CITY GATE HOUSE, 39-45 FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON EC2 LB ISLINGTON ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT Prepared for BSREP II City Gate Ltd Mills Whipp Projects, 40, Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0NE 020 7415 7000
[email protected] January 2019 CITY GATE HOUSE, 39-45 FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON EC2 Summary The purpose of this report is to identify the archaeological potential of deposits on a site at City Gate House, 39-45 Finsbury Square EC2 in LB Islington and consider the scheme’s likely impact on them. The roughly square site is centred on National Grid Reference TQ 3287 8185 and is approximately 3600 sq m (Fig. 1). During the preparation of this report the Greater London Historic Environment Record (HER) was consulted for an area of 250m radius centred on the proposed development (Historic England report No.14597) (Fig. 2). The subject site but does not contain any Scheduled Ancient Monuments and does not lie within a Designated Archaeological Area as defined in Scheduled Ancient Monuments & Archaeological Areas Act 1979. It does, however, lie within an Archaeological Priority Area as defined by LB Islington. The research indicates that there is a low potential for significant prehistoric, Roman, Saxon, mediaeval or post mediaeval archaeology on the site. The proposed groundworks are minimal. It is suggested that if forthcoming geotechnical investigations fail to reveal significant archaeological deposits then the development is permitted to proceed without archaeological constraints. CITY GATE HOUSE, 39-45 FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON EC2 ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT Contents 1. Introduction 2. Geology and Topography 3. Prehistoric 4.