The Edinburgh Gazette, April 22, 1952
240 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, APRIL 22, 1952. Ismay Lamps Ltd., Ilford. COAL ACT, 1938, AND Johnson & Johnson (Great Britain) Ltd., Wrexham; John- COAL INDUSTRY NATIONALISATION ACT, 19«. son & Phillips Ltd., Victoria Works, Victoria Way, Charl- ton, London. URSUANT to Paragraph 6 (2) of the Second Schedule P to the Coal Act, 1938, the National Coal Board hereby Koppenhagens, 31-32 Haymarket, London. give notice that they propose to exercise the right to witt Lambert & Butler—Branch of The Imperial Tobacco Com- draw support vested in them by virtue of Paragraph 6 1 pany (of Great Britain & Ireland) Ltd., 141 Drury Lane, of the said Schedule and the Coal Industry Nationalisation London; Lee & Grinling Ltd., Grantham; G. Leonard! Ltd., Act, 1946, so far as the said right applies in relation to my Groveland House, Bow Lane, London; Andrew Levy & Co. land within an area situated in the Parish of St. Nimam Ltd., Edinburgh; Lewis's Ltd., Birmingham; John Line & in the County of Stirlingshire, indicated on a Plan, which Sons Ltd., Edinburgh. is deposited and open for inspection at the office of the Board's Estates Mining Engineer, 14-16 Grosvenor Street, MacDonald & Son Ltd., Manchester; MacFarlane, Paton & Edinburgh, 12. Co. Ltd., Bailieston; Mac Fisheries (Wholesale & Retail) Ltd., Ocean House, Pudding Lane, Billingsgate, London; Dated 21st March 1952. Kenneth MacKenzie (Wines) Ltd., Glasgow; John L. E. BOURKE, Secretary. Mackintosh & Sons Ltd., Halifax; W. MacQueen & Co. National Boal Board, Ltd., 45-47 Clerkenwell Road, London; Malga Products Scottish Division, Ltd., Southall; William A. R. Marsh Trading as Lathom 1 Eglinton Crescent, Vale Nurseries, Ormskirk; Marshall Fabrics Ltd., Man- chester ; John Martin of London Ltd., 14 Seething Lane, Edinburgh, 12.
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