9] Damages 115 91.5(1) Cases 115k94.10(1) k. In general. Most Cited 115 Damages Cases 115V Exemplary Damages Evidence that competitor allowed former radio 115k91.5 Grounds for Exemplary Damages broadcaster to go on the air at competitor's station 115k91.5(1) k. In general. Most Cited the same day she left former radio station, and that Cases competitor launched an aggressive advertising cam- To sustain an award of punitive damages, the char- paign, while sufficient to support a finding of tor- acter of negligence must be of a gross and flagrant tious interference, did not rise to requisite level of character, evincing reckless disregard of human gross and flagrant behavior sufficient to support life, or of the safety of persons exposed to its dan- $2,300,000 punitive damages award against com- gerous effects, or there is that entire want of care petitor, where harm was economic, not physical, which would raise the presumption of a conscious and tortious conduct alleged did not evince an in- indifference to consequences, or which shows wan- difference or reckless disregard of health of safety. tonness or recklessness, or a grossly careless dis- regard of the safety and welfare of the public, or [12] Constitutional Law 92 4427 that reckless indifference to the rights of others which is equivalent to an intentional violation of 92 Constitutional Law them. 92XXVII Due Process 92XXVII(G) Particular Issues and Applica- [10] Damages 115 94.2 tions 92XXVII(G)19 Tort or Financial Liabilit- 115 Damages ies 115V Exemplary Damages 92k4427 k. Punitive damages. Most 115k94 Measure and Amount of Exemplary Cited Cases Damages 115k94.2 k. Nature of act or conduct. Damages 115 94.10(1) Most Cited Cases

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115 Damages MAY, J. 115V Exemplary Damages 115k94 Measure and Amount of Exemplary In a repeat performance, the defendant Elena Damages Whitby a/k/a Jennifer Ross, and three corporate de- fendants who owned and operated the WRMF-FM 115k94.10 Amount Awarded in Particular FN1 Cases radio station, appeal a final judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff Infinity Radio, Inc., who 115k94.10(1) k. In general. Most Cited owns and operates the WEAT-FM radio station. Cases FN2 Punitive damages award of $2,300,000, in radio The defendants challenge the enforceability of station's action against competitor for tortious inter- a non-compete provision, the sufficiency of the ference with a business relationship, was dispropor- evidence on the claim for lost profits, and the pro- tionate to the harm, and thus, failed to bear the priety of injunctive relief and punitive damages reasonable relationship required by Due Process awarded. For the reasons that follow, we reverse. clause, where punitive damages award, approxim- FN1. James Crystal Licenses is a Delaware ately 55 times larger than compensatory damage corporation, which formerly held the li- award of $126,511.48, exceeded the level at which cense to WRMF-FM, James Crystal Hold- a “bad man” would be on notice so as to avoid the ings is a Delaware corporation, which punishment, and exceeded the single-digit gauge formerly operated WRMF-FM, and James for proportionality. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 14. Crystal Enterprises is a Delaware corpora-

[13] Constitutional Law 92 4427 tion, which formerly held the assets for WRMF. 92 Constitutional Law 92XXVII Due Process FN2. OmniAmerica sold WEAT to Chan- 92XXVII(G) Particular Issues and Applica- cellor Broadcasting, which in turn sold the tions station to American Radio Systems. Amer- 92XXVII(G)19 Tort or Financial Liabilit- ican Radio then merged with CBS Radio, ies which has since changed its name to Infin- ity. 92k4427 k. Punitive damages. Most Cited Cases Whitby entered into an employment agreement with Single-digit multipliers in punitive damages com- OmniAmerica Group in 1995 and later entered into putations are more likely to comport with due pro- a 1999 amendment that incorporated the terms of cess, while still achieving the State's goals of de- the original agreement. The original agreement terrence and retribution, than awards with ratios in provided a five-year term and gave WEAT two op- range of 500 to 1. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 14. tions to renew for five years each, with a right of *71 Robert G. Haile, Jr., of Haile, Shaw & Pfaffen- first refusal. The 1995 agreement contained a non- berger, P.A., North Palm Beach, for appellant, compete provision, which prohibited Whitby from James Crystal Licenses, LLC, James Crystal Hold- appearing on radio or television and from working ings, Inc., and James Crystal Enterprises, LLC. for any competing business within 125 miles of David L. Gorman of David L. Gorman, P.A., North WEAT for 12 months. It also contained an exclus- Palm Beach, for appellant, Elena Whitby a/k/a Jen- ivity provision, preventing Whitby from discussing nifer Ross. or entering into any agreement with any other entity concerning her present or future services during the Alan Rosenthal and Natalie J. Carlos of Carlton term of her employment. Fields, P.A., , for appellee.

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In January 2000, the plaintiff exercised its option to finity Radio, Inc. (Whitby I ), 951 So.2d 890 (Fla. FN5 renew the agreement. Once exercised, the agree- 4th DCA 2007). ment provided for Whitby to negotiate in good faith exclusively with WEAT for ninety (90) days. On FN5. On remand, the trial court held an September 21, 2000, four days prior to the agree- evidentiary hearing on the enforceability of ment's expiration, a corporate defendant (James the non-compete provision. The court Crystal Holdings) executed a three-year employ- found the covenant enforceable, but lim- ment agreement with Whitby, in which she agreed ited the area to a 100-mile radius. All de- to broadcast on the WRMF morning show. On fendants continue to claim the covenant is September 25, 2000, Whitby ceased her employ- unenforceable; we disagree. ment with WEAT. Later that day, she began broad- In the second jury trial, the factual background casting on WRMF. testimony remained the same, but the damages The plaintiff sued Whitby and the corporate defend- testimony changed. Instead of using an expert wit- FN3 ants seeking injunctive relief. *72 The plaintiff ness, the plaintiff relied on its employees and a re- also filed an emergency motion for temporary in- cently compiled summary of lost accounts. junction. The trial court denied the temporary in- Lee Strasser, the plaintiff's former general manager, junction; we reversed. Infinity Radio Inc. v. Whitby, testified that Whitby was the spokesperson for Bor- 780 So.2d 248 (Fla. 4th DCA 2001), rev. denied, ton Volvo, Rothchild Eye Institute, Culligan Water, 796 So.2d 539 (Fla.2001). Upon remand, the trial and Palm Beach Zoo. These accounts were either court entered the temporary injunction without pre- cancelled or their advertising greatly reduced after judice for consideration of issues concerning the FN4 Whitby departed. However, he had not spoken dir- reasonable scope of the injunction. ectly with these advertisers as to why this had oc-

FN3. In November 2000, the plaintiff curred. He also testified that other factors could amended its complaint to add a breach of also affect the station's advertising revenue namely: contract claim against Whitby, a tortious a change in a customer's advertising budget, the ra- interference claim against James Crystal dio station's sales department, sales manager, rat- Licenses, joined the other two corporate ings, image in the marketplace, community involve- defendants, and later added claims for pun- ment, and rates. itive damages against all three corporate WEAT account executives, Judy Larson and Jody defendants. Goldstein, and the plaintiff's regional sales man-

FN4. The injunction was entered seven ager, Janice Banken, testified about their respective months after Whitby left WEAT and ex- accounts. Larson testified that Whitby performed pired twelve months from the date of its live testimonials for Rothchild and the Palm Beach entry. Whitby remained off the air for one Princess. According to her, the accounts were “a year. direct result of Ms. Whitby's presence at WEAT.” She testified that Rothchild substantially reduced its After a jury trial, the trial court entered final judg- advertising contract on September 25, 2000, and the ment against each defendant in the amount of Princess did not advertise on WEAT because they $575,000, severally, for a total of $2.3 million in went to WRMF. The Princess returned to WEAT in compensatory damages. The judgment also as- July 2001. sessed punitive damages of $13.2 million against James Crystal Licenses. On appeal, we again re- Goldstein testified that TLC Laser Eye Institute's versed and remanded for a new trial. Whitby v. In- marketing director was interested in placing advert-

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isements with WEAT because of Whitby. She had furcated trial, the jury then awarded $2.3 million in no doubt that TLC cancelled when Whitby left. punitive damages against each of the three corpor- TLC cancelled all of its contracts in October 2000. ate defendants. The trial court entered a final judg- ment. From this judgment, the defendants appeal. Banken testified that “Cingular didn't know Jen- nifer Ross from Adam” and she “dealt with the ad The defendants raise numerous reasons why the agency, not Cingular directly.” She lost the account compensatory damages award cannot be sustained. FN7 when Cingular/Bellsouth switched from a regional The corporate defendants further argue that the to a national advertising agency. plaintiff elected its remedy when it obtained the temporary injunction. We are able to resolve this Julie Caracciola, the plaintiff's market controller, appeal by analyzing the evidence, or lack thereof, used an accounts receivable analysis report to pre- in support of damages. pare the Summary of WEAT Top 7 Lost Accounts. The summary was a “compilation of data for the FN7. They argue the court erred in denying seven accounts listed that indicates all billing, pay- the motion for directed verdict because the ments, and expenses, sales commission*73 and tal- damages were not supported by competent ent expenses relative to each of these accounts by substantial evidence. First, there was no month from October of 1999” to September 2001. evidence tying the alleged losses directly She did not subtract any general overhead expenses to Whitby. Second, Greenwald's testimony because they were fixed. She admitted that she had constituted inadmissible hearsay. Third, prepared the revised version of the document that the summary was improperly admitted be- was submitted into evidence only a few weeks be- cause the plaintiffs failed to give the re- fore trial. quired timely written notice and provide documentation, and because the summary The plaintiff's general sales manager, Jeffrey Gre- was hearsay. Fourth, the methodology em- enwald, testified that he wrote a memorandum on ployed to determine lost profits was unac- August 3, 2001, entitled “Lost Business Due to Jen- ceptable because the plaintiff used a time nifer Ross,” in which he indicated that Rothchild period that exceeded Whitby's violation of immediately pulled its advertising, and Volvo did the non-compete provision. WEAT also not spend a dime in advertising after Whitby left. failed to account for overhead expenses. He admitted, however, that the advertisers were the only ones who could truly answer whether the ads [1] We have de novo review of the court's failure to FN6 were cancelled because of Whitby's departure. direct a verdict on damages. RKR Motors, Inc. v. Associated Unif. Rental & Linen Supply, Inc., 995 FN6. Tim Reever, an employee of WRMF, So.2d 588, 591-92 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008), rev. denied, testified that he had a relationship with the 8 So.3d 1133 (Fla.2009). Palm Beach Princess and Cingular/Bell- south before Whitby began working there, In Whitby I, we stressed that and that TLC Laser stopped advertising on the radio altogether before Whitby began [w]hen a party seeks lost future profits based working for WRMF. upon a breach of contract or other wrong, the party must prove that the lost profits were a dir- In closing, the plaintiff requested just over ect result of the defendant's actions and that the $300,000 in lost profits. The jury awarded the amount of the lost profits can be established with plaintiff $126,511.48 in compensatory damages reasonable certainty. Difficulty in proving dam- against all defendants, exclusive of interest. In a bi- ages or uncertainty as to the amount will not pre-

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vent recovery as long as it is clear that substantial nothing more than hearsay statements from its ac- (rather than merely nominal) damages were count executives. No one was able to properly link suffered as a result of the wrong, and the com- WEAT's damages with the defendants' actions. This petent evidence is sufficient to satisfy the mind of void leads to but one conclusion: the judgment a prudent, impartial person as to the amount. must be reversed. However, an award of lost profits cannot be based on mere speculation or conjecture. In this trial, the plaintiff relied heavily on the sum- mary. While the plaintiff introduced evidence of the 951 So.2d at 898 (emphasis added) (quoting loss or reduction in receivables after Whitby depar- Forest's Mens Shop v. Schmidt, 536 So.2d 334, 336 ted, there was no testimony that the loss was due to (Fla. 4th DCA 1988)). Whitby's violation of the non-compete provision or the corporate defendants' affirmative steps to se- [2] We reversed the original compensatory damages cure Whitby for WRMF. This could have been award because the expert's*74 methodology in cal- achieved by demonstrating that those advertisers in- culating damages was too speculative. In doing so, creased their advertising at WRMF because she we emphasized that “there must be substantial com- broadcasted within the one-year prohibition. It petent evidence directly linking those damages to could have also been achieved by having the seven Appellants' activities during the seven months advertisers testify that they followed Whitby to between Whitby's departure from WEAT and the WRMF because she now broadcasted on that sta- trial court's entry of the temporary injunction.” Id. tion. at 900. We also advised the plaintiff to account for other variables: The reduction in advertising revenue alone was in- sufficient to directly link her violation of the non- (1) the fact that Whitby's longtime co-host, Kevin compete provision to the lost revenue. These ad- Kitchens, died suddenly on February 3, 1999, (2) vertisers may very well have stopped advertising on the competence and performance of Joe Martelle, WEAT when Whitby left, regardless of whether she Whitby's replacement, (3) the introduction of a violated the non-compete provision. Her contract new morning team at WOLL (another morning expired, and she was entitled to leave. She simply show competitor), (4) whether advertisers de- was not entitled to broadcast for another year with- creased their expenditures as a result of Whitby in the mileage radius defined by the court. going to WRMF and transferred their advertising to WRMF, and (5) ranking reports showing that There was no proof that Whitby or the corporate both WRMF and WEAT declined in audience defendants enticed these advertisers to switch to share after Whitby left WEAT and joined WRMF or that the reduced advertising resulted WRMF, and that another station, WKGR, won from these advertisers switching to WRMF because the number one rated position in the market by Whitby began broadcasting prior to the end of the 2003 and 2004. non-compete provision. There was no proof that the lost profits were not the result of the more compet- Id. at 898. We stressed the importance of consider- itive advertising costs at WRMF, the level of com- ing the impact of these external variables. And yet, petence of her replacement at WEAT, the introduc- we find those factors conspicuously absent from the tion of a new morning team at WOLL, or the im- damages testimony in the second trial. proved ratings of WKGR, all factors we enumer- ated in our prior opinion. The plaintiff's attempt to link its lost advertising to Whitby's breach of the non-compete provision and In fact, the plaintiff's own testimony revealed that the corporate defendants' wrongdoing consisted of Whitby could not be the WRMF spokesperson for

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TLC Laser because she was the spokesperson for a even though the plaintiff deducted the sales com- competitor Rothchild, who advertised on WRMF mission and talent fees, it did not deduct the general before Whitby left WEAT. The Princess did not ad- overhead expenses. vertise on WEAT for *75 several months prior to Whitby's departure and then again advertised on The plaintiffs rely on Knight Energy to argue that WEAT after her departure. The Palm Beach Zoo as long as there was testimony that the overhead ex- did not advertise the August and September before penses would have been realized anyway, there was Whitby left, and then bounced a substantial check, no need to deduct them. However, Knight Energy which was not accounted for in the summary. Bor- preceded our opinion in Boca Developers and the ton Volvo switched to television advertising and Third District's decision in RKR Motors. Further, never advertised on WRMF. the Knight Energy court based its decision not to require a deduction of overhead expenses on the de- [3] Further, the corporate defendants argue, and we fendant's inability “to demonstrate that some over- agree, that the only testimony linking the losses to head expense must have been required to perform” Whitby's departure constituted inadmissible the contract. 616 So.2d at 1080. Given these facts, hearsay. Section 90.701, Florida Statutes, requires a we wrote: “[w]e are not in a position to state that no lay witness to base his or her opinion upon facts the reasonable juror could return the verdict as awar- witness has “perceived.” A lay witness may not rely ded.” Id. at 1080-81. Contrary to the plaintiff's as- on hearsay in forming an opinion. Here, both Lar- sertion, there was no broad statement that general son and Goldstein based their opinion that the ac- overhead should never be deducted in determining counts were lost due to Whitby's departure because lost profits. they either “believed so” or were “told so” by the advertiser's agent. Strasser and Greenwald then For all of these reasons, we find the plaintiff's testified about what the account representatives, second attempt to prove lost profits falls short of like Larson and Goldstein, had reported. the burden it carried to provide competent substan- tial evidence that the losses were directly linked to [4] We also agree with the defendants on the issue the defendants' alleged wrongdoing. We therefore of general overhead expenses. A percentage of reverse the compensatory damages award. overhead expenses should have been deducted from the projected lost profits. On this issue, three cases [6][7] This brings us to the punitive damage award. are worth discussion: Boca Developers, Inc. v. Fine We also have de novo review of whether a punitive Decorators, Inc., 862 So.2d 803 (Fla. 4th DCA damages award exceeds the boundaries of due pro- 2003); RKR Motors, Inc. v. Associated Uniform cess as guaranteed by the United States Constitu- Rental & Linen Supply, Inc., 995 So.2d 588 (Fla. 3d tion. Engle v. Liggett Group, Inc., 945 So.2d 1246, DCA 2008); and Knight Energy Services, Inc. v. 1263 (Fla.2006). We must first address whether C.R. International Enterprises, Inc., 616 So.2d punitive damages may be awarded in the absence of 1079 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993). the compensatory damage award. Our decision in *76Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. v. Coleman Hold- [5] Both Boca Developers and RKR Motors require ings, Inc., 955 So.2d 1124 (Fla. 4th DCA 2007) is a plaintiff to account for overhead expenses. dispositive. “Requiring a deduction of a share of fixed costs re- lated to the performance of a contract allows for a In Morgan Stanley, we reviewed our supreme true measurement of the amount the non-breaching court's decisions in Ault v. Lohr, 538 So.2d 454 party would have earned on the contract had there (Fla.1989) and Engle v. Liggett Group, Inc., 945 been no breach, which is the proper measure of So.2d 1246 (Fla.2006). We held that punitive dam- damages.” RKR Motors, 995 So.2d at 593. Here, ages for fraud could not stand absent proof of nom-

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inal damages because a fraud claim, by necessity, slight individual financial harm.” Id. at 726. For required proof of “actual loss or injury from acting this reason, the punitive damage award is subject to in reliance on the false representation.” Morgan the full three-part analysis set forth in State Farm Stanley, 955 So.2d at 1132. Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell, 538 U.S. 408, 123 S.Ct. 1513, 155 L.Ed.2d 585 (2003) We distinguished Ault, which permitted punitive and BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore, 517 U.S. damages absent a compensatory damage award. 559, 116 S.Ct. 1589, 134 L.Ed.2d 809 (1996), and Unlike the fraud claim in Morgan Stanley, “actual adopted by our supreme court in Engle. But, let us injury or compensatory damages are not essential to set the backdrop for that analysis. stating a cause of action for assault and battery.” Id. We then read Engle “as addressing the order of “The modern Anglo-American doctrine of punitive proof in determining entitlement to punitive dam- damages dates back at least to 1763, when a pair of ages,” and not as supporting an award of punitive decisions by the Court of Common Pleas recog- damages where there is no nominal or compensat- nized the availability of damages ‘for more than the ory damage award. Id. at 1133. injury received.’ ” Exxon Shipping Co. v. Baker, --- U.S. ----, ----, 128 S.Ct. 2605, 2620, 171 L.Ed.2d [8] The plaintiff's claim against the corporate de- 570 (2008) (quoting Wilkes v. Wood, Lofft 1, 18, 98 fendants was tortious interference with a business Eng. Rep. 489, 498, 1763 WL 36 (1763) (Lord relationship. Such a claim requires proof of the fol- Chief Justice Pratt)). “Awarding damages beyond lowing elements: “(1) the existence of a business compensatory was not, however, a wholly novel relationship, not necessarily evidenced by an en- idea even then, legal codes from ancient times forceable contract, under which the plaintiff has through the Middle Ages having called for multiple legal rights; (2) the defendant's knowledge of the damages for certain especially harmful acts.” Id. relationship; (3) an intentional and unjustified inter- But, those damages were “justified as punishment ference with the relationship by the defendant; and for extraordinary wrongdoing” meant “ ‘to deter (4) damage to the plaintiff as a result of the in- from any such proceeding for the future....’ ” Id. terference.” Palm Beach County Health Care Dist. (quoting Wilkes, Lofft at 19, 98 Eng. Rep., at v. Prof'l Med. Educ., Inc., 13 So.3d 1090, 1094 498-99). (Fla. 4th DCA 2009) (emphasis added) (quoting Salit v. Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Rus- *77 Today, it is accepted that punitive damages sell, P.A., 742 So.2d 381, 385 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999) “are aimed not at compensation but principally at ). retribution and deterring harmful conduct.” Id. at 2621 (footnote omitted). Still, we should be mind- Like the fraud claim in Morgan Stanley, the tortious ful of the historical purpose for punitive damages interference claim here “cannot stand where ... no because it has guided the Court to its existing legally cognizable damage was shown as a result of framework for evaluating whether the award is so the alleged [wrongdoing].” 955 So.2d at 1132. Be- excessive that it violates the Due Process Clause. cause we reverse the compensatory damage claim, “[A] penalty should be reasonably predictable in its the punitive damages must also fall. See id. at severity, so that even Justice Holmes's ‘bad man’ 1132-33. can look ahead with some ability to know what the stakes are in choosing one course of action or an- We next review the punitive damage award for ex- other.” Id. at 2627 (citing The Path of the Law, 10 cessiveness. Unlike our recent opinion in Lawn- HARV. L. REV.. 457, 459 (1897)). With this wood Medical Center, Inc. v. Sadow, 43 So.3d 710, framework in mind, we review the award in light of 2010 WL 1066833 (Fla. 4th 2010), this case in- recent case law. volves “purely economic consequences of only

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The three-part analysis articulated in State Farm State Farm, 538 U.S. at 419, 123 S.Ct. 1513 (citing and BMW requires us to review: BMW, 517 U.S. at 576-77, 116 S.Ct. 1589). The ex- istence of one of these may not be sufficient while (1) the degree of reprehensibility of the defend- the absence of all “renders any award suspect.” Id. ant's misconduct; (2) the disparity between the actual or potential harm suffered by the plaintiff The requisite level of reprehensibility is simply not and the punitive damages award; and (3) the dif- present here. In Whitby I, we rejected the plaintiff's ference between the punitive damages awarded argument that the corporate defendants did any- by the jury and the civil penalties authorized or thing more than merely induce Whitby to breach imposed in comparable cases. her employment agreement. 951 So.2d at 900. We held the plaintiff “never presented evidence to es- Engle, 945 So.2d at 1264 (quoting State Farm, 538 tablish that it sustained damages from the alleged U.S. at 418, 123 S.Ct. 1513 (citing BMW, 517 U.S tortious interference independent from the damages at 575, 116 S.Ct. 1589)). Having undertaken that it sustained as a result of the alleged breach of the analysis, we find the punitive damage award runs non-compete covenant.” Id. afoul of the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution. See id. at 1265. [11] The evidence established that WRMF's presid- ent instructed his executives*78 to ask Whitby to work for WRMF, and allowed her to go on the air I. Reprehensibility FN8 the same day she left WEAT. WRMF launched

[9][10] To sustain an award of punitive damages, an aggressive advertising campaign including press the character of negligence must be of a conferences, flyers, airplane banners, and televi- sion, newspaper, and radio ads, including spoofs gross and flagrant character, evincing reckless using Whitby's name, voice, and likeness. While disregard of human life, or of the safety of per- the evidence supported a finding of tortious inter- sons exposed to its dangerous effects, or there is ference, it did not rise to the requisite level of gross that entire want of care which would raise the and flagrant behavior for an award of punitive dam- presumption of a conscious indifference to con- ages. sequences, or which shows wantonness or reck- lessness, or a grossly careless disregard of the FN8. The corporate defendants produced safety and welfare of the public, or that reckless testimony that they acted on advice of indifference to the rights of others which is equi- counsel, who had advised that the non- valent to an intentional violation of them. compete provision was unenforceable.

Air Ambulance Prof'ls, Inc. v. Thin Air, 809 So.2d The harm here was economic; not physical. As 28, 31 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002) (quotations and cita- Judge Farmer wrote in Lawnwood, economic cases tions omitted). In evaluating reprehensibility, we provide a low “disapproval quotient,” are missing must consider whether: the enormity factor, and reprehensibility is dubious the harm caused was physical as opposed to eco- at best. See Lawnwood, 43 So.3d at 730. The tor- nomic; the tortious conduct evinced an indiffer- tious conduct alleged here did not evince an indif- ence to or a reckless disregard of the health or ference or reckless disregard of health or safety. safety of others; the target of the conduct had fin- The conduct did not involve repeated actions, but ancial vulnerability; the conduct involved re- was the isolated incident involving Whitby's viola- peated actions or was an isolated incident; and tion of a non-compete provision. And, there was no the harm was the result of intentional malice, evidence that WEAT had financial vulnerability. trickery, or deceit, or mere accident. Indeed Lawnwood now mandates that misconduct

© 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works. Page 11 43 So.3d 68, 35 Fla. L. Weekly D1111 (Cite as: 43 So.3d 68)

“be gravely deplorable, deserving of severe con- ficiently egregious, we reverse the punitive dam- demnation, even threatening basic interests of an ages award. individual beyond purely economic loss. Conduct deserving the harshest punitive damages would be Id. at 708 (citations omitted). As in Imperial odious. It would pass moral bounds, be wicked or Majesty, the conduct here did not reach the level of outrageous, and constitute a grave offense against reprehensibility required for a punitive damage right or decency.” Id. at 726-27. award.

In Lawnwood, Judge Farmer recognized the “almost *79 2. Proportionality trivial, ... minor economic injuries” at issue in State

Farm and BMW “pale into insignificance next to [12] Next, we consider the proportionality of the the calumnies proven [in Lawnwood ].” Lawnwood, punitive damages award to the compensatory dam- 43 So.3d at 730. Here, the conduct was not gravely ages. See Engle, 945 So.2d at 1264. As Engle in- deplorable, odious, wicked or outrageous. Rather, it structs, the punitive damages award requires an was a hard fought battle for dominance in the radio evaluation of the “amounts awarded to ensure a industry. As the testimony at trial revealed, the ra- reasonable relationship between” the compensatory dio business is very competitive. It is not unusual and punitive damages. Id. for radio personalities to broadcast information about current events, tell jokes, and perform funny [13] “Single-digit multipliers are more likely to on-air skits. The conduct simply failed the test of comport with due process, while still achieving the reprehensibility. State's goals of deterrence and retribution, than awards with ratios in range of 500 to 1....” Id. at This is not the first time we have reviewed a punit- 1264-65 (quoting State Farm, 538 U.S. at 425, 123 ive damages award in a tortious interference claim. S.Ct. 1513 (citing BMW, 517 U.S. at 582, 116 S.Ct. In Imperial Majesty Cruise Line, LLC v. Weitnauer 1589)). While Judge Farmer abandoned the propor- Duty Free, Inc., 987 So.2d 706 (Fla. 4th DCA tionality analysis in Lawnwood, a slander per se 2008), we reversed a $75,000 punitive damage claim, he acknowledged “that the federal rule of a award in a $1,000 nominal damages case arising fixed ratio between punitive and compensatory from a cruise line's tortious interference with a con- damages was intended to apply primarily” to cases tract between Broward County and a duty free store that involved pure economic loss. Lawnwood, 43 located at Port Everglades. We noted: So.3d at 723. The “proportional ratio analysis [is] required in negligence or business practices cases Imperial essentially sought to preclude competi- with only modest monetary or financial loss....” Id. tion in the sale of duty-free goods. To that end, at 725. Indeed, our supreme court noted that single- Imperial barricaded and prevented its passengers digit multipliers were “more likely to comport with from shopping at WDF's store. The trial court due process.” Engle, 945 So.2d at 1264. This is found that Imperial's “actions were calculated, such a case. predatory, and excessive”; however, such conduct fails to rise to the degree of reprehensibility re- When we examine the ratio of punitive to compens- quired for a punitive damages award. Although atory damages, we find the award exceeds the Imperial's interference was not justified, the single-digit gauge for proportionality and fails to nature, extent, and enormity of the wrong warrant bear the reasonable relationship required by the against punitive damages. Imperial's conduct did Due Process Clause. The jury found compensatory not rise to truly culpable behavior, for which damages of $126,511.48. It subsequently awarded damages are tenable to “express society's collect- $2.3 million in punitive damages against each of ive outrage.” Finding Imperial's conduct not suf-

© 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works. Page 12 43 So.3d 68, 35 Fla. L. Weekly D1111 (Cite as: 43 So.3d 68)

the three corporate defendants, for a total of $6.9 slander per se claim in Lawnwood due to the latter's million. However, having reversed the compensat- “conclusive legal presumption of loss or damage” ory damages award, the ratio is now 0 to 6.9 mil- that is *80 intrinsic in a slander per se claim. Id. at lion. 729. It is because of the uniqueness of the claim in Lawnwood that we easily distinguish it from today's Even if we were to consider the $126,511.48 in analysis in an economic loss case. Just as Judge compensatory damages awarded, we would find the Farmer diminished the nature of the harm in BMW punitive damage award, that is approximately 55 and State Farm, we diminish the nature of the harm times larger than the compensatory damage award, in this case. exceeds reasonable predictability. It exceeds the level that a “bad man” would be on notice of so as We thus acknowledge the limited reach of Lawn- to avoid the punishment. Exxon, 128 S.Ct. at 2627. wood and embrace its clear line of demarcation for The punishment is, therefore, disproportionate to evaluating negligence and economic loss cases dif- the harm. ferently than slander per se cases. We adhere to the full three-part analysis for punitive damage awards in economic loss and negligence cases developed in 3. Comparable Civil Penalty BMW and State Farm, and adopted by our supreme Florida law does not provide a comparable civil court in Engle. The judgment is reversed and the penalty for tortious interference with a contract. We case remanded for entry of a judgment in favor of are therefore unable to make this comparison. the defendants.

Having concluded the three part analysis, we find Reversed and remanded to vacate the judgment. FN9 the punitive damages award unsustainable. STEVENSON and TAYLOR, JJ., concur.

FN9. We have not overlooked state law on Fla.App. 4 Dist.,2010. punitive damages. We have relied, James Crystal Licenses, LLC v. Infinity Radio Inc. however, on our supreme court's decision 43 So.3d 68, 35 Fla. L. Weekly D1111 in Engle in deciding this case. As recog- END OF DOCUMENT nized in Lawnwood, section 768.73(1)(c), Florida Statute provides no cap on punitive damages when the jury makes a finding of “specific intent to harm.” Nevertheless, the ultimate decisive factor is the United States Constitution.

This case provides the perfect juxtaposition of the punitive damage analysis in negligence and eco- nomic loss cases against the shortened analysis ap- plied in Lawnwood for the unique claim of slander per se. Judge Farmer carefully distinguished the conduct in BMW and State Farm resulting in eco- nomic loss from the “despicable” conduct resulting in the “malevolent destruction” of a doctor's per- sonal reputation in Lawnwood. Lawnwood, 43 So.3d at 731. He also conceded the fraud claim in Morgan Stanley was entirely different from the

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