I for Crm's Sake
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' 1 I I ! Y nard, Miss Dorothy Smith, Miss M. a Jong Illness. SAMPKL. PFRCY CEI% Til l-M H11 I l l I'.S.N., beloved husband of Matti<> Oee. Master Henry Lee, Miss Helen Bremwell.Bruce . IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY Lee, Master Wendell, Master F. James 1~uneraI from bin la to residence. 222 Jacknoa H IrM-M and Miss K. James. street, Auacoatla. on Wednesday, January 2«. t-l l-HM I M !. MOSES & SONS FOR CRM'S SAKE at 2 p.m. Relatives and friend* Invited t* |W.B attend. Please omit flowers. (Philadelphia, * -« J***« Mrs. Robert N. Harper was the hostess AmiaiKdis aud Alexandria paper* pleas* 7 rrfiiTnf4 i .1 -i* PRESIDENT AND WIFE WILL BE Alai44lli4N i HI-M-M-H-M i-i-i-i-i-r I yesterday afternoon at a bridge party, copy.) BONAPARTE GUESTS TONIGHT. followed by a tea at 5 o'clock. The i Sixteenth Relief Ball rooms of her home were SOOHINC. On Friday. January 15. IJKtf*. in Southern spacious drawing railroad w reck at Itetsern. (ol. OLABP.S'fB prettily decorated with palms and cut ART1I1 It. son of Clarence F. itoodinc of flowers. Mrs. Harper, who wore a Wash nctoti. 1>. <\. aged tweuty-three year* Excels All Others. Other Dinners and Hospitalities of gown of white lace, was assistedhandsomein and eleven month* receiving by Mrs. Daniel T. Wright. Mrs. Soti'-e of funeral later. (Chicago, M., pa|<era Timely Interest.Personal Ashley M. Gould. Mrs. Bvrd McGuirc. please copy. I wlCoXance Notes. Mrs. Kinuc. Mrs. Lisner Mrs. Fuller. Miss HITT. On Monday. January is. H*X>. Mr*. >nS A VERY BRILLIANT SCENE Gladys Wright. Miss Ciaire Wright, Miss MARY 11. It. HITT. la'lovt d wife of lata* Sale-g^-M, Alice Wright. Miss Alexander. Miss It. Ilitt and mother of Isaac It. Ilitt. jr.. AfterInventory and Miss Katharine Shicry. McDermottAn and Atza B. Ilitt. in the * venty eighth year j I Tlie President (ind Mrs. Roosevelt will orchestra played throughout the after- of her ace. | Funeral serTl-e* at the reside' --e of her aon. Men and Women Unite to be guests of the Attorney General and noon, and informal dancing was enjoyed 4. jHotaDle in the ballroom. Isaac It Ilitt. jr.. l.'Utl Columbia road Portieres Clearance- of Mrs. Bonaparte at dinner tonight. It at 1 p.m. Tuesday. January 1!' northnest. inert at Rose Mill reiiieter*. 111.Intel 9 Rings. * Make Success, will be given at and there will Chicago. I Rauscher's, Mr. and Mrs. Becker entertained at Chicago and Ktanaton. 111.; Cincinnati, NCLUDING of f be about thirty guests. Monday evening In honor of Missdinner t'hlo. and I.os Angeles, t'al.. paper* please (Ts"J Rugs every T Bayard. oopj". scription. Great variety of <le1 Tiie Secretary of the Treasury and Reduced. MANY PRETTY GOWNS WORN McGRAW. Filtered into re«t on Mondav. ;j t Mrs. Mrs. J. P7akin will not be at i All sizes and patterns.in V t'ortelyou will give their annual Gadsby is. ipuu. |,| r), la-loved wife of \\Jannaryil- grades dinner for the President nnd AT TTnnsp- home until Thursdays. February 4 and 11. Ilain M-"Gra-v. FECIALS in Green this clearance sale. Funeral from her "at." t velt on February 20. Mrs. Edward Donn and Miss Donn will lu!o residence. A va'on ¥ and Red Regular pi i, »». Special y Plenty Partners, Lovely Girls and terrace. AiMitMliit, I', l '.. W edtiesday, | price. T be at home the following Wednesdays 01 2i». at ;; p.m. Friends ami relailwt ^5/ Dinners of official and social January tieres, all shades.Por2 iS W ool Rugs, 16x30 S .85 $ .50 f a Good Time for the month at 17o8 ltilh street. invited 10 attend. resiiectfully ' Smyrna * 1 « » « _ were the order last night, andimportancemany at these it w ool T MILLER. (Ill Tuesday. .lannary 10. If***. at V MTiyrna migs, 21x45 1.50 .03 notables fared each other at west-end Mrs. F. J. Barrett and Miss Barrett will 11:1 All. be at home but not again a.m.. at tln» lwm«' of his nephew. W. able values:remark? 30 Wool Smyrna Rugs, 26x54 2.25 1.48 boards. The importance of being early January 2<>, K. Hughes 1*47 <nli street northwest, after 1* with until February 10. a brief illness. HENKY K. MILI.ER. Regular. Special Wool Smyrna Rugs. ^oxtio 2.75 1.89 invitations, so as to be sure of tlie Notice of fun»ral hereafter. J* 32 X original company desired, is in Mrs. Dapray. 101H Ittth street, will price. price. Wool Another brilliant charity ball has been daily NIXON. this J Red Portieres....J $3.00 9 Smyrna Rugs. 36x72........ 3.50 2.38 There are cards out now evidence.for tomorrow afternoon. receive Imparted I.fo on Tuesday. T pair $4.00 'J* added to the social history of the winter. 10. I far.*. at 3:.'k* n.tn.. after a shortJanuary X 2 pairs Red Portieres $6.00 $4.00 19 Axminster Rugs, 27x54 2.50 1.75 dinners as late as February 27. Mrs. Chambers will be at home to KKAXK K. NIXON, beloved husbandIllness. T The Southern Relief Societv was host last Cyrus of Sari J. Nixou und devoted father of r 2 pairs Red Portieres $10.00 $">.00 j5 Axminster Rugs. 36x72 4.00 3.15 her friends Thursday afternoon. R. night at the Xew Willard and a company The Vice President and Mrs. til. Hooker. Mamie Lowe and KllutbelhLavinia . and T 2 pairs Red Portieres.... $800 $5.00 Rest Wool Rugs. ... 1.25 .07 of gave a dinner last FairbanksThe January t'larem-e Nixon. Two shna-ln-law, ona 23 Smyrna 18x36. ^ young and out, as representative of the night. daughter In-law. six grandchildren and a hoat I 2 pairs Red Portieres.... $7.00 $5.00 2 00 guests of honor were the British Mrs. C. Given of 17.VS T street of friends ii Rest Wool Smyrna Rugs, 21x45. 1.55 northland as of the southland and of every and Mrs. Harry mourn Uls loss. 2 pairs Red Portieres $10.50 $6.00 Bryce. ambassadorwill not be at home tomorrow. A bitter grief. a shoi'k severe. Rest Wool . branch of the oftb ial and resident 3 pairs Red Portieres.... $925 $6.00 25 Smyrna Rugs. 26x54. 5.00 1.95 >j* society To part with one we loved so dear? X of the a in The Speaker and Miss Cannon had Mrs. will hold her usual i fur loss Is we cannot . 2.20 t. Capital, spent happy evening Bonaparte great. complain, X 1 Pair R*d Portieres $10.00 $6.00 35 Rest Wool Smyrna Rugs, 30x60. 3.50 with them last But trust in the name of charity and with the night the Secretarydining reception at the Portland Wednesday God to meet aga n. A 2 pairs Red Portieres $8.30 $6.00 14 Rest Wool Smyrna Rugs. 36x72. .. 4.50 3.29 of Commerce and Labor and Mrs. Straus. from 4 to »>. tomorrow, BY "FA MILT. 2 Red Portieres $11.00 S6.50 edge that the financial results would go Senator and Mrs. Burrows, the chief of Funeral from h.s late residence. 225* O street f pairs 22 Axminster knowl^ northwest. T 3 Red Portieres.... $6.50 Rugs. 27x60 3.50 1.95 far in the good work for which this relief staff and Mrs. J. Franklin Bell. Iiepre- Owing to the illness of her daughter. Friday. January 22, at 2 p.tin pairs $9.50 sentative and Mrs. Mrs. C. Court, will Relatives and friends invited. 2 Red Portieres... $6.30 24 Axminster Rugs. 36x70 4.00 3.45 association stands pledged. This ball was Vreeland. Represen- O. Foster. Stoneleigh A pairs .$10.50 J* tative and Mrs. Overstreet. not receive Thursday, but will receive ( 1 Red Portieres $6.73 X the sixteenth annual event of the society tative Represen- j SEEP. Entered into rest on Monday, Januair 7 pair $10.30 25 Selvage Smyrna Rugs. 18x36 85 .55 and Mrs. Lawrence, Representative Thursday. January 2M. IttOO. at 4:4". p.m.. ai his residence. 183" 18^K. 1 2 pairs Red Portieres $13.50 $7.00 21x45 and from every indication in the point and Mrs. Wood yard. Representative and street. LEWIS E. REED, the beloved brother 39 Selvage Smyrna Rugs, 1.50 .85 Mrs. Sibley, Mrs. Loose of Miss Mr. and Mrs. A .Monro announce the of Elisabeth Beckett, Martha Carroll aud A 2 pairs Red Portieres $11.00 $8.00 2.00 t of attendance was the most successful Chicago, Hamilton Jackson. 21 Selvage Smyrna Rugs. 26x54 t.29 Voorhis, Representative Kuowland and marriage of their daughter, Katherin. <o . T 2 pairs Red Portieres $12.00 $8.75 3. one. Representative Butler. William C. MaePherson. January 1. 1000, Funeral on Thursday, January 21. at 1 :."f> p.m.. T 3 Red Portieres $12.75 $9.00 18 Selvage Smyrna Rugs, 30x60 2.50 1.45 Roth froat Metropolitan A. M. K. fbnroh. M streett pairs V ballrooms were in use and two at Baltimore. Md.. by the Rev. J. between loth and 1 titU -treet-. Relatives aud A 2 pairs Red Portieres... .$14.00 $9.00 32 Persian Wilton Rugs, 27x54 6.00 4.95 £ bands.the Marine and Fort Myer.gave The Japanese ambassador and Baroness of 11173 North Strieker street.CampbellMr. friends are invited to attend. T 2 pairs Red Portieres... .$17.30 $10.00 8 Persian Wilton 3.